57 resultados para Post-and-core technique

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Controversy exists about the best method to achieve bone fusion in four-corner arthrodesis. Thirty-five patients who underwent this procedure by our technique were included in the study. Surgical indications were stage II-III SLAC wrist, stage II SNAC wrist and severe traumatic midcarpal joint injury. Mean follow-up was 4.6 years. Mean active flexion and extension were 34 degrees and 30 degrees respectively; grip strength recovery was 79%. Radiological consolidation was achieved in all cases. The mean DASH score was 23 and the postoperative pain improvement by visual analogue scale was statistically significant. Return to work was possible at 4 months for the average patient. Complications were a capitate fracture in one patient and the need for hardware removal in four cases. Four-corner bone wrist arthrodesis by dorsal rectangular plating achieves an acceptable preservation of range of motion with good pain relief, an excellent consolidation rate and minimal complications.


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Investigation of violent death, especially cases of sharp trauma and gunshot, is an important part of medico-legal investigations. Beside the execution of a conventional autopsy, the performance of a post-mortem Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT)-scan has become a highly appreciated tool. In order to investigate also the vascular system, post-mortem CT-angiography has been introduced. The most studied and widespread technique is the Multi-phase post-mortem CT-angiography (MPMCTA). Its sensitivity to detect vascular lesions is even superior to conventional autopsy. The application of MPMCTA for cases of gunshot and sharp-trauma is therefore an obvious choice, as vascular lesions are common in such victims. In most cases of sharp trauma and in several cases of gunshots, death can be attributed to exsanguinations. MPMCTA is able to detect the exact source of bleeding and also to visualize trajectories, which are of most importance in these cases. The reconstructed images allow to clearly visualizing the trajectory in a way that is easily comprehensible for not medically trained legal professionals. The sensitivity of MPMCTA for soft tissue and organ lesions approximately matches the sensitivity of conventional autopsy. However, special care, experience and effective use of the imaging software is necessary for performing the reconstructions of the trajectory. Large volume consuming haemorrhages and shift of inner organs are sources of errors and misinterpretations. This presentation shall give an overview about the advantages and limitations of the use of MPMCTA for investigating cases of gunshot and sharp-trauma.


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Data on new predictors of outcome include penumbra core or collaterals.Objective: To test the predictive value of recanalization, collaterals, penumbra and core of ischemia for functional outcome in a large group of patients with MCA occlusion. Method: Consecutive events included prospectively in the Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne from April 2002 to April 2009 with an acute stroke due to proximal MCA occlusion (M1) were considered for analysis. Acute CTA were reviewed to grade the collaterals (dichotomized in poor __50% or good _50% compared to the normal side) and localization of M1 occlusion (proximal or mid-distal). Acute CTP were reviewed and reconstructed to determine penumbra, core and stroke index (penumbra/penumbra_core) of brain ischemia. Good outcome was defined by mRS 0-2 at 3 months.Results: Among 242 events (115 male, mean NIHSS 18.1, SD 5.8, mean age 66, SD 15), 42% were treated with intravenous thrombolysis, and 3% with intraarterial thrombolysis. Collateral status was rated as poor in 53% of events and proximal M1 occlusion was present in 64%. Recanalization determined at 24 hours with CTA was complete in 26% events and partial/absent in 54%.CTP was available for 212 events. Mean penumbra was 88.6 cm3 (median 84.4, SD 53.8), mean core was 54.1 cm3 (median 46.2, SD 45.7) and stroke index was 64% (median 68%, SD 25%). Good outcome was observed in 87 events (36%) and was associated in multivariate logistic regression with thrombolysis (p_0.02, OR_2.5, 95% CI 1.2-5.4), recanalization (p_0.001, OR_4.1, 95% CI 1.9-8.9), lower NIHSS (p_0.001, OR_0.84, 95% CI 0.78-0.91), male gender (p_0.01, OR_2.8, 95% CI 1.3-5.9), mRS prior to stroke (p_0.02, OR_0.5, 95% CI 0.28-0.9) and good collateral status (p_0.005, OR_3, 95% CI 1.4-6.4). Nor penumbra, nor core, nor stroke index were significant in the multivariate model, even if an association was present in the univariate model between good functional outcome and penumbra (p_0.004, OR_1.008, 95% CI 1.003-1.01), core (p_0.001, OR_0.98, 95% CI 0.976-0.99) and strokeindex (p_0.001, OR_16.7, 95% CI 4.6 59.9).Conclusion: MCA recanalization is the best predictor for good functional outcome, followed by collateral status. CTP data did not predict the functional outcome in our large group of M1 occlusion. Author Disclosures: C. Odier: None. P. Michel: Research Grant; Significant; Paion, Lundbeck. Speakers; Modest; Boehringer-Ingelheim. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Boehringer- Ingelheim. Consultant/Advisory Board; Significant; Servier, Lundbeck.


