81 resultados para Vol. I.
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Suite à une question initiale du théologien catholique Adrian Holderegger, l'auteur s'interroge sur la question du rôle de la raison en théologie et en éthique théologique. Il présente et discute la critique de la raison sourde proposée par Maurice Bellet. Les relations entre la rationalité athétique, athématique et amodale conduisent à se demander si une conception négative et critique de la rationalité ne serait pas la condition d'un redéploiement positif de la raison de l'être humain singulier comme capacité d'écoute attentive de l'autre, du monde et de Dieu.
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and platelet-derived growth factor A (PDGFAlpha) play a central role in tissue morphogenesis and repair, but their interplay remain poorly understood. The nuclear factor I C (NFI-C) transcription factor has been implicated in TGF-beta signaling, extracellular matrix deposition, and skin appendage pathologies, but a potential role in skin morphogenesis or healing had not been assessed. To evaluate this possibility, we performed a global gene expression analysis in NFI-C(-/-) and wild-type embryonic primary murine fibroblasts. This indicated that NFI-C acts mostly to repress gene expression in response to TGF-beta1. Misregulated genes were prominently overrepresented by regulators of connective tissue inflammation and repair. In vivo skin healing revealed a faster inflammatory stage and wound closure in NFI-C(-/-) mice. Expression of PDGFA and PDGF-receptor alpha were increased in wounds of NFI-C(-/-) mice, explaining the early recruitment of macrophages and fibroblasts. Differentiation of fibroblasts to contractile myofibroblasts was also elevated, providing a rationale for faster wound closure. Taken together with the role of TGF-beta in myofibroblast differentiation, our results imply a central role of NFI-C in the interplay of the two signaling pathways and in regulation of the progression of tissue regeneration.