326 resultados para Sondas de DNA de HPV
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
1. Abstract Cervical cancer is thought to be the consequence of infection by human papillomaviruses (HPV). In the majority of cases, DNA from HPV type 16 (HPV16) is found in malignant cervical lesions. The initial steps leading to transformation of an infected cell are not clearly understood but in most cases, disruption and integration of the episomal viral DNA must take place. As a consequence, the E2 and E4 genes are usually not expressed whereas the E6 and E7 oncogenes are highly expressed. However, in a normal infection in which the viral DNA is maintained as an episome, all viral genes are expressed. The pattern according to which the viral proteins are made, and therefore the life cycle of the virus, is tightly linked to the differentiation process of the host keratinocyte. The study of the viral oncogenes E6 and E7 has revealed crucial functions in the process of malignant transformation such as degradation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein, deregulation of the Retinoblastoma protein pathway and activation of the telomerase ribonucleoprotein. All these steps are necessary for cancerous lesions to develop. However, the loss of the E2 gene product seems to be necessary for sufficient expression of E6 and E7 in order to achieve such effects. In normal infections, the E4 protein is made abundantly in the later stages of the viral life cycle. Though extensive amounts of work have been carried out to define the function of E4, it still remains unclear. In this study, several approaches have been used to try and determine the functions of E4. First, a cell-penetrating fusion protein was designed and produced in order to circumvent the chronic difficulties of expressing E4 in mammalian cells. Unfortunately, this approach was not successful due to precipitation of the purified fusion protein. Second, the observation that E4 accumulates in cells having modified their adhesion properties led to the hypothesis that E4 might be involved in the differentiation process of keratinocytes. Preliminary results suggest that E4 triggers differentiation. Last, as E4 has been reported to collapse the cytokeratin network of keratinocytes, a direct approach using atomic force microscopy has allowed us to test the potential modification of mechanical properties of cells harboring reorganized cytokeratin networks. If so, a potential role for E4 in viral particle release could be hypothesized. 2. Résumé Il a été établi que le cancer du col de l'utérus se développe essentiellement à la suite d'une infection par le virus du papillome humain (HPV). Dans la majorité des cas analysés, de l'ADN du HPV de type 16 (HPV16) est détecté. Les étapes initiales de la transformation d'une cellule infectée sont mal connues mais il semble qu'une rupture du génome viral, normalement épisomal, suivi d'une intégration dans le génome de la cellule hôte soient des étapes nécessaires dans la plupart des cas. Or il semble qu'il y ait une sélection pour les cas où l'expression des oncogènes viraux E6 et E7 soit favorisée alors que l'expression des gènes E2 et E4 est en général impossible. Par contre, dans une infection dite normale où le génome viral n'est pas rompu, il n'y pas développement de cancer et tous les gènes viraux sont exprimés. L'ordre dans lequel les protéines virales sont produites, et donc le cycle de réplication du virus, est intimement lié au processus de différentiation de la cellule hôte. L'étude des protéines oncogènes E6 et E7 a révélé des fonctions clés dans le processus de transformation des cellules infectées telles que la dégradation du suppresseur de tumeur p53, la dérégulation de la voie de signalisation Rb ainsi que l'activation de la télomérase. Toutes ces activités sont nécessaires au développement de lésions cancéreuses. Toutefois, il semble que l'expression du gène E2 doit être empêchée afin que suffisamment des protéines E6 et E7 soient produites. Lorsque le gène E2 est exprimé, et donc lorsque le génome viral n'est pas rompu, les protéines E6 et E7 n'entraînent pas de telles conséquences. Le gène E4, qui se trouve dans la séquence codante de E2, a aussi besoin d'un génome viral intact pour être exprimé. Dans une infection normale, le gène E4 est exprimé abondamment dans les dernières étapes de la réplication du virus. Bien que de nombreuses études aient été menées afin de déterminer la fonction virale à E4, aucun résultat n'apparaît évident. Dans ce travail, plusieurs approches ont été utilisées afin d'adresser cette question. Premièrement, une protéine de fusion TAT-E4 a été produite et purifiée. Cette protéine, pouvant entrer dans les cellules vivantes par diffusion au travers de la membrane plasmique, aurait permis d'éviter ainsi les problèmes chroniques rencontrés lors de l'expression de E4 dans les cellules mammifères. Malheureusement, cette stratégie n'a pas pu être utilisée à cause de la précipitation de la protéine purifiée. Ensuite, l'observation que E4 s'accumule dans les cellules ayant modifié leurs propriétés d'adhésion a suggéré que E4 pourrait être impliqué dans le procédé de différentiation des kératinocytes. Des résultats préliminaires supportent cette possibilité. Enfin, il a été montré que E4 pouvait induire une réorganisation du réseau des cytokératines. Une approche directe utilisant le microscope à force atomique nous a ainsi permis de tester une potentielle modification des propriétés mécaniques de cellules ayant modifié leur réseau de cytokératines en présence de E4. Si tel est le cas, un rôle dans la libération de particules virales peut être proposé pour E4.
