15 resultados para Pluto (Dwarf planet)

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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En partant d'une étude ethnographique dans un laboratoire engagés dans la conception et la réalisation de micro et nanosystèmes, l'article rend compte de la manière dont ces objets sont amenés à l'existence, mais aussi de la fragilité de cette existence d'être technologique. Confronté à de nombreux échecs, les chercheurs en viennent à douter de leur faisabilité technologique, de leur capacité à maintenir l'intérêt des industriels pour ces objets, voire même du sens de l' histoire technologique. Cette histoire, qu' ils croyaient évoluer inéluctablement des microsystèmes vers les nanosystèmes, semble brutalement s'arrêter, voir s'inverser. Les nanosystèmes ne seraient alors qu'un leurre, une illusion plutôt qu'une nouvelle catégorie de technologie. L'existence-même de l'objet est devenue problématique. En suivant les chercheurs, ingénieurs et techniciens au travail, l'article rend compte de la technogénèse comme exploration des modes d'existence des êtres technologiques.


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In the case of such a very special building project, the crucial stake for sustainable development is the fact that space systems are extreme cases of environmental constraints. In- deed, they constitute an interesting model as an analogy can be made between Martian utmost conditions and some of the possible extreme one's that Earth might soon face. The didactic ob- jective of the project is to use the context of a building on Mars to teach an approach which raises the students awareness to design and plan all steps of a building in a sustainable way, i.e. build, with the available resources, living spaces that satisfy human needs and leave as intact as possible the external environment. The paper presents the approach and the feedback of this student project, more specifically ENAC Learning Unit", which involved 17 students from envi- ronmental, civil engineering and architecture sections from EPFL. All the same, it involved pro- fessors from all three domains, as well as aerospace and Mars specialists, which gave seminars during the course of the semester. The students were separated in groups, and the project con- sisted of two phases: 1) analysis of the context and resources, 2) project design and critic. Both organisational, technical and pedagogical aspects of the experience are presented. The outcome was very positive, with students experiencing for their first time multidisciplinary work and the iterative process of design under multiple constraints.


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Few subjects have caught the attention of the entire world as much as those dealing with natural hazards. The first decade of this new millennium provides a litany of tragic examples of various hazards that turned into disasters affecting millions of individuals around the globe. The human losses (some 225,000 people) associated with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the economic costs (approximately 200 billion USD) of the 2011 Tohoku Japan earthquake, tsunami and reactor event, and the collective social impacts of human tragedies experienced during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 all provide repetitive reminders that we humans are temporary guests occupying a very active and angry planet. Any examples may have been cited here to stress the point that natural events on Earth may, and often do, lead to disasters and catastrophes when humans place themselves into situations of high risk. Few subjects share the true interdisciplinary dependency that characterizes the field of natural hazards. From geology and geophysics to engineering and emergency response to social psychology and economics, the study of natural hazards draws input from an impressive suite of unique and previously independent specializations. Natural hazards provide a common platform to reduce disciplinary boundaries and facilitate a beneficial synergy in the provision of timely and useful information and action on this critical subject matter. As social norms change regarding the concept of acceptable risk and human migration leads to an explosion in the number of megacities, coastal over-crowding and unmanaged habitation in precarious environments such as mountainous slopes, the vulnerability of people and their susceptibility to natural hazards increases dramatically. Coupled with the concerns of changing climates, escalating recovery costs, a growing divergence between more developed and less developed countries, the subject of natural hazards remains on the forefront of issues that affect all people, nations, and environments all the time.This treatise provides a compendium of critical, timely and very detailed information and essential facts regarding the basic attributes of natural hazards and concomitant disasters. The Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards effectively captures and integrates contributions from an international portfolio of almost 300 specialists whose range of expertise addresses over 330 topics pertinent to the field of natural hazards. Disciplinary barriers are overcome in this comprehensive treatment of the subject matter. Clear illustrations and numerous color images enhance the primary aim to communicate and educate. The inclusion of a series of unique ?classic case study? events interspersed throughout the volume provides tangible examples linking concepts, issues, outcomes and solutions. These case studies illustrate different but notable recent, historic and prehistoric events that have shaped the world as we now know it. They provide excellent focal points linking the remaining terms in the volume to the primary field of study. This Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards will remain a standard reference of choice for many years.


