97 resultados para Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus agalactiae is the leading cause of bacteremia and invasive infections. These diseases are treated with β-lactams or macrolides, but the emergence of less susceptible and even fully resistant strains is a cause for concern. New bacteriophage lysins could be promising alternatives against such organisms. They hydrolyze the bacterial peptidoglycan at the end of the phage cycle, in order to release the phage progeny. By using a bioinformatic approach to screen several beta-hemolytic streptococci, a gene coding for a lysin was identified on a prophage carried by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis SK1249. The gene product, named PlySK1249, harbored an original three-domain structure with a central cell wall-binding domain surrounded by an N-terminal amidase and a C-terminal CHAP domain. Purified PlySK1249 was highly lytic and bactericidal for S. dysgalactiae (2-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min). Moreover, it also efficiently killed S. agalactiae (1.5-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min) but not several streptococcal commensal species. We further investigated the activity of PlySK1249 in a mouse model of S. agalactiae bacteremia. Eighty percent of the animals (n = 10) challenged intraperitoneally with 10(6) CFU of S. agalactiae died within 72 h, whereas repeated injections of PlySK1249 (45 mg/kg 3 times within 24 h) significantly protected the mice (P < 0.01). Thus, PlySK1249, which was isolated from S. dysgalactiae, demonstrated high cross-lytic activity against S. agalactiae both in vitro and in vivo. These encouraging results indicated that PlySK1249 might represent a good candidate to be developed as a new enzybiotic for the treatment of systemic S. agalactiae infections.
Staphylococcus aureus harbors redundant adhesins mediating tissue colonization and infection. To evaluate their intrinsic role outside of the staphylococcal background, a system was designed to express them in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 1363. This bacterium is devoid of virulence factors and has a known genetic background. A new Escherichia coli-L. lactis shuttle and expression vector was constructed for this purpose. First, the high-copy-number lactococcal plasmid pIL253 was equipped with the oriColE1 origin, generating pOri253 that could replicate in E. coli. Second, the lactococcal promoters P23 or P59 were inserted at one end of the pOri253 multicloning site. Gene expression was assessed by a luciferase reporter system. The plasmid carrying P23 (named pOri23) expressed luciferase constitutively at a level 10,000 times greater than did the P59-containing plasmid. Transcription was absent in E. coli. The staphylococcal clumping factor A (clfA) gene was cloned into pOri23 and used as a model system. Lactococci carrying pOri23-clfA produced an unaltered and functional 130-kDa ClfA protein attached to their cell walls. This was indicated both by the presence of the protein in Western blots of solubilized cell walls and by the ability of ClfA-positive lactococci to clump in the presence of plasma. ClfA-positive lactococci had clumping titers (titer of 4,112) similar to those of S. aureus Newman in soluble fibrinogen and bound equally well to solid-phase fibrinogen. These experiments provide a new way to study individual staphylococcal pathogenic factors and might complement both classical knockout mutagenesis and modern in vivo expression technology and signature tag mutagenesis.
Background. Streptococcus gallolyticus is a causative agent of infective endocarditis associated with colon cancer. Genome sequence of strain UCN34 revealed the existence of 3 pilus loci (pil1, pil2, and pil3). Pili are long filamentous structures playing a key role as adhesive organelles in many pathogens. The pil1 locus encodes 2 LPXTG proteins (Gallo2178 and Gallo2179) and 1 sortase C (Gallo2177). Gallo2179 displaying a functional collagen-binding domain was referred to as the adhesin, whereas Gallo2178 was designated as the major pilin. Methods. S. gallolyticus UCN34, Pil1(+) and Pil1(-), expressing various levels of pil1, and recombinant Lactococcus lactis strains, constitutively expressing pil1, were studied. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the putative pilin subunits Gallo2178 and Gallo2179 were used in immunoblotting and immunogold electron microscopy. The role of pil1 was tested in a rat model of endocarditis. Results. We showed that the pil1 locus (gallo2179-78-77) forms an operon differentially expressed among S. gallolyticus strains. Short pilus appendages were identified both on the surface of S. gallolyticus UCN34 and recombinant L. lactis-expressing pil1. We demonstrated that Pil1 pilus is involved in binding to collagen, biofilm formation, and virulence in experimental endocarditis. Conclusions. This study identifies Pil1 as the first virulence factor characterized in S. gallolyticus.