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OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (pmMRI) for the assessment of myocardial infarction and hypointensities on post-mortem T2-weighted images as a possible method for visualizing the myocardial origin of arrhythmic sudden cardiac death. BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death has challenged clinical and forensic pathologists for decades because verification on post-mortem autopsy is not possible. pmMRI as an autopsy-supporting examination technique has been shown to visualize different stages of myocardial infarction. METHODS: In 136 human forensic corpses, a post-mortem cardiac MR examination was carried out prior to forensic autopsy. Short-axis and horizontal long-axis images were acquired in situ on a 3-T system. RESULTS: In 76 cases, myocardial findings could be documented and correlated to the autopsy findings. Within these 76 study cases, a total of 124 myocardial lesions were detected on pmMRI (chronic: 25; subacute: 16; acute: 30; and peracute: 53). Chronic, subacute, and acute infarction cases correlated excellently to the myocardial findings on autopsy. Peracute infarctions (age range: minutes to approximately 1 h) were not visible on macroscopic autopsy or histological examination. Peracute infarction areas detected on pmMRI could be verified in targeted histological investigations in 62.3% of cases and could be related to a matching coronary finding in 84.9%. A total of 15.1% of peracute lesions on pmMRI lacked a matching coronary finding but presented with severe myocardial hypertrophy or cocaine intoxication facilitating a cardiac death without verifiable coronary stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: 3-T pmMRI visualizes chronic, subacute, and acute myocardial infarction in situ. In peracute infarction as a possible cause of sudden cardiac death, it demonstrates affected myocardial areas not visible on autopsy. pmMRI should be considered as a feasible post-mortem investigation technique for the deceased patient if no consent for a clinical autopsy is obtained.


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This article describes the composition of fingermark residue as being a complex system with numerous compounds coming from different sources and evolving over time from the initial composition (corresponding to the composition right after deposition) to the aged composition (corresponding to the evolution of the initial composition over time). This complex system will additionally vary due to effects of numerous influence factors grouped in five different classes: the donor characteristics, the deposition conditions, the substrate nature, the environmental conditions and the applied enhancement techniques. The initial and aged compositions as well as the influence factors are thus considered in this article to provide a qualitative and quantitative review of all compounds identified in fingermark residue up to now. The analytical techniques used to obtain these data are also enumerated. This review highlights the fact that despite the numerous analytical processes that have already been proposed and tested to elucidate fingermark composition, advanced knowledge is still missing. Thus, there is a real need to conduct future research on the composition of fingermark residue, focusing particularly on quantitative measurements, aging kinetics and effects of influence factors. The results of future research are particularly important for advances in fingermark enhancement and dating technique developments.


