10 resultados para Starch
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Rapport de synthèse : Contexte: l'hydroxyéthylamidon (HEA) est largement utilisé comme expanseur volémique en anesthésiologie et réanimation. Cependant, cette classe de produits perturbe le system de la coagulation. Des améliorations restent possibles dans le choix de la combinaison optimale de poids moléculaire, de degré de substitution en radicaux éthyle et de localisation de ces radicaux sur le squelette glucidique des polymères, afin d'optimiser leur efficacité et leur tolérance. L'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué n'affecte pas plus la coagulation sanguine que de l'HEA de bas poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Nous examinons in vivo l'effet d'un abaissement du rapport C2/C6 sur les caractéristiques pharmacocinétiques et l'impact sur la coagulation sanguine d'un HEA de haut poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Matériels et méthode: nous comparons dans une étude prospective, randomisée et parallèle l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 avec l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 auprès de 30 cochons. Avant, pendant et jusqu'à 630 minutes après une perfusion de 30 ml/kg d'HEA, des échantillons sanguins ont été collectés pour mesurer les concentrations d'HEA, les tests de coagulation plasmatique classiques et la coagulation sanguine par thrombélastographie (TEG®, Haemoscope Corporation, Niles, II, U.S.). Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques ont été estimés en adaptant un modèle à deux compartiments. Résultats: la constante d'élimination est de 0.009 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 0.007 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p<0.001); la surface sous la courbe de concentration est de 1374 ± 340 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 1697 ± 411 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.026). Les concentrations mesurées d'HEA ne montrent pas de différence entre l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6. Les deux solutions d'HEA affectent de façon identique la coagulation sanguine: l'index de coagulation thrombélastographique diminue pareillement à ta fin de la perfusion d'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et d'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.29). De même, le temps de thromboplastine partielle activée et le temps de prothrombine augmentent de manière similaire pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.83). Conclusion: la réduction du rapport C2/C6 de l'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué aboutit à une élimination légèrement accélérée d'HEA. Cependant, elle ne modifie pas l'effet perturbateur sur la coagulation.
Résumé Fondement : le développement de solutions d'hydroxy-éthyl-amidons (HEAS) avec peu d'impact sur la coagulation sanguine, mais un effet supérieur sur la volémie, par comparaison aux HEAS couramment utilisés, est d'un grand intérêt clinique. Nous posons l'hypothèse que des solutions de haut poids moléculaire et de bas degré de substitution possèdent ces caractéristiques. Méthode : trente porcs ont été perfusés avec trois HEAS différents (20 ml/kg) de même degré de substitution (0.42) mais de poids moléculaire différent (130, 500 et 900 kDa). Une série de prélèvements sanguins ont été effectués sur 24 heures, sur lesquels des analyses de coagulation sanguine étaient effectuées par thromboélastographie et dosages plasmatiques. De plus, la concentration plasmatique ainsi que le poids moléculaire in vivo ont été déterminés, ainsi que des paramètres de pharmacocinétiques, ceci en se basant sur un modèle bi-compartimental. Résultats : les analyses de thromboélastographie et les tests de coagulation plasmatique n'ont pas démontré d'altération plus marquée de la coagulation sanguine après l'utilisation des solutions des HAES 500 et HAES 900, par comparaison avec celle de HAES 130. Par contre, les HAES 500 et HAES 900 ont présenté une plus grande aire sous la courbe (area under the curve), dans la relation concentration en fonction du temps [1542 (142) g min litre-1, p<0.001, 1701 (321) g min litre-1, p<0.001] par rapport au HAES 130 [1156 (223) g min litre-1]. La demi-vie alpha (t ½α) était plus longue pour les HAES 500 [53.8 (8.6) min, p<0.01] et HAES 900 [57.1 (12.3) min, p<0.01 ]que pour le HAES 130 [39.9 (10.7) min]. La demi-vie beta (t½β) était par contre similaire pour les trois types de HAES [de 332 (100) à 381 (63) min]. Conclusions : pour les HAES de bas degré de substitution, le poids moléculaire n'est pas un facteur clé en ce qui concerne l'altération de la coagulation. La persistance intravasculaire initialement plus longue des HAES de haut poids moléculaire et bas degré de substitution pourrait résulter dans un plus long effet volémique de ces substances. Abstract Background: The development of hydroxyethyl starches (HES) with low impact on blood coagulation but higher volume effect compared with the currently used HES solutions is of clinical interest. We hypothesized that high molecular weight, low-substituted HES might possess these properties. Methods: Thirty pigs were infused with three different HES solutions (20 ml kg-1) with the same degree of molar substitution (0.42) but different molecular weights (130, 500 and 900 kDa). Serial blood samples were taken over 24 h and blood coagulation was assessed by Thromboelastograph® analysis and analysis of plasma coagulation. In addition, plasma concentration and in vivo molecular weight were determined and pharmacokinetic data were computed based on a two-compartment model. Results: Thromboelastograph analysis and plasma coagulation tests did not reveal a more pronounced alteration of blood coagulation with HES 500 and HES 900 compared with HES 130. In contrast, HES 500 and HES 900 had a greater area under the plasma concentration-time curve [1542 (142) g min litre-1, P<0.001, 1701 (321) g min litre-1, P<0.001] than HES 130 [I 156 (223) g min litre-1] and alpha half life (t ½α) was longer for HES 500 [53.8 (8.6) min, P<0.01 ] and HES 900 [57. I (I 2.3) min, P<0.01 ] than for HES 130 [39.9 (I 0.7) min]. Beta half life (t½β), however, was similar for all three types of HES [from 332 (100) to 381 (63) min]. Conclusions. In low-substituted HES, molecular weight is not a key factor in compromising blood coagulation. The longer initial intravascular persistence of high molecular weight lowsubstituted HES might result in a longer lasting volume effect.
