181 resultados para rodamina WT
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), immunologically identical to CEA derived from colonic carcinoma, was identified and purified from perchloric acid (PCA) extracts of bronchial and mammary carcinoma. CEA extracted from bronchial and mammary carcinoma was quantitated by single radial immunodiffusion and was found to be in average about 50-75 times less abundant in these tumors than in colonic carcinoma. CEA could also be detected in one normal breast in lactation and at lower concentrations in normal lung (1000-4000 times lower than in colonic carcinoma). The small amounts of CEA present in normal tissues are distinct from the glycoprotein of small mol. wt showing only partial identity with CEA, that we recently identified and extracted in much larger quantities from normal lung and spleen. The demonstration of the presence of CEA in non digestive carcinoma by classical gel precipitation analysis suggests that the CEA detected in the plasma of such patients by radioimmunoassay is also identical to colonic carcinoma CEA. Our comparative study of plasma CEA from bronchial and colonic carcinoma, showing that CEA from both types of patient has the same elution pattern on Sephadex G-200 and gives parallel inhibition curves in the radioimmunoassay, is in favor of this hypothesis. However, it should not be concluded that all positive CEA radioimmunoassay indicate the presence of an antigen identical to colonic carcinoma CEA. A word of warning concerning the interpretation of radioimmunoassay is required by the observation that the addition of mg amounts of PCA extract of normal plasma, cleared of CEA by Sephadex filtration, could interfere in the test and mimic the presence of CEA.
Retroviral transfer of T cell antigen receptor (TCR) genes selected by circumventing tolerance to broad tumor- and leukemia-associated antigens in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*0201 (A2.1) transgenic (Tg) mice allows the therapeutic reprogramming of human T lymphocytes. Using a human CD8 x A2.1/Kb mouse derived TCR specific for natural peptide-A2.1 (pA2.1) complexes comprising residues 81-88 of the human homolog of the murine double-minute 2 oncoprotein, MDM2(81-88), we found that the heterodimeric CD8 alpha beta coreceptor, but not normally expressed homodimeric CD8 alpha alpha, is required for tetramer binding and functional redirection of TCR- transduced human T cells. CD8+T cells that received a humanized derivative of the MDM2 TCR bound pA2.1 tetramers only in the presence of an anti-human-CD8 anti-body and required more peptide than wild-type (WT) MDM2 TCR+T cells to mount equivalent cytotoxicity. They were, however, sufficiently effective in recognizing malignant targets including fresh leukemia cells. Most efficient expression of transduced TCR in human T lymphocytes was governed by mouse as compared to human constant (C) alphabeta domains, as demonstrated with partially humanized and murinized TCR of primary mouse and human origin, respectively. We further observed a reciprocal relationship between the level of Tg WT mouse relative to natural human TCR expression, resulting in T cells with decreased normal human cell surface TCR. In contrast, natural human TCR display remained unaffected after delivery of the humanized MDM2 TCR. These results provide important insights into the molecular basis of TCR gene therapy of malignant disease.
It was found recently that locomotor and rewarding effects of psychostimulants and opiates were dramatically decreased or suppressed in mice lacking alpha1b-adrenergic receptors [alpha1b-adrenergic receptor knock-outs (alpha1bAR-KOs)] (Drouin et al., 2002). Here we show that blunted locomotor responses induced by 3 and 6 mg/kg d-amphetamine in alpha1bAR-KO mice [-84 and -74%, respectively, when compared with wild-type (WT) mice] are correlated with an absence of d-amphetamine-induced increase in extracellular dopamine (DA) levels in the nucleus accumbens of alpha1bAR-KO mice. Moreover, basal extracellular DA levels in the nucleus accumbens are lower in alpha1bAR-KO than in WT littermates (-28%; p < 0.001). In rats however, prazosin, an alpha1-adrenergic antagonist, decreases d-amphetamine-induced locomotor hyperactivity without affecting extracellular DA levels in the nucleus accumbens, a finding related to the presence of an important nonfunctional release of DA (Darracq et al., 1998). We show here that local d-amphetamine releases nonfunctional DA with the same affinity but a more than threefold lower amplitude in C57BL6/J mice than in Sprague Dawley rats. Altogether, this suggests that a trans-synaptic mechanism amplifies functional DA into nonfunctional DA release. Our data confirm the presence of a powerful coupling between noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons through the stimulation of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors and indicate that nonfunctional DA release is critical in the interpretation of changes in extracellular DA levels. These results suggest that alpha1b-adrenergic receptors may be important therapeutic pharmacological targets not only in addiction but also in psychosis because most neuroleptics possess anti-alpha1-adrenergic properties.
