4 resultados para Powdery scab
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Powdery mildew is an important disease of wheat caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici. This pathogen invades exclusively epidermal cells after penetrating directly through the cell wall. Because powdery mildew colonizes exclusively epidermal cells, it is of importance not only to identify genes which are activated, but also to monitor tissue specificity of gene activation. Acquired resistance of wheat to powdery mildew can be induced by a previous inoculation with the non-host pathogen B. graminis f. sp. hordei, the causal agent of barley powdery mildew. The establishment of the resistant state is accompanied by the activation of genes. Here we report the tissue-specific cDNA-AFLP analysis and cloning of transcripts accumulating 6 and 24 h after the resistance-inducing inoculation with B. graminis f. sp. hordei. A total of 25,000 fragments estimated to represent about 17,000 transcripts were displayed. Out of these, 141 transcripts, were found to accumulate after Bgh inoculation using microarray hybridization analysis. Forty-four accumulated predominantly in the epidermis whereas 76 transcripts accumulated mostly in mesophyll tissue.
UNLABELLED: Honeybees harbor well-defined bacterial communities in their guts. The major members of these communities appear to benefit the host, but little is known about how they interact with the host and specifically how they interface with the host immune system. In the pylorus, a short region between the midgut and hindgut, honeybees frequently exhibit scab-like structures on the epithelial gut surface. These structures are reminiscent of a melanization response of the insect immune system. Despite the wide distribution of this phenotype in honeybee populations, its cause has remained elusive. Here, we show that the presence of a common member of the bee gut microbiota, the gammaproteobacterium Frischella perrara, correlates with the appearance of the scab phenotype. Bacterial colonization precedes scab formation, and F. perrara specifically localizes to the melanized regions of the host epithelium. Under controlled laboratory conditions, we demonstrate that exposure of microbiota-free bees to F. perrara but not to other bacteria results in scab formation. This shows that F. perrara can become established in a spatially restricted niche in the gut and triggers a morphological change of the epithelial surface, potentially due to a host immune response. As an intermittent colonizer, this bacterium holds promise for addressing questions of community invasion in a simple yet relevant model system. Moreover, our results show that gut symbionts of bees engage in differential host interactions that are likely to affect gut homeostasis. Future studies should focus on how these different gut bacteria impact honeybee health. IMPORTANCE: As pollinators, honeybees are key species for agricultural and natural ecosystems. Their guts harbor simple communities composed of characteristic bacterial species. Because of these features, bees are ideal systems for studying fundamental aspects of gut microbiota-host interactions. However, little is known about how these bacteria interact with their host. Here, we show that a common member of the bee gut microbiota causes the formation of a scab-like structure on the gut epithelium of its host. This phenotype was first described in 1946, but since then it has not been much further characterized, despite being found in bee populations worldwide. The scab phenotype is reminiscent of melanization, a conserved innate immune response of insects. Our results show that high abundance of one member of the bee gut microbiota triggers this specific phenotype, suggesting that the gut microbiota composition can affect the immune status of this key pollinator species.
Nutzen und Umweltrisiken von gentechnisch verändertem (GV) Sommerweizen mit verbesserter Mehltauresistenz wurde von einem Verbund Schweizer Forschungsgruppen von 2008 bis 2010 an zwei Standorten im Freiland untersucht. GV Weizenlinien mit spezifischer Resistenz gegen Mehltau und allgemeiner Pilzresistenz wurde mit Kontrolllinien, kommerziellen Weizensorten sowie Gerste und Triticale verglichen. Neben der Mehltauresistenz wurden die Auswirkungen auf Insekten und Bodenlebewesen (Bakterien, Mykorrhizapilze, Bodenfauna) sowie die Auskreuzung auf Weizen untersucht. Mehrere GV Weizenlinien waren deutlich resistenter gegen Mehltau als ihre Kontrollen. Es wurden keine relevanten Auswirkungen auf Nichtzielorganismen, deren Biodiversität und ausgewählte Ökosystemleistungen gefunden. Insgesamt waren die Unterschiede zwischen GV und Kontrolllinien geringer als zwischen kommerziellen Weizensorten oder anderen Getreidearten. Auskreuzungsereignisse waren selten und wurden nur in kurzer Distanz zu GV Versuchspflanzen gefunden.
Les bénéfices et les risques environnementaux du blé de printemps génétiquement modifié (GM), plus résistant à l'oïdium, ont été étudiés sur deux sites en plein champ de 2008 à 2010, dans le cadre d'un réseau de groupes de recherche suisses. Les lignées de blé GM, possédant une résistance spécifique à l'oïdium et aux maladies fongiques en général, ont été comparées à des variétés de blé commercialisées, à des lignées témoins ainsi qu'à de l'orge et du triticale. Outre la résistance à l'oïdium, l'étude a également porté sur les répercussions sur les insectes et les organismes du sol (bactéries, champignons mycorhiziens, faune du sol) ainsi que sur les croisements fortuits du blé. Plusieurs lignées de blé GM étaient nettement plus résistantes à l'oïdium que les témoins. Aucun impact significatif sur les organismes non-cibles n'a été constaté, sur leur biodiversité ou sur certaines fonctions sélectionnées des écosystèmes. Dans l'ensemble, les différences entre le blé GM et les lignées témoins étaient moindres qu'entre les variétés de blé commerciales ou les autres espèces de céréales. Les cas de croisement fortuits étaient rares et n'ont été trouvés qu'à faible distance des plantes GM de l'essai.