86 resultados para medial nucleus of the amygdala

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Abstract The amygdala is a group of nuclei in the temporal lobe of the brain that plays a crucial role in anxiety and fear behavior. Sensory information converges in the basolateral and lateral nuclei of the amygdala, which have been the first regions in the brain where the acquisition of new (fear) memories has been associated with long term changes in synaptic transmission. These nuclei, in turn, project to the central nucleus of the amygdala. The central amygdala, through its extensive projections to numerous nuclei in the midbrain and brainstem, plays a pivotal role in the orchestration of the rapid autonomic and endocrine fear responses. In the central amygdala a large number of neuropeptides and receptors is expressed, among which high levels of vasopressin and oxytocin receptors. Local injections of these peptides into the amygdala modulate several aspects of the autonomic fear reaction. Interestingly, their effects are opposing: vasopressin tends to enhance the fear reactions, whereas oxytocin has anxiolytic effects. In order to investigate the neurophysiological mechanisms that could underlie this opposing modulation of the fear behavior, we studied the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on the neuronal activity in an acute brain slice preparation of the rat central amygdala. We first assessed the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on the spontaneous activity of central amygdala neurons. Extracellular single unit recordings revealed two major populations of neurons: a majority of neurons was excited by vasopressin and inhibited by oxytocin, whereas other neurons were only excited by oxytocin receptor activation. The inhibitory effect of oxytocin could be reduced by the block of GABAergic transmission, whereas the excitatory effects of vasopressin and oxytocin were not affected. In a second step we identified the cellular mechanisms for the excitatory effects of both peptides as well as the morphological and biochemical mechanisms underlying the opposing effects, by using sharp electrode recordings together with intracellular labelings. We revealed that oxytocin-excited neurons are localized in the lateral part (CeL) whereas vasopressin excited cells are found in the medial part of the central amygdala (CeM). The tracing of the neuronal morphology showed that the axon collaterals of the oxytocin-excited neurons project from the CeL, far into the CeM. Combined immunohistochemical stainings indicated that these projections are GABAergic. In the third set of experiments we investigated the synaptic interactions between the two identified cell populations. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in the CeM revealed that the inhibitory effect of oxytocin was caused by the massive increase of inhibitory GABAergic currents, which was induced by the activation of CeL neurons. Finally, the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on evoked activity were investigated. We found on the one hand, that the probability of evoking action potentials in the CeM by stimulating the basolateral amygdala afferents was enhanced under vasopressin, whereas it decreased under oxytocin. On the other hand, the impact of cortical afferents stimulation on the CeL neurons was enhanced by oxytocin application. Taken together, these findings have allowed us to develop a model, in which the opposing behavioral effects of vasopressin and oxytocin are caused by a selective activation of two distinct populations of neurons in the GABAergic network of the central amygdala. Our model could help to develop new anxiolytic treatments, which modulate simultaneously both receptor systems. By acting on a GABAergic network, such treatments can further be tuned by combinations with classical benzodiazepines. Résumé: L'amygdale est un groupe de noyaux cérébraux localisés dans le lobe temporal. Elle joue un rôle essentiel dans les comportements liés à la peur et l'anxiété. L'information issue des aires sensorielles converge vers les noyaux amygdaliens latéraux et basolatéraux, qui sont les projections vers différents noyaux du tronc cérébral et de l'hypothalamus, joue un rôle clef premières régions dans lesquelles il a été démontré que l'acquisition d'une nouvelle mémoire (de peur) était associée à des changements à long terme de la transmission synaptique. Ces noyaux envoient leurs projections sur l'amygdale centrale, qui à travers ses propres dans l'orchestration des réponses autonomes et endocrines de peur. Le contrôle de l'activité neuronale dans l'amygdale centrale module fortement la réaction de peur. Ainsi, un grand nombre de neuropeptides sont spécifiquement exprimés dans l'amygdale centrale et un bon nombre d'entre eux interfère dans la réaction de peur et d'anxiété. Chez les rats, une forte concentration de récepteurs à l'ocytocine et à la vasopressine est exprimée dans le noyau central, et l'injection de ces peptides dans l'amygdale influence différents aspects de la réaction viscérale associée à la peur. Il est intéressant de constater que ces peptides exercent des effets opposés. Ainsi, la vasopressine augmente la réaction de peur alors que l'ocytocine a un effet anxiolytique. Afin d'investiguer les mécanismes neurophysiologiques responsables de ces effets opposés, nous avons étudié l'effet de la vasopressine et de l'ocytocine sur l'activité neuronale de préparations de tranches de cerveau de rats contenant entre autres de l'amygdale centrale. Tout d'abord, notre intérêt s'est porté sur les effets de ces deux neuropeptides sur l'activité spontanée dans l'amygdale centrale. Des enregistrements extracellulaires ont révélé différentes populations de neurones ; une majorité était excitée par la vasopressine et inhibée par l'ocytocine ; d'autres étaient seulement excités par l'activation du récepteur à l'ocytocine. L'effet inhibiteur de l'ocytocine a pu être réduit par l'inhibition de la transmission GABAergique, alors que ses effets excitateurs n'étaient pas affectés. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons identifié les mécanismes cellulaires responsables de l'effet excitateur de ces deux peptides et analysé les caractéristiques morphologiques et biochimiques des neurones affectés. Des enregistrements intracellulaires ont permis de localiser les neurones excités par l'ocytocine dans la partie latérale de l'amygdale centrale (CeL), et ceux excités par la vasopressine dans sa partie médiale (CeM). Le traçage morphologique des neurones a révélé que les collatérales axonales des cellules excitées par l'ocytocine projetaient du CeL loin dans le CeM. De plus, des colorations immuno-histochimiques ont révélé que ces projections étaient GABAergiques. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons étudié les interactions synaptiques entre ces deux populations de cellules. Les enregistrements en whole-cell patch-clamp dans le CeM ont démontré que les effets inhibiteurs de l'ocytocine résultaient de l'augmentation massive des courants GABAergique résultant de l'activation des neurones dans le CeL. Finalement, les effets de l'ocytocine et de la vasopressine sur l'activité évoquée ont été étudiés. Nous avons pu montrer que la probabilité d'évoquer un potentiel d'action dans le CeM, par stimulation de l'amygdale basolatérale, était augmentée sous l'effet de la vasopressine et diminuée sous l'action de l'ocytocine. Par contre, l'impact de la stimulation des afférences corticales sur les neurones du CeL était augmenté par l'application de l'ocytocine. L'ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de développer un modèle dans lequel les effets comportementaux opposés de la vasopressine et de l'ocytocine sont causés par une activation sélective des deux différentes populations de neurones dans un réseau GABAergique. Un tel modèle pourrait mener au développement de nouveaux traitements anxiolytiques en modulant l'activité des deux récepteurs simultanément. En agissant sur un réseau GABAergique, les effets d'un tel traitement pourraient être rendus encore plus sélectifs en association avec des benzodiazépines classiques.


