7 resultados para UDK:7.01
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Multiple genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been performed in HIV-1 infected individuals, identifying common genetic influences on viral control and disease course. Similarly, common genetic correlates of acquisition of HIV-1 after exposure have been interrogated using GWAS, although in generally small samples. Under the auspices of the International Collaboration for the Genomics of HIV, we have combined the genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data collected by 25 cohorts, studies, or institutions on HIV-1 infected individuals and compared them to carefully matched population-level data sets (a list of all collaborators appears in Note S1 in Text S1). After imputation using the 1,000 Genomes Project reference panel, we tested approximately 8 million common DNA variants (SNPs and indels) for association with HIV-1 acquisition in 6,334 infected patients and 7,247 population samples of European ancestry. Initial association testing identified the SNP rs4418214, the C allele of which is known to tag the HLA-B*57:01 and B*27:05 alleles, as genome-wide significant (p = 3.6×10(-11)). However, restricting analysis to individuals with a known date of seroconversion suggested that this association was due to the frailty bias in studies of lethal diseases. Further analyses including testing recessive genetic models, testing for bulk effects of non-genome-wide significant variants, stratifying by sexual or parenteral transmission risk and testing previously reported associations showed no evidence for genetic influence on HIV-1 acquisition (with the exception of CCR5Δ32 homozygosity). Thus, these data suggest that genetic influences on HIV acquisition are either rare or have smaller effects than can be detected by this sample size.
PURPOSE: To objectively compare quantitative parameters related to image quality attained at coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of the right coronary artery (RCA) performed at 7 T and 3 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained, and volunteers provided signed informed consent. Ten healthy adult volunteers (mean age ± standard deviation, 25 years ± 4; seven men, three women) underwent navigator-gated three-dimensional MR angiography of the RCA at 7 T and 3 T. For 7 T, a custom-built quadrature radiofrequency transmit-receive surface coil was used. At 3 T, a commercial body radiofrequency transmit coil and a cardiac coil array for signal reception were used. Segmented k-space gradient-echo imaging with spectrally selective adiabatic fat suppression was performed, and imaging parameters were similar at both field strengths. Contrast-to-noise ratio between blood and epicardial fat; signal-to-noise ratio of the blood pool; RCA vessel sharpness, diameter, and length; and navigator efficiency were quantified at both field strengths and compared by using a Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: The contrast-to-noise ratio between blood and epicardial fat was significantly improved at 7 T when compared with that at 3 T (87 ± 34 versus 52 ± 13; P = .01). Signal-to-noise ratio of the blood pool was increased at 7 T (109 ± 47 versus 67 ± 19; P = .02). Vessel sharpness obtained at 7 T was also higher (58% ± 9 versus 50% ± 5; P = .04). At the same time, RCA vessel diameter and length and navigator efficiency showed no significant field strength-dependent difference. CONCLUSION: In our quantitative and qualitative study comparing in vivo human imaging of the RCA at 7 T and 3 T in young healthy volunteers, parameters related to image quality attained at 7 T equal or surpass those from 3 T.
Introduction : L'HSA d'origine anévrismale est une pathologie au pronostic sombre, tout retard diagnostique exposant le patient à un risque élevé de récidives hémorragiques potentiellement fatales. La sensibilité du CT scanner étant jugée insuffisante dans cette indication, la majorité des recommandations actuelles préconisent la réalisation systématique d'une ponction lombaire après toute imagerie cérébrale négative. L'analyse spectrophotométrique du LCR permet en effet de différencier un saignement récent dans l'espace sous-arachnoïdien d'une ponction lombaire traumatique par détection de bilirubine. Or, le caractère invasif de cet examen et son manque de spécificité posent des difficultés en pratique. De plus, l'excellente sensibilité des CT de dernières générations, du moins dans les premières heures suivant la survenue de l'HSA, remet en question le dogme d'une PL systématique dans l'algorithme diagnostique d'une céphalée suspecte. Objectif : Evaluer le rendement diagnostique de la spectrophotométrie du LCR dans le cadre d'une suspicion d'HSA après une imagerie normale, afin d'en préciser les indications. Méthode : Étude monocentrique et rétrospective au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois de Lausanne du 1er janvier 2005 au 18 novembre 2010. Extraction de toutes les spectrophotométries positives et analyse approfondie des dossiers concernés. Dans un second temps, et durant la même période, revue de tous les séjours hospitaliers comportant le diagnostic d'HSA , afin d'extraire en particulier les HSA dont le diagnostic a été établi par spectrophotométrie en raison d'une imagerie initiale négative ou non conclusive. Résultats : 869 PL du 1er janvier 2005 au 18 novembre 2010. 36 (4.1%) examens positifs (concentration de bilirubine dans le LCR > 0.3 μmol/l), dont 14 (38.9%) dans un contexte d'HSA (valeur prédictive positive de 38.9%). Sur les 14 cas positifs, 3 ont été diagnostiqués exclusivement par la PL, mais aucune dans un cadre d'HSA anévrismale. Dans la même périodepériode, 235 HSA diagnostiquées, dont 7 (2.9%) avec une imagerie cérébrale initiale négative. Sur ces 7 cas, seuls 2 ont été diagnostiqués comme une HSA d'origine anévrismale. La sensibilité du CT dans notre recherche atteint donc 99.15%. Discussion : Sur les 36 spectrophotométries positives, 22 se sont révélées a posteriori faussement positives, confirmant dès lors la faible spécificité et la faible valeur prédictive positive de l'analyse spectrophotométrique du LCR . Ces faux positifs entraînent la réalisation d'examens invasifs (angiographie cérébrale conventionnelle), dont les complications sont bien décrites. Bien que les résultats ne nous permettent pas de chiffrer le nombre potentiel d'HSA manquées faute d'un examen du LCR, aucun cas d'HSA d'origine anévrismale n'a été diagnostiqué sur la base exclusive de la PL durant la période étudiée. Cette faible spécificité appuie l'idée de développer un score clinique prédictif afin de ne réserver la PL qu'aux patients jugés à haut risque d'HSA. La PL garde néanmoins un rôle dans la détection des HSA d'origine non anévrismales. Conclusions : Lors d'une suspicion clinique d'HSA, le rendement diagnostique de l'analyse du LCR après un angio- CT cérébral normal est faible, tout comme son impact sur la prise en charge, au prix d'un nombre important de faux positifs. La PL reste certainement indiquée face à des céphalées suspectes évoluant depuis plus de 24 heures. Toutefois, au vu de l'excellente valeur prédictive négative d'un CT cérébral réalisé précocement et interprété par un neuroradiologue, cet examen ne devrait être réservé qu'aux situations à haut risque d'HSA. A cet égard, le développement d'un score prédictif validé permettrait de mieux sélectionner les candidats à une PL.