Résumé Cette étude a démontré l'effet individuel sur la coagulation sanguine humaine des deux principales caractéristiques de la molécule d'hydroxyéthylamidon (HES) : la substitution molaire et le rapport C2/C6. L'analyse par thrombélastographe (TEG®) indique que la molécule de HES dont la substitution molaire est de 0.42 et le rapport C2/C6 de 2.7 a le moins d'effet sur la coagulation sanguine chez l'être humain. Objectifs de l'étude Le développement d'hydroxyéthylamidons (HES) qui ont à la fois peu d'impact sur la coagulation sanguine et une longue persistance intravasculaire est d'un grand intérêt clinique. Une précédente étude in vitro a démontré qu'une solution de HES de haut poids moléculaire et de bas degré de substitution molaire ne compromettait pas plus la coagulation sanguine qu'une solution HES de poids moléculaire moyen (1). La présente étude examine l'effet individuel de la substitution molaire et du rapport C2/C6 d'une solution de HES de haut poids moléculaire (700 kDa) sur la coagulation sanguine. Matériel et méthode Nous avons prélevé du sang chez 30 adultes en bonne santé; le sang a été mélangé avec 6 solutions de HES qui diffèrent par leur degré de substitution molaire (0.42 et 0.51) et leur rapport C2/C6 (2.7, 7 et 14) à trois degrés de dilution : 20%, 40% et 60%. Les échantillons ont ensuite été analysés par thrombélastographe. Les données ont été étudiées par analyse de variance à trois voies pour mesures répétées sur une voie (dilution). Résultats Plus la substitution molaire est élevée, plus la coagulation sanguine est compromise et ce concernant tous les paramètres du TEG® (tous les p sont < à 0.05). La solution HES avec le rapport C2/C6 le plus bas a l'effet le moins prononcé sur le temps r (p<0.001), l'angle α (p=0.003) et l'Index de Coagulation CI (p<0.001) ; on n'a pas observé d'effet sur le temps k (p=0.513) et l'amplitude maximale (p=0.699) concernant ce paramètre. Conclusion L'analyse par thrombélastographe révèle qu'une molécule de HES avec une substitution molaire de 0.42 et un rapport C2/C6 de 2.7 a un effet minimal sur la coagulation sanguine humaine in vitro.
Reef-building corals form essential, mutualistic endosymbiotic associations with photosynthetic Symbiodinium dinoflagellates, providing their animal host partner with photosynthetically derived nutrients that allow the coral to thrive in oligotrophic waters. However, little is known about the dynamics of these nutritional interactions at the (sub)cellular level. Here, we visualize with submicrometer spatial resolution the carbon and nitrogen fluxes in the intact coral-dinoflagellate association from the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis by combining nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) and transmission electron microscopy with pulse-chase isotopic labeling using [(13)C]bicarbonate and [(15)N]nitrate. This allows us to observe that (i) through light-driven photosynthesis, dinoflagellates rapidly assimilate inorganic bicarbonate and nitrate, temporarily storing carbon within lipid droplets and starch granules for remobilization in nighttime, along with carbon and nitrogen incorporation into other subcellular compartments for dinoflagellate growth and maintenance, (ii) carbon-containing photosynthates are translocated to all four coral tissue layers, where they accumulate after only 15 min in coral lipid droplets from the oral gastroderm and within 6 h in glycogen granules from the oral epiderm, and (iii) the translocation of nitrogen-containing photosynthates is delayed by 3 h. IMPORTANCE: Our results provide detailed in situ subcellular visualization of the fate of photosynthesis-derived carbon and nitrogen in the coral-dinoflagellate endosymbiosis. We directly demonstrate that lipid droplets and glycogen granules in the coral tissue are sinks for translocated carbon photosynthates by dinoflagellates and confirm their key role in the trophic interactions within the coral-dinoflagellate association.
