38 resultados para energy model

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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RÉSUMÉ : Le traitement répété à la phencyclidine (PCP), un bloqueur du récepteur NMDA (NMDAR), reproduit chez les rongeurs une partie de la symptomatologie typique de la schizophrénie. Le blocage prolongé du NMDAR par la PCP mime une hypofunction du NMDAR, une des principales altérations supposées exister dans les cerveaux des patients schizophréniques. Le but de notre étude était d'examiner les conséquences neurochimiques, métaboliques et fonctionnelles du traitement répété à la phencyclidine in vivo, au niveau du cortex préfrontal (cpf), une région cérébrale qui joue un rôle dans les déficits cognitifs observés chez les patients schizophréniques. Pour répondre à cette question, les rats ou les souris ont reçu chaque jour une injection soit de PCP (5 mg/kg), soit de solution saline, pendant 7 ou 14 jours. Les animaux ont ensuite été sacrifiés au moins 24 heures après le dernier traitement. Des tranches aiguës du cpf ont été préparées rapidement, puis stimulées avec une concentration élevée de KCI, de manière à induire une libération de glutamate à partir des terminaisons synaptiques excitatrices. Les résultats montrent que les tranches du cpf des animaux traités à la PCP ont libéré une quantité de glutamate significativement inférieure par rapport à celles des animaux contrôle. Ce déficit de libération a persisté 72 heures après la fin du traitement, tandis qu'il n'était pas observé dans le cortex visuel primaire, une autre région corticale. En outre, le traitement avec des antipsychotiques, l'halopéridol ou l'olanzapine, a supprimé le déficit induit par la PCP. Le même déficit de libération a été remarqué sur des synaptosomes obtenus à partir du cpf des animaux traités à la phenryclidine. Cette observation indique que la PCP induit une modification plastique adaptative du mécanisme qui contrôle la libération du glutamate dans les terminaisons synaptiques. Nous avons découvert que cette modification implique la sous-régulation d'un NMDAR présynaptique, qui serait doué d'un rôle d'autorécepteur stimulateur de la libération du glutamate. Grâce à des tests comportementaux conduits en parallèle et réalisés pour évaluer la fonctionnalité du cpf, nous avons observé chez les souris traitées à la PCP une flexibilité comportementale réduite lors d'un test de discrimination de stimuli visuels/tactiles. Le déficit cognitif était encore présent 4 jours après la dernière administration de PCP. La technique de l'autoradiographie quantitative du [14C]2-deoxyglucose a permis d'associer ce déficit à une réduction de l'activité métabolique cérébrale pendant le déroulement du test, particulièrement au niveau du cpf. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent que le blocage prolongé du NMDAR lors de l'administration répétée de PCP produit un déficit de libération du glutamate au niveau des terminaisons synaptiques excitatrices du cpf. Un tel déficit pourrait être provoqué par la sousrégulation d'un NMDAR présynaptique, qui aurait une fonction de stimulateur de libération; la transmission excitatrice du cpf s'en trouverait dans ce cas réduite. Ce résultat est en ligne avec l'activité métabolique et fonctionnelle réduite du cpf et l'observation de déficits cognitifs induits lors de l'administration de la PCP. ABSTRACT : Sub-chronic treatment with phencyclidine (PCP), an NMDA receptor (NMDAR) channel blocker, reproduces in rodents part of the symptomatology associated to schizophrenia in humans. Prolonged pharmacological blockade of NMDAR with PCP mimics NMDAR hypofunction, one of the main alterations thought to take place in the brains of schizophrenics. Our study was aimed at investigating the neurochemical, metabolic and behavioral consequences of repeated PCP administration in vivo, focusing on the functioning of the prefrontal cortex (pfc), a brain region highly relevant for the cognitive deficits observed in schizophrenic patients. Rats or mice received a daily administration of either PCP (5 mg/kg) or saline for 7 or 14 days. At least 24 hours after the last treatment the animals were sacrificed. Acute slices of the pfc were quickly prepared and challenged with high KCl to induce synaptic glutamate release. Pfc slices from PCP-treated animals released significantly less glutamate than slices from salinetreated animals. The deficit persisted 72 hours after the end of the treatment, while it was not observed in another cortical region: the primary visual cortex. Interestingly, treatment with antipsychotic drugs, either haloperidol or olanzapine, reverted the glutamate release defect induced by PCP treatment. The same release defect was observed in synaptosomes prepared from the pfc of PCP-treated animals, indicating that PCP induces a plastic adaptive change in the mechanism controlling glutamate release in the glutamatergic terminals. We discovered that such change most likely involves the down-regulation of a newly identified, pre-synaptic NMDAR with stimulatory auto-receptor function on glutamate release. In parallel sets of behavioral experiments challenging pfc function, mice sub-chronically treated with PCP displayed reduced behavioral flexibility (reversal learning) in a visual/tactile-cued discrimination task. The cognitive deficit was still evident 4 days after the last PCP administration and was associated to reduced brain metabolic activity during the performance of the behavioral task, notably in the pfc, as determined by [14C]2-deoxyglucose quantitative autoradiography. Clverall, our findings suggest that prolonged NMDAR blockade by repeated PCP administration results in a defect of glutamate release from excitatory afferents in the pfc, possibly ascribed to down-regulation of apre-synaptic stimulatory NMDAR. Deficient excitatory neurotransmission in the pfc is consistent with the reduced metabolic and functional activation of this area and the observed PCP-induced cognitive deficits.


