132 resultados para development of processes

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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This communication reports the specific induction of calmodulin kinase IV by the thyroid hormone 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner at a very early stage of brain differentiation using a fetal rat telencephalon primary cell culture system, which can grow and differentiate under chemically defined conditions. The induction of the enzyme that can be observed both on the mRNA and on the protein level is T3-specific, i.e. it cannot be induced by retinoic acid or reverse T3, and can be inhibited on both the transcriptional and the translational level by adding to the culture medium actinomycin D or cycloheximide, respectively. The earliest detection of calmodulin kinase IV in the fetal brain tissue of the rat is at days E16/E17, both on the mRNA as well as on the protein level. This is the first report in which a second messenger-dependent kinase involved in the control of cell regulatory processes is itself controlled by a primary messenger, the thyroid hormone.


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Episodic memories for autobiographical events that happen in unique spatiotemporal contexts are central to defining who we are. Yet, before 2 years of age, children are unable to form or store episodic memories for recall later in life, a phenomenon known as infantile amnesia. Here, we studied the development of allocentric spatial memory, a fundamental component of episodic memory, in two versions of a real-world memory task requiring 18 month- to 5-year-old children to search for rewards hidden beneath cups distributed in an open-field arena. Whereas children 25-42-months-old were not capable of discriminating three reward locations among 18 possible locations in absence of local cues marking these locations, children older than 43 months found the reward locations reliably. These results support previous findings suggesting that allocentric spatial memory, if present, is only rudimentary in children under 3.5 years of age. However, when tested with only one reward location among four possible locations, children 25-39-months-old found the reward reliably in absence of local cues, whereas 18-23-month-olds did not. Our findings thus show that the ability to form a basic allocentric representation of the environment is present by 2 years of age, and its emergence coincides temporally with the offset of infantile amnesia. However, the ability of children to distinguish and remember closely related spatial locations improves from 2 to 3.5 years of age, a developmental period marked by persistent deficits in long-term episodic memory known as childhood amnesia. These findings support the hypothesis that the differential maturation of distinct hippocampal circuits contributes to the emergence of specific memory processes during early childhood.


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Brain spectrin is one of the major cytoskeletal proteins associated with the plasma membrane. In many tissues this protein occurs in a variety of isoforms, for which at least three have been described in the brain: i) brain spectrin 240/235 is localized in neurons most prominently in axons and is present early during brain development. ii) Brain spectrin 240/235E is immunologicaly related to erythrocyte spectrin and restricted to somato-dendritic regions in neurons and to glia. It appears late in brain development. iii) A third form, brain spectrin 240/ 235A, is found exclusively in astrocytes. In this study we have investigated the appearance and distribution of brain spectrins 240/235 and 240/235E during embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in vitro. This system provides a unique model due to the lack of dendrites on developing sensory neurons. Both isoforms first appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 increased transiently around embryonic day 10 and 14, and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. It was localized abundantly in perikarya and their axons. This somato-axonal distribution pattern found in situ was also observed in vitro. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E only slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained unchanged thereafter. It was localized mainly in small neurons of the mediodorsal area, where it was found as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, forming first a nuclear cap and in subsequent stages becoming distributed evenly throughout cytoplasm. This brain spectrin isoform was absent from axons, both in situ and in vitro. In conclusion, this study suggests i) that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards the outgrowth, elongation and possibly maintenance of axonal processes, ii) that brain spcctrin 240/235E could be involved in the stablization of the cytoarchilecture of cell bodies in a sclected population of ganglion cells, and iii) that isoform expression of brain spectrin 240/235E in DRG cells may depend on environmental factors.


