68 resultados para Pregnancy Medical Disorders

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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OBJECTIVE: To identify pregnancy-related risk factors for different manifestations of congenital anorectal malformations (ARMs). DESIGN: A population-based case-control study. SETTING: Seventeen EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) registries, 1980-2008. POPULATION: The study population consisted of 1417 cases with ARM, including 648 cases of isolated ARM, 601 cases of ARM with additional congenital anomalies, and 168 cases of ARM-VACTERL (vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheo-esophageal, renal, and limb defects), along with 13 371 controls with recognised syndromes or chromosomal abnormalities. METHODS: Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for potential risk factors for ARM, such as fertility treatment, multiple pregnancy, primiparity, maternal illnesses during pregnancy, and pregnancy-related complications. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adjusted ORs for pregnancy-related risk factors for ARM. RESULTS: The ARM cases were more likely to be firstborn than the controls (OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.4-1.8). Fertility treatment and being one of twins or triplets seemed to increase the risk of ARM in cases with additional congenital anomalies or VACTERL (ORs ranging from 1.6 to 2.5). Maternal fever during pregnancy and pre-eclampsia were only associated with ARM when additional congenital anomalies were present (OR 3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6; OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.6-7.1, respectively), whereas maternal epilepsy during pregnancy resulted in a five-fold elevated risk of all manifestations of ARM (OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.7-15.6). CONCLUSIONS: This large European study identified maternal epilepsy, fertility treatment, multiple pregnancy, primiparity, pre-eclampsia, and maternal fever during pregnancy as potential risk factors primarily for complex manifestations of ARM with additional congenital anomalies and VACTERL.


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OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine the relation between recommended levels of physical activity during pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted an observational study with energy expenditure, aerobic fitness, and sleeping heart rate measured in 44 healthy women in late pregnancy. Medical records were examined for pregnancy outcome. RESULTS: Active women, who engaged in > or = 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day, had significantly better fitness and lower sleeping heart rate compared to the inactive. Duration of second stage of labor was 88 and 146 minutes in the active vs inactive women, respectively (P = .05). Crude odds ratio of operative delivery in the inactive vs the active was 3.7 (95% confidence interval, 0.87-16.08). Birthweight, maternal weight gain, and parity adjusted odds ratio was 7.6 (95% confidence interval, 1.23-45.8). Neonatal condition and other obstetric outcomes were similar between groups. CONCLUSION: Active women have better aerobic fitness as compared to inactive women. The risk for operative delivery is lower in active women compared to inactive, when controlled for birthweight, maternal weight gain, and parity. Further studies with larger sample size are required to confirm the association between physical activity and pregnancy outcomes.


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BACKGROUND: Progress in perinatal medicine has made it possible to increase the survival of very or extremely low birthweight infants. Developmental outcomes of surviving preterm infants have been analysed at the paediatric, neurological, cognitive, and behavioural levels, and a series of perinatal and environmental risk factors have been identified. The threat to the child's survival and invasive medical procedures can be very traumatic for the parents. Few empirical reports have considered post-traumatic stress reactions of the parents as a possible variable affecting a child's outcome. Some studies have described sleeping and eating problems as related to prematurity; these problems are especially critical for the parents. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of post-traumatic reactions of the parents on sleeping and eating problems of the children. DESIGN: Fifty families with a premature infant (25-33 gestation weeks) and a control group of 25 families with a full term infant participated in the study. Perinatal risks were evaluated during the hospital stay. Mothers and fathers were interviewed when their children were 18 months old about the child's problems and filled in a perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder questionnaire (PPQ). RESULTS: The severity of the perinatal risks only partly predicts a child's problems. Independently of the perinatal risks, the intensity of the post-traumatic reactions of the parents is an important predictor of these problems. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the parental response to premature birth mediates the risks of later adverse outcomes. Preventive intervention should be promoted.