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RésuméL'origine de l'obésité, qui atteint des proportions épidémiques, est complexe. Elle est liée au mode de vie et au comportement des individus par rapport à l'activité physique, expression des choix individuels et de l'interaction avec l'environnement. Les mesures du comportement au niveau de l'activité physique des individus face à leur environnement, la répartition des types d'activité physique, la durée, la fréquence, l'intensité, et la dépense énergétique sont d'une grande importance. Aujourd'hui, il y a un manque de méthodes permettant une évaluation précise et objective de l'activité physique et du comportement des individus. Afin de compléter les recherches relatives à l'activité physique, à l'obésité et à certaines maladies, le premier objectif du travail de thèse était de développer un modèle pour l'identification objective des types d'activité physique dans des conditions de vie réelles et l'estimation de la dépense énergétique basée sur une combinaison de 2 accéléromètres et 1 GPS. Le modèle prend en compte qu'une activité donnée peut être accomplie de différentes façons dans la vie réelle. Les activités quotidiennes ont pu être classées en 8 catégories, de sédentaires à actives, avec une précision de 1 min. La dépense énergétique a pu peut être prédite avec précision par le modèle. Après validation du modèle, le comportement des individus de l'activité physique a été évalué dans une seconde étude. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que, dans un environnement caractérisé par les pentes, les personnes obèses sont tentées d'éviter les pentes raides et de diminuer la vitesse de marche au cours d'une activité physique spontanée, ainsi que pendant les exercices prescrits et structurés. Nous avons donc caractérisé, par moyen du modèle développé, le comportement des individus obèses dans un environnement vallonné urbain. La façon dont on aborde un environnement valloné dans les déplacements quotidiens devrait également être considérée lors de la prescription de marche supplémentaire afin d'augmenter l'activité physique.SummaryOrigin of obesity, that reached epidemic proportion, is complex and may be linked to different lifestyle and physical activity behaviour. Measurement of physical activity behaviour of individuals towards their environment, the distribution of physical activity in terms of physical activity type, volume, duration, frequency, intensity, and energy expenditure is of great importance. Nowadays, there is a lack of methods for accurate and objective assessment of physical activity and of individuals' physical activity behaviour. In order to complement the research relating physical activity to obesity and related diseases, the first aim of the thesis work was to develop a model for objective identification of physical activity types in real-life condition and energy expenditure based on a combination of 2 accelerometers and 1 GPS device. The model takes into account that a given activity can be achieved in many different ways in real life condition. Daily activities could be classified in 8 categories, as sedentary to active physical activity, within 1 min accuracy, and physical activity patterns determined. The energy expenditure could be predicted accurately with an accuracy below 10%. Furthermore, individuals' physical activity behaviour is expression of individual choices and their interaction with the neighbourhood environment. In a second study, we hypothesized that, in an environment characterized by inclines, obese individuals are tempted to avoid steep positive slopes and to decrease walking speed during spontaneous outdoor physical activity, as well as during prescribed structured bouts of exercise. Finally, we characterized, by mean of the developed model, the physical activity behaviour of obese individuals in a hilly urban environment. Quantifying how one tackles hilly environment or avoids slope in their everyday displacements should be also considered while prescribing extra walking in free-living conditions in order to increase physical activity.


