85 resultados para off-design piste
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
BACKGROUND: The emergency department has been identified as an area within the health care sector with the highest reports of violence. The best way to control violence is to prevent it before it becomes an issue. Ideally, to prevent violent episodes we should eliminate all triggers of frustration and violence. Our study aims to assess the impact of a quality improvement multi-faceted program aiming at preventing incivility and violence against healthcare professionals working at the ophthalmological emergency department of a teaching hospital. METHODS/DESIGN: This study is a single-center prospective, controlled time-series study with an alternate-month design. The prevention program is based on the successive implementation of five complementary interventions: a) an organizational approach with a standardized triage algorithm and patient waiting number screen, b) an environmental approach with clear signage of the premises, c) an educational approach with informational videos for patients and accompanying persons in waiting rooms, d) a human approach with a mediator in waiting rooms and e) a security approach with surveillance cameras linked to the hospital security. The primary outcome is the rate of incivility or violence by patients, or those accompanying them against healthcare staff. All patients admitted to the ophthalmological emergency department, and those accompanying them, will be enrolled. In all, 45,260 patients will be included in over a 24-month period. The unit analysis will be the patient admitted to the emergency department. Data analysis will be blinded to allocation, but due to the nature of the intervention, physicians and patients will not be blinded. DISCUSSION: The strengths of this study include the active solicitation of event reporting, that this is a prospective study and that the study enables assessment of each of the interventions that make up the program. The challenge lies in identifying effective interventions, adapting them to the context of care in an emergency department, and thoroughly assessing their efficacy with a high level of proof.The study has been registered as a cRCT at clinicaltrials.gov (identifier: NCT02015884).
AIM: This study evaluates the effect of front suspension (FS) and dual suspension (DS) mountain-bike on performance and vibrations during off-road uphill riding. METHODS: Thirteen male cyclists (27+/-5 years, 70+/-6 kg, VO(2max)59+/-6 mL.kg(-1).min(-1), mean+/-SD) performed, in a random sequence, at their lactate threshold, an off-road uphill course (1.69 km, 212 m elevation gain) with both type of bicycles. Variable measured: a) VO(2) consumption (K4b2 analyzer, Cosmed), b) power output (SRM) c) gain in altitude and d) 3-D accelerations under the saddle and at the wheel (Physilog, EPFL, Switzerland). Power spectral analy- sis (Fourier) was performed from the vertical acceleration data. RESULTS: Respectively for the FS and DS mountain bike: speed amounted to 7.5+/-0.7 km.h(-1) and 7.4+/-0.8 km.h(-1), (NS), energy expenditure 1.39+/-0.16 kW and 1.38+/-0.18, (NS), gross efficiency 0.161+/-0.013 and 0.159+/-0.013, (NS), peak frequency of vibration under the saddle 4.78+/-2.85 Hz and 2.27+/-0.2 Hz (P<0.01) and median-frequency of vertical displacements of the saddle 9.41+/-1.47 Hz and 5.78+/-2.27 Hz (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Vibrations at the saddle level of the DS bike are of low frequencies whereas those of the FS bike are mostly of high frequencies. In the DS bike, the torque produced by the cyclist at the pedal level may generate low frequency vibrations. We conclude that the DS bike absorbs more high frequency vibrations, is more comfortable and performs as well as the FS bicycle.
Almost thirty years ago, as the social sciences underwent their 'discursive turn', Bernardo Secchi (1984) drew, in what he called the 'urban planning narrative', the attention of planners to the production of myths, turning an activity often seen as primarily technical into one centred around the production of images and ideas. This conception of planning practice gave rise to a powerful current of research in English-speaking countries. Efforts were made to both combine the urban planning narrative with storytelling and to establish storytelling as a prescriptive or descriptive model for planning practice. Thus, just as storytelling is supposed to have led democratic communication off track through a pronounced concern for a good story, storytelling applied to the field of urban production may have led to an increasing preoccupation with staging and showmanship for projects to the detriment of their real inclusion in political debate. It is this possible transformation of the territorial action that will be the focus of the articles collected in this special issue of Articulo - Journal of urban research.
Double trouble: A hybrid organic-inorganic (organometallic) inhibitor was designed to target glutathione transferases. The metal center is used to direct protein binding, while the organic moiety acts as the active-site inhibitor (see picture). The mechanism of inhibition was studied using a range of biophysical and biochemical methods.
Locating new wind farms is of crucial importance for energy policies of the next decade. To select the new location, an accurate picture of the wind fields is necessary. However, characterizing wind fields is a difficult task, since the phenomenon is highly nonlinear and related to complex topographical features. In this paper, we propose both a nonparametric model to estimate wind speed at different time instants and a procedure to discover underrepresented topographic conditions, where new measuring stations could be added. Compared to space filling techniques, this last approach privileges optimization of the output space, thus locating new potential measuring sites through the uncertainty of the model itself.