Purpose: Diabetic myocardium is particularly vulnerable to develop heart failure in response to chronic stress conditions including hypertension or myocardial infarction. We have recently observed that angiotensin II (Ang II)-mediated downregulation of the fatty acid oxidation pathway favors occurrence of heart failure by myocardial accumulation of lipids (lipotoxicity). Because diabetic heart is exposed to high levels of circulating fatty acid, we determined whether insulin resistance favors development of heart failure in mice with Ang II-mediated myocardial remodeling.Methods: To study the combined effect of diabetes and Ang II-induced heart remodeling, we generated leptin-deficient/insulin resistant (Lepob/ob) mice with cardiac targeted overexpression of angiotensinogen (TGAOGN). Left ventricular (LV) failure was indicated by pulmonary congestion (lung weight/tibial length>+2SD of wild-type mice). Myocardial metabolism and function were assessed during in vitro isolated working heart perfusion.Results: Forty-eight percent of TGAOGN mice without insulin resistance exhibited pulmonary congestion at the age of 6 months associated with increased myocardial BNP expression (+375% compared with WT) and reduced LV power (developed pressure x cardiac output; -15%). The proportion of mice presenting heart failure was markedly increased to 71% in TGAOGN mice with insulin resistance (TGAOGN/Lepob/ob). TGAOGN/Lepob/ob mice with heart failure exhibited further increase of BNP compared with failing non-diabetic TGAOGN mice (+146%) and further reduction of cardiac power (-59%). Mice with insulin resistance alone (Lepob/ob) did not exhibit signs of heart failure or LV dysfunction. Myocardial fatty acid oxidation measured during in vitro perfusion was markedly increased in non-failing hearts from Lepob/ob mice (+380% compared with WT) and glucose oxidation decreased (-72%). In contrast, fatty acid and glucose oxidation did not differ from Lepob/ob mice in hearts from TGAOGN/Lepob/ob mice without heart failure. However, both fatty acid and glucose oxidation were markedly decreased (-47% and -48%, respectively, compared with WT/Lepob/+) in failing hearts from TGAOGN/Lepob/ob mice. Reduction of fatty acid oxidation was associated with marked reduction of protein expression of a number of regulatory enzymes implied in fatty acid oxidation.Conclusions: Insulin resistance favors the progression to heart failure during chronic exposure of the myocardium to Ang II. Our results are compatible with a role of Ang II-mediated downregulation of fatty acid oxidation, potentially promoting lipotoxicity.