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Functional neuroimaging has undergone spectacular developments in recent years. Paradoxically, its neurobiological bases have remained elusive, resulting in an intense debate around the cellular mechanisms taking place upon activation that could contribute to the signals measured. Taking advantage of a modeling approach, we propose here a coherent neurobiological framework that not only explains several in vitro and in vivo observations but also provides a physiological basis to interpret imaging signals. First, based on a model of compartmentalized energy metabolism, we show that complex kinetics of NADH changes observed in vitro can be accounted for by distinct metabolic responses in two cell populations reminiscent of neurons and astrocytes. Second, extended application of the model to an in vivo situation allowed us to reproduce the evolution of intraparenchymal oxygen levels upon activation as measured experimentally without substantially altering the initial parameter values. Finally, applying the same model to functional neuroimaging in humans, we were able to determine that the early negative component of the blood oxygenation level-dependent response recorded with functional MRI, known as the initial dip, critically depends on the oxidative response of neurons, whereas the late aspects of the signal correspond to a combination of responses from cell types with two distinct metabolic profiles that could be neurons and astrocytes. In summary, our results, obtained with such a modeling approach, support the concept that both neuronal and glial metabolic responses form essential components of neuroimaging signals.


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Eukaryotic cells generate energy in the form of ATP, through a network of mitochondrial complexes and electron carriers known as the oxidative phosphorylation system. In mammals, mitochondrial complex I (CI) is the largest component of this system, comprising 45 different subunits encoded by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Humans diagnosed with mutations in the gene NDUFS4, encoding a nuclear DNA-encoded subunit of CI (NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone Fe-S protein 4), typically suffer from Leigh syndrome, a neurodegenerative disease with onset in infancy or early childhood. Mitochondria from NDUFS4 patients usually lack detectable NDUFS4 protein and show a CI stability/assembly defect. Here, we describe a recessive mouse phenotype caused by the insertion of a transposable element into Ndufs4, identified by a novel combined linkage and expression analysis. Designated Ndufs4(fky), the mutation leads to aberrant transcript splicing and absence of NDUFS4 protein in all tissues tested of homozygous mice. Physical and behavioral symptoms displayed by Ndufs4(fky/fky) mice include temporary fur loss, growth retardation, unsteady gait, and abnormal body posture when suspended by the tail. Analysis of CI in Ndufs4(fky/fky) mice using blue native PAGE revealed the presence of a faster migrating crippled complex. This crippled CI was shown to lack subunits of the "N assembly module", which contains the NADH binding site, but contained two assembly factors not present in intact CI. Metabolomic analysis of the blood by tandem mass spectrometry showed increased hydroxyacylcarnitine species, implying that the CI defect leads to an imbalanced NADH/NAD(+) ratio that inhibits mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation.