Résumé Streptococcus gordonii est une bactérie colonisatrice naturelle de la cavité buccale de l'homme. Bien que normalement commensale, elle peut causer des infections graves, telles que des bactériémies ou des endocardites infectieuses. La pénicilline étant un des traitements privilégiés dans de tels cas, l'augmentation rapide et globale des résistances à cet antibiotique devient inquiétante. L'étude de la physiologie et des bases génétiques de ces résistances chez S. gordonii s'avère donc importante. Les cibles moléculaires privilégiées de la pénicilline G et des β-lactames sont les penicilllin-binding proteins (PBPs). Ces enzymes associées à la membrane ont pour rôle de catalyser les réactions de transpeptidation et de transglycosylation, qui constituent les dernières étapes de la biosynthèse du peptidoglycan (PG). Elles sont définies comme classe A ou B selon leur capacité d'assurer soit les deux réactions, soit uniquement la transpeptidation. Les β-lactames inhibent le domaine transpeptidase de toutes les PBPs, entraînant l'inhibition de la synthèse du PG, l'inhibition de la croissance, et finalement la mort cellulaire. Chez les streptocoques, les PBPs sont aussi les premiers déterminants de la résistance à la pénicilline. De plus, elles sont impliquées dans la morphologie bactérienne, en raison de leur rôle crucial dans la formation du PG. Le but de ce travail était de caractériser les PBPs de S. gordonii et d'étudier leurs fonctions dans la vie végétative de la bactérie ainsi que durant le développement de la résistance à la pénicilline. Premièrement, des mutants auxquels il manque une ou deux PBP(s) ont été construits. Leur étude - au niveau physiologique, biochimique et morphologique - a montré le caractère essentiel ou dispensable de chaque protéine, ainsi que certaines de leurs fonctions potentielles. Deuxièmement, des mutants résistants à la pénicilline ont été générés. Leur caractérisation a montré l'importance des mutations dans les PBPs ainsi que dans d'autres gènes encore inconnus, de même que le rôle crucial des PBPs de classe A dans le développement de la résistance à la pénicilline. Des expériences supplémentaires sur des isolats résistants ont aussi prouvé que la résistance a un coût en terme de fitness, coût que S. gordonii parvient à compenser par des mécanismes d'adaptation. Finalement, les promoteurs des gènes des PBPs ont été déterminés et leur expression a été étudiée grâce au gène de luciférase. Il a ainsi été montré que la résistance à la pénicilline entraîne non seulement des altérations au niveau des protéines, mais aussi au niveau de la régulation des gènes. De plus, la pénicilline génère directement des modifications dans l'expression de PBPs spécifiques. Summary Streptococcus gordonii is a normal inhabitant of the human oral cavity and a pioneer colonizer of teeth. Although usually considered as a commensal, this organism can cause life-threatening infections such as bacteraemia or endocarditis. Since penicillin is one of the preferential treatments for such pathologies, the rapid and general increase of antibiotic resistance in the overall population becomes an issue. Thus, studying the physiologic and genetic bases of such a resistance in S. gordonii is of interest. The primary molecular targets of penicillin G and other β-lactams are the so called penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). These are membrane-associated proteins that catalyze the last steps in peptidoglycan (PG) biosynthesis, namely transpeptidation and transglycosylation. Depending on their capacity to catalyze either reactions or only transpeptidation, they are considered as class A or class B PBPs, respectively. β-lactam antibiotics inhibit the transpeptidase domain of both of these classes of enzymes, resulting in inhibition of PG assembly, inhibition of bacterial growth, and ultimately leading to cell death. In streptococci, PBPs are also the primary determinants of penicillin-resistance. Moreover, because of their crucial role in PG formation, they are implicated in fundamental aspects of cell morphology. The goal of this work was thus to characterize S. gordonii PBPs and to explore their functions in terms of vegetative life and penicillin-resistance development. First, single and double PBP-inactivated mutants were generated and their effect on the bacterial physiology, cell wall biochemistry and ultrastructural morphology was assessed. This demonstrated the essentiality or dispensability of each protein for bacterial life. Second, penicillin-resistant mutants were generated by cyclic exposure to increasing concentrations of the drug. Characterization of these mutants pointed out the importance of both PBP and non-PBP mutations, as well as the crucial role of the class A PBPs in the development of penicillin-resistance. Further experiments on resistant isolates demonstrated the fitness cost of this resistance, but also the capacity of S. gordonii to adapt and regain the fitness of the wild-type. Finally, the promoters of PBP genes were determined and their expression was monitored using luciferase fusions. This showed that penicillin-resistance, in addition to modifications at the level of the protein, also triggered genetic alterations. Moreover, penicillin itself generated modifications in the expression of specific PBPs.
