159 resultados para Reliability benefit reflective transmission pricing
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of IPTp in two areas with different malaria transmission intensities. METHODS: Prospective observational study recruiting pregnant women in two health facilities in areas with high and low malaria transmission intensities. A structured questionnaire was used for interview. Maternal clinic cards and medical logs were assessed to determine drug intake. Placental parasitaemia was screened using both light microscopy and real-time quantitative PCR. RESULTS: Of 350 pregnant women were recruited and screened for placental parasitaemia, 175 from each area. Prevalence of placental parasitaemia was 16.6% (CI 11.4-22.9) in the high transmission area and 2.3% (CI 0.6-5.7) in the low transmission area. Being primigravida and residing in a high transmission area were significant risk factors for placental malaria (OR 2.4; CI 1.1-5.0; P = 0.025) and (OR 9.4; CI 3.2-27.7; P < 0.001), respectively. IPTp was associated with a lower risk of placental malaria (OR 0.3; CI 0.1-1.0; P = 0.044); the effect was more pronounced in the high transmission area (OR 0.2; CI 0.06-0.7; P = 0.015) than in the low transmission area (OR 0.4; CI 0.04-4.5; P = 0.478). IPTp use was not associated with reduced risk of maternal anaemia or low birthweight, regardless of transmission intensity. The number needed to treat (NNT) was four (CI 2-6) women in the high transmission area and 33 (20-50) in the low transmission area to prevent one case of placental malaria. CONCLUSION: IPTp may have an effect on lowering the risk of placental malaria in areas of high transmission, but this effect did not translate into a benefit on risks of maternal anaemia or low birthweight. The NNT needs to be considered, and weighted against that of other protective measures, eventually targeting areas which are above a certain threshold of malaria transmission to maximise the benefit.
BACKGROUND: The WOSI (Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index) is a self-administered quality of life questionnaire designed to be used as a primary outcome measure in clinical trials on shoulder instability, as well as to measure the effect of an intervention on any particular patient. It is validated and is reliable and sensitive. As it is designed to measure subjective outcome, it is important that translation should be methodologically rigorous, as it is subject to both linguistic and cultural interpretation. OBJECTIVE: To produce a French language version of the WOSI that is culturally adapted to both European and North American French-speaking populations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A validated protocol was used to create a French language WOSI questionnaire (WOSI-Fr) that would be culturally acceptable for both European and North American French-speaking populations. Reliability and responsiveness analyses were carried out, and the WOSI-Fr was compared to the F-QuickDASH-D/S (Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand-French translation), and Walch-Duplay scores. RESULTS: A French language version of the WOSI (WOSI-Fr) was accepted by a multinational committee. The WOSI-Fr was then validated using a total of 144 native French-speaking subjects from Canada and Switzerland. Comparison of results on two WOSI-Fr questionnaires completed at a mean interval of 16 days showed that the WOSI-Fr had strong reliability, with a Pearson and interclass correlation of r=0.85 (P=0.01) and ICC=0.84 [95% CI=0.78-0.88]. Responsiveness, at a mean 378.9 days after surgical intervention, showed strong correlation with that of the F-QuickDASH-D/S, with r=0.67 (P<0.01). Moreover, a standardized response means analysis to calculate effect size for both the WOSI-Fr and the F-QuickDASH-D/S showed that the WOSI-Fr had a significantly greater ability to detect change (SRM 1.55 versus 0.87 for the WOSI-Fr and F-QuickDASH-D/S respectively, P<0.01). The WOSI-Fr showed fair correlation with the Walch-Duplay. DISCUSSION: A French-language translation of the WOSI questionnaire was created and validated for use in both Canadian and Swiss French-speaking populations. This questionnaire will facilitate outcome assessment in French-speaking settings, collaboration in multinational studies and comparison between studies performed in different countries. TYPE OF STUDY: Multicenter cohort study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II.
