49 resultados para catastrophe bonds

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Biotic effects of the Chicxulub impact, the K-T event and sea level change upon planktic foraminifera were evaluated in a new core and outcrops along the Brazos River, Texas, about 1000 km from the Chicxulub impact crater on Yucatan, Mexico. Sediment deposition occurred in a middle neritic environment that shallowed to inner neritic depths near the end of the Maastrichtian. The sea level fall scoured submarine channels, which were infilled by a sandstone complex with reworked Chicxulub impact spherules and clasts with spherules near the base. The original Chicxulub impact ejecta layer was discovered 45-60 cm below the sandstone complex, and predates the K-T mass extinction by about 300,000 years. Results show that the Chicxulub impact caused no species extinctions or any other significant biotic effects. The subsequent sea level fall to inner neritic depth resulted in the disappearance of all larger (>150 mu m) deeper dwelling species creating a pseudo-mass extinction and a survivor assemblage of small surface dwellers and low oxygen tolerant taxa. The K-T boundary and mass extinction was identified 40-80 cm above the sandstone complex where all but some heterohelicids, hedbergellids and the disaster opportunistic guembelitfids went extinct, coincident with the evolution of first Danian species and the global delta(13)C shift. These data reveal that sea level changes profoundly influenced marine assemblages in near shore environments, that the Chicxulub impact and K-T mass extinction are two separate and unrelated events, and that the biotic effects of this impact have been vastly overestimated. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bacterial cell-wall-associated fibronectin binding proteins A and B (FnBPA and FnBPB) form bonds with host fibronectin. This binding reaction is often the initial step in prosthetic device infections. Atomic force microscopy was used to evaluate binding interactions between a fibronectin-coated probe and laboratory-derived Staphylococcus aureus that are (i) defective in both FnBPA and FnBPB (fnbA fnbB double mutant, DU5883), (ii) capable of expressing only FnBPA (fnbA fnbB double mutant complemented with pFNBA4), or (iii) capable of expressing only FnBPB (fnbA fnbB double mutant complemented with pFNBB4). These experiments were repeated using Lactococcus lactis constructs expressing fnbA and fnbB genes from S. aureus. A distinct force signature was observed for those bacteria that expressed FnBPA or FnBPB. Analysis of this force signature with the biomechanical wormlike chain model suggests that parallel bonds form between fibronectin and FnBPs on a bacterium. The strength and covalence of bonds were evaluated via nonlinear regression of force profiles. Binding events were more frequent (p < 0.01) for S. aureus expressing FnBPA or FnBPB than for the S. aureus double mutant. The binding force, frequency, and profile were similar between the FnBPA and FnBPB expressing strains of S. aureus. The absence of both FnBPs from the surface of S. aureus removed its ability to form a detectable bond with fibronectin. By contrast, ectopic expression of FnBPA or FnBPB on the surface of L. lactis conferred fibronectin binding characteristics similar to those of S. aureus. These measurements demonstrate that fibronectin-binding adhesins FnBPA and FnBPB are necessary and sufficient for the binding of S. aureus to prosthetic devices that are coated with host fibronectin.


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The present paper investigated whether higher cohesion and satisfaction with family bonds were associated with the daily experience of emotional well-being in varying social circumstances. Using a sample of school-age adolescents (N = 95) and both their parents, data were gathered daily over 1 week using a diary approach in addition to self-report instruments. Multilevel analyses revealed higher cohesion to be associated with well-being in fathers and adolescents, but not in mothers. Parents also reported higher well-being when with friends or colleagues than when alone. Moreover, fathers who scored higher on cohesion reported higher well-being when with family members than when alone, whereas adolescents who scored higher on satisfaction with bonds reported lower well-being when with peers or siblings than when alone.


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Le 5 octobre 1994, 48 membres de la secte de l'Ordre du Temple Solaire ont été trouvés morts à Cheiry (FR) et à Salvan (VS). L'Institut Universitaire de Médecine Légale de Lausanne a été chargé de s'occuper des problèmes médico-légaux de cette tragédie, notemment l'estimation de l'heure du décès, la détermination de la cause et des circonstances du décès et l'identification des victimes. Pour cette intervention, nous avons dû faire face à une série de facteurs inhabituels comme l'absence d'une "liste de passagers" (c'est à dire de personnes touchées par la catastrophe), des victimes de différentes nationalités (dont certaines uniquement de passage en Suisse), un groupe de configurations familiales complexes, des corps souvent carbonisés et, de plus, une couverture médiatique exceptionnelle.


