79 resultados para floral biology
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
The size-advantage model (SAM) explains the temporal variation of energetic investment on reproductive structures (i.e. male and female gametes and reproductive organs) in long-lived hermaphroditic plants and animals. It proposes that an increase in the resources available to an organism induces a higher relative investment on the most energetically costly sexual structures. In plants, pollination interactions are known to play an important role in the evolution of floral features. Because the SAM directly concerns flower characters, pollinators are expected to have a strong influence on the application of the model. This hypothesis, however, has never been tested. Here, we investigate whether the identity and diversity of pollinators can be used as a proxy to predict the application of the SAM in exclusive zoophilous plants. We present a new approach to unravel the dynamics of the model and test it on several widespread Arum (Araceae) species. By identifying the species composition, abundance and spatial variation of arthropods trapped in inflorescences, we show that some species (i.e. A. cylindraceum and A. italicum) display a generalist reproductive strategy, relying on the exploitation of a low number of dipterans, in contrast to the pattern seen in the specialist A. maculatum (pollinated specifically by two fly species only). Based on the model presented here, the application of the SAM is predicted for the first two and not expected in the latter species, those predictions being further confirmed by allometric measures. We here demonstrate that while an increase in the female zone occurs in larger inflorescences of generalist species, this does not happen in species demonstrating specific pollinators. This is the first time that this theory is both proposed and empirically tested in zoophilous plants. Its overall biological importance is discussed through its application in other non-Arum systems.
BACKGROUND: Major factors influencing the phenotypic diversity of a lineage can be recognized by characterizing the extent and mode of trait evolution between related species. Here, we compared the evolutionary dynamics of traits associated with floral morphology and climatic preferences in a clade composed of the genera Codonanthopsis, Codonanthe and Nematanthus (Gesneriaceae). To test the mode and specific components that lead to phenotypic diversity in this group, we performed a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of combined nuclear and plastid DNA sequences and modeled the evolution of quantitative traits related to flower shape and size and to climatic preferences. We propose an alternative approach to display graphically the complex dynamics of trait evolution along a phylogenetic tree using a wide range of evolutionary scenarios. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated heterogeneous trait evolution. Floral shapes displaced into separate regimes selected by the different pollinator types (hummingbirds versus insects), while floral size underwent a clade-specific evolution. Rates of evolution were higher for the clade that is hummingbird pollinated and experienced flower resupination, compared with species pollinated by bees, suggesting a relevant role of plant-pollinator interactions in lowland rainforest. The evolution of temperature preferences is best explained by a model with distinct selective regimes between the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and the other biomes, whereas differentiation along the precipitation axis was characterized by higher rates, compared with temperature, and no regime or clade-specific patterns. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows different selective regimes and clade-specific patterns in the evolution of morphological and climatic components during the diversification of Neotropical species. Our new graphical visualization tool allows the representation of trait trajectories under parameter-rich models, thus contributing to a better understanding of complex evolutionary dynamics.
Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P<510(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms.
Abstract Objectives: This review will briefly present the epidemiology and risk factors of gout, with a focus on recent advances. Methods: Key papers for inclusion were identified by a PubMed search, and articles were selected according to their relevance for the topic, according to authors' judgment. Results and conclusions: Gout therapy has remained very much unchanged for the last 50 years, but recently we have seen the approval of another gout treatment: the xanthine oxidase inhibitor febuxostat, and several new drugs are now in the late stages of clinical testing. Together with our enhanced level of understanding of the pathophysiology of the inflammatory process involved, we are entering a new era for the treatment of gout.
