36 resultados para post-industrial society

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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The present thesis is about cognitions of left-wing activists and the role they play to better understand contentious participation. It compares activists of three post-industrial social movement organizations in Switzerland, i.e. Solidarity across Borders defending migrant's rights, the Society of Threatened People promoting collective human rights and Greenpeace protecting the environment. It makes use of an innovative mixed methods design combining survey and interview data. The main theoretical contribution is to conceptualize an analytical tool enabling to grasp the cognitive map of these activists by putting forward the concept of strong citizen, summing up their relation to society and politics. The relation to society consists of an extensive relation to others and an interconnected vision of society. Consequently, their primary concerns include the handing of common goods and the equal treatment of individuals with regard to common goods. The relation to politics incorporates a critical and vigilant citizen. They are critical towards political authorities and they appreciate political action by organized groups of the civil society. The thesis states that only by having such worldviews activists are able to construct an injustice, agency and identity frame for the claims of their organizations. Thus, the present work delivers a parsimonious answer to the question of where an injustice, agency and identity frame comes from. It does so by a systematic analysis of four specific arguments. First, it empirically demonstrates that these activists have - at the aggregate level - specific cognitive resources compared to the general population. Second, it describes the content of this specific cognitive outlook by evaluating the appropriateness of the strong citizen concept. Third, it looks at variations between activist's communities and shows that activists of more challenging protest issues are stronger citizens than activists of more mainstream protests. Finally, cognitions are not the only part of the story if one looks at contentious participation. Other factors, i.e. social networks and biographical availability, matter too. Therefore, I test if cognitions are able to contribute in explaining differences between activists' communities if one controls for other factors. In sum, this thesis is thus a first step to demonstrate why one should be concerned about activists' cognitions. - Cette thèse s'intéresse aux cognitions des activistes de gauche et à leur rôle dans le phénomène de la participation contestataire. Des activistes de trois organisations post- industrielles en Suisse sont comparé, à savoir Solidarité sans Frontières qui défend les droits des migrants, la Société des Peuples menacés qui promeut les droits des collectivités minoritaires et Greenpeace qui oeuvre pour la protection de l'environnement. Cette recherche utilise un « mixed methods design » en combinant de manière innovant des données de sondage et d'entretiens. Ma principale contribution théorique réside dans la conceptualisation d'un outil analytique qui permet de saisir la « carte cognitive » des activistes, à travers le concept de « strong citizen » qui se réfère à la relation spécifique qu'entretiennent certains individus avec la société et la politique. Ces individus sont caractérisés par une vision inclusive et interconnectée de la société, ainsi que par une conception politique du citoyen comme critique et vigilant. Mon argument principal est celui selon lequel seuls les individus possédant ce type particulier de cognitions sont capable de construire un cadre d'injustice, d'« agency » et d'identité. Cette thèse apporte donc quelques éléments de réponse à la question de l'origine de ces cadres cognitifs qui sont cruciales pour la participation. Pour ce faire, quatre aspects spécifiques sont analysés de manière systématique. Premièrement, je démontre empiriquement, au niveau agrégé, que ces activistes possèdent effectivement des ressources cognitives spécifiques - en comparaison avec la population générale. Deuxièmement, j'analyse le contenu de ces cognitions, ce qui me permet notamment d'évaluer la pertinence et l'adéquation du concept de « strong citizen ». Troisièmement, en m'intéressant cette fois aux variations entre communautés d'activistes, je démontre que ceux réunis autour d'enjeux protestataires très revendicatifs sont, d'un point de vue cognitif, plus proches de la figure du « strong citizen » que ceux mobilisés sur des enjeux plus consensuels. Finalement, d'autres facteurs, à savoir les réseaux sociaux et la disponibilité biographique, sont intégrés à l'analyse afin de mesurer le réel pouvoir explicatif des cognitions dans l'explication des différences observées entre communautés d'activistes. A travers ces analyses, cette thèse met en avant l'importance du rôle des cognitions dans l'étude de la participation contestataire.


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The chapter provides an account of the changing role played by active labour market policies (ALMPs) in Europe since the post-war years. Focusing on six countries (Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom), it shows that the role of ALMPs is related to the broad economic situation. At times of rapid expansion and labour shortage, like the 1950s and 1960s, their key objective was to upskill the workforce. After the oil shocks of the 1970s, the raison d'être of ALMPs shifted from economic to social policy, and since the mid-1990s, we see the development of a new function, well captured by the notion of activation, which refers to the strengthening of work incentives and the removal of obstacles to employment, mostly for low-skilled people. The adequacy between economic context and policy is not always optimal, though. Like other ones, this policy domain suffers from inertia, with the result that the countries that have led the way in one period have more difficulty adapting to the economic conditions prevailing in the following one.


