286 resultados para Primary sensory neuron

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Apart from several growth factors which play a crucial role in the survival and development of the central and peripheral nervous systems, thyroid hormones can affect different processes involved in the differentiation and maturation of neurons. The present study was initiated to determine whether triiodothyronine (T3) affects the survival and neurite outgrowth of primary sensory neurons in vitro. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) from 19-day-old embryos or newborn rats were plated in explant or dissociated cell cultures. The effect of T3 on neuron survival was tested, either in mixed DRG cell cultures, where neurons grow with non-neuronal cells, or in neuron-enriched cultures where non-neuronal cells were eliminated at the outset. T3, in physiological concentrations, promoted the growth of neurons in mixed DRG cell cultures as well as in neuron-enriched cultures without added nerve growth factor (NGF). Since neuron survival in neuron-enriched cultures cannot be promoted by endogenous neurotrophic factors synthesized by non-neuronal cells, the increased number of surviving neurons was due to a direct trophic action of T3. Another trophic effect was revealed in this study: T3 sustained the neurite outgrowth of sensory neurons in DRG explants. The stimulatory effect of T3 on nerve fibre outgrowth was considerably reduced when non-neuronal cell proliferation was inhibited by the antimitotic agent cytosine arabinoside, and was completely suppressed when the great majority of non-neuronal cells were eliminated in neuron-enriched cultures. These results indicate that the stimulatory effect of T3 on neurite outgrowth is mediated through non-neuronal cells. It is conceivable that T3 up-regulates Schwann cell expression of a neurotrophic factor, which in turn stimulates axon growth of sensory neurons. Together, these results demonstrate that T3 promotes both survival and neurite outgrowth of primary sensory neurons in DRG cell cultures. The trophic actions of T3 on neuron survival and neurite outgrowth operate under two different pathways.


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Glutamine synthetase (GS) catalyses the ATP-dependent formation of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia. To determine whether dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells from chick embryos express the enzyme in vivo or in vitro, GS was detected by immunocytochemical reaction either in vibratome sections of DRG or in dissociated DRG cell cultures. The immunocytochemical detection of GS showed that in vivo the DRG taken from chick embryos at day 10 (E10), E14, E18 or from chickens after hatching were free of any GS-positive ganglion cells; in contrast, in neuron-enriched cultures of DRG cells grown in vitro at E10, virtually all the neuronal cells (98.6 +/- 1.0%) express GS at 3, 5 or 7 days of culture. In mixed DRG cell cultures, only 83.6+/-4.6% of the neurons displayed a GS-immunoreactivity. In both culture conditions, neither the presence of horse serum nor the age of the culture appeared to affect the percentage of neurons which displayed a GS-immunoreactivity. After [3H]glutamine uptake, radioautographs revealed that only 80% of the neurons were labelled in neuron-enriched DRG cell cultures while 96% of the neurons were radioactive in mixed DRG cell cultures. Furthermore the most heavily [3H]glutamine-labelled neurons were exclusively found in mixed DRG cell cultures. Combination of both immunocytochemical detection of GS and radioautography after [3H]glutamine uptake showed that strongly GS-immunostained neurons corresponded to poorly radioactive ones and vice versa. When skeletal muscle extract (ME) was added to DRG cell cultures, the number of GS-positive neurons was reduced to 77.5 +/- 2.5% in neuron-enriched cultures or to 43.6 +/- 3.8% in mixed DRG cell cultures; in both types of culture, the intensity of the neuronal immunostaining was depressed. Furthermore, combined action of ME and non-neuronal cells potentiates the enzyme repression exerted separately by ME or non-neuronal cells. Since GS-immunoreactivity is expressed in DRG cells grown in vitro, but not in vivo, it is suggested that microenvironmental factors influence the expression of GS. More specifically, the repression of GS by primary sensory neurons grown in vitro may be strongly induced by soluble factors present in skeletal muscle, and to a lesser extent in brain, and potentiated by non-neuronal cells.


