333 resultados para renal excretion

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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The endothelin receptor antagonist avosentan may cause fluid overload at doses of 25 and 50 mg, but the actual mechanisms of this effect are unclear. We conducted a placebo-controlled study in 23 healthy subjects to assess the renal effects of avosentan and the dose dependency of these effects. Oral avosentan was administered once daily for 8 days at doses of 0.5, 1.5, 5, and 50 mg. The drug induced a dose-dependent median increase in body weight, most pronounced at 50 mg (0.8 kg on day 8). Avosentan did not affect renal hemodynamics or plasma electrolytes. A dose-dependent median reduction in the fractional renal excretion of sodium was found (up to 8.7% at avosentan 50 mg); this reduction was paralleled by a dose-related increase in proximal sodium reabsorption. It is suggested that avosentan dose-dependently induces sodium retention by the kidney, mainly through proximal tubular effects. The potential clinical benefits of avosentan should therefore be investigated at doses of <or= 5 mg.


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Enjeu : L'incidence d'insuffisance rénale terminale augmente d'environ 5-6% par année dans nos régions. L'une des causes majeures d'insuffisance rénale est la néphropathie diabétique qui représente selon les pays entre 25 et 40% des néphropathies terminales. La progression de la néphropathie diabétique peut être ralentie de manière efficace par un bon contrôle du diabète et de l'hypertension artérielle et par le blocage du système rénine-angiotensine. Néanmoins, malgré l'application stricte de ces thérapies préventives, la néphropathie de bons nombres de patients diabétiques continue de progresser. Il est donc important de développer de nouvelles stratégies permettant de préserver la fonction rénale des patients diabétiques soit en améliorant le contrôle de la pression artérielle soit en diminuant la protéinurie. Contexte : Il existe un certain nombre d'évidences expérimentales que le blocage des récepteurs de l'endothéline pourrait avoir un effet positif sur le devenir de la néphropathie diabétique en diminuant de manière efficace la protéinurie même chez des animaux déjà traités efficacement avec un bloqueur du système rénine-angiotensine. Dans des études de phase 2 impliquant l'avosentan, un antagoniste des récepteurs de l'endothéline actuellement en cours de développement pour le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique, on a pu démontrer que cet antagoniste, prescrit à des doses oscillant entre 5 et 50 mg par jour per os, diminue la protéinurie d'environ 20-40% chez des patients déjà traités avec un IEC ou un antagoniste de l'angiotensine. Toutefois, une grande étude de phase III conduite avec ce médicament chez des patients diabétiques a du être interrompue précocement en raison de l'apparition d'oedèmes et d'une surcharge hydrosodée conduisant dans certains cas à une décompensation cardiaque aiguë. La rétention hydrosodée est un effet secondaire connu des antagonistes de l'endothéline déjà sur le marché. Toutefois, pour l'avosentan, on ne savait pas si des doses plus faibles du médicament avaient aussi un effet négative sur la balance hydrosodée. En outre, les mécanismes rénaux responsables de la rétention hydrosodée sont encore mal connus chez l'homme. C'est pourquoi, nous avons organisé et réalisé cette étude de pharmacologie clinique chez le volontaire sain posant 2 questions : 1) des doses faibles d'avosentan produisent-elles aussi une rétention hydrosodée chez l'homme ? et 2) quels sont les mécanismes rénaux pouvant expliquer la rétention hydrosodée ? Cette thèse est donc une étude clinique de phase I testant chez 23 volontaires sains les effets rénaux de différentes doses d'avosentan ou d'un placebo pour établir la courbe dose-réponse des effets rénaux de ce médicament. L'idée était également de définir quelle dose est sure et bien tolérée pour être utilisée dans une nouvelle étude de phase II. L'avosentan a été administré par voie orale une fois par jour pendant 8 jours à des doses de 0.5, 1.5, 5 et 50 mg. Les effets rénaux hémodynamiques et tubulaires ont été étudiés chez chaque sujet lors de la première administration (jour 1) et après une semaine de traitement (jour 8). Le médicament a induit une prise de poids dose-dépendante déjà présente à 5 mg et maximale à 50 mg (+ 0.8 kg au jour 8). Nous n'avons pas mesuré d'impact de l'avosentan sur l'hémodynamique rénale ni sur les électrolytes plasmatiques. En revanche, nous avons constaté une diminution dose-dépendante de la fraction d'excrétion de sodium (jusqu'à -8.7% avec avosentan 50 mg). Cette diminution était en rapport avec une augmentation dose-dépendante de la réabsorption proximale de sodium. Nous avons également constaté une baisse de la pression artérielle aux doses élevées et une hémodilution marquée par une baisse de l'hématocrite suggérant une rétention hydrique à la plus haute dose. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que l'avosentan induit une rétention sodée rénale dose-dépendante expliquée avant tout par une rétention du sodium au niveau du tubule proximal. Cet effet n'est pas observé à des doses plus basses que 5 mg chez le volontaire sain, suggérant que ce médicament devrait être évalué pour son activité réno-protectrice à des doses inférieures ou égales à 5 mg par jour. La raison pour laquelle les hautes doses produisent plus de rétention sodée est peut être liée à une perte de sélectivité pour les sous-types (A et B) de récepteurs à l'endothéline lorsque l'on administre des doses plus élevées que 5 mg. Perspectives : Les résultats de ce travail de thèse ont donc permis de caractériser les propriétés rénales d'un nouvel antagoniste des récepteurs de l'endothéline chez l'homme. Ces résultats ont aussi permis de guider le développement futur de ce médicament vers des doses plus faibles avec l'espoir de garder les effets bénéfiques sur la protéinurie tout en améliorant le profil de tolérance du médicament par l'utilisation de doses plus faibles. ANGLAIS The endothelin receptor antagonist avosentan may cause fluid overload at doses of 25 and 50 mg, but the actual mechanisms of this effect are unclear. We conducted a placebo-controlled study in 23 healthy subjects to assess the renal effects of avosentan and the dose dependency of these effects. Oral avosentan was administered once daily for 8 days at doses of 0.5, 1.5, 5, and 50 mg. The drug induced a dose-dependent median increase in body weight, most pronounced at 50 mg (0.8 kg on day 8). Avosentan did not affect renal hemodynamics or plasma electrolytes. A dose-dependent median reduction in the fractional renal excretion of sodium was found (up to 8.7% at avosentan 50 mg); this reduction was paralleled by a dose-related increase in proximal sodium reabsorption. It is suggested that avosentan dose-dependently induces sodium retention by the kidney, mainly through proximal tubular effects. The potential clinical benefits of avosentan should therefore be investigated at doses of ≤ 5 mg.