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The involvement of a variety of clonal selection processes during the development of T lymphocytes in the thymus has been well established. Less information, however, is available on how homeostatic mechanisms may regulate the generation and maturation of thymocytes. To investigate this question, mixed radiation bone marrow chimeras were established in which wild-type T cell precursors capable of full maturation were diluted with precursors deficient in maturation potential because of targeted mutations of the RAG1 or TCR-alpha genes. In chimeras in which the majority of thymocytes are blocked at the CD4- CD8- CD25+ stage (RAG1 deficient), and only a small proportion of T cell precursors are of wild-type origin, we observed no difference in the maturation of wild-type CD4- CD8- CD25+ cells to the CD4+ CD8+ stage as compared with control chimeras. Therefore, the number of cell divisions occurring during this transition is fixed and not subject to homeostatic regulation. In contrast, in mixed chimeras in which the majority of thymocytes are blocked at the CD4+ CD8+ stage (TCR-alpha deficient), an increased efficiency of development of wild-type mature CD8+ cells was observed. Surprisingly, the rate of generation of mature CD4+ thymocytes was not affected in these chimeras. Thus, the number of selectable CD8 lineage thymocytes apparently saturates the selection mechanism in normal mice while the development of CD4 lineage cells seems to be limited only by the expression of a suitable TCR. These data may open the way to the identification of homeostatic mechanisms regulating thymic output and CD4/CD8 lineage commitment, and the development of means to modulate it.


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MAP5, a microtubule-associated protein characteristic of differentiating neurons, was studied in the developing visual cortex and corpus callosum of the cat. In juvenile cortical tissue, during the first month after birth, MAP5 is present as a protein doublet of molecular weights of 320 and 300 kDa, defined as MAP5a and MAP5b, respectively. MAP5a is the phosphorylated form. MAP5a decreases two weeks after birth and is no longer detectable at the beginning of the second postnatal month; MAP5b also decreases after the second postnatal week but more slowly and it is still present in the adult. In the corpus callosum only MAP5a is present between birth and the end of the first postnatal month. Afterwards only MAP5b is present but decreases in concentration more than 3-fold towards adulthood. Our immunocytochemical studies show MAP5 in somata, dendrites and axonal processes of cortical neurons. In adult tissue it is very prominent in pyramidal cells of layer V. In the corpus callosum MAP5 is present in axons at all ages. There is strong evidence that MAP5a is located in axons while MAP5b seems restricted to somata and dendrites until P28, but is found in callosal axons from P39 onwards. Biochemical experiments indicate that the state of phosphorylation of MAP5 influences its association with structural components. After high speed centrifugation of early postnatal brain tissue, MAP5a remains with pellet fractions while most MAP5b is soluble. In conclusion, phosphorylation of MAP5 may regulate (1) its intracellular distribution within axons and dendrites, and (2) its ability to interact with other subcellular components.


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Pancreatic ß cells are highly specialized endocrine cells located within the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Their main role is to produce and secrete insulin, the hormone essential for the regulation of glucose homeostasis and body's metabolism. Diabetes mellitus develops when the amount of insulin released by ß cells is not sufficient to cover the metabolic demand. In type 1 diabetes (5-10% of diagnoses) insulin deficiency is caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß cells. Type 2 diabetes (90% of diagnoses) results from a genetic predisposition and from the presence of adverse environmental conditions. The combination of these factors reduces insulin sensitivity of peripheral target tissues, causes impairment in ß-cell function and can lead to partial loss of ß cells. The development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diabetes necessitates the comprehension of the cellular processes involved in dysfunction and loss of ß cells. My thesis was focused on the involvement in the physiopathological processes leading to the development of diabetes of a class of small regulatory RNA molecules, called microRNAs (miRNAs) that post- transcriptionally regulate gene expression. Global miRNA profiling in pancreatic islets of two animal models of diabetes, the db/db mice and mice that were fed a high fat diet (HFD), characterized by obesity and insulin resistance, led us to identify two groups of miRNAs displaying expression changes under pre-diabetic and diabetic conditions. Among the miRNAs already upregulated in pre-diabetic db/db mice and HFD mice, miR- 132 was found to have beneficial effects on pancreatic ß cell function and survival. Indeed, mimicking the upregulation of miR-132 in primary pancreatic islet cells and ß-cell lines improved glucose- induced insulin secretion and favored survival of the cells upon exposure to pro-apoptotic stimuli such as palmitate and cytokines. MiR-132 was found to exert its action by enhancing the expression of MafA, a transcription factor essential for ß-cell function, survival and identity. On the other hand, up-regulation of miR-199a-5p and miR-199a-3p was detectable only in the islets of diabetic db/db mice and resulted in impaired insulin secretion and sensitization of the cells to apoptosis. MiR-199a- 5p was found to decrease insulin secretion by inducing the expression of granuphilin, a potent inhibitor of ß cell exocytosis. In contrast, miR-199a-3p was demonstrated to directly target and reduce the expression of two key ß-cell genes, mTOR and cMET, resulting in impaired ß-cell adaptation to metabolic demands and loss by apoptosis. Our findings suggest that miRNAs are important players in the onset of type 2 diabetes. MiRNA expression is adjusted in pancreatic ß cells exposed to a diabetogenic environment. These changes initially concern miRNAs responsible for adaptive processes aimed at compensating the onset of insulin resistance, but later such changes can be overlapped by modifications in the level of several additional miRNAs that favor ß-cell failure and the onset of type 2 diabetes.


