119 resultados para honey bee brood

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Microbial communities in animal guts are composed of diverse, specialized bacterial species, but little is known about how gut bacteria diversify to produce genetically and ecologically distinct entities. The gut microbiota of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, presents a useful model, because it consists of a small number of characteristic bacterial species, each showing signs of diversification. Here, we used single-cell genomics to study the variation within two species of the bee gut microbiota: Gilliamella apicola and Snodgrassella alvi. For both species, our analyses revealed extensive variation in intraspecific divergence of protein-coding genes but uniformly high levels of 16S rRNA similarity. In both species, the divergence of 16S rRNA loci appears to have been curtailed by frequent recombination within populations, while other genomic regions have continuously diverged. Furthermore, gene repertoires differ markedly among strains in both species, implying distinct metabolic capabilities. Our results show that, despite minimal divergence at 16S rRNA genes, in situ diversification occurs within gut communities and generates bacterial lineages with distinct ecological niches. Therefore, important dimensions of microbial diversity are not evident from analyses of 16S rRNA, and single cell genomics has potential to elucidate processes of bacterial diversification.


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Here, we report the culture and characterization of an alphaproteobacterium of the order Rhizobiales, isolated from the gut of the honey bee Apis mellifera. Strain PEB0122T shares >95 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with species of the genus Bartonella, a group of mammalian pathogens transmitted by bloodsucking arthropods. Phylogenetic analyses showed that PEB0122T and related strains from the honey bee gut form a sister clade of the genus Bartonella. Optimal growth of strain PEB0122T was obtained on solid media supplemented with defibrinated sheep blood under microaerophilic conditions at 35-37 °C, which is consistent with the cultural characteristics of other species of the genus Bartonella. Reduced growth of strain PEB0122T also occurred under aerobic conditions. The rod-shaped cells of strain PEB0122T had a mean length of 1.2-1.8 μm and revealed hairy surface structures. Strain PEB0122T was positive for catalase, cytochrome c oxidase, urease and nitrate reductase. The fatty acid composition was comparable to those of other species of the genus Bartonella, with palmitic acid (C16 : 0) and isomers of 18- and 19-carbon chains being the most abundant. The genomic DNA G+C content of PEB0122T was determined to be about 45.5 mol%. The high 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with species of Bartonella and its close phylogenetic position suggest that strain PEB0122T represents a novel species within the genus Bartonella, for which we propose the name Bartonella apis sp. nov. The type strain is PEB0122T ( = NCIMB 14961T = DSM 29779T).


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One of the fundamental questions in biology is how cooperative and altruistic behaviors evolved. The majority of studies seeking to identify the genes regulating these behaviors have been performed in systems where behavioral and physiological differences are relatively fixed, such as in the honey bee. During colony founding in the monogyne (one queen per colony) social form of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta, newly-mated queens may start new colonies either individually (haplometrosis) or in groups (pleometrosis). However, only one queen (the "winner") in pleometrotic associations survives and takes the lead of the young colony while the others (the "losers") are executed. Thus, colony founding in fire ants provides an excellent system in which to examine the genes underpinning cooperative behavior and how the social environment shapes the expression of these genes. We developed a new whole genome microarray platform for S. invicta to characterize the gene expression patterns associated with colony founding behavior. First, we compared haplometrotic queens, pleometrotic winners and pleometrotic losers. Second, we manipulated pleometrotic couples in order to switch or maintain the social ranks of the two cofoundresses. Haplometrotic and pleometrotic queens differed in the expression of genes involved in stress response, aging, immunity, reproduction and lipid biosynthesis. Smaller sets of genes were differentially expressed between winners and losers. In the second experiment, switching social rank had a much greater impact on gene expression patterns than the initial/final rank. Expression differences for several candidate genes involved in key biological processes were confirmed using qRT-PCR. Our findings indicate that, in S. invicta, social environment plays a major role in the determination of the patterns of gene expression, while the queen's physiological state is secondary. These results highlight the powerful influence of social environment on regulation of the genomic state, physiology and ultimately, social behavior of animals.


