66 resultados para healthcare, mHealth, BSN, sensori, attuatori, mobilità, eHealth
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
The Internet and new communication technologies are deeply affecting healthcare systems and the provision of care. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the possibility that cyberhealth, via the development of widespread easy access to wireless personal computers, tablets and smartphones, can effectively influence intake of medication and long-term medication adherence, which is a complex, difficult and dynamic behaviour to adopt and to sustain over time. Because of its novelty, the impact of cyberhealth on drug intake has not yet been well explored. Initial results have provided some evidence, but more research is needed to determine the impact of cyberhealth resources on long-term adherence and health outcomes, its user-friendliness and its adequacy in meeting e-patient needs. The purpose of such Internet-based interventions, which provide different levels of customisation, is not to take over the roles of healthcare providers; on the contrary, cyberhealth platforms should reinforce the alliance between healthcare providers and patients by filling time-gaps between visits and allowing patients to upload and/or share feedback material to be used during the visits. This shift, however, is not easily endorsed by healthcare providers, who must master new eHealth skills, but healthcare systems have a unique opportunity to invest in the Internet and to use this powerful tool to design the future of integrated care. Before this can occur, however, important issues must be addressed and resolved, for example ethical considerations, the scientific quality of programmes, reimbursement of activity, data security and the ownership of uploaded data.
BACKGROUND: A reorganization of healthcare systems is required to meet the challenge of the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes. In North-America and Europe, several countries have thus developed national or regional chronic disease management programs. In Switzerland, such initiatives have only emerged recently. In 2010, the canton of Vaud set up the "Diabetes Cantonal Program", within the framework of which we conducted a study designed to ascertain the opinions of both diabetic patients and healthcare professionals on the elements that could be integrated into this program, the barriers and facilitators to its development, and the incentives that could motivate these actors to participate. METHODS: We organized eight focus-groups: one with diabetic patients and one with healthcare professionals in the four sanitary areas of the canton of Vaud. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and submitted to a thematic content analysis. RESULTS: Patients and healthcare professionals were rather in favour of the implementation of a cantonal program, although patients were more cautious concerning its necessity. All participants envisioned a set of elements that could be integrated to this program. They also considered that the program could be developed more easily if it were adapted to patients' and professionals' needs and if it used existing structures and professionals. The difficulty to motivate both patients and professionals to participate was mentioned as a barrier to the development of this program however. Quality or financial incentives could therefore be created to overcome this potential problem. CONCLUSION: The identification of the elements to consider, barriers, facilitators and incentives to participate to a chronic disease management program, obtained by exploring the opinions of patients and healthcare professionals, should favour its further development and implementation.
Neurocritical care depends, in part, on careful patient monitoring but as yet there are little data on what processes are the most important to monitor, how these should be monitored, and whether monitoring these processes is cost-effective and impacts outcome. At the same time, bioinformatics is a rapidly emerging field in critical care but as yet there is little agreement or standardization on what information is important and how it should be displayed and analyzed. The Neurocritical Care Society in collaboration with the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the Society for Critical Care Medicine, and the Latin America Brain Injury Consortium organized an international, multidisciplinary consensus conference to begin to address these needs. International experts from neurosurgery, neurocritical care, neurology, critical care, neuroanesthesiology, nursing, pharmacy, and informatics were recruited on the basis of their research, publication record, and expertise. They undertook a systematic literature review to develop recommendations about specific topics on physiologic processes important to the care of patients with disorders that require neurocritical care. This review does not make recommendations about treatment, imaging, and intraoperative monitoring. A multidisciplinary jury, selected for their expertise in clinical investigation and development of practice guidelines, guided this process. The GRADE system was used to develop recommendations based on literature review, discussion, integrating the literature with the participants' collective experience, and critical review by an impartial jury. Emphasis was placed on the principle that recommendations should be based on both data quality and on trade-offs and translation into clinical practice. Strong consideration was given to providing pragmatic guidance and recommendations for bedside neuromonitoring, even in the absence of high quality data.