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The hippocampal formation is essential for the processing of episodic memories for autobiographical events that happen in unique spatiotemporal contexts. Interestingly, before 2 years of age, children are unable to form or store episodic memories for recall later in life, a phenomenon known as infantile amnesia. From 2 to 7 years of age, there are fewer memories than predicted based on a forgetting function alone, a phenomenon known as childhood amnesia. Here, we discuss the postnatal maturation of the primate hippocampal formation with the goal of characterizing the development of the neurobiological substrates thought to subserve the emergence of episodic memory. Distinct regions, layers and cells of the hippocampal formation exhibit different profiles of structural and molecular development during early postnatal life. The protracted period of neuronal addition and maturation in the dentate gyrus is accompanied by the late maturation of specific layers in different hippocampal regions that are located downstream from the dentate gyrus, particularly CA3. In contrast, distinct layers in several hippocampal regions, particularly CA1, which receive direct projections from the entorhinal cortex, exhibit an early maturation. In addition, hippocampal regions that are more highly interconnected with subcortical structures, including the subiculum, presubiculum, parasubiculum and CA2, mature even earlier. These findings, together with our studies of the development of human spatial memory, support the hypothesis that the differential maturation of distinct hippocampal circuits might underlie the differential emergence of specific "hippocampus-dependent" memory processes, culminating in the emergence of episodic memory concomitant with the maturation of all hippocampal circuits.


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The patterns of development of the vestibular nuclei (VN) and their main connections involving glutamate neurotransmission offer a good model for studying the function of the glial-derived neuromodulator D-serine in synaptic plasticity. In this study we show that D-serine is present in the VN and we analyzed its distribution and the levels of expression of serine racemase and D-amino acid oxidase (D-AAO) at different stages of postnatal (P) development. From birth to P21, high levels of D-serine were detected in glial cells and processes in all parts of the VN. This period corresponded to high expression of serine racemase and low expression of D-AAO. On the other hand, in the mature VN D-serine displayed very low levels and was mainly localized in neuronal cell bodies and dendrites. This drop of D-serine in adult stages corresponded to an increasing expression of D-AAO at mature stages. High levels of glial D-serine during the first 3 weeks of postnatal development correspond to an intense period of plasticity and synaptogenesis and maturation of VN afferents, suggesting that D-serine could be involved in these phenomena. These results demonstrate for the first time that changes in D-serine levels and distribution occur during postnatal development in the central nervous system. The strong decrease of D-serine levels and the glial-to-neuronal switch suggests that D-serine may have distinct functional roles depending on the developmental stage of the vestibular network.