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The sequencing of three Nasonia genomes provides new insights on the molecular signature associated with parasitoid lifestyle, allows comparison with the social honey bee, and enables the identification of genes underlying between-species and sex-specific differences.


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Here we discuss life-history evolution from the perspective of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, with a focus on polyphenisms for somatic maintenance and survival. Polyphenisms are adaptive discrete alternative phenotypes that develop in response to changes in the environment. We suggest that dauer larval diapause and its associated adult phenotypes in the nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), reproductive dormancy in the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and other insects, and the worker castes of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) are examples of what may be viewed as the polyphenic regulation of somatic maintenance and survival. In these and other cases, the same genotype can--depending upon its environment--express either of two alternative sets of life-history phenotypes that differ markedly with respect to somatic maintenance, survival ability, and thus life span. This plastic modulation of somatic maintenance and survival has traditionally been underappreciated by researchers working on aging and life history. We review the current evidence for such adaptive life-history switches and their molecular regulation and suggest that they are caused by temporally and/or spatially varying, stressful environments that impose diversifying selection, thereby favoring the evolution of plasticity of somatic maintenance and survival under strong regulatory control. By considering somatic maintenance and survivorship from the perspective of adaptive life-history switches, we may gain novel insights into the mechanisms and evolution of aging.


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We describe the odorant binding proteins (OBPs) of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, obtained from analyses of an EST library and separate 454 sequencing runs of two normalized cDNA libraries. We identified a total of 18 putative functional OBPs in this ant. A third of the fire ant OBPs are orthologs to honey bee OBPs. Another third of the OBPs belong to a lineage-specific expansion, which is a common feature of insect OBP evolution. Like other OBPs, the different fire ant OBPs share little sequence similarity (∼ 20%), rendering evolutionary analyses difficult. We discuss the resulting problems with sequence alignment, phylogenetic analysis, and tests of selection. As previously suggested, our results underscore the importance for careful exploration of the sensitivity to the effects of alignment methods for data comprising widely divergent sequences.