This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the effects of benefit sanctions on post-unemployment outcomes such as post-unemployment employment stability and earnings. We use rich register data which allow us to distinguish between a warning that a benefit reduction may take place in the near future and the actual withdrawal of unemployment benefits. Adopting a multivariate mixed proportional hazard approach to address selectivity, we find that warnings do not affect subsequent employment stability but do reduce post-unemployment earnings. Actual benefit reductions lower the quality of post-unemployment jobs both in terms of job duration as well as in terms of earnings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Considérations méthodologiques Nous avons limité aux précisions indispensables à la compréhension de notre propos les considérations sur la gigantomachie en général. Nous renvoyons aux études signalées plus haut (supra, p. 7, n. 2), principalement pour ce qui concerne les géants avant leur transformation en anguipèdes à partir de l'époque hellénistique. Notre recherche de parallèles reposera sur quelques oeuvres d'art encore existantes : les sculptures décorant les plus importantes d'entre elles feront dès lors figure d'archétype, même si, bien sûr, rien ne permet d'exclure qu'il en ait existé de plus significatives. Parmi les nombreux monuments aujourd'hui disparus, respectivement parmi ceux qui seraient encore à découvrir, il s'en trouvait sans doute qui auraient été susceptibles de servir de modèle pour les sculptures ornant le fanum de Lousonna, duquel bien peu de restes nous sont parvenus. A l'exception de quelques renvois ponctuels, notre démarche s'est appuyée exclusivement sur du matériel et des informations déjà publiés. Pour la reconstitution des bas-reliefs de Lousonna, nous nous sommes inspiré généralement de sculptures hellénistiques et romaines dont l'ornementation présentait des similitudes avec les fragments à notre disposition ; la plupart des parallèles sont mentionnés dans le Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. L'examen des volumes du Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani et de quelques autres recueils nous a permis de faire des propositions pour les cas restés en suspens. A une exception près, l'échantillonnage aéré formé à partir d'ensembles sculptés qui devaient avoir les mêmes caractéristiques que le matériel que nous tenterons d'identifier : ils comportaient des monstres anguipèdes avec les jambes se terminant par la tête du serpent, remontant au plus tard à la fin de la période romaine et produits dans un atelier gréco-romain. Afin de recréer avec le plus de vraisemblance possible l'environnement du fanum de Lousonna, nous avons recherché des édifices de caractéristiques semblables dans les catalogues de temples gallo-romains dressés par P. D. HORNE et A. C. KING (1980), respectivement I. FAUDUET et P. ARCELIN (1993). Tant l'absence presque complète de restes architecturaux susceptibles d'être rapportés à l'édifice religieux que la nature somme toute modeste du vicus lémanique nous ont fait opter pour une variante minimaliste, se limitant finalement à la structure supportant la gigantomachie devant un temple sans aucune décoration. Pour tenter de préciser les modalités de la transmission du thème des géants, nous envisagerons trois cheminements possibles : la tradition orale, la transmission littéraire et, enfin, la représentation iconographique, qu'il s'agisse de monuments, d'objets mobiliers ou même des quelques rares illustrations de textes antiques. Sauf indication contraire, les textes anciens sont cités dans les traductions des Belles-Lettres, des Sources chrétiennes ou de la Loeb Classical Library dont la liste figure à la page 161. La version française des textes dont aucune traduction n'était disponible est généralement due à François Mottas (traduction F.M.). Nous ne reportons les dates de naissance des auteurs ou des artistes