Neutrophils are recruited to the site of parasite inoculation within a few hours of infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major. In C57BL/6 mice, which are resistant to infection, neutrophils are cleared from the site of s.c. infection within 3 days, whereas they persist for at least 10 days in susceptible BALB/c mice. In the present study, we investigated the role of macrophages (MPhi) in regulating neutrophil number. Inflammatory cells were recruited by i.p. injection of either 2% starch or L. major promastigotes. Neutrophils were isolated and cultured in the presence of increasing numbers of MPhi. Extent of neutrophil apoptosis positively correlated with the number of MPhi added. This process was strictly dependent on TNF because MPhi from TNF-deficient mice failed to induce neutrophil apoptosis. Assays using MPhi derived from membrane TNF knock-in mice or cultures in Transwell chambers revealed that contact with MPhi was necessary to induce neutrophil apoptosis, a process requiring expression of membrane TNF. L. major was shown to exacerbate MPhi-induced apoptosis of neutrophils, but BALB/c MPhi were not as potent as C57BL/6 MPhi in this induction. Our results emphasize the importance of MPhi-induced neutrophil apoptosis, and membrane TNF in the early control of inflammation.
It is likely that during this century polymers based on renewable materials will gradually replace industrial polymers based on petrochemicals. This chapter gives an overview of the current status of research on plant biopolymers that are used as a material in non-food applications. We cover technical and scientific bottlenecks in the production of novel or improved materials, and the potential of using transgenic or alternative crops in overcoming these bottlenecks. Four classes of biopolymers will be discussed: starch, proteins, natural rubber, and poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoates. Renewable polymers produced by chemical polymerization of monomers derived from sugars, vegetable oil, or proteins, are not considered here.
Plants naturally synthesize a variety of polymers that have been used by mankind as a source of useful biomaterials. For example, cellulose, the main constituent of plant cell wall and the most abundant polymer on earth, has been used for several thousand years as a source of fibers for various fabrics. Similarly, rubber extracted from the bark of the tree Hevea brasiliensis, has been a major source of elastomers until the development of similar synthetic polymers. In the last century, the usefulness of plant polymers as biomaterials has been expanded through the chemical modification of the natural polymers. For example, a number of plastics have been made by substituting the hydroxyl groups present on the glucose moiety of cellulose with larger groups, such as nitrate or acetate, giving rise to materials such as cellulose acetate, a clear plastic used in consumer products such as toothbrush handles and combs. Similarly, starch has been used in the manufacture of plastics by either using it in blends with synthetic polymers or as the main constituent in biodegradable plastics. The advent of transformation and expres- sion of foreign genes in plants has created the possibility of expanding the usefulness of plants to include the synthesis of a range of biomolecules. In view of the capacity of certain crops to produce a large quantity of organic raw material at low cost, such as oils and starch, it is of interest to explore the possibility of using transgenic plants as efficient vectors for the synthesis of biopolymers. Such plant based biopolymers could replace, in part, the synthetic plastics and elastomers produced from petroleum, offering the advantage of renewability and sustainability. Furthermore, being natural pro- ducts, biopolymers are usually biodegradable and can thus contribute to alleviate problems associated with the management of plastic waste. In this article, the emphasis will be on the use of transgenic plants for the synthesis of two novel classes of industrially useful polymers, namely protein based polymers made from natural or artificial genes, and polyhydroxyalkanoates, a family of bacterial poly- esters having the properties of biodegradable plastics and elastomers.
A considerable public concern about cancer risk from acrylamide-rich foods followed the announcement that high concentrations of acrylamide are found in fried potatoes and potato chips and, more generally, in starch-containing foods cooked at high temperatures. From a series of hospital-based case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1991 and 2000, we have analyzed the relation between intake of fried/baked potatoes and cancer risk. The cancer sites considered were oral cavity and pharynx (749 cases, 1772 controls), esophagus (395 cases, 1066 controls), larynx (527 cases, 1297 controls), large bowel (1225 colon and 728 rectum cases, 4154 controls), breast (2569 cases, 2588 controls) and ovary (1031 cases, 2411 controls). All cancer cases were incident and histologically confirmed. Controls were subjects admitted to the same network of hospitals of cases for acute, non-neoplastic conditions. All the odds ratios (OR) for the highest vs. the lowest tertile of intake ranged between 0.8-1.1. We found no evidence of interaction with age, gender, alcohol and tobacco use. Our data provide reassuring evidence for the lack of an important association between consumption of fried/baked potatoes and cancer risk.
The in vivo effects of Diaspirin Crosslinked Hemoglobin (DCLHb, Baxter Healthcare Corp.) on hematology and biochemistry are unknown. This study includes 6 calves (71.2+/-1.3 kg). In each animal a total of 2 litres of blood was exchanged for the same amount of hydroxylethyl starch (Haes, Fresenius) (n=3) or DCLHb (n=3), which is equivalent to 28cc/kg of blood substitute, over a period of 5 hours. The animals were allowed to survive 7 days. Blood samples were taken hourly during the perfusion protocol, at postoperative day (POD) 1, 2 and 7. ANOVA test was used for repeated measurements. Blood cell profiles were similar in both groups. Peak methemoglobinemia was 4.2% in the DCLHb group. Osmolarity was significantly higher in the DCLHb group with the greatest difference at POD 1 and 2. Postmortem analysis of the major organs did not show any sign of hemoglobin deposit in the DCLHb group. In the given setup DCLHb can be administered in a large quantity with good hematological tolerance and without any deposits in major organs. A prolonged plasma expander effect was observed.