77 resultados para gender and sex - theories

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Weight gain is often associated with smoking cessation and may discourage smokers from quitting. This study estimated the weight gained one year after smoking cessation and examined the risk factors associated with weight gain in order to identify socio-demographic groups at higher risk of increased weight after quitting. We analyzed data from 750 adults in two randomized controlled studies that included smokers motivated to quit and found a gradient in weight gain according to the actual duration of abstinence during follow-up. Subjects who were abstinent for at least 40 weeks gained 4.6 kg (SD = 3.8) on average, compared to 1.2 kg (SD = 2.6) for those who were abstinent less than 20 weeks during the 1-year follow-up. Considering the duration of abstinence as an exposure variable, we found an age effect and a significant interaction between sex and the amount of smoking before quitting: younger subjects gained more weight than older subjects; among light smokers, men gained more weight on average than women one year after quitting, while the opposite was observed among heavy smokers. Young women smoking heavily at baseline had the highest risk of weight gain after quitting.


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One of the most relevant concerns in long-term survivors of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is the development of neuropsychological sequelae. The majority of the published studies report on patients treated with chemotherapy and prophylactic central nervous system (CNS) irradiation, little is known about the outcome of patients treated with chemotherapy-only regimens. Using the standardised clinical and neuropsychological instruments of the SPOG Late Effects Study, the intellectual performance of 132 paediatric ALL patients treated with chemotherapy only was compared to that of 100 control patients surviving from diverse non-CNS solid tumours. As a group, ALL and solid tumour survivors showed normal and comparable intellectual performances (mean global IQ 104.6 in both groups). The percentage of patients in the borderline range (global IQ between 70 and 85) was comparable and not higher as expected (10% cases and 13% controls, expected 16%). Only 2 (2%) of the former ALL and 1 (1%) of the solid tumour patients were in the range of mental retardation (global IQ<70). Former known risk factors described in children treated with prophylactic CNS irradiation, like a younger age at diagnosis of ALL and female gender, remained valid in chemotherapy-only treated patients. The abandonment of prophylactic CNS irradiation and its replacement by a more intensive systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy led to a reduction, but not the disappearance of late neuropsychological sequelae.


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La prévalence mondiale du tabagisme est environ cinq fois plus importante chez les hommes que chez les femmes, toutefois cet écart tend à s'égaliser. En ce qui concerne les conséquences sur la santé du tabagisme, les femmes semblent plus susceptibles que les hommes. Elles sont notamment plus à risque de présenter certains cancers pulmonaires ou de décéder de maladies cardiovasculaires. Si les hommes sont moins enclins à demander de l'aide pour arrêter de fumer, les femmes quant à elles ont moins de succès dans leurs tentatives d'arrêt et les traitements semblent moins efficaces chez ces dernières. Des interventions d'aide à l'arrêt et des mesures de prévention du tabagisme adaptées aux spécificités de genre ont le potentiel d'améliorer la prise en charge des fumeurs et de diminuer les disparités de genre en santé. Smoking prevalence is globally five times higher among men compared to women but this gap tends to decrease. Regarding health consequences of smoking, women tend to be more vulnerable than men. They are namely more at risk to present certain lung cancers and die of cardiovascular disease. While men are less prone to seek help for smoking cessation, women are less successful in their quit attempts and smoking cessation treatments are less effective among them. Interventions for smoking cessation and preventive measures tailored to gender specificities have the potential to improve management of smokers and decrease gender disparities in healthcare.


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L'objectif de cette étude est de vérifier la validité interne de la version française du questionnaire d'impulsivité d'Eysenck (I7), traduite par Dupont et al., sur un échantillon d'étudiants suisses (n = 220). Dans leur questionnaire, Eysenck et Eysenck proposent trois échelles : les deux premières évaluant deux composantes distinctes de l'impulsivité (l'Impulsivité caractérisant les individus qui agissent sans penser, sans être conscients des risques associés à leurs actions, et la Recherche d'aventure caractérisant les individus qui agissent en étant conscients, et en tenant compte des risques associés à leurs actions), et la troisième servant de « distracteur » (l'Empathie caractérisant les individus qui ont la faculté de s'identifier à l'autre). La structure à trois facteurs de l'instrument a été confirmée par notre analyse factorielle en composantes principales. La solution factorielle retenue n'explique toutefois qu'une faible proportion de la variance (21.9 %). L'homogénéité interne des échelles, mesurée à l'aide d'alphas de Cronbach, est acceptable pour l'échelle d'Impulsivité (.78) et de Recherche d'aventure (.71), mais elle est, en revanche, faible pour l'échelle d'Empathie (.62). Les échelles de l'I7 d'Eysenck entretiennent des corrélations cohérentes avec les cinq grandes dimensions de la personnalité mesurées par le NEO PI-R. L'Impulsivité est associée négativement à la dimension Conscience (r = - .32), alors que la Recherche d'aventures est associée positivement à la dimension Extraversion (r = .33). Le sexe a un impact sur les échelles Recherche d'aventure et Empathie. Les qualités métrologiques de la version française du questionnaire d'impulsivité d'Eysenck (I7) sont satisfaisantes, mais l'estimation d'autres indices de validité, comme la fidélité test-retest et la validité convergente, devrait être réalisée.


