126 resultados para Protein in the haemolymph
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Liver fatty-acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is a cytoplasmic polypeptide that binds with strong affinity especially to long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). It is highly expressed in both the liver and small intestine, where it is thought to have an essential role in the control of the cellular fatty acid (FA) flux. Because expression of the gene encoding L-FABP is increased by both fibrate hypolipidaemic drugs and LCFAs, it seems to be under the control of transcription factors, termed peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), activated by fibrate or FAs. However, the precise molecular mechanism by which these regulations take place remain to be fully substantiated. Using transfection assays, we found that the different PPAR subtypes (alpha, gamma and delta) are able to mediate the up-regulation by FAs of the gene encoding L-FABP in vitro. Through analysis of LCFA- and fibrate-mediated effects on L-FABP mRNA levels in wild-type and PPARalpha-null mice, we have found that PPARalpha in the intestine does not constitute a dominant regulator of L-FABP gene expression, in contrast with what is known in the liver. Only the PPARdelta/alpha agonist GW2433 is able to up-regulate the gene encoding L-FABP in the intestine of PPARalpha-null mice. These findings demonstrate that PPARdelta can act as a fibrate/FA-activated receptor in tissues in which it is highly expressed and that L-FABP is a PPARdelta target gene in the small intestine. We propose that PPARdelta contributes to metabolic adaptation of the small intestine to changes in the lipid content of the diet.
Glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP, is a major intermediate filament protein of glial cells and major cytoskeletal structure in astrocytes. The entorhinal cortex has a key role in memory function and is one of the first brain areas to reveal hallmark structures of Alzheimer's disease and therefore provides an ideal tissue to investigate incipient neurodegenerative changes. Here we have analyzed age- and disease-related occurrence and composition of GFAP in the human entorhinal cortex by using one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blots and immunocytochemistry combined with confocal microscopy. A novel monoclonal antibody, GF-02, was characterized that mainly reacted with intact GFAP molecules and indicated that more acidic and soluble GFAP forms were also more susceptible to degradation. GFAP and vimentin increased with aging and in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Two-dimensional electrophoresis and Western blots revealed a complex GFAP pattern, both in aging and AD with different modification and degradation forms. Immunohistochemistry indicated that reactive astrocytes mainly accumulated in relation to neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques in deeper entorhinal cortex layers. GFAP may be used as an additional but not exclusive diagnostic tool in the evaluation of neurodegenerative diseases because its levels change with age and respond to senile plaque and tangle formation.
ABSTRACT In S. cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14pwt is essential far mitotic exit through its contribution to reducing mitotic CDK activity. But Cdc14pwt also acts as a mare general temporal coordinator of mid and late mitotic events by controlling the partitioning of DNA, microtubule stability and cytokinesis. Cdc14pwt orthologs are well conserved from yeasts to humans, and sequence comparison revealed the presence of three domains, A, B and C, of which A and B form the catalytic domain. Cdc14pwt orthologs are regulated (in part) through cell cycle dependent changes in their localization. Some of them are thought to be kept inactive by sequestration in the nucleolus during interphase. This is the case for flp1pwt, the single identified Cdc14pwt ortholog in the fission yeast S. pombe. In early mitosis, flp1pwt leaves the nucleolus and localizes to the kinetochores, the contractile ring and the mitotic spindle, suggesting that it has multiple substrates and regulates many mitotic processes. flp1D cells show a high chromosome loss rate and septation defects, suggesting a role for flp1wt in the fidelity of chromosome transmission and cytokinesis. The aim of this study is to characterize the mechanisms underlying flp1pwt functions and the control of its activity. A structure-function analysis has revealed that the presence of both A and B domains is required for biological function and for proper flp1pwt mitotic localization. In contrast, the C domain of flp1pwt is responsible for its proper nucleolar localization in G2/interphase. My data suggest that dephosphorylation of substrates by flp1pwt is not necessary for any changes in localization of flp1pwt except that at the medial ring. In that particular case, the catalytic activity of flp1pwt is required for efficient localization, therefore revealing an additional level of regulation. All the functions of flp1pwt assayed to date require its catalytic activity, emphasizing the importance of further identification