31 resultados para Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Cuscuta spp. are holoparasitic plants that can simultaneously parasitise several host plants. It has been suggested that Cuscuta has evolved a foraging strategy based on a positive relationship between preuptake investment and subsequent reward on different host species. Here we establish reliable parasite size measures and show that parasitism on individuals of different host species alters the biomass of C. campestris but that within host species size and age also contributes to the heterogeneous resource landscape. We then performed two additional experiments to test whether C. campestris achieves greater resource acquisition by parasitising two host species rather than one and whether C. campestris forages in communities of hosts offering different rewards (a choice experiment). There was no evidence in either experiment for direct benefits of a mixed host diet. Cuscuta campestris foraged by parasitising the most rewarding hosts the fastest and then investing the most on them. We conclude that our data present strong evidence for foraging in the parasitic plant C. campestris.


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A series of studies in schizophrenic patients report a decrease of glutathione (GSH) in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and cerebrospinal fluid, a decrease in mRNA levels for two GSH synthesizing enzymes and a deficit in parvalbumin (PV) expression in a subclass of GABA neurons in PFC. GSH is an important redox regulator, and its deficit could be responsible for cortical anomalies, particularly in regions rich in dopamine innervation. We tested in an animal model if redox imbalance (GSH deficit and excess extracellular dopamine) during postnatal development would affect PV-expressing neurons. Three populations of interneurons immunolabeled for calcium-binding proteins were analyzed quantitatively in 16-day-old rat brain sections. Treated rats showed specific reduction in parvalbumin immunoreactivity in the anterior cingulate cortex, but not for calbindin and calretinin. These results provide experimental evidence for the critical role of redox regulation in cortical development and validate this animal model used in schizophrenia research.


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Converging evidence favors an abnormal susceptibility to oxidative stress in schizophrenia. Decreased levels of glutathione (GSH), the major cellular antioxidant and redox regulator, was observed in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex of patients. Importantly, abnormal GSH synthesis of genetic origin was observed: Two case-control studies showed an association with a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) catalytic subunit (GCLC) gene. The most common TNR genotype 7/7 was more frequent in controls, whereas the rarest TNR genotype 8/8 was three times more frequent in patients. The disease associated genotypes (35% of patients) correlated with decreased GCLC protein, GCL activity and GSH content. Similar GSH system anomalies were observed in early psychosis patients. Such redox dysregulation combined with environmental stressors at specific developmental stages could underlie structural and functional connectivity anomalies. In pharmacological and knock-out (KO) models, GSH deficit induces anomalies analogous to those reported in patients. (a) morphology: spine density and GABA-parvalbumine immunoreactivity (PV-I) were decreased in anterior cingulate cortex. KO mice showed delayed cortical PV-I at PD10. This effect is exacerbated in mice with increased DA from PD5-10. KO mice exhibit cortical impairment in myelin and perineuronal net known to modulate PV connectivity. (b) physiology: In cultured neurons, NMDA response are depressed by D2 activation. In hippocampus, NMDA-dependent synaptic plasticity is impaired and kainate induced g-oscillations are reduced in parallel to PV-I. (c) cognition: low GSH models show increased sensitivity to stress, hyperactivity, abnormal object recognition, olfactory integration and social behavior. In a clinical study, GSH precursor N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) as add on therapy, improves the negative symptoms and decreases the side effects of antipsychotics. In an auditory oddball paradigm, NAC improves the mismatched negativity, an evoked potential related to pre-attention and to NMDA receptors function. In summary, clinical and experimental evidence converge to demonstrate that a genetically induced dysregulation of GSH synthesis combined with environmental insults in early development represent a major risk factor contributing to the development of schizophrenia Conclusion Based on these data, we proposed a model for PSIP1 promoter activity involving a complex interplay between yet undefined regulatory elements to modulate gene expression.


