28 resultados para imunodifusão em gel de ágar
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Perineural and intraneural fibrosis is thought to be the main cause of failure of the many surgical treatments of neuropathic pain. We have used Adcon-T/N carbohydrate polymer gel for prevention of perineural fibrosis in several parts of the body. In this retrospective study, 54 patients who presented with postoperative neuropathic pain had microsurgical epineural neurolysis and relocation of a terminal neuroma. In 19 of them, the carbohydrate gel was applied at the same time. The mean follow-up was four years and the nerve distribution varied. Postoperative improvement in pain scores (visual analogue scale (VAS) and neuropathic pain scale inventory (NPSI)), sensitivity, overall improvement and satisfaction were equivalent in the two groups, with pain relief in about 80% of the patients. There was no significant beneficial effect in the carbohydrate gel group. Patients treated with this device had a higher infection rate (21 compared with 0, p = 0.01) and delayed wound healing (31.6 compared with 11.8, p = 0.2). We conclude that good long-term pain relief is obtained postoperatively independently of the addition of carbohydrate gel. There was a slight but not significant trend towards profound pain relief with the gel.
Collagen is highly conserved across species and has been used extensively for tissue regeneration; however, its mechanical properties are limited. A recent advance using plastic compression of collagen gels to achieve much higher concentrations significantly increases its mechanical properties at the neo-tissue level. This controlled, cell-independent process allows the engineering of biomimetic scaffolds. We have evaluated plastic compressed collagen scaffolds seeded with human bladder smooth muscle cells inside and urothelial cells on the gel surface for potential urological applications. Bladder smooth muscle and urothelial cells were visualized using scanning electron microscopy, conventional histology and immunohistochemistry; cell viability and proliferation were also quantified for 14 days in vitro. Both cell types tested proliferated on the construct surface, forming dense cell layers after 2 weeks. However, smooth muscle cells seeded within the construct, assessed with the Alamar blue assay, showed lower proliferation. Cellular distribution within the construct was also evaluated, using confocal microscopy. After 14 days of in vitro culture, 30% of the smooth muscle cells were found on the construct surface compared to 0% at day 1. Our results provide some evidence that cell-seeded plastic compressed collagen has significant potential for bladder tissue regeneration, as these materials allow efficient cell seeding inside the construct as well as cell proliferation.
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is widely used for epidemic investigations of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In the present study, we evaluated its use in a long-term epidemiological setting (years to few decades, country to continent level). The clustering obtained from PFGE patterns after SmaI digestion of the DNA of 20 strains was compared to that obtained using a phylogenetic typing method (multiprimer RAPD). The results showed that the analysis of small PFGE bands (10-85kb) correlates better with multiprimer RAPD than the analysis of large PFGE bands (>85-700kb), suggesting that the analysis of small bands would be more suitable for the investigation of long-term epidemiological setting. However, given the technical difficulties to obtain a good resolution of these bands and the putative presence of plasmids among them, PFGE does not appear to be a method of choice for the long-term epidemiology analysis of MRSA.
Over the past decades, several sensitive post-electrophoretic stains have been developed for an identification of proteins in general, or for a specific detection of post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, glycosylation or oxidation. Yet, for a visualization and quantification of protein differences, the differential two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, termed DIGE, has become the method of choice for a detection of differences in two sets of proteomes. The goal of this review is to evaluate the use of the most common non-covalent and covalent staining techniques in 2D electrophoresis gels, in order to obtain maximal information per electrophoresis gel and for an identification of potential biomarkers. We will also discuss the use of detergents during covalent labeling, the identification of oxidative modifications and review influence of detergents on finger prints analysis and MS/MS identification in relation to 2D electrophoresis.
The choice of sample preparation protocol is a critical influential factor for isoelectric focusing which in turn affects the two-dimensional gel result in terms of quality and protein species distribution. The optimal protocol varies depending on the nature of the sample for analysis and the properties of the constituent protein species (hydrophobicity, tendency to form aggregates, copy number) intended for resolution. This review explains the standard sample buffer constituents and illustrates a series of protocols for processing diverse samples for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, including hydrophobic membrane proteins. Current methods for concentrating lower abundance proteins, by removal of high abundance proteins, are also outlined. Finally, since protein staining is becoming increasingly incorporated into the sample preparation procedure, we describe the principles and applications of current (and future) pre-electrophoretic labelling methods.
Laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) has demonstrated to be an excellent analytical method for the forensic analysis of inks on a questioned document. The ink can be analysed directly on its substrate (paper) and hence offers a fast method of analysis as sample preparation is kept to a minimum and more importantly, damage to the document is minimised. LDI-MS has also previously been reported to provide a high power of discrimination in the statistical comparison of ink samples and has the potential to be introduced as part of routine ink analysis. This paper looks into the methodology further and evaluates statistically the reproducibility and the influence of paper on black gel pen ink LDI-MS spectra; by comparing spectra of three different black gel pen inks on three different paper substrates. Although generally minimal, the influences of sample homogeneity and paper type were found to be sample dependent. This should be taken into account to avoid the risk of false differentiation of black gel pen ink samples. Other statistical approaches such as principal component analysis (PCA) proved to be a good alternative to correlation coefficients for the comparison of whole mass spectra.
In this study we have demonstrated the potential of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE)-based technologies as tools for characterization of the Leishmania proteome (the expressed protein complement of the genome). Standardized neutral range (pH 5-7) proteome maps of Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis and Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis promastigotes were reproducibly generated by 2DE of soluble parasite extracts, which were prepared using lysis buffer containing urea and nonidet P-40 detergent. The Coomassie blue and silver nitrate staining systems both yielded good resolution and representation of protein spots, enabling the detection of approximately 800 and 1,500 distinct proteins, respectively. Several reference protein spots common to the proteomes of all parasite species/strains studied were isolated and identified by peptide mass spectrometry (LC-ES-MS/MS), and bioinformatics approaches as members of the heat shock protein family, ribosomal protein S12, kinetoplast membrane protein 11 and a hypothetical Leishmania-specific 13 kDa protein of unknown function. Immunoblotting of Leishmania protein maps using a monoclonal antibody resulted in the specific detection of the 81.4 kDa and 77.5 kDa subunits of paraflagellar rod proteins 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, differences in protein expression profiles between distinct parasite clones were reproducibly detected through comparative proteome analyses of paired maps using image analysis software. These data illustrate the resolving power of 2DE-based proteome analysis. The production and basic characterization of good quality Leishmania proteome maps provides an essential first step towards comparative protein expression studies aimed at identifying the molecular determinants of parasite drug resistance and virulence, as well as discovering new drug and vaccine targets.
Tonoplast-enriched membranes were prepared from maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 11) primary roots, using sucrose nonlinear gradients. The functional molecular size of the tonoplast ATP-and PPi-dependent proton pumps were analyzed by radiation inactivation. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) was added as an internal standard. Frozen samples (-196 degrees C) of the membranes were irradiated with (60)Co for different periods of time. After thawing the samples, the activities of G6PDH, ATPase, and PPase were tested. By applying target theory, the functional sizes of the ATPase and PPase in situ were found to be around 540 and 160 kilodaltons, respectively. The two activities were solubilized and separated by gel filtration chromatography. The different polypeptides copurifying with the two pumps were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two bands (around 59 and 65 kilodaltons) were associated with the ATPase activity, whereas a double band (around 40 kilodaltons) was recovered with the PPase activity.
