75 resultados para SPERM MOTILITY
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
SUMMARY : The shrews are among the most ancient of living eutherian mammals. They represent an interesting comparative model because of their extreme divergent species. The two shrew subfamilies, Soricinae and Crocidurinae are characterized by fundamental differences concerning their metabolic rates, litter size, period of gestation and different mating pattern. In this study we established and compared the sperm characteristics in four species of different genera of shrews (Sorex araneus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura russula and Suncus murinus) in the context of the sperm competition hypothesis. The sperm competition concerns the competition between ejaculates of different males for fertilization of ova of a female within a single estrus period. As expected, a greater relative testis size (indicating the importance of polyandry) was associated with a higher number of cauda epididymal spermatozoa, higher level of circulating testosterone and a higher percentage of progressive sperm motility. In addition, we investigated if the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and relative testis size (RTS) may be correlated with the cycle length of spermatogenesis. In this purpose, we determined and compared the cycle length of spermatogenesis in six species of shrews belonging to two subfamilies: Soiricinae (Sorex araneus, Sorex coronatus, Sorex minutus, Neomys fodiens) and Crocidurinae (Crocidura russula, Sunctes murinus). Our results indicate that sperm competition and metabolic rate may act independently or together reducing cycle length of spermatogenesis and thus increase sperm production. We finally investigated this correlation across 32 mammalian species. After testing the data for phylogenetic independence, our results showed that BMR explained only 21 % of the variation, while the RTS explained 44% of the variation of the cycle length of spermatogenesis. The level of the sperm competition, indicated by RTS, is thus to our knowledge the most important factor influencing the speed of spermatogenesis in mammals. RESUME : Les musaraignes sont parmi les plus anciens mammifères vivants. Grâce à leurs extrêmes divergences, ils sont souvent utilisés comme modèles dans des études comparatives. Les deux sous-familles Soricinae et Crocidurinae sont caractérisées par des différences fondamentales, notamment en termes d'intensité du métabolisme, des stratégies de reproduction et du comportement social. Dans la première partie de cette étude, nous avons établi et comparé certaines "caractéristiques des spermatozoïdes chez quatre espèces de musaraignes appartenant à des genres différents (Sorex araneus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura russula et Suncus murinus). Les résultats ont été interprétés dans le contexte de la théorie de la compétition spermatique, c'est-à-dire la compétition entre le sperme de deux ou plusieurs mâles pour féconder un maximum d'ovules de la même femelle. Cette compétition spermatique peut amener à certaines adaptations biologiques afin de produire plus de sperme. Comme attendu, une grande taille relative des testicules est associée à un nombre élevé de spermatozoïdes, dont la majorité présente une mobilité progressive. Un taux élévé de testostérone a également été observé. De plus, nous avons étudié l'influence du métabolisme basal ainsi que l'intensité de la compétition spermatique sur la durée du cycle de la spermatogenèse. Dans ce but, nous avons déterminé et comparé les durées de la spermatogenèse chez six espèces de musaraignes appartenant à deux sous-familles : Soricinae (Sorex araneus, Sorex coronatus, Sorex minutus, Neomys fodiens) et Crocidurinae (Crocidura russula, Suncus murinus). Les résultats obtenus indiquent que ces deux facteurs (l'intensité du métabolisme basal et de la compétition spermatique) agissent d'une manière dépendante ou indépendante dans le même sens. La conséquence de ces actions est une diminution de la durée de la spermatogenèse entraînant une augmentation de la production de spermatozoïdes. Nous avons finalement étudié ce phénomène dans l'ensemble des mammifères. Après avoir testé l'indépendance phylogénétique, nos résultats montrent que l'intensité de la compétition spermatique indiquée par le RTS est mieux corrélée avec la régulation de la durée de la spermatogenèse qu'avec l'intensité du métabolisme.