Because Staphylococcus aureus strains contain multiple virulence factors, studying their pathogenic role by single-gene inactivation generated equivocal results. To circumvent this problem, we have expressed specific S. aureus genes in the less virulent organism Streptococcus gordonii and tested the recombinants for a gain of function both in vitro and in vivo. Clumping factor A (ClfA) and coagulase were investigated. Both gene products were expressed functionally and with similar kinetics during growth by streptococci and staphylococci. ClfA-positive S. gordonii was more adherent to platelet-fibrin clots mimicking cardiac vegetations in vitro and more infective in rats with experimental endocarditis (P < 0.05). Moreover, deleting clfA from clfA-positive streptococcal transformants restored both the low in vitro adherence and the low in vivo infectivity of the parent. Coagulase-positive transformants, on the other hand, were neither more adherent nor more infective than the parent. Furthermore, coagulase did not increase the pathogenicity of clfA-positive streptococci when both clfA and coa genes were simultaneously expressed in an artificial minioperon in streptococci. These results definitively attribute a role for ClfA, but not coagulase, in S. aureus endovascular infections. This gain-of-function strategy might help solve the role of individual factors in the complex the S. aureus-host relationship.
Tolerance is a poorly understood phenomenon that allows bacteria exposed to a bactericidal antibiotic to stop their growth and withstand drug-induced killing. This survival ability has been implicated in antibiotic treatment failures. Here, we describe a single nucleotide mutation (tol1) in a tolerant Streptococcus gordonii strain (Tol1) that is sufficient to provide tolerance in vitro and in vivo. It induces a proline-to-arginine substitution (P483R) in the homodimerization interface of enzyme I of the sugar phosphotransferase system, resulting in diminished sugar uptake. In vitro, the susceptible wild-type (WT) and Tol1 cultures lost 4.5 and 0.6 log(10) CFU/ml, respectively, after 24 h of penicillin exposure. The introduction of tol1 into the WT (WT P483R) conferred tolerance (a loss of 0.7 log(10) CFU/ml/24 h), whereas restitution of the parent sequence in Tol1 (Tol1 R483P) restored antibiotic susceptibility. Moreover, penicillin treatment of rats in an experimental model of endocarditis showed a complete inversion in the outcome, with a failure of therapy in rats infected with WT P483R and the complete disappearance of bacteria in animals infected with Tol1 R483P.
