167 resultados para max-semistable domain of attraction
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Myhre syndrome (MIM 139210) is a developmental disorder characterized by short stature, short hands and feet, facial dysmorphism, muscular hypertrophy, deafness and cognitive delay. Using exome sequencing of individuals with Myhre syndrome, we identified SMAD4 as a candidate gene that contributes to this syndrome on the basis of its pivotal role in the bone morphogenetic pathway (BMP) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling. We identified three distinct heterozygous missense SMAD4 mutations affecting the codon for Ile500 in 11 individuals with Myhre syndrome. All three mutations are located in the region of SMAD4 encoding the Mad homology 2 (MH2) domain near the site of monoubiquitination at Lys519, and we found a defect in SMAD4 ubiquitination in fibroblasts from affected individuals. We also observed decreased expression of downstream TGF-β target genes, supporting the idea of impaired TGF-β-mediated transcriptional control in individuals with Myhre syndrome.
Serine repeat antigen 5 (SERA5) is an abundant antigen of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and is the most strongly expressed member of the nine-gene SERA family. It appears to be essential for the maintenance of the erythrocytic cycle, unlike a number of other members of this family, and has been implicated in parasite egress and/or erythrocyte invasion. All SERA proteins possess a central domain that has homology to papain except in the case of SERA5 (and some other SERAs), where the active site cysteine has been replaced with a serine. To investigate if this domain retains catalytic activity, we expressed, purified, and refolded a recombinant form of the SERA5 enzyme domain. This protein possessed chymotrypsin-like proteolytic activity as it processed substrates downstream of aromatic residues, and its activity was reversed by the serine protease inhibitor 3,4-diisocoumarin. Although all Plasmodium SERA enzyme domain sequences share considerable homology, phylogenetic studies revealed two distinct clusters across the genus, separated according to whether they possess an active site serine or cysteine. All Plasmodia appear to have at least one member of each group. Consistent with separate biological roles for members of these two clusters, molecular modeling studies revealed that SERA5 and SERA6 enzyme domains have dramatically different surface properties, although both have a characteristic papain-like fold, catalytic cleft, and an appropriately positioned catalytic triad. This study provides impetus for the examination of SERA5 as a target for antimalarial drug design.
The stress-activated protein kinase c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) is a central signal for interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta)-induced apoptosis in insulin-producing beta-cells. The cell-permeable peptide inhibitor of JNK (JNKI1), that introduces the JNK binding domain (JBD) of the scaffold protein islet-brain 1 (IB1) inside cells, effectively prevents beta-cell death caused by this cytokine. To define the molecular targets of JNK involved in cytokine-induced beta-cell apoptosis we investigated whether JNKI1 or stable expression of JBD affected the expression of selected pro- and anti-apoptotic genes induced in rat (RIN-5AH-T2B) and mouse (betaTC3) insulinoma cells exposed to IL-1beta. Inhibition of JNK significantly reduced phosphorylation of the specific JNK substrate c-Jun (p<0.05), IL-1beta-induced apoptosis (p<0.001), and IL-1beta-mediated c-fos gene expression. However, neither JNKI1 nor JBD did influence IL-1beta-induced NO synthesis or iNOS expression or the transcription of the genes encoding mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione-S-transferase rho (GSTrho), heat shock protein (HSP) 70, IL-1beta-converting enzyme (ICE), caspase-3, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL. We suggest that the anti-apoptotic effect of JNK inhibition by JBD is independent of the transcription of major pro- and anti-apoptotic genes, but may be exerted at the translational or posttranslational level.
We report the case of a woman with syncope and persistently prolonged QTc interval. Screening of congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) genes revealed that she was a heterozygous carrier of a novel KCNH2 mutation, c.G238C. Electrophysiological and biochemical characterizations unveiled the pathogenicity of this new mutation, displaying a 2-fold reduction in protein expression and current density due to a maturation/trafficking-deficient mechanism. The patient's phenotype can be fully explained by this observation. This study illustrates the importance of performing genetic analyses and mutation characterization when there is a suspicion of congenital LQTS. Identifying mutations in the PAS domain or other domains of the hERG1 channel and understanding their effect may provide more focused and mutation-specific risk assessment in this population.
Mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) cause a variety of craniosynostosis syndromes. The mutational spectrum tends to be narrow with the majority of mutations occurring in either exon IIIa or IIIc or in the intronic sequence preceding exon IIIc. Mutations outside of this hotspot are uncommon and the few identified mutations have demonstrated wide clinical variability, making it difficult to establish a clear-cut genotype-phenotype correlation. To better delineate the clinical picture associated with these unusual mutations, we describe a severely affected patient with Pfeiffer syndrome and a missense mutation in the tyrosine kinase (TK) domain of FGFR2.