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Background: Alliance evolutions, i.e. ruptures and resolutions over the course of psychotherapy, have been shown to be important descriptive features in different forms of psychotherapy, and in particular in psychodynamic psychotherapy. This case study of a client presenting elements of adjustment disorder undergoing short-term dynamic psychotherapy is drawn from a systematic naturalistic study and aims at illustrating, on a session-by-session-level, the processes of alliance ruptures and resolutions, by comparing both the client's and the therapist's perspectives. Method: Two episodes of alliance evolution were more fully studied, in relation to the evolution of transference, as well as the client's defensive functioning and core conflictual theme. These concepts were measured by means of valid, reliable observer-rater methods, based on session transcripts: the Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales (DMRS) for defensive functioning and the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) for the conflicts. Alliance was measured after each session using the Helping Alliance questionnaire (HAq-II). Results: The results indicated that these episodes of alliance rupture and resolutions may be understood as key moments of the whole therapeutic process reflecting the client's main relationship stakes. Illustrations are provided based on the client's in-session processes and related to the alliance development over the course of the entire therapy.


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Background: Urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration is routinely measured in all anti-doping laboratories to exclude the misuse of recombinant or urinary hCG preparations. In this study, extended validation of two commercial immunoassays for hCG measurements in urine was performed. Both tests were initially designed for hCG determination in human serum/plasma. Methods: Access (R) and Elecsys (R) 1010 are two automated immunoanalysers for central laboratories. The limits of detection and quantification, as well as intra-laboratory and inter-technique correlation, precision, and accuracy, were determined. Stability studies of hCG in urine following freezing and thawing cycles (n = 3) as well as storage conditions at room temperature, 4 degrees C and 20 degrees C, were performed. Results: Statistical evaluation of hCG concentrations in male urine samples (n = 2429) measured with the Elecsys (R) 1010 system enabled us to draw a skewed frequency histogram and establish a far outside value equal to 2.3 IU/L. This decision limit corresponds to the concentration at which a sportsman will be considered positive for hCG. Intra-assay precision for the Access (R) analyser was less than 4.0 A, whereas the inter-assay precision was closer to 4.5 % (concentrations of the official external controls contained between 5.5 and 195.0 IU/L). Intra and inter-assay precision for the Elecsys (R) 1010 analyser was slightly better. A good inter-technique correlation was obtained when measuring various urine samples (male and female). No urinary hCG loss was observed after two freeze/thaw cycles. On the other hand, time and inappropriate storage conditions, such as temperatures above 10 degrees C for more than 5 days, can deteriorate urinary hCG. Conclusions: Both analysers showed acceptable performances and are suitable for screening urine for anti-doping analyses. Each laboratory should validate and establish its own reference values because hCG concentrations measured in urine can be different from one immunoassay to another. The time delay between urine collection and analysis should be reduced as much as possible, and urine samples should be transported in optimal conditions to avoid a loss of hCG immunoreactivity.


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Purpose:To report the functional, anatomic outcome and safety profile of 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) combined with peeling and intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) in eyes with idiopathic epiretinal membranes (ERM). Methods:Retrospective, nonrandomized study of consecutive patients who underwent 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless PPV with subsequent membrane peeling and intravitreal TA injection for an idiopathic ERM. All patients were operated between February 2007 and February 2008 at the Jules Gonin University Eye Hospital. The minimum follow-up was 6-months. Results:Thirty-nine eyes of 39 patients were included. The mean follow-up was 7 months (SD: 2.2, range: 6-15 months). Twenty-two (56%) eyes were pseudophakic and 17 (44%) were phakic at the time of surgery. Mean preoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) was 14 mmHg (SD: 3.5). At the final follow-up mean IOP was 14.5 (SD: 2.7) that did not differ significantly from the IOP at baseline (P: 0.14- 2-tailed t test). Five patients (13%) needed temporary topical anti-glaucoma treatment.Mean preoperative BCVA was 0.28 decimal equivalent (logMAR 0.54, SD: 0.2, range: 1.0 - 0.2). and improved significantly (P <0.0001, 2-tailed t test) to a mean of 0.6 decimal equivalent (logMAR 0.22, SD: 0.16, range: 0.6 - 0) at the final follow-up. The visual acuity improved by a mean of 3.2 lines (SD 2.1, range 0- 8). Twenty-nine patients (74%) demonstrated a gain of 3 or more lines.Mean central macular thickness (CMT) was 456 µm (SD: 77) at the baseline that reduced significantly (P <0.0001, 2-tailed t test) at the final follow-up to 327µm (SD: 79). Average CMT reduction was 131µm (SD: 77, range: 36- 380 µm). A subgroup analysis of 15 selected cases that had CMT measurement 1 week after surgery demonstrated that 84% of the total final reduction in CMT occurred during the first week. Conclusions:23-gauge sutureless transconjunctival vitrectomy with the concomitant administration of intravitreal TA is a safe and effective technique for the treatment of idiopathic ERM and may speed up anatomical recovery.