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(Résumé du numéro) Prophéties et visions du futur Notre époque se méfie des prophètes, mais fait confiance aux astrologues, devins et autres voyantes... Y compris dans les plus hautes sphères du pouvoir! Ce surgissement de l'irrationnel dans une société fière de sa "science" laisse perplexe. De telles croyances, dont le caractère païen est parfois souligné, entretiennent dans l'esprit du public une confusion fâcheuse entre prophétie et prédiction. Le prophétisme s'en trouve dévalorisé, alors qu'il a joué à certains moments un rôle décisif dans l'histoire de l'humanité. "L'avez-vous remarqué?", écrivait il y a quelques années Bruno Chenu, "À l'heure actuelle, le thème du prophétisme semble s'être évanoui du paysage, tant social qu'ecclésial. Il n'y a plus grand monde pour se risquer à une interpellation forte, à une mise en cause radicale, à une proposition dérangeante. [...] Nous sommes à l'âge des croyances molles. N'est-il pas grand temps de retrouver, collectivement et personnellement, l'inspiration prophétique?" (1). Le prophète est une figure centrale des religions monothéistes. Il porte la sagesse du message divin que les hommes ne savent pas discerner. Donc, il dérange. Et si sa parole est écoutée, voire sollicitée, dans les périodes d'incertitudes, il devient gênant dès lors que le pouvoir - religieux ou politique - pense avoir repris en main les destinées de la communauté. "L'avenir n'est à personne, sire, l'avenir est à Dieu" rappelle, trop tard!, Victor Hugo à Napoléon 1er. Il est vrai que la condamnation des prophètes est souvent consécutive à une catastrophe déclenchée par de "faux" prophètes. La difficulté à identifier la véritable prophétie a entraîné à plusieurs reprises l'annonce de l'extinction du prophétisme, par les sages juifs au deuxième siècle avant notre ère, ou lorsque le christianisme devient la religion officielle de l'Empire romain. À chaque fois, le prophétisme est réapparu, comme si la religion ne pouvait en faire l'économie. C'est l'une des leçons qui ressort le plus clairement du dossier que nous consacrons au couple tumultueux que constituent prophètes et visions du futur. Le prophète porte aussi les espoirs de l'humanité. Un monde sans prophètes serait-il un monde sans espérance?


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Pyochelin (Pch) and enantiopyochelin (EPch) are enantiomeric siderophores, with three chiral centers, produced under iron limitation conditions by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens , respectively. After iron chelation in the extracellular medium, Pch-Fe and EPch-Fe are recognized and transported by their specific outer-membrane transporters: FptA in P. aeruginosa and FetA in P. fluorescens . Structural analysis of FetA-EPch-Fe and FptA-Pch-Fe, combined with mutagenesis and docking studies revealed the structural basis of the stereospecific recognition of these enantiomers by their respective transporters. Whereas FetA and FptA have a low sequence identity but high structural homology, the Pch and EPch binding pockets do not share any structural homology, but display similar physicochemical properties. The stereospecific recognition of both enantiomers by their corresponding transporters is imposed by the configuration of the siderophore's C4'' and C2'' chiral centers. This recognition involves specific hydrogen bonds between the Arg91 guanidinium group and EPch-Fe for FetA and between the Leu117-Leu116 main chain and Pch-Fe for FptA. FetA and FptA are the first membrane receptors to be structurally described with opposite binding enantioselectivities for their ligands, giving insights into the structural basis of their enantiospecificity.


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Millions of people suffer from superficial infections caused by dermatophytes. Intriguingly, these filamentous fungi exclusively infect keratin-rich host structures such as hair, nails, and skin. Keratin is a hard, compact protein, and its utilization by dermatophytes for growth has long been discussed as a major virulence attribute. Here, we provide strong support for the hypothesis that keratin degradation is facilitated by the secretion of the reducing agent sulfite, which can cleave keratin-stabilizing cystine bonds. We discovered that sulfite is produced by dermatophytes from environmental cysteine, which at elevated concentrations is toxic for microbes and humans. We found that sulfite formation from cysteine relies on the key enzyme cysteine dioxygenase Cdo1. Sulfite secretion is supported by the sulfite efflux pump Ssu1. Targeted mutagenesis proved that dermatophyte mutants in either Cdo1 or Ssu1 were highly growth-sensitive to cysteine, and mutants in Ssu1 were specifically sensitive to sulfite. Most notably, dermatophyte mutants in Cdo1 and Ssu1 were specifically growth-defective on hair and nails. As keratin is rich in cysteine, our identified mechanism of cysteine conversion and sulfite efflux supports both cysteine and sulfite tolerance per se and progression of keratin degradation. These in vitro findings have implications for dermatophyte infection pathogenesis.


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The provenance, half-life and biological activity of malondialdehyde (MDA) were investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana. We provide genetic confirmation of the hypothesis that MDA originates from fatty acids containing more than two methylene-linked double bonds, showing that tri-unsaturated fatty acids are the in vivo source of up to 75% of MDA. The abundance of the combined pool of free and reversibly bound MDA did not change dramatically in stress, although a significant increase in the free MDA pool under oxidative conditions was observed. The half-life of infiltrated MDA indicated rapid metabolic turnover/sequestration. Exposure of plants to low levels of MDA using a recently developed protocol powerfully upregulated many genes on a cDNA microarray with a bias towards those implicated in abiotic/environmental stress (e.g. ROF1 and XERO2). Remarkably, and in contrast to the activities of other reactive electrophile species (i.e. small vinyl ketones), none of the pathogenesis-related (PR) genes tested responded to MDA. The use of structural mimics of MDA isomers suggested that the propensity of the molecule to act as a cross-linking/modifying reagent might contribute to the activation of gene expression. Changes in the concentration/localisation of unbound MDA in vivo could strongly affect stress-related transcription.