mentionnés que lorsqu'elles sont utiles à la compréhension de notre exposé. En plus du rôle qu'ont pu jouer les oeuvres d'art disparues au cours des deux derniers millénaires, divers facteurs ont dû assurer la constitution et la mise au point d'un imaginaire de plus en plus élaboré des gigantomachies. La mémoire a certes sa part dans l'inspiration des artistes qui réalisèrent les sculptures de la cité lémanique; mais si un mythe ou le récit d'un événement peuvent s'être transmis de bouche à oreille au cours des siècles, certaines ressemblances dans l'attitude des personnages sont trop frappantes, même en tenant compte de ces gestes qu'il n'existe qu'une seule façon de représenter: il n'est dès lors pas possible d'imaginer que la transmission des détails des scènes se serait pratiquée uniquement par voie orale. Si le voyage touristique; tel que nous l'entendons de nos jours, n'a pas existé, les personnes susceptibles d'avoir ramené des informations de leurs déplacements à travers l'Empire sont plus nombreuses qu'on ne le croirait au premier abord. Fonctionnaires allant prendre leur charge ou en mission dans une contrée voisine; soldats, parmi lesquels des mercenaires gaulois; pèlerins ayant visité de grands sanctuaires, comme celui d'Esculape à Pergame, emplacement de la gigantomachie la plus impressionnante, ou d'autres lieux de culte; jeunes fortunés ayant étudié à Athènes; commerçants accompagnés par des muletiers ou des portefaix acheminant leurs marchandises; membres de corporations ou artisans exerçant des métiers itinérants; esclaves, dont l'exportation devait représenter une source de revenus intéressante pour les commerçants romains; en dernier lieu, sans parler des artistes eux-mêmes, ces arpenteurs-géomètres chargés de toutes sortes de relevés qui accompagnaient les empereurs lors de leurs déplacements (infra, p. 36). Il faudra cependant rester prudent quant à l'affirmation d'une connaissance visuelle directe que les sculpteurs de Lousonna auraient eue des réalisations antiques avec lesquelles nous mettrons la gigantomachie en parallèle. Même si elle n'a toujours pas pu être prouvée, la circulation de cahiers de modèles semble bel et bien assurée: dans un atelier, les maîtres ont forcément passé leurs croquis à leurs successeurs et ceci s'est peut-être répété pour plusieurs générations d'artisans. Sans parler des monnaies, d'autres moyens de transmission peuvent encore être mentionnés : éventuelles éditions illustrées de textes antiques, motifs gravés sur des gemmes ou représentés sur des récipients décorés... Une observation s'impose ici : la plupart des monuments que nous utiliserons pour notre reconstitution existaient encore lors de l'érection de notre gigantomachie. Une fois les bas-reliefs de Lousonna reconstitués, restait donc à combler l'absence de toute étude sur la survie de la gigantomachie à travers les âges et à préciser l'emploi qui en serait fait à la Renaissance. Divers recueils d'ouvrages consacrés à la mythologie et remontant à cette période nous ont permis de décrire les modalités de la reprise du récit de la guerre des géants; en l'absence de toute synthèse sur ceux-ci dans la peinture de la Renaissance, c'est en partant de l'examen des nombreux travaux consacrés au Palazzo del Te à Mantoue que nous avons pu établir un lien entre les représentations de géants peintes durant la première moitié du 16ème siècle, au cours duquel la gigantomachie était redevenue un sujet d'actualité. Le monument de la bourgade lémanique comporte encore neuf personnages et constitue, avec celui d'Yzeures-sur-Creuse, l'exemplaire le plus complet découvert dans la partie occidentale de l'Empire romain : il méritait bien d'être à l'origine d'une telle démarche.
A new study shows that wood ant queens selectively pass the maternally-inherited half of their genome to their daughters and the paternally-inherited half to their sons. This system, which most likely evolved from ancestral hybridization, creates distinct genetic lineages.