More than a decade ago, 'plasticity' suddenly became a 'fashionable' topic with overemphasized implications for regenerative medicine. The concept of 'plasticity' is supported by old transplantation work, at least for embryonic cells, and metaplasia is a classic example of plasticity observed in patients. Nevertheless, the publication of a series of papers showing rare conversion of a given cell type into another unrelated cell raised the possibility of using any unaffected tissue to create at will new cells to replace a different failing tissue or organ. This resulted in disingenuous interpretations and a reason not to fund anymore research on embryonic stem cells (ESc). Moreover, many papers on plasticity were difficult to reproduce and thus questioned; raising issues about plasticity as a technical artefact or a consequence of rare spontaneous cells fusion. More recently, reprogramming adult differentiated cells to a pluripotent state (iPS) became possible, and later, one type of differentiated cell could be directly reprogrammed into another (e.g. fibroblasts into neurons) without reverting to pluripotency. Although the latter results from different and more robust experimental protocols, these phenomena also exemplify 'plasticity'. In this review, we want to place 'plasticity' in a historical perspective still taking into account ethical and political implications.
Recently, the introduction of second generation sequencing and further advance-ments in confocal microscopy have enabled system-level studies for the functional characterization of genes. The degree of complexity intrinsic to these approaches needs the development of bioinformatics methodologies and computational models for extracting meaningful biological knowledge from the enormous amount of experimental data which is continuously generated. This PhD thesis presents several novel bioinformatics methods and computational models to address specific biological questions in Plant Biology by using the plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. First, a spatio-temporal qualitative analysis of quantitative transcript and protein profiles is applied to show the role of the BREVIS RADIX (BRX) protein in the auxin- cytokinin crosstalk for root meristem growth. Core of this PhD work is the functional characterization of the interplay between the BRX protein and the plant hormone auxin in the root meristem by using a computational model based on experimental evidence. Hyphotesis generated by the modelled to the discovery of a differential endocytosis pattern in the root meristem that splits the auxin transcriptional response via the plasma membrane to nucleus partitioning of BRX. This positional information system creates an auxin transcriptional pattern that deviates from the canonical auxin response and is necessary to sustain the expression of a subset of BRX-dependent auxin-responsive genes to drive root meristem growth. In the second part of this PhD thesis, we characterized the genome-wide impact of large scale deletions on four divergent Arabidopsis natural strains, through the integration of Ultra-High Throughput Sequencing data with data from genomic hybridizations on tiling arrays. Analysis of the identified deletions revealed a considerable portion of protein coding genes affected and supported a history of genomic rearrangements shaped by evolution. In the last part of the thesis, we showed that VIP3 gene in Arabidopsis has an evo-lutionary conserved role in the 3' to 5' mRNA degradation machinery, by applying a novel approach for the analysis of mRNA-Seq data from random-primed mRNA. Altogether, this PhD research contains major advancements in the study of natural genomic variation in plants and in the application of computational morphodynamics models for the functional characterization of biological pathways essential for the plant. - Rcemment, l'introduction du squenage de seconde gnration et les avances dans la microscopie confocale ont permis des tudes l'chelle des diffrents systmes cellulaires pour la caractrisation fonctionnelle de gnes. Le degrs de complexit intrinsque ces approches ont requis le dveloppement de mthodologies bioinformatiques et de modles mathmatiques afin d'extraire de la masse de donnes exprimentale gnre, des information biologiques significatives. Ce doctorat prsente la fois des mthodes bioinformatiques originales et des modles mathmatiques pour rpondre certaines questions spcifiques de Biologie Vgtale en utilisant la plante Arabidopsis thaliana comme modle. Premirement, une analyse qualitative spatio-temporelle