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The reciprocal interaction between cancer cells and the tissue-specific stroma is critical for primary and metastatic tumor growth progression. Prostate cancer cells colonize preferentially bone (osteotropism), where they alter the physiological balance between osteoblast-mediated bone formation and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and elicit prevalently an osteoblastic response (osteoinduction). The molecular cues provided by osteoblasts for the survival and growth of bone metastatic prostate cancer cells are largely unknown. We exploited the sufficient divergence between human and mouse RNA sequences together with redefinition of highly species-specific gene arrays by computer-aided and experimental exclusion of cross-hybridizing oligonucleotide probes. This strategy allowed the dissection of the stroma (mouse) from the cancer cell (human) transcriptome in bone metastasis xenograft models of human osteoinductive prostate cancer cells (VCaP and C4-2B). As a result, we generated the osteoblastic bone metastasis-associated stroma transcriptome (OB-BMST). Subtraction of genes shared by inflammation, wound healing and desmoplastic responses, and by the tissue type-independent stroma responses to a variety of non-osteotropic and osteotropic primary cancers generated a curated gene signature ("Core" OB-BMST) putatively representing the bone marrow/bone-specific stroma response to prostate cancer-induced, osteoblastic bone metastasis. The expression pattern of three representative Core OB-BMST genes (PTN, EPHA3 and FSCN1) seems to confirm the bone specificity of this response. A robust induction of genes involved in osteogenesis and angiogenesis dominates both the OB-BMST and Core OB-BMST. This translates in an amplification of hematopoietic and, remarkably, prostate epithelial stem cell niche components that may function as a self-reinforcing bone metastatic niche providing a growth support specific for osteoinductive prostate cancer cells. The induction of this combinatorial stem cell niche is a novel mechanism that may also explain cancer cell osteotropism and local interference with hematopoiesis (myelophthisis). Accordingly, these stem cell niche components may represent innovative therapeutic targets and/or serum biomarkers in osteoblastic bone metastasis.


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PURPOSE: To report both the functional and anatomic outcome and safety profile of 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy combined with membrane peeling and intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide in eyes with idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes. METHODS: Retrospective study of 39 consecutive patients who underwent 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy, membrane peeling, and intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection for an idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane between February 2007 and February 2008. Minimum follow-up was 6 months. RESULTS: Thirty-nine eyes of 39 patients were included in the study. The mean follow-up was 7 +/- 2.2 months (range, 6-15 months). Twenty-two eyes (56%) were pseudophakic and 17 (44%) were phakic at the time of surgery. Five of the phakic eyes (29.4%) had worsening of cataracts during the follow-up period. Mean preoperative intraocular pressure was 14 +/- 3.5 mmHg. At the final follow-up, mean intraocular pressure was 14.5 +/- 2.7 mmHg, which did not differ significantly from the intraocular pressure at baseline (P = 0.14, two-tailed t-test). Five (13%) patients needed topical antiglaucoma treatment. Mean preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.28 decimal equivalent (20/71 Snellen equivalent; logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution 0.54 +/- 0.2, range: 1.0-0.2) and improved significantly (P < 0.0001, two-tailed t-test) to a mean of 0.6 decimal equivalent (20/33 Snellen equivalent; logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution 0.22 +/- 0.16, range: 0.6-0) at the final follow-up. The BCVA improved by a mean of 3.2 +/- 2.1 lines (range: 0-8). Twenty-nine patients (74%) demonstrated a gain of > or =3 lines. Mean central macular thickness was 456 +/- 77 microm (mean +/- SD) at baseline, which was significantly reduced at the final follow-up to 327 +/- 79 microm (mean +/- SD; P < 0.0001, two-tailed t-test). Average central macular thickness reduction was 131 +/- 77 microm (mean +/- SD; range: 36-380 microm). A subgroup analysis of 15 selected cases, which had central macular thickness and BCVA measurements after the first postoperative week, demonstrated that 84% of the total final reduction in central macular thickness and 84% of the total final improvement in BCVA occurred already during the first postoperative week. CONCLUSION: Twenty-three-gauge sutureless transconjunctival vitrectomy is a safe and effective technique for the treatment of idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes. The concomitant administration of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide after pars plana vitrectomy may speed up and improve the anatomic and functional outcome.


