15 resultados para XY
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
The evolution of XY recombination: sexually antagonistic selection versus deleterious mutation load.
Recombination arrest between X and Y chromosomes, driven by sexually antagonistic genes, is expected to induce their progressive differentiation. However, in contrast to birds and mammals (which display the predicted pattern), most cold-blooded vertebrates have homomorphic sex chromosomes. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to account for this, namely high turnover rates of sex-determining systems and occasional XY recombination. Using individual-based simulations, we formalize the evolution of XY recombination (here mediated by sex reversal; the "fountain-of-youth" model) under the contrasting forces of sexually antagonistic selection and deleterious mutations. The shift between the domains of elimination and accumulation occurs at much lower selection coefficients for the Y than for the X. In the absence of dosage compensation, mildly deleterious mutations accumulating on the Y depress male fitness, thereby providing incentives for XY recombination. Under our settings, this occurs via "demasculinization" of the Y, allowing recombination in XY (sex-reversed) females. As we also show, this generates a conflict with the X, which coevolves to oppose sex reversal. The resulting rare events of XY sex reversal are enough to purge the Y from its load of deleterious mutations. Our results support the "fountain of youth" as a plausible mechanism to account for the maintenance of sex-chromosome homomorphy.
In contrast with mammals and birds, most poikilothermic vertebrates feature structurally undifferentiated sex chromosomes, which may result either from frequent turnovers, or from occasional events of XY recombination. The latter mechanism was recently suggested to be responsible for sex-chromosome homomorphy in European tree frogs (Hyla arborea). However, no single case of male recombination has been identified in large-scale laboratory crosses, and populations from NW Europe consistently display sex-specific allelic frequencies with male-diagnostic alleles, suggesting the absence of recombination in their recent history. To address this apparent paradox, we extended the phylogeographic scope of investigations, by analyzing the sequences of three sex-linked markers throughout the whole species distribution. Refugial populations (southern Balkans and Adriatic coast) show a mix of X and Y alleles in haplotypic networks, and no more within-individual pairwise nucleotide differences in males than in females, testifying to recurrent XY recombination. In contrast, populations of NW Europe, which originated from a recent postglacial expansion, show a clear pattern of XY differentiation; the X and Y gametologs of the sex-linked gene Med15 present different alleles, likely fixed by drift on the front wave of expansions, and kept differentiated since. Our results support the view that sex-chromosome homomorphy in H. arborea is maintained by occasional or historical events of recombination; whether the frequency of these events indeed differs between populations remains to be clarified.
46, XY gonadal dysgenesis: new SRY point mutation in two siblings with paternal germ line mosaicism.
Stoppa-Vaucher S, Ayabe T, Paquette J, Patey N, Francoeur D, Vuissoz J-M, Deladoëy J, Samuels ME, Ogata T, Deal CL. 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis: new SRY point mutation in two siblings with paternal germ line mosaicism. Familial recurrence risks are poorly understood in cases of de novo mutations. In the event of parental germ line mosaicism, recurrence risks can be higher than generally appreciated, with implications for genetic counseling and clinical practice. In the course of treating a female with pubertal delay and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, we identified a new missense mutation in the SRY gene, leading to somatic feminization of this karyotypically normal XY individual. We tested a younger sister despite a normal onset of puberty, who also possessed an XY karyotype and the same SRY mutation. Imaging studies in the sister revealed an ovarian tumor, which was removed. DNA from the father's blood possessed the wild type SRY sequence, and paternity testing was consistent with the given family structure. A brother was 46, XY with a wild type SRY sequence strongly suggesting paternal Y-chromosome germline mosaicism for the mutation. In disorders of sexual development (DSDs), early diagnosis is critical for optimal psychological development of the affected patients. In this case, preventive karyotypic screening allowed early diagnosis of a gonadal tumor in the sibling prior to the age of normal puberty. Our results suggest that cytological or molecular diagnosis should be applied for siblings of an affected DSD individual.
