22 resultados para Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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The scaffold protein Islet-Brain1/c-Jun amino-terminal kinase Interacting Protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1) is a modulator of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity, which has been implicated in pleiotrophic cellular functions including cell differentiation, division, and death. In this study, we described the presence of IB1/JIP-1 in epithelium of the rat prostate as well as in the human prostatic LNCaP cells. We investigated the functional role of IB1/JIP-1 in LNCaP cells exposed to the proapoptotic agent N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4-HPR) which induced a reduction of IB1/JIP-1 content and a concomittant increase in JNK activity. Conversely, IB1/JIP-1 overexpression using a viral gene transfer prevented the JNK activation and the 4-HPR-induced apoptosis was blunted. In prostatic adenocarcinoma cells, the neuroendocrine (NE) phenotype acquisition is associated with tumor progression and androgen independence. During NE transdifferentiation of LNCaP cells, IB1/JIP-1 levels were increased. This regulated expression of IB1/JIP-1 is secondary to a loss of the neuronal transcriptional repressor neuron restrictive silencing factor (NRSF/REST) function which is known to repress IB1/JIP-1. Together, these results indicated that IB1/JIP-1 participates to the neuronal phenotype of the human LNCaP cells and is a regulator of JNK signaling pathway.


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The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology consensus conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the substaging of pT2 prostate cancers according to the TNM 2002/2010 system, reporting of tumor size/volume and zonal location of prostate cancers were coordinated by working group 2. A survey circulated before the consensus conference demonstrated that 74% of the 157 participants considered pT2 substaging of prostate cancer to be of clinical and/or academic relevance. The survey also revealed a considerable variation in the frequency of reporting of pT2b substage prostate cancer, which was likely a consequence of the variable methodologies used to distinguish pT2a from pT2b tumors. Overview of the literature indicates that current pT2 substaging criteria lack clinical relevance and the majority (65.5%) of conference attendees wished to discontinue pT2 substaging. Therefore, the consensus was that reporting of pT2 substages should, at present, be optional. Several studies have shown that prostate cancer volume is significantly correlated with other clinicopathological features, including Gleason score and extraprostatic extension of tumor; however, most studies fail to demonstrate this to have prognostic significance on multivariate analysis. Consensus was reached with regard to the reporting of some quantitative measure of the volume of tumor in a prostatectomy specimen, without prescribing a specific methodology. Incorporation of the zonal and/or anterior location of the dominant/index tumor in the pathology report was accepted by most participants, but a formal definition of the identifying features of the dominant/index tumor remained undecided.


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INTRODUCTION: EORTC trial 22991 was designed to evaluate the addition of concomitant and adjuvant short-term hormonal treatments to curative radiotherapy in terms of disease-free survival for patients with intermediate risk localized prostate cancer. In order to assess the compliance to the 3D conformal radiotherapy protocol guidelines, all participating centres were requested to participate in a dummy run procedure. An individual case review was performed for the largest recruiting centres as well. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT-data of an eligible prostate cancer patient were sent to 30 centres including a description of the clinical case. The investigator was requested to delineate the volumes of interest and to perform treatment planning according to the protocol. Thereafter, the investigators of the 12 most actively recruiting centres were requested to provide data on five randomly selected patients for an individual case review. RESULTS: Volume delineation varied significantly between investigators. Dose constraints for organs at risk (rectum, bladder, hips) were difficult to meet. In the individual case review, no major protocol deviations were observed, but a number of dose reporting problems were documented for centres using IMRT. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, results of this quality assurance program were satisfactory. The efficacy of the combination of a dummy run procedure with an individual case review is confirmed in this study, as none of the evaluated patient files harboured a major protocol deviation. Quality assurance remains a very important tool in radiotherapy to increase the reliability of the trial results. Special attention should be given when designing quality assurance programs for more complex irradiation techniques.


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Active surveillance in prostate cancer The spread of PSA in the screening of prostate cancer has almost doubled the incidence of this disease in the last twenty years. An improved understanding of the natural history of this cancer allows for risk stratification of the disease and to better predict insignificant prostate cancer. Active surveillance has recently been proposed as a new option to delay or avoid a radical treatment for patients with low-risk disease. The principle, results and future perspectives of this treatment modality are discussed in this review.


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Androgen receptor (AR) signaling is a key driver of prostate cancer (PC). While androgen-deprivation therapy is transiently effective in advanced disease, tumors often progress to a lethal castration-resistant state (CRPC). We show that recurrent PC-driver mutations in speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) stabilize the TRIM24 protein, which promotes proliferation under low androgen conditions. TRIM24 augments AR signaling, and AR and TRIM24 co-activated genes are significantly upregulated in CRPC. Expression of TRIM24 protein increases from primary PC to CRPC, and both TRIM24 protein levels and the AR/TRIM24 gene signature predict disease recurrence. Analyses in CRPC cells reveal that the TRIM24 bromodomain and the AR-interacting motif are essential to support proliferation. These data provide a rationale for therapeutic TRIM24 targeting in SPOP mutant and CRPC patients.