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Renal excretion of water and major electrolytes exhibits a significant circadian rhythm. This functional periodicity is believed to result, at least in part, from circadian changes in secretion/reabsorption capacities of the distal nephron and collecting ducts. Here, we studied the molecular mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms in the distal nephron segments, i.e., distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and connecting tubule (CNT) and the cortical collecting duct (CCD). Temporal expression analysis performed on microdissected mouse DCT/CNT or CCD revealed a marked circadian rhythmicity in the expression of a large number of genes crucially involved in various homeostatic functions of the kidney. This analysis also revealed that both DCT/CNT and CCD possess an intrinsic circadian timing system characterized by robust oscillations in the expression of circadian core clock genes (clock, bma11, npas2, per, cry, nr1d1) and clock-controlled Par bZip transcriptional factors dbp, hlf, and tef. The clock knockout mice or mice devoid of dbp/hlf/tef (triple knockout) exhibit significant changes in renal expression of several key regulators of water or sodium balance (vasopressin V2 receptor, aquaporin-2, aquaporin-4, alphaENaC). Functionally, the loss of clock leads to a complex phenotype characterized by partial diabetes insipidus, dysregulation of sodium excretion rhythms, and a significant decrease in blood pressure. Collectively, this study uncovers a major role of molecular clock in renal function.


