em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene is expressed in human pituitary gland where its function is partially elucidated. NPY could act as a neuroendocrine modulator within this gland. This study was undertaken to assess whether NPY expression is correlated to various pathological situations. Using a highly specific anti-NPY monoclonal antibody, immunohistochemistry analysis was performed in surgically removed pituitary glands. The study included biopsies from 112 human pituitary adenomas, 12 hyperplastic glands and normal anterior pituitary tissues in 34 cases. NPY is immunodetected in 33% of all adenomas, 25% hyperplastic glands and 12% of non-tumoral pituitary gland. NPY expression was significantly higher in adenomas compared to the normal gland. However, no correlation was observed between NPY content and the type of hormonal secretion, sex, age and the status of tumour proliferating potential.


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Five patients with a chief visual complaint of photophobia were subsequently found to have compressive lesions of the optic chiasm. Visual acuity and visual field deficits were often subtle. Magnetic resonance imaging scanning revealed large suprasellar masses, including three pituitary adenomas, a craniopharyngioma, and a clivus chordoma. Photophobia resolved in all patients following treatment of the tumors. A compressive lesion of the optic chiasm should be considered in patients who experience persistent photophobia unexplained by ocular abnormalities.


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Aim: The management of large lesions of the skull base, such as vestibular schwanommas (VS), meningiomas (MEN) or pituitary adenomas (PA), is challenging, with microsurgery remaining the main treatment option. Planned subtotal resection is now being increasingly considered to reduce the risk of neurological deficits following complete resection. The residual part of the tumor can then be treated with Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKR) to achieve long-term growth control. Methods: This case series documents early results with planned subtotal resection followed by GKR in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and March 2012. There were 24 patients who underwent surgery, with 22 having already undergone GKR and 2 waiting for GKR. We analyzed clinical symptoms for all patients, as well as audiograms, ophthalmological and endocrinological tests, when indicated. Results: Nine patients had VS surgery (mean diameter 35 mm; range 30-44.5) through a retrosigmoid approach. There were no post-operative facial nerve deficits. Of the 3 patients whom had useful hearing pre-operatively, this improved in 2 and remained stable in 1. Four patients with clinoid MEN (mean diameter 26.5 mm; range 17-42) underwent subtotal resection of the tumor, and the component in the cavernous sinus was later treated with GKR. The visual status remained stable in 3 patients and one had complete visual recovery. 4 patients underwent subtotal resection of petro-clival MEN (mean diameter 36 mm; range 32-42): 3 had House-Brackmann (HB) grade 2 facial function that recovered completely; one continues to have HB grade 4 facial deficit following surgery. Of the 7 patients with PA (mean diameter 34.5 mm; range 20-54.5), 2 had acromegaly, the others were non functional PA. Six patients underwent trans-sphenoidal surgery, while one patient had a transcavernous sinus resection of the tumor (with prior staged trans-sphenoidal surgery). Visual status improved in 3 patients while the others remained stable. Two patients had transient diabetes insipidus following surgery. Up to now, no additional deficit or worsening has been reported after GKR. Conclusions: Our data suggest that planned subtotal resection has an excellent clinical outcome with respect to preservation of cranial nerves, and other neurological functions, and a good possibility of recovery of many of the pre-operative cranial nerve dysfunctions. The results in terms of tumor control following GKR need further long-term evaluation.


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During the last two decades, endoscopic endonasal approach has completed the minimally invasive skull base surgery armamentarium. Endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery (EESBS) was initially developed in the field of pituitary adenomas, and gained an increasing place for the treatment of a wide variety of skull base pathologies, extending on the midline from crista galli process to the occipitocervical junction and laterally to the parasellar areas and petroclival apex. Until now, most studies are retrospective and lack sufficient methodological quality to confirm whether the endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery has better results than the microsurgical trans-sphenoidal classical approach. The impressions of the expert teams show a trend toward better results for some pituitary adenomas with the endoscopic endonasal route, in terms of gross total resection rate and probably more comfortable postoperative course for the patient. Excepting intra- and suprasellar pituitary adenomas, EESBS seems useful for selected lesions extending onto the cavernous sinus and Meckel's cave but also for clival pathologies. Nevertheless, this infatuation toward endoscopic endonasal approaches has to be balanced with the critical issue of cerebrospinal fluid leaks, which constitutes actually the main limit of this approach. Through their experience and a review of the literature, the authors aim to present the state of the art of this approach as well as its limits.