The aim of this study was to establish and compare the sperm characteristics in four shrew species in the context of the sperm competition hypothesis. As expected, the large relative testis size in promiscuous species was associated with a high number of cauda epididymal spermatozoa and a high concentration of circulating testosterone. In addition, in Sorex and Neomys, species with high intensity of sperm competition, the spermatozoa stored in cauda epididymis were characterized by high percentage of progressive motility whereas in Crocidura and Suncus, the cauda epididymal spermatozoa were motile but with very low percentage of progressive motility. This capability is achieved only following the passage through the vas gland, a specialized region for sperm storage located along the vas deferens in these shrew species. The hypothesis that sperm competition is positively correlated with spermatozoa length could not be confirmed. In Crocidura and Suncus, the total sperm length is increased by the large sperm head due to a big acrosome. This trait, specific to the subfamily Crocidurinae, may results from a selective pressure independent of the context of sperm competition, related to a specific, but as yet unclear role, for the acrosome during the fertilization.
Odours of vertebrates often contain information about the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), and are used in kin recognition, mate choice or female investment in pregnancy. It is, however, still unclear whether MHC-linked signals can also affect male reproductive strategies. We used horses (Equus caballus) to study this question under experimental conditions. Twelve stallions were individually exposed either to an unfamiliar MHC-similar mare and then to an unfamiliar MHC-dissimilar mare, or vice versa. Each exposure lasted over a period of four weeks. Peripheral blood testosterone levels were determined weekly. Three ejaculates each were collected in the week after exposure to both mares (i.e. in the ninth week) to determine mean sperm number and sperm velocity. We found high testosterone levels when stallions were kept close to MHC-dissimilar mares and significantly lower ones when kept close to MHC-similar mares. Mean sperm number per ejaculate (but not sperm velocity) was positively correlated to mean testosterone levels and also affected by the order of presentation of mares: sperm numbers were higher if MHC-dissimilar mares were presented last than if MHC-similar mares were presented last. We conclude that MHC-linked signals influence testosterone secretion and semen characteristics, two indicators of male reproductive strategies.
A clinically significant proportion of couples experience difficulty in conceiving a child. In about half of these cases male infertility is the cause and often genetic factors are involved. Despite advances in clinical diagnostics ∼50% of male infertility cases remain idiopathic. Based on this, further analysis of infertile males is required to identify new genetic factors involved in male infertility. This review focuses on cation channel of sperm (CATSPER)-related male infertility. It is based on PubMed literature searches using the keywords 'CATSPER', 'male infertility', 'male contraception', 'immunocontraception' and 'pharmacologic contraception' (publication dates from January 1979 to December 2009). Previously, contiguous gene deletions including the CATSPER2 gene implicated the sperm-specific CATSPER channel in syndromic male infertility (SMI). Recently, we identified insertion mutations of the CATSPER1 gene in families with recessively inherited nonsyndromic male infertility (NSMI). The CATSPER channel therefore represents a novel human male fertility factor. In this review we summarize the genetic and clinical data showing the role of CATSPER mutation in human forms of NSMI and SMI. In addition, we discuss clinical management and therapeutic options for these patients. Finally, we describe how the CATSPER channel could be used as a target for development of a male contraceptive.
Soy and soy-based products are widely consumed by infants and adult individuals. There has been speculation that the presence of isoflavone phytoestrogens in soybean cause adverse effects on the development and function of the male reproductive system. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of dietary soy and phytoestrogens on testicular and reproductive functions. Male mice were fed from conception to adulthood with either a high soy-containing diet or a soy-free diet. Although adult mice fed a soy-rich diet exhibited normal male behaviour and were fertile, we observed a reduced proportion of haploid germ cells in testes correlating with a 25% decrease in epididymal sperm counts and a 21% reduction in litter size. LH and androgens levels were not affected but transcripts coding for androgen-response genes in Sertoli cells and Gapd-s, a germ cell-specific gene involved in sperm glycolysis and mobility were significantly reduced. In addition, we found that dietary soy decreased the size of the seminal vesicle but without affecting its proteolytic activity. Taken together, these studies show that long-term exposure to dietary soy and phytoestrogens may affect male reproductive function resulting in a small decrease in sperm count and fertility.
