49 resultados para Vital reaction
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
When the Line is Crossed... : Paths to Control and Sanction Behaviour Necessitating a State Reaction
The article presents a special form of a European comparative synopsis. For this case examples have been chosen ranging from administrative or minor (criminal) offences to increasingly serious offences and offenders. In this way it can be comparatively demonstrated how the criminal justice systems studied handle specific cases and whether they do so in a similar or different way.
Knockout mice lacking the alpha-1b adrenergic receptor were tested in behavioral experiments. Reaction to novelty was first assessed in a simple test in which the time taken by the knockout mice and their littermate controls to enter a second compartment was compared. Then the mice were tested in an open field to which unknown objects were subsequently added. Special novelty was introduced by moving one of the familiar objects to another location in the open field. Spatial behavior and memory were further studied in a homing board test, and in the water maze. The alpha-1b knockout mice showed an enhanced reactivity to new situations. They were faster to enter the new environment, covered longer paths in the open field, and spent more time exploring the new objects. They reacted like controls to modification inducing spatial novelty. In the homing board test, both the knockout mice and the control mice seemed to use a combination of distant visual and proximal olfactory cues, showing place preference only if the two types of cues were redundant. In the water maze the alpha-1b knockout mice were unable to learn the task, which was confirmed in a probe trial without platform. They were perfectly able, however, to escape in a visible platform procedure. These results confirm previous findings showing that the noradrenergic pathway is important for the modulation of behaviors such as reaction to novelty and exploration, and suggest that this is mediated, at least partly, through the alpha-1b adrenergic receptors. The lack of alpha-1b adrenergic receptors in spatial orientation does not seem important in cue-rich tasks but may interfere with orientation in situations providing distant cues only.
BACKGROUND: The value of adenovirus plasma DNA detection as an indicator for adenovirus disease is unknown in the context of T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation, of which adenovirus disease is an uncommon but serious complication. METHODS: Three groups of 62 T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplant recipients were selected and tested for adenovirus in plasma by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Adenovirus was detected in 21 (87.5%) of 24 patients with proven adenovirus disease (group 1), in 4 (21%) of 19 patients who shed adenovirus (group 2), and in 1 (10.5%) of 19 uninfected control patients. The maximum viral load was significantly higher in group 1 (median maximum viral load, 6.3x10(6) copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.0x10(9) copies/mL) than in group 2 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.7x10(8) copies/mL; P<.001) and in group 3 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range 0-40 copies/mL; P<.001). All patients in group 2 who developed adenoviremia had symptoms compatible with adenovirus disease (i.e., possible disease). A minimal plasma viral load of 10(3) copies/mL was detected in all patients with proven or possible disease. Adenoviremia was detectable at a median of 19.5 days (range, 8-48 days) and 24 days (range, 9-41 days) before death for patients with proven and possible adenovirus disease, respectively. CONCLUSION: Sustained or high-level adenoviremia appears to be a specific and sensitive indicator of adenovirus disease after T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation. In the context of low prevalence of adenovirus disease, the use of polymerase chain reaction of plasma specimens to detect virus might be a valuable tool to identify and treat patients at risk for viral invasive disease.
Twelve patients with a catastrophic reaction (CR) (an outburst of frustration, depression, and anger when confronted with a task) were identified in a prospective cohort population (n = 326) with first-ever stroke admitted within 48 hours from onset. The authors' findings suggest that CR is a rare though not exceptional phenomenon in acute stroke and is associated with nonfluent aphasias and left opercular lesions. CR, poststroke depression, and emotionalism are distinct but related disorders.
The optimal size-to-age at maturity depends on growth and mortality rates, which vary with environment. Therefore, organisms in spatially or temporaly changing environments should develop adaptative phenotypic plasticity for this trait. Experimental work by Alm (1959) on several fish species shows a dome-shape norm of reaction for size-to-age at maturity: size at maturity is smaller in both fast-growing and slow-growing fishes, than it is in fish with a medium growth rate. Using computer simulations, we show that such a dome-shaped norm of reaction is optimal when assuming a finite life span and a negative relationship between production and survival rates. This latter assumption is supported by empirical data, as well as by physiological and emographic arguments.
