28 resultados para Randers, Jorgen: Kasvun rajat: 30 vuotta myöhemmin
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
La maladie de Coats est une vasculopathie non héréditaire. Elle est caractérisée par la présence de télangiectasies rétiniennes idiopathiques, d'exsudats lipidiques intrarétiniens et sousrétiniens, une rétinopathie ischémique et un décollement de rétine exsudative. Cette maladie se présente typiquement dans l'enfance, elle est unilatérale et atteint les hommes dans la majorité des cas. Nous décrivons un cas atypique d'un patient avec une maladie de Coats qui a récidivé 30 ans plus tard malgré un traitement initial efficace. Ce cas illustre l'évolution de la maladie de Coats à long terme. L'enjeu de ce cas est de faire une étude exhaustive des différents traitements possibles de cette maladie. Nous avons réalisé une révision de la littérature des cas de la maladie de Coats qui ont récidivé à long terme. Il y a peu de cas décrits dans la littérature avec un long suivi. En conclusion, la maladie de Coats doit être considérée comme une maladie chronique qui nécessite un suivi à long terme. Cette maladie peut se réveiller et récidiver dans des zones de la rétine, qui n'ont pas été atteintes auparavant, et plusieures décennies plus tard. Le traitement standard de cette maladie est la réalisation d'une cryothérapie et du laser argon dans les zones atteintes de la rétine. Dans les cas où l'exsudation rétinienne est très importante il peut s'avérer de faire un traitement chirurgical avec drainage du liquide sousrétinien, ce qui a été réalisé sur ce patient.
L'étude proposée par l'A. comporte trois parties. La première est consacrée à un rapide survol des principales interprétations de la péricope à partir des lectures qu'elles font du v. 27. La deuxième s'articule autour de trois thèses qui sont l'occasion de discuter plus en détails une lecture psychanalytique, une lecture féministe et une lecture sociologique de la péricope. Enfin, une troisième partie s'intéresse au sens du passage de la frontière par Jésus à partir d'une relecture de la péricope dans le contexte de l'Évangile de Marc.
AIMS: Patients with well-tolerated sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) over 30% may benefit from a primary strategy of VT ablation without immediate need for a 'back-up' implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-six patients with structural heart disease (SHD), LVEF over 30%, and well-tolerated SMVT (no syncope) underwent primary radiofrequency ablation without ICD implantation at eight European centres. There were 139 men (84%) with mean age 62 ± 15 years and mean LVEF of 50 ± 10%. Fifty-five percent had ischaemic heart disease, 19% non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy, and 12% arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Three hundred seventy-eight similar patients were implanted with an ICD during the same period and serve as a control group. All-cause mortality was 12% (20 patients) over a mean follow-up of 32 ± 27 months. Eight patients (40%) died from non-cardiovascular causes, 8 (40%) died from non-arrhythmic cardiovascular causes, and 4 (20%) died suddenly (SD) (2.4% of the population). All-cause mortality in the control group was 12%. Twenty-seven patients (16%) had a non-fatal recurrence at a median time of 5 months, while 20 patients (12%) required an ICD, of whom 4 died (20%). CONCLUSION: Patients with well-tolerated SMVT, SHD, and LVEF > 30% undergoing primary VT ablation without a back-up ICD had a very low rate of arrhythmic death and recurrences were generally non-fatal. These data would support a randomized clinical trial comparing this approach with others incorporating implantation of an ICD as a primary strategy.