de profiles quantitatifs de transcripts et de protines est utilise pour montrer le rle de la protine BREVIS RADIX (BRX) dans le dialogue entre l'auxine et les cytokinines, des phytohormones, dans la croissance du mristme racinaire. Le noyau de ce travail de thse est la caractrisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre la protine BRX et la phytohormone auxine dans le mristme de la racine en utilisant des modles informatiques bass sur des preuves exprimentales. Les hypothses produites par le modle ont men la dcouverte d'un schma diffrentiel d'endocytose dans le mristme racinaire qui divise la rponse transcriptionnelle l'auxine par le partitionnement de BRX de la membrane plasmique au noyau de la cellule. Cette information positionnelle cre une rponse transcriptionnelle l'auxine qui dvie de la rponse canonique l'auxine et est ncessaire pour soutenir l'expression d'un sous ensemble de gnes rpondant l'auxine et dpendant de BRX pour conduire la croissance du mristme. Dans la seconde partie de cette thse de doctorat, nous avons caractris l'impact sur l'ensemble du gnome des dltions grande chelle sur quatre souches divergentes naturelles d'Arabidopsis, travers l'intgration du squenage ultra-haut-dbit avec l'hybridation gnomique sur puces ADN. L'analyse des dltions identifies a rvl qu'une proportion considrable de gnes codant tait affecte, supportant l'ide d'un historique de rarrangement gnomique model durant l'volution. Dans la dernire partie de cette thse, nous avons montr que le gne VP3 dans Arabidopsis a conserv un rle volutif dans la machinerie de dgradation des ARNm dans le sens 3' 5', en appliquant une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des donnes de squenage d'ARNm issue de transcripts amplifis alatoirement. Dans son ensemble, cette recherche de doctorat contient des avances majeures dans l'tude des variations gnomiques naturelles des plantes et dans l'application de modles morphodynamiques informatiques pour la caractrisation de rseaux biologiques essentiels la plante. - Le dveloppement des plantes est crit dans leurs codes gntiques. Pour comprendre comment les plantes sont capables de s'adapter aux changements environnementaux, il est essentiel d'tudier comment leurs gnes gouvernent leur formation. Plus nous essayons de comprendre le fonctionnement d'une plante, plus nous ralisons la complexit des mcanismes biologiques, tel point que l'utilisation d'outils et de modles mathmatiques devient indispensable. Dans ce travail, avec l'utilisation de la plante modle Arabidopsis thalicinci nous avons rsolu des problmes biologiques spcifiques travers le dveloppement et l'application de mthodes informatiques concrtes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons investigu comment le gne BREVIS RADIX (BRX) rgule le dveloppement de la racine en contrlant la rponse deux hormones : l'auxine et la cytokinine. Nous avons employ une analyse statistique sur des mesures quantitatives de transcripts et de produits de gnes afin de dmontrer que BRX joue un rle antagonisant dans le dialogue entre ces deux hormones. Lorsque ce-dialogue molculaire est perturb, la racine primaire voit sa longueur dramatiquement rduite. Pour comprendre comment BRX rpond l'auxine, nous avons dvelopp un modle informatique bas sur des rsultats exprimentaux. Les simulations successives ont men la dcouverte d'un signal positionnel qui contrle la rponse de la racine l'auxine par la rgulation du mouvement intracellulaire de BRX. Dans la seconde partie de cette thse, nous avons analys le gnome entier de quatre souches naturelles d'Arabidopsis et nous avons trouv qu'une grande partie de leurs gnes taient manquant par rapport la souche de rfrence. Ce rsultat indique que l'historique des modifications gnomiques conduites par l'volution dtermine une disponibilit diffrentielle des gnes fonctionnels dans ces plantes. Dans la dernire partie de ce travail, nous avons analys les donnes du transcriptome de la plante o le gne VIP3 tait non fonctionnel. Ceci nous a permis de dcouvrir le rle double de VIP3 dans la rgulation de l'initiation de la transcription et dans la dgradation des transcripts. Ce rle double n'avait jusqu'alors t dmontre que chez l'homme. Ce travail de doctorat supporte le dveloppement et l'application de mthodologies informatiques comme outils inestimables pour rsoudre la complexit des problmes biologiques dans la recherche vgtale. L'intgration de la biologie vgtale et l'informatique est devenue de plus en plus importante pour l'avance de nos connaissances sur le fonctionnement et le dveloppement des plantes.