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, leptodactylic type (lepto-SEMDJL, aka SEMDJL, Hall type), is an autosomal dominant skeletal disorder that, in spite of being relatively common among skeletal dysplasias, has eluded molecular elucidation so far. We used whole-exome sequencing of five unrelated individuals with lepto-SEMDJL to identify mutations in KIF22 as the cause of this skeletal condition. Missense mutations affecting one of two adjacent amino acids in the motor domain of KIF22 were present in 20 familial cases from eight families and in 12 other sporadic cases. The skeletal and connective tissue phenotype produced by these specific mutations point to functions of KIF22 beyond those previously ascribed functions involving chromosome segregation. Although we have found Kif22 to be strongly upregulated at the growth plate, the precise pathogenetic mechanisms remain to be elucidated.
RelA (NF-kappaB) is a transcription factor inducible by distinct stimuli in many different cell types. To find new cell type specific cofactors of NF-kappaB dependent transcription, we isolated RelA transcription activation domain binding proteins from the nuclear extracts of three different cell types. Analysis by electrophoresis and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry identified several novel putative molecular partners. Some were strongly enriched in the complex formed from the nuclear extracts of specific cell types.
BACKGROUND: NR2E3 (PNR) is an orphan nuclear receptor essential for proper photoreceptor determination and differentiation. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively inherited enhanced short wavelength sensitive (S-) cone syndrome (ESCS) and, more recently, with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). NR2E3 acts as a suppressor of the cone generation program in late mitotic retinal progenitor cells. In adult rod photoreceptors, NR2E3 represses cone-specific gene expression and acts in concert with the transcription factors CRX and NRL to activate rod-specific genes. NR2E3 and CRX have been shown to physically interact in vitro through their respective DNA-binding domains (DBD). The DBD also contributes to homo- and heterodimerization of nuclear receptors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We analyzed NR2E3 homodimerization and NR2E3/CRX complex formation in an in vivo situation by Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET(2)). NR2E3 wild-type protein formed homodimers in transiently transfected HEK293T cells. NR2E3 homodimerization was impaired in presence of disease-causing mutations in the DBD, except for the p.R76Q and p.R104W mutant proteins. Strikingly, the adRP-linked p.G56R mutant protein interacted with CRX with a similar efficiency to that of NR2E3 wild-type and p.R311Q proteins. In contrast, all other NR2E3 DBD-mutant proteins did not interact with CRX. The p.G56R mutant protein was also more effective in abolishing the potentiation of rhodospin gene transactivation by the NR2E3 wild-type protein. In addition, the p.G56R mutant enhanced the transrepression of the M- and S-opsin promoter, while all other NR2E3 DBD-mutants did not. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest different disease mechanisms in adRP- and ESCS-patients carrying NR2E3 mutations. Titration of CRX by the p.G56R mutant protein acting as a repressor in trans may account for the severe clinical phenotype in adRP patients.
Collective evidence indicates that motor neuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is non-cell-autonomous and requires the interaction with the neighboring astrocytes. Recently, we reported that a subpopulation of spinal cord astrocytes degenerates in the microenvironment of motor neurons in the hSOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Mechanistic studies in vitro identified a role for the excitatory amino acid glutamate in the gliodegenerative process via the activation of its inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3))-generating metabotropic receptor 5 (mGluR5). Since non-physiological formation of IP(3) can prompt IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R)-mediated Ca(2+) release from the intracellular stores and trigger various forms of cell death, here we investigated the intracellular Ca(2+) signaling that occurs downstream of mGluR5 in hSOD1(G93A)-expressing astrocytes. Contrary to wild-type cells, stimulation of mGluR5 causes aberrant and persistent elevations of intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](i)) in the absence of spontaneous oscillations. The interaction of IP(3)Rs with the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-X(L) was previously described to prevent cell death by modulating intracellular Ca(2+) signals. In mutant SOD1-expressing astrocytes, we found that the sole BH4 domain of Bcl-X(L), fused to the protein transduction domain of the HIV-1 TAT protein (TAT-BH4), is sufficient to restore sustained Ca(2+) oscillations and cell death resistance. Furthermore, chronic treatment of hSOD1(G93A) mice with the TAT-BH4 peptide reduces focal degeneration of astrocytes, slightly delays the onset of the disease and improves both motor performance and animal lifespan. Our results point at TAT-BH4 as a novel glioprotective agent with a therapeutic potential for ALS.
Proteins located on the surface of the pathogenic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are objects of intensive studies due to their important role in the invasion of human cells and the accessibility to host antibodies thus making these proteins attractive vaccine candidates. One of these proteins, merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) represents a leading component among vaccine candidates; however, little is known about its structure and function. Our biophysical studies suggest that the 40 residue C-terminal domain of MSP3 protein self-assembles into a four-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil structure where alpha-helices are packed "side-by-side". A bioinformatics analysis provides an extended list of known and putative proteins from different species of Plasmodium which have such MSP3-like C-terminal domains. This finding allowed us to extend some conclusions of our studies to a larger group of the malaria surface proteins. Possible structural and functional roles of these highly conserved oligomerization domains in the intact merozoite surface proteins are discussed.