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Maintenance by the kidney of stable plasma K(+) values is crucial, as plasma K(+) controls muscle and nerve activity. Since renal K(+) excretion is regulated by the circadian clock, we aimed to identify the ion transporters involved in this process. In control mice, the renal mRNA expression of H,K-ATPase type 2 (HKA2) is 25% higher during rest compared to the activity period. Conversely, under dietary K(+) restriction, HKA2 expression is ∼40% higher during the activity period. This reversal suggests that HKA2 contributes to the circadian regulation of K(+) homeostasis. Compared to their wild-type (WT) littermates, HKA2-null mice fed a normal diet have 2-fold higher K(+) renal excretion during rest. Under K(+) restriction, their urinary K(+) loss is 40% higher during the activity period. This inability to excrete K(+) "on time" is reflected in plasma K(+) values, which vary by 12% between activity and rest periods in HKA2-null mice but remain stable in WT mice. Analysis of the circadian expression of HKA2 regulators suggests that Nrf2, but not progesterone, contributes to its rhythmicity. Therefore, HKA2 acts to maintain the circadian rhythm of urinary K(+) excretion and preserve stable plasma K(+) values throughout the day.


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Aging adults represent the fastest growing population segment in many countries. Physiological and metabolic changes in the aging process may alter how aging adults biologically respond to pollutants. In a controlled human toxicokinetic study (exposure chamber; 12 m³), aging volunteers (n=10; >58 years) were exposed to propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGME, CAS no. 107-98-2) at 50 ppm for 6 h. The dose-dependent renal excretion of oxidative metabolites, conjugated and free PGME could potentially be altered by age. AIMS: (1) Compare PGME toxicokinetic profiles between aging and young volunteers (20-25 years) and gender; (2) test the predictive power of a compartmental toxicokinetic (TK) model developed for aging persons against urinary PGME concentrations found in this study. METHODS: Urine samples were collected before, during, and after the exposure. Urinary PGME was quantified by capillary GC/FID. RESULTS: Differences in urinary PGME profiles were not noted between genders but between age groups. Metabolic parameters had to be changed to fit the age adjusted TK model to the experimental results, implying a slower enzymatic pathway in the aging volunteers. For an appropriate exposure assessment, urinary total PGME should be quantified. CONCLUSION: Age is a factor that should be considered when biological limit values are developed.


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The adipose tissue has pleiotropic functions far beyond the mere storage of energy, and it secretes a number of hormones and cytokines, called adipokines, which have biological effects that impact heath and disease. Adipokines are markedly elevated in the plasma of uremic patients, mainly due to decreased renal excretion. They have pluripotent signaling effects on inflammation/oxidative stress (leptin, adiponectin, resistin), protein-energy wasting (leptin, adiponectin), insulin signaling (adiponectin, leptin, visfatin), endothelial dysfunction (visfatin), and vascular damage (adiponectin, leptin, resistin), which are prevalent in uremic patients. Obesity superimposed to uremia may further aggravate hyperadipokinemia, with the exception of adiponectinemia, which is mitigated by adiposity. Among adipokines and until more data become available, only leptin may be considered as a full uremic toxin owing to adverse effects on protein-energy wasting, cardiovascular damage, inflammation, and the immune system, which have been documented both clinically and experimentally. Resistin and visfatin display some features of uremic toxins, but more data are needed to consider these adipokines as true uremic toxins. In contrast, high levels of adiponectin and chemerin seen in uremia appear to be beneficial. Further research is needed to investigate whether selective removal of leptin, resistin, and visfatin and increments of adiponectin and chemerin levels may have clinical relevance in uremic patients.