Mammalian sex chromosomes stem from ancestral autosomes and have substantially differentiated. It was shown that X-linked genes have generated duplicate intronless gene copies (retrogenes) on autosomes due to this differentiation. However, the precise driving forces for this out-of-X gene "movement" and its evolutionary onset are not known. Based on expression analyses of male germ-cell populations, we here substantiate and extend the hypothesis that autosomal retrogenes functionally compensate for the silencing of their X-linked housekeeping parental genes during, but also after, male meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI). Thus, sexually antagonistic forces have not played a major role for the selective fixation of X-derived gene copies in mammals. Our dating analyses reveal that although retrogenes were produced ever since the common mammalian ancestor, selectively driven retrogene export from the X only started later, on the placental mammal (eutherian) and marsupial (metatherian) lineages, respectively. Together, these observations suggest that chromosome-wide MSCI emerged close to the eutherian-marsupial split approximately 180 million years ago. Given that MSCI probably reflects the spread of the recombination barrier between the X and Y, crucial for their differentiation, our data imply that these chromosomes became more widely differentiated only late in the therian ancestor, well after the divergence of the monotreme lineage. Thus, our study also provides strong independent support for the recent notion that our sex chromosomes emerged, not in the common ancestor of all mammals, but rather in the therian ancestor, and therefore are much younger than previously thought
A population-genetic model indicates that if there is a gene responsible for homosexual behaviour it can readily spread in populations. The model also predicts widespread bisexuality in humans.
The emergence of omics technologies allowing the global analysis of a given biological or molecular system, rather than the study of its individual components, has revolutionized biomedical research, including cardiovascular medicine research in the past decade. These developments raised the prospect that classical, hypothesis-driven, single gene-based approaches may soon become obsolete. The experience accumulated so far, however, indicates that omic technologies only represent tools similar to those classically used by scientists in the past and nowadays, to make hypothesis and build models, with the main difference that they generate large amounts of unbiased information. Thus, omics and classical hypothesis-driven research are rather complementary approaches with the potential to effectively synergize to boost research in many fields, including cardiovascular medicine. In this article we discuss some general aspects of omics approaches, and review contributions in three areas of vascular biology, thrombosis and haemostasis, atherosclerosis and angiogenesis, in which omics approaches have already been applied (vasculomics).
The introduction of engineered nanostructured materials into a rapidly increasing number of industrial and consumer products will result in enhanced exposure to engineered nanoparticles. Workplace exposure has been identified as the most likely source of uncontrolled inhalation of engineered aerosolized nanoparticles, but release of engineered nanoparticles may occur at any stage of the lifecycle of (consumer) products. The dynamic development of nanomaterials with possibly unknown toxicological effects poses a challenge for the assessment of nanoparticle induced toxicity and safety.In this consensus document from a workshop on in-vitro cell systems for nanoparticle toxicity testing11Workshop on 'In-Vitro Exposure Studies for Toxicity Testing of Engineered Nanoparticles' sponsored by the Association for Aerosol Research (GAeF), 5-6 September 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany. an overview is given of the main issues concerning exposure to airborne nanoparticles, lung physiology, biological mechanisms of (adverse) action, in-vitro cell exposure systems, realistic tissue doses, risk assessment and social aspects of nanotechnology. The workshop participants recognized the large potential of in-vitro cell exposure systems for reliable, high-throughput screening of nanoparticle toxicity. For the investigation of lung toxicity, a strong preference was expressed for air-liquid interface (ALI) cell exposure systems (rather than submerged cell exposure systems) as they more closely resemble in-vivo conditions in the lungs and they allow for unaltered and dosimetrically accurate delivery of aerosolized nanoparticles to the cells. An important aspect, which is frequently overlooked, is the comparison of typically used in-vitro dose levels with realistic in-vivo nanoparticle doses in the lung. If we consider average ambient urban exposure and occupational exposure at 5mg/m3 (maximum level allowed by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)) as the boundaries of human exposure, the corresponding upper-limit range of nanoparticle flux delivered to the lung tissue is 310-5-510-3μg/h/cm2 of lung tissue and 2-300particles/h/(epithelial) cell. This range can be easily matched and even exceeded by almost all currently available cell exposure systems.The consensus statement includes a set of recommendations for conducting in-vitro cell exposure studies with pulmonary cell systems and identifies urgent needs for future development. As these issues are crucial for the introduction of safe nanomaterials into the marketplace and the living environment, they deserve more attention and more interaction between biologists and aerosol scientists. The members of the workshop believe that further advances in in-vitro cell exposure studies would be greatly facilitated by a more active role of the aerosol scientists. The technical know-how for developing and running ALI in-vitro exposure systems is available in the aerosol community and at the same time biologists/toxicologists are required for proper assessment of the biological impact of nanoparticles.
