27 resultados para Rape Myths
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract: This book studies several mythical motifs, found in the Veda (especially in the Ùgveda) on the one hand and in one or both Sanskrit epics on the other: Agni's hiding, the theft of the Soma, Indra's rape of Ahalyå, Upamanyu's salvation by the Aßvins, and finally the representation of the Great War of the Mahåbhårata as a sacrifice. While it is often said that the subsequent Indian literature only paid "lipservice" to the Vedas without really knowing and even less understanding these texts, the present study not only shows that many Vedic myths are still kept alive in the Epics, but more importantly that their deep underlying meaning was perfectly understood by the epic mythmakers, and reactualized to fit the changed religious conditions of epic times. Résumé: Descriptif du livre Ce livre étudie plusieur motifs mythologiques qui se trouvent à la fois dans les Vedas (et spécialement dans le Ùgveda), et dans l'une ou l'autre des grandes épopées sanskrites, le Mahåbhårata et le Råmåyana. Ces motifs sont: la disparition d'Agni, le rapt du Soma, le viol d'Ahalyå par Indra, le sauvetage d'Upamanyu par les Aßvins, et enfin, la représentation de la grande guerre du Mahåbhårata comme un rite sacrificiel. On maintient souvent que la littérature plus tardive ne fait référence aux Vedas que pour la forme, sans pour autant réellement connaître et encore moins comprendre ces textes. Mais la présente étude montre tout au contraire que non seulement beaucoup de mythes védiques se retrouvent dans les épopées, mais encore ? ce qui est plus important ? que les mythographes de l'épopée avaient parfaitement compris leur sens profond, et l'avaient réactualisé pour répondre aux changements religieux de l'époque épique.
Review of : Fabulous Science: Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery by John Waller Oxford University Press
Cardiovascular failure and low flow states may arise in very different conditions from both cardiac and noncardiac causes. Systemic hemodynamic failure inevitably alters splanchnic blood flow but in an unpredictable way. Prolonged low splanchnic blood flow causes intestinal ischemia, increased mucosal permeability, endotoxemia, and distant organ failure. Mortality associated with intestinal ischemia is high. Why would enteral nutrition (EN) be desirable in these complex patients when parenteral nutrition could easily cover energy and substrate requirements? Metabolic, immune, and practical reasons justify the use of EN. In addition, continuous enteral feeding minimizes systemic and myocardial oxygen consumption in patients with congestive heart failure. Further, early feeding in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients has been shown to reduce mortality, particularly in the sickest patients. In a series of cardiac surgery patients with compromised hemodynamics, absorption has been maintained, and 1000-1200 kcal/d could be delivered by enteral feeding. Therefore, early EN in stabilized patients should be attempted, and can be carried out safely under close clinical monitoring, looking for signs of incipient intestinal ischemia. Energy delivery and balance should be monitored, and combined feeding considered when enteral feeds cannot be advanced to target within 4-6 days.
Résumé: Relevant du domaine des représentations, cette thèse porte sur la reconstitution du processus relatif à l'invention des notions liées au «coeur du continent » asiatique, distinguant deux phases: avant et après l'apparition de la dénomination Asie centrale. Partant de l'idée que dans le processus de création de cet objet d'investigation deux actes restent primordiaux - le découpage d'un continuum géographique et culturel et la nomination des parties extraites cette étude cherche à reconstituer selon quels critères et en fonction de quelles justifications et de quels arguments, il a été possible de parvenir, via des mots, à créer les notions centre-asiatiques, afin de faire valoir des «choses» en les représentant verbalement ou graphiquement comme réelles. Cette optique invite, dans une perspective d'histoire des sciences, à travers des images changeantes, à interroger l'Asie centrale en tant qu'objet d'étude, tel qu'il a été historiquement inventé, construit et représenté par les voyageurs et les scientifiques, sans négliger l'analyse du processus politique qui a réussi à insérer des lignes-frontières dans cet espace. Cette investigation aidera à mieux comprendre le sens épistémologique des expressions relatives à l'Asie centrale, souvent imprégnées d'une vision eurocentriste, lors de la progression des connaissances sur la région, en faisant revivre des courants de pensées multiples afin de pouvoir saisir la logique du développement des idées et comprendre quel rôle ces limites centre-asiatiques inventées, qui ne sont que la codification temporelle de certaines données, jouent dans les investigations scientifiques. Abstract: This dissertation proposes a reconstitution of the process of construction of the concepts relating to the Asia's «Heart of the Continent». It is divided into two parts: I: before the invention of the Central. Asia concept, from Antiquity until nineteenth century; II: the notion after this event. The study is mainly devoted to an epistemologic analysis of the arguments used during the delineation and the designation of this space