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AIMS: To investigate the relationships between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and the metabolic syndrome (MS), as it was suggested that insulin resistance was the hallmark of both conditions. To analyse post-partum screening in order to identify risk factors for the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all singleton pregnancies diagnosed with GDM at the Lausanne University Hospital for 3 consecutive years. Pre-pregnancy obesity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia were recorded as constituents of the MS. RESULTS: For 5788 deliveries, 159 women (2.7%) with GDM were identified. Constituents of the MS were present before GDM pregnancy in 26% (n = 37/144): 84% (n = 31/37) were obese, 38% (n = 14/37) had hypertension and 22% (n = 8/37) had dyslipidaemia. Gestational hypertension was associated with obesity (OR = 3.2, P = 0.02) and dyslipidaemia (OR = 5.4, P=0.002). Seventy-four women (47%) returned for post-partum OGTT, which was abnormal in 20 women (27%): 11% (n = 8) had type 2 diabetes and 16% (n = 12) had impaired glucose tolerance. Independent predictors of abnormal glucose tolerance in the post-partum were: having > 2 abnormal values on the diagnostic OGTT during pregnancy and presenting MS constituents (OR = 5.2, CI 1.8-23.2 and OR = 5.3, CI 1.3-22.2). CONCLUSIONS: In one fourth of GDM pregnancies, metabolic abnormalities precede the appearance of glucose intolerance. These women have a high risk of developing the MS and type 2 diabetes in later years. Where GDM screening is not universal, practitioners should be aware of those metabolic risks in every pregnant woman presenting with obesity, hypertension or dyslipidaemia, in order to achieve better diagnosis and especially better post-partum follow-up and treatment.


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Les hépatopathies sont rares au cours de la grossesse, mais peuvent avoir des conséquences dramatiques pour la mère et l'enfant si elles ne sont pas diagnostiquées à temps. On différencie principalement les hépatopathies spécifiquement secondaires à la grossesse des intercurrentes. Parmi les premières, on peut citer les manifestations hépatiques de l'hyperemesis gravidarum, la cholestase intrahépatique gravidique, les atteintes hépatiques lors d'une (pré-)éclampsie, y compris le syndrome HELLP, et la stéatose hépatique aiguë gravidique. Le diagnostic différentiel est basé sur l'anamnèse (stade de la grossesse), la clinique, quelques examens de laboratoire et l'échographie comme imagerie de première intention. Le traitement d'une cholestase intrahépatique gravidique par acide ursodésoxycholique améliore le prurit et les tests hépatiques maternels. Une surveillance rapprochée de la grossesse reste cependant indispensable. Lors d'un syndrome HELLP ou d'une stéatose hépatique aiguë gravidique, il faut procéder à l'accouchement le plus vite possible. Toutes les hépatopathies déjà connues nécessitent un suivi strict durant la grossesse. While liver diseases are a rare occurrence in pregnancy, they may have dramatic implications for mother and child if not detected in good time. A distinction is drawn between pregnancy-specific liver diseases and intercurrent liver diseases during pregnancy. The former include hepatic manifestations of hyperemesis gravidarum, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, hepatic involvement in preeclampsia or eclampsia, including the HELLP syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Differential diagnosis of pregnancy-associated liver disorders is based on history (stage of pregnancy), clinical findings, a few laboratory tests and ultrasound as the primary imaging technique. Treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with ursodeoxycholic acid improves pruritus and maternal liver tests. Close monitoring of pregnancy remains however indispensable. In HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy the aim should be rapid delivery. Preexisting liver diseases require intensified monitoring during pregnancy.