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INTRODUCTION: Hip fractures are responsible for excessive mortality, decreasing the 5-year survival rate by about 20%. From an economic perspective, they represent a major source of expense, with direct costs in hospitalization, rehabilitation, and institutionalization. The incidence rate sharply increases after the age of 70, but it can be reduced in women aged 70-80 years by therapeutic interventions. Recent analyses suggest that the most efficient strategy is to implement such interventions in women at the age of 70 years. As several guidelines recommend bone mineral density (BMD) screening of postmenopausal women with clinical risk factors, our objective was to assess the cost-effectiveness of two screening strategies applied to elderly women aged 70 years and older. METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed using decision-tree analysis and a Markov model. Two alternative strategies, one measuring BMD of all women, and one measuring BMD only of those having at least one risk factor, were compared with the reference strategy "no screening". Cost-effectiveness ratios were measured as cost per year gained without hip fracture. Most probabilities were based on data observed in EPIDOS, SEMOF and OFELY cohorts. RESULTS: In this model, which is mostly based on observed data, the strategy "screen all" was more cost effective than "screen women at risk." For one woman screened at the age of 70 and followed for 10 years, the incremental (additional) cost-effectiveness ratio of these two strategies compared with the reference was 4,235 euros and 8,290 euros, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of this model, under the assumptions described in the paper, suggest that in women aged 70-80 years, screening all women with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) would be more effective than no screening or screening only women with at least one risk factor. Cost-effectiveness studies based on decision-analysis trees maybe useful tools for helping decision makers, and further models based on different assumptions should be performed to improve the level of evidence on cost-effectiveness ratios of the usual screening strategies for osteoporosis.


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The determination of characteristic cardiac parameters, such as displacement, stress and strain distribution are essential for an understanding of the mechanics of the heart. The calculation of these parameters has been limited until recently by the use of idealised mathematical representations of biventricular geometries and by applying simple material laws. On the basis of 20 short axis heart slices and in consideration of linear and nonlinear material behaviour we have developed a FE model with about 100,000 degrees of freedom. Marching Cubes and Phong's incremental shading technique were used to visualise the three dimensional geometry. In a quasistatic FE analysis continuous distribution of regional stress and strain corresponding to the endsystolic state were calculated. Substantial regional variation of the Von Mises stress and the total strain energy were observed at all levels of the heart model. The results of both the linear elastic model and the model with a nonlinear material description (Mooney-Rivlin) were compared. While the stress distribution and peak stress values were found to be comparable, the displacement vectors obtained with the nonlinear model were generally higher in comparison with the linear elastic case indicating the need to include nonlinear effects.


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Indirect calorimetry based on respiratory exchange measurement has been successfully used from the beginning of the century to obtain an estimate of heat production (energy expenditure) in human subjects and animals. The errors inherent to this classical technique can stem from various sources: 1) model of calculation and assumptions, 2) calorimetric factors used, 3) technical factors and 4) human factors. The physiological and biochemical factors influencing the interpretation of calorimetric data include a change in the size of the bicarbonate and urea pools and the accumulation or loss (via breath, urine or sweat) of intermediary metabolites (gluconeogenesis, ketogenesis). More recently, respiratory gas exchange data have been used to estimate substrate utilization rates in various physiological and metabolic situations (fasting, post-prandial state, etc.). It should be recalled that indirect calorimetry provides an index of overall substrate disappearance rates. This is incorrectly assumed to be equivalent to substrate "oxidation" rates. Unfortunately, there is no adequate golden standard to validate whole body substrate "oxidation" rates, and this contrasts to the "validation" of heat production by indirect calorimetry, through use of direct calorimetry under strict thermal equilibrium conditions. Tracer techniques using stable (or radioactive) isotopes, represent an independent way of assessing substrate utilization rates. When carbohydrate metabolism is measured with both techniques, indirect calorimetry generally provides consistent glucose "oxidation" rates as compared to isotopic tracers, but only when certain metabolic processes (such as gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis) are minimal or / and when the respiratory quotients are not at the extreme of the physiological range. However, it is believed that the tracer techniques underestimate true glucose "oxidation" rates due to the failure to account for glycogenolysis in the tissue storing glucose, since this escapes the systemic circulation. A major advantage of isotopic techniques is that they are able to estimate (given certain assumptions) various metabolic processes (such as gluconeogenesis) in a noninvasive way. Furthermore when, in addition to the 3 macronutrients, a fourth substrate is administered (such as ethanol), isotopic quantification of substrate "oxidation" allows one to eliminate the inherent assumptions made by indirect calorimetry. In conclusion, isotopic tracers techniques and indirect calorimetry should be considered as complementary techniques, in particular since the tracer techniques require the measurement of carbon dioxide production obtained by indirect calorimetry. However, it should be kept in mind that the assessment of substrate oxidation by indirect calorimetry may involve large errors in particular over a short period of time. By indirect calorimetry, energy expenditure (heat production) is calculated with substantially less error than substrate oxidation rates.