Separate sexes have evolved on numerous independent occasions from hermaphroditic ancestors in flowering plants. The mechanisms of sex determination is known for only a handful of such species, but, in those that have been investigated, it usually involves alleles segregating at a single locus, sometimes on heteromorphic sex chromosomes. In the genus Mercurialis, transitions between combined (hermaphroditism) and separate sexes (dioecy or androdioecy, where males co-occur with hermaphrodites rather than females) have occurred more than once in association with hybridisation and shifts in ploidy. Previous work has pointed to an unusual 3-locus system of sex determination in dioecious populations. Here, we use crosses and genotyping for a sex-linked marker to reject this model: sex in diploid dioecious M. annua is determined at a single locus with a dominant male-determining allele (an XY system). We also crossed individuals among lineages of Mercurialis that differ in their ploidy and sexual system to ascertain the extent to which the same sex-determination system has been conserved following genome duplication, hybridisation and transitions between dioecy and hermaphroditism. Our results indicate that the male-determining element is fully capable of determining gender in the progeny of hybrids between different lineages. Specifically, males crossed with females or hermaphrodites always generate 1:1 male:female or male:hermaphrodite sex ratios, respectively, regardless of the ploidy levels involved (diploid, tetraploid or hexaploid). Our results throw further light on the genetics of the remarkable variation in sexual systems in the genus Mercurialis. They also illustrate the almost identical expression of sex-determining alleles in terms of sexual phenotypes across multiple divergent backgrounds, including those that have lost separate sexes altogether.
Conservation programs that deal with small or declining populations often aim at a rapid increase of population size to above-critical levels in order to avoid the negative effects of demographic stochasticity and genetic problems like inbreeding depression, fixation of deleterious alleles, or a general loss of genetic variability and hence of evolutionary potential. In some situations, population growth is determined by the number of females available for reproduction, and manipulation of family sex ratios towards more daughters has beneficial effects. If sex determination is predominantly genetic but environmentally reversible, as is the case in many amphibia, reptiles, and fish, Trojan sex chromosomes could be introduced into populations in order to change sex ratios towards more females. We analyse the possible consequences for the introduction of XX-males (XX individuals that have been changed to phenotypic males in a XY/XX sex determination system) and ZW males, WW males, or WW females (in a ZZ/ZW sex determination system). We find that the introduction of WW individuals can be most effective for an increase of population growth, especially if the induced sex change has little or no effect on viability.
A child with clinical features associated a trisomy for the distal part of 9q was shown to have the following abnormal chromosome complement : 47,XY,+t)X;9) (Xpter yields Xq24:9q31 yields 9qter), inv 9(p11q13), var 14 (14pQFQ34).
Non-recombining sex chromosomes are expected to undergo evolutionary decay, ending up genetically degenerated, as has happened in birds and mammals. Why are then sex chromosomes so often homomorphic in cold-blooded vertebrates? One possible explanation is a high rate of turnover events, replacing master sex-determining genes by new ones on other chromosomes. An alternative is that X-Y similarity is maintained by occasional recombination events, occurring in sex-reversed XY females. Based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences, we estimated the divergence times between European tree frogs (Hyla arborea, H. intermedia, and H. molleri) to the upper Miocene, about 5.4-7.1 million years ago. Sibship analyses of microsatellite polymorphisms revealed that all three species have the same pair of sex chromosomes, with complete absence of X-Y recombination in males. Despite this, sequences of sex-linked loci show no divergence between the X and Y chromosomes. In the phylogeny, the X and Y alleles cluster according to species, not in groups of gametologs. We conclude that sex-chromosome homomorphy in these tree frogs does not result from a recent turnover but is maintained over evolutionary timescales by occasional X-Y recombination. Seemingly young sex chromosomes may thus carry old-established sex-determining genes, a result at odds with the view that sex chromosomes necessarily decay until they are replaced. This raises intriguing perspectives regarding the evolutionary dynamics of sexually antagonistic genes and the mechanisms that control X-Y recombination.