We assessed the blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) achieved with 2 angiotensin (Ang) antagonists given either alone at different doses or with an ACE inhibitor. First, 20 normotensive subjects were randomly assigned to 100 mg OD losartan (LOS) or 80 mg OD telmisartan (TEL) for 1 week; during another week, the same doses of LOS and TEL were combined with 20 mg OD lisinopril. Then, 10 subjects were randomly assigned to 200 mg OD LOS and 160 mg OD TEL for 1 week and 100 mg BID LOS and 80 mg BID TEL during the second week. Blockade of the RAS was evaluated with the inhibition of the pressor effect of exogenous Ang I, an ex vivo receptor assay, and the changes in plasma Ang II. Trough blood pressure response to Ang I was blocked by 35+/-16% (mean+/-SD) with 100 mg OD LOS and by 36+/-13% with 80 mg OD TEL. When combined with lisinopril, blockade was 76+/-7% with LOS and 79+/-9% with TEL. With 200 mg OD LOS, trough blockade was 54+/-14%, but with 100 mg BID it increased to 77+/-8% (P<0.01). Telmisartan (160 mg OD and 80 mg BID) produced a comparable effect. Thus, at their maximal recommended doses, neither LOS nor TEL blocks the RAS for 24 hours; hence, the addition of an ACE inhibitor provides an additional blockade. A 24-hour blockade can be achieved with an angiotensin antagonist alone, provided higher doses or a BID regimen is used.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of fulvestrant, an estrogen receptor antagonist, in postmenopausal women with hormone-responsive tumors progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a phase II, open, multicenter, noncomparative study. Two patient groups were prospectively considered: group A (n=70) with AI-responsive disease and group B (n=20) with AI-resistant disease. Fulvestrant 250 mg was administered as intramuscular injection every 28 (+/-3) days. RESULTS: All patients were pretreated with AI and 84% also with tamoxifen or toremifene; 67% had bone metastases and 45% liver metastases. Fulvestrant administration was well tolerated and yielded a clinical benefit (CB; defined as objective response or stable disease [SD] for >or=24 weeks) in 28% (90% confidence interval [CI] 19% to 39%) of patients in group A and 37% (90% CI 19% to 58%) of patients in group B. Median time to progression (TTP) was 3.6 (95% CI 3.0 to 4.8) months in group A and 3.4 (95% CI 2.5 to 6.7) months in group B. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, 30% of patients who had progressed following prior AI treatment gained CB with fulvestrant, thereby delaying indication to start chemotherapy. Prior response to an AI did not appear to be predictive for benefit with fulvestrant.
To determine viral subtypes and resistance mutations to antiretroviral treatment (ART) in untreated HIV-1 acutely infected subjects from Southwest Switzerland. Clinical samples were obtained from the HIV primary infection cohort from Lausanne. Briefly, pol gene was amplified by nested PCR and sequenced to generate a 1?kb sequence spanning protease and reverse transcriptase key protein regions. Nucleotide sequences were used to assess viral genotype and ART resistance mutations. Blood specimens and medical information were obtained from 30 patients. Main viral subtypes corresponded to clade B, CRF02_AG, and F1. Resistant mutations to PIs consisted of L10V and accessory mutations 16E and 60E present in all F1 clades. The NNRTI major resistant mutation 103N was detected in all F1 viruses and in other 2 clades. Additionally, we identified F1 sequences from other 6 HIV infected and untreated individuals from Southwest Switzerland, harboring nucleotide motifs and resistance mutations to ART as observed in the F1 strains from the cohort. These data reveal a high transmission rate (16.6%) for NNRTI resistant mutation 103N in a cohort of HIV acute infection. Three of the 5 resistant strains were F1 clades closely related to other F1 isolates from HIV-1 infection untreated patients also coming from Southwest Switzerland. Overall, we provide strong evidence towards an HIV-1 resistant transmission network in Southwest Switzerland. These findings have relevant implications for the local molecular mapping of HIV-1 and future ART surveillance studies in the region.
When speech is degraded, word report is higher for semantically coherent sentences (e.g., her new skirt was made of denim) than for anomalous sentences (e.g., her good slope was done in carrot). Such increased intelligibility is often described as resulting from "top-down" processes, reflecting an assumption that higher-level (semantic) neural processes support lower-level (perceptual) mechanisms. We used time-resolved sparse fMRI to test for top-down neural mechanisms, measuring activity while participants heard coherent and anomalous sentences presented in speech envelope/spectrum noise at varying signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). The timing of BOLD responses to more intelligible speech provides evidence of hierarchical organization, with earlier responses in peri-auditory regions of the posterior superior temporal gyrus than in more distant temporal and frontal regions. Despite Sentence content × SNR interactions in the superior temporal gyrus, prefrontal regions respond after auditory/perceptual regions. Although we cannot rule out top-down effects, this pattern is more compatible with a purely feedforward or bottom-up account, in which the results of lower-level perceptual processing are passed to inferior frontal regions. Behavioral and neural evidence that sentence content influences perception of degraded speech does not necessarily imply "top-down" neural processes.