A combined Ar-40/Ar-39, K/Ar, Rb/Sr and stable isotope study has been made of white micas from the Gummfluh klippe (Brianconnais domain of the Prealpes), Switzerland. The klippe consists mainly of Mesozoic to early Tertiary carbonate rocks metamorphosed from anchizonal to epizonal conditions. At the base of the klippe is a 10-50 m thick, ductilely deformed marble mylonite containing deformed authigenic quartz segregations. Stable isotope measurements of the coexisting calcite (deltaO-18SMOW=24.5) and quartz (deltaO-18SMOW=28.4) from the mylonite indicate relatively low temperatures (< 300-degreesC) during mylonitization. Analyses of white mica separates of varying size fractions from the mylonitic rocks by K/Ar and Rb/Sr techniques yield ages between 57 and 103 Ma. This variation is correlated with two parameters, the size of the mineral fraction, and the proportion of 2M1 (more phengitic) to 1M (more muscovitic) polytype in the sample. The K/Ar and Rb/Sr ages are generally younger in the smaller size fractions, which also containless 2M1 phengite. High precision Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectra from different size fractions of these micas record three distinct components, a small Hercynian component (ca. 200-300 Ma), a significant Eoalpine component (64-80 Ma) forming Ar-40/Ar-39 age plateaus, and a very minor Tertiary component (ca. 20-40 Ma). Characterization of the samples by SEM indicates the presence of two white mica populations, a coarser grained, deformed, detrital mica that probably corresponds to the 2M1 phengite and a finer grained neoformed 1M mica. Collectively these observations suggest that the Gummfluh samples contain a mixture of detrital phengites of Hercynian age together with neocrystallized muscovites grown during the late Eoalpine metamorphic event followed by minor argon loss during the Tertiary. The main geologic episode recorded in the Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectra of white micas in the mylonite is of Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary age (64-80 Ma), representing the first reliable Eoalpine ages ever to be reported from the Prealpes. Contrary to tectonic models, the marble mylonite at the base of the Gummfluh klippe appears to be a Cretaceous thrust plane and not the thrust surface formed during transport of the klippe into its present position from the Penninic Alps during the Tertiary. The late Cretaceous thrust developed during marine sedimentation at a depth of 800 m below the seafloor at temperatures of approximately 280-degrees-C, facilitated by warm fluids along the tectonic discontinuity.
Regulator of G-protein signalling (RGS) proteins negatively regulate heterotrimeric G-protein signalling through their conserved RGS domains. RGS domains act as GTPase-activating proteins, accelerating the GTP hydrolysis rate of the activated form of Gα-subunits. Although omnipresent in eukaryotes, RGS proteins have not been adequately analysed in non-mammalian organisms. The Drosophila melanogaster Gαo-subunit and the RGS domain of its interacting partner CG5036 have been overproduced and purified; the crystallization of the complex of the two proteins using PEG 4000 as a crystallizing agent and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis are reported. Diffraction data were collected to 2.0 Å resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source.
Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis (MCTO) is a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by aggressive osteolysis, particularly affecting the carpal and tarsal bones, and is frequently associated with progressive renal failure. Using exome capture and next-generation sequencing in five unrelated simplex cases of MCTO, we identified previously unreported missense mutations clustering within a 51 base pair region of the single exon of MAFB, validated by Sanger sequencing. A further six unrelated simplex cases with MCTO were also heterozygous for previously unreported mutations within this same region, as were affected members of two families with autosomal-dominant MCTO. MAFB encodes a transcription factor that negatively regulates RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and is essential for normal renal development. Identification of this gene paves the way for development of novel therapeutic approaches for this crippling disease and provides insight into normal bone and kidney development.
The N-terminal domain of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) has been largely neglected in the search for a malaria vaccine in spite of being a target of inhibitory antibodies and protective T cell responses in mice. Thus, in order to develop this region as a vaccine candidate to be eventually associated with other candidates and, in particular, with the very advanced C-terminal counterpart, synthetic constructs representing N- and C-terminal regions of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei CSP were administered as single or combined formulations in mice. We show that the antisera generated against the combinations inhibit sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes in vitro better than antisera against single peptides. Furthermore, two different P. falciparum CSP N-terminal constructs (PfCS22-110 and PfCS65-110) were recognized by serum samples from people living in malaria-endemic regions. Importantly, recognition of the short N-terminal peptide (PfCS65-110) by sera from children living in a malaria-endemic region was associated with protection from disease. Taken together, these results underline the potential of using such fragments as malaria vaccine candidates.