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Over the past decade much has been learned about the mechanisms of crystal-induced inflammation and renal excretion of uric acid, which has led to more specific targeting of gout therapies and a more potent approach to future management of gout. This article outlines agents being developed for more aggressive lowering of urate and more specific anti-inflammatory activity. The emerging urate-lowering therapies include lesinurad, arhalofenate, ulodesine, and levotofisopam. Novel gout-specific anti-inflammatories include the interleukin-1β inhibitors anakinra, canakinumab, and rilonacept, the melanocortins, and caspase inhibitors. The historic shortcomings of current gout treatment may, in part, be overcome by these novel approaches.


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Studies aiming at the elucidation of the genetic basis of rare monogenic forms of hypertension have identified mutations in genes coding for the epithelial sodium channel ENaC, for the mineralocorticoid receptor, or for enzymes crucial for the synthesis of aldosterone. These genetic studies clearly demonstrate the importance of the regulation of Na(+) absorption in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), for the maintenance of the extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure. Recent studies aiming at a better understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of ENaC-mediated Na(+) absorption in the distal part of nephron, have essentially focused on the regulation ENaC activity and on the aldosterone-signaling cascade. ENaC is a constitutively open channel, and factors controlling the number of active channels at the cell surface are likely to have profound effects on Na(+) absorption in the ASDN, and in the amount of Na(+) that is excreted in the final urine. A number of membrane-bound proteases, kinases, have recently been identified that increase ENaC activity at the cell surface in heterologous expressions systems. Ubiquitylation is a general process that regulates the stability of a variety of target proteins that include ENaC. Recently, deubiquitylating enzymes have been shown to increase ENaC activity in heterologous expressions systems. These regulatory mechanisms are likely to be nephron specific, since in vivo studies indicate that the adaptation of the renal excretion of Na(+) in response to Na(+) diet occurs predominantly in the early part (the connecting tubule) of the ASDN. An important work is presently done to determine in vivo the physiological relevance of these cellular and molecular mechanisms in regulation of ENaC activity. The contribution of the protease-dependent ENaC regulation in mediating Na(+) absorption in the ASDN is still not clearly understood. The signaling pathway that involves ubiquitylation of ENaC does not seem to be absolutely required for the aldosterone-mediated control of ENaC. These in vivo physiological studies presently constitute a major challenge for our understanding of the regulation of ENaC to maintain the Na(+) balance.


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Context: Glitazones increase fracture risk in long-term users and in postmenopausal women. Studies have demonstrated deleterious effects of glitazones on bone metabolism. Glitazones also have direct renal tubular effects increasing sodium reabsorption. We hypothesized that glitazones may also regulate renal calcium excretion. Design: In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, four-way, crossover study, we examined the effects of pioglitazone (45 mg/d for 6 wk) or placebo on renal calcium and phosphate excretion and PTH levels during different sodium intakes in 16 individuals (eight with type 2 diabetes and eight with essential hypertension). Results: Pioglitazone had no effect on corrected plasma calcium and phosphate levels but decreased significantly the alkaline phosphatase and PTH levels. Pioglitazone induced on average a 45% increase in urinary calcium excretion. The fractional excretion of calcium rose to the same extent, suggesting a glomerular filtration rate-independent effect. Sodium intake did not influence the calciuric effect of pioglitazone. Changes in diurnal and nocturnal calciuria were similar. There was no effect of pioglitazone on phosphate excretion. Conclusion: Pioglitazone decreases PTH levels and increases urinary calcium excretion, independently from changes in glomerular filtration rate and from the sodium load, suggesting an inhibitory effect of pioglitazone on the tubular reabsorption of calcium. These effects may contribute to the increased fracture risk with glitazone treatment.