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Neuronal subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells in the chicken exhibit carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. To determine whether CA activity is expressed by DRG cells maintained in in vitro cultures, dissociated DRG cells from 10-day-old chick embryos were cultured on a collagen substrate. The influence exerted by environmental factors on the enzyme expression was tested under various conditions of culture. Neuron-enriched cell cultures and mixed DRG-cell cultures (including numerous non-neuronal cells) were performed either in a defined medium or in a horse serum-supplemented medium. In all the tested conditions, subpopulations of cultured sensory neurons expressed CA activity in their cell bodies, while their neurites were rarely stained; in each case, the percentage of CA-positive neurons declined with the age of the cultures. The number and the persistence of neurons possessing CA activity as well as the intensity of the reaction were enhanced by addition of horse serum. In contrast, the expression of the neuronal CA activity was not affected by the presence of non-neuronal cells or by the rise of CO2 concentration. Thus, the appearance and disappearance of neuronal subpopulations expressing CA activity may be decisively influenced by factors contained in the horse serum. The loss of CA-positive neurons with time could result from a cell selection or from genetic repression. Analysis of the time curves does not support a preferential cell death of CA-positive neurons but suggests that the eventual conversion of CA-positive neurons into CA-negative neurons results from a loss of the enzyme activity. These results indicate that the phenotypic expression of cultured sensory neurons is dependent on defined environmental factors.


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Primary sensory neurons display various neuronal phenotypes which may be influenced by factors present in central or peripheral targets. In the case of DRG cells expressing substance P (SP), the influence of peripheral or central targets was tested on the neuronal expression of this neuropeptide. DRG cells were cultured from chick embryo at E6 or E10 (before or after establishment of functional connections with targets). Preprotachykinin mRNA was visualized in DRG cell cultures by either Northern blot or in situ hybridization using an antisense labeled riboprobe, while the neuropeptide SP was detected by immunostaining with a monoclonal antibody. In DRG cell cultures from E10, only 60% of neurons expressed SP. In contrast, DRG cell cultures performed at E6 showed a significant hybridization signal and SP-like immunoreactivity in virtually all the neurons (98%). The addition of extracts from muscle, skin, brain or spinal cord to DRG cells cultured at E6 reduced by 20% the percentage of neurons which express preprotachykinin mRNA and SP-like immunoreactivity. Our results indicate that factors issued from targets inhibit SP-expression by a subset of primary sensory neurons and act on the transcriptional control of preprotachykinin gene.


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The peripheral projections of two distinct subpopulations of primary sensory neurons, expressing either calbindin D-28k or substance P, were studied in chick hindlimbs by immunodetecting calbindin D-28k with a rabbit antiserum and substance P with a mouse monoclonal antibody. Calbindin D-28k-immunoreactive axons provided an innervation restricted to specific mechanoreceptors such as muscle spindles, Herbst and Merkel corpuscles, or collars of feather follicles but were absent from Golgi tendon organs. In contrast, substance P-positive axons spread out diffusely in muscles and skin, formed loose plexuses, and extended free branches to the endomysium, arteries, superficial dermis, or dermal pulp of feather follicles. The present results show that calbindin D-28k- and substance P-immunoreactive primary sensory neurons provide distinct modes of innervation to selective targets in peripheral tissues. The results suggest a possible correlation between CaBP-expressing nerve endings and rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors.


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During the ontogenesis of dorsal root ganglia (DRG), the immunoreactivity to substance P (SP) and calbindin D-28k (CaBP) appears in chickens at embryonic day 5 (E5) and E10 respectively. To establish the birthdates of primary sensory neurons expressing SP or CaBP, chick embryos were given repetitive intra-amniotic injections of [3H]-thymidine. The neuroblasts giving rise to SP-expressing neurons were labeled up to E6 while those generating CaBP-immunoreactive neurons stopped to incorporate [3H]-thymidine before E5.5. This finding indicates that neurons exhibiting distinct phenotypes may originate from neuroblasts which arrest to proliferate at close but distinct stages of development. To determine whether SP and CaBP are co-expressed or not in DRG neurons, chick embryos at E12, E18, and chickens two weeks after hatching were perfused and fixed to detect simultaneously SP- and CaBP-immunoreactivity in DRG sections. The results showed that SP and CaBP were transiently co-expressed by a subset of neurons at E12. Later, however, the SP-immunoreactivity was gradually lost by these ganglion cells, so that the SP- and CaBP-immunoreaction defined two distinct neuronal subpopulations after hatching. In conclusion, most CaBP-immunoreactive DRG cells derive from a subset of neurons in which SP and CaBP are transiently co-localized.