OBJECT: To determine whether glycine can be measured at 7 T in human brain with (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The glycine singlet is overlapped by the larger signal of myo-inositol. Density matrix simulations were performed to determine the TE at which the myo-inositol signal was reduced the most, following a single spin-echo excitation. (1)H MRS was performed on an actively shielded 7 T scanner, in five healthy volunteers. RESULTS: At the TE of 30 ms, the myo-inositol signal intensity was substantially reduced. Quantification using LCModel yielded a glycine-to-creatine ratio of 0.14 +/- 0.01, with a Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of 7 +/- 1%. Furthermore, quantification of metabolites other than glycine was possible as well, with a CRLB mostly below 10%. CONCLUSION: It is possible to detect glycine at 7 T in human brain, at the short TE of 30 ms with a single spin-echo excitation scheme.
In this investigation, high-resolution, 1x1x1-mm(3) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 7 T is performed using a multichannel array head coil and a surface coil approach. Scan geometry was optimized for each coil separately to exploit the strengths of both coils. Acquisitions with the surface coil focused on partial brain coverage, while whole-brain coverage fMRI experiments were performed with the array head coil. BOLD sensitivity in the occipital lobe was found to be higher with the surface coil than with the head array, suggesting that restriction of signal detection to the area of interest may be beneficial for localized activation studies. Performing independent component analysis (ICA) decomposition of the fMRI data, we consistently detected BOLD signal changes and resting state networks. In the surface coil data, a small negative BOLD response could be detected in these resting state network areas. Also in the data acquired with the surface coil, two distinct components of the positive BOLD signal were consistently observed. These two components were tentatively assigned to tissue and venous signal changes.
OBJECTIVE: As universal screening of hypertension performs poorly in childhood, targeted screening to children at higher risk of hypertension has been proposed. Our goal was to assess the performance of combined parental history of hypertension and overweight/obesity to identify children with hypertension. We estimated the sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values of overweight/obesity and parental history of hypertension for the identification of hypertension in children. DESIGN AND METHOD: We analyzed data from a school-based cross-sectional study including 5207 children aged 10 to 14 years from all public 6th grade classes in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Blood pressure was measured with a clinically validated oscillometric automated device over up to three visits separated by one week. Children had hypertension if they had sustained elevated blood pressure over the three visits. Parents were interviewed about their history of hypertension. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypertension was 2.2%. 14% of children were overweight or obese and 20% had a positive history of hypertension in either or both parents. 30% of children had either or both conditions. After accounting for several potential confounding factors, parental history of hypertension (odds ratio (OR): 2.6; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.8-4.0), overweight excluding obesity (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.5-4.2) and obesity (OR: 10.1; 95% CI: 6.0-17.0) were associated with hypertension in children. Considered in isolation, the sensitivity and positive predictive values of parental history of hypertension (respectively 41% and 5%) or overweight/obesity (respectively 43% and 7%) were relatively low. Nevertheless, considered together, the sensitivity of targeted screening in children with either overweight/obesity or paternal history of hypertension was higher (65%) but the positive predictive value remained low (5%). The negative predictive value was systematically high. CONCLUSIONS: Restricting screening of hypertension to children with either overweight/obesity or with hypertensive parents would substantially limit the proportion of children to screen (30%) and allow the identification of a relatively large proportion (65%) of hypertensive cases. That could be a valuable alternative to universal screening.
This paper discusses the issues involved in ICT from an ethico-political perspective, which states that an innovation is fully justifiable when it contributes to the empowerment, equality, and autonomy of the agent targeted. With this criterion in mind, discussing the foreseeable impacts of ubicomp-ICT, it focuses on the dangers linked to the enhanced asymmetry in the distribution of power within the organization which it is likely to bring about. If left to "laissez-faire", it is finally suggested, it might even be seen as a threat to democracy.