Background Early age at first delivery has been identified as a risk factor for high-risk HPV-type infection and cervical cancer development. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in a large public maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. During June 2006 to February 2007, 301 women aged 15-24 years who gave birth to their first child were recruited between 43 and 60 days after delivery. Detection of HPV DNA in cervical specimens was performed using a standardised PCR protocol with PGMY09/11 primers. The association of selected factors with HPV infection was assessed by using a Generalised Linear Model. Results HPV DNA was detected in 58.5% (95% CI 52.7% to 64.0%) of the enrolled young women. The most common types of HPV found were: HPV16, HPV51, HPV52, HPV58 and HPV71. The overall prevalence of HPV types targeted by the HPV prophylactic vaccines was: HPV 16-12.0%, HPV 18-2.3% and HPV 6 and 11 4.3%. In the multivariate analysis, only age (inversely, p for trend=0.02) and smoking habits were independently associated with HPV infection. Conclusions The findings show that these young primiparous women had high cervical HPV prevalence, suggesting that this is a high-risk group for cervical cancer development. Nevertheless, 17.3% were positive for any of the four HPV types included in HPV vaccines (HPV6, 11, 16 or 18), with 13.3% positive for HPV 16 or 18 and only 1.0% having both vaccine related-oncogenic HPV types. Thus, young primiparous women could benefit from catch-up HPV vaccination programmes.
Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) provides researchers with the ability to record genetic polymorphism across thousands of loci for nonmodel organisms, potentially revolutionizing the field of molecular ecology. However, as with other genotyping methods, RADseq is prone to a number of sources of error that may have consequential effects for population genetic inferences, and these have received only limited attention in terms of the estimation and reporting of genotyping error rates. Here we use individual sample replicates, under the expectation of identical genotypes, to quantify genotyping error in the absence of a reference genome. We then use sample replicates to (i) optimize de novo assembly parameters within the program Stacks, by minimizing error and maximizing the retrieval of informative loci; and (ii) quantify error rates for loci, alleles and single-nucleotide polymorphisms. As an empirical example, we use a double-digest RAD data set of a nonmodel plant species, Berberis alpina, collected from high-altitude mountains in Mexico.
Human MRE11 is a key enzyme in DNA double-strand break repair and genome stability. Human MRE11 bears a glycine-arginine-rich (GAR) motif that is conserved among multicellular eukaryotic species. We investigated how this motif influences MRE11 function. Human MRE11 alone or a complex of MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1 (MRN) was methylated in insect cells, suggesting that this modification is conserved during evolution. We demonstrate that PRMT1 interacts with MRE11 but not with the MRN complex, suggesting that MRE11 arginine methylation occurs prior to the binding of NBS1 and RAD50. Moreover, the first six methylated arginines are essential for the regulation of MRE11 DNA binding and nuclease activity. The inhibition of arginine methylation leads to a reduction in MRE11 and RAD51 focus formation on a unique double-strand break in vivo. Furthermore, the MRE11-methylated GAR domain is sufficient for its targeting to DNA damage foci and colocalization with gamma-H2AX. These studies highlight an important role for the GAR domain in regulating MRE11 function at the biochemical and cellular levels during DNA double-strand break repair.
A collaborative exercise was carried out by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) in order to evaluate the distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy amongst the hairs of an individual who displays point heteroplasmy in blood and buccal cells. A second aim of the exercise was to study reproducibility of mtDNA sequencing of hairs between laboratories using differing chemistries, further to the first mtDNA reproducibility study carried out by the EDNAP group. Laboratories were asked to type 2 sections from each of 10 hairs, such that each hair was typed by at least two laboratories. Ten laboratories participated in the study, and a total of 55 hairs were typed. The results showed that the C/T point heteroplasmy observed in blood and buccal cells at position 16234 segregated differentially between hairs, such that some hairs showed only C, others only T and the remainder, C/T heteroplasmy at varying ratios. Additionally, differential segregation of heteroplasmic variants was confirmed in independent extracts at positions 16093 and the poly(C) tract at 302-309, whilst a complete A-G transition was confirmed at position 16129 in one hair. Heteroplasmy was observed at position 16195 on both strands of a single extract from one hair segment, but was not observed in the extracts from any other segment of the same hair. Similarly, heteroplasmy at position 16304 was observed on both strands of a single extract from one hair. Additional variants at positions 73, 249 and the HVII poly(C) region were reported by one laboratory; as these were not confirmed in independent extracts, the possibility of contamination cannot be excluded. Additionally, the electrophoresis and detection equipment used by this laboratory was different to those of the other laboratories, and the discrepancies at position 249 and the HVII poly(C) region appear to be due to reading errors that may be associated with this technology. The results, and their implications for forensic mtDNA typing, are discussed in the light of the biology of hair formation.