Pizgrischite, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35, is a new mineral species named after the type locality, Piz Grisch Mountain, Val Ferrera, Graubunden, Switzerland. This sulfosalt occurs as thin, striated, metallic lead-grey blades measuring up to I cm in length, embedded in quartz and associated with tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, emplectite and derivatives of the aikinite-bismuthinite series. In plane-polarized light, the new species is brownish grey with no perceptible pleochroism; under crossed nicols in oil immersion, it presents a weak anisotropy with dark brown tints. Minimum and maximum reflectance values (in %) in air are: 40.7-42.15 (470 nm), 41.2-43.1 (546 nm), 41.2-43.35 (589 nm) and 40.7-43.3 (650 nm). Cleavage is perfect along 001 I and well developed on {010}. Abundant polysynthetic twinning is observed on (010). The mean micro-indentation hardness is 190 kg/mm(2) (Mohs hardness 3.3), and the calculated density is 6.58 g/cm(3). Electron-microprobe analyses yield (wt%; mean result of seven analyses): Cu 16.48, Pb 2.10, Fe 0.77, Bi 60.70, Sb 0.35, S 19.16, Se 0.04, total 99.60. The resulting empirical chemical formula is (Cu15.24Fe0.80Pb0.60)(Sigma 16.64)(Bi17.07Sb0.17)(Sigma 17.24)(S35.09Se0.03)(Sigma 35.12), in accordance with the formula derived from the single-crystal refinement of the structure, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35. Pizgrischite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, with the following unit-cell parameters: a 35.054(2), b3.91123(I), c43.192(2) angstrom, beta 96.713(4)degrees, V5881.24 angstrom(3), Z=4. The strongest seven X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I)(hkl)] are: 5.364(40)((6) over bar 04), 4.080(50)((8) over bar 05), 3.120(40)(118), 3.104(68)((3) over bar 18), 2.759(53) ((9) over bar 11),2.752(44)(910) and 1.956(100)(020). The crystal structure is an expanded monoclinic derivative of kupcikite. Pizgrischite belongs to the cuprobismutite series of bismuth sulfosalts but, sensu stricto, it is not a homologue of cuprobismutite. At the type locality. pizarischite is the result of the Alpine metamorphism under greenschist-facies conditions of pre-Tertiary hydrothermal Cu-Bi mineralization.
In the southwestern part of the Aiguilles Rouges massif (pre-Alpine basement of the Helvetic realm, western Alps), a metavolcanic sequence, newly defined as the ``Greenstone Unit'',is exposed in two NS trending belts of several 100 metres in thickness. It consists of epidote amphibolites, partly epidote and/or calcic amphibole-bearing greenschists, and small amounts of alkali feldspar-bearing greenschists, which underwent low- to medium-grade metamorphism during Visean oblique collision. Metamorphic calcic amphiboles and epidotes show strong chemical zoning, whereas metamorphic plagioclase is exclusively albitic in composition (An 1-3). The SiO2 content of the subalkaline tholeiitic to calc-alkaline suite ranges continuously from 44 wt% to 73 wt%,but andesitic rocks predominate. The majority of samples have chemical compositions close to recent subduction-related lavas; some are even restricted to recent oceanic arcs (extremely low Ta and Nb contents, high La/Nb and Th/Ta ratios). But several basaltic to basalto-andesitic samples resemble continental tholeiites (low Th/Ta, La/Nb ratio). As it is very probable that both lava types are to some extent contemporaneous, it is proposed that the Greenstone Unit represents a former oceanic volcanic are which temporarily underwent extension during which emplacement of continental tholeiite-like rocks occurred. The cause of the extension remains ambiguous. Considering palaeotectonic significance and age of other metavolcanic units in the Aiguilles Rouges massif, the Greenstone Unit most likely formed in the Early Palaeozoic.
The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) encoded by the Epstein-Barr virus acts like a constitutively activated receptor of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) family and is enriched in lipid rafts. We showed that LMP1 is targeted to lipid rafts in transfected HEK 293 cells, and that the endogenous TNFR-associated factor 3 binds LMP1 and is recruited to lipid rafts upon LMP1 expression. An LMP1 mutant lacking the C-terminal 55 amino acids (Cdelta55) behaves like the wild-type (WT) LMP1 with respect to membrane localization. In contrast, a mutant with a deletion of the 25 N-terminal residues (Ndelta25) does not concentrate in lipid rafts but still binds TRAF3, demonstrating that cell localization of LMP1 was not crucial for TRAF3 localization. Moreover, Ndelta25 inhibited WT LMP1-mediated induction of the transcription factors NF-kappaB and AP-1. Morphological data indicate that Ndelta25 hampers WT LMP1 plasma membrane localization, thus blocking LMP1 function.
