49 resultados para influenza humana

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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OBJECTIVES: This study aimed at investigating whether data from medical teleconsultations may contribute to influenza surveillance. METHODS: International Classification of Primary Care 2nd Edition (ICPC-2) codes were used to analyse the proportion of teleconsultations due to influenza-related symptoms. Results were compared with the weekly Swiss Sentinel reports. RESULTS: When using the ICPC-2 code for fever we could reproduce the seasonal influenza peaks of the winter seasons 07/08, 08/09 and 09/10 as depicted by the Sentinel data. For the pandemic influenza 09/10, we detected a much higher first peak in summer 2009 which correlated with a potential underreporting in the Sentinel system. CONCLUSIONS: ICPC-2 data from medical teleconsultations allows influenza surveillance in real time and correlates very well with the Swiss Sentinel system.


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Background Individual signs and symptoms are of limited value for the diagnosis of influenza. Objective To develop a decision tree for the diagnosis of influenza based on a classification and regression tree (CART) analysis. Methods Data from two previous similar cohort studies were assembled into a single dataset. The data were randomly divided into a development set (70%) and a validation set (30%). We used CART analysis to develop three models that maximize the number of patients who do not require diagnostic testing prior to treatment decisions. The validation set was used to evaluate overfitting of the model to the training set. Results Model 1 has seven terminal nodes based on temperature, the onset of symptoms and the presence of chills, cough and myalgia. Model 2 was a simpler tree with only two splits based on temperature and the presence of chills. Model 3 was developed with temperature as a dichotomous variable (≥38°C) and had only two splits based on the presence of fever and myalgia. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCC) for the development and validation sets, respectively, were 0.82 and 0.80 for Model 1, 0.75 and 0.76 for Model 2 and 0.76 and 0.77 for Model 3. Model 2 classified 67% of patients in the validation group into a high- or low-risk group compared with only 38% for Model 1 and 54% for Model 3. Conclusions A simple decision tree (Model 2) classified two-thirds of patients as low or high risk and had an AUROCC of 0.76. After further validation in an independent population, this CART model could support clinical decision making regarding influenza, with low-risk patients requiring no further evaluation for influenza and high-risk patients being candidates for empiric symptomatic or drug therapy.


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Résumé La performance diagnostic des signes et symptômes de la grippe a principalement été étudiée dans le cadre d'études contrôlées avec des critères d'inclusion stricts. Il apparaît nécessaire d'évaluer ces prédicteurs dans le cadre d'une consultation ambulatoire habituelle en tenant compte du délai écoulé entre le début des symptômes et la première consultation ainsi que la situation épidémiologique. Cette étude prospective a été menée à la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire durant l'hiver 1999-2000. Les patients étaient inclus s'ils présentaient un syndrome grippal et si le praticien suspectait une infection à Influenza. Le médecin administrait un questionnaire puis une culture d'un frottis de gorge était réalisée afin de documenter l'infection. 201 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude. 52% avaient une culture positive pour Influenza. En analyse univariée, une température > 37.8° (OR 4.2; 95% CI 2.3-7.7), une durée des symptômes < 48h (OR 3.2; 1.8-5.7), une toux (OR 3.2; 1-10.4) et des myalgies (OR 2.8; 1.0-7.5) étaient associés au diagnostic de grippe. En analyse de régression logistique, le modèle le plus performant qui prédisait la grippe était l'association d'une durée des symptômes <48h, une consultation en début d'épidémie, une température > 37.8° et une toux (sensibilité 79%, spécificité 69%, valeur prédictive positive 67%, une valeur prédictive négative de 73% et aire sous la courbe (ROC) de 0.74). En plus des signes et symptômes prédicteurs de la grippe, le médecin de premier recours devrait prendre en compte dans son jugement la durée des symptômes avant la première consultation et le contexte épidémiologique (début, pic, fin de l'épidémie), car ces deux paramètres modifient considérablement la valeurs des prédicteurs lors de l'évaluation de la probabilité clinique d'un patient d'avoir une infection à Influenza.