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To what extent do social policy preferences explain party choice? This question has received little attention over the past years, because the bulk of the literature has argued that electoral choice is increasingly shaped by identity-based attitudes, rather than by preferences for economic-distributive social policies. We argue that in the wake of this debate, the significance of social policy preferences for electoral choice has been underestimated, because most contributions neglect social policy debates that are specific to post-industrial societies. In particular, they merely focus on income redistribution, while neglecting distributive conflicts around social investment. The Selects 2011 data allows investigating this crucial distinction for Switzerland. Our empirical analyses confirm that it is pivotal to take the pluridimensionality of distributive conflicts seriously: when looking at preferences for social investment rather than income redistribution, we find that social policy preferences are significant explanatory factors for the choice of the five major Swiss political parties.


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The Layout of My Thesis This thesis contains three chapters in Industrial Organization that build on the work outlined above. The first two chapters combine leniency programs with multimarket contact and provide a thorough analysis of the potential effects of Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus. The third chapter puts the whole discussion on leniency programs into perspective by examining other enforcement tools available to an antitrust authority. The main argument in that last chapter is that a specific instrument can only be as effective as the policy in which it is embedded. It is therefore important for an antitrust authority to know how it best accompanies the introduction or modification of a policy instrument that helps deterrence. INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 examines the efféct of Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus on the incentives of firms to report cartel activities. The main question is whether the inclusion of these policies in a leniency program undermine the effectiveness of the latter by discouraging the firms to apply for amnesty. The model is static and focus on the ex post incentives of firms to desist from collusion. The results suggest that, because Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus encourage the reporting of a second cartel after a first detection, a firm, anticipating this, may be reluctant to seek leniency and to report in the first place. However, the effect may also go in the opposite direction, and Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus may encourage the simultaneous reporting of two cartels. Chapter 2 takes this idea further to the stage of cartel formation. This chapter provides a complete characterization of the potential anticompetitive and procompetitive effects of Amnesty Plus in a infinitely repeated game framework when the firms use their multimarket contact to harshen punishment. I suggest a clear-cut policy rule that prevents potential adverse effects and thereby show that, if policy makers follow this rule, a leniency program with Amnesty Plus performs better than one without. Chapter 3 characterizes the socially optimal enforcement effort of an antitrust authority and shows how this effort changes with the introduction or modification of specific policy instruments. The intuition is that the policy instrument may increase the marginal benefit of conducting investigations. If this effect is strong enough, a more rigorous detection policy becomes socially desirable.


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High Precision U-Pb zircon and monazite dating in the Aiguilles Rouges-Mont Blanc area allowed discrimination of three short-lived bimodal magmatic pulses: the early 332 Ma Mg-K Pormenaz monzonite and associated 331 Ma peraluminous Montees Pelissier monzogranite; the 307 Ma cordierite-bearing peraluminous Vallorcine and Fully intrusions; and the 303 Fe-K Mont Blanc syenogranite. All intruded syntectonically along major-scale transcurrent faults at a time when the substratum was experiencing tectonic exhumation, active erosion recorded in detrital basins and isothermal decompression melting dated at 327-320 Ma. Mantle activity and magma mixing are evidenced in all plutons by coeval mafic enclaves, stocks and synplutonic dykes. Both crustal and mantle sources evolve through time, pointing to an increasingly warm continental crust and juvenile asthenospheric mantle sources. This overall tectono-magmatic evolution is interpreted in a scenario of post-collisional restoration to normal size of a thickened continental lithosphere. The latter re-equilibrates through delamination and/or erosion of its mantle root and tectonic exhumation/erosion in an overall extensional regime. Extension is related to either gravitational collapse or back-are extension of a distant subduction zone.


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Introduction: Compressive epidural haematomas occurring following spine surgery are very rare but can potentially lead to irreversible damage. The evacuation of the haematoma as an emergency procedure remains the only effective treatment providing though alerting signs are detected on time. Few studies exist on this subject probably due to its rarity. The etiological factors as well as the place of imaging studies prior to urgent haematoma evacuation remain controversial. Two cases of delayed post-operative compressive epidural haematomas following lumbar-spine surgery were detected in our unit between April 2003 and January 2009. In both cases new onset of pain, aggravation of existing neurological deficit or development of new deficit along with worsening of pre-existing walking difficulties were noted. Emergency computer tomography (CT) could not exclude compression in both cases due to important artefacts. Emergency surgery was performed confirming the presence of haematoma in both cases and leading to a complete neurological recovery following its evacuation. As only risk factors common to both cases we identified drain removal and resuming of thromboprophylaxis. Conclusion: Obstacles in early detection of post-operative compressive epidural haematomas occurring following spine surgery are patients presenting with multiple complaints as well as shift work pattern of staff who might not always be trained in detecting early changes in neurological status. We therefore established a checklist for post-operative neurological observations to be carried out on spine surgery patients during the postoperative period. We describe our adopted attitude considering the etiological factors observed in our unit. Further studies including in a multi centre setting would be necessary in order to ascertain our observations.