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The effects of the thyroid hormones on target cells are mediated through nuclear T3 receptors. In the peripheral nervous system, nuclear T3 receptors were previously detected with the monoclonal antibody 2B3 mAb in all the primary sensory neurons throughout neuronal life and in peripheral glia at the perinatal period only (Eur. J. Neurosci. 5, 319, 1993). To determine whether these nuclear T3 receptors correspond to functional ones able to bind T3, cryostat sections and in vitro cell cultures of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) or sciatic nerve were incubated with 0.1 nM [125I]-labeled T3, either alone to visualize the total T3-binding sites or added with a 10(3) fold excess of unlabeled T3 to estimate the part due to the non-specific T3-binding. After glutaraldehyde fixation, radioautography showed that the specific T3-binding sites were largely prevalent. The T3-binding capacity of peripheral glia in DRG and sciatic nerve was restricted to the perinatal period in vivo and to Schwann cells cultured in vitro. In all the primary sensory neurons, specific T3-binding sites were disclosed in foetal as well as adult rats. The detection of the T3-binding sites in the nucleus indicated that the nuclear T3 receptors are functional. Moreover the concomitant presence of both T3-binding sites and T3 receptors alpha isoforms in the perikaryon of DRG neurons infers that: 1) [125I]-labeled T3 can be retained on the T3-binding 'E' domain of nascent alpha 1 isoform molecules newly-synthesized on the perikaryal ribosomes; 2) the alpha isoforms translocated to the nucleus are modified by posttranslational changes and finally recognized by 2B3 mAb as nuclear T3 receptor. In conclusion, the radioautographic visualization of the T3-binding sites in peripheral neurons and glia confirms that the nuclear T3 receptors are functional and contributes to clarify the discordant intracellular localization provided by the immunocytochemical detection of nuclear T3 receptors and T3 receptor alpha isoforms.


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Calbindin and calretinin are two homologous calcium-binding proteins that are expressed by subpopulations of primary sensory neurons. In the present work, we have studied the distribution of the neurons expressing calbindin and calretinin in dorsal root ganglia of the rat and their peripheral projections. Calbindin and calretinin immunoreactivities were expressed by subpopulations of large- and small-sized primary sensory neurons and colocalized in a majority of large-sized ones. The axons emerging from calbindin- or calretinin-immunoreactive neurons innervated muscle spindles, Pacini corpuscles and subepidermal lamellar corpuscles in the glabrous skin, formed palisades of lanceolate endings around hairs and vibrissae, and gave rise to intraepidermal nerve endings in the digital skin. Since most of these afferents are considered as rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors, it is concluded that calbindin- or calretinin-expressing neurons innervate particular mechanoreceptors that display physiological characteristics of rapid adaptation to stimuli.


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In chicken dorsal root ganglia, calretinin immunoreactivity is expressed by a subpopulation of large A-neurons, most of which co-express calbindin D-28k. The myelinated axons of these neurons selectively innervate all muscle spindles and most Herbst corpuscles associated to feathers in hindlimbs. It is suggested that the presence of calretinin in primary afferents may be correlated with the electrophysiological properties of rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors.