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AimSmall body size in Madagascar's dwarf and mouse lemurs (Cheirogaleidae) is generally viewed as primitive. We investigated the evolution of body size in this family and in its sister-taxon, the Lepilemuridae, from phylogenetic, ontogenetic and adaptive perspectives. LocationMadagascar. MethodsWe used a phylogenetic method to reconstruct the evolution of body size in lemurs, and allometric regression models of gestation periods and static and growth allometries in Cheirogaleidae and Lepilemuridae to test the hypothesis that dwarfing occurred as a result of truncated ontogeny (progenesis). We also examined adaptive hypotheses relating body size to environmental variability, life history, seasonality of reproduction, hypothermy (use of torpor), and a diet rich in plant exudates. ResultsOur results indicated that cheirogaleids experienced at least four independent events of body size reduction from an ancestor as large as living Lepilemuridae, by means of progenesis. Our interpretation is supported by the paedomorphic appearance and parallel ontogenetic trajectories of the dwarf taxa, as well as their very short gestation periods and increased fecundity. Lepilemur species that occupy more predictable environments are significantly larger than those occupying unpredictable habitats. Main conclusionsCheirogaleidae appear to be paedomorphic dwarfs, a consequence of progenesis, probably as an adaptation to high environmental unpredictability. Although the capacity to use hypothermy is related to small body size, this advantage is unlikely to have driven dwarfing in cheirogaleids. We propose that gummmivory/exudativory co-evolved with body size reduction in this clade, probably from a folivorous ancestor. Their small size is derived, and their suitability as models for the ancestral primate' is therefore dubious.


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Among the types of remote sensing acquisitions, optical images are certainly one of the most widely relied upon data sources for Earth observation. They provide detailed measurements of the electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted by each pixel in the scene. Through a process termed supervised land-cover classification, this allows to automatically yet accurately distinguish objects at the surface of our planet. In this respect, when producing a land-cover map of the surveyed area, the availability of training examples representative of each thematic class is crucial for the success of the classification procedure. However, in real applications, due to several constraints on the sample collection process, labeled pixels are usually scarce. When analyzing an image for which those key samples are unavailable, a viable solution consists in resorting to the ground truth data of other previously acquired images. This option is attractive but several factors such as atmospheric, ground and acquisition conditions can cause radiometric differences between the images, hindering therefore the transfer of knowledge from one image to another. The goal of this Thesis is to supply remote sensing image analysts with suitable processing techniques to ensure a robust portability of the classification models across different images. The ultimate purpose is to map the land-cover classes over large spatial and temporal extents with minimal ground information. To overcome, or simply quantify, the observed shifts in the statistical distribution of the spectra of the materials, we study four approaches issued from the field of machine learning. First, we propose a strategy to intelligently sample the image of interest to collect the labels only in correspondence of the most useful pixels. This iterative routine is based on a constant evaluation of the pertinence to the new image of the initial training data actually belonging to a different image. Second, an approach to reduce the radiometric differences among the images by projecting the respective pixels in a common new data space is presented. We analyze a kernel-based feature extraction framework suited for such problems, showing that, after this relative normalization, the cross-image generalization abilities of a classifier are highly increased. Third, we test a new data-driven measure of distance between probability distributions to assess the distortions caused by differences in the acquisition geometry affecting series of multi-angle images. Also, we gauge the portability of classification models through the sequences. In both exercises, the efficacy of classic physically- and statistically-based normalization methods is discussed. Finally, we explore a new family of approaches based on sparse representations of the samples to reciprocally convert the data space of two images. The projection function bridging the images allows a synthesis of new pixels with more similar characteristics ultimately facilitating the land-cover mapping across images.


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The present research deals with an application of artificial neural networks for multitask learning from spatial environmental data. The real case study (sediments contamination of Geneva Lake) consists of 8 pollutants. There are different relationships between these variables, from linear correlations to strong nonlinear dependencies. The main idea is to construct a subsets of pollutants which can be efficiently modeled together within the multitask framework. The proposed two-step approach is based on: 1) the criterion of nonlinear predictability of each variable ?k? by analyzing all possible models composed from the rest of the variables by using a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) as a model; 2) a multitask learning of the best model using multilayer perceptron and spatial predictions. The results of the study are analyzed using both machine learning and geostatistical tools.