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Résumé : L'amygdale latérale (AL) joue un .rôle essentiel dans la plasticité synaptique à la base du conditionnement de la peur. Malgré le faite que la majorité des cellules de l'AL reçoivent les afférentes nécessaires, une potentialisation dans seulement une partie d'entre elles est obligatoire afin que l'apprentissage de la peur ait lieu. Il a été montré que ces cellules expriment la forme active de CREB, et celui-ci a été associé aux cellules dites de type 'nonaccomrnodating' (nAC). Très récemment, une étude a impliqué les circuits récurrents de l'AL dans le conditionnement de la peur. Un lien entre ces deux observations n'a toutefois jamais été établi. t Nous avons utilisé un protocole in vitro de forte activation de l'AL, résultant dans l'induction de 'bursts' provenant de l'hippocampe et se propageant jusqu'à l'AL. Dans l'AL ces 'bursts' atteignent toutes les cellules et se propagent à travers plusieurs chemins. Utilisant ce protocole, nous avons, pour la première fois pu associer dans l'AL, des cellules connectées de manière récurrente avec des cellules de type nAC. Aussi bien dans ces dernières que dans les cellules de type 'accommodating' (AC), une diminution dans la transmission inhibitrice, à la fois exprimée de manière pré synaptique mais également indépendant de la synthèse de protéine a pu être observé. Au contraire, une potentialisation induite et exprimée au niveau pré synaptique ainsi que dépendante de la synthèse de protéine a pu être trouvé uniquement dans les cellules de type nAC. De plus, une hyperexcitabilité, dépendante des récepteurs NMDA a pu être observé, avec une sélection préférentielle des cellules du type nAC dans la génération de bursts. Nous avons également pu démontrer que la transformation d'un certain nombre de cellules de type AC en cellules dites nAC accompagnait cette augmentation générale de l'excitabilité de l'AL. Du faite da la grande quantité d'indices suggérant une connexion entre le système noradrénergique et les états de peur/d'anxiété, les effets d'une forte activation de l'AL sur ce dernier ont été investigués et ont révélés une perte de sa capacité de modulation du 'spiking pattern'. Finalement, des changements au niveau de l'expression d'un certain nombre de gènes, incluant celui codant pour le BDNF, a pu être trouvé à la suite d'une forte activation de l'AL. En raison du lien récemment décrit entre l'expression de la forme active de CREB et des cellules de type nAC ainsi que celui de l'implication des cellules de l'AL connectés de manière récurrente dans l'apprentissage de la peur, nos résultats nous permettent de suggérer un modèle expliquant comment la potentialisation des connections récurrentes entre cellules de type nAC pourrait être à la base de leur recrutement sélectif pendant le conditionnement de la peur. De plus, ils peuvent offrir des indices par rapport aux mécanismes à travers lesquels une sous population de neurones peut être réactivée par une stimulation externe précédemment inefficace, et induire ainsi un signal suffisamment fort pour qu'il soit transmit aux structures efférentes de l'AL. Abstract : The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is critically involved in the plasticity underlying fear-conditioned learning (Sah et al., 2008). Even though the majority of cells in the LA receive the necessary sensory inputs, potentiation in only a subset is required for fear learning to occur (Repa et al., 2001; Rumpel et al., 2005). These cells express active CREB (CAMP-responsive element-binding protein) (Han et al., 200, and this was related to the non-accommodating (nAC) spiking phenotype (Viosca et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2009). In addition, a very recent study implicated recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear conditioned learning (Johnson et al., 2008). A link between the two observations has however never been made. In rats, we used an in vitro protocol of strong activation of the LA, resulting in bursting activity, which spread from the hippocampus to the LA. Within the LA, this activity reached all cells and spread via a multitude of pathways. Using this model, we were able to link, for the first time, recurrently connected cells in the LA with cells of the nAC phenotype. While we found a presynaptically expressed, protein synthesis independent decrease in inhibitory synaptic transmission in both nAC and accommodating (AC) cells, only nAC cells underwent a presynaptically induced and expressed, protein synthesis dependent potentiation. Moreover we observed an NMDA dependent hyperexcitability of the LA, with a preferential selection of nAC cells into burst generation. The transformation of a subset of AC cells into nAC cells accompanied this general increase in LA excitability. Given the considerable evidence suggesting a relationship between the central noradrenergic (NA) system and fear/anxiety states (Itoi, 2008), the effects of strong activation of the LA on the noradrenergic system were investigated, which revealed a loss of its modulatory actions on cell spiking patterns. Finally, we found changes in the expression levels of a number of genes; among which the one coding for $DNF, to be induced by strong activation of the LA. In view of the recently described link between nAC cells and expression of pCREB (phosphorylated cAMP-responsive element-binding protein) as well as the involvement of recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear-conditioned learning, our findings may provide a model of how potentiation of recurrent connections between nAC neurons underlies their recruitment into the fear memory trace. Additionally, they may offer clues as to the mechanisms through which a selected subset of neurons can be reactivated by smaller, previously ineffective external stimulations to respond with a sufficiently strong signal, which can be transmitted to downstream targets of the LA.