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Micro-RNAs (miRNAs) are key, post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression and have been implicated in almost every cellular process investigated thus far. However, their role in sleep, in particular the homeostatic aspect of sleep control, has received little attention. We here assessed the effects of sleep deprivation on the brain miRNA transcriptome in the mouse. Sleep deprivation affected miRNA expression in a brain-region specific manner. The forebrain expression of the miRNA miR-709 was affected the most and in situ analyses confirmed its robust increase throughout the brain, especially in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus. The hippocampus was a major target of the sleep deprivation affecting 37 miRNAs compared to 52 in the whole forebrain. Moreover, independent from the sleep deprivation condition, miRNA expression was highly region-specific with 45% of all expressed miRNAs showing higher expression in hippocampus and 55% in cortex. Next we demonstrated that down-regulation of miRNAs in Com/c2o-expressing neurons of adult mice, through a conditional and inducible Dicer knockout mice model (cKO), results in an altered homeostatic response after sleep deprivation eight weeks following the tamoxifen-induced recombination. Dicer cKO mice showed a larger increase in the electro-encephalographic (EEG) marker of sleep pressure, EEG delta power, and a reduced Rapid Eye Movement sleep rebound, compared to controls, highlighting a functional role of miRNAs in sleep homeostasis. Beside a sleep phenotype, Dicer cKO mice developed an unexpected, severe obesity phenotype associated with hyperphagia and altered metabolism. Even more surprisingly, after reaching maximum body weight 5 weeks after tamoxifen injection, obese cKO mice spontaneously started losing weight as rapidly as it was gained. Brain transcriptome analyses in obese mice identified several obesity-related pathways (e.g. leptin, somatostatin, and nemo-like kinase signaling), as well as genes involved in feeding and appetite (e.g. Pmch, Neurotensin). A gene cluster with anti-correlated expression in the cerebral cortex of post-obese compared to obese mice was enriched for synaptic plasticity pathways. While other studies have identified a role for miRNAs in obesity, we here present a unique model that allows for the study of processes involved in reversing obesity. Moreover, our study identified the cortex as a brain area important for body weight homeostasis. Together, these observations strongly suggest a role for miRNAs in the maintenance of homeostatic processes in the mouse, and support the hypothesis of a tight relationship between sleep and metabolism at a molecular - Les micro-ARNS (miARNs) sont des régulateurs post-transcriptionnels de l'expression des gènes, impliqués dans la quasi-totalité des processus cellulaires. Cependant, leur rôle dans la régulation du sommeil, et en particulier dans le maintien de l'homéostasie du sommeil, n'a reçu que très peu d'attention jusqu'à présent. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié les conséquences d'une privation de sommeil sur l'expression cérébrale des miARNs chez la souris, et observé des changements dans l'expression de nombreux miARNs. Dans le cerveau antérieur, miR-709 est le miARN le plus affecté par la perte de sommeil, en particulier dans le cortex cérébral et l'hippocampe. L'hippocampe est la région la plus touchée avec 37 miARNs changés comparés à 52 dans le cerveau entier. Par ailleurs, indépendamment de la privation de sommeil, certains miARNs sont spécifiquement enrichis dans certaines aires cérébrales, 45% des miARNs étant surexprimés dans l'hippocampe contre 55% dans le cortex. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons observé que la délétion de DICER, enzyme essentielle à la biosynthèse des miARNs, et la perte subséquente des miARNs dans les neurones exprimant la protéine CAMK2a altère la réponse homéostatique à une privation de sommeil, 8 semaines après l'induction de la recombinaison génétique par le tamoxifen. Les souris sans Dicer (cKO) ont une plus large augmentation de l'EEG delta power, le principal marqueur électro-encéphalographique du besoin de sommeil, comparée aux contrôles, ainsi qu'un rebond en sommeil paradoxal plus petit. De façon surprenante, les souris Dicer cKO développent une obésité rapide, sévère et transitoire, associée à de l'hyperphagie et une altération de leur métabolisme énergétique. Après avoir atteint un pic maximal d'obésité, les souris cKO entrent spontanément dans une période de perte de poids rapide. L'analyse du transcriptome cérébral des souris obèses nous a permis d'identifier des voies associées à l'obésité (leptine, somatostatine et nemo-like kinase), et à la prise alimentaire (Pmch, Neurotensin), tandis que celui des souris post-obèses a révélé un groupe de gènes liés à la plasticité synaptique. Au-delà des nombreux modèles d'obésité existant chez la souris, notre étude présente un modèle unique permettant d'étudier les mécanismes sous-jacent la perte de poids. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence un rôle important du cortex cérébral dans le maintien de la balance énergétique. En conclusion, toutes ces observations soutiennent l'idée que les miARNs sont des régulateurs cruciaux dans le maintien des processus homéostatiques et confortent l'hypothèse d'une étroite relation moléculaire entre le sommeil et le métabolisme.