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The genus Hylomys was thought to be represented by a single widespread species. Biochemical and morphometric analyses of several Southeast Asian populations reveal that Sumatra is inhabited by two distinct species, the dwarf gymnure (H. parvus) and the lesser gymnure (H. suillus). The absence of interbreeding between these two groups along with their relatively ancient common origins are documented by several diagnostic loci and a large Nei's genetic distance (D = 0.353 +/- 0.035). The dwarf gymnure has been reported only from the slopes of the Mt. Kerinci volcano in Sumatra, where the species lives at higher elevations than its potential competitor, the lesser gymnure. Other populations of Hylomys from Java, Borneo, and Malaysia are more closely related to the Sumatran sample of H. suillus, but they exhibit strong interpopulational genetic differentiation (D = 0.165 +/- 0.040) that may be accounted for by their isolated montane habitat. In addition, a principal-components analysis based on 16 measurements of the skull clearly separates adult specimens of both species. There is little overlap in the measurements between H. suillus (which is larger) and H. parvus. On Sumatra where both species may be sympatric, the notched space between premaxillary tips, soft texture of the fur, and more delicate skull and dentition are diagnostic of H. parvus.


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According to Jenkyns (2010), oceanic anoxic events (OAE) record profound changes in the climatic and paleoceanographic state of the planet and represent major disturbances in the global carbon cycle. One of the most studied OAEs on a worldwide scale is the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE 2, which is characterized by a pronounced positive excursion in carbon-isotope records and the important accumulation of organic-rich sediments. The section at Gongzha (Tibet) and the sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco (Mexico) are located in remote parts of the Tethys, and show δ13C records, which are well correlated with those of classical Tethyan sections. Both sections, however, do not exhibit the presence of organic-rich sediments. Phosphorus Mass Accumulation Rates (PMAR) in Tibet show a pattern similar to that observed in the Tethys by Mort et al. (2007), which suggests enhanced Ρ regeneration during the OAE 2 time interval, though there is no evidence for anoxic conditions in Tibet. Ρ appears here to have been mainly driven by detrital influx and sea-level fluctuations. The sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco show that the Mexican carbonate platform persisted during this anoxic event, which allowed the evolution of platform fauna otherwise not present in Tethyan sections. The persistence of this carbonate platform close to the Caribbean Igneous Plateau, which is thought to have released bio-limiting metals, is explained by local uplift which delayed the drowning of the platform and a specific oceanic circulation that permitted the preservation of oligotrophic conditions in the area. The Coniacian-Santonian OAE (OAE3) appears to have been more dependent on local conditions than OAE2. The presence of black shales associated with OAE3 appear to have been restricted to shallow-water settings and epicontinental seas in areas located around the Atlantic Ocean. The sections at Olazagutia (Spain), and Ten Mile - Arbor Park (USA), two potential Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSP) sites, are devoid of organic-rich sediments and lack a δ13C positive excursion around the C-S boundary. The Gabal Ekma section (Sinai, Egypt) exhibits accumulations of organic-rich sediments, in addition to phosphorite bone beds layers, which may have been linked to an epicontinental upwelling zone and/or storm inputs. Our data suggest that OAE 3 is rarely expressed by truly anoxic conditions and seems to have been linked to local conditions rather than global paleoenvironmental change. The evidence for detrital-P being the likely cause of Ρ fluctuations during the OAEs studied here does not negate the idea that anoxia was the principal driver of these fluctuations in the western Tethys. However, an explanation is required as to why the Ρ accumulation signatures are mirrored in both oxic and anoxic sedimentary successions. 