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Motivation. The study of human brain development in itsearly stage is today possible thanks to in vivo fetalmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Aquantitative analysis of fetal cortical surfacerepresents a new approach which can be used as a markerof the cerebral maturation (as gyration) and also forstudying central nervous system pathologies [1]. However,this quantitative approach is a major challenge forseveral reasons. First, movement of the fetus inside theamniotic cavity requires very fast MRI sequences tominimize motion artifacts, resulting in a poor spatialresolution and/or lower SNR. Second, due to the ongoingmyelination and cortical maturation, the appearance ofthe developing brain differs very much from thehomogenous tissue types found in adults. Third, due tolow resolution, fetal MR images considerably suffer ofpartial volume (PV) effect, sometimes in large areas.Today extensive efforts are made to deal with thereconstruction of high resolution 3D fetal volumes[2,3,4] to cope with intra-volume motion and low SNR.However, few studies exist related to the automatedsegmentation of MR fetal imaging. [5] and [6] work on thesegmentation of specific areas of the fetal brain such asposterior fossa, brainstem or germinal matrix. Firstattempt for automated brain tissue segmentation has beenpresented in [7] and in our previous work [8]. Bothmethods apply the Expectation-Maximization Markov RandomField (EM-MRF) framework but contrary to [7] we do notneed from any anatomical atlas prior. Data set &Methods. Prenatal MR imaging was performed with a 1-Tsystem (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee) using single shotfast spin echo (ssFSE) sequences (TR 7000 ms, TE 180 ms,FOV 40 x 40 cm, slice thickness 5.4mm, in plane spatialresolution 1.09mm). Each fetus has 6 axial volumes(around 15 slices per volume), each of them acquired inabout 1 min. Each volume is shifted by 1 mm with respectto the previous one. Gestational age (GA) ranges from 29to 32 weeks. Mother is under sedation. Each volume ismanually segmented to extract fetal brain fromsurrounding maternal tissues. Then, in-homogeneityintensity correction is performed using [9] and linearintensity normalization is performed to have intensityvalues that range from 0 to 255. Note that due tointra-tissue variability of developing brain someintensity variability still remains. For each fetus, ahigh spatial resolution image of isotropic voxel size of1.09 mm is created applying [2] and using B-splines forthe scattered data interpolation [10] (see Fig. 1). Then,basal ganglia (BS) segmentation is performed on thissuper reconstructed volume. Active contour framework witha Level Set (LS) implementation is used. Our LS follows aslightly different formulation from well-known Chan-Vese[11] formulation. In our case, the LS evolves forcing themean of the inside of the curve to be the mean intensityof basal ganglia. Moreover, we add local spatial priorthrough a probabilistic map created by fitting anellipsoid onto the basal ganglia region. Some userinteraction is needed to set the mean intensity of BG(green dots in Fig. 2) and the initial fitting points forthe probabilistic prior map (blue points in Fig. 2). Oncebasal ganglia are removed from the image, brain tissuesegmentation is performed as described in [8]. Results.The case study presented here has 29 weeks of GA. Thehigh resolution reconstructed volume is presented in Fig.1. The steps of BG segmentation are shown in Fig. 2.Overlap in comparison with manual segmentation isquantified by the Dice similarity index (DSI) equal to0.829 (values above 0.7 are considered a very goodagreement). Such BG segmentation has been applied on 3other subjects ranging for 29 to 32 GA and the DSI hasbeen of 0.856, 0.794 and 0.785. Our segmentation of theinner (red and blue contours) and outer cortical surface(green contour) is presented in Fig. 3. Finally, torefine the results we include our WM segmentation in theFreesurfer software [12] and some manual corrections toobtain Fig.4. Discussion. Precise cortical surfaceextraction of fetal brain is needed for quantitativestudies of early human brain development. Our workcombines the well known statistical classificationframework with the active contour segmentation forcentral gray mater extraction. A main advantage of thepresented procedure for fetal brain surface extraction isthat we do not include any spatial prior coming fromanatomical atlases. The results presented here arepreliminary but promising. Our efforts are now in testingsuch approach on a wider range of gestational ages thatwe will include in the final version of this work andstudying as well its generalization to different scannersand different type of MRI sequences. References. [1]Guibaud, Prenatal Diagnosis 29(4) (2009). [2] Rousseau,Acad. Rad. 13(9), 2006, [3] Jiang, IEEE TMI 2007. [4]Warfield IADB, MICCAI 2009. [5] Claude, IEEE Trans. Bio.Eng. 51(4) (2004). [6] Habas, MICCAI (Pt. 1) 2008. [7]Bertelsen, ISMRM 2009 [8] Bach Cuadra, IADB, MICCAI 2009.[9] Styner, IEEE TMI 19(39 (2000). [10] Lee, IEEE Trans.Visual. And Comp. Graph. 3(3), 1997, [11] Chan, IEEETrans. Img. Proc, 10(2), 2001 [12] Freesurfer,http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu.