BACKGROUND: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a serious cause of morbidity among children in developed countries. The real impact of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) on pneumococcal pneumonia is difficult to assess accurately. METHODS: Children aged ≤16 years with clinical and radiological pneumonia were enrolled in a multicenter prospective study. Children aged ≤16 years admitted for a minor elective surgery was recruited as controls. Nasopharyngeal samples for PCR serotyping of S. pneumoniae were obtained in both groups. Informations on age, gender, PCV7 vaccination status, day care/school attendance, siblings, tobacco exposure were collected. RESULTS: In children with CAP (n=236), 54% of the nasopharyngeal swabs were PCR-positive for S. pneumoniae compared to 32% in controls (n=105) (p=0.003). Serotype 19A was the most common pneumococcal serotype carried in children with CAP (13%) and in controls (15%). Most common serotypes were non-vaccine types (39.4% for CAP and 47.1% for controls) and serotypes included only in PCV13 (32.3% for CAP and 23.5% for controls). There was no significant difference in vaccine serotype distribution between the two groups. In fully vaccinated children with CAP, the proportion of serotypes carried only in PCV13 was higher (51.4%) than in partially vaccinated or non vaccinated children (27.6% and 28.6% respectively, p=0.037). CONCLUSIONS: Two to 4 years following introduction of PCV7, predominant S. pneumoniae serotypes carried in children with CAP were non PCV7 serotypes, and the 6 new serotypes included in PCV13 accounted for 51.4% of carried serotypes in fully vaccinated children.
Penicillin tolerance is an incompletely understood phenomenon that allows bacteria to resist drug-induced killing. Tolerance was studied with independent Streptococcus gordonii mutants generated by cyclic exposure to 500 times the MIC of penicillin. Parent cultures lost 4 to 5 log(10) CFU/ml of viable counts/24 h. In contrast, each of four independent mutant cultures lost < or =2 log(10) CFU/ml/24 h. The mutants had unchanged penicillin-binding proteins but contained increased amounts of two proteins with respective masses of ca. 50 and 45 kDa. One mutant (Tol1) was further characterized. The two proteins showing increased levels were homologous to the arginine deiminase and ornithine carbamoyl transferase of other gram-positive bacteria and were encoded by an operon that was >80% similar to the arginine-deiminase (arc) operon of these organisms. Partial nucleotide sequencing and insertion inactivation of the S. gordonii arc locus indicated that tolerance was not a direct consequence of arc alteration. On the other hand, genetic transformation of tolerance by Tol1 DNA always conferred arc deregulation. In nontolerant recipients, arc was repressed during exponential growth and up-regulated during postexponential growth. In tolerant transformants, arc was constitutively expressed. Tol1 DNA transformed tolerance at the same rate as transformation of a point mutation (10(-2) to 10(-3)). The tolerance mutation mapped on a specific chromosomal fragment but was physically distant from arc. Importantly, arc deregulation was observed in most (6 of 10) of additional independent penicillin-tolerant mutants. Thus, although not exclusive, the association between arc deregulation and tolerance was not fortuitous. Since penicillin selection mimicked the antibiotic pressure operating in the clinical environment, arc deregulation might be an important correlate of naturally occurring tolerance and help in understanding the mechanism(s) underlying this clinically problematic phenotype.
An optimally cross-linked peptidoglycan requires both transglycosylation and transpeptidation, provided by class A and class B penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). Streptococcus gordonii possesses three class A PBPs (PBPs 1A, 1B, and 2A) and two class B PBPs (PBPs 2B and 2X) that are important for penicillin resistance. High-level resistance (MIC, > or =2 microg/ml) requires mutations in class B PBPs. However, although unmutated, class A PBPs are critical to facilitate resistance development (M. Haenni and P. Moreillon, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 50:4053-4061, 2006). Thus, their overexpression might be important to sustain the drug. Here, we determined the promoter regions of the S. gordonii PBPs and compared them to those of other streptococci. The extended -10 box was highly conserved and complied with a sigma(A)-type promoter consensus sequence. In contrast, the -35 box was poorly conserved, leaving the possibility of differential PBP regulation. Gene expression in a penicillin-susceptible parent (MIC, 0.008 microg/ml) and a high-level-resistant mutant (MIC, 2 microg/ml) was monitored using luciferase fusions. In the absence of penicillin, all PBPs were constitutively expressed, but their expression was globally increased (1.5 to 2 times) in the resistant mutant. In the presence of penicillin, class A PBPs were specifically overexpressed both in the parent (PBP 2A) and in the resistant mutant (PBPs 1A and 2A). By increasing transglycosylation, class A PBPs could promote peptidoglycan stability when transpeptidase is inhibited by penicillin. Since penicillin-related induction of class A PBPs occurred in both susceptible and resistant cells, such a mutation-independent facilitating mechanism could be operative at each step of resistance development.