'Eustatic/climatic' and 'productivity/anoxic' models may have both operated simultaneously in different parts of the world depending on local conditions, both producing similar trends in Ρ accumulation. - Selon Jenkyns (2010), les événements anoxiques océaniques enregistrent de profonds changements dans le climat et la paléoceanographie de la planète et représente des perturbations majeures du cycle du carbone. L'un des plus étudiés à l'échelle mondiale est l'ΟΑΕ2 du Cénomanien-Turonien, qui est caractérisé par une très forte excursion positive des isotopes du carbone et une importante accumulation de sédiments riche en matière organique. La section de Gongzha (Tibet) et les sections de Barranca et Axaxcualco (Mexique) sont situées aux confins de la Téthys, et enregistrent une courbe isotopique en δ13C parfaitement corrélable avec les sections téthysiennes, mais ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales. Le taux de phosphore en accumulation de masses (PMAR) au Tibet montre un pattern similaire observé également par Mort et al. (2007) dans la Téthys, suggérant un model de régénération du Ρ durant l'anoxie, cependant aucune conditions anoxiques régnent dans la région du Tibet. Ρ apparaît donc principalement guidé par le détritisme et les fluctuations du niveau marin. Les sections de Barranca et d'Axaxacualco montrent que la plateforme carbonatée mexicaine persiste durant cet événement anoxique, et permet le développement d'une faune de plateforme qui n'est pas présente dans les sections téthysiennes. La persistance de cette plateforme carbonatée si proche du plateau Caribéen, qui est connu pour le relâchement de métaux bio-limitant, peut être expliqué par un soulèvement tectonique local qui inhibe l'ennoiement de la plateforme et une circulation océanique spécifique qui permet la préservation de conditions oligotrophiques dans cette région. L'événement anoxique océanique du Coniacien-Santonien apparaît plus dépendant des conditions locales que pour l'ΟΑΕ2. Les black shales associés à POAE3 sont restreints aux zones situées autour de l'océan Atlantique et plus particulièrement aux eaux peu profondes et épicontinentales. Les sections d'Olazagutia (Espagne), Ten Mile Creek et Arbor Park (USA), qui sont deux potentielles sections GSSP (Sections de stratotype de limite globaux et de points), ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales et pas de forte excursion positive en δ13C autour de la limite C-S. La section de Gabal Ekma (Sinai, Egypte) montre des accumulations de black shales, en plus des couches de phosphorites et d'accumulation d'os (« bone beds »), vraisemblablement lié à des zones active d'upwelling épicontinentale et/ou d'apport de tempêtes. Nos données suggèrent que l'OAE 3 est rarement exprimé par de vraies conditions anoxiques et semble être plus lié à des conditions plus locales que des changements paléo-environnementaux globaux, comme observés pour le Cénomanien- Turonien. Les arguments pour un modèle lié au phosphore détritique qui serait la cause des fluctuations du phosphore total durant les OAEs, n'écartent pas l'idée que l'anoxie est la principale cause de ces fluctuations dans les sections riches en matière organique de l'Ouest téthysien. Cependant une explication est nécessaire pour comprendre pourquoi la signature de l'accumulation du phosphore est semblable dans les successions sédimentaires déposées dans des conditions oxygénées et anoxiques. Les modèles « Eustatisme/Climat » et « Productivité/anoxie » ont simultanément opéré dans les différentes parties du monde dépendant de conditions locales, et ont produit des tendances similaires en accumulation de phosphore.


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Eukaryotic mRNA transcription and turnover is controlled by an enzymatic machinery that includes RNA polymerase II and the 3' to 5' exosome. The activity of these protein complexes is modulated by additional factors, such as the nuclear RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 (Paf1c) and the cytoplasmic Superkiller (SKI) complex, respectively. Their components are conserved across uni- as well as multi-cellular organisms, including yeast, Arabidopsis, and humans. Among them, SKI8 displays multiple facets on top of its cytoplasmic role in the SKI complex. For instance, nuclear yeast ScSKI8 has an additional function in meiotic recombination, whereas nuclear human hSKI8 (unlike ScSKI8) associates with Paf1c. The Arabidopsis SKI8 homolog VERNALIZATION INDEPENDENT 3 (VIP3) has been found in Paf1c as well; however, whether it also has a role in the SKI complex remains obscure so far. We found that transgenic VIP3-GFP, which complements a novel vip3 mutant allele, localizes to both nucleus and cytoplasm. Consistently, biochemical analyses suggest that VIP3-GFP associates with the SKI complex. A role of VIP3 in the turnover of nuclear encoded mRNAs is supported by random-primed RNA sequencing of wild-type and vip3 seedlings, which indicates mRNA stabilization in vip3. Another SKI subunit homolog mutant, ski2, displays a dwarf phenotype similar to vip3. However, unlike vip3, it displays neither early flowering nor flower development phenotypes, suggesting that the latter reflect VIP3's role in Paf1c. Surprisingly then, transgenic ScSKI8 rescued all aspects of the vip3 phenotype, suggesting that the dual role of SKI8 depends on species-specific cellular context.