PURPOSE: Orbital wall fracture may occur during endoscopic sinus surgery, resulting in oculomotor disorders. We report the management of four cases presenting with this surgical complication. METHODS: A non-comparative observational retrospective study was carried out on four patients presenting with diplopia after endoscopic ethmoidal sinus surgery. All patients underwent full ophthalmologic and orthoptic examination as well as orbital imaging. RESULTS: All four patients presented with diplopia secondary to a medial rectus lesion confirmed by orbital imaging. A large horizontal deviation as well as limitation of adduction was present in all cases. Surgical management consisted of conventional recession-resection procedures in three cases and muscle transposition in one patient. A useful field of binocular single vision was restored in two of the four patients. CONCLUSION: Orbital injury may occur during endoscopic sinus surgery and cause diplopia, usually secondary to medial rectus involvement due to the proximity of this muscle to the lamina papyracea of the ethmoid bone. Surgical management is based on orbital imaging, duration of the lesion, evaluation of anterior segment vasculature, results of forced duction testing and intraoperative findings. In most cases, treatment is aimed at the symptoms rather than the cause, and the functional prognosis remains guarded.
One debated issues in evolutionary biology is, why in many species females mate with multiple males. Several hypotheses have been put forward, yet the benefits of multiple mating (here defined as mating with several males) remain unclear in many cases. The sperm sexual selection (SSS) hypothesis has been developed to account for the widespread occurrence of multiple mating in females. It argues that multiple mating by females may rapidly spread, when initially a small fraction of the females mate multiply, and if there is a heritable difference among males in one or several of the four characteristics: (1) the quantity of sperm they produce; (2) the success of their sperm in reaching and fertilizing an egg; (3) their ability to displace the sperm that females stored during previous mating; and (4) their ability to prevent any other male from subsequently introducing sperm (e.g., differential efficiency of mating plugs).
A decline in human sperm quality and quantity has been reported in numerous Western countries. This observation was also accompanied by an increase in urogenital malformations. The need for epidemiological studies dealing with unbiased populations in order to understand the causes of these observations is obvious. In Switzerland, the large majority of young men are asked to attend a military camp to be drafted into the army. A few weeks before this camp, conscripts were contacted and invited to participate in a large national study on semen quality. The participation was totally voluntary and anonymous. From September 2005 to June 2007, 770 volunteers filled out a questionnaire, underwent a clinical examination and provided sperm, blood and urine samples. Using self-rated health assessments, the observed cohort could be considered as healthy and no testicular cancer was found. Moreover, the testicular volumes, measured using Prader's orchidometry and ultrasonography, were comparable to those already published for young male populations. The median sperm concentration was 47 x 10(6)/ml, which is close to the concentration reported in Denmark, known to have the highest incidence of testicular cancer in Europe. Statistically significant differences were observed between regions with a lower sperm concentration for men residing in the Alps (43 x 10(6)/ml) and in the Zurich area (36 x 10(6)/ml) compared to men from West Plateau (54 x 10(6)/ml) and from the Jura (54 x 10(6)/ml). Such a regional discrepancy could be related to environmental factors, including endocrine disruptors. In order to confirm such regional differences more volunteers from the already studied regions should be studied and other parts of the country should be investigated. The rather low sperm concentration of Swiss young volunteers should be considered as a national health issue and investigated further.