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The aim of the present study was to characterize the discharge properties of single neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the rat. In the absence of acoustic stimulation, two types of spontaneous discharge patterns were observed: units tended to fire in a bursting or in a nonbursting mode. The distribution of units in the DNLL based on spontaneous firing rate followed a rostrocaudal gradient: units with high spontaneous rates were most commonly located in the rostral part of the DNLL, whereas in the caudal part units had lower spontaneous discharge rates. The most common response pattern of DNLL units to 200 ms binaural noise bursts contained a prominent onset response followed by a lower but steady-state response and an inhibitory response in the early-off period. Thresholds of response to noise bursts were on average higher for DNLL units than for units recorded in the inferior colliculus under the same experimental conditions. The DNLL units were arranged according to a mediolateral sensitivity gradient with the lowest threshold units in the most lateral part of the nucleus. In the rat, as in other mammals, the most common DNLL binaural input type was an excitatory response to contralateral ear stimulation and inhibitory response to ipsilateral ear stimulation (EI type). Pure tone bursts were in general a more effective stimulus compared to noise bursts. Best frequency (BF) was established for 97 DNLL units and plotted according to their spatial location. The DNLL exhibits a loose tonotopic organization, where there is a concentric pattern with high BF units located in the most dorsal and ventral parts of the DNLL and lower BF units in the middle part of the nucleus.