In traditional criminal investigation, uncertainties are often dealt with using a combination of common sense, practical considerations and experience, but rarely with tailored statistical models. For example, in some countries, in order to search for a given profile in the national DNA database, it must have allelic information for six or more of the ten SGM Plus loci for a simple trace. If the profile does not have this amount of information then it cannot be searched in the national DNA database (NDNAD). This requirement (of a result at six or more loci) is not based on a statistical approach, but rather on the feeling that six or more would be sufficient. A statistical approach, however, could be more rigorous and objective and would take into consideration factors such as the probability of adventitious matches relative to the actual database size and/or investigator's requirements in a sensible way. Therefore, this research was undertaken to establish scientific foundations pertaining to the use of partial SGM Plus loci profiles (or similar) for investigation.
During the past few decades, numerous plasmid vectors have been developed for cloning, gene expression analysis, and genetic engineering. Cloning procedures typically rely on PCR amplification, DNA fragment restriction digestion, recovery, and ligation, but increasingly, procedures are being developed to assemble large synthetic DNAs. In this study, we developed a new gene delivery system using the integrase activity of an integrative and conjugative element (ICE). The advantage of the integrase-based delivery is that it can stably introduce a large DNA fragment (at least 75 kb) into one or more specific sites (the gene for glycine-accepting tRNA) on a target chromosome. Integrase recombination activity in Escherichia coli is kept low by using a synthetic hybrid promoter, which, however, is unleashed in the final target host, forcing the integration of the construct. Upon integration, the system is again silenced. Two variants with different genetic features were produced, one in the form of a cloning vector in E. coli and the other as a mini-transposable element by which large DNA constructs assembled in E. coli can be tagged with the integrase gene. We confirmed that the system could successfully introduce cosmid and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) DNAs from E. coli into the chromosome of Pseudomonas putida in a site-specific manner. The integrase delivery system works in concert with existing vector systems and could thus be a powerful tool for synthetic constructions of new metabolic pathways in a variety of host bacteria.
Pygmy Shrews in North America have variously been considered to be one species (Sorex hoyi) or two species (S. hoyi and S. thompsoni). Currently, only S. hoyi is recognized. In this study, we examine mitochondrial DNA sequence data for the cytochrome b gene to evaluate the level of differentiation and phylogeographic relationships among eleven samples of Pygmy Shrews from across Canada. Pygmy Shrews from eastern Canada (i.e., Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) are distinct from Pygmy Shrews from western Canada (Alberta, Yukon) and Alaska. The average level of sequence divergence between these clades (3.3%) falls within the range of values for other recognized pairs of sister species of shrews. A molecular clock based on third position transversion substitutions suggests that these two lineages diverged between 0.44 and 1.67 million years ago. These molecular phylogenetic data. combined with a reinterpretation of previously published morphological data, are suggestive of separate species status for S. hoyi and S. thompsoni as has been previously argued by others. Further analysis of specimens from geographically intermediate areas (e.g., Manitoba. northern Ontario) is required to determine if there is secondary contact and/or introgression between these two putative species.
Using numerical simulations, we compare properties of knotted DNA molecules that are either torsionally relaxed or supercoiled. We observe that DNA supercoiling tightens knotted portions of DNA molecules and accentuates the difference in curvature between knotted and unknotted regions. The increased curvature of knotted regions is expected to make them preferential substrates of type IIA topoisomerases because various earlier experiments have concluded that type IIA DNA topoisomerases preferentially interact with highly curved DNA regions. The supercoiling-induced tightening of DNA knots observed here shows that torsional tension in DNA may serve to expose DNA knots to the unknotting action of type IIA topoisomerases, and thus explains how these topoisomerases could maintain a low knotting equilibrium in vivo, even for long DNA molecules.