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Primary sensory neurons which innervate neuromuscular spindles in the chicken are calbindin-immunoreactive. The influence exerted by developing skeletal muscle on the expression of calbindin immunoreactivity by subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells in the chick embryo was tested in vitro in coculture with myoblasts, in conditioned medium (CM) prepared from myoblasts and in control cultures of DRG cells alone. Control cultures of DRG cells grown at the 6th embryonic day (E6) did not show any calbindin-immunostained ganglion cell. In coculture of myoblasts previously grown for 14 days, about 3% of calbindin-immunoreactive ganglion cells were detected while about 1% were observed in some cultures grown in CM. Fibroblasts from various sources were devoid of effect. Skin or kidney cells were more active than myoblasts to initiate calbindin expression by subpopulations of DRG cells in coculture or, to a lesser degree, in CM. The results suggest that cellular factors would rather induce calbindin expression in certain sensory neurons than ensure a selective neuronal survival.


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The physical disector is a method of choice for estimating unbiased neuron numbers; nevertheless, calibration is needed to evaluate each counting method. The validity of this method can be assessed by comparing the estimated cell number with the true number determined by a direct counting method in serial sections. We reconstructed a 1/5 of rat lumbar dorsal root ganglia taken from two experimental conditions. From each ganglion, images of 200 adjacent semi-thin sections were used to reconstruct a volumetric dataset (stack of voxels). On these stacks the number of sensory neurons was estimated and counted respectively by physical disector and direct counting methods. Also, using the coordinates of nuclei from the direct counting, we simulate, by a Matlab program, disector pairs separated by increasing distances in a ganglion model. The comparison between the results of these approaches clearly demonstrates that the physical disector method provides a valid and reliable estimate of the number of sensory neurons only when the distance between the consecutive disector pairs is 60 microm or smaller. In these conditions the size of error between the results of physical disector and direct counting does not exceed 6%. In contrast when the distance between two pairs is larger than 60 microm (70-200 microm) the size of error increases rapidly to 27%. We conclude that the physical dissector method provides a reliable estimate of the number of rat sensory neurons only when the separating distance between the consecutive dissector pairs is no larger than 60 microm.


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Accurate perception of taste information is crucial for animal survival. In adult Drosophila, gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs) perceive chemical stimuli of one specific gustatory modality associated with a stereotyped behavioural response, such as aversion or attraction. We show that GRNs of Drosophila larvae employ a surprisingly different mode of gustatory information coding. Using a novel method for calcium imaging in the larval gustatory system, we identify a multimodal GRN that responds to chemicals of different taste modalities with opposing valence, such as sweet sucrose and bitter denatonium, reliant on different sensory receptors. This multimodal neuron is essential for bitter compound avoidance, and its artificial activation is sufficient to mediate aversion. However, the neuron is also essential for the integration of taste blends. Our findings support a model for taste coding in larvae, in which distinct receptor proteins mediate different responses within the same, multimodal GRN.


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Mutations in Sigma 1 receptor (SIGMAR1) have been previously identified in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and disruption of Sigmar1 in mouse leads to locomotor deficits. However, cellular mechanisms underlying motor phenotypes in human and mouse with disturbed SIGMAR1 function have not been described so far. Here we used a combination of in vivo and in vitro approaches to investigate the role of SIGMAR1 in motor neuron biology. Characterization of Sigmar1(-/-) mice revealed that affected animals display locomotor deficits associated with muscle weakness, axonal degeneration and motor neuron loss. Using primary motor neuron cultures, we observed that pharmacological or genetic inactivation of SIGMAR1 led to motor neuron axonal degeneration followed by cell death. Disruption of SIGMAR1 function in motor neurons disturbed endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts, affected intracellular calcium signalling and was accompanied by activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and defects in mitochondrial dynamics and transport. These defects were not observed in cultured sensory neurons, highlighting the exacerbated sensitivity of motor neurons to SIGMAR1 function. Interestingly, the inhibition of mitochondrial fission was sufficient to induce mitochondria axonal transport defects as well as axonal degeneration similar to the changes observed after SIGMAR1 inactivation or loss. Intracellular calcium scavenging and endoplasmic reticulum stress inhibition were able to restore mitochondrial function and consequently prevent motor neuron degeneration. These results uncover the cellular mechanisms underlying motor neuron degeneration mediated by loss of SIGMAR1 function and provide therapeutically relevant insight into motor neuronal diseases.