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Objective. The existence of two vaccines seasonal and pandemic-created the potential for confusion and misinformation among consumers during the 2009-2010 vaccination season. We measured the frequency and nature of influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults for both seasonal and 2009 influenza A(H1N1) vaccination and quantified its association with uptake of the two vaccines.Methods. We analyzed data from 4040 U.S. adult members of a nationally representative online panel surveyed between March 4th and March 24th, 2010. We estimated prevalence rates and adjusted associations between vaccine uptake and vaccination-related communication between patients and healthcare providers using bivariate probit models.Results. 64.1% (95%-CI: 61.5%-66.6%) of adults did not receive any provider-issued influenza vaccination recommendation. Adults who received a provider-issued vaccination recommendation were 14.1 (95%-CI: -2.4 to 30.6) to 32.1 (95%-CI: 24.3-39.8) percentage points more likely to be vaccinated for influenza than adults without a provider recommendation, after adjusting for other characteristics associated with vaccination.Conclusions. Influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults was relatively uncommon during the 2009-2010 pandemic. Increased communication could significantly enhance influenza vaccination rates. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Annual influenza vaccination is recommended in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. However, concerns have been raised about the impact of vaccination on antigraft alloimmunity. We evaluated the humoral alloimmune responses to influenza vaccination in a cohort of SOT recipients between October 2008 and December 2011. Anti-HLA antibodies were measured before and 4-8 weeks after influenza vaccination using a solid-phase assay. Overall, 169 SOT recipients were included (kidney = 136, lung = 26, liver = 3, and combined = 4). Five (2.9%) of 169 patients developed de novo anti-HLA antibodies after vaccination, including one patient who developed donor-specific antibodies (DSA) 8 months after vaccination. In patients with pre-existing anti-HLA antibodies, median MFI was not significantly different before and after vaccination (P = 0.73 for class I and P = 0.20 for class II anti-HLA antibodies) and no development of de novo DSA was observed. Five episodes of rejection (2.9%) were observed within 12 months after vaccination, and only one patient had de novo anti-HLA antibodies. The incidence of development of anti-HLA antibodies after influenza vaccination in our cohort of SOT recipients was very low. Our findings indicate that influenza vaccination is safe and does not trigger humoral alloimmune responses in SOT recipients.


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1. Mise en perspective de l'étude La grippe est une cause importante de morbidité et de mortalité après la transplantation d'organe. Bien que la principale stratégie de prévention de la grippe après la transplantation d'organes soit l'administration du vaccin antigrippal annuel, l'immunogénicité de ce vaccin chez les greffés d'organe n'est pas optimale. Nous avons effectué une étude prospective pour évaluer l'influence de la thérapie d'induction sur l'immunogénicité du vaccin de la grippe. 2. Méthodes Nous avons comparé la réponse au vaccin de la grippe chez deux groupes de greffés rénaux en fonction de la thérapie d'induction reçu (thymoglobulin vs basiliximab). Le taux des anticorps ont étés mesurés par inhibition de l'hémagglutination (HI). La réponse au vaccin (taux de séroconversion) a été définie comme l'augmentation > 4 fois du taux d'anticorps (immunoglobulines) et ceci a été notre outcome primaire. 3. Résultats Soixante transplantés rénaux ont été inclus dans l'étude (thymoglobuline=22, basiliximab=38). Les patients dans le group traité par thymoglobuline étaient plus âgés (p=0.16), avaient des valeurs de créatinine plus élevés (p=0.16) et avaient étés transplanté auparavant (p=0.02). Aucune différence n'a été mise en évidence au niveau de taux des immunoglobulines pour les 3 souches virales entre les 2 groupes (p=0.69 pour H INI, p=0.56 pour H3N2, p=0.7 pour Influenza Β). Le taux de séroconversion à au moins une souche virale a été de 68 % pour le groupe thymoglobuline et de 73% pour le groupe basiliximab (p=0.77). 4. Conclusion Aucune différence significative n'a été démontré dans l'immunogénicité du vaccin de la grippe dans les transplantés rénaux ayant reçu soit du thymoglobuline soit du basiliximab comme traitement d'induction.