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Brain spectrin, a membrane-related cytoskeletal protein, exists as two isoforms. Brain spectrin 240/235 is localized preferentially in the perikaryon and axon of neuronal cells and brain spectrin 240/235E is found essentially in the neuronal soma and dendrites and in glia (Riederer et al., 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102, 2088 - 2097). The sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia, devoid of any dendrites, make a good tool to investigate such differential expression of spectrin isoforms. In this study expression and localization of both brain spectrin isoforms were analysed during early chicken dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in culture. Both isoforms appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 exhibited a transient increase during embryonic development and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. In ganglion cells in situ and in culture this spectrin type showed a somato - axonal distribution pattern. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained practically unchanged. It was localized mainly in smaller neurons of the mediodorsal area as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, was restricted exclusively to the ganglion cell perikarya and was absent from axons both in situ and in culture. This study suggests that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards outgrowth, elongation and maintenance of axonal processes and that brain spectrin 240/235E seems to be exclusively involved in the stabilization of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies in a selected population of ganglion cells.


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The expression of microtubule-associated protein 1a (MAP1a) in the developing rat spinal cord was studied using the monoclonal antibody BW6. Immunoblots of microtubule preparations revealed the presence of MAP1a in spinal cord tissue of rats aged embryonal day 16 and postnatal day 0. The spinal cord matrix layer, between embryonal days 12-17, displayed a pattern of MAP1a-positive processes, horizontally oriented in between the membrane limitans interna and externa. The mantle layer stained intensely for MAP1a between embryonal day 12 and postnatal day 2. MAP1a was found in neuronal cell bodies, axons and dendrites, located mainly in the ventral and intermediate mantle layer. In the marginal layer, MAP1a-positive axons could be observed between embryonal days 14-18. During further development, the intensity of the MAP1a staining in the spinal columns gradually decreased. These expression patterns indicate an involvement of MAP1a in the proliferation and differentiation of neuroblasts, and the maturation of the long spinal fiber systems, i.e. early events in spinal cord development


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This study aimed to examine developmental trends in response inhibition during childhood and to control for possible developmental influence of other basic cognitive processes (such as working memory and processing speed). In addition, we explored the relationships between response inhibition, working memory, and processing speed, as they are thought to be integral to cognitive control. Therefore, we assessed these three cognitive abilities in 159 children aged from 5 to 12. Results showed an improvement in response inhibition ability from 5 to 10 years of age. This improvement remained significant after controlling for the influence of working memory and processing speed. Furthermore, the developmental relationships showed an early differentiation between response inhibition, working memory, and processing speed. Thus, these processes were independent and need to be treated as such in further studies.


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Following their detection and seizure by police and border guard authorities, false identity and travel documents are usually scanned, producing digital images. This research investigates the potential of these images to classify false identity documents, highlight links between documents produced by a same modus operandi or same source, and thus support forensic intelligence efforts. Inspired by previous research work about digital images of Ecstasy tablets, a systematic and complete method has been developed to acquire, collect, process and compare images of false identity documents. This first part of the article highlights the critical steps of the method and the development of a prototype that processes regions of interest extracted from images. Acquisition conditions have been fine-tuned in order to optimise reproducibility and comparability of images. Different filters and comparison metrics have been evaluated and the performance of the method has been assessed using two calibration and validation sets of documents, made up of 101 Italian driving licenses and 96 Portuguese passports seized in Switzerland, among which some were known to come from common sources. Results indicate that the use of Hue and Edge filters or their combination to extract profiles from images, and then the comparison of profiles with a Canberra distance-based metric provides the most accurate classification of documents. The method appears also to be quick, efficient and inexpensive. It can be easily operated from remote locations and shared amongst different organisations, which makes it very convenient for future operational applications. The method could serve as a first fast triage method that may help target more resource-intensive profiling methods (based on a visual, physical or chemical examination of documents for instance). Its contribution to forensic intelligence and its application to several sets of false identity documents seized by police and border guards will be developed in a forthcoming article (part II).