of its substrates. As described for other orthologs, the capability of selfinteraction and phosphorylation status might help to control flp1pwt activity. My data suggest that flp1pwt forms oligomers in vivo and that phosphorylation is not essential far localization changes of the protein. In addition, the hypophosphorylated form of flp1pwt might be specifically involved in the promotion of cytokinesis. The results of this study suggest that multiple modes of regulation including localization, selfassociation and phosphorylation allow a fine-tuning regulation of flp1pwt phosphatase activity, and more generally that of Cdc14pwt family of phosphatases. RESUME Chez la levure S. cerevisiae, la protéine phosphatase Cdc14pwt est essentielle pour la sortie de mitose du fait de sa contribution dans la réduction d'activité des CDK mitotiques. Comme elle contrôle également le partage de l'ADN, la stabilité des microtubules et la cytokinèse, Cdc14pwt est en fait considérée comme un coordinateur temporel général des évènements de milieu et de fin de mitose. Les orthologues de Cdc14pwt sont bien conservés, des levures jusqu'à l'espèce humaine. Des comparaisons de séquence ont révélé la présence de trois domaines A, B et C, les deux premiers constituant le domaine catalytique. Ils sont régulés (en partie) via des changements dans leur localisation, eux-mêmes dépendants du cycle cellulaire. Plusieurs de ces orthologues sont supposés inactivés par séquestration dans le nucléole en interphase, ce qui est le cas de flp1pwt le seul orthologue de Cdc14pwt identifié chez la levure fissipare S, pombe. En début de mitose, flp1pwt quitte le nucléole et localise au niveau des kinetochores, de l'anneau contractile d'actine et du fuseau mitotique, ce qui laisse supposer de multiples substrats et fonctions. Comme les cellules délétées pour le gène flp1wt présentent un taux élevé de perte de chromosome et des défauts de septation, flp1pwt semble jouer un rôle dans la fidélité de la transmission du matériel génétique et la cytokinèse. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions assurées par flp1pwt d'une part, et dans le contrôle de son activité d'autre part. Une analyse structure-fonction a révélé que la présence simultanée des deux domaines A et B est requise pour la fonction biologique de flp1pwt et sa localisation correcte pendant la mitose. Par contre, le domaine C de flp1pwt confère une localisation nucléolaire adéquate en G2/interphase. Mes données suggèrent que la déphosphorylation de substrats par flp1pwt est dispensable pour sa localisation correcte excepté celle à l'anneau médian, qui requiert dans ce cas, l'activité catalytique de flp1pwt, révélant ainsi un niveau de régulation supplémentaire. Toutes les fonctions de flp1 pwt testées jusqu'à présent nécessitent également son activité catalytique, ce qui accentue l'importance de l'identification future de ses substrats. Comme cela a déjà été décrit pour d'autres orthologues, la capacité d'auto-intéraction et le niveau de phosphorylation pourraient contrôler l'activité de flp1pwt. En effet, mes données suggèrent que flp1pwt forme des oligomères in vivo et que la phosphorylation n'est pas essentielle pour les changements de localisation observés pour la protéine. De plus, la forme hypophosphorylée de flp1pwt pourrait être spécifiquement impliquée dans la promotion de la cytokinèse. De multiples modes de régulation incluant la localisation, l'auto-association et la phosphorylation semblent permettre un contrôle fin et subtil de l'activité de la phosphatase flp1pwt, et plus généralement celle des protéines de la famille de Cdc14pwt.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection induces the endogenous interferon (IFN) system in the liver in some but not all patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Patients with a pre-activated IFN system are less likely to respond to the current standard therapy with pegylated IFN-alpha. Mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) is an important adaptor molecule in a signal transduction pathway that senses viral infections and transcriptionally activates IFN-beta. The HCV NS3-4A protease can cleave and thereby inactivate MAVS in vitro, and, therefore, might be crucial in determining the activation status of the IFN system in the liver of infected patients. We analyzed liver biopsies from 129 patients with CHC to investigate whether MAVS is cleaved in vivo and whether cleavage prevents the induction of the endogenous IFN system. Cleavage of MAVS was detected in 62 of the 129 samples (48%) and was more extensive in patients with a high HCV viral load. MAVS was cleaved by all HCV genotypes (GTs), but more efficiently by GTs 2 and 3 than by GTs 1 and 4. The IFN-induced Janus kinase (Jak)-signal transducer and activator of transcription protein (STAT) pathway was less frequently activated in patients with cleaved MAVS, and there was a significant inverse correlation between cleavage of MAVS and the expression level of the IFN-stimulated genes IFI44L, Viperin, IFI27, USP18, and STAT1. We conclude that the pre-activation status of the endogenous IFN system in the liver of patients with CHC is in part regulated by cleavage of MAVS.