Purpose: Revolutionary endovascular treatments are on the verge of being available for management of ascending aortic diseases. Morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have already been done with ECG-gated MDCT to help such therapeutic development. However the reliability of these measurements remains unknown. The objective of this work was to compare the intraobserver and interobserver variability of CAD (computer aided diagnosis) versus manual measurements in the ascending aorta. Methods and materials: Twenty-six consecutive patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography (64-row CT scanner) were evaluated. Measurements of the maximum and minimum ascending aorta diameters at mid-distance between the brachiocephalic artery and the aortic valve were obtained automatically with a commercially available CAD and manually by two observers separately. Both observers repeated the measurements during a different session at least one month after the first measurements. Intraclass coefficients as well the Bland and Altman method were used for comparison between measurements. Two-paired t-test was used to determine the significance of intraobserver and interobserver differences (alpha = 0.05). Results: There is a significant difference between CAD and manual measurements in the maximum diameter (p = 0.004) for the first observer, whereas the difference was significant for minimum diameter between the second observer and the CAD (p <0.001). Interobserver variability showed a weak agreement when measurements were done manually. Intraobserver variability was lower with the CAD compared to the manual measurements (limits of variability: from -0.7 to 0.9 mm for the former and from -1.2 to 1.3 mm for the latter). Conclusion: In order to improve reproductibility of measurements whenever needed, pre- and post-therapeutic management of the ascending aorta may benefit from follow-up done by a unique observer with the help of CAD.
OBJECTIVES: Advances in biopsychosocial science have underlined the importance of taking social history and life course perspective into consideration in primary care. For both clinical and research purposes, this study aims to develop and validate a standardised instrument measuring both material and social deprivation at an individual level. METHODS: We identified relevant potential questions regarding deprivation using a systematic review, structured interviews, focus group interviews and a think-aloud approach. Item response theory analysis was then used to reduce the length of the 38-item questionnaire and derive the deprivation in primary care questionnaire (DiPCare-Q) index using data obtained from a random sample of 200 patients during their planned visits to an ambulatory general internal medicine clinic. Patients completed the questionnaire a second time over the phone 3 days later to enable us to assess reliability. Content validity of the DiPCare-Q was then assessed by 17 general practitioners. Psychometric properties and validity of the final instrument were investigated in a second set of patients. The DiPCare-Q was administered to a random sample of 1898 patients attending one of 47 different private primary care practices in western Switzerland along with questions on subjective social status, education, source of income, welfare status and subjective poverty. RESULTS: Deprivation was defined in three distinct dimensions: material (eight items), social (five items) and health deprivation (three items). Item consistency was high in both the derivation (Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR20) =0.827) and the validation set (KR20 =0.778). The DiPCare-Q index was reliable (interclass correlation coefficients=0.847) and was correlated to subjective social status (r(s)=-0.539). CONCLUSION: The DiPCare-Q is a rapid, reliable and validated instrument that may prove useful for measuring both material and social deprivation in primary care.