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The evolution of eusociality is one of the major evolutionary transitions of life on earth. For investigating the conditions and processes that are central to the origin of such integrated social organization, it is best to study organisms in which individuals have retained some flexibility in their reproductive strategies. Halictid bees are especially well suited as model organisms, because they show huge variation in social systems, both within and between species. In this thesis, I investigated female reproductive strategies in the primitively eusocial bee Halictus scabiosae, with a focus on the role of helpers, in order to get insight into the mechanisms governing the evolution and maintenance of eusociality. This species produces two broods per year. The females from the first brood can stay in the natal nest to help raise a second brood of males and gynes that become the next-generation foundresses in spring. We first compared the morphology of females from the two broods, as well as the nutrition they receive as larvae. Then we conducted a helper- removal experiment in the field to quantify the effects of the presence of helpers on colony survival and productivity. Finally, we reconstructed pedigree relationships of individuals using microsatellite markers in order to detect who reproduces in the nest and how much individuals drift between nests. We found that first brood females had a uniformly small size and low fat reserves, which may be caused by the restricted pollen and nectar provisions on which they develop. Colony survival and productivity was increased by the presence of a single helper, but the effect was small and mostly limited to small colonies. By inferring parentage within and across colonies, we could determine that females from the first brood rarely reproduce in their natal nests. However, foundresses are frequently replaced, and foundresses and females from the first brood occasionally move to and reproduce in foreign colonies. As a result, colonies often contain offspring from unrelated individuals, and the relatedness of females to the brood they rear is low. Overall, this thesis shows that the reproductive system of H. scabiosae is highly flexible. The production of helpers in the first brood is important for colony success and productivity, but there is a high colony failure rate and part of the first brood females drift and reproduce in foreign nests. Both foundresses and helpers appear to be constrained by harsh environmental conditions or social factors limiting reproduction and independent colony founding. - L'origine des insectes sociaux est un domaine fascinant pour la recherche. Pour comprendre les mécanismes et les conditions qui sont nécessaires pour l'évolution et le maintien de la vie en société, il est judicieux d'étudier des sociétés primitives d'insectes, où toutes les femelles ont conservé la capacité de se reproduire, même si leur rôle comportemental dans la colonie est d'aider sans se reproduire. Une des familles d'abeilles, les halictes, est idéale pour cette sorte de recherche, en raison de la grande variabilité dans leur comportement social. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié les stratégies reproductives des femelles de Halictus scabiosae pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui influencent l'évolution de la vie en société. Cette espèce produit deux cohortes de couvain par année. Les femelles du premier couvain restent souvent dans leur nid natal pour aider à élever le deuxième couvain, tandis que les femelles du deuxième couvain s'accouplent et hibernent pour devenir les nouvelles fondatrices au printemps suivant. Nous avons d'abord comparé la morphologie des femelles issues des deux couvains ainsi que leur nutrition au stade de larve. Puis, dans une expérience sur le terrain, nous avons quantifié l'apport d'une ouvrière pour la survie et la productivité de la colonie. Finalement, nous avons reconstruit des pedigrees en utilisant des marqueurs génétiques, pour savoir qui se reproduit dans la colonie et combien d'individus migrent entre colonies. Les résultats montrent que les femelles du premier couvain sont uniformément plus petites et plus maigres, ce qui indique que les fondatrices réduisent les provisions de nourriture pour leur premier couvain afin de les inciter à aider dans le nid au lieu de se reproduire indépendamment. Dans l'expérience sur le terrain, la survie et la productivité de la colonie augmentaient avec la présence d'une ouvrière additionnelle, mais l'effet était petit et limité aux petites colonies. Par la reconstruction de pedigrees, nous pouvions constater que les femelles du premier couvain pondent rarement dans leurs nids natals. Les fondatrices cependant sont souvent remplacées en cours de saison, et migrent fréquemment entre nids, tandis que les femelles du premier couvain pondent parfois des oeufs dans des nids étrangers. De ce fait, les colonies contiennent souvent des descendants d'individus étrangers, et la parenté génétique entre les femelles et le deuxième couvain est basse. Cette thèse démontre que le système reproductif de H. scabiosae est très flexible. La production d'ouvrières est importante pour la survie de la colonie et sa productivité, mais le taux d'échec est élevé et une partie des femelles du premier couvain migrent et pondent dans une colonie étrangère. Autant les fondatrices que les ouvrières semblent être contraintes par des conditions environnementales ou sociales qui limitent la reproduction et les nouvelles fondations de colonie. - Die Entstehung von sozialen Lebensformen ist eines der wichtigsten Entwicklungen in der Geschichte des Lebens. Um die Bedingungen oder Prozesse zu verstehen, welche bei der Entstehung und dem Erhalt von sozialen Merkmalen wichtig sind, sollte man Lebewesen untersuchen, welche je nach Umwelteinflüßen ihr soziales Verhalten flexibel ändern können. Furchenbienen (Halictidae) gehören dazu. Diese weisen nämlich ein breites Spektrum verschiedener sozialer Organisationsformen auf, oftmals sogar innerhalb der einzelnen Arten. In meiner Doktorarbeit befasste ich mich mit den Fortpflanzungsstrategien der Weibchen der Skabiosen-Furchenbiene Halictus scabiosae. Diese Art produziert zwei Brüten pro Jahr. Die Weibchen der ersten Brut bleiben dabei meist als Arbeiterinnen in ihrem Geburtsnest, wohingegen die Weibchen der zweiten Brut nach der Paarung überwintern, um im nächsten Frühling neue Kolonien zu gründen. In einem ersten Schritt verglichen wir die beiden Brüten bezüglich der Grösse und der Fettreserven der Weibchen sowie der Pollen-Nektar-Vorräte für die Larven. Dann bestimmten wir in einem Feldexperiment, wieviel eine zusätzliche Arbeiterin zum Überleben und zur Produktiviät der Kolonie beiträgt. Schliesslich ermittelten wir durch genetische Tests die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Bienen, um herauszufinden, wer in den Kolonien tatsächlich die Eier legt und ob und wieviel die Bienen zwischen verschiedenen Nestern wandern. Wir stellten fest, dass die Weibchen von der ersten Brut einheitlich kleiner sind und weniger Fettreserven besitzen. Das weist daraufhin, dass die Nestgründerin die erste Brut unterernährt, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen, dass diese Weibchen als Arbeiterinnen im Nest bleiben anstatt sich unabhängig fortzupflanzen. Schon eine einzelne zusätzliche Arbeiterin verbesserte die Überlebenschancen und Produktivität der Kolonie, der Effekt war allerdings klein und auf kleine Kolonien beschränkt. Die Verwandtschaftsanalysen zeigten, dass die Arbeiterinnen nur sehr selten ein Ei in ihr Geburtsnest legen. Erstaunlicherweise wanderten die Nestgründerinnen oft zwischen verschiedenen Nestern. Einige Weibchen der ersten Brut wanderten auch in ein fremdes Nest und produzierten dort Nachkommen. Diese Doktorarbeit zeigt, dass die Fortpflanzungsstrategien der Skabiosen-Furchenbiene tatsächlich sehr flexibel sind. Die Anwesenheit von Arbeiterinnen ist wichtig für das Überleben und die Produktivität der Kolonie. Die Misserfolgsraten bleiben jedoch hoch, und ein Teil der Weibchen der ersten Brut pflanzt sich in fremden Nestern fort. Sowohl die Nestgründerinnen als auch die Weibchen der ersten Brut scheinen durch Umweltsbedingungen oder durch soziale Faktoren in der Wahl ihrer Fortpflanzungs¬strategie eingeschränkt zu sein.