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major clinical problem in terms of morbidity, mortality, and use of hospital resources. It is well recognized that a delay in making the diagnosis and instituting appropriate antibiotic treatment is associated with an increased mortality. C-reactive protein may be helpful in the management of patients with CAP. CRP is widely used in the management of CAP, including diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up. But its usefulness is not known. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the usefulness of CRP in the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of CAP.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Chronic exposure of pancreatic beta cells to proinflammatory cytokines leads to impaired insulin secretion and apoptosis. ARE/poly(U)-binding factor 1 (AUF1) belongs to a protein family that controls mRNA stability and translation by associating with adenosine- and uridine-rich regions of target messengers. We investigated the involvement of AUF1 in cytokine-induced beta cell dysfunction. METHODS: Production and subcellular distribution of AUF1 isoforms were analysed by western blotting. To test for their role in the control of beta cell functions, each isoform was overproduced individually in insulin-secreting cells. The contribution to cytokine-mediated beta cell dysfunction was evaluated by preventing the production of AUF1 isoforms by RNA interference. The effect of AUF1 on the production of potential targets was assessed by western blotting. RESULTS: MIN6 cells and human pancreatic islets were found to produce four AUF1 isoforms (p42>p45>p37>p40). AUF1 isoforms were mainly localised in the nucleus but were partially translocated to the cytoplasm upon exposure of beta cells to cytokines and activation of the ERK pathway. Overproduction of AUF1 did not affect glucose-induced insulin secretion but promoted apoptosis. This effect was associated with a decrease in the production of the anti-apoptotic proteins, B cell leukaemia/lymphoma 2 (BCL2) and myeloid cell leukaemia sequence 1 (MCL1). Silencing of AUF1 isoforms restored the levels of the anti-apoptotic proteins, attenuated the activation of the nuclear factor-κB (NFκB) pathway, and protected the beta cells from cytokine-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our findings point to a contribution of AUF1 to the deleterious effects of cytokines on beta cell functions and suggest a role for this RNA-binding protein in the early phases of type 1 diabetes.
Résumé Le transfert du phosphate des racines vers les feuilles s'effectue par la voie du xylème. Il a été précédemment démontré que la protéine AtPHO1 était indispensable au transfert du phosphate dans les vaisseaux du xylème des racines chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. Le séquençage et l'annotation du génome d'Arabidopsis ont permis d'identifier dix séquences présentant un niveau de similarité significatif avec le gène AtPHO1 et constituant une nouvelle famille de gène appelé la famille de AtPHO1. Basée sur une étude moléculaire et génétique, cette thèse apporte des éléments de réponse pour déterminer le rôle des membres de ia famille de AtPHO1 chez Arabidopsis, inconnue à ce jour. Dans un premier temps, une analyse bioinformatique des séquences protéiques des membres de la famille de AtPHO1 a révélé la présence dans leur région N-terminale d'un domaine nommé SPX. Ce dernier est conservé parmi de nombreuses protéines impliquées dans l'homéostasie du phosphate chez la levure, renforçant ainsi l'hypothèse que les membres de la famille de AtPHO1 auraient comme AtPHO1 un rôle dans l'équilibre du phosphate dans la plante. En parallèle, la localisation tissulaire de l'expression des gènes AtPHO dans Arabidopsis a été identifiée par l'analyse de plantes transgéniques exprimant le gène rapporteur uidA sous le contrôle des promoteurs respectifs des gènes AtPHO. Un profil d'expression de chaque gène AtPHO au cours du développement de la plante a été obtenu. Une expression prédominante au niveau des tissus vasculaires des racines, des feuilles, des tiges et des fleurs a été observée, suggérant que les gènes AtPHO pourraient avoir des fonctions redondantes au niveau du transfert de phosphate dans le cylindre vasculaire de ces différents organes. Toutefois, plusieurs régions promotrices des gènes AtPHO contrôlent également un profil d'expression GUS non-vasculaire, indiquant un rôle putatif des gènes AtPHO dans l'acquisition ou le