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PURPOSE: To describe the safety, complications, and liver regeneration associated with the left liver after embolization of the right portal vein (PV) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developed in the setting of advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients (31 men, nine women; mean age, 62 years) with HCC underwent PV embolization over a 4-year period. Embolization was performed from a left PV percutaneous access with use of n-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) mixed with iodized oil. Computed tomography (CT) volumetry was performed before and 1 month after PV embolization to measure the left lobe volume as well as the functional liver ratio defined by the ratio between the left lobe and the total liver volume minus tumoral volume. PV pressure and liver enzyme levels were compared before and 1 month after the procedure and complications were registered. Factors potentially affecting regeneration (age, sex, diabetes, chemoembolization, functional liver ratio before PV embolization, and Knodell histologic score) were evaluated by one-way and stepwise regression analysis. RESULTS: PV embolization could be achieved successfully in all cases. Two patients had partial PV thrombosis on the 1-month follow-up CT and two patients developed transient ascites after PV embolization. The left lobe volume increase was 41% +/- 32% after PV embolization and the functional liver ratio increased from 28% +/- 10% to 36% +/- 10% (P < .0001). Hypertrophy of the left lobe was greater in patients with a low functional liver ratio before PV embolization and those with an F3 fibrosis score. Other factors had no influence on left lobe regeneration. CONCLUSION: PV embolization with use of NBCA is feasible in patients with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. Hypertrophy of the left lobe of the liver after PV embolization has a statistically significant correlation with lower functional liver ratio and lower degrees of fibrosis.


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Paronychia is a rare complication of pemphigus vulgaris (PV), and the immunological profile of patients with digital disease has not been assessed so far. We report 2 cases of PV with oral mucosa and periungual involvement, who had high titers of anti- desmoglein (Dsg)-3 circulating antibodies. These observations raise the possibility that expression of Dsg-1 and Dsg-3 in distinct areas of periungual skin is disease specific and that anti-Dsg-3 antibodies alone may have an as yet unrecognized importance for the development of paronychia in PV.


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We present a segmentation method for fetal brain tissuesof T2w MR images, based on the well known ExpectationMaximization Markov Random Field (EM- MRF) scheme. Ourmain contribution is an intensity model composed of 7Gaussian distribution designed to deal with the largeintensity variability of fetal brain tissues. The secondmain contribution is a 3-steps MRF model that introducesboth local spatial and anatomical priors given by acortical distance map. Preliminary results on 4 subjectsare presented and evaluated in comparison to manualsegmentations showing that our methodology cansuccessfully be applied to such data, dealing with largeintensity variability within brain tissues and partialvolume (PV).