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The orexin/hypocretin (Orx/Hcrt) system has long been considered to regulate a wide range of physiological processes, including feeding, energy metabolism, and arousal. More recently, concordant observations have demonstrated an important role for these peptides in the reinforcing properties of most drugs of abuse. Orx/Hcrt neurons arise in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and project to all brain structures implicated in the regulation of arousal, stress, and reward. Although Orx/Hcrt neurons have been shown to massively project to the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT), only recent evidence suggested that the PVT may be a key relay of Orx/Hcrt-coded reward-related communication between the LH and both the ventral and dorsal striatum. While this thalamic region was not thought to be part of the "drug addiction circuitry," an increasing amount of evidence demonstrated that the PVT-particularly PVT Orx/Hcrt transmission-was implicated in the modulation of reward function in general and several aspects of drug-directed behaviors in particular. The present review discusses recent findings that suggest that maladaptive recruitment of PVT Orx/Hcrt signaling by drugs of abuse may promote persistent compulsive drug-seeking behavior following a period of protracted abstinence and as such may represent a relevant target for understanding the long-term vulnerability to drug relapse after withdrawal.


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Fractures or the medial wall of the orbit are uncommon and clinical signs are often discreet. This report was focused on isolated fractures of the medial wall of the orbit. Blow-out trauma is usually the cause. In these cases the clinical signs ranged from simple ecchymosis to blindness by haematoma of the orbital cone. Computed tomography is a major tool for diagnosis and making therapeutic indications for these fractures. Treatment depends on the oculomotor involvements as measured by forced duction tests.


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Glucose-sensing neurons in the brainstem participate in the regulation of energy homeostasis but have been poorly characterized because of the lack of specific markers to identify them. Here we show that GLUT2-expressing neurons of the nucleus of the tractus solitarius form a distinct population of hypoglycemia-activated neurons. Their response to low glucose is mediated by reduced intracellular glucose metabolism, increased AMP-activated protein kinase activity, and closure of leak K(+) channels. These are GABAergic neurons that send projections to the vagal motor nucleus. Light-induced stimulation of channelrhodospin-expressing GLUT2 neurons in vivo led to increased parasympathetic nerve firing and glucagon secretion. Thus GLUT2 neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius link hypoglycemia detection to counterregulatory response. These results may help identify the cause of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure, a major threat in the insulin treatment of diabetes.


