4 resultados para active commuting to school

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Syndrome de stress scolaire chronique, le bumout de l'élève ou bumout scolaire suscite un intérêt grandissant mais ses déterminants sont encore peu connus. De plus, ce phénomène est rarement étudié chez les adolescents francophones et aucune recherche n'a encore été menée en Suisse. Par conséquent, au travers de ce travail de thèse, nous proposons d'étendre la recherche sur le bumout scolaire aux adolescents de Suisse francophone et d'apporter des précisions sur ses facteurs de risque ou de protection. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené deux recherches empiriques impliquant 861 adolescents âgés de 14 à 18 ans et scolarisés en Suisse francophone. Ces adolescents ont répondu à une série d'échelles évaluant notamment le burnout scolaire, le stress scolaire, le soutien social, la consommation de substances et le parcours scolaire. Les résultats montrent tout d'abord que l'inventaire de Burnout Scolaire, version française du School Burnout lnventory, est un outil fiable et valide. Ensuite, il apparaît que le burnout scolaire touche jusqu'à 24% des adolescents de Suisse francophone et que ce dernier se caractérise par une perte d'intérêt pour l'école, une grande remise en question du sens du travail scolaire ainsi qu'un sentiment élevé d'insuffisance à l'école. Il apparaît également que le stress scolaire lié au succès et à l'avenir scolaire augmente le risque de bumout alors que le soutien des parents et des enseignants le diminue. Par ailleurs, nous mettons en évidence que l'effet du soutien social sur le burnout scolaire est médiatisé par le stress scolaire, ce qui souligne d'autant plus le rôle protecteur du soutien social. Nos résultats montrent également que les niveaux de bumout scolaire varient en fonction, d'une part de certaines caractéristiques du contexte scolaire et d'autre part en fonction de la sévérité de la consommation de substances des adolescents. Enfin, les connaissances accumulées dans ce travail et leur mise en perspective dans un modèle d'intervention précoce permettent d'insister sur le rôle de l'école et des professionnels de l'école dans la prévention du burnout scolaire. -- Syndrome of chronic school stress, pupil 's bumout or school bumout is of growing interest. However, little is known about its determinants. Moreover, this phenomenon is rarely studied in French speaking adolescents and no research has yet been conducted in Switzerland. Therefore, through this thesis, we propose to extend the research on school bumout to Swiss French speaking adolescents and to clarify its risk and protective factors. To achieve this, we conducted two empirical research involving 861 adolescents aged 14 to 18 and enrolled in the French part of Switzerland. These adolescents were asked to answer a questionnaire about school bumout, academic stress, social support, substance use and schooling. Results first show, that the French version of the School Bumout Inventory is a reliable and valid tool. lt then appears that school bumout affects up to 24% of adolescents in the French speaking part of Switzerland and that this phenomenon is characterized by a loss of interest in school, a great challenge to the sense of school work and a high sense of insufissance school. lt also appears that stress related to school success and academic future increases the risk of bumout while parents and teachers support decreases it. Moreover, we highlight that the effect of social support on school bumout is mediated by school stress, which further underscores the protective role of social support. Our results also show that school bumout levels vary depending on characteristics of the school context and on the severity of substance use of adolecents. Finally, the knowledge accumulated in this work and putting it onto perspective within early intervention model enable to insist on the role of school and school professionals in the prevention of school bumout


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OBJECTIVE: To assess social, economic and medical data concerning children without a resident permit taken into care by the Children's Hospital of Lausanne (HEL) in order to evaluate their specific needs. METHODS: Prospective exploratory study by a questionnaire including the socio-demographic, medical and education data of 103 children without a resident permit, who consulted the HEL for the first time between August 2003 and March 2006. These children were then recalled for a second check-up one year later in order to allow a regular monitoring. RESULTS: Eighty-seven percent of the children were native of Latin America, 36% being less than two years old. This population of children lived in precarious conditions with a family income lower than the poverty level (89% of the families with less than 3100 CHF/month). Forty-five percent of the children had a health insurance. The main reasons for consultation were infectious diseases, a check-up requested by the school or a check-up concerning newborn children. Most of them were in good health and the others were affected by illnesses similar to those found in other children of the same age. At least 13% of the children were obese and 27% were overweight. All children who were of educational age went to school during the year after the first check-up and 48% were affiliated to a health insurance. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the children from Latin America lived in very precarious conditions. Their general health status was good and most of them could benefit from regular check-ups. Prevention, focused on a healthier life style, was particularly important among this population characterised by a high incidence of overweight and obesity.


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The TNF family ligand ectodysplasin A (EDA) regulates the induction, morphogenesis and/or maintenance of skin-derived structures such as teeth, hair, sweat glands and several other glands. Deficiencies in the EDA - EDA receptor (EDAR) signalling pathway cause hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED). This syndrome is characterized by the absence or malformation of several skin-derived appendages resulting in hypotrychosis, hypodontia, heat-intolerance, dry skin and dry eyes, susceptibility to airways infections and crusting of various secretions. The EDA-EDAR system is an important effector of canonical Wnt signalling in developing skin appendages. It functions by stimulating NF-κB-mediated transcription of effectors or inhibitors of the Wnt, Sonic hedgehog (SHH), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) pathways that regulate interactions within or between epithelial and mesenchymal cells and tissues. In animal models of Eda-deficiency, soluble EDAR agonists can precisely correct clinically relevant symptoms with low side effects even at high agonist doses, indicating that efficient negative feedback signals occur in treated tissues. Hijacking of the placental antibody transport system can help deliver active molecules to developing foetuses in a timely manner. EDAR agonists may serve to treat certain forms of ectodermal dysplasia.


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Concussion, a frequent injury in sports, is rarely evoked and often trivialized in children and teenagers. Knowledge of the diverse symptoms and signs to seek for is essential to an appropriate and secure management. The initial treatment relies on cognitive and physical rest followed by a progressive return to school and subsequently sport activities. The aim of this article is to review an injury whose prognosis is generally favourable, but whose rare complications can prove dramatic.