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Small societies of totipotent individuals are good systems in which to study the costs and benefits of group living that are central to the origin and maintenance of eusociality. For instance, in eusocial halictid bees, some females remain in their natal nest to help rear the next brood. Why do helpers stay in the nest? Do they really help, and if yes, is their contribution large enough to voluntarily forfeit direct reproduction? Here, we estimate the impact of helpers on colony survival and productivity in the sweat bee Halictus scabiosae. The number of helpers was positively associated with colony survival and productivity. Colonies from which we experimentally removed one helper produced significantly fewer offspring. However, the effect of helper removal was very small, on average. From the removal experiment, we estimated that one helper increased colony productivity by 0.72 additional offspring in colonies with one to three helpers, while the increase was smaller and not statistically significant in larger colonies. We conclude that helpers do actually help in this primitively eusocial bee, particularly in small colonies. However, the resulting increase in colony productivity is low, which suggests that helpers may be constrained in their role or may attempt to reproduce.


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ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Primitively eusocial halictid bees are excellent systems to study the origin of eusociality, because all individuals have retained the ancestral ability to breed independently. In the sweat bee Halictus scabiosae, foundresses overwinter, establish nests and rear a first brood by mass-provisioning each offspring with pollen and nectar. The mothers may thus manipulate the phenotype of their offspring by restricting their food provisions. The first brood females generally help their mother to rear a second brood of males and gynes that become foundresses. However, the first brood females may also reproduce in their maternal or in other nests, or possibly enter early diapause. Here, we examined if the behavioural specialization of the first and second brood females was associated with between-brood differences in body size, energetic reserves and pollen provisions. RESULTS: The patterns of variation in adult body size, weight, fat content and food provisioned to the first and second brood indicate that H. scabiosae has dimorphic females. The first-brood females were significantly smaller, lighter and had lower fat reserves than the second-brood females and foundresses. The first-brood females were also less variable in size and fat content, and developed on homogeneously smaller pollen provisions. Foundresses were larger than gynes of the previous year, suggesting that small females were less likely to survive the winter. CONCLUSIONS: The marked size dimorphism between females produced in the first and second brood and the consistently smaller pollen provisions provided to the first brood suggest that the first brood females are channelled into a helper role during their pre-imaginal development. As a large body size is needed for successful hibernation, the mother may promote helping in her first brood offspring by restricting their food provisions. This pattern supports the hypothesis that parental manipulation may contribute to promote worker behaviour in primitively eusocial halictids.