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Recent technological advances in remote sensing have enabled investigation of the morphodynamics and hydrodynamics of large rivers. However, measuring topography and flow in these very large rivers is time consuming and thus often constrains the spatial resolution and reach-length scales that can be monitored. Similar constraints exist for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies of large rivers, requiring maximization of mesh-or grid-cell dimensions and implying a reduction in the representation of bedform-roughness elements that are of the order of a model grid cell or less, even if they are represented in available topographic data. These ``subgrid'' elements must be parameterized, and this paper applies and considers the impact of roughness-length treatments that include the effect of bed roughness due to ``unmeasured'' topography. CFD predictions were found to be sensitive to the roughness-length specification. Model optimization was based on acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements and estimates of the water surface slope for a variety of roughness lengths. This proved difficult as the metrics used to assess optimal model performance diverged due to the effects of large bedforms that are not well parameterized in roughness-length treatments. However, the general spatial flow patterns are effectively predicted by the model. Changes in roughness length were shown to have a major impact upon flow routing at the channel scale. The results also indicate an absence of secondary flow circulation cells in the reached studied, and suggest simpler two-dimensional models may have great utility in the investigation of flow within large rivers. Citation: Sandbach, S. D. et al. (2012), Application of a roughness-length representation to parameterize energy loss in 3-D numerical simulations of large rivers, Water Resour. Res., 48, W12501, doi: 10.1029/2011WR011284.


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In the whole animal, metabolic regulations are set by reciprocal interactions between various organs, via the blood circulation. At present, analyses of such interactions require numerous and uneasily controlled in vivo experiments. In a search for an alternative to in vivo experiments, our work aims at developing a coculture system in which different cell types are isolated in polymer capsules and grown in a common environment. The signals exchanged between cells from various origins are, thus, reproducing the in vivo intertissular communications. With this perspective, we evaluated a new encapsulation system as an artificial housing for liver cells on the one hand and adipocytes on the other hand. Murine hepatocytes were encapsulated with specially designed multicomponent capsules formed by polyelectrolyte complexation between sodium alginate, cellulose sulphate and poly(methylene-coguanidine) hydrochloride, of which the permeability has been characterized. We demonstrated the absence of cytotoxicity and the excellent biocompatibility of these capsules towards primary culture of murine hepatocytes. Encapsulated hepatocytes retain their specific functions--transaminase activity, urea synthesis, and protein secretion--during the first four days of culture in minimum medium. Mature adipocytes, isolated from mouse epidydimal fat, were embedded in alginate beads. Measurement of protein secretion shows an identical profile between free and embedded adipocytes. We finally assessed the properties of encapsulated hepatocytes, cryopreserved over a periods of up to four months. The perspective of using encapsulated cells in coculture are discussed, since this system may represent a promising tool for fundamental research, such as analyses of drug metabolism, intercellular regulations, and metabolic pathways, as well as for the establishment of a tissue bank for storage and supply of murine hepatocytes.