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Résumé : Les progrès techniques de la spectrométrie de masse (MS) ont contribué au récent développement de la protéomique. Cette technique peut actuellement détecter, identifier et quantifier des milliers de protéines. Toutefois, elle n'est pas encore assez puissante pour fournir une analyse complète des modifications du protéome corrélées à des phénomènes biologiques. Notre objectif était le développement d'une nouvelle stratégie pour la détection spécifique et la quantification des variations du protéome, basée sur la mesure de la synthèse des protéines plutôt que sur celle de la quantité de protéines totale. Pour cela, nous volions associer le marquage pulsé des protéines par des isotopes stables avec une méthode d'acquisition MS basée sur le balayage des ions précurseurs (precursor ion scan, ou PIS), afin de détecter spécifiquement les protéines ayant intégré les isotopes et d'estimer leur abondance par rapport aux protéines non marquées. Une telle approche peut identifier les protéines avec les plus hauts taux de synthèse dans une période de temps donnée, y compris les protéines dont l'expression augmente spécifiquement suite à un événement précis. Nous avons tout d'abord testé différents acides aminés marqués en combinaison avec des méthodes PIS spécifiques. Ces essais ont permis la détection spécifique des protéines marquées. Cependant, en raison des limitations instrumentales du spectromètre de masse utilisé pour les méthodes PIS, la sensibilité de cette approche s'est révélée être inférieure à une analyse non ciblée réalisée sur un instrument plus récent (Chapitre 2.1). Toutefois, pour l'analyse différentielle de deux milieux de culture conditionnés par des cellules cancéreuses humaines, nous avons utilisé le marquage métabolique pour distinguer les protéines d'origine cellulaire des protéines non marquées du sérum présentes dans les milieux de culture (Chapitre 2.2). Parallèlement, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode de quantification nommée IBIS, qui utilise des paires d'isotopes stables d'acides aminés capables de produire des ions spécifiques qui peuvent être utilisés pour la quantification relative. La méthode IBIS a été appliquée à l'analyse de deux lignées cellulaires cancéreuses complètement marquées, mais de manière différenciée, par des paires d'acides aminés (Chapitre 2.3). Ensuite, conformément à l'objectif initial de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé une variante pulsée de l'IBIS pour détecter des modifications du protéome dans des cellules HeLa infectée par le virus humain Herpes Simplex-1 (Chapitre 2.4). Ce virus réprime la synthèse des protéines des cellules hôtes afin d'exploiter leur mécanisme de traduction pour la production massive de virions. Comme prévu, de hauts taux de synthèse ont été mesurés pour les protéines virales détectées, attestant de leur haut niveau d'expression. Nous avons de plus identifié un certain nombre de protéines humaines dont le rapport de synthèse et de dégradation (S/D) a été modifié par l'infection virale, ce qui peut donner des indications sur les stratégies utilisées par les virus pour détourner la machinerie cellulaire. En conclusion, nous avons montré dans ce travail que le marquage métabolique peut être employé de façon non conventionnelle pour étudier des dimensions peu explorées en protéomique. Summary : In recent years major technical advancements greatly supported the development of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. Currently, this technique can efficiently detect, identify and quantify thousands of proteins. However, it is not yet sufficiently powerful to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proteome changes correlated with biological phenomena. The aim of our project was the development of ~a new strategy for the specific detection and quantification of proteomé variations based on measurements of protein synthesis rather than total protein amounts. The rationale for this approach was that changes in protein synthesis more closely reflect dynamic cellular responses than changes in total protein concentrations. Our starting idea was to couple "pulsed" stable-isotope labeling of proteins with a specific MS acquisition method based on precursor ion scan (PIS), to specifically detect proteins that incorporated the label and to simultaneously estimate their abundance, relative to the unlabeled protein isoform. Such approach could highlight proteins with the highest synthesis rate in a given time frame, including proteins specifically up-regulated by a given biological stimulus. As a first step, we tested different isotope-labeled amino acids in combination with dedicated PIS methods and showed that this leads to specific detection of labeled proteins. Sensitivity, however, turned out to be lower than an untargeted analysis run on a more recent instrument, due to MS hardware limitations (Chapter 2.1). We next used metabolic labeling to distinguish the proteins of cellular origin from a high background of unlabeled (serum) proteins, for the differential analysis of two serum-containing culture media conditioned by labeled human cancer cells (Chapter 2.2). As a parallel project we developed a new quantification method (named ISIS), which uses pairs of stable-isotope labeled amino acids able to produce specific reporter ions, which can be used for relative quantification. The ISIS method was applied to the analysis of two fully, yet differentially labeled cancer cell lines, as described in Chapter 2.3. Next, in line with the original purpose of this thesis, we used a "pulsed" variant of ISIS to detect proteome changes in HeLa cells after the infection with human Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (Chapter 2.4). This virus is known to repress the synthesis of host cell proteins to exploit the translation machinery for the massive production of virions. As expected, high synthesis rates were measured for the detected viral proteins, confirming their up-regulation. Moreover, we identified a number of human proteins whose synthesis/degradation ratio (S/D) was affected by the viral infection and which could provide clues on the strategies used by the virus to hijack the cellular machinery. Overall, in this work, we showed that metabolic labeling can be employed in alternative ways to investigate poorly explored dimensions in proteomics.