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BACKGROUND: The brood of ants and other social insects is highly susceptible to pathogens, particularly those that penetrate the soft larval and pupal cuticle. We here test whether the presence of a pupal cocoon, which occurs in some ant species but not in others, affects the sanitary brood care and fungal infection patterns after exposure to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum. We use a) a comparative approach analysing four species with either naked or cocooned pupae and b) a within-species analysis of a single ant species, in which both pupal types co-exist in the same colony. RESULTS: We found that the presence of a cocoon did not compromise fungal pathogen detection by the ants and that species with cocooned pupae increased brood grooming after pathogen exposure. All tested ant species further removed brood from their nests, which was predominantly expressed towards larvae and naked pupae treated with the live fungal pathogen. In contrast, cocooned pupae exposed to live fungus were not removed at higher rates than cocooned pupae exposed to dead fungus or a sham control. Consistent with this, exposure to the live fungus caused high numbers of infections and fungal outgrowth in larvae and naked pupae, but not in cocooned pupae. Moreover, the ants consistently removed the brood prior to fungal outgrowth, ensuring a clean brood chamber. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that the pupal cocoon has a protective effect against fungal infection, causing an adaptive change in sanitary behaviours by the ants. It further demonstrates that brood removal-originally described for honeybees as "hygienic behaviour"-is a widespread sanitary behaviour in ants, which likely has important implications on disease dynamics in social insect colonies.


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Social organisms can surmount many ecological challenges by working collectively. An impressive example of such collective behavior occurs when ants physically link together into floating 'rafts' to escape from flooded habitat. However, raft formation may represent a social dilemma, with some positions posing greater individual risks than others. Here, we investigate the position and function of different colony members, and the costs and benefits of this functional geometry in rafts of the floodplain-dwelling ant Formica selysi. By causing groups of ants to raft in the laboratory, we observe that workers are distributed throughout the raft, queens are always in the center, and 100% of brood items are placed on the base. Through a series of experiments, we show that workers and brood are extremely resistant to submersion. Both workers and brood exhibit high survival rates after they have rafted, suggesting that occupying the base of the raft is not as costly as expected. The placement of all brood on the base of one cohesive raft confers several benefits: it preserves colony integrity, takes advantage of brood buoyancy, and increases the proportion of workers that immediately recover after rafting.


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BACKGROUND: Evidence is accumulating that telomere length is a good predictor of life expectancy, especially early in life, thus calling for determining the factors that affect telomere length at this stage. Here, we investigated the relative influence of early growth conditions and origin (genetics and early maternal effects) on telomere length of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) at fledging. We experimentally transferred hatchlings among brood triplets to create reduced, control (i.e. unchanged final nestling number) and enlarged broods. RESULTS: Although our treatment significantly affected body mass at fledging, we found no evidence that increased sibling competition affected nestling tarsus length and telomere length. However, mixed models showed that brood triplets explained a significant part of the variance in body mass (18%) and telomere length (19%), but not tarsus length (13%), emphasizing that unmanipulated early environmental factors influenced telomere length. These models also revealed low, but significant, heritability of telomere length (h(2) = 0.09). For comparison, the heritability of nestling body mass and tarsus length was 0.36 and 0.39, respectively, which was in the range of previously published estimates for those two traits in this species. CONCLUSION: Those findings in a wild bird population demonstrate that telomere length at the end of the growth period is weakly, but significantly, determined by genetic and/or maternal factors taking place before hatching. However, we found no evidence that the brood size manipulation experiment, and by extension the early growth conditions, influenced nestling telomere length. The weak heritability of telomere length suggests a close association with fitness in natural populations.


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In eusocial Hymenoptera, queens and workers are in conflict over optimal sex allocation. Sex ratio theory, while generating predictions on the extent of this conflict under a wide range of conditions, has largely neglected the fact that worker control of investment almost certainly requires the manipulation of brood sex ratio. This manipulation is likely to incur costs, for example, if workers eliminate male larvae or rear more females as sexuals rather than workers. In this article, we present a model of sex ratio evolution under worker control that incorporates costs of brood manipulation. We assume cost to be a continuous, increasing function of the magnitude of sex ratio manipulation. We demonstrate that costs counterselect sex ratio biasing, which leads to less female-biased population sex ratios than expected on the basis of relatedness asymmetry. Furthermore, differently shaped cost functions lead to different equilibria of manipulation at the colony level. While linear and accelerating cost functions generate monomorphic equilibria, decelerating costs lead to a process of evolutionary branching and hence split sex ratios.