An active, solvent-free solid sampler was developed for the collection of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) aerosol and prepolymers. The sampler was made of a filter impregnated with 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine contained in a filter holder. Interferences with HDI were observed when a set of cellulose acetate filters and a polystyrene filter holder were used; a glass fiber filter and polypropylene filter cassette gave better results. The applicability of the sampling and analytical procedure was validated with a test chamber, constructed for the dynamic generation of HDI aerosol and prepolymers in commercial two-component spray paints (Desmodur(R) N75) used in car refinishing. The particle size distribution, temporal stability, and spatial uniformity of the simulated aerosol were established in order to test the sample. The monitoring of aerosol concentrations was conducted with the solid sampler paired to the reference impinger technique (impinger flasks contained 10 mL of 0.5 mg/mL 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine in toluene) under a controlled atmosphere in the test chamber. Analyses of derivatized HDI and prepolymers were carried out by using high-performance liquid chromatography and ultraviolet detection. The correlation between the solvent-free and the impinger techniques appeared fairly good (Y = 0.979X - 0.161; R = 0.978), when the tests were conducted in the range of 0.1 to 10 times the threshold limit value (TLV) for HDI monomer and up to 60-mu-g/m3 (3 U.K. TLVs) for total -N = C = O groups.
The comparison of consecutively manufactured tools and firearms has provided much, but not all, of the basis for the profession of firearm and toolmark examination. The authors accept the fundamental soundness of this approach but appeal to the experimental community to close two minor gaps in the experimental procedure. We suggest that "blinding" and attention to appropriateness of other experimental conditions that would consolidate the foundations of our profession. We do not suggest that previous work is unsound.
Objectives: Skin can be partially regenerated after full thickness defects by collagen matrices, In this study, we identified the main limitations of induced regeneration aiming to improve the design of dermal matrices. Methods: Single mice received a 1 cm2, full thickness skin wound on the dorsum, which were grafted with collagen-GAG matrices or left ungrafted. The healing modulation induced by the collagen-GAG matrices was compared to spontaneous healing and to custom designed, bioactive, poly-N-Acetyl- Glucosamine (NAG) matrices. Wound staging was based on macroscopic, histological and immunhistochemical analysis on days 3, 7, 10 and 21 post wounding. Results: Cell density was higher in spontaneously granulating wounds compared to grafted wounds. While grafted wounds exhibited increased levels of cell proliferation on days 7 and 10, vascularity was dramatically reduced. NAG scaffolds accelerated both angiogenesis and wound re-epithelialization. Conclusions: Since slow integration and revascularization severely limit the engraftment of clinically used dermal scaffolds, the design of dermal matrices using bioactive materials represent the next step in skin regeneration.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There is no recommendation to screen ferritin level in blood donors, even though several studies have noted the high prevalence of iron deficiency after blood donation, particularly among menstruating females. Furthermore, some clinical trials have shown that non-anaemic women with unexplained fatigue may benefit from iron supplementation. Our objective is to determine the clinical effect of iron supplementation on fatigue in female blood donors without anaemia, but with a mean serum ferritin </= 30 ng/ml. METHODS/DESIGN: In a double blind randomised controlled trial, we will measure blood count and ferritin level of women under age 50 yr, who donate blood to the University Hospital of Lausanne Blood Transfusion Department, at the time of the donation and after 1 week. One hundred and forty donors with a ferritin level </= 30 ng/ml and haemoglobin level >/= 120 g/l (non-anaemic) a week after the donation will be included in the study and randomised. A one-month course of oral ferrous sulphate (80 mg/day of elemental iron) will be introduced vs. placebo. Self-reported fatigue will be measured using a visual analogue scale. Secondary outcomes are: score of fatigue (Fatigue Severity Scale), maximal aerobic power (Chester Step Test), quality of life (SF-12), and mood disorders (Prime-MD). Haemoglobin and ferritin concentration will be monitored before and after the intervention. DISCUSSION: Iron deficiency is a potential problem for all blood donors, especially menstruating women. To our knowledge, no other intervention study has yet evaluated the impact of iron supplementation on subjective symptoms after a blood donation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00689793.