Measuring antibiotic-induced killing relies on time-consuming biological tests. The firefly luciferase gene (luc) was successfully used as a reporter gene to assess antibiotic efficacy rapidly in slow-growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We tested whether luc expression could also provide a rapid evaluation of bactericidal drugs in Streptococcus gordonii. The suicide vectors pFW5luc and a modified version of pJDC9 carrying a promoterless luc gene were used to construct transcriptional-fusion mutants. One mutant susceptible to penicillin-induced killing (LMI2) and three penicillin-tolerant derivatives (LMI103, LMI104, and LMI105) producing luciferase under independent streptococcal promoters were tested. The correlation between antibiotic-induced killing and luminescence was determined with mechanistically unrelated drugs. Chloramphenicol (20 times the MIC) inhibited bacterial growth. In parallel, luciferase stopped increasing and remained stable, as determined by luminescence and Western blots. Ciprofloxacin (200 times the MIC) rapidly killed 1.5 log10 CFU/ml in 2-4 hr. Luminescence decreased simultaneously by 10-fold. In contrast, penicillin (200 times the MIC) gave discordant results. Although killing was slow (< or = 0.5 log10 CFU/ml in 2 hr), luminescence dropped abruptly by 50-100-times in the same time. Inactivating penicillin with penicillinase restored luminescence, irrespective of viable counts. This was not due to altered luciferase expression or stability, suggesting some kind of post-translational modification. Luciferase shares homology with aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and acyl-CoA ligase, which might be regulated by macromolecule synthesis and hence affected in penicillin-inhibited cells. Because of resemblance, luciferase might be down-regulated simultaneously. Luminescence cannot be universally used to predict antibiotic-induced killing. Thus, introducing reporter enzymes sharing mechanistic similarities with normal metabolic reactions might reveal other effects than those expected.
High-resolution structural information on optimally preserved bacterial cells can be obtained with cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections. With the help of this technique, the existence of a periplasmic space between the plasma membrane and the thick peptidoglycan layer of the gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus was recently shown. This raises questions about the mode of polymerization of peptidoglycan. In the present study, we report the structure of the cell envelope of three gram-positive bacteria (B. subtilis, Streptococcus gordonii, and Enterococcus gallinarum). In the three cases, a previously undescribed granular layer adjacent to the plasma membrane is found in the periplasmic space. In order to better understand how nascent peptidoglycan is incorporated into the mature peptidoglycan, we investigated cellular regions known to represent the sites of cell wall production. Each of these sites possesses a specific structure. We propose a hypothetic model of peptidoglycan polymerization that accommodates these differences: peptidoglycan precursors could be exported from the cytoplasm to the periplasmic space, where they could diffuse until they would interact with the interface between the granular layer and the thick peptidoglycan layer. They could then polymerize with mature peptidoglycan. We report cytoplasmic structures at the E. gallinarum septum that could be interpreted as cytoskeletal elements driving cell division (FtsZ ring). Although immunoelectron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy studies have demonstrated the septal and cytoplasmic localization of FtsZ, direct visualization of in situ FtsZ filaments has not been obtained in any electron microscopy study of fixed and dehydrated bacteria.
Streptococcus gordonii alpha-phosphoglucomutase, which converts glucose 6-phosphate to glucose 1-phosphate, is encoded by pgm. The pgm transcript is monocistronic and is initiated from a sigma(A)-like promoter. Mutants with a gene disruption in pgm exhibited an altered cell wall muropeptide pattern and a lower teichoic acid content, and had reduced fitness both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, the reduced fitness included reduced growth, reduced viability in the stationary phase and increased autolytic activity. In vivo, the pgm-deficient strain had a lower virulence in a rat model of experimental endocarditis.
