14 resultados para campus behavior management
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Purpose: to assess the trends of self-reported prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CV RFs: hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes) and their management for period 1992 to 2007 in the Swiss population. Methods: four National health interview surveys conducted between 1992 and 2007 in representative samples of the Swiss population (63,782 subjects overall). Self-reported CV RFs prevalence, treatment and controllevels were computed after weighting. Weights were calculated by raking ratio such that the marginal distribution of the weighted totals conforms to the marginal distribution of the targeted population. Multivariate analysis adjusted on age, sex, education, nationality and SMI was conducted using logistic regression. Results: prevalence of ail CV RFs increased between 1992 and 2007, see table. Although the self-reported prevalence of treatment among subjects with CV RFs increased, and this was confirmed by multivariate analysis: OR for hypocholesterolaemic treatment relative to 1992: 0.64 [0.52-0.78]; 1.39 [1.18-1.65] and 2.00 [1.69-2.36] for 1997, 2002 and 2007, respectively. Still, in 2007, circa 40% of hypertensive, 60% of dyslipidaemic and 50% of diabetic subjects weren't treated. Conversely, an adequate control of CV RFs was reported by treated subjects, with an increase during the study period. This increase was confirmed by multivariate analysis (not shown). Conclusion: the self-reported prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes increased between 1992 and 2007 in the Swiss population. Despite a good control of treated subjects, still a significant percentage of subjects with CV RFs are not treated.
Retinoblastoma has the unique capacity to accelerate its own intra-ocular propagation by adopting semi-solid or even liquid growth properties through seeding. Until recently, the presence of any degree of seeding was mostly incompatible with successful conservative management, due to the multiresistant nature of the seeds. Surprisingly, this well-recognized retinoblastoma behavior has not undergone any detailed description of seeding patterns and anatomic sites. In this paper, we describe the phenotypic variability of seeds across the four possible intraocular seeding compartments and classify them into three fundamental types: namely dust, spheres, and clouds. We also provide an overview of the different therapeutic strategies developed for seeding, with special attention to intravitreal chemotherapy as the treatment of choice for vitreous and retro-hyaloid seeding. Finally, we propose criteria to enable assessment of the response to treatment by reporting seed regression patterns, as well as a clinical grading system for the retinal toxicity observed following intravitreal melphalan.
After decades of management reforms in the public sector, questions on the impact of leader-ship behavior in public organizations have been attracting increasing attention. This paper investigates the relationship between transformational leadership behavior and organizational citizenship behavior as one major extra-role outcome of transformational leadership. Refer-ring to a growing body of research that shows the importance of public service values and employee identification in public administration research, we include public service motiva-tion and organizational goal clarification as mediating variables in our analysis. Structural equation modeling is applied as the method of analysis for a sample of 569 public managers at the local level of Switzerland. The findings of our study support the assumed indirect relation-ship between leadership and employee behavior and emphasize the relevance of public ser-vice values when analyzing leadership behavior in public sector organizations.
Only half of hypertensive patients has controlled blood pressure. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is also associated with low blood pressure control, 25-30% of CKD patients achieving adequate blood pressure. The Community Preventive Services Task Force has recently recommended team-based care to improve blood pressure control. Team-based care of hypertension involves facilitating coordination of care among physician, pharmacist and nurse and requires sharing clinical data, laboratory results, and medications, e.g., electronically or by fax. Based on recent studies, development and evaluation of team-based care of hypertensive patients should be done in the Swiss healthcare system.
Back pain is a considerable economical burden in industrialised countries. Its management varies widely across countries, including Switzerland. Thus, the University Hospital and University of Lausanne (CHUV) recently improved intern processes of back pain care. In an already existing collaborative context, the two university hospitals in French-speaking Switzerland (CHUV, University Hospital of Geneva), felt the need of a medical consensus, based on a common concept. This inter-hospital consensus produced three decisional algorithms that bear on recent concepts of back pain found in literature. Eventually, a fast track was created at CHUV, to which extern physicians will have an organised and rapid access. This fast track aims to reduce chronic back pain conditions and provides specialised education for general practitioners-in-training.
This study deals with the psychological processes underlying the selection of appropriate strategy during exploratory behavior. A new device was used to assess sexual dimorphisms in spatial abilities that do not depend on spatial rotation, map reading or directional vector extraction capacities. Moreover, it makes it possible to investigate exploratory behavior as a specific response to novelty that trades off risk and reward. Risk management under uncertainty was assessed through both spontaneous searching strategies and signal detection capacities. The results of exploratory behavior, detection capacities, and decision-making strategies seem to indicate that women's exploratory behavior is based on risk-reducing behavior while men behavior does not appear to be influenced by this variable. This difference was interpreted as a difference in information processing modifying beliefs concerning the likelihood of uncertain events, and therefore influencing risk evaluation.
The choice to adopt risk-sensitive measurement approaches for operational risks: the case of Advanced Measurement Approach under Basel II New Capital Accord This paper investigates the choice of the operational risk approach under Basel II requirements and whether the adoption of advanced risk measurement approaches allows banks to save capital. Among the three possible approaches for operational risk measurement, the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) is the most sophisticated and requires the use of historical loss data, the application of statistical tools, and the engagement of a highly qualified staff. Our results provide evidence that the adoption of AMA is contingent on the availability of bank resources and prior experience in risk-sensitive operational risk measurement practices. Moreover, banks that choose AMA exhibit low requirements for capital and, as a result might gain a competitive advantage compared to banks that opt for less sophisticated approaches. - Internal Risk Controls and their Impact on Bank Solvency Recent cases in financial sector showed the importance of risk management controls on risk taking and firm performance. Despite advances in the design and implementation of risk management mechanisms, there is little research on their impact on behavior and performance of firms. Based on data from a sample of 88 banks covering the period between 2004 and 2010, we provide evidence that internal risk controls impact the solvency of banks. In addition, our results show that the level of internal risk controls leads to a higher degree of solvency in banks with a major shareholder in contrast to widely-held banks. However, the relationship between internal risk controls and bank solvency is negatively affected by BHC growth strategies and external restrictions on bank activities, while the higher regulatory requirements for bank capital moderates positively this relationship. - The Impact of the Sophistication of Risk Measurement Approaches under Basel II on Bank Holding Companies Value Previous research showed the importance of external regulation on banks' behavior. Some inefficient standards may accentuate risk-taking in banks and provoke a financial crisis. Despite the growing literature on the potential effects of Basel II rules, there is little empirical research on the efficiency of risk-sensitive capital measurement approaches and their impact on bank profitability and market valuation. Based on data from a sample of 66 banks covering the period between 2008 and 2010, we provide evidence that prudential ratios computed under Basel II standards predict the value of banks. However, this relation is contingent on the degree of sophistication of risk measurement approaches that banks apply. Capital ratios are effective in predicting bank market valuation when banks adopt the advanced approaches to compute the value of their risk-weighted assets.