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BACKGROUND: Vaccination coverage for influenza in the elderly remains low when the physician is the only person responsible for immunization. Integration of other health care workers may improve the coverage rate of at-risk groups. OBJECTIVES: To estimate vaccination coverage rate by using a strategy based on the systematic intervention of a health care professional proposing vaccination before the doctor's consultation, to evaluate the changes in coverage rates before and after introduction of this strategy, and to assess the feasibility of this intervention and the achieved coverage rate in family physician offices. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study in a medical outpatient clinic and 5 family physician practices in Switzerland. POPULATION: Participants consisted of all patients 65 years or older attending a medical outpatient clinic during the vaccination period in 1999 (n = 401), patients 65 years or older regularly followed at a medical outpatient clinic in 1998 and 1999 (n = 195), and patients 65 years or older presenting to 5 family physician offices in 1999 (n = 598). OUTCOME MEASURED: Rates of vaccination coverage. RESULTS: Among all participants, vaccination coverage rates in 1999 were 85% at the medical outpatient clinic and 83% in family physician offices. Among participants regularly followed at the medical outpatient clinic, vaccination coverage increased from 48% in 1998 to 76% in 1999. Rates of refusal were 9% at the medical outpatient clinic and 14% in the family physician offices. CONCLUSIONS: The systematic intervention of a health care professional to suggest vaccination before the doctor's visit is an effective measure to achieve high coverage rate. Such a strategy also improves outpatient clinic or private practice efficiency by reducing pressures on physicians.


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BACKGROUND: In this study we compared the immunogenicity of influenza vaccine administered intradermally to the standard intramuscular vaccination in lung transplant recipients. METHODS: Patients were randomized to receive the trivalent inactivated seasonal 2008-9 influenza vaccine containing either 6 μg (intradermal) or 15 μg (intramuscular) of hemagglutinin per viral strain. Immunogenicity was assessed by measurement of geometric mean titer of antibodies using the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) assay. Vaccine response was defined as a 4-fold or higher increase of antibody titers to at least one vaccine antigen. RESULTS: Eighty-five patients received either the intradermal (n = 41) or intramuscular (n = 44) vaccine. Vaccine response was seen in 6 of 41 patients (14.6%) in the intradermal vs 8 of 43 (18.6%) in the intramuscular group (p = 0.77). Seroprotection (HI ≥1:32) was 39% for H1N1, 83% for H3N2 and 29% for B strain in the intradermal group vs 28% for H1N1, 98% for H3N2 and 58% for B strain in the intramuscular group (p = 0.36 for H1N1, p = 0.02 for H3N2, p < 0.01 for B). Mild adverse events were seen in 44% of patients in the intradermal group and 34% in the intramuscular group (p = 0.38). CONCLUSIONS: Immunogenicity of the 2008-9 influenza vaccine given intradermally or intramuscularly was overall poor in lung transplant recipients. Novel strategies for influenza vaccination in this population are needed.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: We reviewed the most recent literature on solid-organ transplant (SOT) recipients regarding the clinical significance of influenza and the immunogenicity and safety of influenza vaccine in this population. RECENT FINDINGS: In SOT recipients, influenza is associated with significant graft dysfunction and even mortality. Early initiation of antiviral therapy is associated with a reduced risk for influenza-associated complications, mainly pneumonia. The main preventive strategy against influenza in SOT recipients remains the administration of yearly influenza vaccine. Although most studies have shown that influenza vaccination is safe after transplantation, impaired responses are expected in more immunosuppressed patients. A lower immunogenicity of influenza vaccine has been described in patients receiving mycophenolate and mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors. The optimal timing of vaccination after transplant remains to be determined, although vaccination during the early posttransplant period appears to be safe. Novel vaccination strategies, such as intradermal vaccination or use of adjuvanted vaccines, have been evaluated in SOT recipients, with inconclusive results to date. SUMMARY: The administration of influenza vaccination is strongly recommended in SOT recipients and their relatives. Further research is needed for improving the immunogenicity of influenza vaccine in this population.