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INTRODUCTION: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) is a non-invasive neurosurgical stereotactic procedure, increasingly used as an alternative to open functional procedures. This includes targeting of the ventro-intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (e.g. Vim) for tremor. We currently perform an indirect targeting, as the Vim is not visible on current 3Tesla MRI acquisitions. Our objective was to enhance anatomic imaging (aiming at refining the precision of anatomic target selection by direct visualisation) in patients treated for tremor with Vim GKS, by using high field 7T MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODSH: Five young healthy subjects were scanned on 3 (T1-w and diffusion tensor imaging) and 7T (high-resolution susceptibility weighted images (SWI)) MRI in Lausanne. All images were further integrated for the first time into the Gamma Plan Software(®) (Elekta Instruments, AB, Sweden) and co-registered (with T1 was a reference). A simulation of targeting of the Vim was done using various methods on the 3T images. Furthermore, a correlation with the position of the found target with the 7T SWI was performed. The atlas of Morel et al. (Zurich, CH) was used to confirm the findings on a detailed analysis inside/outside the Gamma Plan. RESULTS: The use of SWI provided us with a superior resolution and an improved image contrast within the basal ganglia. This allowed visualization and direct delineation of some subgroups of thalamic nuclei in vivo, including the Vim. The position of the target, as assessed on 3T, perfectly matched with the supposed one of the Vim on the SWI. Furthermore, a 3-dimensional model of the Vim-target area was created on the basis of the obtained images. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of the integration of SWI high field MRI into the LGP, aiming at the improvement of targeting validation of the Vim in tremor. The anatomical correlation between the direct visualization on 7T and the current targeting methods on 3T (e.g. quadrilatere of Guyot, histological atlases) seems to show a very good anatomical matching. Further studies are needed to validate this technique, both by improving the accuracy of the targeting of the Vim (potentially also other thalamic nuclei) and to perform clinical assessment.


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Aim: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) is a non-invasive neurosurgical stereotactic procedure, increasingly used as an alternative to open functional procedures. This includes the targeting of the ventro-intermediate (Vim) nucleus of the thalamus for tremor. We currently perform an indirect targeting, using the "quadrilatere of Guyot," as the Vim nucleus is not visible on current 3 Tesla (T) MRI acquisitions. The primary objective of the current study was to enhance anatomic imaging for Vim GKS using high-field (7 T) MRI, with the aim of refining the visualization and precision of anatomical targeting. Method: Five young healthy subjects (mean age 23 years) were scanned both on 3 and 7 T MRI in Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM). Classical T1-weighted MPRAGE, T2 CISS sequences (replacing former ventriculography) and diffusion tensor imaging were acquired at 3T. We obtained high-resolution susceptibility weighted images (SWI) at 7T for the visualization of thalamic subparts. SWI was further integrated for the first time into Leksell Gamma Plan® (LGP) software and co-registered with the 3T images. A simulation of targeting of the Vim was done using the "quadrilatere of Guyot" methodology on the 3T images. Furthermore, a correlation with the position of the found target on SWI was performed. The atlas of Morel et al. was used to confirm the findings on a detailed computer analysis outside LGP. Also, 3T and 7T MRI of one patient undergoing GKS Vim thalamotomy, were obtained before and 2 years after the procedure, and studied similarly. Results: The use of SWI provided a superior resolution and improved image contrast within the central gray matter. This allowed visualization and direct delineation of groups of thalamic nuclei in vivo, including the Vim. The position of the target, as assessed with the "quadrilatere of Guyot" method on 3 T, perfectly matched with the supposed one of the Vim on the SWI. Furthermore, a 3-dimensional model of the Vim target area was created on the basis of 3T and 7T images. Conclusion: This is the first report of the integration of SWI high-field MRI into the LGP in healthy subjects and in one patient treated GKS Vim thalamotomy. This approach aims at the improvement of targeting validation and further direct targeting of the Vim in tremor. The anatomical correlation between the direct visualization on 7T and the current targeting methods on 3T seems to show a very good anatomical matching.