The peptidoglycan of Gram-positive bacteria is known to trigger cytokine release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). However, it requires 100-1000 times more Gram-positive peptidoglycan than Gram-negative lipopolysaccharide to release the same amounts of cytokines from target cells. Thus, either peptidoglycan is poorly active or only part of it is required for PBMC activation. To test this hypothesis, purified Streptococcus pneumoniae walls were digested with their major autolysin N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase, and/or muramidase. Solubilized walls were separated by reverse phase high pressure chromatography. Individual fractions were tested for their PBMC-stimulating activity, and their composition was determined. Soluble components had a Mr between 600 and 1500. These primarily comprised stem peptides cross-linked to various extents. Simple stem peptides (Mr <750) were 10-fold less active than undigested peptidoglycan. In contrast, tripeptides (Mr >1000) were >/=100-fold more potent than the native material. One dipeptide (inactive) and two tripeptides (active) were confirmed by post-source decay analysis. Complex branched peptides represented </=2% of the total material, but their activity (w/w) was almost equal to that of LPS. This is the first observation suggesting that peptidoglycan stem peptides carry high tumor necrosis factor-stimulating activity. These types of structures are conserved among Gram-positive bacteria and will provide new material to help elucidate the mechanism of peptidoglycan-induced inflammation.
In gram-negative bacteria, the outer membrane lipopolysaccharide is the main component triggering cytokine release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). In gram-positive bacteria, purified walls also induce cytokine release, but stimulation requires 100 times more material. Gram-positive walls are complex megamolecules reassembling distinct structures. Only some of them might be inflammatory, whereas others are not. Teichoic acids (TA) are an important portion (> or =50%) of gram-positive walls. TA directly interact with C3b of complement and the cellular receptor for platelet-activating factor. However, their contribution to wall-induced cytokine-release by PBMCs has not been studied in much detail. In contrast, their membrane-bound lipoteichoic acids (LTA) counterparts were shown to trigger inflammation and synergize with peptidoglycan (PGN) for releasing nitric oxide (NO). This raised the question as to whether TA are also inflammatory. We determined the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) by PBMCs exposed to a variety of TA-rich and TA-free wall fragments from Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. TA-rich walls from both organisms induced measurable TNF release at concentrations of 1 microg/ml. Removal of wall-attached TA did not alter this activity. Moreover, purified pneumococcal and staphylococcal TA did not trigger TNF release at concentrations as high as > or =100 microg/ml. In contrast, purified LTA triggered TNF release at 1 microg/ml. PGN-stem peptide oligomers lacking TA or amino-sugars were highly active and triggered TNF release at concentrations as low as 0.01 microg/ml (P. A. Majcherczyk, H. Langen, et al., J. Biol. Chem. 274:12537-12543,1999). Thus, although TA is an important part of gram-positive walls, it did not participate to the TNF-releasing activity of PGN.
Genotypic and phenotypic tolerance was studied in penicillin treatment of experimental endocarditis due to nontolerant and tolerant Streptococcus gordonii and to their backcross transformants. The organisms were matched for in vitro and in vivo growth rates. Rats with aortic endocarditis were treated for 3 or 5 days, starting 12, 24, or 48 h after inoculation. When started at 12 h, during fast intravegetation growth, 3 days of treatment cured 80% of the nontolerant parent compared with <30% of the tolerant derivative (P < .005). When started at 24 or 48 h and if intravegetation growth had reached a plateau, 3 days of treatment failed against both bacteria. However, a significant difference between the 2 organisms was restored when treatment was extended to 5 days. Thus, genotypic tolerance conferred a survival advantage in both fast- and slow-growing bacteria, demonstrating that the in vitro-defined tolerant phenotype also carried the risk of treatment failure in vivo.