174 resultados para microbial surface thermodynamics
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Staphylococcus aureus is a highly successful pathogen responsible of a wide variety of diseases, from minor skin infection to life-threatening sepsis or infective endocarditis, as well as food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome. This heterogeneity of infections and the ability of S. aureus to develop antibiotic-resistance to virtually any available drugs reflect its extraordinary capacity to adapt and survive in a great variety of environments. The pathogenesis of S. aureus infection involves a wide range of cell wall-associated adhesins and extracellular toxins that promote host colonization and invasion. In addition, S. aureus is extremely well equipped with regulatory systems that sense environmental conditions and respond by fine tuning the expression of metabolic and virulence determinants. Surface adhesins referred to MSCRAMMs - for Microbial Surface Component Recognizing Adherence Matrix Molecules - mediate binding to the host extracellular matrix or serum components, including fibrinogen, fibronectin, collagen and elastin, and promote tissue colonization and invasion. Major MSCRAMMs include a family of surface-attached proteins covalently bound to the cell wall peptidoglycan via a conserved LPXTG motif. Genomic analyses indicate that S. aureus contain up to 22 LPXTG surface proteins, which could potentially act individually or in synergy to promote infection. In the first part of this study we determined the range of adherence phenotypes to fibrinogen and fibronectin among 30 carriage isolates of S. aureus and compared it to the adherence phenotypes of 30 infective endocarditis and 30 blood culture isolates. Overall there were great variations in in vitro adherence, but no differences were observed between carriage and infection strains. We further determined the relation between in vitro adherence and in vivo infectivity in a rat model of experimental endocarditis, using 4 isolates that displayed either extremely low or high adherence phenotypes. Unexpectedly, no differences were observed between the in vivo infectivity of isolates that were poorly and highly adherent in vitro. We concluded that the natural variability of in vitro adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin did not correlate with in vivo infectivity, and thus that pathogenic differences between various strains might only be expressed in in vivo conditions, but not in vitro. Therefore, considering the importance of adhesins expression for infection, direct measurement of those adhesins present on the bacterial surface were made by proteomic approach. 5 In the second series of experiments we assessed the physical presence of the LPXTG species at the staphylococcal surface, as measured at various time points during growth in different culture media. S. aureus Newman was grown in either tryptic soy broth (TSB) or in Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) culture medium, and samples were removed from early exponential growth phase to late stationary phase. Experiments were performed with mutants in the global accessory-gene regulator (agr), surface protein A (Spa) and clumping factor A (ClfA). Peptides of surface proteins were recovered by "trypsin-shaving" of live bacteria, and semi-quantitative proteomic analysis was performed by tandem liquid-chromatography and mass-spectrometry (LC-MS). We also determined in parallel the mRNA expression by microarrays analysis, as well as the phenotypic adherence of the bacteria to fibrinogen in vitro. The surface proteome was highly complex and contained numerous proteins theoretically not belonging to the bacterial envelope, including ribosomal proteins and metabolic enzymes. Sixteen of the 21 known LPXTG species were detected, but were differentially expressed. As expected, 9 known agr-regulated proteins (e.g. including Spa, FnBPA, ClfA, IsdA, IsdB, SasH, SasD, SasG and FmtB) increased up to the late exponential growth phase, and were abrogated in agr-negative mutants. However, only Spa and SasH modified their proteomic and mRNA profiles in parallel in the parent and its agr negative mutant, while all other LPXTG proteins modified their proteomic profiles independently of their mRNA. Moreover, ClfA became highly transcribed and active in in vitro fibrinogen adherence tests during late growth (24h), whereas it remained poorly detected by proteomics. Differential expression was also detected in iron-rich TSB versus iron-poor RPMI. Proteins from the iron-regulated surface determinant (isd) system, including IsdA, IsdB and IsdH were barely expressed in iron-rich TSB, whereas they increased their expression by >10 time in iron-poor RPMI. We conclude that semi-quantitative proteomic analysis of specific protein species is feasible in S. aureus and that proteomic, transcriptomic and adherence phenotypes demonstrated differential profiles in S. aureus. Furthermore, peptide signatures released by trypsin shaving suggested differential protein domain exposures in various environments, which might be relevant for antiadhesins vaccines. A comprehensive understanding of the S. aureus physiology should integrate all these approaches.