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Introduction: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) is a noninvasive neurosurgical stereotactic procedure, increasingly used as an alternative to open functional procedures. This includes the targeting of the ventrointermediate nucleus of the thalamus (e.g., Vim) for tremor. Objective: To enhance anatomic imaging for Vim GKS using high-field (7 T) MRI and Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI). Methods: Five young healthy subjects and two patients were scanned both on 3 and 7 T MRI. The protocol was the same in all cases, and included: T1-weighted (T1w) and DWI at 3T; susceptibility weighted images (SWI) at 7T for the visualization of thalamic subparts. SWI was further integrated into the Gamma Plan Software® (LGP, Elekta Instruments, AB, Sweden) and co-registered with 3T images. A simulation of targeting of the Vim was done using the quadrilatere of Guyot. Furthermore, a correlation with the position of the found target on SWI and also on DWI (after clustering of the different thalamic nuclei) was performed. Results: For the 5 healthy subjects, there was a good correlation between the position of the Vim on SWI, DWI and the GKS targeting. For the patients, on the pretherapeutic acquisitions, SWI helped in positioning the target. For posttherapeutic sequences, SWI supposed position of the Vim matched the corresponding contrast enhancement seen at follow-up MRI. Additionally, on the patient's follow-up T1w images, we could observe a small area of contrast-enhancement corresponding to the target used in GKS (e.g., Vim), which belongs to the Ventral-Lateral-Ventral (VLV) nuclei group. Our clustering method resulted in seven thalamic groups. Conclusion: The use of SWI provided us with a superior resolution and an improved image contrast within the central gray matter, enabling us to directly visualize the Vim. We additionally propose a novel robust method for segmenting the thalamus in seven anatomical groups based on DWI. The localization of the GKS target on the follow-up T1w images, as well as the position of the Vim on 7 T, have been used as a gold standard for the validation of VLV cluster's emplacement. The contrast enhancement corresponding to the targeted area was always localized inside the expected cluster, providing strong evidence of the VLV segmentation accuracy. The anatomical correlation between the direct visualization on 7T and the current targeting methods on 3T (e.g., quadrilatere of Guyot, histological atlases, DWI) seems to show a very good anatomical matching.


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HYPOTHESIS: The nonanatomical design of reverse shoulder prostheses induce medial displacement of the center of rotation, impingements and may reduce the mobility of the shoulder. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that during activities of daily living functional mobility of the shoulder can be restored by scapular compensation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A numerical 3-dimensional model was developed to reproduce the movement of the scapula and humerus, during 4 activities of daily living measured experimentally. This hypothesis was tested in 4 configurations of the aequalis reverse prosthesis (standard 36-mm glenosphere, 42-mm glenosphere, lateralized 36-mm glenosphere, lateralized Bony Increased-Offset Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty [BIO-RSA]), which were implanted in the virtual model. All impingement positions were evaluated, as the required scapular compensation to avoid impingements. RESULTS: With the 36-mm glenosphere, impingements occurred only for rest of hand to back-pocket positions. The 42-mm partly improved the mobility. The 2 lateralized glenospheres were free of impingement. When impingements occurred, the scapular compensation was less than 10°. CONCLUSION: Most reverse prostheses impingements reported in clinical and biomechanical studies can be avoided, either by scapular compensation or by a glenosphere lateralization. After reverse shoulder arthroplasty, a fraction of the mobility of the gleno-humeral is transferred to the scapulo-thoracic joint.


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Telomerase activity, not detectable in somatic cells but frequently activated during carcinogenesis, confers immortality to tumors. Mechanisms governing expression of the catalytic subunit hTERT, the limiting factor for telomerase activity, still remain unclear. We previously proposed a model in which the binding of the transcription factor CTCF to the two first exons of hTERT results in transcriptional inhibition in normal cells. This inhibition is abrogated, however, by methylation of CTCF binding sites in 85% of tumors. Here, we showed that hTERT was unmethylated in testicular and ovarian tumors and in derivative cell lines. We demonstrated that CTCF and its paralogue, BORIS/CTCFL, were both present in the nucleus of the same cancer cells and bound to the first exon of hTERT in vivo. Moreover, exogenous BORIS expression in normal BORIS-negative cells was sufficient to activate hTERT transcription with an increasing number of cell passages. Thus, expression of BORIS was sufficient to allow hTERT transcription in normal cells and to counteract the inhibitory effect of CTCF in testicular and ovarian tumor cells. These results define an important contribution of BORIS to immortalization during tumorigenesis.


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Steroid receptors are nuclear proteins that regulate gene transcription in a ligand-dependent manner. Over-expression of the Xenopus estrogen receptor in a vaccinia virus-derived expression system revealed that the receptor localized exclusively in the nucleus of the infected cells, irrespective of the presence or absence of the ligand. Furthermore, two forms of the receptor were produced, a full-length and a N-terminal truncated version, which are translated from a single mRNA species by the use of two AUG within the same reading frame. These 66- and 61-kDa receptors were also observed after in vitro translation of the mRNA as well as in primary Xenopus hepatocytes. Both forms are potent estrogen-dependent transcriptional activators in transient transfection experiments, as well as in in vitro transcription assays.