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Beta-lactams active against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) must resist penicillinase hydrolysis and bind penicillin-binding protein 2A (PBP 2A). Cefamandole might share these properties. When tested against 2 isogenic pairs of MRSA that produced or did not produce penicillinase, MICs of cefamandole (8-32 mg/L) were not affected by penicillinase, and cefamandole had a > or =40 times greater PBP 2A affinity than did methicillin. In rats, constant serum levels of 100 mg/L cefamandole successfully treated experimental endocarditis due to penicillinase-negative isolates but failed against penicillinase-producing organisms. This suggested that penicillinase produced in infected vegetations might hydrolyze the drug. Indeed, cefamandole was slowly degraded by penicillinase in vitro. Moreover, its efficacy was restored by combination with sulbactam in vivo. Cefamandole also uniformly prevented MRSA endocarditis in prophylaxis experiments, a setting in which bacteria were not yet clustered in the vegetations. Thus, while cefamandole treatment was limited by penicillinase, the drug was still successful for prophylaxis of experimental MRSA endocarditis.


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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria have emerged in the early 1980's in numerous health care institutions around the world. The main transmission mechanism within hospitals and healthcare facilities is through the hands of health care workers. Resistant to several antibiotics, the MRSA is one of the most feared pathogens in the hospital setting since it is very difficult to eradicate with the standard treatments. There are still a limited number of anti-MRSA antibiotics but the first cases of resistance to these compounds have already been reported and their frequency is likely to increase in the coming years. Every year, the MRSA infections result in major human and financial costs, due to the high associated mortality and expenses related to the required care. Measures towards a faster detection of resistant bacteria and establishment of appropriate antibiotic treatment parameters are fundamental. Also as part as infection prevention, diminution of bacteria present on the commonly touched surfaces could also limit the spread and selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria. During my thesis, projects were developed around MRSA and antibiotic resistance investigation using innovative technologies. The thesis was subdivided in three main parts with the use of atomic force microscopy AFM for antibiotic resistance detection in part 1, the importance of the bacterial inoculum size in the selection of antibiotic resistance in part 2 and the testing of antimicrobial surfaces creating by sputtering copper onto polyester in part 3. In part 1 the AFM was used two different ways, first for the measurement of stiffness (elasticity) of bacteria and second as a nanosensor for antibiotic susceptibility testing. The stiffness of MRSA with different susceptibility profiles to vancomycin was investigated using the stiffness tomography mode of the AFM and results have demonstrated and increased stiffness in the vancomycin resistant strains that also paralleled with increased thickness of the bacterial cell wall. Parts of the AFM were also used to build a new antibiotic susceptibility-testing device. This nano sensor was able to measure vibrations emitted from living bacteria that ceased definitively upon antibiotic exposure to which they were susceptible but restarted after antibiotic removal to which they were resistant, allowing in a matter of minute the assessment of antibiotic susceptibility determination. In part 2 the inoculum effect (IE) of vancomycin, daptomycin and linezolid and its importance in antibiotic resistance selection was investigated with MRSA during a 15 days of cycling experiment. Results indicated that a high bacterial inoculum and a prolonged antibiotic exposure were two key factors in the in vitro antibiotic resistance selection in MRSA and should be taken into consideration when choosing the drug treatment. Finally in part 3 bactericidal textile surfaces were investigated against MRSA. Polyesters coated after 160 seconds of copper sputtering have demonstrated a high bactericidal activity reducing the bacterial load of at least 3 logio after one hour of contact. -- Au cours des dernières décennies, des bactéries multirésistantes aux antibiotiques (BMR) ont émergé dans les hôpitaux du monde entier. Depuis lors, le nombre de BMR et la prévalence des infections liées aux soins (IAS) continuent de croître et sont associés à une augmentation des taux de morbidité et de mortalité ainsi qu'à des coûts élevés. De plus, le nombre de résistance à différentes classes d'antibiotiques a également augmenté parmi les BMR, limitant ainsi les options thérapeutiques disponibles lorsqu'elles ont liées a des infections. Des mesures visant une détection plus rapide des bactéries résistantes ainsi que l'établissement des paramètres de traitement antibiotiques adéquats sont primordiales lors d'infections déjà présentes. Dans une optique de prévention, la diminution des bactéries présentes sur les surfaces communément touchées pourrait aussi freiner la dissémination et l'évolution des bactéries résistantes. Durant ma thèse, différents projets incluant des nouvelles technologies et évoluant autour de la résistance antibiotique ont été traités. Des nouvelles technologies telles que le microscope à force atomique (AFM) et la pulvérisation cathodique de cuivre (PCC) ont été utilisées, et le Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline (SARM) a été la principale BMR étudiée. Deux grandes lignes de recherche ont été développées; la première visant à détecter la résistance antibiotique plus rapidement avec l'AFM et la seconde visant à prévenir la dissémination des BMR avec des surfaces crées grâce à la PCC. L'AFM a tout d'abord été utilisé en tant que microscope à sonde locale afin d'investiguer la résistance à la vancomycine chez les SARMs. Les résultats ont démontré que la rigidité de la paroi augmentait avec la résistance à la vancomycine et que celle-ci corrélait aussi avec une augmentation de l'épaisseur des parois, vérifiée grâce à la microscopie électronique. Des parties d'un AFM ont été ensuite utilisées afin de créer un nouveau dispositif de test de sensibilité aux antibiotiques, un nanocapteur. Ce nanocapteur mesure des vibrations produites par les bactéries vivantes. Après l'ajout d'antibiotique, les vibrations cessent définitivement chez les bactéries sensibles à l'antibiotique. En revanche pour les bactéries résistantes, les vibrations reprennent après le retrait de l'antibiotique dans le milieu permettant ainsi, en l'espace de minutes de détecter la sensibilité de la bactérie à un antibiotique. La PCC a été utilisée afin de créer des surfaces bactéricides pour la prévention de la viabilité des BMR sur des surfaces inertes. Des polyesters finement recouverts de cuivre (Cu), connu pour ses propriétés bactéricides, ont été produits et testés contre des SARMs. Une méthode de détection de viabilité des bactéries sur ces surfaces a été mise au point, et les polyesters obtenus après 160 secondes de pulvérisation au Cu ont démontré une excellente activité bactéricide, diminuant la charge bactérienne d'au moins 3 logio après une heure de contact. En conclusion, l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies nous a permis d'évoluer vers de méthodes de détection de la résistance antibiotique plus rapides ainsi que vers le développement d'un nouveau type de surface bactéricide, dans le but d'améliorer le diagnostic et la gestion des BMR.