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This article describes the composition of fingermark residue as being a complex system with numerous compounds coming from different sources and evolving over time from the initial composition (corresponding to the composition right after deposition) to the aged composition (corresponding to the evolution of the initial composition over time). This complex system will additionally vary due to effects of numerous influence factors grouped in five different classes: the donor characteristics, the deposition conditions, the substrate nature, the environmental conditions and the applied enhancement techniques. The initial and aged compositions as well as the influence factors are thus considered in this article to provide a qualitative and quantitative review of all compounds identified in fingermark residue up to now. The analytical techniques used to obtain these data are also enumerated. This review highlights the fact that despite the numerous analytical processes that have already been proposed and tested to elucidate fingermark composition, advanced knowledge is still missing. Thus, there is a real need to conduct future research on the composition of fingermark residue, focusing particularly on quantitative measurements, aging kinetics and effects of influence factors. The results of future research are particularly important for advances in fingermark enhancement and dating technique developments.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological and biomechanical changes occurring in a subject after running 8,500 km in 161 days (i.e. 52.8 km daily). Three weeks before, 3 weeks after (POST) and 5 months after (POST+5) running from Paris to Beijing, energy cost of running (Cr), knee flexor and extensor isokinetic strength and biomechanical parameters (using a treadmill dynamometer) at different velocities were assessed in an experienced ultra-runner. At POST, there was a tendency toward a 'smoother' running pattern, as shown by (a) a higher stride frequency and duty factor, and a reduced aerial time without a change in contact time, (b) a lower maximal vertical force and loading rate at impact and (c) a decrease in both potential and kinetic energy changes at each step. This was associated with a detrimental effect on Cr (+6.2%) and a loss of strength at all angular velocities for both knee flexors and extensors. At POST+5, the subject returned to his original running patterns at low but not at high speeds and maximal strength remained reduced at low angular velocities (i.e. at high levels of force). It is suggested that the running pattern changes observed in the present study were a strategy adopted by the subject to reduce the deleterious effects of long distance running. However, the running pattern changes could partly be linked to the decrease in maximal strength.


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Cefepime is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin indicated for in-hospital treatment of severe infections. Acute neurotoxicity, an increasingly recognized adverse effect of this drug in an overdose, predominantly affects patients with reduced renal function. Although dialytic approaches have been advocated to treat this condition, their role in this indication remains unclear. We report the case of an 88-year-old female patient with impaired renal function who developed life-threatening neurologic symptoms during cefepime therapy. She was treated with two intermittent 3-hour high-flux, high-efficiency hemodialysis sessions. Serial pre-, post-, and peridialytic (pre- and postfilter) serum cefepime concentrations were measured. Pharmacokinetic modeling showed that this dialytic strategy allowed for serum cefepime concentrations to return to the estimated nontoxic range 15 hours earlier than would have been the case without an intervention. The patient made a full clinical recovery over the next 48 hours. We conclude that at least 1 session of intermittent hemodialysis may shorten the time to return to the nontoxic range in severe clinically patent intoxication. It should be considered early in its clinical course pending chemical confirmation, even in frail elderly patients. Careful dosage adjustment and a high index of suspicion are essential in this population.