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Introduction: Nasal continuous positive airways pressure (n-CPAP) is an effective treatment in premature infants with respiratory distress. The cardio-pulmonary interactions secondary to n-CPAP are well studied in adults, but less well described in premature infants. We postulated that there could be important interactions with regard to the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Methods: Prospective study, approved by the local ethic committee. Premature infants less than 32 weeks gestation, _7 days-old, needing n-CPAP for respiratory distress, but without the need of additional oxygen were included in the study. Every patient had a first echocardiography with n-CPAP and then n-CPAP was retrieved. 3 hours later the echocardiography was repeated by the same investigator and then the patient replaced on n-CPAP. Results: 14 premature newborn were included, mean gestational age of 28 _ 2 weeks, mean weight 1.1 _ 0.3 Kg and height 39 _ 3 cm. Echocardiographic measurements are depicted in Table 1. Significant finding were observed between measurement on n- CPAP or without n-CPAP: on end diastolic left ventricular diameter (12.8 _ 1.6 mm vs. 13.5 _ 2 mm), on end systolic left ventricular diameter (8.4 _ 1.3 mm vs. 9.1 _ 1.5 mm), left atrium diameter (8.9 _ 2.2 mm vs. 10.4 _ 2.5 mm), maximal velocity on tricuspid valve (46 _ 10 cm/s vs. 51 _ 9 cm/s), calculated Qp (3.7 _ 0.8 L/min/m2 vs. 4.3 _ 0.8 L/min/m2). Only three patients have demonstrated a PDA during the study. Conclusion: Positive end expiratory pressure (Peep) has hemodynamic effects which are: reduction of systemic and pulmonary venous return as shown by the changes on tricuspid valve inflow,on the calculated Qp and finally on the diameter of the left atrium and left ventricle.We found in premature infants the same hemodynamic effects than those described in adults but with lower Peep values. This could be due to the particular elasticity and weakness of the thoracic wall of premature infants. Interestingly the flow through a PDA seems also to be diminished with Peep, but the number of patients is insufficient to conclude. Further investigation will be needed to better understand these interactions. Table 1. Echocardiographic measurement (mean (SD)). With n-CPAP Without n-CPAP p value RV ED diameter (mm) 6.3 (1.7) 6.04 (1.1) NS LV ED diameter (mm) 12.8 (1.6) 13.5 (2.0) _0.05 LV ES diameter (mm) 8.4 (1.3) 9.1 (1.5) _0.05 SF (%) 34 (5) 33 (6) NS Ao valve diameter (mm) 7.4 (1.3) 7.4 (1.2) NS LA diameter (mm) 8.9 (2.2) 10.4 (2.5) _0.05 Vmax Ao (cm/s) 70 (16) 71 (18) NS Vmax PV (cm/s) 69 (15) 72 (16) NS Vmax TV (cm/s) 46 (10) 51 (9) _0.05 Vmax MV (cm/s) 53 (17) 54 (18) NS Qp (L/min/m2) 3.7 (0.8) 4.3 (0.8) _0.05 Qs (L/min/m2) 4.0 (0.8) 4.0 (0.7) NS Qp/Qs 0.92 (0.14) 1.09 (0.23) _0.05 RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle, ED: end diastolic, ES: end systolic, SF: shortening fraction,Ao: aortic valve, LA: left atrium,Vmax: maximum Doppler Velocity, Qp: pulmonary output, Qs: systemic output, NS: non significant.


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Background: Glutathione (GSH), a major cellular redox regulator and antioxidant, is decreased in cerebrospinal fluid and prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients. The gene of the key GSH-synthesizing enzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier (GCLM) subunit, is associated with schizophrenia, suggesting that the deficit in the GSH system is of genetic origin. Using the GCLM knock-out (KO) mouse as model system with 60% decreased brain GSH levels and, thus, strong vulnerability to oxidative stress, we have shown that GSH dysregulation results in abnormal mouse brain morphology (e.g., reduced parvalbumin, PV, immuno-reactivity in frontal areas) and function. Additional oxidative stress, induced by GBR12909 (a dopamine re-uptake inhibitor), enhances morphological changes even further. Aim: In the present study we use the GCLM KO mouse model system, asking now, whether GSH dysregulation also compromises mouse behaviour and cognition. Methods: Male and female wildtype (WT) and GCLM-KO mice are treated with GBR12909 or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) from postnatal day (P) 5 to 10, and are behaviourally tested at P 60 and older. Results: In comparison to WT, KO animals of both sexes are hyperactive in the open field, display more frequent open arm entries on the elevated plus maze, longer float latencies in the Porsolt swim test, and more frequent contacts of novel and familiar objects. Contrary to other reports of animal models with reduced PV immuno-reactivity, GCLM-KO mice display normal rule learning capacity and perform normally on a spatial recognition task. GCLM-KO mice do, however, show a strong deficit in object-recognition after a 15 minutes retention delay. GBR12909 treatment exerts no additional effect. Conclusions: The results suggest that animals with impaired regulation of brain oxidative stress are impulsive and have reduced behavioural control in novel, unpredictable contexts. Moreover, GSH dysregulation seems to induce a selective attentional or stimulus-encoding deficit: despite intensive object exploration, GCLM-KO mice cannot discriminate between novel and familiar objects. In conclusion, the present data indicate that GSH dysregulation may contribute to the manifestation of behavioural and cognitive anomalies that are associated with schizophrenia.


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Ablation strategies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) are associated with several potential complications. During electro-anatomic mapping of the left atrium (LA) before ablation, the ablation catheter was entrapped in the right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV). After multiple unsuccessful gentle tractions, stronger maneuvers with rotation of the catheter slowly allowed its retrieval. Examination of the catheter showed a thin, translucent membrane covering its tip, suggesting complete stripping of a vein branch. Occlusion of the superior branch of the RIPV was confirmed by LA angiogram. During the following days, no pericardial effusion was noted, but the patient complained of light chest pain and mild hemoptysis, spontaneously resolving within 48 h. This case shows that catheter entrapment and mechanical disruption of a PV branch can be a rare potential complication of AF ablation. In this case, the outcome was spontaneously favorable and symptoms only included transient mild hemoptysis.