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Primary sensory cortex discriminates incoming sensory information and generates multiple processing streams toward other cortical areas. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Here, by making whole-cell recordings in primary somatosensory barrel cortex (S1) of behaving mice, we show that S1 neurons projecting to primary motor cortex (M1) and those projecting to secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) have distinct intrinsic membrane properties and exhibit markedly different membrane potential dynamics during behavior. Passive tactile stimulation evoked faster and larger postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in M1-projecting neurons, rapidly driving phasic action potential firing, well-suited for stimulus detection. Repetitive active touch evoked strongly depressing PSPs and only transient firing in M1-projecting neurons. In contrast, PSP summation allowed S2-projecting neurons to robustly signal sensory information accumulated during repetitive touch, useful for encoding object features. Thus, target-specific transformation of sensory-evoked synaptic potentials by S1 projection neurons generates functionally distinct output signals for sensorimotor coordination and sensory perception.


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AbstractAcidosis is encountered during tissue inflammation and triggers pain in humans. H+-gated ion channels are expressed at high levels in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Ion channels from two different families present the required pH sensitivity to detect the acidosis associated with peripheral inflammation: Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) and the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channel.ASICs are members of the Degenerin/Epithelial Na+ Channel family of ion channels. Six ASIC subunits have been identified in mammals (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 and -4). ASICs form In-activated voltage-insensitive homo- or heterotrimeric Na+ channels. TRPV1 is a member of the TRP family of ion channels and forms non-selective cation channels that mediate a sustained current. TRPV1 is activated by H+, heat (T>43°C), lipids, capsaicin, voltage and other stimuli. A stimulus can increase TRPV1 response to a different stimulus. For example H+ can shift the capsaicin concentration dependence of TRPV1 to lower values. ASICs and TRPV1 have been shown to be involved in inflammatory pain. Using the patch-clamp technique, we studied different aspects of the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in the physiological context of pain.In the first part of this thesis, we characterize the effect of a temperature increase from 25 to 35°C on the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in transfected CHO cells and primary cultures of rat DRG sensory neurons. ASICs give rise to transient currents while TRPV1 mediates a sustained current. In addition, ASICs and TRPV1 respond to H+ with distinct pH dependences. We assess the relative contribution of ASICs and TRPV1 to H+-evoked electrical signaling in rat DRG neurons and we conclude that ASICs are the most important pH sensors in the pH range 7.4 to 6.0 at 35°C in sensory neurons.ASICs and TRPV1 are expressed in the epithelium lining the lumen of the bladder (urothelium). The Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) is a painful condition associated with a dysfunction of the urothelial barrier and with inflammation. In the second part of this thesis, we show that human urothelial cells -the cell line TEU2 and primary cultures of human bladder urothelium- express functional ASICs but no functional TRPV1 channels. In addition, we show that the levels of ASIC2 and ASIC3 mRNA are increased in the urothelium of patients suffering from BPS/IC. These data suggest that ASICs are involved in the pathology of BPS/IC.Finally, we demonstrate that APETx2 inhibits the sensory neuron specific voltage-dependent Na+ channel Nav1.8. APETx2 was previously shown to inhibit homo- or heterotrimeric ASIC3- containing channels with IC5o from 0.08 to 1 μΜ. We show that APETx2 also inhibits Nav1.8 with an ICsoof «2.6 μΜ. APETx2 reduces the maximal conductance and induces a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of activation of Nav1.8. In current-clamp experiments, APETx2 reduces the number of action potentials (APs) evoked by