Mitochondrial (M) and lipid droplet (L) volume density (vd) are often used in exercise research. Vd is the volume of muscle occupied by M and L. The means of calculating these percents are accomplished by applying a grid to a 2D image taken with transmission electron microscopy; however, it is not known which grid best predicts these values. PURPOSE: To determine the grid with the least variability of Mvd and Lvd in human skeletal muscle. METHODS: Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis of 10 healthy adults, trained (N=6) and untrained (N=4). Samples of 5-10mg were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and embedded in EPON. Longitudinal sections of 60 nm were cut and 20 images were taken at random at 33,000x magnification. Vd was calculated as the number of times M or L touched two intersecting grid lines (called a point) divided by the total number of points using 3 different sizes of grids with squares of 1000x1000nm sides (corresponding to 1µm2), 500x500nm (0.25µm2) and 250x250nm (0.0625µm2). Statistics included coefficient of variation (CV), 1 way-BS ANOVA and spearman correlations. RESULTS: Mean age was 67 ± 4 yo, mean VO2peak 2.29 ± 0.70 L/min and mean BMI 25.1 ± 3.7 kg/m2. Mean Mvd was 6.39% ± 0.71 for the 1000nm squares, 6.01% ± 0.70 for the 500nm and 6.37% ± 0.80 for the 250nm. Lvd was 1.28% ± 0.03 for the 1000nm, 1.41% ± 0.02 for the 500nm and 1.38% ± 0.02 for the 250nm. The mean CV of the three grids was 6.65% ±1.15 for Mvd with no significant differences between grids (P>0.05). Mean CV for Lvd was 13.83% ± 3.51, with a significant difference between the 1000nm squares and the two other grids (P<0.05). The 500nm squares grid showed the least variability between subjects. Mvd showed a positive correlation with VO2peak (r = 0.89, p < 0.05) but not with weight, height, or age. No correlations were found with Lvd. CONCLUSION: Different size grids have different variability in assessing skeletal muscle Mvd and Lvd. The grid size of 500x500nm (240 points) was more reliable than 1000x1000nm (56 points). 250x250nm (1023 points) did not show better reliability compared with the 500x500nm, but was more time consuming. Thus, choosing a grid with square size of 500x500nm seems the best option. This is particularly relevant as most grids used in the literature are either 100 points or 400 points without clear information on their square size.
Targeted mutagenesis directed by oligonucleotides (ONs) is a promising method for manipulating the genome in higher eukaryotes. In this study, we have compared gene editing by different ONs on two new target sequences, the eBFP and the rd1 mutant photoreceptor betaPDE cDNAs, which were integrated as single copy transgenes at the same genomic site in 293T cells. Interestingly, antisense ONs were superior to sense ONs for one target only, showing that target sequence can by itself impart strand-bias in gene editing. The most efficient ONs were short 25 nt ONs with flanking locked nucleic acids (LNAs), a chemistry that had only been tested for targeted nucleotide mutagenesis in yeast, and 25 nt ONs with phosphorothioate linkages. We showed that LNA-modified ONs mediate dose-dependent target modification and analyzed the importance of LNA position and content. Importantly, when using ONs with flanking LNAs, targeted gene modification was stably transmitted during cell division, which allowed reliable cloning of modified cells, a feature essential for further applications in functional genomics and gene therapy. Finally, we showed that ONs with flanking LNAs aimed at correcting the rd1 stop mutation could promote survival of photoreceptors in retinas of rd1 mutant mice, suggesting that they are also active in vivo.
Ce volume rassemble les contributions présentées au Colloque international sur "La littérature apocryphe en langue arménienne" qui s'est tenu du 18 au 20 sep-tembre 1997 à l'Université de Genève. Cette réunion scientifique a été organisée conjointement par le Centre de recherches arménologiques de Genève et par l'Institut romand des sciences bibliques de l'Université de Lausanne. Il est le fruit d'une première collaboration entre l'Association internationale des études arméniennes (AIEA) et l'Association pour l'étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (AELAC). Les deux associations ont tenté de définir ensemble la place et l'importance des oeuvres apocryphes arméniennes dans l'histoire de l'établissement du canon biblique ainsi que dans le contexte plus général de la diffusion des textes chrétiens et juifs. Après quelques réflexions introductives, les articles de ce volume ont été regroupés en quatre sections autours des thèmes de la transmission, de la traduction, de la création et de l'iconographie. Le débat entre les spécialistes de l'AIEA et de l'AELAC à l'occasion des journées genevoises s'est avéré très stimulants. La publication de ce volume, qui s'adresse également au public des non arménisants, contribue à intensifier et à promouvoir d'autres formes de collaborations interdisciplinaires, indispensables dans un champ de recherche aux implications si vastes.