OBJECTIVE: A retrospective study to review the experience of a single center with surgery for aortic coarctation over a period of 30 years (1970-1999). METHODS: Criteria for inclusion: (a) aortic coarctation, isolated or associated with congenital heart defect; (b) surgery between 1970 and 1999. Data recorded: (1) date of surgery; (2) age at surgery; (3) associated lesions; (4) surgical technique; (5) simultaneous surgical procedures; (6) early and late surgical results in term of: (a) deaths; (b) need for reoperation because of re-coarctation or other cardiac lesion; (c) residual/recurrent pressure gradient, evaluated at cuff/Doppler at rest; (d) systemic hypertension, requiring medical treatment. RESULTS: One hundred and forty-one patients underwent surgery for aortic coarctation: 30 neonates, 29 infants, 45 children and 37 adults. Associated lesions were found in 8/37 (=21.6%) adults and in 73/104 (=70.1%) pediatric patients. There were no hospital deaths. During the follow-up there were one late death in the adults group (1/37=2.7%) and three late deaths in the pediatric group (3/104=2.9%), all unrelated with aortic coarctation. Re-operation because of re-coarctation occurred only in ten late survivors of the pediatric group (10/101=9.9%), 9/10 operated on before 1980 (P<0.00001). End-to-end anastomosis, enlarged to the aortic arch in neonates, was associated with the lowest incidence of re-coarctation (P<0.005). A significant (>20 mmHg at rest) pressure gradient was found in none of the adults, and in seven of the 91 pediatric patients (7/91=7.7%) late survivors. Three adults (3/36=8.3%) late survivors are on medical treatment to control systemic hypertension. CONCLUSIONS: The long-term results of our retrospective study confirm that surgery has to be considered the gold standard for the treatment of aortic coarctation. The interventional angioplasty techniques have to provide long-term outcome at least similar to the results obtained with surgery.
Erythrokeratodermia variabilis (EKV) is an autosomal dominant keratinization disorder characterized by migratory erythematous lesions and fixed keratotic plaques. All families with EKV show mapping to chromosome 1p34-p35, and mutations in the gene for connexin 31 (Cx31) have been reported in some but not all families. We studied eight affected and three healthy subjects in an Israeli family, of Kurdish origin, with EKV. After having mapped the disorder to chromosome 1p34-p35, we found no mutations in the genes for Cx31, Cx31.1, and Cx37. Further investigation revealed a heterozygous T-->C transition leading to the missense mutation (F137L) in the human gene for Cx30.3 that colocalizes on chromosome 1p34-p35. This nucleotide change cosegregated with the disease and was not found in 200 alleles from normal individuals. This mutation concerns a highly conserved phenylalanine, in the third transmembrane region of the Cx30.3 molecule, known to be implicated in the wall formation of the gap-junction pore. Our results show that mutations in the gene for Cx30.3 can be causally involved in EKV and point to genetic heterogeneity of this disorder. Furthermore, we suggest that our family presents a new type of EKV because of the hitherto unreported association with erythema gyratum repens.
Une superbe fresque des quêtes spirituelles de l'humanité. Qui sont ces maîtres de vie, ces sages, ces mystiques qui ont façonné l'aventure spirituelle de l'humanité ? Quels sont les grands textes qu'ils ont écrits ou suscités, quelles sont les sources de leur inspiration ? Pour la première fois en un seul volume les trésors de sagesses de l'histoire de l'humanité : 100 figures spirituelles (Du Bouddha à Thérèse d'Avila, de Sénèque à Gandhi, d'Ibn 'Arabi à Simone Weil, des sages égyptiens aux lamas tibétains contemporains, des maîtres du hassidisme aux gurus de l'Inde moderne...), 200 textes de sagesse du monde entier, 100 illustrations.
Astrocytes play active roles in brain physiology by dynamic interactions with neurons. Connexin 30, one of the two main astroglial gap-junction subunits, is thought to be involved in behavioral and basic cognitive processes. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms are unknown. We show here in mice that connexin 30 controls hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission through modulation of astroglial glutamate transport, which directly alters synaptic glutamate levels. Unexpectedly, we found that connexin 30 regulated cell adhesion and migration and that connexin 30 modulation of glutamate transport, occurring independently of its channel function, was mediated by morphological changes controlling insertion of astroglial processes into synaptic clefts. By setting excitatory synaptic strength, connexin 30 plays an important role in long-term synaptic plasticity and in hippocampus-based contextual memory. Taken together, these results establish connexin 30 as a critical regulator of synaptic strength by controlling the synaptic location of astroglial processes.