7 resultados para mastication and deglutition

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess the long-term outcome of 57 pediatric patients who underwent partial cricotracheal resection for subglottic stenosis. METHODS: Eighty-one pediatric partial cricotracheal resections were performed in our tertiary care institution between 1978 and 2004. Fifty-seven patients had a minimal follow-up time of 1 year and were included in this study. Evaluation was based on the last laryngotracheal endoscopy, the responses to a questionnaire, and a retrospective review of the patient's data. The following parameters were analyzed: decannulation rates, breathing, voice quality, and deglutition. RESULTS: A single-stage partial cricotracheal resection was performed in 38 patients, and a double-stage procedure was performed in 19 patients. Sixteen patients underwent an extended partial cricotracheal resection (ie, partial cricotracheal resection combined with another open procedure). At a median follow-up time of 5.1 years, the decannulation rates after a single- or double-stage procedure were 97.4% and 95%, respectively. Two patients remained tracheotomy dependent. One patient had moderate exertional dyspnea, and all other patients had no exertional dyspnea. Voice quality was found to improve after surgical intervention for 1 +/- 1.34 grade dysphonia (P < .0001) according to the adapted GRBAS grading system (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, and Strain). CONCLUSIONS: Partial cricotracheal resection provides good results for grades III and IV subglottic stenosis as primary or salvage operations. The procedure has no deleterious effects on laryngeal growth and function. The quality of voice significantly improves after surgical intervention but largely depends on the preoperative condition.


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The identification of a distinct syndrome, designated eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), with its own clinical and histopathological characteristics, was first described in the early 1990s. Meanwhile intense research has uncovered many molecular, immunological and clinical aspects of this chronic-inflammatory disorder. This article focuses exclusively on basic and clinical insights of EoE gathered during the last few years. Regarding aetiopathogenesis it has become clear that EoE is a food-triggered disease with milk and wheat as the dominant culprit food categories. However, it is still debated whether a disturbed mucosal integrity allowing allergens to cross the mucosal barrier, or changes in wheat and milk manufacturing might induce these inflammatory responses. Furthermore, basic science and clinical studies have accordingly confirmed that a chronic eosinophilic inflammation leads to a remodelling of the oesophagus with micro- and macro-morphological alterations, ending in a strictured oesophagus with impaired function. Fortunately, long-term therapeutic trials, using either topical corticosteroids or dietary allergen avoidance, have demonstrated that this sequela can be prevented or even reversed. This finding is of clinical relevance as it supports the initiation of a consistent anti-inflammatory therapy. Nevertheless, EoE is still an enigmatic disease and the long list of unanswered questions will certainly stimulate further research.


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OBJECTIVES: To delineate the various factors contributing to failure or delay in decannulation after partial cricotracheal resection (PCTR) in children. STUDY DESIGN: Case series. SETTING: Academic tertiary medical center. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A retrospective case review of 100 children who underwent PCTR between 1978 and 2008 for severe subglottic stenosis using an ongoing database. RESULTS: Ninety of 100 (90%) patients were decannulated. Six patients needed secondary tracheostomy. The results of the preoperative evaluation showed grade II stenosis in four patients, grade III in 64 patients, and grade IV in 32 patients. The overall decannulation rate was 100 percent in grade II, 95 percent in grade III, and 78 percent in grade IV stenosis. Fourteen (14%) patients required revision open surgery. The most common cause of revision surgery was posterior glottic stenosis. Partial anastomotic dehiscence was seen in four patients. Delayed decannulation (>1 year) occurred in nine patients. Overall mortality rate in the whole series was 6 percent. No deaths were directly related to the surgery. No iatrogenic recurrent laryngeal nerve injury was present in the entire series. CONCLUSION: Comorbidities and associated syndromes should be addressed before PCTR is planned to improve the final postoperative outcome in terms of decannulation. Perioperative morbidity due to anastomotic dehiscence, to a certain extent, can be avoided by intraoperative judgment in the selection of double-stage surgery when more than five tracheal rings need to be resected. Subglottic stenosis with glottic involvement continues to pose a difficult challenge to pediatric otolaryngologists, often necessitating revision procedures.


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Les manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien sont fréquentes. La pH-impédancemétrie permet d’évaluer des reflux acides ou non acides et de déterminer leur extension proximale. A la lumière de deux patients de notre collectif, nous observons une corrélation entre reflux non acide et symptômes ORL dans le premier cas et une suppression acide insuffisante dans le deuxième cas. Ces résultats nous orientent vers un traitement spécifique complémentaire aux inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons. La pH-impédancemétrie détecte les reflux aussi bien acides que non acides, et analyse la concordance entre les symptômes et les épisodes de reflux. Elle permet ainsi une meilleure compréhension des manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien et une prise en charge thérapeutique mieux adaptée. ENT symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux are frequent. pH-impedance can detect acid and non-acid reflux and measure their proximal extension. The technique identifies the refluxate by changes in impedance. We discuss 2 clinical situations where correlation of symptoms could be explained by a non-acid reflux in the first case, and a lack of acid suppression in the second case, respectively. These results lead to a specific additional treatment to proton pump inhibitors (PPI). This technology provides a better understanding of the pathogenesis of reflux laryngitis, and affords the prescription of PPI on a proven diagnosis. Detection of non-acid reflux leads to an optimized medical treatment.


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La chirurgie bariatrique est le seul traitement qui permette une perte pondérale significative sur le long terme mais le succès d'une telle intervention repose avant tout dans une sélection et une préparation attentive du patient. Une bonne connaissance des implications de l'opération permet de favoriser un changement de comportement alimentaire et par là aussi de diminuer les complications et les désagréments alimentaires. L'éducation du patient n'a de sens que si elle s'inscrit dans une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire, comprenant également un suivi diététique, planifié sur le long terme. La mastication, la vitesse d'ingestion des aliments, le fait de renoncer aux boissons gazeuses et de devoir boire régulièrement entre les repas, sont les éléments les plus difficiles à mettre en place pour le patient. Bariatric surgery is the only treatment inducing effective weight loss on the long term. The success of such an intervention is possible by carefully selecting and educating the candidates. Good understanding of the bariatric surgery implications allows the patients to modify their eating habits and thus decrease complications and food intolerance. Therefore patient education requires a multidisciplinary approach which implies the follow-up of a dietician on the long term. Mastication, speed of food ingestion, avoidance of carbonated beverages as well as the obligation to drink at frequent and regular intervals are the most difficult aspects to be taught to the patients