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Nos sociétés contemporaines, à l'heure de la mondialisation, ont-elles perdu le sens de l'hospitalité ? Qu'en est-il de ses fonctions et de ses figures à la fois morales, politiques, religieuses et imaginaires ? Lorsque Ulysse abordait un nouveau rivage, la même question revenait : Vais-je trouver des brutes, des sauvages sans justice ou des hommes hospitaliers craignant les dieux ? L'hospitalité a toujours été signe de civilisation et d'humanité, et les pérégrinations d'Ulysse ont su dresser une géographie imaginaire du monde humain, dessinant les contours et traçant les limites de la culture et de la nature. Considérant qu'il est urgent de retrouver cette mémoire hospitalière du monde humain, plus de quatre-vingt-dix auteurs du monde entier ont rassemblé leurs savoirs des us et coutumes, des lieux, des cultures, des représentations, des mythes et des oeuvres d'art qui font de l'hospitalité la plus indispensable des valeurs humaines. Philosophes, historiens, ethnologues, littéraires, linguistes... invitent le lecteur, leur hôte, à découvrir le vaste parcours ouvert des significations et des pratiques de l'accueil dans l'histoire culturelle. Have modern day societies in this era of globalization forgotten the sense of hospitality? Hospitality is a principle which used to play a major social function, with its symbolic, ethical, political and religious figures. This book is designed to preserve the memory of the tradition of hospitality. To that end 90 authors from throughout the world have collaborated to present this exhaustive encyclopedia of the places, the customs, the cultures, the myths and the artistic representations of hospitality, all of which bear witness to its importance as a human value. Philosophers, historians, ethnologists, writers, linguists welcome the reader to discover the place that hospitality has had in cultural history, in terms of both how and why it was practised. - This book offers a fivefold treatment of the perennial tradition of hospitality: - Definitions - Civilizations (throughout history and across religions and cultures) - Institutions and places of hospitality, both real and imaginary (castles, hospitals, gardens, churches, etc.) - Myths, figures and artistic representation - Philosophy, politics and society.
Epidemiological studies show a prevalence of sexual abuse experience among girls from 14-33%. Although indicators of abuse are unspecific, the combination of several findings may be indicative: Somatic signs may be sexually transmitted diseases, vulvovaginal complaints. Psychosocial nonsexual indicators are abrupt behavioural changes, running away from home, eating disorders. Psychosexual signs are hypersexualisation of the language and behaviour, disturbed body image and gender identity. Indirect evidence of abuse is given not only in cases of old vaginal and anal lesions but also in situations, where deep tears of the hymen in the typical localization at the posterior part can be found. The workup and care for children in whom there is suspicion of abuse but no clear evidence asks for highly competent professionals in a multidisciplinary cooperation including pediatric gynecologists, child psychiatrists, children-protection groups and other specialists to avoid on one hand unjustified destabilisation or even destruction of familial structures but to assure on the other hand, that the child victims are treated and followed after in a short and long term comprehensive medical and psychosocial care.
Most models on introgression from genetically modified (GM) plants have focused on small spatial scales, modelling gene flow from a field containing GM plants into a single adjacent population of a wild relative. Here, we present a model to study the effect of introgression from multiple plantations into the whole metapopulation of the wild relative. The most important result of the model is that even very low levels of introgression and selection can lead to a high probability that the transgene goes to fixation in the metapopulation. Furthermore, the overall frequency of the transgene in the metapopulation, after a certain number of generations of introgression, depends on the population dynamics. If there is a high rate of migration or a high rate of population turnover, the overall transgene frequency is much higher than with lower rates. However, under an island model of population structure, this increased frequency has only a very small effect on the probability of fixation of the transgene. Considering these results, studies on the potential ecological risks of introgression from GM plants should look not only at the rate of introgression and selection acting on the transgene, but also at the metapopulation dynamics of the wild relative.