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OBJECTIVE: Incomplete compliance is one of several possible causes of uncontrolled hypertension. Yet, non-compliance remains largely unrecognized and is falsely interpreted as treatment resistance, because it is difficult to confirm or exclude objectively. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential benefits of electronic monitoring of drug compliance in the management of patients with resistant hypertension. METHODS: Forty-one hypertensive patients resistant to a three-drug regimen (average blood pressure 156/ 106 +/- 23/11 mmHg, mean +/- SD) were studied prospectively. They were informed that for the next 2 months, their presently prescribed drugs would be provided in electronic monitors, without any change in treatment, so as to provide the treating physician with a measure of their compliance. Thereafter, patients were offered the possibility of prolonging the monitoring of compliance for another 2 month period, during which treatment was adapted if necessary. RESULTS: Monitoring of compliance alone was associated with a significant improvement of blood pressure at 2 months (145/97 +/- 20/15 mmHg, P < 0.01). During monitoring, blood pressure was normalized (systolic < 140 mmHg or diastolic < 90 mmHg) in one-third of the patients and insufficient compliance was unmasked in another 20%. When analysed according to tertiles of compliance, patients with the lowest compliance exhibited significantly higher achieved diastolic blood pressures (P = 0.04). In 30 patients, compliance was monitored up to 4 months and drug therapy was adapted whenever necessary. In these patients, a further significant decrease in blood pressure was obtained (from 150/100 +/- 18/15 to 143/94 +/- 22/11 mmHg, P = 0.04/0.02). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that objective monitoring of compliance using electronic devices may be a useful step in the management of patients with refractory hypertension, as it enables physicians to take rational decisions based on reliable and objective data of drug compliance and hence to improve blood pressure control.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of fulvestrant, an estrogen receptor antagonist, in postmenopausal women with hormone-responsive tumors progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a phase II, open, multicenter, noncomparative study. Two patient groups were prospectively considered: group A (n=70) with AI-responsive disease and group B (n=20) with AI-resistant disease. Fulvestrant 250 mg was administered as intramuscular injection every 28 (+/-3) days. RESULTS: All patients were pretreated with AI and 84% also with tamoxifen or toremifene; 67% had bone metastases and 45% liver metastases. Fulvestrant administration was well tolerated and yielded a clinical benefit (CB; defined as objective response or stable disease [SD] for >or=24 weeks) in 28% (90% confidence interval [CI] 19% to 39%) of patients in group A and 37% (90% CI 19% to 58%) of patients in group B. Median time to progression (TTP) was 3.6 (95% CI 3.0 to 4.8) months in group A and 3.4 (95% CI 2.5 to 6.7) months in group B. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, 30% of patients who had progressed following prior AI treatment gained CB with fulvestrant, thereby delaying indication to start chemotherapy. Prior response to an AI did not appear to be predictive for benefit with fulvestrant.