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A pituitary tumor was diagnosed in a prepubertal 13-yr-old girl, who had elevated plasma LH (58 mIU/ml) and PRL (93 ng/ml) levels; decreased GH, ACTH, and FSH secretion; and diabetes insipidus. After surgery, plasma LH and PRL declined, but not to normal levels. Conventional external radiotherapy to the pituitary was immediately followed by a decrease in LH to prepubertal values (0.7 mIU/ml), while PRL levels became normal only after a long course of bromocriptine therapy. The pituitary tumor was composed of two distinct cell types: small polygonal cells, which were PRL positive by immunohistochemistry, and clusters of pleomorphic large frequently mitotic polynucleated cells, which were LH positive, some of them also being positive for the alpha-subunit or beta LH but not for beta FSH. Four years after surgery and radiotherapy, the patient deteriorated neurologically. Computed tomographic scan showed widespread frontal and periventricular tumor, which had the histological features of a poorly differentiated carcinoma. No PRL, LH, or alpha- or beta-subunits were detectable on immunocytochemistry. While the PRL-positive cells of the pituitary tumor displayed the histological and clinical features of PRL adenomas, the morphological characteristics of LH cells and the sharp decline of plasma LH levels after radiotherapy were suggestive of malignant transformation. In this context, the later brain tumor could have been the result of subependymal spread of the pituitary tumor after it lost its hormone-secreting capacity.


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Résumé de thèseLe syndrome de PFAPA est une maladie fébrile récurrente décrite pour la première fois en 1987 par Marshall et col. Elle est caractérisée par une fièvre périodique, une stomatite aphteuse, une pharyngite et des adénopathies. Ce syndrome débute dans les premières années de vie et est connu pour disparaître spontanément en principe avant l'adolescence. Hormis un traitement de prednisone en début de crise, aucun traitement n'a pu montrer une efficacité thérapeutique ou curative.L'origine et l'étiologie de cette maladie sont encore inconnues à ce jour et le diagnostic reste un diagnostic d'exclusion qui repose sur des critères définis par différents groupes depuis 1987. Dans le cadre du Working Party periodic fever de la Société Européenne de Rhumatologie pédiatrique (PreS), un groupe a été établi et celui-ci a mis en place un registre de patients atteints de PFAPA afin d'analyser cette maladie et de mieux définir les critères diagnostic. Le Dr Michael Hofer a été nommé chairman de ce groupe et a introduit rapidement les patients romands dans cet outil de travail.L'introduction des patients romands dans la base de données ainsi créée, nous a suggéré une susceptibilité familiale qui nous a poussés à investiguer ce point de manière plus approfondie. Nous avons donc regroupé tous les patients lausannois et ceux de collègues bordelais ayant un diagnostic avéré de PFAPA. Nous avons ensuite interrogé, au cours d'un entretien téléphonique, les familles de ces enfants grâce à un questionnaire standardisé. Celui-ci a été testé et validé sur des patients sains d'une consultation de pédiatrie générale.Nous avons ensuite réunie toutes ces informations et séparés les patients en deux groupes AF+ (anamnèse familiale positive pour une fièvre récurrente) et AF- (anamnèse familiale négative pour une fièvre récurrente). Nous avons établi des comparaisons entre les 2 différents groupes en reprenant les caractéristiques de ces patients depuis le registre PFAPA dans lequel ils sont tous inclus. Les analyses ont été contrôlées et validées par le centre d'épidémiologie clinique grâce aux méthodes statistiques reconnues.Les résultats obtenus et qui sont détaillés dans l'article, permettent de suspecter une origine familiale et par là même, potentiellement génétique, à cette maladie d'étiologie inconnue. Jusqu'à présent aucune prépondérance familiale n'avait pu être mise en évidence dans les autres études sur le sujet. Pourtant cette maladie fait partie du groupe des fièvres récurrentes qui ont pour beaucoup déjà un diagnostic génétique.Notre étude ouvre donc des perspectives non seulement de recherche sur l'éventuelle cause génétique mais pourrait également permettre une meilleure compréhension de la maladie, de ses diverses présentations ainsi que par la suite de nouvelles possibilités thérapeutiques.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the molecular epidemiology and risk factors of predominant clones and sporadic strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Swiss hospitals and to compare them with European strains of epidemic clones. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One-year national survey of MRSA cases. Analysis of epidemiological and molecular typing data (PFGE) of MRSA strains. RESULTS: In 1997, 385 cases of MRSA were recorded in the five Swiss university hospitals and in 47 community hospitals. Half of the cases were found in Geneva hospitals where MRSA was already known to be endemic. Molecular typing of 288 isolates (one per case) showed that 186 (65%) belong to four predominant clones, three of which were mostly present in Geneva hospitals. In contrast, the fourth clone (85 cases) was found in 23 hospitals (in one to 16 cases per hospital). The remaining 35% of the strains were clustered into 62 pulsed field gel electrophoresis types. They accounted for one to five patients per hospital and were defined as sporadic. Multivariate analysis revealed no independent risk factors for harboring a predominant versus a sporadic strain, except that transfer from a foreign hospital increases the risk of harboring a sporadic strain (OR, 42; 95% CI, 5-360). CONCLUSION: While cases with predominant clones were due to the local spread of these clones, most sporadic cases appear to be due to the continuous introduction of new strains into the country. With the exception of a transfer from a hospital outside Switzerland, no difference in the clinical or epidemiological characteristics was observed between patients harboring a predominant clone and those with a sporadic strain.