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Puropse/Aim: To learn about the developement of post mortem CT angiography, its indications, benefits, pitfalls and practical application. Content Organization: A. Developement of post mortem CT angiography B. Technical prerequisites C. Practical application of post mortem CT angiography (preparation of the body, injection of contrast agent, examination protocol) D. Indications and benefits (including a comparison with conventional autopsy) E. Interpretation of imaging data (with case demonstrations) F. Artifacts, pitfalls and limitations G. Current and potential future use. Summary: This exhibit demonstrates the developement, application and interpretation of post mortem CT angiography. Teaching points: 1. post mortem CT angiography is feasible and useful for identification of the cause of death 2. depending on the indication it can be superior to autopsy 3. limitations and artifacts need to be known for interpreta


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Objectives:To investigate the associations between falls before hospital¦admission, falls during hospitalization, and length of stay in elderly¦people admitted to post-acute geriatric rehabilitation. Method: History¦of falling in the previous 12 months before admission was recorded¦among 249 older persons (mean age 82.3±7.4 years, 69.1% women)¦consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. Data on medical,¦functional and cognitive status were collected upon admission. Falls¦during hospitalization and length of stay were recorded at discharge.¦Results: Overall, 92 (40.4%) patients reported no fall in the 12 months¦before admission; 63(27.6%) reported 1 fall, and 73(32.0%) reported¦multiple falls. Previous falls occurrence (one or more falls) was significantly¦associated with in-stay falls (19.9% of previous fallers fell¦during the stay vs 7.6% in patients without history of falling, P=.01),¦and with a longer length of stay (22.4 ± 10.1 days vs 27.1 ± 14.3 days,¦P=.01). In multivariate robust regression controlling for gender, age,¦functional and cognitive status, history of falling remained significantly¦associated with longer rehabilitation stay (2.8 days more in single fallers,¦p=.05, and 3.3 days more in multiple fallers, p=.0.1, compared to¦non-fallers). Conclusion: History of falling in the 12 months prior to¦post acute geriatric rehabilitation is independently associated with a¦longer rehabilitation length of stay. Previous fallers have also an¦increased risk of falling during rehabilitation stay. This suggests that¦hospital fall prevention measures should particularly target these high¦riskpatients.


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Cellular metabolism is emerging as a potential fate determinant in cancer and stem cell biology, constituting a crucial regulator of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) pool [1-4]. The extremely low oxygen tension in the HSC microenvironment of the adult bone marrow forces HSCs into a low metabolic profile that is thought to enable their maintenance by protecting them from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although HSC quiescence has for long been associated with low mitochondrial activity, as testified by the low rhodamine stain that marks primitive HSCs, we hypothesized that mitochondrial activation could be an HSC fate determinant in its own right. We thus set to investigate the implications of pharmacologically modulating mitochondrial activity during bone marrow transplantation, and have found that forcing mitochondrial activation in the post-transplant period dramatically increases survival. Specifically, we examined the mitochondrial content and activation profile of each murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor compartment. Long-term-HSCs (LT-HSC, Lin-cKit+Sca1+ (LKS) CD150+CD34-), short-term-HSCs (ST-HSC, LKS+150+34+), multipotent progenitors (MPPs, LKS+150-) and committed progenitors (PROG, Lin-cKit+Sca1-) display distinct mitochondrial profiles, with both mitochondrial content and activity increasing with differentiation. Indeed, we found that overall function of the hematopoietic progenitor and stem cell compartment can be resolved by mitochondrial activity alone, as illustrated by the fact that low mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM low) can provide efficient long-term engraftment, while high mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM high) cannot engraft in lethally irradiated mice. Moreover, low mitochondrial activity can equally predict efficiency of engraftment within the LT-HSC and ST-HSC compartments, opening the field to a novel method of discriminating a population of transitioning ST-HSCs that retain long-term engraftment capacity. Based on previous experience that a high-fat bone marrow microenvironment depletes short-term hematopoietic progenitors while conserving their long-term counterparts [5], we set to measure HSC mitochondrial activation in high-fat diet fed mice, known to decrease metabolic rate on a per cell basis through excess insulin/IGF-1 production. Congruently, we found lower mitochondrial activation as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR analysis as well as a depletion of the short-term progenitor compartment in high fat versus control chow diet fed mice. We then tested the effects of a mitochondrial activator known to counteract the negative effects of high fat diet. We first analyzed the in vitro effect on HSC cell cycle kinetics, where no significant change in proliferation or division time was found. However, HSCs responded to the mitochondrial activator by increasing asynchrony, a behavior that is thought to directly correlate with asymmetric division [6]. As opposed to high-fat diet fed mice, mice fed with the mitochondrial activator showed an increase in ST-HSCs, while all the other hematopoietic compartments were comparable to mice fed on control diet. Given the dependency on short-term progenitors to rapidly reconstitute hematopoiesis following bone marrow transplantation, we tested the effect of pharmacological mitochondrial activation on the recovery of mice transplanted with a limiting HSC dose. Survival 3 weeks post-transplant was 80% in the treated group compared to 0% in the control group, as predicted by faster recovery of platelet and neutrophil counts. In conclusion, we have found that mitochondrial activation regulates the long-term to short-term HSC transition, unraveling mitochondrial modulation as a valuable drug target for post-transplant therapy. Identification of molecular pathways accountable for the metabolically mediated fate switch is currently ongoing.