Résumé Le staphylocoque doré est un pathogène responsable d'une grande variété de maladies chez l'être humain. Il est extrêmement bien équipé de facteurs de virulence, dont les adhésines. Jusqu'à présent, 21 protéines liant des composants de tissus de l'hôte ("microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules, MSCRAMM") ont été identifiées, par exemple le "clumping factor" A (CIfA) ou la "fibronectin-binding protein" A (FnBPA). Néanmoins, pour la plupart de ces protéines, leur rôle dans la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré reste à être élucidé. Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer à ce processus. Premièrement, les "MSCRAMM" CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ et SasK ont été exprimés dans une bactérie substitut, Lactococcus lactis, et testés pour leurs propriétés adhésives et leur pathogénicité dans un modèle d'endocardite expérimentale (voir chapitre 1). Cette technique a préalablement été utilisée avec succès et a l'avantage d'éviter le contexte complexe des redondances et systèmes de régulations propres au staphylocoque doré. Les résultats montrent que, de tous les facteurs de virulence testés, seuls CIfA et FnBPA sont d'importance primordiale dans le développement d'endocardite expérimentale. En ce qui concerne l'internalisation dans les cellules endothéliales, seulement FnPBA et FnBPB en sont capables. En outre, l'adhérence à chacun des ligands testés (fibrinogène, fibronectine, kératine, élastine, collagène, et les caillots de fibrine et plaquettes) est très spécifique et est médiée par une ou plusieures adhésines provenant du staphylocoque doré. Par conséquence, ces protéines pourraient représenter des cibles potentielles pour de futures thérapies anti-adhésives contre le staphylocoque doré. Deuxièmement, l'expression des facteurs de virulence décrits dans le chapitre 1 par les souches recombinantes de lactocoques a été vérifiée par une nouvelle méthode utilisant la spectrométrie de masse (voir chapitre 2). L'expression de toutes ces protéines par les souches recombinantes a pu être confirmée. Cette méthode pourrait être de grande valeur dans la vérification de la présence de protéines quelconques dans toutes sortes d'applications. Troisièmement, deux facteurs de virulence du staphylocoque, CIfA et une forme tronquée de FnBPA, ont été exprimés de façon simultanée dans une souche recombinante de lactocoque (voir chapitre 3}. Contrairement à une souche exprimant la FnBPA entière, une souche exprimant la forme tronquée de FnPBA, qui ne contient plus le domaine capable de lier le fibrinogène, perd complètement sa capacité d'infecter dans le modèle d'endocardite expérimentale. Par contre, il est montré que, en cas de complémentation de la forme tronquée de FnPBA avec le domaine de liaison au fibrinogène de CIfA dans la souche double recombinante, le phénotype intégral de FnBPA est récupéré. En conséquence, les facteurs de virulence sont capables de coopérer dans le but de la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré. Summary Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen causing a wide variety of disease. It is extremely well equipped with both secreted and surface-attached virulence factors, which can act as adhesins to host tissues. In total, twenty-one microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) have been identified, so far. These include well-characterized adhesins such as clumping factor A (CIfA) or fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA). However, for most of them their potential role in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections remains to be elucidated. This has been attempted in this thesis work. Firstly, the staphylococcal MSCRAMMs CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ, and SasK have been expressed in a surrogate bacterium, Lactococcus lactis, and tested for their in vitro adherence properties and their pathogenicity in the rat model of experimental endocarditis (see chapter 1). This model has successfully been used previously, and has the advantage of bypassing the complex S. aureus background of redundancies and differential regulation. Here, it is shown that of the seventeen tested potential virulence factors, only CIfA and FnBPA are critical for the pathogenesis of experimental endocarditis in rats, while internalization into bovine endothelial cells is mediated exclusively by FnBPA and FnBPB. In addition, the adherence to specific host ligands (fibrinogen, fibronectin, keratin, elastin, collagen, and fibrin-platelet clots) is highly specific and mediated by one or few staphylococcal adhesins, respectively. Thus, these surface proteins may represent potential targets for an anti-adhesive strategy against S. aureus infections. Secondly, the expression of the staphylococcal proteins by L. lactis recombinants described in chapter 1 was tested by a novel method using mass spectrometry (see chapter 2). The expression of all the staphylococcal proteins by the respective recombinant lactococcal strain could be confirmed. This method may prove to be of great value in the confirmation of the presence of any given protein in various experimental settings. Thirdly, two staphylococcal virulence factors, CIfA and a truncated form of FnBPA, were expressed simultaneously in one recombinant lactococcal strain (see chapter 3). In contrast to a recombinant strain expressing full-length FnPBA, a recombinant strain expressing a truncated FnPBA, lacking the domain capable of binding fibrinogen, completely lost infectivity in experimental endocarditis. However, it is shown that the complementation of the truncated form of FnBPA with the fibrinogenbinding domain of CIfA in a double recombinant strain results in the recovery of the complete phenotype of full-length FnBPA. Thus, virulence factors can cooperate in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections.