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Lebererkrankungen treten in der Schwangerschaft selten auf, können jedoch für Mutter und Kind dramatische Folgen haben, wenn sie nicht rechtzeitig erkannt werden. Prinzipiell unterscheidet man schwangerschaftsspezifische Lebererkrankungen von interkurrierenden Lebererkrankungen während der Schwangerschaft. Zu ersteren gehören die hepatischen Manifestationen der Hyperemesis gravidarum, die intrahepatische Schwangerschaftscholestase, die Leberbeteiligung bei Präeklampsie bzw. Eklampsie inkl. HELLP-Syndrom und die akute Schwangerschaftsfettleber. Die Differentialdiagnose schwangerschaftsassoziierter Lebererkrankungen basiert auf der Anamnese (Stadium der Schwangerschaft), der Klinik, wenigen Laboruntersuchungen und einer Ultrasonographie als primärem bildgebendem Verfahren. Die Behandlung der intrahepatischen Schwangerschaftscholestase mit Ursodeoxycholsäure verbessert den Pruritus und die mütterlichen Leberwerte. Eine engmaschige Überwachung der Schwangerschaft bleibt jedoch unabdingbar. Beim HELLP-Syndrom und der akuten Schwangerschaftsfettleber ist die rasche Entbindung anzustreben. Vorbestehende Lebererkrankungen bedürfen in der Schwangerschaft einer intensivierten Kontrolle. While liver diseases are a rare occurrence in pregnancy, they may have dramatic implications for mother and child if not detected in good time. A distinction is drawn between pregnancy-specific liver diseases and intercurrent liver diseases during pregnancy. The former include hepatic manifestations of hyperemesis gravidarum, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, hepatic involvement in preeclampsia or eclampsia, including the HELLP syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Differential diagnosis of pregnancy-associated liver disorders is based on history (stage of pregnancy), clinical findings, a few laboratory tests and ultrasound as the primary imaging technique. Treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with ursodeoxycholic acid improves pruritus and maternal liver tests. Close monitoring of pregnancy remains however indispensable. In HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy the aim should be rapid delivery. Preexisting liver diseases require intensified monitoring during pregnancy.


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BACKGROUND: Internet is commonly used by the general population, notably for health information-seeking. There has been little research into its use by patients treated for a psychiatric disorder. AIM: To evaluate the use of internet by patients with psychiatric disorders in searching for general and medical information. METHODS: In 2007, 319 patients followed in a university hospital psychiatric out-patient clinic, completed a 28-items self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Two hundred patients surveyed were internet users. Most of them (68.5%) used internet in order to find health-related information. Only a small part of the patients knew and used criteria reflecting the quality of contents of the websites consulted. Knowledge of English and private Internet access were the factors significantly associated with the search of information on health on Internet. CONCLUSIONS: Internet is currently used by patients treated for psychiatric disorders, especially for medical seeking information.


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Abstract Objective: To provide the first update on drug safety profiles and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with fetal disorders from the Swiss national ADR database. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study using data from 202 pharmacovigilance reports on drug-associated fetal disorders from the Swiss national ADR database from 1990 to 2009. Evaluated aspects included administrative information on the report, drug exposure, and disorders. Results: The ADR reporting frequency on the topic of fetal disorders has increased during the last 20 years, from only 1 report in 1991 to a maximum of 31 reports in 2008. Nervous system drugs were the most frequently reported drug group (40.2%) above all antidepressants and antiepileptics. The highest level of overall drug intake could be observed for the 1st trimester (85.4%), especially for the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. The most frequently reported types of fetal disorders were malformations (68.8%), especially those of the musculoskeletal and circulatory systems. A positive association was discovered between antiepileptics and malformations in general and in particular of the circulatory system and the eye, ear, face, and neck. Conclusions: The results suggest that the nervous system drug group bears an especially high risk for malformations. The most commonly identified drug exposures can help focus pharmacoepidemiologic efforts in drug-induced birth defects.


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Aim:  Determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Method:  Cross-sectional study by postal questionnaire. Sleep disturbances were assessed using the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (validated on 1157 healthy children). A total sleep score and six sleep disturbance factors representing the most common sleep disorders were computed. Potential associations between pathological scores and personal, medical and environmental factors were assessed. Results:  Sixteen of 63 boys (25.4%) had a pathological total sleep score compared with 3% in the general population. The most prevalent sleep disorders were disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (DIMS) 29.7%, sleep-related breathing disorders 15.6% and sleep hyperhydrosis 14.3%. On multivariate analysis, pathological total sleep scores were associated with the need to be moved by a carer (OR = 9.4; 95%CI: 2.2-40.7; p = 0.003) and being the child of a single-parent family (OR = 7.2; 95%CI: 1.5-35.1; p = 0.015) and DIMS with the need to be moved by a carer (OR = 18.0; 95%CI: 2.9-110.6; p = 0.002), steroid treatment (OR = 7.7; 95%CI: 1.4-44.0; p = 0.021) and being the child of a single-parent family (OR = 7.0; 95%CI: 1.3-38.4; p = 0.025). Conclusion:  Sleep disturbances are frequent in boys with DMD and are strongly associated with immobility. Sleep should be systematically assessed in DMD to implement appropriate interventions.