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The objective of this work was to develop an easily applicable technique and a standardized protocol for high-quality post-mortem angiography. This protocol should (1) increase the radiological interpretation by decreasing artifacts due to the perfusion and by reaching a complete filling of the vascular system and (2) ease and standardize the execution of the examination. To this aim, 45 human corpses were investigated by post-mortem computed tomography (CT) angiography using different perfusion protocols, a modified heart-lung machine and a new contrast agent mixture, specifically developed for post-mortem investigations. The quality of the CT angiographies was evaluated radiologically by observing the filling of the vascular system and assessing the interpretability of the resulting images and by comparing radiological diagnoses to conventional autopsy conclusions. Post-mortem angiography yielded satisfactory results provided that the volumes of the injected contrast agent mixture were high enough to completely fill the vascular system. In order to avoid artifacts due to the post-mortem perfusion, a minimum of three angiographic phases and one native scan had to be performed. These findings were taken into account to develop a protocol for quality post-mortem CT angiography that minimizes the risk of radiological misinterpretation. The proposed protocol is easy applicable in a standardized way and yields high-quality radiologically interpretable visualization of the vascular system in post-mortem investigations.


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BACKGROUND: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) systems are widely used tools to verify and correct the target position before each fraction, allowing to maximize treatment accuracy and precision. In this study, we evaluate automatic three-dimensional intensity-based rigid registration (RR) methods for prostate setup correction using CBCT scans and study the impact of rectal distension on registration quality. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 115 CBCT scans of 10 prostate patients. CT-to-CBCT registration was performed using (a) global RR, (b) bony RR, or (c) bony RR refined by a local prostate RR using the CT clinical target volume (CTV) expanded with 1-to-20-mm varying margins. After propagation of the manual CT contours, automatic CBCT contours were generated. For evaluation, a radiation oncologist manually delineated the CTV on the CBCT scans. The propagated and manual CBCT contours were compared using the Dice similarity and a measure based on the bidirectional local distance (BLD). We also conducted a blind visual assessment of the quality of the propagated segmentations. Moreover, we automatically quantified rectal distension between the CT and CBCT scans without using the manual CBCT contours and we investigated its correlation with the registration failures. To improve the registration quality, the air in the rectum was replaced with soft tissue using a filter. The results with and without filtering were compared. RESULTS: The statistical analysis of the Dice coefficients and the BLD values resulted in highly significant differences (p<10(-6)) for the 5-mm and 8-mm local RRs vs the global, bony and 1-mm local RRs. The 8-mm local RR provided the best compromise between accuracy and robustness (Dice median of 0.814 and 97% of success with filtering the air in the rectum). We observed that all failures were due to high rectal distension. Moreover, the visual assessment confirmed the superiority of the 8-mm local RR over the bony RR. CONCLUSION: The most successful CT-to-CBCT RR method proved to be the 8-mm local RR. We have shown the correlation between its registration failures and rectal distension. Furthermore, we have provided a simple (easily applicable in routine) and automatic method to quantify rectal distension and to predict registration failure using only the manual CT contours.