Mucosal immunity to the enteric pathogen Shigella flexneri is mediated by secretory IgA (S-IgA) antibodies directed against the O-antigen (O-Ag) side chain of lipopolysaccharide. While secretory antibodies against the O-Ag are known to prevent bacterial invasion of the intestinal epithelium, the mechanisms by which this occurs are not fully understood. In this study, we report that the binding of a murine monoclonal IgA (IgAC5) to the O-Ag of S. flexneri serotype 5a suppresses activity of the type 3 secretion (T3S) system, which is necessary for S. flexneri to gain entry into intestinal epithelial cells. IgAC5's effects on the T3S were rapid (5 to 15 min) and were coincident with a partial reduction in the bacterial membrane potential and a decrease in intracellular ATP levels. Activity of the T3S system returned to normal levels 45 to 90 min following antibody treatment, demonstrating that IgAC5's effects were transient. Nonetheless, these data suggest a model in which the association of IgA with the O-Ag of S. flexneri partially de-energizes the T3S system and temporarily renders the bacterium incapable of invading intestinal epithelial cells. IMPORTANCE: Secretory IgA (S-IgA) serves as the first line of defense against enteric infections. However, despite its well-recognized role in mucosal immunity, relatively little is known at the molecular level about how this class of antibody functions to prevent pathogenic bacteria from penetrating the epithelial barrier. It is generally assumed that S-IgA functions primarily by "immune exclusion," a phenomenon in which the antibody binds to microbial surface antigens and thereby promotes bacterial agglutination, entrapment in mucus, and physical clearance from the gastrointestinal tract via peristalsis. The results of the present study suggest that in addition to serving as a physical barrier, S-IgA may have a direct impact on the ability of microbial pathogens to secrete virulence factors required for invasion of intestinal epithelial cells.
MsrR, a factor contributing to methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, belongs to the LytR-CpsA-Psr family of cell envelope-associated proteins. Deletion of msrR increased cell size and aggregation, and altered envelope properties, leading to a temporary reduction in cell surface hydrophobicity, diminished colony-spreading ability, and an increased susceptibility to Congo red. The reduced phosphorus content of purified cell walls of the msrR mutant suggested a reduction in wall teichoic acids, which may explain some of the observed phenotypes. Microarray analysis of the msrR deletion mutant revealed only minor changes in the global transcriptome, suggesting that MsrR has structural rather than regulatory functions. Importantly, virulence of the msrR mutant was decreased in a nematode-killing assay as well as in rat experimental endocarditis. MsrR is therefore likely to play a role in cell envelope maintenance, cell separation, and pathogenicity of S. aureus.
Because viral replication depends on the vigour of its host, many viruses have evolved incentives of fitness to pay their keep. When the viral host is a human pathogen, these fitness factors can surface as virulence: creating a Russian doll of pathogenesis where pathogens within pathogens complicate the disease process. Microbial viruses can even be independently immunogenic, as we recently reported for leishmania-virus. Thus, the incidence of this 'hyperpathogenism' is becoming an important clinical consideration and by appreciating the microbial-virus as a backseat driver of human disease, we could exploit its presence as a diagnostic biomarker and molecular target for therapeutic intervention. Here we discuss the prevalence of clinically relevant hyperpathogenism as well as the environmental sanctuaries that breed it.
The distribution and diversity of acidophilic bacteria of a tailings impoundment at the La Andina copper mine, Chile, was examined. The tailings have low sulfide (1.7% pyrite equivalent) and carbonate (1.4% calcite equivalent) contents and are stratified into three distinct zones: a surface (0-70-80 cm) `oxidation zone' characterized by low-pH (2.5-4), a `neutralization zone' (70-80 to 300-400 cm) and an unaltered `primary zone' below 400 cm. A combined cultivation-dependent and biomolecular approach (terminal restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism and 16S rRNA clone library analysis) was used to characterize the indigenous prokaryotic communities in the mine tailings. Total cell counts showed that the microbial biomass was greatest in the top 125 cm of the tailings. The largest numbers of bacteria (10(9) g(-1) dry weight of tailings) were found at the oxidation front (the junction between the oxidation and neutralization zones), where sulfide minerals and oxygen were both present. The dominant iron-/sulfur-oxidizing bacteria identified at the oxidation front included bacteria of the genus Leptospirillum (detected by molecular methods), and Gram-positive iron-oxidizing acidophiles related to Sulfobacillus (identified both by molecular and cultivation methods). Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was also detected, albeit in relatively small numbers. Heterotrophic acidophiles related to Acidobacterium capsulatum were found by molecular methods, while another Acidobacterium-like bacterium and an Acidiphilium sp. were isolated from oxidation zone samples. A conceptual model was developed, based on microbiological and geochemical data derived from the tailings, to account for the biogeochemical evolution of the Piuquenes tailings impoundment.