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AIMS: To compare the molecular profile of a series of sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs) and hyperplastic polyps (HPs), in order to distinguish these lesions, SSAs having a potential role in the genesis of serrated adenocarcinomas through a serrated pathway in which methylation plays a key role. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve HPs and sixteen SSAs of the right and left colon were investigated for microsatellite instability, DNA mismatch repair genes, p53, p16, and beta-catenin expression, MLH1 and p16 (CDKN2A) gene methylation, and KRAS and BRAF mutations. Both SSAs and HPs were microsatellite stable. MLH1 and MSH2 protein silencing, aberrant cytoplasmic expression and methylation of p16 were found to be exclusive to right-sided SSAs. The MLH1 promoter gene was frequently methylated in right-sided SSAs in contrast with HPs. Abnormal p53 and beta-catenin expression was present in both SSAs and HPs. BRAF and KRAS mutation were mutually exclusive, but KRAS mutation was present only in left-sided SSAs and HPs. CONCLUSIONS: HPs and SSAs may be related lesions. However, at least right-sided SSAs differ from left-sided SSAs and HPs in the occurrence of MLH1 and p16 methylation, supporting the hypothesis that SSAs could be precursors of serrated adenocarcinomas.


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In order to evaluate the effect of head injury in severely traumatized patients on the response of ACTH, GH, PRL, and TSH plasma levels, 36 patients were prospectively studied over 5 consecutive days following injury. They were divided into three groups: Group I, severe isolated head injury (n = 14); Group II, multiple injury combined with severe head injury (n = 12); Group III, multiple injury without head injury (n = 10). No significant trend was observed during the 5 consecutive days. The following changes in plasma levels were observed, compared to normal reference value (median values): ACTH was normal in the three groups; PRL was elevated in Group II and normal in the other groups; GH was elevated in all groups; TSH was elevated in Group III and reduced in Groups I and II. Intergroup comparisons showed significantly lower plasma levels for PRL (p less than 0.05) and TSH (p less than 0.01) in Groups I and II, i.e., head-injured patients, compared to Group III, i.e., traumatized patients without head injury. A relationship was observed between the severity of head injury, as expressed by Glasgow Coma Score, intracranial pressure levels, outcome, and TSH and PRL levels.