recyclage de phosphate dans la plante. Dans un deuxième temps, l'analyse de l'expression des gènes AtPHO durant une carence en phosphate a établi que seule l'expression des gènes AtPHO1, AtPHO1; H1 et AtPHO1; H10 est régulée par cette carence. Une étude approfondie de leur expression en réponse à des traitements affectant l'homéostasie du phosphate dans la plante a ensuite démontré leur régulation par différentes voies de signalisation. Ensuite, une analyse détaillée de la régulation de l'expression du gène AtPHO1; H1O dans des feuilles d'Arabidopsis blessées ou déshydratées a révélé que ce gène constitue le premìer gène marqueur d'une nouvelle voie de signalisation induite par l'OPDA, pas par le JA et dépendante de la protéine COI1. Ces résultats démontrent pour la première fois que l'OPDA et le JA peuvent activer différents gènes via des voies de signalisation dépendantes de COI1. Enfin, cette thèse révèle l'identification d'un nouveau rôle de la protéine AtPHO1 dans la régulation de l'action de l'ABA au cours des processus de fermeture stomatique et de germination des graines chez Arabidopsis. Bien que les fonctions exactes des protéines AtPHO restent à être déterminées, ce travail de thèse suggère leur implication dans la propagation de différents signaux dans la plante via la modulation du potentiel membranaire et/ou l'affectation de la composition en ions des cellules comme le font de nombreux transporteurs ou régulateur du transport d'ions. Summary Phosphate is transferred from the roots to the shoot via the xylem. The requirement for AtPHO1 protein to transfer phosphate to the xylem vessels of the root has been previously demonstrated in Arabidopsis thaliana. The sequencing and the annotation of the Arabidopsis genome had allowed the identification of ten sequences that show a significant level of similarity with the AtPHO1 gene. These 10 genes, of unknown functions, constitute a new gene family called the AtPHO1 gene family. Based on a molecular and genetics study, this thesis reveals some information needed to understand the role of the AtPHO1 family members in the plant Arabidopsis. First, a bioinformatics study revealed that the AtPHO sequences contained, in the N-terminal hydrophilic region, a motif called SPX and conserved among multiple proteins involved in phosphate homeostasis in yeast. This finding reinforces the hypothesis that all AtPHO1 family members have, as AtPHO1, a role in phosphate homeostasis. In parallel, we identified the pattern of expression of AtPHO genes in Arabidopsis via analysis of transgenic plants expressing the uidA reporter gene under the control of respective AtPHO promoter regions. The results exhibit a predominant expression of AtPHO genes in vascular tissues of all organs of the plant, implying that these AtPHO genes could have redundant functions in the transfer of phosphate to the vascular cylinder of various organs. The GUS expression pattern for several AtPHO promoter regions was also detected in non-vascular tissue indicating a broad role of AtPHO genes in the acquisition or in the recycling of phosphate in the plant. In a second step, the analysis of the expression of AtPHO genes during phosphate starvation established that only the expression of the AtPHO1, AtPHO1; H1 and AtPHO1; H10 genes were regulated by Pi starvation. Interestingly, different signalling pathways appeared to regulate these three genes during various treatments affecting Pi homeostasis in the plant. The third chapter presents a detailed analysis of the signalling pathways regulating the expression of the AtPHO1; H10 gene in Arabidopsis leaves during wound and dehydrated stresses. Surprisingly, the expression of AtPHO1; H10 was found to be regulated by OPDA (the precursor of JA) but not by JA itself and via the COI1 protein (the central regulator of the JA signalling pathway). These results demonstrated for the first time that OPDA and JA could activate distinct genes via COI1-dependent pathways. Finally, this thesis presents the identification of a novel role of the AtPHO1 protein in the regulation of ABA action in Arabidopsis guard cells and during seed germination. Although the exact role and function of AtPHO1 still need to be determined, these last findings suggest that AtPHO1 and by extension other AtPHO proteins could mediate the propagation of various signals in the plant by modulating the membrane potential and/or by affecting cellular ion composition, as it is the case for many ion transporters or regulators of ion transport.
Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome (HFS) is a human genetic disease caused by mutations in the anthrax toxin receptor 2 (or cmg2) gene, which encodes a membrane protein thought to be involved in the homeostasis of the extracellular matrix. Little is known about the structure and function of the protein or the genotype-phenotype relationship of the disease. Through the analysis of four patients, we identify three novel mutants and determine their effects at the cellular level. Altogether, we show that missense mutations that map to the extracellular von Willebrand domain or the here characterized Ig-like domain of CMG2 lead to folding defects and thereby to retention of the mutated protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Mutations in the Ig-like domain prevent proper disulphide bond formation and are more efficiently targeted to ER-associated degradation. Finally, we show that mutant CMG2 can be rescued in fibroblasts of some patients by treatment with proteasome inhibitors and that CMG2 is then properly transported to the plasma membrane and signalling competent, identifying the ER folding and degradation pathway components as promising drug targets for HFS.
Machado-Joseph disease is the most frequently found dominantly-inherited cerebellar ataxia. Over-repetition of a CAG trinucleotide in the MJD1 gene translates into a polyglutamine tract within the ataxin 3 protein, which upon proteolysis may trigger Machado-Joseph disease. We investigated the role of calpains in the generation of toxic ataxin 3 fragments and pathogenesis of Machado-Joseph disease. For this purpose, we inhibited calpain activity in mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease by overexpressing the endogenous calpain-inhibitor calpastatin. Calpain blockage reduced the size and number of mutant ataxin 3 inclusions, neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration. By reducing fragmentation of ataxin 3, calpastatin overexpression modified the subcellular localization of mutant ataxin 3 restraining the protein in the cytoplasm, reducing aggregation and nuclear toxicity and overcoming calpastatin depletion observed upon mutant ataxin 3 expression. Our findings are the first in vivo proof that mutant ataxin 3 proteolysis by calpains mediates its translocation to the nucleus, aggregation and toxicity and that inhibition of calpains may provide an effective therapy for Machado-Joseph disease.
The HeCo mouse model is characterized by a subcortical heterotopia formed by misplaced neurons normally migrating into the superficial cortical layers. The mutant mouse has a tendency to epileptic seizures. In my thesis project we discovered the mutated Eml1 gene, a member of the echinoderm microtubule-associated protein (EMAP) family, in HeCo as well as in a family of three children showing complex malformation of cortical development. This discovery formed an important step in exploring the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the HeCo phenotype. In vitro results showed that during cell division the EML1 protein is associated with the midbody and a mutated version of Eml1 highlighted an important role of the protein in the astral MT array during cell cycle. In vivo, we found that already at an early age of cortical development (E13), ectopic progenitors such as RGs (PAX6) and IPCs (TBR2) accumulate in the IZ along the entire neocortex. We demonstrated that in the VZ of the HeCo mouse, spindle orientation and cell cycle exit are perturbed. In later stages (E17), RG fibers are strongly disorganized with deep layer (TBR1) and upper layer (CUX1) neurons trapped within an ectopic mass. At P3, columns of upper layer neurons were present between the heterotopia and the developing cortex; these columns were also present at P7 but at lesser extent. Time lapse video recording (E15.5) revealed that the parameters characterizing the migration of individual neurons are not disturbed in HeCo; however, this analysis showed that the density of migrating neuron was smaller in HeCo. In conclusion, truncated EML1 is likely to play a prominent role during cell cycle but also acts on the cytoskeletal architecture altering the shape of RG fibers thus influencing the pattern of neuronal migration. The signal transduction between external cues and intracellular effector pathways through MTs may be secondary but sustains the heterotopia development and further studies are needed to clarify the impact of EML1 in progenitors versus post-mitotic cells.
Ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification, which decides on the cellular fate of the protein. Addition of ubiquitin moieties to proteins is carried out by the sequential action of three enzymes: E1, ubiquitin-activating enzyme; E2, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; and E3, ubiquitin ligase. The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP, TRIP, RNF206) functions as Really Interesting New Gene (RING)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, but its physiological substrates are not yet known. TRAIP was reported to interact with TRAF [tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factors] and the two tumor suppressors CYLD and Syk (spleen tyrosine kinase). Ectopically expressed TRAIP was shown to inhibit nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signalling. However, recent results suggested a role for TRAIP in biological processes other than NF-κB regulation. Knock-down of TRAIP in human epidermal keratinocytes repressed cellular proliferation and induced a block in the G1/S phase of the cell cycle without affecting NF-κB signalling. TRAIP is necessary for embryonal development as mutations affecting the Drosophila homologue of TRAIP are maternal effect-lethal mutants, and TRAIP knock-out mice die in utero because of aberrant regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. These findings underline the tight link between TRAIP and cell proliferation. In this review, we summarize the data on TRAIP and put them into a larger perspective regarding the role of TRAIP in the control of tissue homeostasis.