The epidermis on leaves protects plants from pathogen invasion and provides a waterproof barrier. It consists of a layer of cells that is surrounded by thick cell walls, which are partially impregnated by highly hydrophobic cuticular components. We show that the Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants of REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION 2 (rwa2), previously identified as having reduced O-acetylation of both pectins and hemicelluloses, exhibit pleiotrophic phenotype on the leaf surface. The cuticle layer appeared diffused and was significantly thicker and underneath cell wall layer was interspersed with electron-dense deposits. A large number of trichomes were collapsed and surface permeability of the leaves was enhanced in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. A massive reprogramming of the transcriptome was observed in rwa2 as compared to the wild type, including a coordinated up-regulation of genes involved in responses to abiotic stress, particularly detoxification of reactive oxygen species and defense against microbial pathogens (e.g., lipid transfer proteins, peroxidases). In accordance, peroxidase activities were found to be elevated in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. These results indicate that cell wall acetylation is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of leaf epidermis, and that reduction of cell wall acetylation leads to global stress responses in Arabidopsis.
BACKGROUND: Capsular fibrosis is a severe complication after breast implantation with an uncertain etiology. Microbial colonization of the prosthesis is hypothesized as a possible reason for the low-grade infection and subsequent capsular fibrosis. Current diagnostic tests consist of intraoperative swabs and tissue biopsies. Sonication of removed implants may improve the diagnosis of implant infection by detachment of biofilms from the implant surface. METHODS: Breast implants removed from patients with Baker grades 3 and 4 capsular contracture were analyzed by sonication, and the resulting sonication fluid was quantitatively cultured. RESULTS: This study investigated 22 breast implants (6 implants with Baker 3 and 16 implants with Baker 4 capsular fibrosis) from 13 patients. The mean age of the patients was 49 years (range, 31-76 years). The mean implant indwelling time was 10.4 years (range, 3 months to 30 years). Of the 22 implants, 12 were used for breast reconstruction and 10 for aesthetic procedures. The implants were located subglandularly (n = 12), submuscularly (n = 6), and subcutaneously (n = 4). Coagulase-negative staphylococci, Propionibacterium acnes, or both were detected in the sonication fluid cultures of nine implants (41%), eight of which grew significant numbers of microorganisms (>100 colonies/ml of sonication fluid). CONCLUSIONS: Sonication detected bacteria in 41% of removed breast implants. The identified bacteria belonged to normal skin flora. Further investigation is needed to determine any causal relation between biofilms and capsular fibrosis.
The Ladinian Cassina beds belong to the fossiliferous levels of the world-famous Middle Triassic Monte San Giorgio Lagerstatte (UNESCO World Heritage List, Canton Ticino, Southern Alps). Although they are a rich archive for the depositional environment of an important thanatocoenosis, previous excavations focused on vertebrates and particularly on marine reptiles. In 2006, the Museo Cantonale di Storia Naturale (Lugano) started a new research project focusing for the first time on microfacies, micropalaeontological, palaeoecological and taphonomic analyses. So far, the upper third of the sequence has been excavated on a surface of around 40 m(2), and these new data complete those derived from new vertebrate finds (mainly fishes belonging to Saurichthys, Archaeosemionotus, Eosemionotus and Peltopleurus), allowing a better characterization of the basin. Background sedimentation on an anoxic to episodically suboxic seafloor resulted in a finely laminated succession of black shales and limestones, bearing a quasi-anaerobic biofacies, which is characterized by a monotypic benthic foraminiferal meiofauna and has been documented for the first time from the whole Monte San Giorgio sequence. Event deposition, testified by turbidites and volcaniclastic layers, is related to sediment input from basin margins and to distant volcanic eruptions, respectively. Fossil nekton points to an environment with only limited connection to the open sea. Terrestrial macroflora remains document the presence of emerged areas covered with vegetation and probably located relatively far away. Proliferation of benthic microbial mats is inferred on the basis of microfabrics, ecological considerations and taphonomic (both biostratinomic and diagenetic) features of the new vertebrate finds, whose excellent preservation is ascribed to sealing by biofilms. The occurrence of allochthonous elements allows an insight into the shallow-waters of the adjoining time-equivalent Salvatore platform. Finally, the available biostratigraphic data are critically reviewed.