Gas6 downregulates the activation state of macrophages and thereby their production of proinflammatory cytokines induced by various stimuli. We aimed to determine whether Gas6 is involved in sepsis. We measured Gas6 plasma levels in 13 healthy subjects, 29 patients with severe sepsis, and 18 patients with non-infectious inflammatory diseases. Gas6 level was higher in septic patients than in control groups (P 0.0001). The sensitivity and specificity of Gas6 levels to predict fatal outcome were 83% and 88%. We next investigated whether Gas6 affects cytokine production and outcome in experimental models of endotoxemia and peritonitis in wild-type (WT) and Gas6-/- mice. Circulating levels of Gas6 after LPS 25mg/kg i.p. peaked at 1 hour (P<0.001). Similarly, TNF- was higher in Gas6-/- than in WT mice 1 hour after LPS (P<0.05). Furthermore, 62 anti- and pro-inflammatory cytokines were quantified in plasma after LPS injection. Their levels were globally higher in Gas6-/- plasma after LPS, 47/62 cytokines being at least 50% higher in Gas6-/- than in WT plasma after 1 hour. Mortality induced by 25mg/kg LPS was 25% in WT versus 87% in Gas6-/- mice (P<0.05). LPS-induced mortality in Gas6 receptors Axl-/-, Tyro3-/- and Merkd was also enhanced when compared to WT mice (P<0.001). In peritonitis models (cecal ligation and puncture, CLP, and i.p. injection of E. coli), Gas6 plasma levels increased and remained elevated at least 24 hours. CLP increased mortality in Gas6-/- mice. Finally, we explored the role of Gas6 in LPS-treated macrophages. We found that Gas6 was released by LPS-stimulated WT macrophages and that Gas6-/- macrophages produced more TNF- and IL-6 than WT macrophages. Cytokine release by Gas6-/- macrophages was higher than by WT macrophages (cytokine array). Adjunction of recombinant Gas6 to the culture medium of Gas6-/- macrophages diminished the cytokine production to WT levels. In LPS-treated Gas6-/- macrophages, Akt and Erk1/2 phosphorylation was reduced whereas p38 and NF B activation was enhanced. Thus, in septic patients, elevated Gas6 levels were associated with fatal outcome. In mice, they raised in experimental endotoxemia and peritonitis models, and correlated also with sepsis severity. However, Gas6-/- mice survival in these models was reduced compared to WT. Gas6 secreted by macrophages in response to LPS activated Akt and restrained p38 and NF B activation, thereby dampening macrophage activation. Altogether these data suggest that, during endotoxemia, Gas6-/- mice phenotype resembles that of mice which have undergone PI3K inhibition, indicating that Gas6 is a major modulator of innate immunity.
Samoborska Gora Mts. is situated within the westernmost part of the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian zone of the Internal Dinarides. The Samoborska Gora Mts. predominantly consists of Permian unmetamorphosed siliciclastic sediments and evaporites, overlain by Lower Triassic sediments. Rude mineralisation is hosted by Permian siliciclastic sediments, below gypsum and anhydrite strata. The central part of the deposit consists of a 1.5 km long stratabound mineralisation, grading laterally into ferruginous sandstone and protruding vertically into a gypsum-anhydrite layer. Siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz veins are located below the stratabound mineralisation. The stratiform part of the deposit is situated above the stratabound and consists of haematite layer with barite concretions and veinlets. Late stage galena-barite veins overprint earlier types of mineralisation. The Rude ore deposit was generated by predominantly NaCl +/- CaCl(2)-H(2)O solutions. Detrital quartz from stratiform mineralisation contains fluid inclusions with salinities between 7 and 11 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 150 degrees C to 230 degrees C. Stratabound/siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz vein type mineralisation was derived from solutions with salinities between 5 and 19 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 60 degrees C and 160 degrees C, while late stage galenabarite veins were precipitated from solutions with salinities between 11 and 16 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 100 degrees C to 140 degrees C. Fluid inclusion bulk leachate chemistry recorded Na(+)> Mg(2+)>K(+)>Ca(2+)>Li(+) and Cl-> SO(4)(2-) ions. Sulphur isotope composition of barites and overlying gypsum stems from Permian seawater sulphate, supported by increased Br(-) content, which follows successively the seawater evaporation line. The sulphur isotopic composition of sulphides varies between -0.2 and + 12.5 parts per thousand , as a result of thermal reduction of Permian marine sulphate. Ore-forming fluids were produced by hydrothermal convective cells (reflux brine model), and were derived primarily from Permian seawater, modified by evaporation and interaction with Permian sedimentary rocks. Rude deposits in Samoborska Gora Mts. may be declared as a prototype of the Permian siderite-polysulphide-barite deposits (products of rifting along the passive Gondwana margin), in the Inner Dinarides, and their equivalents extending northeastward into the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian Zone and the Gemerides, and southeastward to the Hellenide-Albanides.