SUMMARY : Eukaryotic DNA interacts with the nuclear proteins using non-covalent ionic interactions. Proteins can recognize specific nucleotide sequences based on the sterical interactions with the DNA and these specific protein-DNA interactions are the basis for many nuclear processes, e.g. gene transcription, chromosomal replication, and recombination. New technology termed ChIP-Seq has been recently developed for the analysis of protein-DNA interactions on a whole genome scale and it is based on immunoprecipitation of chromatin and high-throughput DNA sequencing procedure. ChIP-Seq is a novel technique with a great potential to replace older techniques for mapping of protein-DNA interactions. In this thesis, we bring some new insights into the ChIP-Seq data analysis. First, we point out to some common and so far unknown artifacts of the method. Sequence tag distribution in the genome does not follow uniform distribution and we have found extreme hot-spots of tag accumulation over specific loci in the human and mouse genomes. These artifactual sequence tags accumulations will create false peaks in every ChIP-Seq dataset and we propose different filtering methods to reduce the number of false positives. Next, we propose random sampling as a powerful analytical tool in the ChIP-Seq data analysis that could be used to infer biological knowledge from the massive ChIP-Seq datasets. We created unbiased random sampling algorithm and we used this methodology to reveal some of the important biological properties of Nuclear Factor I DNA binding proteins. Finally, by analyzing the ChIP-Seq data in detail, we revealed that Nuclear Factor I transcription factors mainly act as activators of transcription, and that they are associated with specific chromatin modifications that are markers of open chromatin. We speculate that NFI factors only interact with the DNA wrapped around the nucleosome. We also found multiple loci that indicate possible chromatin barrier activity of NFI proteins, which could suggest the use of NFI binding sequences as chromatin insulators in biotechnology applications. RESUME : L'ADN des eucaryotes interagit avec les protéines nucléaires par des interactions noncovalentes ioniques. Les protéines peuvent reconnaître les séquences nucléotidiques spécifiques basées sur l'interaction stérique avec l'ADN, et des interactions spécifiques contrôlent de nombreux processus nucléaire, p.ex. transcription du gène, la réplication chromosomique, et la recombinaison. Une nouvelle technologie appelée ChIP-Seq a été récemment développée pour l'analyse des interactions protéine-ADN à l'échelle du génome entier et cette approche est basée sur l'immuno-précipitation de la chromatine et sur la procédure de séquençage de l'ADN à haut débit. La nouvelle approche ChIP-Seq a donc un fort potentiel pour remplacer les anciennes techniques de cartographie des interactions protéine-ADN. Dans cette thèse, nous apportons de nouvelles perspectives dans l'analyse des données ChIP-Seq. Tout d'abord, nous avons identifié des artefacts très communs associés à cette méthode qui étaient jusqu'à présent insoupçonnés. La distribution des séquences dans le génome ne suit pas une distribution uniforme et nous avons constaté des positions extrêmes d'accumulation de séquence à des régions spécifiques, des génomes humains et de la souris. Ces accumulations des séquences artéfactuelles créera de faux pics dans toutes les données ChIP-Seq, et nous proposons différentes méthodes de filtrage pour réduire le nombre de faux positifs. Ensuite, nous proposons un nouvel échantillonnage aléatoire comme un outil puissant d'analyse des données ChIP-Seq, ce qui pourraient augmenter l'acquisition de connaissances biologiques à partir des données ChIP-Seq. Nous avons créé un algorithme d'échantillonnage aléatoire et nous avons utilisé cette méthode pour révéler certaines des propriétés biologiques importantes de protéines liant à l'ADN nommés Facteur Nucléaire I (NFI). Enfin, en analysant en détail les données de ChIP-Seq pour la famille de facteurs de transcription nommés Facteur Nucléaire I, nous avons révélé que ces protéines agissent principalement comme des activateurs de transcription, et qu'elles sont associées à des modifications de la chromatine spécifiques qui sont des marqueurs de la chromatine ouverte. Nous pensons que lés facteurs NFI interagir uniquement avec l'ADN enroulé autour du nucléosome. Nous avons également constaté plusieurs régions génomiques qui indiquent une éventuelle activité de barrière chromatinienne des protéines NFI, ce qui pourrait suggérer l'utilisation de séquences de liaison NFI comme séquences isolatrices dans des applications de la biotechnologie.
The epidemiological methods have become useful tools for the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of health care technologies. The experimental methods, namely the randomized controlled trials (RCT), give the best evidence of the effect of a technology. However, the ethical issues and the very nature of the intervention under study sometimes make it difficult to carry out an RCT. Therefore, quasi-experimental and non-experimental study designs are also applied. The critical issues concerning these designs are discussed. The results of evaluative studies are of importance for decision-makers in health policy. The measurements of the impact of a medical technology should go beyond a statement of its effectiveness, because the essential outcome of an intervention or programme is the health status and quality of life of the individuals and populations concerned.