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This doctoral dissertation aims at describing the representation of holy harlots (Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt, Pelagia, Thai's, Afra of Augsburg) in medieval English hagiography. These saints are unique representatives that combine both extremes of the feminine in the medieval imaginaire: she is both, as a saint, the Virgin Mary, the pure and virtuous woman, and, in her past as a prostitute, Eve, the evil female tempter who led all mankind to destruction. The initial question of this thesis is how did hagiographers negotiate the representation of a formerly sinful, sexually active, long- living woman as an authoritative saint? This thesis aims at finding elements of answer to this question, investigating the intersections between gender and authority in the saints' lives of repentant prostitutes in all the vernaculars of medieval England: Old English, Anglo-Norman, and Middle English. It posits that the portrayal of holy harlots' authority and gender is dependent upon social, religious and literary shifts during the medieval period. My contention is that the harlot's gender portrayal changes over the course of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, due notably to the rise of affective piety and the important influence of the romance genre over hagiography. In Anglo-Saxon England, the harlot's gender changes with the saint's conversion: a woman beforehand, her gender is portrayed after her repentance as ambiguous in order for her to become a saint. Her authority derives from her own sanctity in this case. From the twelfth century onward, however, the harlot, now often turned into a beautiful and landed romance lady, is more and more represented as a woman throughout her life, and becomes after her conversion a Bride of Christ. In this way, the dangerously free woman who roamed the streets and prostituted her body becomes less threatening after her conversion, being (re-)inscribed within the male dominated institution of marriage. She now draws her authoritative stance from her gendered intimacy with Christ: although she submits to Christ as his bride, she also gains greater authority than before by way of her privileged relationship with the Savior.


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The study was designed to investigate the psychometric properties of the French version and the cross-language replicability of the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC). The HiPIC is an instrument aimed at assessing the five dimensions of the Five-Factor Model for Children. Subjects were 552 children aged between 8 and 12 years, rated by one or both parents. At the domain level, reliability ranged from .83 to .93 and at the facet level, reliability ranged from .69 to .89. Differences between genders were congruent with those found in the Dutch sample. Girls scored higher on Benevolence and Conscientiousness. Age was negatively correlated with Extraversion and Imagination. For girls, we also observed a decrease of Emotional Stability. A series of exploratory factor analyses confirmed the overall five-factor structure for girls and boys. Targeted factor analyses and congruence coefficients revealed high cross-language replicability at the domain and at the facet levels. The results showed that the French version of the HiPIC is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing personality with children and has a particularly high cross-language replicability.


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In androdioecious metapopulations, where males co-occur with hermaphrodites, the absence of males from certain populations or regions may be explained by locally high selfing rates, high hermaphrodite outcross siring success (e.g. due to high pollen production by hermaphrodites), or to stochastic processes (e.g. the failure of males to invade populations or regions following colonization or range expansion by hermaphrodites). In the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco, the presence of males with hermaphrodites in the wind-pollinated androdioecious plant Mercurialis annua (Euphorbiaceae) varies both among populations within relatively small regions and among regions, with some regions lacking males from all populations. The species is known to have expanded its range into the Iberian Peninsula from a southern refugium. To account for variation in male presence in M. annua, we test the following hypotheses: (1) that males are absent in areas where plant densities are lower, because selfing rates should be correspondingly higher; (2) that males are absent in areas where hermaphrodites produce more pollen; and (3) that males are absent in areas where there is an elevated proportion of populations in which plant density and hermaphrodite pollen production disfavour their invasion. We found support for predictions two and three in Morocco (the putative Pleistocene refugium for M. annua) but no support for any hypothesis in Iberia (the expanded range). Our results are partially consistent with a hypothesis of sex-allocation equilibrium for populations in Morocco; in Iberia, the absence of males from large geographical regions is more consistent with a model of sex-ratio evolution in a metapopulation with recurrent population turnover. Our study points to the role of both frequency-dependent selection and contingencies imposed by colonization during range expansions and in metapopulations.