L'artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs (AOMI) est une pathologie de plus en plus fréquemment rencontrée en raison du vieillissement le la population et de l'augmentation de la prévalence du diabète. Les patients souffrant d'AOMI se manifestant par une ichémie critique du membre nécessitent un geste de revascularisation, afin que le risque d'amputation, acte fortement morbide, soit diminué. La revascularisation par voie endovasculaire est de nos jours la technique de premier choix mais en cas d'occlusion longue des artères jambières, une approche chirurgicale avec confection d'un pontage ne peut être évitée. La technique nécessite alors, lors de la confection de l'anastomose, de l'occlusion temporaire de l'artère en amont et en aval de rartériotomie, ce qui est réalisé traditionnellement à l'aide de clamps ou cathéters intravasculaires. Ces instruments présentent différents inconvénients reconnus - efficacité médiocre au vu d'artères fortement calcifiées et induction de lésions endothéliales notamment. Un nouveau type d'instrument est apparu sur le marché après approbation de la FDA, sous forme d'un gel thermosensible qui constitue un bouchon occlusif une fois injecté dans l'artère et se dissout spontanément après quelques minutes. Ce gel ayant été expérimenté avec succès en chirurgie cardiovasculaire chez des animaux, nous avons voulu évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité de son utilisation lors de la réalisation de pontages fémoro-jambier dans une cohorte de vingt patients. Différents paramètres opératoires ont été notés tels que le volume de gel injecté, les temps d'occlusion efficace et de confection d'anastomose ainsi que la qualité de l'occlusion vasculaire obtenue. Une artériographie per-opératoire a été réalisée de manière systématique à la recherche d'emboles de gel résiduel. Les taux de perméabilité primaire, de sauvetage de membre et de survie à 6 mois ont été rapportés. Les résultats sont satisfaisants puisque la qualité d'occlusion a été jugée bonne à excellente dans la totalité des cas sans qu'aucun instrument d'occlusion supplémentaire n'ait dû être employé et que le temps d'occlusion dépassait légèrement le temps nécessaire à la confection de l'anastomose. L'artériographie des deux premiers cas seulement a révélé la présence d'emboles distaux, avant que nous corrigions notre technique pour obtenir une dissolution instantanée du gel. Nous avons obtenu à 6 mois un taux de perméabilité primaire de 75% avec un taux de sauvetage de membre à 87.5%, le taux de mortalité à 30 jours étant de 10% - sans relation avec le gel. En conclusion, nous avons montré que l'utilisation de ce gel comme instrument d'occlusion vasculaire temporaire est sûre et efficace lors de la chirurgie de pontage fémoro-jambier. L'hypothèse qu'il pourrait être moins délétère pour l'endothélium et contribuer ainsi à une amélioration du taux de perméabilité des pontages distaux mériterait d'être testée dans le cadre d'une étude randomisée multicentrique.
The buccal mucosal route offers several advantages but the delivery of certain drugs can be limited by low membrane permeability. This study investigated the buccal permeability properties of didanosine (ddI) and assessed the potential of ALOE VERA gel (AVgel) as a novel buccal permeation enhancer. Permeation studies were performed using Franz diffusion cells, and the drug was quantified by UV spectroscopy. Histomorphological evaluations were undertaken using light and transmission electron microscopy. The permeability of ddI was concentration-dependent, and it did not have any adverse effects on the buccal mucosae. A linear relationship (R (2) = 0.9557) between the concentrations and flux indicated passive diffusion as the mechanism of drug transport. AVgel at concentrations of 0.25 to 2 %w/v enhanced ddI permeability with enhancement ratios from 5.09 (0.25 %w/v) to 11.78 (2 %w/v) but decreased permeability at 4 and 6 %w/v. Ultrastructural analysis of the buccal mucosae treated with phosphate buffer saline pH 7.4 (PBS), ddI/PBS, and ddI/PBS/AVgel 0.5 %w/v showed cells with normal plasmalemma, well-developed cristae, and nuclei with regular nuclear envelopes. However, cells from 1, 2, and 6 %w/v AVgel-treated mucosae showed irregular nuclear outlines, increased intercellular spacing, and plasmalemma crenulations. This study demonstrates the potential of AVgel as a buccal permeation enhancer for ddI to improve anti-HIV and AIDS therapy.
Pearson correlation coefficients were applied for the objective comparison of 30 black gel pen inks analysed by laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS). The mass spectra were obtained for ink lines directly on paper using positive and negative ion modes at several laser intensities. This methodology has the advantage of taking into account the reproducibility of the results as well as the variability between spectra of different pens. A differentiation threshold could thus be selected in order to avoid the risk of false differentiation. Combining results from positive and negative mode yielded a discriminating power up to 85%, which was better than the one obtained previously with other optical comparison methodologies. The technique also allowed discriminating between pens from the same brand.
A statistical methodology for the objective comparison of LDI-MS mass spectra of blue gel pen inks was evaluated. Thirty-three blue gel pen inks previously studied by RAMAN were analyzed directly on the paper using both positive and negative mode. The obtained mass spectra were first compared using relative areas of selected peaks using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Euclidean distance. Intra-variability among results from one ink and inter-variability between results from different inks were compared in order to choose a differentiation threshold minimizing the rate of false negative (i.e. avoiding false differentiation of the inks). This yielded a discriminating power of up to 77% for analysis made in the negative mode. The whole mass spectra were then compared using the same methodology, allowing for a better DP in the negative mode of 92% using the Pearson correlation on standardized data. The positive mode results generally yielded a lower differential power (DP) than the negative mode due to a higher intra-variability compared to the inter-variability in the mass spectra of the ink samples.