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Oseltamivir is the ester-type prodrug of the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir carboxylate. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for both seasonal influenza and the recent pandemic 2009 A/H1N1 influenza, reducing both the duration and severity of the illness. It is also effective when used preventively. This review aims to describe the current knowledge of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of this agent, and to address the issue of possible therapeutic drug monitoring. According to the currently available literature, the pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir carboxylate after oral administration of oseltamivir are characterized by mean ± SD bioavailability of 79 ± 12%, apparent clearance of 25.3 ± 7.0 L/h, an elimination half-life of 7.4 ± 2.5 hours and an apparent terminal volume of distribution of 267 ± 122 L. A maximum plasma concentration of 342 ± 83 μg/L, a time to reach the maximum plasma concentration of 4.2 ± 1.1 hours, a trough plasma concentration of 168 ± 32 μg/L and an area under the plasma concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 hours of 6110 ± 1330 μg · h/L for a 75 mg twice-daily regimen were derived from literature data. The apparent clearance is highly correlated with renal function, hence the dosage needs to be adjusted in proportion to the glomerular filtration rate. Interpatient variability is moderate (28% in apparent clearance and 46% in the apparent central volume of distribution); there is no indication of significant erratic or limited absorption in given patient subgroups. The in vitro pharmacodynamics of oseltamivir carboxylate reveal wide variation in the concentration producing 50% inhibition of influenza A and B strains (range 0.17-44 μg/L). A formal correlation between systemic exposure to oseltamivir carboxylate and clinical antiviral activity or tolerance in influenza patients has not yet been demonstrated; thus no formal therapeutic or toxic range can be proposed. The pharmacokinetic parameters of oseltamivir carboxylate after oseltamivir administration (bioavailability, apparent clearance and the volume of distribution) are fairly predictable in healthy subjects, with little interpatient variability outside the effect of renal function in all patients and bodyweight in children. Thus oseltamivir carboxylate exposure can probably be controlled with sufficient accuracy by thorough dosage adjustment according to patient characteristics. However, there is a lack of clinical study data on naturally infected patients. In addition, the therapeutic margin of oseltamivir carboxylate is poorly defined. The usefulness of systematic therapeutic drug monitoring in patients therefore appears to be questionable; however, studies are still needed to extend the knowledge to particular subgroups of patients or dosage regimens.


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Les réponses immunitaires innées et adaptatives déclenchées par une infection virale chez l'humain sont classiquement décrites comme une succession d'événements communs à tous les virus- la réponse innée, caractérisés par la libération rapide de cytokines antivirales et des chémokines, recrutant monocytes, NK et lymphocytes Τ vers le site d'infection, suivis par l'activation de l'immunité adaptative. Notre compréhension de la dynamique de ces mécanismes dynamiques est limitée chez l'humain. En effet, il existe peu d'études portant sur la cinétique et l'analyse quantitative de la réponse Τ spécifique au virus, parallèlement aux aspects plus qualitatifs de cette réponse (cytokines sériques produites lors de différentes infections virales, notamment). Méthode: Nous avons étudiés trois groupes de patients tous recrutés au cours de la phase aiguë d'une infection par le virus de la dengue (28 patients), le virus influenza A (13 patients) et le virus de l'hépatite Β (HBV) (13 patients). Nous avons analysé le profil d'activation (CD38, HLA-DR) et de prolifération (Ki-67, Bcl-2) des lymphocytes Τ CD8+ (par cytométrie de flux), de façon longitudinale à différents timepoints (depuis le début des symptômes jusqu'à rémission totale) en quantifiant 15 cytokines et chémokines (par Luminex multiplex biométrie immunoassay) dans le sérum des patients infectés. Résultats: Nous avons comparé le profil des réponses innée et adaptative chez les 3 types d'infection virales; les patients infectés par l'HBV ont une fréquence élevée de CD8+ spécifiques activés et proliférant ainsi que des taux sériques élevés de TNF-α et d'IFN-γ. Les patients infectés par le virus de la dengue et par le virus Influenza présentent quant à eux une activation CD 8+ moins intense mais une forte expression de la réponse innée, marquée par une élévation des cytokines IFN-α, IFN-γ, et TNF-α. De plus, une particularité des patients infectés par le virus de la dengue est de présenter une élévation marquée des cytokines immunorégulatrices (IL-10, IL- 1RA). Conclusion: Ces résultats permettent de montrer que la réponse immunologique consécutive à une infections virale spécifique est caractérisée par sa propre signature, tant au niveau de la production de cytokines/chemokines que de la quantité des lymphocytes Τ CD+8+ spécifiques activés et proliférantes. Ce travail contribue ainsi à une meilleure compréhension de l'immunité antivirale chez les humains, grâce à la description de la cinétique et de la quantification des cellules Τ CD8+ activées et des taux de cytokines dans chaque infection étudiée. Abstract Knowledge of innate and adaptive immune parameters triggered by viral infections is limited but important for understanding disease pathogenesis. We performed a comparative longitudinal analysis of serum cytokines/chemokines and of virus-activated CD8 Τ cells population in patients with acute dengue, influenza A or HBV infections from onset to disease recovery. We observed that each viral infection is characterized by its own signature of cytokines/chemokines production and size of activated and proliferating CD8 Τ cell pool. This is, to our knowledge, the first comparative longitudinal study of the immune response in human subjects in three distinct viral infections.