The t(15;17) chromosomal translocation, specific for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), fuses the PML gene to the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR alpha) gene, resulting in expression of a PML-RAR alpha hybrid protein. In this report, we analyzed the nature of PML-RAR alpha-containing complexes in nuclear protein extracts of t(15;17)-positive cells. We show that endogenous PML-RAR alpha can bind to DNA as a homodimer, in contrast to RAR alpha that requires the retinoid X receptor (RXR) dimerization partner. In addition, these cells contain oligomeric complexes of PML-RAR alpha and endogenous RXR. Treatment with retinoic acid results in a decrease of PML-RAR alpha protein levels and, as a consequence, of DNA binding by the different complexes. Using responsive elements from various hormone signaling pathways, we show that PML-RAR alpha homodimers have altered DNA-binding characteristics when compared to RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers. In transfected Drosophila SL-3 cells that are devoid of endogenous retinoid receptors PML-RAR alpha inhibits transactivation by RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers in a dominant fashion. In addition, we show that both normal retinoid receptors and the PML-RAR alpha hybrid bind and activate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor responsive element from the Acyl-CoA oxidase gene, indicating that retinoids and peroxisome proliferator receptors may share common target genes. These properties of PML-RAR alpha may contribute to the transformed phenotype of APL cells.
The peroxisome targeting signal (PTS) required for import of the rat acyl-CoA oxidase (AOX; EC and the Candida tropicalis multifunctional protein (MFP) in plant peroxisomes was assessed in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. The native rat AOX accumulated in peroxisomes in A. thaliana cotyledons and targeting was dependent on the presence of the C-terminal tripeptide S-K-L. In contrast, the native C. tropicalis MFP, containing the consensus PTS sequence A-K-I was not targeted to plant peroxisomes. Modification of the carboxy terminus to the S-K-L tripeptide also failed to deliver the MFP to peroxisomes while addition of the last 34 amino acids of the Brassica napus isocitrate lyase, containing the terminal tripeptide S-R-M, enabled import of the fusion protein into peroxisomes. These results underline the influence of the amino acids adjacent to the terminal tripeptide of the C. tropicalis MFP on peroxisomal targeting, even in the context of a protein having a consensus PTS sequence S-K-L.
Elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) concentration is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease but this association seems to be largely mediated via conventional cardiovascular risk factors. In particular, the association between hs-CRP and obesity has been extensively demonstrated and correlations are stronger in women than men. We used fractional polynomials-a method that allows flexible modeling of non linear relations-to investigate the dose/response mathematical relationship between hs-CRP and several indicators of adiposity in Caucasians (Switzerland) and Africans (Seychelles) surveyed in two population-based studies. This relationship was non-linear exhibiting a steeper slope for low levels of hs-CRP and a higher level in women. The observed sex difference in the relationship between hs-CRP and adiposity almost disappeared upon adjustment for leptin, suggesting that these sex differences might be partially mediated, by leptin. All these relationship were similar in Caucasians and Africans. This is the first report on a non-linear relation, stratified by gender, between hs-CRP and adiposity.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Since the publications of the ESPEN guidelines on enteral and parenteral nutrition in ICU, numerous studies have added information to assist the nutritional management of critically ill patients regarding the recognition of the right population to feed, the energy-protein targeting, the route and the timing to start. METHODS: We reviewed and discussed the literature related to nutrition in the ICU from 2006 until October 2013. RESULTS: To identify safe, minimal and maximal amounts for the different nutrients and at the different stages of the acute illness is necessary. These amounts might be specific for different phases in the time course of the patient's illness. The best approach is to target the energy goal defined by indirect calorimetry. High protein intake (1.5 g/kg/d) is recommended during the early phase of the ICU stay, regardless of the simultaneous calorie intake. This recommendation can reduce catabolism. Later on, high protein intake remains recommended, likely combined with a sufficient amount of energy to avoid proteolysis. CONCLUSIONS: Pragmatic recommendations are proposed to practically optimize nutritional therapy based on recent publications. However, on some issues, there is insufficient evidence to make expert recommendations.