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To assess the variability of the response to exogenous atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), it was infused at the rate of 1 microgram/min for 2 h in 6 salt-loaded normal volunteers under controlled conditions on 2 occasions at an interval of 1 week. The effect on solute excretion and the haemodynamic and endocrine actions were highly reproducible. The constant ANP infusion caused a delayed and prolonged excretion of sodium, chloride and calcium, no change in potassium or phosphate excretion or in glomerular filtration rate but a marked decrease in renal plasma flow. Blood pressure, heart rate and the plasma levels of angiotensin II, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin and plasma renin activity were unaltered. The effect of a 2-h infusion of ANP 0.5 microgram/min or its vehicle on apparent hepatic blood flow (HBF) was also studied in 14 normal volunteers by measuring the indocyanine green clearance. A 21% decrease in HBF was observed in subjects who received the ANP infusion (p less than 0.01 vs vehicle). Thus, ANP infused at a dose that did not lower blood pressure decreased both renal and liver blood flow in normotensive volunteers. The renal and endocrine responses to ANP were reproducible over a 1-week interval.


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BACKGROUND: Depending on its magnitude, lower body negative pressure (LBNP) has been shown to induce a progressive activation of neurohormonal, renal tubular, and renal hemodynamic responses, thereby mimicking the renal responses observed in clinical conditions characterized by a low effective arterial volume such as congestive heart failure. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of angiotensin II receptor blockade with candesartan on the renal hemodynamic and urinary excretory responses to a progressive orthostatic stress in normal subjects. METHODS: Twenty healthy men were submitted to three levels of LBNP (0, -10, and -20 mbar or 0, -7.5, and -15 mm Hg) for 1 hour according to a crossover design with a minimum of 2 days between each level of LBNP. Ten subjects were randomly allocated to receive a placebo and ten others were treated with candesartan 16 mg orally for 10 days before and during the three levels of LBNP. Systemic and renal hemodynamics, renal sodium excretions, and the hormonal response were measured hourly before, during, and for 2 hours after LBNP. RESULTS: During placebo, LBNP induced no change in systemic and renal hemodynamics, but sodium excretion decreased dose dependently with higher levels of LBNP. At -20 mbar, cumulative 3-hour sodium balance was negative at -2.3 +/- 2.3 mmol (mean +/- SEM). With candesartan, mean blood pressure decreased (76 +/- 1 mm Hg vs. 83 +/- 3 mm Hg, candesartan vs. placebo, P < 0.05) and renal plasma flow increased (858 +/- 52 mL/min vs. 639 +/- 36 mL/min, candesartan vs. placebo, P < 0.05). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was not significantly higher with candesartan (127 +/- 7 mL/min in placebo vs. 144 +/- 12 mL/min in candesartan). No significant decrease in sodium and water excretion was found during LBNP in candesartan-treated subjects. At -20 mbar, the 3-hour cumulative sodium excretion was + 4.6 +/- 1.4 mmol in the candesartan group (P= 0.02 vs. placebo). CONCLUSION: Selective blockade of angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptors with candesartan increases renal blood flow and prevents the antinatriuresis during sustained lower body negative pressure despite a modest decrease in blood pressure. These results thus provide interesting insights into potential benefits of AT1 receptor blockade in sodium-retaining states such as congestive heart failure.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a vasoconstrictor peptide possibly involved in the regulation of renal sodium handling and renin release. This investigation was undertaken to assess in conscious normotensive rats the acute effects of a non-pressor dose of NPY on renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate, sodium excretion and plasma renin activity. Experiments were also performed during concomitant beta-adrenoceptor stimulation with isoproterenol. NPY per se had no effect on the studied parameters. Renal plasma flow was increased by isoproterenol and was significantly higher when the beta-adrenoceptor stimulant was infused alone (13.4 +/- 2.1 ml/min, p < 0.05, mean +/- SEM) that when administered together with NPY (7.2 +/- 2.0 ml/min). This was also true for glomerular filtration rate (3.3 +/- 0.3 vs. 1.8 +/- 0.3 ml/min, p < 0.01) and plasma renin activity (6.3 +/- 1.7 vs. 2.1 +/- 0.4 ng Ang I/ml/h, p < 0.05). Our data however do not allow to deduce whether the inhibitory effect of NPY on isoproterenol-induced renin release is mediated by changes in intrarenal hemodynamics or a direct effect on juxtaglomerular cells.