The human Rad52 protein stimulates joint molecule formation by hRad51, a homologue of Escherichia coli RecA protein. Electron microscopic analysis of hRad52 shows that it self-associates to form ring structures with a diameter of approximately 10 nm. Each ring contains a hole at its centre. hRad52 binds to single and double-stranded DNA. In the ssDNA-hRad52 complexes, hRad52 was distributed along the length of the DNA, which exhibited a characteristic "beads on a string" appearance. At higher concentrations of hRad52, "super-rings" (approximately 30 nm) were observed and the ssDNA was collapsed upon itself. In contrast, in dsDNA-hRad52 complexes, some regions of the DNA remained protein-free while others, containing hRad52, interacted to form large protein-DNA networks. Saturating concentrations of hRad51 displaced hRad52 from ssDNA, whereas dsDNA-Rad52 complexes (networks) were more resistant to hRad51 invasion and nucleoprotein filament formation. When Rad52-Rad51-DNA complexes were probed with gold-conjugated hRad52 antibodies, the presence of globular hRad52 structures within the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament was observed. These data provide the first direct visualisation of protein-DNA complexes formed by the human Rad51 and Rad52 recombination/repair proteins.
A cryo-electron microscopy study of supercoiled DNA molecules freely suspended in cryo-vitrified buffer was combined with Monte Carlo simulations and gel electrophoretic analysis to investigate the role of intersegmental electrostatic repulsion in determining the shape of supercoiled DNA molecules. It is demonstrated here that a decrease of DNA-DNA repulsion by increasing concentrations of counterions causes a higher fraction of the linking number deficit to be partitioned into writhe. When counterions reach concentrations likely to be present under in vivo conditions, naturally supercoiled plasmids adopt a tightly interwound conformation. In these tightly supercoiled DNA molecules the opposing segments of interwound superhelix seem to directly contact each other. This form of supercoiling, where two DNA helices interact laterally, may represent an important functional state of DNA. In the particular case of supercoiled minicircles (178 bp) the delta Lk = -2 topoisomers undergo a sharp structural transition from almost planar circles in low salt buffers to strongly writhed "figure-eight" conformations in buffers containing neutralizing concentrations of counterions. Possible implications of this observed structural transition in DNA are discussed.
The RuvA and RuvB proteins of Escherichia coli, which are induced in response to DNA damage, are important in the formation of heteroduplex DNA during genetic recombination and related recombinational repair processes. In vitro studies show that RuvA binds Holiday junctions and acts as a specificity factor that targets the RuvB ATPase, a hexameric ring protein, to the junction. Together, RuvA and RuvB promote branch migration, an ATP-dependent reaction that increases the length of the heteroduplex DNA. Electron microscopic visualization of RuvAB now provides a new insight into the mechanism of this process. We observe the formation of a tripartite protein complex in which RuvA binds the crossover and is sandwiched between two hexameric rings of RuvB. The Holliday junction within this complex adopts a square-planar structure. We propose a molecular model for branch migration, a unique feature of which is the role played by the two oppositely oriented RuvB ring motors.
The ability to identify the species origin of an unknown biological sample is relevant in the fields of human and wildlife forensics. However, the detection of several species mixed in the same sample still remains a challenge. We developed and tested a new approach for mammal DNA identification in mixtures of two or three species, based on the analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region interspecific length polymorphism followed by direct sequencing. Contrary to other published methods dealing with species mixtures, our protocol requires a single universal primer pair and is not based on a pre-defined panel of species. Amplicons can be separated either on agarose gels or using CE. The advantages and limitations of the assay are discussed under different conditions, such as variable template concentration, amplicon sizes and size difference among the amplicons present in the mixture. For the first time, this protocol provides a simple, reliable and flexible method for simultaneous identification of multiple mammalian species from mixtures, without any prior knowledge of the species involved.
Chromosomal and plasmid DNA molecules in bacterial cells are maintained under torsional tension and are therefore supercoiled. With the exception of extreme thermophiles, supercoiling has a negative sign, which means that the torsional tension diminishes the DNA helicity and facilitates strand separation. In consequence, negative supercoiling aids such processes as DNA replication or transcription that require global- or local-strand separation. In extreme thermophiles, DNA is positively supercoiled which protects it from thermal denaturation. While the role of DNA supercoiling connected to the control of DNA stability, is thoroughly researched and subject of many reviews, a less known role of DNA supercoiling emerges and consists of aiding DNA topoisomerases in DNA decatenation and unknotting. Although DNA catenanes are natural intermediates in the process of DNA replication of circular DNA molecules, it is necessary that they become very efficiently decatenated, as otherwise the segregation of freshly replicated DNA molecules would be blocked. DNA knots arise as by-products of topoisomerase-mediated intramolecular passages that are needed to facilitate general DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, transcription or recombination. The formed knots are, however, very harmful for cells if not removed efficiently. Here, we overview the role of DNA supercoiling in DNA unknotting and decatenation.