Background: Plasmodium falciparum(P. falciparum) merozoite surfaceprotein 2 (MSP-2) is one of bloodstage proteins that are associated withprotection from malaria. MSP-2 consistsof a highly polymorphic centralrepeat region flanked by a dimorphicregion that defines the two allelicfamilies, 3D7 and FC27; N- and Cterminalregions are conserved domains.Long synthetic peptides (LSP)representing the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 and constant regions arerecognized by sera from donors livingin endemic areas; and specific antibodies(Abs) are associated with protectionand active in antibody dependentcellular inhibition (ADCI) in vitro.However, the fine specificity ofAb response to the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 is unknown. Methods: Peptidesrepresenting dimorphic regionof 3D7 and FC27 families and theirC-terminal (common fragment to thetwo families) termed 3D7-D (88 aa),FC27-D (48 aa) and C (40 aa) respectivelywere synthesized. Overlapping20 mer peptides covering dimorphicand constant regions of two familieswere also synthesized for epitopemapping. Human sera were obtainedfrom donors living in malaria endemicareas. SpecificDand CregionsAbs were purified from single or poolhuman sera. Sera from mice were obtainedafter immunization with thetwo families LSP mixture in three differentadjuvants: alhydrogel (Alum),Glucopyranosyl Lipid Adjuvant-Stableoil-in-water Emulsion (GLA-SE)and Virosome. For ADCI, P. falciparum(strain 3D7) parasite wasmaintained in culture at 0.5% parasitemiaand 4% hematocrit in air tightbox at love oxygen (2%) and 37 ºC.Results: We identified several epitopesfrom the dimorphic and constantregions of both families of MSP-2, inmice and humans (adults and children).In human, most recognizedepitopes were the same in differentendemic regions for each domain ofthe two families of MSP-2. In mice,the differential recognition of epitopewas depending on the strain of mouseand interestingly on the adjuvantused. GLA-SE and alum as adjuvantswere more often associated with therecognition of multiple epitopes thanvirosomes. Epitope-specific Abs recognizednative merozoites of P.falciparum and were active in ADCIto block development of parasite.Conclusion: The delineation of a limitednumber of epitopes could be exploitedto develop MSP-2 vaccinesactive on both allelic families ofMSP-2.
Activation of dendritic cells (DC) by microbial products via Toll-like receptors (TLR) is instrumental in the induction of immunity. In particular, TLR signaling plays a major role in the instruction of Th1 responses. The development of Th2 responses has been proposed to be independent of the adapter molecule myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) involved in signal transduction by TLRs. In this study we show that flagellin, the bacterial stimulus for TLR5, drives MyD88-dependent Th2-type immunity in mice. Flagellin promotes the secretion of IL-4 and IL-13 by Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells as well as IgG1 responses. The Th2-biased responses are associated with the maturation of DCs, which are shown to express TLR5. Flagellin-mediated DC activation requires MyD88 and induces NF-kappaB-dependent transcription and the production of low levels of proinflammatory cytokines. In addition, the flagellin-specific response is characterized by the lack of secretion of the Th1-promoting cytokine IL-12 p70. In conclusion, this study suggests that flagellin and, more generally, TLR ligands can control Th2 responses in a MyD88-dependent manner.
Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and MARCKS-related protein (MRP; MacMARCKS) are protein kinase C substrates in diverse cell types. Activation of murine macrophages by cytokines increases MRP expression, but infection with Leishmania promastigotes during activation results in MRP depletion. We therefore examined the effect of Leishmania major LV39 on recombinant MRP. Both live promastigotes and a soluble fraction of LV39 lysates degraded MRP to yield lower molecular weight fragments. Degradation was independent of MRP myristoylation and was inhibited by protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of MRP. MRP was similarly degraded by purified leishmanolysin (gp63), a Leishmania surface metalloprotease. Degradation was evident at low enzyme/substrate ratios, over a broad pH range, and was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and by a hydroxamate dipeptide inhibitor of leishmanolysin. Using mass spectrometric analysis, cleavage was shown to occur within the effector domain of MRP between Ser(92) and Phe(93), in accordance with the substrate specificity of leishmanolysin. Moreover, an MRP construct in which the effector domain had been deleted was resistant to cleavage. Thus, Leishmania infection may result in leishmanolysin-dependent hydrolysis of MRP, a major protein kinase C substrate in macrophages.