Supportive breeding is an important tool in conservation management, but its long-term genetic consequences are not well understood. Among the factors that could affect the genetics of the offspring is sperm competition as a consequence of mixed-milt fertilizations - which is still a common practice in many hatcheries. Here, we measured and combined the relevant factors to predict the genetic consequences of various kinds of hatchery-induced sperm competition. We drew a random sample of male Coregonus zugensis (an Alpine whitefish) from a hatchery program and quantified their in vitro sperm potency by integrating sperm velocity during the first minute after activation, and their in vitro milt potency by multiplying sperm potency with milt volume and sperm cell density. We found that not controlling for sperm density and/or milt volume would, at a constant population size, decrease the variance effective number of male breeders N-em by around 40-50%. This loss would decrease with increasing population growth rates. Partial multifactorial breeding and the separate rearing of in total 799 batches of eggs revealed that neither sperm nor milt potency was significantly linked to egg survival. Sperm and milt potency was also not significantly correlated to other potential quality measures such as breeding tubercles or condition factor. However, sperm potency was correlated to male age and milt potency to male growth rate. Our findings suggest that hatchery-induced sperm competition not only increases the loss of genetic variation but may also induce artificial selection, depending on the fertilization protocol. By not equalizing milt volume in multi-male fertilization hatchery managers lose relatively more genetic variation and give fast-growing males a reproductive advantage, while equalizing milt volume reduces the loss of genetic variation and favors younger males who may have fast sperm to compensate for their subdominance at the spawning place. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
RESUME Les améliorations méthodologiques des dernières décennies ont permis une meilleure compréhension de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Il manque toutefois une méthode qui permette de suivre la progression du chyme le long du tube gastro-intestinal. Pour permettre l'étude de la motilité de tout le tractus digestif humain, une nouvelle technique, peu invasive, a été élaborée au Département de Physiologie, en collaboration avec l'EPFL. Appelée "Magnet Tracking", la technique est basée sur la détection du champ magnétique généré par des matériaux ferromagnétiques avalés. A cet usage, une pilule magnétique, une matrice de capteurs et un logiciel ont été développés. L'objet de ce travail est de démontrer la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinale chez l'Homme par cette méthode. L'aimant est un cylindre (ø 6x7 mm, 0.2 cm3) protégé par une gaine de silicone. Le système de mesure est constitué d'une matrice de 4x4 capteurs et d'un ordinateur portable. Les capteurs fonctionnent sur l'effet Hall. Grâce à l'interface informatique, l'évolution de la position de l'aimant est suivie en temps réel à travers tout le tractus digestif. Sa position est exprimée en fonction du temps ou reproduite en 3-D sous forme d'une trajectoire. Différents programmes ont été crées pour analyser la dynamique des mouvements de l'aimant et caractériser la motilité digestive. Dix jeunes volontaires en bonne santé ont participé à l'étude. L'aimant a été avalé après une nuit de jeûne et son séjour intra digestif suivi pendant 2 jours consécutifs. Le temps moyen de mesure était de 34 heures. Chaque sujet a été examiné une fois sauf un qui a répété sept fois l'expérience. Les sujets restaient en décubitus dorsal, tranquilles et pouvaient interrompre la mesure s'ils le désiraient. Ils sont restés à jeûne le premier jour. L'évacuation de l'aimant a été contrôlée chez tous les sujets. Tous les sujets ont bien supporté l'examen. Le marqueur a pu être détecté de l'oesophage au rectum. La trajectoire ainsi constituée représente une conformation de l'anatomie digestive : une bonne superposition de celle-ci à l'anatomie est obtenue à partir des images de radiologie conventionnelle (CT-scan, lavement à la gastrografine). Les mouvements de l'aimant ont été caractérisés selon leur périodicité, leur amplitude ou leur vitesse pour chaque segment du tractus digestif. Ces informations physiologiques sont bien corrélées à celles obtenues par des méthodes établies d'étude de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Ce travail démontre la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinal chez l'Homme par la méthode de Magnet Tracking. La technique fournit les données anatomiques et permet d'analyser en temps réel la dynamique des mouvements du tube digestif. Cette méthode peu invasive ouvre d'intéressantes perspectives pour l'étude de motilité dans des conditions physiologiques et pathologiques. Des expériences visant à valider cette approche en tant que méthode clinique sont en voie de réalisation dans plusieurs centres en Suisse et à