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BACKGROUND: Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are difficult to diagnose. We used SwissNET data to characterise NEN patients followed in the two academic centres of western Switzerland (WS), and to compare them with patients followed in eastern Switzerland (ES) as well as with international guidelines. METHOD: SwissNET is a prospective database covering data from 522 consecutive patients (285 men, 237 women) from WS (n = 99) and ES (n = 423). RESULTS: Mean ± SD age at diagnosis was 59.0 ± 15.7 years. Overall, 76/522 experienced a functional syndrome, with a median interval of 1.0 (IQR: 1.0-3.0) year between symptoms onset and diagnosis. A total of 51/522 of these tumours were incidental. The primary tumour site was the small intestine (29%), pancreas (21%), appendix (18%) and lung (11%) in both regions combined. In all, 513 functional imaging studies were obtained (139 in WS, 374 in ES). Of these, 381 were 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphies and 20 were 68Ga-DOTATOC PET. First line therapy was surgery in 87% of patients, medical therapy (biotherapy or chemotherapy) in 9% and irradiation in 3% for both regions together. CONCLUSION: Swiss NEN patients appear similar to what has been described in the literature. Imaging by somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) is widely used in both regions of Switzerland. In good accordance with published guidelines, data on first line therapy demonstrate the crucial role of surgery. The low incidence of biotherapy suggests that long-acting somatostatin analogues are not yet widely used for their anti-proliferative effects. The SwissNET initiative should help improve compliance with ENETS guidelines in the workup and care of NEN patients.


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We report a case series of 11 patients with severe E. faecium infections treated with daptomycin. All strains were resistant to ampicillin (MIC >8 mg/l), but susceptible to vancomycin. Seven out of 11 strains were also highly resistant to gentamicin (MIC >500 mg/l). All patients were treated with multiple broad-spectrum antibiotics prior to isolation of E. faecium and had severe underlying diseases. Our experience suggests that salvage therapy with daptomycin might be a safe and efficacious treatment for E. faecium infections.


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The widespread incidence of enterococci resistant to ampicillin, vancomycin and aminoglycosides, the first-line anti-enterococcal antibiotics, has made the treatment of severe enterococcal infections difficult and alternatives should be explored. We investigated the activity of daptomycin combined with linezolid against three Enterococcus faecalis and four Enterococcus faecium strains resistant to standard drugs used for therapy. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined by the broth dilution method. Drug interactions were assessed by the checkerboard and time-kill methods. Synergy was defined by a fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) of ≤0.5 or a ≥2 log10 CFU/mL killing at 24 h with the combination in comparison with killing by the most active single agent. Indifference was defined by a FICI > 0.5-4.0 or a 1-2 log10 CFU/mL killing compared with the most active single agent. MICs of daptomycin were 2-4 μg/mL for E. faecalis and 2-8 μg/mL for E. faecium. MICs of linezolid were 1-2 μg/mL for all bacteria. In the checkerboard assay, five isolates showed synergism (FICI < 0.5) and two showed indifference (FICIs of 0.53 and 2). Killing studies revealed synergy of daptomycin plus linezolid against four isolates (2.2-3.7 log10 CFU/mL kill) and indifference (1.1-1.6 log10 CFU/mL kill) for the other three strains. Antagonism was not observed. In conclusion, the combination of daptomycin and linezolid had a synergistic or indifferent effect against multidrug-resistant enterococci. Additional studies are needed to explore the potential of this combination for severe enterococcal infections when first-line antibiotic combinations cannot be used.


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We report a case of HIV-1 superinfection (HSI) with a clade B, triple-class resistant virus in a patient successfully controlling viremia with continuous combination antiretroviral therapy started 8 years earlier during primary HIV infection. The course of HIV infection prior to HSI was monitored in both the source partner and recipient (8 and 11 years, respectively) and 4 years following HSI. This case report demonstrates re-infection with HIV-1 despite effective combination antiretroviral therapy.


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We conducted a molecular study of MRSA isolated in Swiss hospitals, including the first five consecutive isolates recovered from blood cultures and the first ten isolates recovered from other sites in newly identified carriers. Among 73 MRSA isolates, 44 different double locus sequence typing (DLST) types and 32 spa types were observed. Most isolates belonged to the NewYork/Japan, the UK-EMRSA-15, the South German and the Berlin clones. In a country with a low to moderate MRSA incidence, inclusion of non-invasive isolates allowed a more accurate description of the diversity.