OBJECTIVE: Prior to the implementation of the blood steroidal module of the Athlete Biological Passport, we measured the serum androgen levels among a large population of high-level female athletes as well as the prevalence of biochemical hyperandrogenism and some disorders of sex development (DSD). METHODS AND RESULTS: In 849 elite female athletes, serum T, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, androstenedione, SHBG, and gonadotrophins were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry high resolution or immunoassay. Free T was calculated. The sampling hour, age, and type of athletic event only had a small influence on T concentration, whereas ethnicity had not. Among the 85.5% that did not use oral contraceptives, 168 of 717 athletes were oligo- or amenorrhoic. The oral contraceptive users showed the lowest serum androgen and gonadotrophin and the highest SHBG concentrations. After having removed five doped athletes and five DSD women from our population, median T and free T values were close to those reported in sedentary young women. The 99th percentile for T concentration was calculated at 3.08 nmol/L, which is below the 10 nmol/L threshold used for competition eligibility of hyperandrogenic women with normal androgen sensitivity. Prevalence of hyperandrogenic 46 XY DSD in our athletic population is approximately 7 per 1000, which is 140 times higher than expected in the general population. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to establish normative serum androgens values in elite female athletes, while taking into account the possible influence of menstrual status, oral contraceptive use, type of athletic event, and ethnicity. These findings should help to develop the blood steroidal module of the Athlete Biological Passport and to refine more evidence-based fair policies and recommendations concerning hyperandrogenism in female athletes.
Mutations in the coding sequence of SOX9 cause campomelic dysplasia (CD), a disorder of skeletal development associated with 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSDs). Translocations, deletions, and duplications within a ∼2 Mb region upstream of SOX9 can recapitulate the CD-DSD phenotype fully or partially, suggesting the existence of an unusually large cis-regulatory control region. Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is a craniofacial disorder that is frequently an endophenotype of CD and a locus for isolated PRS at ∼1.2-1.5 Mb upstream of SOX9 has been previously reported. The craniofacial regulatory potential within this locus, and within the greater genomic domain surrounding SOX9, remains poorly defined. We report two novel deletions upstream of SOX9 in families with PRS, allowing refinement of the regions harboring candidate craniofacial regulatory elements. In parallel, ChIP-Seq for p300 binding sites in mouse craniofacial tissue led to the identification of several novel craniofacial enhancers at the SOX9 locus, which were validated in transgenic reporter mice and zebrafish. Notably, some of the functionally validated elements fall within the PRS deletions. These studies suggest that multiple noncoding elements contribute to the craniofacial regulation of SOX9 expression, and that their disruption results in PRS.
SUMMARY: The shrews of the Sorex araneus group are morphologically .very similar, but have undergone a spectacular chromosomal evolution. Altogether, the shrews of this group present a complete array of every possible level of chromosomal and genetic differentiation. In South-Western Europe, four species are recognised: S. antiriorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus and S. granarius, which differ essentially by the amount and the composition of Robertsonian metacentric chromosomés. Additionally, several chromosome races of S. araneus are also present in the same region (i.e. Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura and Vaud). The objective of this thesis was to examine the genetic relationships between populations, races and /or species of the Sorex araneus group with a special emphasis onsex-specific markers (mtDNA and Y chromosome). We first investigate the evolutionary history of the shrews of the Sorex araneus group distributed in the South-Western Europe. The results of. these analyses confirmed the difficulty to draw a single dichotomic tree within this group. Incongruent mtDNA and Y chromosome phylogenies suggest further that genetic and chromosomal evolution are in this group partially independent processes and that the evolutionary history of the south-western European populations of the S. araneus group can only be understood if we consider secondary contacts between taxa, after their divergence (with genetic exchanges by means of hybridization and / or introgression). Using one male-inherited, one female inherited and eight biparentally inherited markers, we investigate the population genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii). Overall there results suggest that two already well-differentiated genetic lineages colonized the Swiss Alps after the last glacial period and came into contact in the Rhône Valley. After the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) reached the Swiss Alps, it came into contact with the common shrew (Sorex araneus). When two species come into contact and