Surface- or biosynthetically labeled Lyt-2/3 antigens were isolated from cell lysates by immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography with a monoclonal antibody. Tryptic digests of the individual subunits of 37,000, 32,000 and 28,000 apparent mol. wts were analysed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and by two-dimensional peptide mapping. The results indicate that the 37,000 and 32,000 mol. wt components are structurally very similar whereas the 28,000 mol. wt component appears as a different molecule.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) from the Zn-Pb(-Ag-Bi-Cu) deposit of Cerro de Pasco (Central Peru) and waste water from a Cu-extraction plant has been discharged since 1981 into Lake Yanamate, a natural lake with carbonate bedrock. The lake has developed a highly acidic pH of similar to 1. Mean lake water chemistry was characterized by 16,775 mg/L acidity as CaCO(3), 4330 mg/L Fe and 29,250 mg/L SO(4). Mean trace element concentrations were 86.8 mg/L Cu, 493 mg/L Zn, 2.9 mg/L Pb and 48 mg/L As, which did not differ greatly from the discharged AMD. Most elements showed increasing concentrations from the surface to the lake bottom at a maximal depth of 41 m (e.g. from 3581 to 5433 mg/L Fe and 25,609 to 35,959 mg/L SO(4)). The variations in the H and 0 isotope compositions and the element concentrations within the upper 10 m of the water column suggest mixing with recently discharged AMD, shallow groundwater and precipitation waters. Below 15 m a stagnant zone had developed. Gypsum (saturation index, SI similar to 0.25) and anglesite (SI similar to 0.1) were in equilibrium with lake water. Jarosite was oversaturated (SI similar to 1.7) in the upper part of the water column, resulting in downward settling and re-dissolution in the lower part of the water column (SI similar to -0.7). Accordingly, jarosite was only found in sediments from less than 7 m water depth. At the lake bottom, a layer of gel-like material (similar to 90 wt.% water) of pH similar to 1 with a total organic C content of up to 4.40 wet wt.% originated from the kerosene discharge of the Cu-extraction plant and had contaminant element concentrations similar to the lake water. Below the organic layer followed a layer of gypsum with pH 1.5, which overlaid the dissolving carbonate sediments of pH 5.3-7. In these two layers the contaminant elements were enriched compared to lake water in the sequence As < Pb approximate to Cu < Cd < Zn = Mn with increasing depth. This sequence of enrichment was explained by the following processes: (i) adsorption of As on Fe-hydroxides coating plant roots at low pH (up to 3326 mg/kg As), (ii) adsorption at increasing pH near the gypsum/calcite boundary (up to 1812 mg/kg Pb, 2531 mg/kg Cu. and 36 mg/kg Cd), and (iii) precipitation of carbonates (up to 5177 mg/kg Zn and 810 mg/kg Mn: all data corrected to a wet base). The infiltration rate was approximately equal to the discharge rate, thus gypsum and hydroxide precipitation had not resulted in complete clogging of the lake bedrocks. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rationale: Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-beta/delta is a transcription factor that belongs to the PPAR nuclear hormone receptor family, but the role of PPAR-beta/delta in sepsis is unknown. Objectives: We investigated the role of PPAR-beta/delta in murine models of LPS-induced organ injury and dysfunction and cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced polymicrobial sepsis. Methods: Wild-type (WT) and PPAR-beta/delta knockout (1(0) mice and C57BL/6 mice were subjected to LPS for 16 hours. C57BL/6 mice received the PPAR-beta/delta agonist GW0742 (0.03 mg/kg intravenously, 1 h after LPS) or GW0742 plus the PPAR-beta/delta antagonist GSK0660 (0.1 mg/kg intravenously, 30 min before LPS). CD-1 mice subjected to CLP received GW0742 or GW0742 plus GSK0660. Measurements and Main Results: In PPAR-beta/delta KO mice, endotoxemia exacerbated organ injury and dysfunction (cardiac, renal, and hepatic) and inflammation (lung) compared with WT mice. In C57BL/6 mice subjected to endotoxemia, GW0742 significantly (1) attenuated organ (cardiac and renal) dysfunction and inflammation (lung); (2) increased the phosphorylation of Akt and glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3 beta; (3) attenuated the increase in extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-3 phosphorylation; and (4) attenuated the activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). In CD-1 mice subjected to CLP, GW0742 improved 10-day survival. All the observed beneficial effects of GW0742 were attenuated by the PPAR-beta/delta antagonist GSK0660. Conclusions: PPAR-beta/delta protects against multiple organ injury and dysfunction, and inflammation caused by endotoxic shock and improves survival in polymicrobial sepsis by a mechanism that may involve activation of Akt and inhibition of GSK-3 beta and NF-kappa B.