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Background: A developmental dysregulation of glutathione (GSH) synthesis leading to oxidative stress, when combined with environmental risk factors (viral infections) generating reactive oxygen species, can play a critical role in inducing schizophrenia phenotypes. GSH deficit induces morphological, physiological and behavioral anomalies analogous to those reported in schizophrenic patients, including disrupted parvalbumine (PV) inhibitory interneuron's integrity and neuronal synchrony (β/γ-oscillations). Methods: We assessed PV immunoreactivity (PV-IR) and local synchronization in prefrontal cortex of two mouse models: (1) mice with a genetic deficit in GSH (GCLM-/-) and (2) mice with prenatal immune activation at embryonic day17 (PolyI:C). Results: Adults from both mice models display reduced PV-IR in prefrontal cortex. In anterior cingulate (ACC) of GCLM-/-, appearance and maturation of PVI are delayed and worsened with peribubertal stress but not in adult one. This effect is reversed by treatment with the GSH precursor N-acetyl-cysteine. The power of beta and gamma oscillations are decreased in ACC of GCLM-/- while they increased in prelimbic cortex of PolyI:C mice. Conclusions: Despite reduced PV-IR in both models, alteration of the synchronization was different, indicating that the structural/functional disruption of the cortical circuitry was partly different in both models. Novel therapeutic strategies are proposed, based on interference with oxidative stress and inflammatory processes.


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Physical damage and disease are known to lead to changes in the oxylipin signature of plants. We searched for oxylipins produced in response to both wounding and pathogenesis in Arabidopsis leaves. Linoleic acid 9- and 13-ketodienes (KODEs) were found to accumulate in wounded leaves as well as in leaves infected with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst). Quantification of the compounds showed that they accumulated to higher levels during the hypersensitive response to Pst avrRpm1 than during infection with a Pst strain lacking an avirulence gene. KODEs are Michael addition acceptors, containing a chemically reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl group. When infiltrated into leaves, KODEs were found to induce expression of the GST1 gene, but vital staining indicated that these compounds also damaged plant cells. Several molecules typical of lipid oxidation, including malonaldehyde, also contain the alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl reactivity feature, and, when delivered in a volatile form, powerfully induced the expression of GST1. The results draw attention to the potential physiological importance of naturally occurring Michael addition acceptors in plants. In particular, these compounds could act directly, or indirectly via cell damage, as powerful gene activators and might also contribute to host cell death.


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The distribution of parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR), and calbindin (CB) immunoreactive neurons was studied with the help of an image analysis system (Vidas/Zeiss) in the primary visual area 17 and associative area 18 (Brodmann) of Alzheimer and control brains. In neither of these areas was there a significant difference between Alzheimer and control groups in the mean number of PV, CR, or CB immunoreactive neuronal profiles, counted in a cortical column going from pia to white matter. Significant differences in the mean densities (numbers per square millimeter of cortex) of PV, CR, and CB immunoreactive neuronal profiles were not observed either between groups or areas, but only between superficial, middle, and deep layers within areas 17 and 18. The optical density of the immunoreactive neuropil was also similar in Alzheimer and controls, correlating with the numerical density of immunoreactive profiles in superficial, middle, and deep layers. The frequency distribution of neuronal areas indicated significant differences between PV, CR, and CB immunoreactive neuronal profiles in both areas 17 and 18, with more large PV than CR and CB positive profiles. There were also significantly more small and less large PV and CR immunoreactive neuronal profiles in Alzheimer than in controls. Our data show that, although the brain pathology is moderate to severe, there is no prominent decrease of PV, CR and CB positive neurons in the visual cortex of Alzheimer brains, but only selective changes in neuronal perikarya.