Introduction. Respiratory difficulties in athletes are common, especially in adolescents, even in the absence of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Immaturity of the respiratory muscles coupling at high respiratory rates could be a potential mechanism. Whether respiratory muscle training (RMT) can positively influence it is yet unknown. Goal. We investigate the effects of RMT on ventilation and performance parameters in adolescent athletes and hypothesize that RMT will enhance respiratory capacity. Methods. 12 healthy subjects (8 male, 4 female, 17±0.5 years) from a sports/study high school class, competitively involved in various sports (minimum of 10 hours per week) underwent respiratory function testing, maximal minute ventilation (MMV) measurements and a maximal treadmill incremental test with VO2max and ventilatory thresholds (VT1 and VT2) determination. They then underwent one month of RMT (4 times/week) using a eucapnic hyperventilation device, with an incremental training program. The same tests were repeated after RMT. Results. Subjects completed 14.8 sessions of RMT, with an increase in total ventilation per session of 211±29% during training. Borg scale evaluation of the RMT session was unchanged or reduced in all subjects, despite an increase in total respiratory work. No changes (p>0.05) were observed pre/post RMT in VO2max (53.4±7.5 vs 51.6±7.7 ml/kg/min), VT2 (14.4±1.4 vs 14.0±1.1 km/h) or Speed max at end of test (16.1±1.7 vs 15.8±1.7 km/h). MVV increased by 9.2% (176.7±36.9 vs 192.9±32.6 l/min, p<0.001) and FVC by 3.3% (6.70±0.75 vs 4.85±0.76 litres, p<0.05). Subjective evaluation of respiratory sensations during exercise and daily living were also improved. Conclusions. RMT improves MMV and FVC in adolescent athletes, along with important subjective respiratory benefits, although no changes are seen in treadmill maximal performance tests and VO2max measurements. RMT can be easily performed in adolescent without side effects, with a potential for improvement in training capacity and overall well-being.
During genetic recombination a heteroduplex joint is formed between two homologous DNA molecules. The heteroduplex joint plays an important role in recombination since it accommodates sequence heterogeneities (mismatches, insertions or deletions) that lead to genetic variation. Two Escherichia coli proteins, RuvA and RuvB, promote the formation of heteroduplex DNA by catalysing the branch migration of crossovers, or Holliday junctions, which link recombining chromosomes. We show that RuvA and RuvB can promote branch migration through 1800 bp of heterologous DNA, in a reaction facilitated by the presence of E.coli single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein. Reaction intermediates, containing unpaired heteroduplex regions bound by SSB, were directly visualized by electron microscopy. In the absence of SSB, or when SSB was replaced by a single-strand binding protein from bacteriophage T4 (gene 32 protein), only limited heterologous branch migration was observed. These results show that the RuvAB proteins, which are induced as part of the SOS response to DNA damage, allow genetic recombination and the recombinational repair of DNA to occur in the presence of extensive lengths of heterology.