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) alpha belongs to the superfamily of Nuclear Receptors and plays an important role in numerous cellular processes, including lipid metabolism. It is known that PPARalpha also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is mainly achieved by down-regulating pro-inflammatory genes. The objective of this study was to further characterize the role of PPARalpha in inflammatory gene regulation in liver. RESULTS: According to Affymetrix micro-array analysis, the expression of various inflammatory genes in liver was decreased by treatment of mice with the synthetic PPARalpha agonist Wy14643 in a PPARalpha-dependent manner. In contrast, expression of Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), which was acutely stimulated by LPS treatment, was induced by PPARalpha. Up-regulation of IL-1ra by LPS was lower in PPARalpha -/- mice compared to Wt mice. Transactivation and chromatin immunoprecipitation studies identified IL-1ra as a direct positive target gene of PPARalpha with a functional PPRE present in the promoter. Up-regulation of IL-1ra by PPARalpha was conserved in human HepG2 hepatoma cells and the human monocyte/macrophage THP-1 cell line. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to down-regulating expression of pro-inflammatory genes, PPARalpha suppresses the inflammatory response by direct up-regulation of genes with anti-inflammatory properties.
RésuméL'addiction aux drogues est une maladie multifactorieile affectant toutes les strates de notre société. Cependant, la vulnérabilité à développer une addiction dépend de facteurs environnementaux, génétiques et psychosociaux. L'addiction aux drogues est décrite comme étant une maladie chronique avec un taux élevé de rechutes. Elle se caractérise par un besoin irrépressible de consommer une drogue et une augmentation progressive de la consommation en dépit des conséquences néfastes. Les mécanismes cérébraux responsables des dépendances aux drogues ne sont que partiellement élucidés, malgré une accumulation croissante d'évidences démontrant des adaptations au niveau moléculaire et cellulaire au sein des systèmes dopaminergique et glutamatergique. L'identification de nouveaux facteurs neurobiologiques responsables de la vulnérabilité aux substances d'abus est cruciale pour le développement de nouveaux traitements thérapeutiques capables d'atténuer et de soulager les symptômes liés à la dépendance aux drogues.Au cours des dernières années, de nombreuses études ont démontré qu'un nouveau circuit cérébral, le système hypocrétinergique, était impliqué dans plusieurs fonctions physiologiques, tel que l'éveil, le métabolisme énergétique, la motivation, le stress et les comportements liés aux phénomènes de récompense. Le système hypocrétinergique est composé d'environ 3000-4000 neurones issus de l'hypothalamus latéral projetant dans tout ie cerveau. Des souris transgéniques pour le gène des hypocrétines ont été générées et leur phénotype correspond à celui des animaux sauvages, excepté le fait qu'elles soient atteintes d'attaques de sommeil similaires à celles observées chez les patients narcoleptiques. H semblerait que les hypocrétines soient requises pour l'acquisition et l'expression de la dépendance aux drogues. Cependant, le mécanisme précis reste encore à être élucidé. Dans ce rapport, nous rendons compte des comportements liés aux phénomènes de récompense liés à l'alcool et à la cocaine chez les souris knock-out (KO), hétérozygotes (HET) et sauvages (WT).Nous avons, dans un premier temps, évalué l'impact d'injections répétées de cocaïne (15 mg/kg, ip) sur la sensibilisation locomotrice et sur le conditionnement place préférence. Nous avons pu observer que les souris WT, HET et KO exprimaient une sensibilisation locomotrice induite par une administration chronique de cocaïne, cependant les souris déficientes en hypocrétines démontraient une sensibilisation retardée et atténuée. Π est intéressant de mentionner que les mâles HET exprimaient une sensibilisation comportementale intermédiaire. Après normalisation des données, toutes les souris exprimaient