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Cocaine-induced neuroadaptation of stress-related circuitry and increased access to cocaine each putatively contribute to the transition from cocaine use to cocaine dependence. The present study tested the hypothesis that rats receiving extended versus brief daily access to cocaine would exhibit regional differences in levels of the stress-regulatory neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). A secondary goal was to explore how CRF levels change in relation to the time since cocaine self-administration. Male Wistar rats acquired operant self-administration of cocaine and were assigned to receive daily long access (6 hours/day, LgA, n = 20) or short access (1 hour/day, ShA, n = 18) to intravenous cocaine self-administration (fixed ratio 1, ∼0.50 mg/kg/infusion). After at least 3 weeks, tissue CRF immunoreactivity was measured at one of three timepoints: pre-session, post-session or 3 hours post-session. LgA, but not ShA, rats showed increased total session and first-hour cocaine intake. CRF immunoreactivity increased within the dorsal raphe (DR) and basolateral, but not central, nucleus of the amygdala (BLA, CeA) of ShA rats from pre-session to 3 hours post-session. In LgA rats, CRF immunoreactivity increased from pre-session to 3 hours post-session within the CeA and DR but tended to decrease in the BLA. LgA rats showed higher CRF levels than ShA rats in the DR and, pre-session, in the BLA. Thus, voluntary cocaine intake engages stress-regulatory CRF systems of the DR and amygdala. Increased availability of cocaine promotes greater tissue CRF levels in these extrahypothalamic brain regions, changes associated here with a model of cocaine dependence.


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Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that can reduce neophobia and improve social affiliation. In vitro, oxytocin induces a massive release of GABA from neurons in the lateral division of the central amygdala which results in inhibition of a subpopulation of peripherally projecting neurons in the medial division of the central amygdala (CeM). Common anxiolytics, such as diazepam, act as allosteric modulators of GABA(A) receptors. Because oxytocin and diazepam act on GABAergic transmission, it is possible that oxytocin can potentiate the inhibitory effects of diazepam if both exert their pre, - respectively postsynaptic effects on the same inhibitory circuit in the central amygdala. We found that in CeM neurons in which diazepam increased the inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC) decay time, TGOT (a specific oxytocin receptor agonist) increased IPSC frequency. Combined application of diazepam and TGOT resulted in generation of IPSCs with increased frequency, decay times as well as amplitudes. While individual saturating concentrations of TGOT and diazepam each decreased spontaneous spiking frequency of CeM neurons to similar extent, co-application of the two was still able to cause a significantly larger decrease. These findings show that oxytocin and diazepam act on different components of the same GABAergic circuit in the central amygdala and that oxytocin can facilitate diazepam effects when used in combination. This raises the possibility that neuropeptides could be clinically used in combination with currently used anxiolytic treatments to improve their therapeutic efficacy.


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The amygdala is part of a neural network that contributes to the regulation of emotional behaviors. Rodents, especially rats, are used extensively as model organisms to decipher the functions of specific amygdala nuclei, in particular in relation to fear and emotional learning. Analysis of the role of the nonhuman primate amygdala in these functions has lagged work in the rodent but provides evidence for conservation of basic functions across species. Here we provide quantitative information regarding the morphological characteristics of the main amygdala nuclei in rats and monkeys, including neuron and glial cell numbers, neuronal soma size, and individual nuclei volumes. The volumes of the lateral, basal, and accessory basal nuclei were, respectively, 32, 39, and 39 times larger in monkeys than in rats. In contrast, the central and medial nuclei were only 8 and 4 times larger in monkeys than in rats. The numbers of neurons in the lateral, basal, and accessory basal nuclei were 14, 11, and 16 times greater in monkeys than in rats, whereas the numbers of neurons in the central and medial nuclei were only 2.3 and 1.5 times greater in monkeys than in rats. Neuron density was between 2.4 and 3.7 times lower in monkeys than in rats, whereas glial density was only between 1.1 and 1.7 times lower in monkeys than in rats. We compare our data in rats and monkeys with those previously published in humans and discuss the theoretical and functional implications that derive from our quantitative structural findings.