hybridize, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as a reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism know as Haldane's rule (Haldane 1922). We first evaluated the extent of introgression for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers in a hybrid zone between S. antinoriii and S. araneus. The overall level of genetic and karyotypic differentiation between the two species must be strong .enough to allow the detection asymmetric introgression. Secondly, we compared the levels of gene flow between chromosome common to both species and chromosome differently rearranged in each of them. We detected a significantly stronger genetic structure in rearranged chromosomes. Over a 10-year period, we even observed a decrease of genetic structure for common chromosomes. These results strongly support the role of chromosomal rearrangements in the reproductive barrier between S. araneus and S. anfinorii. Overall, this thesis underlines the need to use different inherited (paternally, maternally and / or biparentally) and chromosomally located (on common vs. on rearranged chromosomes) markers to obtain more accurate pictures of genetic relationships between populations or species. RÉSUMÉ: Les musaraignes du groupe Sorex araneus sont morphologiquement très proches, mais ont connu une spectaculaire évolution chromosomique. Prises dans leur ensemble, les musaraignes de ce groupe présentent tous les nivaux possibles de différenciation génétique et chromosomique. Dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe, quatre espèces appartenant à ce groupe sont présentes : S. antinorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus et S. granarius. Celles-ci diffèrent essentiellement par leur caryotype dont la variabilité est principalement due à des fusions Robertsoniennes. De plus, plusieurs races chromosomiques appartenant à S. araneus sont aussi présentes dans la même région (i.e. les races Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura et Vaud). L'objectif de cette thèse était d'examiner les relations génétiques entre populations, races et/ou espèces du groupe S. araneus, en utilisant particulièrement des marqueurs liés aux sexes (ADN mitochondrial et Chromosome Y). Nous avons dans un premier temps retracé l'histoire évolutive des musaraignes de ce groupe dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe. Les résultats dé ces analyses confirment qu'il est difficile de tracer un simple arbre dichotomique au sein de ce groupe. Les arbres phylogénétiques obtenus sur l'ADN mitochondrial et le chromosome Y sont incongruents et suggèrent de plus que l'évolution génétique et chromosomique sont des processus indépendants. L'histoire évolutive -des populations de ce groupe ne peut. être comprise qu'en considérant des contacts secondaires entre taxa postérieure à leur divergence et induisant des échanges génétiques par hybridation et/ou introgression. Par la suite, nous avons examiné la structure génétique des populations de la musaraigne du Valais, S. antinorii, en utilisant un marqueur transmis par les mâles, un marqueur transmis par les femelles et huit marqueurs transmis par les 2 sexes. Nos résultats suggèrent que deux lignées génétiquement bien différenciées aient colonisé les Alpes Suisses, après les dernières glaciations et entrent en contact dans là Vallée du Rhône. Après avoir franchi les Alpes Suisses, la musaraigne du Valais est entrée en contact avec là musaraigne commune (S. araneus). Lorsque deux espèces entrent en contact et s'hybrident, la sélection contre les hybrides implique habituellement une baisse de fertilité ou de viabilité des hybrides du sexe hétérogamétique (i.e. les mâles XY chez les mammifères). Ce mécanisme est connu sous le nom de règle de Haldane (Haldane 1922) et implique une plus forte structuration génétique de marqueurs males - spécifiques que des marqueurs femelles spécifiques. Nous avons donc évalué le degré d'introgression des marqueurs situés sur le chromosome Y, sur l'ADN mitochondrial et sur des autosomes dans une zone hybride entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Le niveau de différenciation chromosomique et génétique entre les 2 espèces doit être suffisamment fort pour ne pas permettre la détection d'une introgression asymétrique entre les sexes. Dans un second temps, nous avons comparé les niveaux de flux de gênes mesurés à l'échelle du chromosome, pour des chromosomes communs aux deux espèces et pour des chromosomes différemment arrangées dans chacune des deux espèces. Nous avons détecté une structure génétique significativement plus forte sur les chromosomes réarrangés et comme la zone hybride a été étudiée à dix années d'intervalle, nous observons même une diminution de la structure génétique pour les chromosomes communs au cours du temps.. Ces résultats soutiennent fortement l'hypothèse d'un rôle des réarrangements chromosomiques dans l'établissement d'une barrière reproductive entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Ainsi cette thèse souligne l'utilité d'utiliser des marqueurs génétiques avec différents modes de transmission. (par les mâles, par les femelles et/ou par les 2 sexes) ou localisés au niveau du chromosome (chromosomes communs vs chromosomes réarrangés) afin d'obtenir une image plus juste ou du moins plus complète des relations génétiques entre populations ou espèces.