une amplitude de sensibilisation similaire, excepté les souris mâles KO qui affichaient, le premier jour de traitement, une sensibilisation locomotrice réduite et retardée, reflétant un phénotype hypoactif plutôt qu'une altération de la réponse aux traitements chroniques de cocaïne. Contre toute attente, toutes les souris femelles exprimaient un pattern similaire de sensibilisation locomotrice à la cocaïne. Nous avons ensuite évalué l'effet d'un conditionnement comportemental à un environnement associé à des injections répétées de cocaine (15 mg / kg ip). Toutes les souris, quelque soit leur sexe ou leur génotype, ont manifesté une préférence marquée pour l'environnement apparié à la cocaïne. Après deux semaines d'abstinence à la cocaïne, les mâles et les femelles déficientes en hypocrétines n'exprimaient plus aucune préférence pour le compartiment précédemment associé à la cocaïne. Alors que les souris WT et HET maintenaient leur préférence pour le compartiment associé à la cocaïne. Pour finir, à l'aide d'un nouveau paradigme appelé IntelliCage®, nous avons pu évaluer la consommation de liquide chez les femelles WT, HET et KO. Lorsqu'il n'y avait que de l'eau disponible, nous avons observé que les femelles KO avaient tendance à moins explorer les quatre coins de la cage. Lorsque les souris étaient exposées à quatre types de solutions différentes (eau, ImM quinine ou 0.2% saccharine, alcool 8% et alcool 16%), les souris KO avaient tendance à moins consommer l'eau sucrée et les solutions alcoolisées. Cependant, après normalisation des données, aucune différence significative n'a pu être observée entre les différents génotypes, suggérant que la consommation réduite d'eau sucrée ou d'alcool peut être incombée à l'hypoactivité des souris KO.Ces résultats confirment que le comportement observé chez les souris KO serait dû à des compensations développementales, puisque la sensibilisation locomotrice et le conditionnement comportemental à la cocaïne étaient similaires aux souris HET et WT. En ce qui concerne la consommation de liquide, les souris KO avaient tendance à consommer moins d'eau sucrée et de solutions alcoolisées. Le phénotype hypoactif des souris déficientes en hypocrétine est probablement responsable de leur tendance à moins explorer leur environnement. Il reste encore à déterminer si l'expression de ce phénotype est la conséquence d'un état de vigilance amoindri ou d'une motivation diminuée à la recherche de récompense. Nos résultats suggèrent que les souris déficientes en hypocrétine affichent une motivation certaine à la recherche de récompense lorsqu'elles sont exposées à des environnements où peu d'efforts sont à fournir afin d'obtenir une récompense.AbstractDrug addiction is a multifactorial disorder affecting human beings regardless their education level, their economic status, their origin or even their gender, but the vulnerability to develop addiction depends on environmental, genetic and psychosocial dispositions. Drug addiction is defined as a chronic relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, with loss of control over drug intake and persistent maladaptive decision making in spite of adverse consequences. The brain mechanisms responsible for drug abuse remain partially unknown despite accumulating evidence delineating molecular and cellular adaptations within the glutamatergic and the dopaminergic systems. However, these adaptations do not fully explain the complex brain disease of drug addiction. The identification of other neurobiological factors responsible for the vulnerability to substance abuse is crucial for the development of promising therapeutic treatments able to alleviate signs of drug dependence.For the past few years, growing evidence demonstrated that a recently discovered brain circuit, the hypocretinergic system, is implicated in many physiological functions, including arousal, energy metabolism, motivation, stress and reward-related behaviors. The hypocretin system is composed of a few thousands neurons arising from the lateral hypothalamus and projecting to the entire brain. Hypocretin- deficient mice have been generated, and unexpectedly, their phenotype resembles that of wild type mice excepting sleep attacks strikingly similar to those of human narcolepsy patients. Evidence suggesting that hypocretins are required for the acquisition and the expression of drug addiction has also been reported; however the precise mechanism by which hypocretins modulate drug seeking behaviors remains a matter of debate. Here, we report alcohol and