17 resultados para Spring-neap Tides
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Research into the biomechanical manifestation of fatigue during exhaustive runs is increasingly popular but additional understanding of the adaptation of the spring-mass behaviour during the course of strenuous, self-paced exercises continues to be a challenge in order to develop optimized training and injury prevention programs. This study investigated continuous changes in running mechanics and spring-mass behaviour during a 5-km run. 12 competitive triathletes performed a 5-km running time trial (mean performance: 17 min 30 s) on a 200 m indoor track. Vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces were measured every 200 m by a 5-m long force platform system, and used to determine spring-mass model characteristics. After a fast start, running velocity progressively decreased (- 11.6%; P<0.001) in the middle part of the race before an end spurt in the final 400-600 m. Stride length (- 7.4%; P<0.001) and frequency (- 4.1%; P=0.001) decreased over the 25 laps, while contact time (+ 8.9%; P<0.001) and total stride duration (+ 4.1%; P<0.001) progressively lengthened. Peak vertical forces (- 2.0%; P<0.01) and leg compression (- 4.3%; P<0.05), but not centre of mass vertical displacement (+ 3.2%; P>0.05), decreased with time. As a result, vertical stiffness decreased (- 6.0%; P<0.001) during the run, whereas leg stiffness changes were not significant (+ 1.3%; P>0.05). Spring-mass behaviour progressively changes during a 5-km time trial towards deteriorated vertical stiffness, which alters impact and force production characteristics.
Cette thèse de doctorat, écrite en anglais, propose la première édition critique de « Because of the Dollars », une nouvelle de l'écrivain anglais Joseph Conrad publiée dans le volume Within the Tides, en février 1915. Outre le texte critique de la nouvelle - le seul à ce jour reconstruit d'après une minutieuse étude des relations entre toutes les versions existantes - la présente édition offre aussi un vaste apparat éditorial. Le texte de la présente édition est éclectique. Sa ponctuation est essentiellement basée sur un texte proche du manuscrit de l'auteur, et donc non corrompu par le processus de transmission. Mais ses mots sont tirés des dernières versions révisées par l'auteur, étant donné qu'au cours de la transmission, les mots, contrairement aux marques de ponctuation, n'ont pas été contaminés. Le résultat de cette méthode est un texte reflétant, tant pour les mots que pour la ponctuation, les choix de l'auteur. L'apparat éditorial sert à placer la nouvelle dans la vie de Conrad, tracer l'évolution du texte, et offrir au lecteur des informations historiques et culturelles qui permettront une meilleure lecture de l'oeuvre. Cet apparat est composé de quatre parties : une introduction, une étude sur les textes de la nouvelle, une collation historique de toutes les variantes, et des notes explicatives. L'introduction place l'oeuvre dans le contexte de la vie de l'écrivain, en donne la réception critique de 1915 à nos jours, et en éclaire le contexte historique (un changement de monnaie à Singapour en 1903-4). L'étude sur les textes trace le développement et la transmission du texte, depuis son inscription sur pages manuscrites jusqu'à sa publication dans les oeuvres complètes de Conrad. La collation historique inventorie toutes les variantes textuelles entre les différentes versions existantes. Enfin, les notes explicatives glosent les allusions littéraires, historiques, et culturelles du texte. « Because of the Dollars » et Within the Tides n'ayant attiré que très peu d'attention critique, les informations contenues dans cet apparat éditorial sont complètement inédites, et jettent une lumière originale sur une période peu étudiée de la vie de Conrad.