La douleur neuropathique est définie comme une douleur causée par une lésion du système nerveux somato-sensoriel. Elle se caractérise par des douleurs exagérées, spontanées, ou déclenchées par des stimuli normalement non douloureux (allodynie) ou douloureux (hyperalgésie). Bien qu'elle concerne 7% de la population, ses mécanismes biologiques ne sont pas encore élucidés. L'étude des variations d'expressions géniques dans les tissus-clés des voies sensorielles (notamment le ganglion spinal et la corne dorsale de la moelle épinière) à différents moments après une lésion nerveuse périphérique permettrait de mettre en évidence de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Elles se détectent de manière sensible par reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT- qPCR). Pour garantir des résultats fiables, des guidelines ont récemment recommandé la validation des gènes de référence utilisés pour la normalisation des données ("Minimum information for publication of quantitative real-time PCR experiments", Bustin et al 2009). Après recherche dans la littérature des gènes de référence fréquemment utilisés dans notre modèle de douleur neuropathique périphérique SNI (spared nerve injury) et dans le tissu nerveux en général, nous avons établi une liste de potentiels bons candidats: Actin beta (Actb), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), ribosomal proteins 18S (18S), L13a (RPL13a) et L29 (RPL29), hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (HPRT1) et hydroxymethyl-bilane synthase (HMBS). Nous avons évalué la stabilité d'expression de ces gènes dans le ganglion spinal et dans la corne dorsale à différents moments après la lésion nerveuse (SNI) en calculant des coefficients de variation et utilisant l'algorithme geNorm qui compare les niveaux d'expression entre les différents candidats et détermine la paire de gènes restante la plus stable. Il a aussi été possible de classer les gènes selon leur stabilité et d'identifier le nombre de gènes nécessaires pour une normalisation la plus précise. Les gènes les plus cités comme référence dans le modèle SNI ont été GAPDH, HMBS, Actb, HPRT1 et 18S. Seuls HPRT1 and 18S ont été précédemment validés dans des arrays de RT-qPCR. Dans notre étude, tous les gènes testés dans le ganglion spinal et dans la corne dorsale satisfont au critère de stabilité exprimé par une M-value inférieure à 1. Par contre avec un coefficient de variation (CV) supérieur à 50% dans le ganglion spinal, 18S ne peut être retenu. La paire de gènes la plus stable dans le ganglion spinal est HPRT1 et Actb et dans la corne dorsale il s'agit de RPL29 et RPL13a. L'utilisation de 2 gènes de référence stables suffit pour une normalisation fiable. Nous avons donc classé et validé Actb, RPL29, RPL13a, HMBS, GAPDH, HPRT1 et 18S comme gènes de référence utilisables dans la corne dorsale pour le modèle SNI chez le rat. Dans le ganglion spinal 18S n'a pas rempli nos critères. Nous avons aussi déterminé que la combinaison de deux gènes de référence stables suffit pour une normalisation précise. Les variations d'expression génique de potentiels gènes d'intérêts dans des conditions expérimentales identiques (SNI, tissu et timepoints post SNI) vont pouvoir se mesurer sur la base d'une normalisation fiable. Non seulement il sera possible d'identifier des régulations potentiellement importantes dans la genèse de la douleur neuropathique mais aussi d'observer les différents phénotypes évoluant au cours du temps après lésion nerveuse.
Abstract Pasquier, Mathieu, Noemi Zurron, Barbara Weith, Pierre Turini, Fabrice Dami, Pierre-Nicolas Carron, and Peter Paal. Deep accidental hypothermia with core temperature below 24°C presenting with vital signs. High Alt Med Biol. 15:58-63, 2014.-Background: According to the Swiss hypothermia clinical staging, patients with stage III are unconscious with preserved vital signs, with core temperature usually between 24° and 28°C. With stage IV, vital signs are absent with core temperature <24°C. Aims: To describe a patient presenting with HT stage III with vital signs but a core temperature of <24°C, and to search for similar patients in the medical literature. Materials and methods: MEDLINE was used to search for cases of deep accidental hypothermia (<24°C) and preserved vital signs. Results: We found 22 cases in addition to our case (n=23). Median age was 44 years (IQR 36; range 4-83) and median core temperature 22°C (IQR 1.7; 17-23.8). Vital signs were often minimal. Seven patients developed ventricular fibrillation (VF). Twenty patients survived with excellent neurological outcome. Conclusions: Vital signs can be present in hypothermic patients with core temperature <24°C. In deeply hypothermic patients, a careful check and prolonged check of vital functions should be made, as vital signs may be minimal. The clinical Swiss staging remains valuable in the prehospital evaluation of hypothermic patients; its correlation with core temperature should be better defined.