cocaine reward-related behaviors in hypocretin-deficient mice (KO), as well as heterozygous (HET) and wild type (WT) littermates.We first evaluated the impact of repeated cocaine injections (15 mg/kg, ip) on locomotor sensitization and conditioned place preference. We observed that WT, HET and KO mice exhibited behavioral sensitization following repeated cocaine administrations, but hypocretin deficient males displayed a delayed and attenuated response to chronic cocaine administrations. Interestingly, HET males exhibited an intermediate pattern of behavioral sensitization. However, after standardization of the post-injection data versus the period of habituation prior to cocaine injections, all mice displayed similar amplitudes of behavioral sensitization, except a reduced response in KO males on the first day, suggesting that the delayed and reduced cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization may reflect a hypoactive phenotype and probably not an altered response to repeated cocaine administrations. Unexpectedly, all female mice exhibited similar patterns of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization. We then assessed the behavioral conditioning for an environment repeatedly paired with cocaine injections (15 mg/kg ip). All mice, whatever their gender or genotype, exhibited a robust preference for the environment previously paired with cocaine administrations. Noteworthy, following two weeks of cocaine abstinence, hypocretin-deficient males and females no longer exhibited any preference for the compartment previously paired with cocaine rewards whereas both WT and HET mice continued manifesting a robust preference. We finally assessed drinking behaviors in WT, HET and KO female mice using a novel paradigm, the IntelliCages®. We report here that KO females tended to less explore the four cage comers where water was easily available. When exposed to four different kinds of liquid solutions (water, ImM quinine or saccharine 0.2%, alcohol 8% and alcohol 16%), KO mice tended to less consume the sweet and the alcoholic beverages. However, after data standardization, no significant differences were noticed between genotypes suggesting that the hypoactive phenotype is most likely accountable for the trend regarding the reduced sweet or alcohol intake in KO.Taken together, the present findings confirm that the behavior seen in Hcrt KO mice likely reflects developmental compensations since only a slightly altered cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and a normal behavioral conditioning with cocaine were observed in these mice compared to HET and WT littermates. With regards to drinking behaviors, KO mice barely displayed any behavioral changes but a trend for reducing sweet and alcoholic beverages. Overall, the most striking observation is the constant hypoactive phenotype seen in the hypocretin-deficient mice that most likely is accountable for their reduced tendency to explore the environment. Whether this hypoactive phenotype is due to a reduced alertness or reduced motivation for reward seeking remains debatable, but our findings suggest that the hypocretin-deficient mice barely display any altered motivation for reward seeking in environments where low efforts are required to access to a reward.
Opioid receptors are key players in induction of chronic itch. This could be confirmed using opiate receptor knockout mice experiments and clinical studies on patients with chronic itch. We have induced a dry skin dermatitis as a model for chronic itching on -(MOR) and -(KOR) opioid receptor knockout (KO) mice. MOR KO mice scratched significantly less than wild type (WT). Additionally the epidermal hypertrophy caused by chronic dermatitis and the amount of epidermal nerve endings in MOR KO mice were significantly decreased than in WT mice. KOR KO mice showed similar scratching behavior as MOR KO mice; however the changes were less significant. In addition, we performed a double blind, placebo controlled, cross over study using topically applied opioid receptor antagonist, Naltrexone, on patients with pruritus in atopic dermatitis. The results revealed significant effects of the topical application of Naltrexone in patients with chronic pruritus (45% improvement of pruritus by VAS compared to placebo, n=24), but not in patients with acute pruritus (7%, n=15). These studies establish the clinical relevance of MOR system and the peripheral, epidermal nerve endings in chronic pruritus and warrant further research and therapeutic potential for such research.