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OBJECTIVES: Family studies typically use multiple sources of information on each individual including direct interviews and family history information. The aims of the present study were to: (1) assess agreement for diagnoses of specific substance use disorders between direct interviews and the family history method; (2) compare prevalence estimates according to the two methods; (3) test strategies to approximate prevalence estimates according to family history reports to those based on direct interviews; (4) determine covariates of inter-informant agreement; and (5) identify covariates that affect the likelihood of reporting disorders by informants. METHODS: Analyses were based on family study data which included 1621 distinct informant (first-degree relatives and spouses) - index subject pairs. RESULTS: Our main findings were: (1) inter-informant agreement was fair to good for all substance disorders, except for alcohol abuse; (2) the family history method underestimated the prevalence of drug but not alcohol use disorders; (3) lowering diagnostic thresholds for drug disorders and combining multiple family histories increased the accuracy of prevalence estimates for these disorders according to the family history method; (4) female sex of index subjects was associated with higher agreement for nearly all disorders; and (5) informants who themselves had a history of the same substance use disorder were more likely to report this disorder in their relatives, which entails the risk of overestimation of the size of familial aggregation. CONCLUSION: Our findings have important implications for the best-estimate procedure applied in family studies.


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To determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) we analyzed the responses of 173 parents who had completed the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children. The study population included 100 males (57.8%) and 73 females (42.2%; mean age 8y 10mo [SD 1y 11mo]; range 6y-11y 11mo). Eighty-three children (48.0%) had spastic diplegia, 59 (34.1%) congenital hemiplegia, 18 (10.4%) spastic quadriplegia, and 13 (7.5%) dystonic/dyskinetic CP. Seventy-three children (42.2%) were in Gross Motor Function Classification System Level I, 33 (19.1%) in Level II, 30 (17.3%) in Level III, 23 (13.3%) in Level IV, and 14 (8.1%) in Level V. Thirty children (17.3%) had epilepsy. A total sleep problem score and six factors indicative of the most common areas of sleep disorder in childhood were obtained. Of the children in our study, 23% had a pathological total sleep score, in comparison with 5% of children in the general population. Difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, sleep-wake transition, and sleep breathing disorders were the most frequently identified problems. Active epilepsy was associated with the presence of a sleep disorder (odds ratio [OR]=17.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-115.3), as was being the child of a single-parent family (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6). Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep were more frequent in children with spastic quadriplegia (OR=12.9, 95% CI 1.9-88.0), those with dyskinetic CP (OR=20.6, 95% CI 3.1-135.0), and those with severe visual impairment (OR=12.5, 95% CI 2.5-63.1). Both medical and environmental factors seem to contribute to the increased frequency of chronic sleep disorders in children with CP.