Purpose/Objective(s): To implement a carotid dose sparing protocol using helical Tomotherapy in T1N0 squamous cell laryngeal carcinoma.Materials/Methods: Between July and August 2010, 7 men with stage T1N0 laryngeal carcinoma were included in this study. Age ranged from 47 - 74 years. Staging included endoscopic examination, CT-scan and MRI when indicated. Planned irradiation dose was 70 Gy in 35 fractions over 7 weeks. A simple treatment planning algorithm for carotid sparing was used: maximum point dose to the carotids 35 Gy, to the spinal cord 30 Gy, and 100% PTV volume to be covered with 95% of the prescribed dose. Carotid volume of interest extended to 1 cm above and below of the PTV. Doses to the carotid arteries, to the critical organs, and to the planned target volume (PTV) with our standard laryngeal irradiation protocol was compared. Daily megavoltage scans were obtained before each fraction. When necessary, the Planned Adaptive software (TomoTherapy Inc., Madison, WI) was used to evaluatethe need for a re-planning, which has never been indicated. Dose data were extracted using the VelocityAI software (Atlanta, GA), and data normalization and dose-volume histogram (DVH) interpolation were realized using the Igor Pro software (Portland, OR).Results:A significant (p\0.05) carotid dose sparing compared to our standard protocol with an average maximum point dose of 38.3 Gy (standard deviation [SD] 4.05 Gy), average mean dose of 18.59 Gy (SD 0.83 Gy) was achieved. In all patients, 95% of the carotid volume received less than 28.4 Gy (SD 0.98 Gy). The average maximum point dose to the spinal cord was 25.8 Gy (SD 3.24 Gy). PTV was fully covered with more than 95% of the prescribed dose for all patients with an average maximum point dose of 74.1 Gy and the absolute maximum dose in a single patient of 75.2 Gy. To date, the clinical outcomes have been excellent. Three patients (42%) developed stage 1 mucositis that was conservatively managed, and all the patients presented a mild to moderate dysphonia. All adverse effects resolved spontaneously in the month following the end of treatment. Early local control rate is 100% considering a 4 - 5 months post treatment follow-up.Conclusions: Helical Tomotherapy allows a clinically significant decrease of carotid irradiation dose compared to standard irradiation protocols with an acceptable spinal cord dose tradeoff. Moreover, this technique allows the PTV to be homogenously covered with a curative irradiation dose. Daily control imaging brings added security margins especially when working with high dose gradients. Further investigations and follow-up are underway to better evaluate the late clinical outcomes especially the local control rate, late laryngeal and vascular toxicity, and expected potential impact on cerebrovascular events.
Polyphenisms, as opposed to polymorphism, refers to coexistence of several distinct phenotypes having a common genotype. Polyphenism can be selected for in unpredictable environments. Here we document and anlyse a case of siphenism in the north-European fairy shrinp Siphonophanes grubii (Dybowski), in relation to the temporary and unpredictable nature of its habitat. The active part of this species'life cycle usually consists of a single, short-lived, spring cohort. Here we report field observations on autumnal hatching and on a long-lived, overwintering cohort; we show that the winter cohort runs the risk of total failure, due to the pond freezing entirely or drying up during winter. If, however, environmental conditions allow winter survival, animals reach a larger size, reproduce for a longer time, and display higher fecundity, than do animals from the spring cohort. Laboratory experiments support the theory that these differences are purely phenotypic and dependent on temperatur. Using an analytical model adapted from Cohen (1966), we propose that the coexistence of both a winter and a spring cohort in the same ponds can be interpreted as a diversified bet-hedging strategy.
Of all Pacific salmonids, Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha display the greatest variability in return times to freshwater. The molecular mechanisms of these differential return times have not been well described. Current methods, such as long serial analysis of gene expression (LongSAGE) and microarrays, allow gene expression to be analyzed for thousands of genes simultaneously. To investigate whether differential gene expression is observed between fall- and spring-run Chinook salmon from California's Central Valley, LongSAGE libraries were constructed. Three libraries containing between 25,512 and 29,372 sequenced tags (21 base pairs/tag) were generated using messenger RNA from the brains of adult Chinook salmon returning in fall and spring and from one ocean-caught Chinook salmon. Tags were annotated to genes using complementary DNA libraries from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and rainbow trout O. mykiss. Differentially expressed genes, as estimated by differences in the number of sequence tags, were found in all pairwise comparisons of libraries (freshwater versus saltwater = 40 genes; fall versus spring = 11 genes: and spawning versus nonspawning = 51 genes). The gene for ependymin, an extracellular glycoprotein involved in behavioral plasticity in fish, exhibited the most differential expression among the three groupings. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis verified the differential expression of ependymin between the fall- and spring-run samples. These LongSAGE libraries, the first reported for Chinook salmon, provide a window of the transcriptional changes during Chinook salmon return migration to freshwater and spawning and increase the amount of expressed sequence data.
This study investigated fatigue-induced changes in spring-mass model characteristics during repeated running sprints. Sixteen active subjects performed 12 × 40 m sprints interspersed with 30 s of passive recovery. Vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces were measured at 5-10 m and 30-35 m and used to determine spring-mass model characteristics. Contact (P < 0.001), flight (P < 0.05) and swing times (P < 0.001) together with braking, push-off and total stride durations (P < 0.001) lengthened across repetitions. Stride frequency (P < 0.001) and push-off forces (P < 0.05) decreased with fatigue, whereas stride length (P = 0.06), braking (P = 0.08) and peak vertical forces (P = 0.17) changes approached significance. Center of mass vertical displacement (P < 0.001) but not leg compression (P > 0.05) increased with time. As a result, vertical stiffness decreased (P < 0.001) from the first to the last repetition, whereas leg stiffness changes across sprint trials were not significant (P > 0.05). Changes in vertical stiffness were correlated (r > 0.7; P < 0.001) with changes in stride frequency. When compared to 5-10 m, most of ground reaction force-related parameters were higher (P < 0.05) at 30-35 m, whereas contact time, stride frequency, vertical and leg stiffness were lower (P < 0.05). Vertical stiffness deteriorates when 40 m run-based sprints are repeated, which alters impact parameters. Maintaining faster stride frequencies through retaining higher vertical stiffness is a prerequisite to improve performance during repeated sprinting.