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Doxorubicin is an antineoplasic agent active against sarcoma pulmonary metastasis, but its clinical use is hampered by its myelotoxicity and its cumulative cardiotoxicity, when administered systemically. This limitation may be circumvented using the isolated lung perfusion (ILP) approach, wherein a therapeutic agent is infused locoregionally after vascular isolation of the lung. The influence of the mode of infusion (anterograde (AG): through the pulmonary artery (PA); retrograde (RG): through the pulmonary vein (PV)) on doxorubicin pharmacokinetics and lung distribution was unknown. Therefore, a simple, rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method has been developed to quantify doxorubicin in four different biological matrices (infusion effluent, serum, tissues with low or high levels of doxorubicin). The related compound daunorubicin was used as internal standard (I.S.). Following a single-step protein precipitation of 500 microl samples with 250 microl acetone and 50 microl zinc sulfate 70% aqueous solution, the obtained supernatant was evaporated to dryness at 60 degrees C for exactly 45 min under a stream of nitrogen and the solid residue was solubilized in 200 microl of purified water. A 100 microl-volume was subjected to HPLC analysis onto a Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18 AB column equipped with a guard column (Nucleosil 100-5 microm C(6)H(5) (phenyl) end-capped) using a gradient elution of acetonitrile and 1-heptanesulfonic acid 0.2% pH 4: 15/85 at 0 min-->50/50 at 20 min-->100/0 at 22 min-->15/85 at 24 min-->15/85 at 26 min, delivered at 1 ml/min. The analytes were detected by fluorescence detection with excitation and emission wavelength set at 480 and 550 nm, respectively. The calibration curves were linear over the range of 2-1000 ng/ml for effluent and plasma matrices, and 0.1 microg/g-750 microg/g for tissues matrices. The method is precise with inter-day and intra-day relative standard deviation within 0.5 and 6.7% and accurate with inter-day and intra-day deviations between -5.4 and +7.7%. The in vitro stability in all matrices and in processed samples has been studied at -80 degrees C for 1 month, and at 4 degrees C for 48 h, respectively. During initial studies, heparin used as anticoagulant was found to profoundly influence the measurements of doxorubicin in effluents collected from animals under ILP. Moreover, the strong matrix effect observed with tissues samples indicate that it is mandatory to prepare doxorubicin calibration standard samples in biological matrices which would reflect at best the composition of samples to be analyzed. This method was successfully applied in animal studies for the analysis of effluent, serum and tissue samples collected from pigs and rats undergoing ILP.


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Evidence of altered antioxidant systems and signs of elevated oxidative stress are reported in peripheral tissue and brain of schizophrenic patients, including low levels of glutathione (GSH), a major thiol antioxidant and redox buffer. Functional and genetic data indicate that an impaired regulation of GSH synthesis is a vulnerability factor for the disease. Impaired GSH synthesis from a genetic origin combined with environmental risk factors generating oxidative stress (e.g., malnutrition, exposure to toxins, maternai infection and diabetes, obstetrical complications, and psychological stress) could lead to redox dysregulation. This could subsequently perturb normal brain development and maturation with delayed functional consequences emerging in early adulthood. Depending on the nature and the time of occurrence of the environmental insults, the structural and functional delayed consequences could vary, giving rise to various endophenotypes. The use of animal models of GSH deficit represents a valuable approach to investigate how interactions between genetic and environmental factors lead to the emergence of pathologies found in the disease. Moreover, these models of GSH can be useful to investigate links between schizophrenia and comorbid somatic disorders, as dysregulation of the GSH system and elevated oxidative stress are also found in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. This chapter reviews pharmacological and genetic rodent models of GSH synthesis dysregulation used to address some of the aforementioned issues. Up to date, these models revealed that GSH deficits lead to morphological, physiological, and behavioral alterations that are quite analogous to pathologies observed in patients. This includes hypofunction of NMDA receptors, alteration of dopamine neurotransmission, anomalies in parvalbumin-immunoreactive fast-spiking interneurons, and reduced myelination. In addition, a GSH deficit affects the brain in a region-specific manner, the anterior cingulate cortex and the ventral hippocampus being the most vulnerable regions investigated. Interestingly, a GSH deficit during a limited period of postnatal development is sufficient to have long-lasting consequences on the integrity of PV-IR interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex and impairs cognitive functions in adulthood. Finally, these animal models of GSH deficit display behavioral impairments that could be related to schizophrenia. Altogether, current data strongly support a contributing role of a redox dysregulation on the development of pathologies associated with the illness and demonstrate the usefulness of these models to better understand the biological mechanisms leading to schizophrenia.