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BACKGROUND: The influence of anti-T-cell therapy in the immunogenicity of the influenza vaccine in kidney transplant recipients remains unclear. METHODS: During the 2010 to 2011 influenza season, we evaluated the immune response to the inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine in kidney transplant recipients having received Thymoglobulin or basiliximab as induction therapy. A hemagglutination inhibition assay was used to assess the immunogenicity of the vaccine. The primary outcome was geometric mean titers of hemagglutination inhibition after influenza vaccination. RESULTS: Sixty patients (Thymoglobulin n=22 and basiliximab n=38) were included. Patients in the Thymoglobulin group were older (P=0.16), showed higher creatinine levels (P=0.16) and had more frequently received a previous transplant (P=0.02). There were no significant differences in geometric mean titers for any of the three viral strains between groups (P=0.69 for H1N1, P=0.56 for H3N2, and P=0.7 for B strain). Seroconversion to at least one viral strain was seen in 15 (68%) of 22 patients in the Thymoglobulin group and 28 (73%) of 38 in the basiliximab group (P=0.77). In patients vaccinated during the first year after receiving anti-T-cell therapy (n=25), there was a trend toward lower vaccine responses in the Thymoglobulin group. Patients who received Thymoglobulin showed lower CD4 cell counts and lower levels of IgM, at an average of 16.2 months after transplantation. A multivariate analysis showed that only the absence of mycophenolate was associated with a better vaccine response (odds ratio=9.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-86.9; P=0.047). CONCLUSION: No significant differences were seen in immunogenicity of the influenza vaccine in kidney transplant recipients having received either Thymoglobulin or basiliximab.


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Objective. To measure support for seasonal influenza vaccination requirements among US healthcare personnel (HCP) and its associations with attitudes regarding influenza and influenza vaccination and self-reported coverage by existing vaccination requirements. Design. Between June 1 and June 30, 2010, we surveyed a sample of US HCP ([Formula: see text]) recruited using an existing probability-based online research panel of participants representing the US general population as a sampling frame. Setting. General community. Participants. Eligible HCP who (1) reported having worked as medical doctors, health technologists, healthcare support staff, or other health practitioners or who (2) reported having worked in hospitals, ambulatory care facilities, long-term care facilities, or other health-related settings. Methods. We analyzed support for seasonal influenza vaccination requirements for HCP using proportion estimation and multivariable probit models. Results. A total of 57.4% (95% confidence interval, 53.3%-61.5%) of US HCP agreed that HCP should be required to be vaccinated for seasonal influenza. Support for mandatory vaccination was statistically significantly higher among HCP who were subject to employer-based influenza vaccination requirements, who considered influenza to be a serious disease, and who agreed that influenza vaccine was safe and effective. Conclusions. A majority of HCP support influenza vaccination requirements. Moreover, providing HCP with information about the safety of influenza vaccination and communicating that immunization of HCP is a patient safety issue may be important for generating staff support for influenza vaccination requirements.


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With the current enzootic circulation of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, the ability to increase global pandemic influenza vaccine production capacity is of paramount importance. This has been highlighted by, and is one of the main pillars of, the WHO Global Action Plan for Influenza Vaccines (GAP). Such capacity expansion is especially relevant in developing countries. The Vaccine Formulation Laboratory at University of Lausanne is engaged in the technology transfer of an antigen-sparing oil-in-water adjuvant in order to empower developing countries vaccine manufacturers to increase pandemic influenza vaccine capacity. In a one-year project funded by United States Department of Health and Human Services, the Vaccine Formulation Laboratory transferred the process know-how and associated equipment for the pilot-scale manufacturing of an oil-in-water adjuvant to Bio Farma, Indonesia's state-owned vaccine manufacturer, for subsequent formulation with H5N1 pandemic influenza vaccines. This paper describes the experience acquired and lessons learnt from this technology transfer project.