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Background: The objective of this study was to determine if mental health and substance use diagnoses were equally detected in frequent users (FUs) compared to infrequent users (IUs) of emergency departments (EDs). Methods: In a sample of 399 adult patients (>= 18 years old) admitted to a teaching hospital ED, we compared the mental health and substance use disorders diagnoses established clinically and consigned in the medical files by the ED physicians to data obtained in face-to-face research interviews using the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) and the Alcohol, Smoking and Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST). Between November 2009 and June 2010, 226 FUs (>4 visits within a year) who attended the ED were included, and 173 IUs (<= 4 visits within a year) were randomly selected from a pool of identified patients to comprise the comparison group. Results: For mental health disorders identified by the PRIME-MD, FUs were more likely than IUs to have an anxiety (34 vs. 16%, Chi2(1) = 16.74, p <0.001), depressive (47 vs. 25%, Chi2(1) = 19.11, p <0.001) or posttraumatic stress (PTSD) disorder (11 vs. 5%, Chi2(1) = 4.87, p = 0.027). Only 3/76 FUs (4%) with an anxiety disorder, 16/104 FUs (15%) with a depressive disorder and none of the 24 FUs with PTSD were detected by the ED medical staff. None of the 27 IUs with an anxiety disorder, 6/43 IUs (14%) with a depressive disorder and none of the 8 IUs with PTSD were detected. For substance use disorders identified by the ASSIST, FUs were more at risk than IUs for alcohol (24 vs. 7%, Chi2(1) = 21.12, p <0.001) and drug abuse/dependence (36 vs. 25%, Chi2(1) = 5.52, p = 0.019). Of the FUs, 14/54 (26%) using alcohol and 8/81 (10%) using drugs were detected by the ED physicians. Of the IUs, 5/12 (41%) using alcohol and none of the 43 using drugs were detected. Overall, there was no significant difference in the rate of detection of mental health and substance use disorders between FUs and IUs (Fisher's Exact Test: anxiety, p = 0.567; depression, p = 1.000; PTSD, p = 1.000; alcohol, p = 0.517; and drugs, p = 0.053). Conclusions: While the prevalence of mental health and substance use disorders was higher among FUs, the rates of detection were not significantly different for FUs vs. IUs. However, it may be that drug disorders among FUs were more likely to be detected.


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During pregnancy several adaptations develop in response to the enhanced maternal and fetal metabolic needs. This review summarizes the major cardiorespiratory modifications of pregnancy as well as their consequences in chronic respiratory diseases such as restrictive ventilatory defects (post-tuberculosis pneumonectomy, kyphoscoliosis, neuromuscular disorders), asthma, cystic fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. It is important to recognize early the cardiorespiratory situations for which pregnancy is contraindicated or associated with a high risk of respiratory complications. Clinical management by an expert and often pluridisciplinary team is recommended.


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OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: This study indicates the prevalence, the characteristics, and the screening methods of patients with at risk alcohol drinking at the University Medical Clinic of Lausanne. RESULTS: The results reported demonstrate that one patient out of six is a drinker at risk without criteria for alcohol-dependance. The questionnaire AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) with a cut-off of five points seems to be the best screening test for at risk alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of at risk drinking in this study, combined with scientific evidence of the efficiency of brief interventions in changing drinking habits, emphasises the importance of alcohol screening for all patients attending outpatient medical settings.


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To determine if gestational factors affect the severity of L. major infection, this study assessed the levels of IL-4 mRNA and IFN-gamma mRNA in popliteal lymph node cells of pregnant C57BL/6 mice mated at 5 hours, 16 hours and 15 days post L. major infection using PCR. Infected pregnant C57BL/6 mice developed larger cutaneous footpad lesions compared with non-pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice. The resolution of footpad lesions commenced after 8th week in C57BL/6 mice mated at 16 hrs post L. major infection but 12 weeks in C57BL/6 mice mated at 5 hrs and 15 days post L. major infection. C57BL/6 mice that were infected 20 days post partum resolved L. major infection effectively. But, the lesions in infected pregnant C57BL/6 mice and infected non-pregnant C57BL/6 mice were not as large as in susceptible BALB/c mice. The mean litter weights were similar in pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice mated at different stages of L. major infection but were slightly lower than weights of litters from pregnant uninfected C57BL/6 mice. In 5 days infected pregnant C57BL/6 mice, the levels of IFN-gamma were raised compared with the levels of IL-4 but those mated at 15 days post L. major infection had highest level of IFN-gamma mRNA. In 10 days pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice, levels of IL-4 were raised compared with IFN-gamma but mice mated at 16 hrs post L. major infection had highest level of IL-4. In 15 days pregnant infected mice, the levels of IL-4 were higher than IFN-gamma irrespective of the stage of L. major infection when the mice were mated. Mice infected with L. major 20 days post-partum produced more IFN-gamma than IL-4 from 16 hrs post L. major infection onwards. It may be concluded that increased IL-4 in pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice impairs the resistance of C57BL/6 mice to L. major infection especially in mice that were pregnant before effective immunity (5 hours post L. major infection) is mounted against L. major infection.