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BACKGROUND: Animal societies are diverse, ranging from small family-based groups to extraordinarily large social networks in which many unrelated individuals interact. At the extreme of this continuum, some ant species form unicolonial populations in which workers and queens can move among multiple interconnected nests without eliciting aggression. Although unicoloniality has been mostly studied in invasive ants, it also occurs in some native non-invasive species. Unicoloniality is commonly associated with very high queen number, which may result in levels of relatedness among nestmates being so low as to raise the question of the maintenance of altruism by kin selection in such systems. However, the actual relatedness among cooperating individuals critically depends on effective dispersal and the ensuing pattern of genetic structuring. In order to better understand the evolution of unicoloniality in native non-invasive ants, we investigated the fine-scale population genetic structure and gene flow in three unicolonial populations of the wood ant F. paralugubris. RESULTS: The analysis of geo-referenced microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes revealed the presence of cryptic clusters of genetically-differentiated nests in the three populations of F. paralugubris. Because of this spatial genetic heterogeneity, members of the same clusters were moderately but significantly related. The comparison of nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial differentiation indicated that effective gene flow was male-biased in all populations. CONCLUSION: The three unicolonial populations exhibited male-biased and mostly local gene flow. The high number of queens per nest, exchanges among neighbouring nests and restricted long-distance gene flow resulted in large clusters of genetically similar nests. The positive relatedness among clustermates suggests that kin selection may still contribute to the maintenance of altruism in unicolonial populations if competition occurs among clusters.


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Hemodynamic imaging results have associated both gender and body weight to variation in brain responses to food-related information. However, the spatio-temporal brain dynamics of gender-related and weight-wise modulations in food discrimination still remain to be elucidated. We analyzed visual evoked potentials (VEPs) while normal-weighted men (n = 12) and women (n = 12) categorized photographs of energy-dense foods and non-food kitchen utensils. VEP analyses showed that food categorization is influenced by gender as early as 170 ms after image onset. Moreover, the female VEP pattern to food categorization co-varied with participants' body weight. Estimations of the neural generator activity over the time interval of VEP modulations (i.e. by means of a distributed linear inverse solution [LAURA]) revealed alterations in prefrontal and temporo-parietal source activity as a function of image category and participants' gender. However, only neural source activity for female responses during food viewing was negatively correlated with body-mass index (BMI) over the respective time interval. Women showed decreased neural source activity particularly in ventral prefrontal brain regions when viewing food, but not non-food objects, while no such associations were apparent in male responses to food and non-food viewing. Our study thus indicates that gender influences are already apparent during initial stages of food-related object categorization, with small variations in body weight modulating electrophysiological responses especially in women and in brain areas implicated in food reward valuation and intake control. These findings extend recent reports on prefrontal reward and control circuit responsiveness to food cues and the potential role of this reactivity pattern in the susceptibility to weight gain.


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Males in many animal species differ greatly from females in morphology, physiology and behaviour. Ants, bees and wasps have a haplodiploid mechanism of sex determination whereby unfertilized eggs become males while fertilized eggs become females. However, many species also have a low frequency of diploid males, which are thought to develop from diploid eggs when individuals are homozygous at one or more sex determination loci. Diploid males are morphologically similar to haploids, though often larger and typically sterile. To determine how ploidy level and sex-locus genotype affect gene expression during development, we compared expression patterns between diploid males, haploid males and females (queens) at three developmental timepoints in Solenopsis invicta. In pupae, gene expression profiles of diploid males were very different from those of haploid males but nearly identical to those of queens. An unexpected shift in expression patterns emerged soon after adult eclosion, with diploid male patterns diverging from those of queens to resemble those of haploid males, a pattern retained in older adults. The finding that ploidy level effects on early gene expression override sex effects (including genes implicated in sperm production and pheromone production/perception) may explain diploid male sterility and lack of worker discrimination against them during development.


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The rat adrenal gland contains ganglion cells able to synthesize nitric oxide (NO). This messenger molecule controls and modulates adrenal secretory activity and blood flow. The present study analyzed the number, size, and distribution of NO-producing adrenal neurons in adulthood and during postnatal development by means of beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry. This method reliably visualizes the enzyme responsible for NO generation. The reactive neurons per adrenal gland were 350-400 in both male and female adult rats. The positive nerve cell bodies were mostly located in the medulla, few being detected within the cortex and the subcapsular region. Dual labeling with anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 antibody, specific for neuronal elements, confirmed this distribution. Anti-microtubule-associated protein 1b antibody identified a subset of NADPH-d-positive neurons, displaying different degrees of maturation according to their position within the adrenal gland. At birth, there were about 220 NADPH-d-labeled neurons per adrenal gland in both sexes. As confirmed by dual immunocytochemical labeling, their great majority was evenly distributed between the cortex and the subcapsular region, the medulla being practically devoid of stained neurons. After birth, the number of adrenal NADPH-d-positive ganglion cells displayed a strong postnatal increase and reached the adult-like distribution after 1-2 months. During the period of increase, there was a transient difference in the numbers of these cells in the two sexes. Thus we present here evidence of plasticity in the number, size, and distribution of NADPH-d-positive adrenal neurons between birth and adulthood; in addition, we describe transient sex-related differences in their number and distribution during the 2nd postnatal week, which are possibly related to the epigenetic action of gonadal hormones during this period.