Knockout mice lacking alphalb noradrenergic receptors were tested in behavioural experiments to test a possible effect of the absence of this receptor in reaction to novelty and spatial orientation. Reaction to novelty was tested in two experiments. In the first one the mice' latency to exit the first part of a two compartment set-up was measured. The knockout mice were faster to emerge then their littermate controls. Then they were tested in an open-field, in which new objects were added at the second trial. In the open-field without objects (first trial), the knockout mice showed a greater locomotor activity (path length). Then the same mice showed enhanced exploration of the newly introduced objects, relative to the control. The spatial orientation experiments were done on a homing board and in the water maze. The homing board did not yield a significant difference between the knock-out and the control mice. Both groups showed impaired results when the proximal (olfactory) and distal (visual) cues were disrupted by the rotation of the table. In the water maze however, the alphalb(-/-) mice were unable to solve the task (acquisition and retention), whereas the control mice showed a good acquisition and retention behaviour. The knockout mice' incapacity to learn to reach the submerged platform was not due to an incapacity to swim, as they were as good as their control littermates to reach the platform when it was visible.
BACKGROUND: Dermatophyte identification in tinea capitis is essential for choosing the appropriate treatment and in tinea infections to identify the possible source. The failure of fungi to grow in cultures frequently occurs, especially in cases of previous antifungal therapy. OBJECTIVES: To develop a rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) sequencing assay for dermatophyte identification in tinea capitis and tinea corporis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fungal DNA was extracted from hair and skin samples that were confirmed to be positive by direct mycological examination. Dermatophytes were identified by the sequence of a 28S ribosomal DNA subunit amplicon generated by nested PCR. RESULTS: Nested PCR was found to be necessary to obtain amplicons in substantial amounts for dermatophyte identification by sequencing. The results agreed with those of classical mycological identification in 14 of 23, 6 of 10, and 20 of 23 cases of tinea capitis, tinea corporis and tinea pedis, respectively, from which a dermatophyte was obtained in culture. In seven of the 56 cases, another dermatophyte was identified, revealing previous misidentification. A dermatophyte was identified in 12 of 18, three of five, and four of nine cases of tinea capitis, tinea corporis and tinea pedis, respectively, in cases in which no dermatophyte grew in culture. CONCLUSIONS: Although the gold standard dermatophyte identification from clinical samples remains fungal cultures, the assay developed in the present study is especially suitable for tinea capitis. Improved sensitivity for the identification of dermatophyte species was obtained as it is possible to identify the dermatophyte when the fungus fails to grow in cultures.
Generation of fluids during metamorphism can significantly influence the fluid overpressure, and thus the fluid flow in metamorphic terrains. There is currently a large focus on developing numerical reactive transport models, and with it follows the need for analytical solutions to ensure correct numerical implementation. In this study, we derive both analytical and numerical solutions to reaction-induced fluid overpressure, coupled to temperature and fluid flow out of the reacting front. All equations are derived from basic principles of conservation of mass, energy and momentum. We focus on contact metamorphism, where devolatilization reactions are particularly important owing to high thermal fluxes allowing large volumes of fluids to be rapidly generated. The analytical solutions reveal three key factors involved in the pressure build-up: (i) The efficiency of the devolatilizing reaction front (pressure build-up) relative to fluid flow (pressure relaxation), (ii) the reaction temperature relative to the available heat in the system and (iii) the feedback of overpressure on the reaction temperature as a function of the Clapeyron slope. Finally, we apply the model to two geological case scenarios. In the first case, we investigate the influence of fluid overpressure on the movement of the reaction front and show that it can slow down significantly and may even be terminated owing to increased effective reaction temperature. In the second case, the model is applied to constrain the conditions for fracturing and inferred breccia pipe formation in organic-rich shales owing to methane generation in the contact aureole.