a current ramp. Nav1.8 mediates most of the current during the AP upstroke and has been shown to be an important mediator of inflammatory pain. The fact that APETx2 inhibits two ion channels involved in inflammatory pain suggests that APETx2 or derivatives may represent novel analgesic compounds.RésuméL'acidose tissulaire est observée durant l'inflammation et entraine la douleur chez l'humain. Des canaux ioniques activés par les protons (H+) sont fortement exprimés dans les neurones sensoriels du système nerveux périphérique. De ceux-ci, les Acid-Sensing Ion Channels [ASICs) et Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) présentent une sensibilité adéquate à l'acidité pour servir de détecteurs d'acidose.Les ASICs sont membres de la famille Degenerin/Epithelial Na* Channel. Six sous-unités ASIC ont été identifiées chez les mammifères (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 et -4). Les ASICs forment des canaux sélectifs au Na\ insensibles au voltage et activés par les H+. Les canaux fonctionnels sont des homo- ou hétérotrimères de sous-unités ASIC. TRPV1 est un membre de la famille TRP de canaux ioniques. Les canaux TRPV1 sont activés par les H+, la chaleur (T>43°Ç), les lipides, la capsaicine, le voltage et d'autres stimulus. L'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu non-sélectif. Un stimulus peut augmenter la réponse de TRPV1 à un autre stimulus. Les H+ peuvent, par exemple, induire un décalage vers des valeurs plus faibles de la courbe de dépendance à la concentration de TRPV1 pour la capsaicine. Il a été démontré que les ASICs et TRPV1 sont impliqués dans la douleur inflammatoire. En utilisant la technique du patch-clamp, nous avons étudié différents aspects de la fonction des ASICs et de TRPV1 dans des contextes associés à la douleur.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous caractérisons l'effet d'une augmentation de température de 25 à 35°C sur la fonction des canaux ASICs et TRPV1, dans des cellules CHO transfectées et dans des cultures primaires de neurones sensoriels (DRG) de rat. L'activation des ASICs entraine l'apparition d'un courant transitoire tandis que l'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu. De plus, les ASICs et TRPV1 possèdent des dépendances au pH différentes. Nous évaluons la contribution relative des ASICs et de TRPV1 au signalement électrique induit par les H+ et nous concluons que les ASICs sont les senseurs d'acidité les plus importants dans les neurones sensoriels, dans le domaine de pH de 7.4 à 6.0, à température corporelle.Les ASICs et TRPV1 sont exprimés dans l'épithélium recouvrant l'intérieur de la vessie (l'urothélium). Le Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) est une condition médicale douloureuse associée à une dysfonction de la barrière urothéliale et à une inflammation. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous démontrons que des cellules urothéliales (de la lignée cellulaire TEU2) et des cellules provenant de cultures primaires d'épithéliums de vessies humaines expriment des canaux ASIC fonctionnels mais pas de TRPV1 fonctionnels. De plus, nous montrons que le niveau d'expression de ASIC2 et -3 est augmenté dans l'urothélium de la vessie de patients souffrant de BPS/IC. Ces données suggèrent que les ASICs sont impliqués dans la pathologie BPS/IC.Pour finir, nous démontrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe le canal spécifique aux neurones sensoriels Nav1.8, un membre de la famille des canaux sodiques dépendants du potentiel. Il a été démontré précédemment que la toxine APETx2 inhibe les canaux contenant une ou plusieurs sous-unités ASIC3 avec un ICso entre 0.08 et 1 μΜ. Nous montrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe Nav1.8 avec un IC50 de «2.6 μΜ. La toxine APETx2 réduit la conductance maximale et induit un décalage de la dépendance au potentiel de Nav1.8 vers des valeurs plus positives. Dans des expériences de courant imposé sur des neurones sensoriels, la toxine APETx2 réduit le nombre de potentiels d'action induits par une rampe de courant. Nav1.8 est responsable de la majeure partie du courant durant la phase ascendante du potentiel d'action et a été démontré comme étant un médiateur important de la douleur inflammatoire. L'inhibition de deux types de canaux, impliqués dans la douleurs inflammatoire, par la toxine APETx2, suggère que cette dernière ou ses dérivés représentent des composés analgésiques prometteurs.