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In terrestrial ecosystems, plants take up phosphate predominantly via association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). We identified loss of responsiveness to AMF in the rice (Oryza sativa) mutant hebiba, reflected by the absence of physical contact and of characteristic transcriptional responses to fungal signals. Among the 26 genes deleted in hebiba, DWARF 14 LIKE is, the one responsible for loss of symbiosis . It encodes an alpha/beta-fold hydrolase, that is a component of an intracellular receptor complex involved in the detection of the smoke compound karrikin. Our finding reveals an unexpected plant recognition strategy for AMF and a previously unknown signaling link between symbiosis and plant development.


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Contexte: L'artériopathie périphérique des membres inférieurs (APMI) est une pathologie chronique qui touche les artères des membres inférieurs. Elle est caractérisée par un rétrécissement progressif de la lumière de l'artère, lié le plus souvent à l'athérosclérose. De multiples facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires participent à l'apparition et à l'évolution de l'APMI. Comme il s'agit des mêmes facteurs de risque que pour beaucoup d'autres maladies cardiovasculaires, l'APMI peut être considérée comme un marqueur du risque cardiovasculaire. Pour cette raison, en plus d'une baisse de la qualité de vie, les patients souffrant d'APMI ont un risque accru d'accidents cardiovasculaires. Bien que l'APMI soit une pathologie en pleine expansion (prévalence de 20% dans la population générale âgée de plus de 55 ans et de 30% chez les plus de 70 ans), la plupart des données disponibles ont été extrapolées à partir d'études sur d'autres populations à risque cardiovasculaire (patients avec ischémie cérébrale, infarctus, diabète, etc.). Objectifs: Le registre REPARMI naît suite à l'exigence d'étudier une pathologie qui sera de plus en plus fréquente dans le monde, mais dont l'histoire naturelle reste peu connue. Etudier l'épidémiologie, les facteurs de risque, la prise en charge de l'APMI ainsi que le devenir des patients par le biais d'un registre prospectif avec un suivi au long cours. De cette façon, le registre permettra de: ? Evaluer l'histoire naturelle des patients avec APMI. ? Identifier les facteurs de risque individuels de l'APMI et les différentes modalités de prise en charge médicale. ? Evaluer l'influence que l'APMI a sur la qualité de vie des patients et l'impact de l'APMI en termes de santé publique dans la population. Méthodes: Il s'agit d'une étude prospective, observationnelle avec inclusion non sélectionnée et consécutive des patients avec APMI. Tous les patients avec une APMI confirmée, qui satisfont les critères d'inclusion et qui n'ont pas de critères d'exclusion, peuvent entrer dans l'étude. Pour chaque patient, des informations épidémiologiques et cliniques de base sont recueillies et différentes analyses biologiques seront effectuées. Pendant les 5 ans du suivi tous les patients vont être soumis à des questionnaires et à des contrôles angiologiques périodiques. Puisqu'il s'agit d'une étude observationnelle, la prise en charge des patients recrutés ne sera pas modifiée par rapport à la norme. Résultats attendus: Mieux comprendre l'histoire naturelle de cette maladie et déterminer quels examens et quels éléments anamnestiques sont vraiment utiles pour améliorer la prise en charge. Trouver des marqueurs dans le sang qui pourraient prédire un événement plutôt qu'un autre. Importance: Cette étude permettra à l'avenir d'apprécier dès le début la sévérité de chaque cas et d'améliorer la prise en charge, en sachant que certaines co-morbidités, certains styles de vie, certaines valeurs dans le sang ou autre sont des facteurs de risque pour une mauvaise évolution de la maladie.