Abstract : This thesis investigates the pathogenicity and biology of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and other obligate intracellular bacteria related to chlamydiae. All these Chlamydia-like organisms replicate in amoebae. Some evolved to resist to macrophages and represent possible new agents of respiratory tract infection. Using serological and molecular approaches, we showed that Parachlamydia acanthameobae likely plays a role as an etiological agent of pneumonia [1,2]. We also showed that Parachlamydia was able to enter and survive within pneumocytes and lung fibroblasts [3]. Moreover, we developed an animal model of lung infection in mice, which fulfilled the third and fourth Koch postulate [4]. Given the likely role of Parachlamydia in pneumonia, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. We showed that Chlamydia-related organisms were resistant to quinolones, mainly due to mutations in the QRDR of gyrA [5]. To have tools to investigate the role of other Chlamydia-related bacteria in pneumonia, we developed immunofluorescence assays and assessed the rate of serological cross-reactivity between all these Chlamydia-related bacteria [6]. We also developed new diagnostic specific PCRs [2,7] and sequenced additional genes that are useful for both taxonomic and diagnostic purposes [8]. Then, we applied these serological and molecular approaches to patients with and without respiratory tract infections. This led to the identification of a possible role of Protochlamydia naegleriophila [7] and of Waddlia chondrophila in pneumonia [1]. A significant part of the thesis also investigated interactions of Parachlamydia with macrophages [9] and the host range of Chlamydia-related bacteria [10]. In conclusion, there are growing body of evidence supporting the role of Chlamydia-like organisms as agents of pneumonia. Further studies are needed to precise their pathogenic role in this setting. The diagnostic tools developed during this thesis will be useful to investigate the role of these strict intracellular bacteria in other diseases in both humans and animals [11,12]. Rsum : Le but de cette thse est de dterminer le rle pathogne de Parachlamydia et des bactries apparentes aux Chlamydia ainsi que d'tudier leur biologie. Parachlamydia acanthamoebae est une bactrie intracellulaire apparente aux Chlamydia, et qui est rsistante non seulement aux amibes mais aussi aux macrophages. Par une approche srologique et molculaire, nous avons montr que les bactries apparentes aux Chlamydia jouent probablement un rle comme agent de pneumonie [1,2]. De plus, nous avons dmontr que P. acanthameobae est capable d'entrer et de survivre dans les pneumocytes et fibroblastes pulmonaires [3]. Nous avons ensuite dvelopp un modle animal remplissant les troisime et quatrime postulats de Koch [4]. Nous avons aussi dmontr que les bactries apparentes aux Chlamydia sont rsistantes aux quinolones, en raison de mutations dans la rgion QRDR de gyrA [5]. Afin de mieux dterminer le rle pathogne de ces bactries, nous avons mis au point des techniques d' immunofluorescence et dtermin la cross-raction srologique entre les diffrentes bactries apparentes aux Chlamydia [6]. Diffrentes PCR diagnostiques ont aussi t dveloppes [2,7] et des gnes supplmentaires ont t squencs, qui seront utiles la taxonomie ainsi qu'au dveloppement de nouvelles mthodes diagnostiques [8]. Ces mthodes ont t appliques des chantillons provenant de patient avec ou sans pneumonie et ont permis l'identification du possible rle pathogne de Protochlamydia naegleriophila [7] et de Waddlia chondrophila [1]. L'interaction de Parachlamydia avec les macrophages [9] et la permissivit de diffrentes cellules aux bactries apparentes aux Chlamydia [10] ont galement t tudis dans le cadre de cette thse. En conclusion, plusieurs nouveaux lments viennent renforcer l'hypothse que les bactries apparentes aux Chlamydia sont des agents de pneumonies. Cependant, d'autres tudes doivent tre menes pour confirmer leur rle dans cette maladie. Les mthodes diagnostiques dveloppes ici seront trs utiles pour dterminer le rle pathogne de ces bactries chez les humains et animaux [11,12]