Occasional XY recombination is a proposed explanation for the sex-chromosome homomorphy in European tree frogs. Numerous laboratory crosses, however, failed to detect any event of male recombination, and a detailed survey of NW-European Hyla arborea populations identified male-specific alleles at sex-linked loci, pointing to the absence of XY recombination in their recent history. Here, we address this paradox in a phylogeographic framework by genotyping sex-linked microsatellite markers in populations and sibships from the entire species range. Contrasting with postglacial populations of NW Europe, which display complete absence of XY recombination and strong sex-chromosome differentiation, refugial populations of the southern Balkans and Adriatic coast show limited XY recombination and large overlaps in allele frequencies. Geographically and historically intermediate populations of the Pannonian Basin show intermediate patterns of XY differentiation. Even in populations where X and Y occasionally recombine, the genetic diversity of Y haplotypes is reduced below the levels expected from the fourfold drop in copy numbers. This study is the first in which X and Y haplotypes could be phased over the distribution range in a species with homomorphic sex chromosomes; it shows that XY-recombination patterns may differ strikingly between conspecific populations, and that recombination arrest may evolve rapidly (<5000 generations).
In sharp contrast to birds and mammals, most cold-blooded vertebrates have homomorphic (morphologically undifferentiated) sex chromosomes. This might result either from recurrent X-Y recombination (occurring e.g. during occasional events of sex reversal) or from frequent turnovers (during which sex-determining genes are overthrown by new autosomal mutations). Evidence for turnovers is indeed mounting in fish, but very few have so far been documented in amphibians, possibly because of practical difficulties in identifying sex chromosomes. Female heterogamety (ZW) has long been established in Bufo bufo, based on sex reversal and crossing experiments. Here, we investigate a sex-linked marker identified from a laboratory cross between Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup). The F(1) offspring produced by a female Bufo balearicus and a male Bufo siculus were phenotypically sexed, displaying an even sex ratio. A sex-specific marker detected in highly reproducible AFLP genotypes was cloned. Sequencing revealed a noncoding, microsatellite-containing fragment. Reamplification and genotyping of families of this and a reciprocal cross showed B. siculus to be male heterogametic (XY) and suggested the same system for B. balearicus. Our results thus reveal a cryptic heterogametic transition within bufonid frogs and help explain patterns of hybrid fitness within the B. viridis subgroup. Turnovers of genetic sex-determination systems may be more frequent in amphibians than previously thought and thus contribute to the prevalence of homomorphic sex chromosomes in this group.
RESUMELes modèles classiques sur l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels supposent que des gènes sexe- antagonistes s'accumulent sur les chromosomes sexuels, entraînant ainsi l'apparition d'une région non- recombinante, qui se répand progressivement en favorisant l'accumulation de mutations délétères. En accord avec cette théorie, les chromosomes sexuels que l'on observe aujourd'hui chez les mammifères et les oiseaux sont considérablement différenciés. En revanche, chez la plupart des vertébrés ectothermes, les chromosomes sexuels sont indifférenciés et il existe une impressionnante diversité de mécanismes de détermination du sexe. Au cours de cette thèse, j'ai étudié l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels chez les vertébrés ectothermes, en outre pour mieux comprendre ce contraste avec les vertébrés endothermes. L'hypothèse « high-turnover » postule que les chromosomes sexuels sont remplacés régulièrement à partir d'autosomes afin d'éviter leur dégénérescence. L'hypothèse « fountain-of-youth » propose que la recombinaison entre le chromosome X et le chromosome Y au sein de femelles XY empêche la dégénérescence. Les résultats de ma thèse, basés sur des études théoriques et empiriques, suggèrent que les deux processus peuvent être entraînés par l'environnement et ainsi jouent un rôle important dans l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels chez les vertébrés ectothermes.SUMMARYClassical models of sex-chromosome evolution assume that sexually antagonistic genes accumulate on sex chromosomes leading to a non-recombining region, which progressively expands and favors the accumulation of deleterious mutations. Concordant with this theory, sex chromosomes in extant mammals and birds are considerably differentiated. In most ectothermic vertebrates, such as frogs, however, sex chromosomes