Objective. The existence of two vaccines seasonal and pandemic-created the potential for confusion and misinformation among consumers during the 2009-2010 vaccination season. We measured the frequency and nature of influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults for both seasonal and 2009 influenza A(H1N1) vaccination and quantified its association with uptake of the two vaccines.Methods. We analyzed data from 4040 U.S. adult members of a nationally representative online panel surveyed between March 4th and March 24th, 2010. We estimated prevalence rates and adjusted associations between vaccine uptake and vaccination-related communication between patients and healthcare providers using bivariate probit models.Results. 64.1% (95%-CI: 61.5%-66.6%) of adults did not receive any provider-issued influenza vaccination recommendation. Adults who received a provider-issued vaccination recommendation were 14.1 (95%-CI: -2.4 to 30.6) to 32.1 (95%-CI: 24.3-39.8) percentage points more likely to be vaccinated for influenza than adults without a provider recommendation, after adjusting for other characteristics associated with vaccination.Conclusions. Influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults was relatively uncommon during the 2009-2010 pandemic. Increased communication could significantly enhance influenza vaccination rates. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVES: To determine 1) rates of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSSIs) not reported to occupational health services, 2) reasons for underreporting and 3) awareness of reporting procedures in a Swiss university hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We surveyed 6,367 employees having close clinical contact with patients or patient specimens. The questionnaire covered age, sex, occupation, years spent in occupation, history of NSSI during the preceding twelve months, NSSI reporting, barriers to reporting and knowledge of reporting procedures. RESULTS: 2,778 questionnaires were returned (43.6%) of which 2,691 were suitable for analysis. 260/2,691 employees (9.7%) had sustained at least one NSSI during the preceding twelve months. NSSIs were more frequent among nurses (49.2%) and doctors performing invasive procedures (IPs) (36.9%). NSSI rate by occupation was 8.6% for nurses, 19% for doctors and 1.3% for domestic staff. Of the injured respondents, 73.1% reported all events, 12.3% some and 14.6% none. 42.7% of doctors performing invasive procedures (IPs) underreported NSSIs and represented 58.6% of underreported events. Estimation that transmission risk was low (87.1%) and perceived lack of time (34.3%) were the most common reasons for non-reporting. Regarding reporting procedures, 80.1% of respondents knew to contact occupational health services. CONCLUSION: Doctors performing IPs have high rates of NSSI and, through self-assessment that infection transmission risk is low or perceived lack of time, high rates of underreporting. If individual risk analyses underestimate the real risk, such underreporting represents a missed opportunity for post-exposure prophylaxis and identification of hazardous procedures. Doctors' training in NSSI reporting merits re-evaluation.
Despite the tremendous amount of data collected in the field of ambulatory care, political authorities still lack synthetic indicators to provide them with a global view of health services utilization and costs related to various types of diseases. Moreover, public health indicators fail to provide useful information for physicians' accountability purposes. The approach is based on the Swiss context, which is characterized by the greatest frequency of medical visits in Europe, the highest rate of growth for care expenditure, poor public information but a lot of structured data (new fee system introduced in 2004). The proposed conceptual framework is universal and based on descriptors of six entities: general population, people with poor health, patients, services, resources and effects. We show that most conceptual shortcomings can be overcome and that the proposed indicators can be achieved without threatening privacy protection, using modern cryptographic techniques. Twelve indicators are suggested for the surveillance of the ambulatory care system, almost all based on routinely available data: morbidity, accessibility, relevancy, adequacy, productivity, efficacy (from the points of view of the population, people with poor health, and patients), effectiveness, efficiency, health services coverage and financing. The additional costs of this surveillance system should not exceed Euro 2 million per year (Euro 0.3 per capita).
The treatment and management of chronic conditions during adolescence pose specific issues that need to be appropriately handled by health professionals. In this paper, questions related to disclosure of the diagnosis, the management of adherence to therapy, the need for an interdisciplinary network approach, lifestyles' anticipatory guidance and prevention, and the transition into an adult healthcare setting are reviewed. Special areas such as the issue of life threatening diseases and the ethical aspects of the treatment of chronic conditions are also discussed.
OBJECTIVES: To assess whether patients' characteristics and healthcare resources consumption and costs were different between native and migrant populations in Switzerland. METHODS: All adult patients followed-up in the Swiss HIV-cohort study in our institution during 2000-2003 were considered. Patients' characteristics were retrieved from the cohort database. Hospital and outpatient resource use were extracted from individual charts and valued with 2002 tariffs. RESULTS: The 66 migrants were younger (29 +/- 8 years versus 37 +/- 11, p < 0.001), less often of male gender (38 % versus 70 %, p < 0.001), predominantly infected via heterosexual contact (87 % versus 52 %, p < 0.01), with lower mean CD4 level at enrollment (326 +/- 235 versus 437 +/- 305, p = 0.002) than their 200 native counterparts. Migrants had fewer hospitalizations, more frequent outpatient visits, laboratory tests, and lower total cost of care per year of follow-up (<euro> 2'215 +/- 4'206 versus 4'155 +/- 12'304, p = 0.037). Resource use and costs were significantly higher in people with < 200 CD4 cell counts in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Migrant population had more advanced disease, more outpatient visits but less hospitalizations, resulting in lower costs of care when compared with native population.