Summary Aims.-To explore whether fatigue-induced changes in spring-mass behavior during a 5000m self-paced run varied according to the runner's training status. Methods and results.-Six highly- and six well-trained triathletes completed a 5000m time trial. Running velocity and vertical stiffness decreased significantly (P < 0.05) with fatigue, whereas leg stiffness remained constant. None of these parameters displayed a significant interaction between fatigue and training status, despite vertical stiffness being higher (P < 0.05) in highly-trained triathletes. Conclusions.-During a 5000m self-paced run, impairments in leg-spring behavior that occur with fatigue are not affected by athletes' training status. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Objectifs.-Étudier, chez des athlètes de niveaux différents, les modifications de raideur mécanique liées à l'apparition de la fatigue lors d'une course de 5000 m. Synthèse des faits.-Six triathlètes très entraînés et six autres bien entraînés ont réalisé une course de 5000 m. La vitesse de course et la raideur verticale diminuaient significativement (p < 0,05) avec la fatigue, alors que la raideur de la jambe demeurait inchangée. Aucune interaction entre la fatigue et le niveau d'entraînement n'a été détectée, malgré des niveaux de raideur verticale plus élevés (p < 0,05) chez les sujets les mieux entraînés.
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate changes in running mechanics and spring-mass behaviour with fatigue induced by 5-hour hilly running (5HHR). Running mechanics were measured pre- and post-5HHR at 10, 12 and 14 km · h(-1) on an instrumented treadmill in eight ultramarathon runners, and sampled at 1000 Hz for 10 consecutive steps. Contact (t(c) ) and aerial (t(a) ) times were determined from ground reaction force (GRF) signals and used to compute step frequency (f). Maximal GRF, loading rate, downward displacement of the centre of mass (Δz), and leg length change (ΔL) during the support phase were determined and used to compute both vertical (K(vert) ) and leg (K(leg) ) stiffness. A significant decrease in t(c) was observed at 12 and 14 km · h(-1) resulting in an increase of f at all speeds. Duty factor and F(max) significantly decreased at 10 km · h(-1). A significant increase in K(vert) and K(leg) was observed at all running speeds with significant decreases in Δz and ΔL. Despite the shorter duration, the changes in running mechanics appeared to be in the same direction (increased f and K(vert) , decrease in Δz and F(max) ) but of lower amplitude compared with those obtained after an ultra-trail or an ultramarathon.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine adjustments in spring-mass model characteristics, plantar loading and foot mobility induced by an exhaustive run. DESIGN: Within-participants repeated measures. METHODS: Eleven highly-trained adolescent middle-distance runners ran to exhaustion on a treadmill at a constant velocity corresponding to 95% of velocity associated with VO₂max (17.8 ± 1.4 kmh(-1), time to exhaustion=8.8 ± 3.4 min). Contact time obtained from plantar pressure sensors was used to estimate spring-mass model characteristics, which were recorded (during 30 s) 1 min after the start and prior to exhaustion using pressure insoles. Foot mobility magnitude (a composite measure of vertical and medial-lateral mobility of the midfoot) was measured before and after the run. RESULTS: Mean contact area (foot to ground), contact time, peak vertical ground reaction force, centre of mass vertical displacement and leg compression increased significantly with fatigue, while flight time, leg stiffness and mean pressure decreased. Leg stiffness decreased because leg compression increased to a larger extent than peak vertical ground reaction forces. Step length, step frequency and foot mobility magnitude did not change at exhaustion. CONCLUSIONS: The stride pattern of adolescents when running on a treadmill at high constant velocity deteriorates near exhaustion, as evidenced by impaired leg-spring behaviour (leg stiffness) and altered plantar loading.
Des pièges attractifs contenant du foie frais et du foie âgé de 2 et 4 jours ont été utilisés au cours de 9 journées de capture (avril à mai 1999). Parmi les 451 spécimens récoltés, 7 espèces de Calliphoridae ont été identifiées. Les conditions météorologiques, exprimées par la pluie, la température et les radiations solaires, ont une influence signficative sur l'activité des mouches. A l'exception de Lucilia sericata et L. Illustris, les autres espèces montrent une nette préférence pour les pièges contenant du foie de 4 jours. Le sex-ratio est toujours en faveur des femelles et varie de 1.7:1 (L. silvarum) à 18.8:1 (L. illustris).