are undifferentiated and a striking diversity of sex determination systems is observed. This thesis was aimed to investigate this apparent contrast of sex chromosome evolution between endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates. The "high-turnover" hypothesis holds that sex chromosomes arose regularly from autosomes preventing decay. The "fountain-of-youth" hypothesis posits that sex chromosomes undergo episodic X-Y recombination in sex-reversed XY females, thereby purging ("rejuvenating") the Y chromosome. We suggest that both processes likely played an important role in sex chromosome evolution of ectothermic vertebrates. The literature largely views sex determination as a dichotomous process: individual sex is assumed to be determined either by genetic (genotypic sex determination, GSD) or by environmental factors (environmental sex determination, ESD), most often temperature (temperature sex determination, TSD). We endorsed an alternative view, which sees GSD and TSD as the ends of a continuum. The conservatism of molecular processes among different systems of sex determination strongly supports the continuum view. We proposed to define sex as a threshold trait underlain by a liability factor, and reaction norms allowing modeling interactions between genotypic and temperature effects. We showed that temperature changes (due to e.g., climatic changes or range expansions) are expected to provoke turnovers in sex-determination mechanisms maintaining homomorphic sex chromosomes. The balanced lethal system of crested newts might be the result of such a sex determination turnover, originating from two variants of ancient Y-chromosomes. Observations from a group of tree frogs, on the other hand, supported the 'fountain of youth' hypothesis. We then showed that low rates of sex- reversals in species with GSD might actually be adaptive considering joint effects of deleterious mutation purging and sexually antagonistic selection. Ongoing climatic changes are expected to threaten species with TSD by biasing population sex ratios. In contrast, species with GSD are implicitly assumed immune against such changes, because genetic systems are thought to necessarily produce even sex ratios. We showed that this assumption may be wrong and that sex-ratio biases by climatic changes may represent a previously unrecognized extinction threat for some GSD species.
Sex-chromosome differentiation was recently shown to vary among common frog populations in Fennoscandia, suggesting a trend of increased differentiation with latitude. By rearing families from two contrasted populations (respectively, from northern and southern Sweden), we show this disparity to stem from differences in sex-determination mechanisms rather than in XY-recombination patterns. Offspring from the northern population display equal sex ratios at metamorphosis, with phenotypic sexes that correlate strongly with paternal LG2 haplotypes (the sex chromosome); accordingly, Y haplotypes are markedly differentiated, with male-specific alleles and depressed diversity testifying to their smaller effective population size. In the southern population, by contrast, a majority of juveniles present ovaries at metamorphosis; only later in development do sex ratios return to equilibrium. Even at these later stages, phenotypic sexes correlate only mildly with paternal LG2 haplotypes; accordingly, there are no recognizable Y haplotypes. These distinct patterns of gonadal development fit the concept of 'sex races' proposed in the 1930s, with our two populations assigned to the 'differentiated' and 'semi-differentiated' races, respectively. Our results support the suggestion that 'sex races' differ in the genetic versus epigenetic components of sex determination. Analysing populations from the 'undifferentiated race' with high-density genetic maps should help to further test this hypothesis.
Complete sex chromosome dosage compensation has more often been observed in XY than ZW species. In this study, using a population genetic model and the chicken transcriptome, we assess whether sexual conflict can account for this difference. Sexual conflict over expression is inevitable when mutation effects are correlated across the sexes, as compensatory mutations in the heterogametic sex lead to hyperexpression in the homogametic sex. Coupled with stronger selection and greater reproductive variance in males, this results in slower and less complete evolution of Z compared with X dosage compensation. Using expression variance as a measure of selection strength, we find that, as predicted by the model, dosage compensation in the chicken is most pronounced in genes that are under strong selection biased towards females. Our study explains the pattern of weak dosage compensation in ZW systems, and suggests that sexual selection plays a major role in shaping sex chromosome dosage compensation.