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La créatine joue un rôle essentiel dans le métabolisme cellulaire par sa conversion, par la creatine kinase, en phosphocreatine permettant la régénération de l'ATP. La synthèse de créatine, chez les mammifères, s'effectue par une réaction en deux étapes impliquant Γ arginine: glycine amidinotransférase (AGAT) et la guanidinoacétate méthyltransférase (GAMT). L'entrée de créatine dans les cellules s'effectue par son transporteur, SLC6A8. Les déficiences en créatine, dues au déficit en GAMT, AGAT ou SLC6A8, sont fréquentes et caractérisées par une absence ou une forte baisse de créatine dans le système nerveux central. Alors qu'il est connu que AGAT, GAMT et SLC6A8 sont exprimés par le cerveau, les conséquences des déficiences en créatine sur les cellules nerveuses sont peu comprises. Le but de ce travail était de développer de nouveaux modèles expérimentaux des déficiences en Cr dans des cultures 3D de cellules nerveuses de rat en agrégats au moyen de l'interférence à l'ARN appliquée aux gènes GAMT et SLC6A8. Des séquences interférentes (shRNAs) pour les gènes GAMT et SLC6A8 ont été transduites par des vecteurs viraux AAV (virus adéno-associés), dans les cellules nerveuses en agrégats. Nous avons ainsi démontré une baisse de l'expression de GAMT au niveau protéique (mesuré par western blot), et ARN messager (mesuré par qPCR) ainsi qu'une variation caractérisitique de créatine et guanidinoacétate (mesuré par spectrométrie de masse). Après avoir validé nos modèles, nous avons montré que les knockdown de GAMT ou SLC6A8 affectent le développement des astrocytes et des neurones ou des oligodendrocytes et des astrocytes, respectivement, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la mort cellulaire et des modifications dans le pattern d'activation des voies de signalisation impliquant caspase 3 et p38 MAPK, ayant un rôle dans le processus d'apoptose. - Creatine plays essential roles in energy metabolism by the interconversion, by creatine kinase, to its phosphorylated analogue, phosphocreatine, allowing the regeneration of ATP. Creatine is synthesized in mammals by a two step mechanism involving arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT). Creatine is taken up by cells by a specific transporter, SLC6A8. Creatine deficiency syndromes, due to defects in GAMT, AGAT and SLC6A8, are among the most frequent inborn errors of metabolism, and are characterized by an absence or a severe decrease of creatine in central nervous system, which is the main tissue affected. While it is known that AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 are expressed in CNS, many questions remain on the specific effects of AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 deficiencies on brain cells. Our aim was to develop new experimental models of creatine deficiencies by knockdown of GAMT and SLC6A8 genes by RNAi in 3D organotypic rat brain cell cultures in aggregates. Specific shRNAs for the GAMT and SLC6A8 genes were transduced in brain cell aggregates by adeno-associated viruses (AAV). The AAV-transduced shRNAs were able to efficiently knockdown the expression of our genes of interest, as shown by a strong decrease of protein by western blotting, a decrease of mRNA by qPCR or characteristic variations of creatine and guanidinoacetate by tandem mass spectrometry. After having validated our experimental models, we have also shown that GAMT and SLC6A8 knockdown affected the development of astrocytes and neurons or oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, respectively. We also observed an increase of cell death and variations in activation pattern of caspase 3 and p38 MAPK pathways, involved in apoptosis, in our experimental model.