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C57BL/6 mice are the most widely used strain of laboratory mice. Using in vivo proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ((1)H MRS), we have repeatedly observed an abnormal neurochemical profile in the brains of both wild-type and genetically modified mice derived from the C57BL/6J strain, consisting of a several fold increase in cerebral glutamine and two fold decrease in myo-inositol. This strikingly abnormal neurochemical "phenotype" resembles that observed in chronic liver disease or portosystemic shunting and appeared to be independent of transgene, origin or chow and was not associated with liver failure. As many as 25% of animals displayed the abnormal neurochemical profile, questioning the reliability of this model for neurobiology. We conducted an independent study to determine if this neurochemical profile was associated with portosystemic shunting. Our results showed that 100% of the mice with high brain glutamine displayed portosystemic shunting by concomitant portal angiography while all mice with normal brain glutamine did not. Since portosystemic shunting is known to cause alterations in gene expression in many organs including the brain, we conclude that portosystemic shunting may be the most significant problem associated with C57BL/6J inbreeding both for its effect on the central nervous system and for its systemic repercussions.


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Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy (SFRT) for patients with pituitary macroadenoma (PMA).Methods and Materials: Between March 2000 and March 2009, 27 patients (male to female ratio, 1.25) with PMA underwent SFRT (median dose, 50.4 Gy). Mean age of the patients was 56.5 years (range, 20.3 - 77.4). In all but one patient, SFRT was administered for salvage treatment after surgical resection (transphenoidal resection in 23, transphenoidal resection followed by craniotomy in 2 and multiple transphenoidal resections in another patient). In 10 (37%) patients, the PMAs were functional (3 ACTH-secreting, 3 prolactinomas, 2 growth hormone-secreting and 2 multiple hormone-secretion). Three (11.1%) and 9 (33.3%) patients had PMA abutting and compressing the optic chiasm, respectively. Mean tumor volume was 2.9 +/- 4.6 cm(3). Eighteen (66.7%) patients had hypopituitarism prior to SFRT. The mean follow-up period after SFRT was 72.4 +/- 37.2 months.Results: Tumor size decreased for 6 (22.2%) patients and remained unchanged for 19 (70.4%) other patients. Two (7.4%) patients had tumor growth inside the prescribed treatment volume. The estimated 5-year tumor growth control was 95.5% after SFRT. Biochemical remission occurred in 3 (30%) patients with functional PMA. Two patients with normal anterior pituitary function before SFRT developed new deficits 25 and 65 months after treatment. The 5-year survival without new anterior pituitary deficit was thus 95.8%. Five patients with visual field defect had improved visual function and 1 patient with no visual defect prior to SFRT, but an optic chiasm abutting tumor, had a decline in visual function. The estimated 5-year vision and pituitary function preservation rates were 93.2% and 95.8%, respectively.Conclusions: SFRT is a safe and effective treatment for patients with PMA, although longer follow-up is needed to evaluate long-term outcomes. In this study, approximately 1 patient with visual field defect out of two had an improved visual.


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An increase of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and a decrease of tissue-type PA (tPA) have been associated with the transition from normal to adenomatous colorectal mucosa. Serial sections from 25 adenomas were used to identify PA-related caseinolytic activities by in situ zymography, blocking selectively uPA or tPA. The distribution of uPA, tPA, and type 1 PA inhibitor mRNAs was investigated by nonradioactive in situ hybridization, and the receptor for uPA was detected by immunostaining. Low- and high-grade epithelial cell dysplasia was mapped histologically. Results show that 23 of 25 adenomas expressed uPA-related lytic activity located predominantly in the periphery whereas tPA-related activity was mainly in central areas of adenomas. In 15 of 25 adenomas, uPA mRNA was expressed in stromal cells clustered in foci that coincided with areas of uPA lytic activity. The probability of finding uPA mRNA-reactive cells was significantly higher in areas with high-grade epithelial dysplasia. uPA receptor was mainly stromal and expressed at the periphery. Type 1 PA inhibitor mRNA cellular expression was diffuse in the stroma, in endothelial cells, and in a subpopulation of alpha-smooth muscle cell actin-reactive cells. These results show that a stromal up-regulation of the uPA/plasmin system is associated with foci of severe dysplasia in a subset of colorectal adenomas.