Résumé Ce travail s'intéresse à la mise en oeuvre des politiques publiques visant à résoudre les problèmes engendrés par le développement de la mobilité urbaine. Nous adoptons sur cette dernière un point de vue nouveau, à savoir que l'enjeu de la régulation du trafic est d'abord celui de la maîtrise des usages nombreux et conflictuels sur deux ressources collectives, l'air et les voies publiques. Pour comprendre comment ces usages sont régulés, nous mobilisons les deux apports théoriques de l'économie institutionnelle (Bromley 1991, Devlin et Grafton 1990, Ostrom 1990, 2000) et de l'analyse des politiques publiques (Knoepfel et al. 2001) au sein du cadre d'analyse des régimes institutionnels de ressources collectives. La première problématise la difficulté de définir des règles communes d'usage pour éviter la surexploitation des ressources alors que la seconde met en jeu notamment le problème de la coordination des politiques publiques d'exploitation et de protection de l'environnement. Sur ce socle, nous choisissons de retenir une approche « institutionnaliste centrée sur les acteurs » (Scharpf 1997), aussi thématisée par les approches néo-institutionnalistes (Hall/Taylor 1996, March/Olsen 1989) visant à expliquer le changement politique par deux types de variables explicatives, à savoir les changements dans la régulation publique (variable institutionnelle) et les changements de la configuration des acteurs en présence, à partir desquels nous bâtissons nos hypothèses de recherche. En l'espèce, l'étude mobilise la variable explicative des régimes institutionnels de l'air et du sol mobilisés par les acteurs de la mobilité pour comprendre l'évolution de la répartition des usages sur les routes urbaines. Ce processus passe par le recours à des ressources de politiques publiques comme le droit, l'argent, l'information, le consensus, le soutien politique, l'infrastructure ou le temps que les acteurs peuvent activer en fonction des règles institutionnelles en présence. On peut classer ces dernières d'abord selon leur niveau de généralité (niveaux opérationnel, des choix collectifs et constitutionnel - Ostrom 1990). L'étude établit que la régulation des usages connaît une importante gradation que rend compte le concept de résistance normative. En fonction de cette dernière, les acteurs essaient de s'imposer au moyen de deux dimensions des règles, que ce travail met en exergue, à savoir selon qu'elles régulent tantôt le mode de décision tantôt le mode d'appropriation. Ces règles décisionnelles et possessionnelles déterminent les possibilités d'accès, ainsi que la procédure d'intervention et la place qui sont réservées aux acteurs, aussi bien pour les ressources collectives physiques que de politique publique. L'étude permet ainsi à la fois d'apporter des éléments nouveaux à la théorie des changements de régimes institutionnels de ressources collectives, d'éclairer un peu plus les processus de mise en couvre de l'action publique et de contribuer au débat sur les principales propositions permettant de maîtriser les impacts négatifs du développement de la mobilité.
Background: Most migrant studies have compared health characteristics between migrants and nationals of the host country. We aimed at comparing health characteristics of migrants with nationals from their home country. Methods: Portuguese national health survey (2005-6; 30,173 participants aged 18-75 years) and four national health surveys conducted in Switzerland (2002, 2004, 2007 and 2011, totalling 1,170 Portuguese migrants of the same age range). Self-reported data on length of stay, cardiovascular risk factors, healthcare use and health status were collected. Results: Resident Portuguese were significantly older and more educated than migrants. Resident Portuguese had a higher mean BMI and prevalence of obesity than migrants. Resident Portuguese also reported more frequently being hypertensive and having their blood pressure screened within the last year. On the contrary, migrant Portuguese were more frequently smokers, had a medical visit in the previous year more frequently and self-rated their health higher than resident Portuguese. After adjustment for age, gender, marital status and education, migrants had a higher likelihood smoking, of having a medical visit the previous year, and of self-rating their current health as good or very good than resident Portuguese. Compared to Portuguese residents, cholesterol screening in the previous year was more common only among migrants living in Switzerland for more than 17 years. Conclusion: Portuguese migrants in Switzerland do not differ substantially from resident Portuguese regarding most cardiovascular risk factors. Migrants appear to benefit from higher healthcare accessibility and consider themselves healthier than Portuguese residents.