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In this study, hypothalamic activation was performed by dehydration-induced anorexia (DIA) and overnight food suppression (OFS) in female rats. The assessment of the hypothalamic response to these challenges by manganese-enhanced MRI showed increased neuronal activity in the paraventricular nuclei (PVN) and lateral hypothalamus (LH), both known to be areas involved in the regulation of food intake. The effects of DIA and OFS were compared by generating T-score maps. Increased neuronal activation was detected in the PVN and LH of DIA rats relative to OFS rats. In addition, the neurochemical profile of the PVN and LH were measured by (1) H MRS at 14.1T. Significant increases in metabolite levels were measured in DIA and OFS relative to control rats. Statistically significant increases in γ-aminobutyric acid were found in DIA (p=0.0007) and OFS (p<0.001) relative to control rats. Lactate increased significantly in DIA (p=0.03), but not in OFS, rats. This work shows that manganese-enhanced MRI coupled to (1) H MRS at high field is a promising noninvasive method for the investigation of the neural pathways and mechanisms involved in the control of food intake, in the autonomic and endocrine control of energy metabolism and in the regulation of body weight.


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Background: Physical activity (PA) and related energy expenditure (EE) is often assessed by means of a single technique. Because of inherent limitations, single techniques may not allow for an accurate assessment both PA and related EE. The aim of this study was to develop a model to accurately assess common PA types and durations and thus EE in free-living conditions, combining data from global positioning system (GPS) and 2 accelerometers. Methods: Forty-one volunteers participated in the study. First, a model was developed and adjusted to measured EE with a first group of subjects (Protocol I, n = 12) who performed 6 structured and supervised PA. Then, the model was validated over 2 experimental phases with 2 groups (n = 12 and n = 17) performing scheduled (Protocol I) and spontaneous common activities in real-life condition (Protocol II). Predicted EE was compared with actual EE as measured by portable indirect calorimetry. Results: In protocol I, performed PA types could be recognized with little error. The duration of each PA type could be predicted with an accuracy below 1 minute. Measured and predicted EE were strongly associated (r = .97, P < .001). Conclusion: Combining GPS and 2 accelerometers allows for an accurate assessment of PA and EE in free-living situations.


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Astrocytes play a critical role in the regulation of brain metabolic responses to activity. One detailed mechanism proposed to describe the role of astrocytes in some of these responses has come to be known as the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle hypothesis (ANLSH). Although controversial, the original concept of a coupling mechanism between neuronal activity and glucose utilization that involves an activation of aerobic glycolysis in astrocytes and lactate consumption by neurons provides a heuristically valid framework for experimental studies. In this context, it is necessary to provide a survey of recent developments and data pertaining to this model. Thus, here, we review very recent experimental evidence as well as theoretical arguments strongly supporting the original model and in some cases extending it. Aspects revisited include the existence of glutamate-induced glycolysis in astrocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo, lactate as a preferential oxidative substrate for neurons, and the notion of net lactate transfer between astrocytes and neurons in vivo. Inclusion of a role for glycogen in the ANLSH is discussed in the light of a possible extension of the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS) concept rather than as a competing hypothesis. New perspectives offered by the application of this concept include a better understanding of the basis of signals used in functional brain imaging, a role for neuron-glia metabolic interactions in glucose sensing and diabetes, as well as novel strategies to develop therapies against neurodegenerative diseases based upon improving astrocyte-neuron coupled energetics.


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BACKGROUND: Protein energy malnutrition is commonly associated with immune dysfunctions and is a major factor in susceptibility to infectious diseases. METHODS: In this study, we evaluated the impact of protein energy malnutrition on the capacity of monocytes and macrophages to upregulate arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression and increased pathogen replication. RESULTS: Our results show that monocytes and macrophages are significantly increased in the bone marrow and blood of mice fed on a protein low diet. No alteration in the capacity of bone marrow derived macrophages isolated from malnourished mice to phagocytose particles, to produce the microbicidal molecule nitric oxide and to kill intracellular Leishmania parasites was detected. However, macrophages and monocytes from malnourished mice express significantly more arginase both in vitro and in vivo. Using an experimental model of visceral leishmaniasis, we show that following protein energy malnutrition, the increased parasite burden measured in the spleen of these mice coincided with increased arginase activity and that macrophages provide a more permissive environment for parasite growth. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results identify a novel mechanism in protein energy malnutrition that might contributes to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases by upregulating arginase activity in myeloid cells.