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In colonies of social Hymenoptera (which include all ants, as well as some wasp and bee species), only queens reproduce whereas workers generally perform other tasks. The evolution of worker's reproductive altruism can be explained by kin selection, which states that workers can indirectly transmit copies of their genes by helping the reproduction of relatives. The relatedness between queens and workers may however be low, particularly when there are multiple queens per colony, which limits the transmission of copies of workers genes and increases potential conflicts between colony members. In this thesis, we investigated the link between social structure variations and conflicts, and explored the mechanisms involved in variation of colony queen number in ants. According to kin selection, workers should rear the brood they are most related to. In social Hymenoptera, males are haploid whereas females (workers and queens) are diploid. As a result, workers can be up to three times more related to females than males in some colonies, where they should consequently favour the production of females. In contrast, queens are equally related to daughters and sons in all types of colonies and therefore should favour a balanced sex ratio. In a meta-analysis across all studies of social Hymenoptera, we showed that colony sex ratio is generally largely influenced by workers. Hence, the evolution of social structures where queens and workers are equally related to males and females may contribute to decrease the conflict between the two castes over colony sex ratio. Another conflict between queens and workers can occur over male production. Many species contain workers that still have the ability to lay haploid eggs. In some social structures, workers are on average more related to sons of queens than to sons of other workers. As a result, workers should eliminate worker-laid eggs to favour queen-laid eggs. We showed that in the ant Formica selysi, workers eliminate more worker-laid than queen-laid eggs, independently of colony social structure. These results therefore suggest that worker policing can evolve independently from relatedness, potentially because of costs of worker reproduction at the colony-level. Colony queen number is a key parameter that influences relatedness between group members. Queen body size is generally linked to the success of independent colony foundation by single queens and may influence the number of queens in the new colony. In the ant F. selysi, single-queen colonies produce larger queens than multiple-queen colonies. We showed that this association results from genes or maternal effects transmitted to the eggs. However, we also found that queens produced in colonies of the two social forms did not differ in their general ability to found new colonies independently. Queen body size may also influence queen dispersal ability and constrain small queens to be re-adopted in their original nest after mating at proximity. We tested the acceptance of new queens in another ant species, Formica paralugubris, which has numerous queens per colony. Our results show that workers do not discriminate between nestmate and foreign queens, and more generally accept new queens at a limited rate. To conclude, this thesis shows that mechanisms influencing variation in colony queen number and the influence of these changes on conflict resolution are complex. Data gathered in this thesis therefore constitute a solid background for further research on the evolution and the maintenance of complex organisations in insect societies.


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The phenotype of social animals can be influenced by genetic, maternal and environmental effects, which include social interactions during development. In social insects, the social environment and genetic origin of brood can each influence a whole suite of traits, from individual size to caste differentiation. Here, we investigate to which degree the social environment during development affects the survival and fungal resistance of ant brood of known maternal origin. We manipulated one component of the social environment, the worker/brood ratio, of brood originating from single queens of Formica selysi. We monitored the survival of brood and measured the head size and ability to resist the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana of the resulting callow workers. The worker/brood ratio and origin of eggs affected the survival and maturation time of the brood and the size of the resulting callow workers. The survival of the callow workers varied greatly according to their origin, both in controls and when challenged with B. bassiana. However, there was no interaction between the fungal challenge and either the worker/brood ratio or origin of eggs, suggesting that these factors did not affect parasite resistance in the conditions tested. Overall, the social conditions during brood rearing and the origin of eggs had a strong impact on brood traits that are important for fitness. We detected a surprisingly large amount of variation among queens in the survival of their brood reared in standard queenless conditions, which calls for further studies on genetic, maternal and social effects influencing brood development in the social insects.