l'étranger. SUMMARY Methodological improvements realised over the last decades have permitted a better understanding of gastrointestinal motility. Nevertheless, a method allowing a continuous following of lumina' contents is still lacking. In order to study the human digestive tract motility, a new minimally invasive technique was developed at the Department of Physiology in collaboration with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The method is based on the detection of magnetic field generated by swallowed ferromagnetic materials. The aim of our work was to demonstrate the feasibility of this new approach to study the human gastrointestinal motility. The magnet used was a cylinder (ø6x7mm, 0.2 cm3) coated with silicon. The magnet tracking system consisted of a 4x4 matrix of sensors based on the Hall effect Signals from the sensors were digitised and sent to a laptop computer for processing and storage. Specific software was conceived to analyse in real time the progression of the magnet through the gastrointestinal tube. Ten young and healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study. After a fasting period of 12 hours, they swallowed the magnet. The pill was then tracked for two consecutive days for 34 hours on average. Each subject was studied once except one who was studied seven times. Every subject laid on his back for the entire experiment but could interrupt it at anytime. Evacuation of the magnet was controlled in all subjects. The examination was well tolerated. The pill could be followed from the esophagus to the rectum. The trajectory of the magnet represented a "mould" of the anatomy of the digestive tube: a good superimposition with radiological anatomy (gastrografin contrast and CT) was obtained. Movements of the magnet were characterized by periodicity, velocity, and amplitude of displacements for every segment of the digestive tract. The physiological information corresponded well to data from current methods of studying gastrointestinal motility. This work demonstrates the feasibility of the new approach in studies of human gastrointestinal motility. The technique allows to correlate in real time the dynamics of digestive movements with the anatomical data. This minimally invasive method is ready for studies of human gastrointestinal motility under physiological as well as pathological conditions. Studies aiming at validation of this new approach as a clinically relevant tool are being realised in several centres in Switzerland and abroad. Abstract: A new minimally invasive technique allowing for anatomical mapping and motility studies along the entire human digestive system is presented. The technique is based on continuous tracking of a small magnet progressing through the digestive tract. The coordinates of the magnet are calculated from signals recorded by 16 magnetic field sensors located over the abdomen. The magnet position, orientation and trajectory are displayed in real time. Ten young healthy volunteers were followed during 34 h. The technique was well tolerated and no complication was encountered, The information obtained was 3-D con-figuration of the digestive tract and dynamics of the magnet displacement (velocity, transit time, length estimation, rhythms). In the same individual, repea-ted examination gave very reproducible results. The anatomical and physiological information obtained corresponded well to data from current methods and imaging. This simple, minimally invasive technique permits examination of the entire digestive tract and is suitable for both research and clinical studies. In combination with other methods, it may represent a useful tool for studies of Cl motility with respect to normal and pathological conditions.
Virulence in the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is controlled by cell density via diffusible signalling molecules ('autoinducers') of the N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) type. Two Bacillus sp. isolates (A23 and A24) with AHL-degrading activity were identified among a large collection of rhizosphere bacteria. From isolate A24 a gene was cloned which was similar to the aiiA gene, encoding an AHL lactonase in another Bacillus strain. Expression of the aiiA homologue from isolate A24 in P. aeruginosa PAO1 reduced the amount of the quorum sensing signal N-oxododecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone and completely prevented the accumulation of the second AHL signal, N-butyryl-L-homoserine lactone. This strongly reduced AHL content correlated with a markedly decreased expression and production of several virulence factors and cytotoxic compounds such as elastase, rhamnolipids, hydrogen cyanide and pyocyanin, and strongly reduced swarming. However, no effect was observed on flagellar swimming or on twitching motility, and aiiA expression did not affect bacterial adhesion to a polyvinylchloride surface. In conclusion, introduction of an AHL degradation gene into P. aeruginosa could block cell-cell communication and exoproduct formation, but failed to interfere with surface colonization.