178 resultados para Pet-Vet
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Hypoxia, a condition of insufficient oxygen availability to support metabolism, occurs when the vascular supply is interrupted, as in stroke. The identification of the hypoxic and viable tissue in stroke as compared with irreversible lesions (necrosis) has relevant implications for the treatment of ischemic stroke. Traditionally, imaging by positron emission tomography (PET), using 15O-based radiotracers, allowed the measurement of perfusion and oxygen extraction in stroke, providing important insights in its pathophysiology. However, these multitracer evaluations are of limited applicability in clinical settings. More recently, specific tracers have been developed, which accumulate with an inverse relationship to oxygen concentration and thus allow visualizing the hypoxic tissue non invasively. These belong to two main groups: nitroimidazoles, and among these the 18F-Fluoroimidazole (18F-FMISO) is the most widely used, and the copper-based tracers, represented mainly by Cu-ATSM. While these tracers have been at first developed and tested in order to image hypoxia in tumors, they have also shown promising results in stroke models and preliminary clinical studies in patients with cardiovascular disorders, allowing the detection of hypoxic tissue and the prediction of the extent of subsequent ischemia and clinical outcome. These tracers have therefore the potential to select an appropriate subgroup of patients who could benefit from a hypoxia-directed treatment and provide prognosis relevant imaging. The molecular imaging of hypoxia made important progress over the last decade and has a potential for integration into the diagnostic and therapeutic workup of patients with ischemic stroke.
A 67-year-old woman was referred for staging of a mucosa-associated lymphoid tumor lymphoma involving the left conjunctiva. CT scan had shown paravertebral and pelvic masses, and a breast nodule. FDG PET/CT demonstrated moderately increased uptake in the left ocular conjunctiva and confirmed the paravertebral and pelvic masses and the breast nodule. Moreover, abnormal FDG uptake was shown in 2 breast nodules, the flank, the gluteus maximus, and the gastric cardia. The patient received 6 cycles of rituximab-bendamustine chemotherapy with a complete clinical and metabolic response at the 6-month follow-up PET/CT and remained relapse-free without visual acuity problem after a 36-month follow-up.
Among PET radiotracers, FDG seems to be quite accepted as an accurate oncology diagnostic tool, frequently helpful also in the evaluation of treatment response and in radiation therapy treatment planning for several cancer sites. To the contrary, the reliability of Choline as a tracer for prostate cancer (PC) still remains an object of debate for clinicians, including radiation oncologists. This review focuses on the available data about the potential impact of Choline-PET in the daily clinical practice of radiation oncologists managing PC patients. In summary, routine Choline-PET is not indicated for initial local T staging, but it seems better than conventional imaging for nodal staging and for all patients with suspected metastases. In these settings, Choline-PET showed the potential to change patient management. A critical limit remains spatial resolution, limiting the accuracy and reliability for small lesions. After a PSA rise, the problem of the trigger PSA value remains crucial. Indeed, the overall detection rate of Choline-PET is significantly increased when the trigger PSA, or the doubling time, increases, but higher PSA levels are often a sign of metastatic spread, a contraindication for potentially curable local treatments such as radiation therapy. Even if several published data seem to be promising, the current role of PET in treatment planning in PC patients to be irradiated still remains under investigation. Based on available literature data, all these issues are addressed and discussed in this review.
We addressed the questions of how cerebral glucose transport and phosphorylation change under acute hypoglycemia and what the underlying mechanisms of adaptation are. METHODS: Quantitative (18)F-FDG PET combined with the acquisition of real-time arterial input function was performed on mice. Hypoglycemia was induced and maintained by insulin infusion. PET data were analyzed with the 2-tissue-compartment model for (18)F-FDG, and the results were evaluated with Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics. RESULTS: Glucose clearance from plasma to brain (K1,glc) and the phosphorylation rate constant increased with decreasing plasma glucose (Gp), in particular at a Gp of less than 2.5 mmol/L. Estimated cerebral glucose extraction ratios taking into account an increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) at a Gp of less than 2 mmol/L were between 0.14 and 0.79. CBF-normalized K1,glc values were in agreement with saturation kinetics. Phosphorylation rate constants indicated intracellular glucose depletion at a Gp of less than 2-3 mmol/L. When brain regions were compared, glucose transport under hypoglycemia was lowest in the hypothalamus. CONCLUSION: Alterations in glucose transport and phosphorylation, as well as intracellular glucose depletion, under acute hypoglycemia can be modeled by saturation kinetics taking into account an increase in CBF. Distinct transport kinetics in the hypothalamus may be involved in its glucose-sensing function.
A 75-year-old man, with no significant symptoms, was referred after the incidental finding of a left hilar pulmonary mass of 30 × 30 × 50 mm on a chest CT. F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT demonstrated a heterogeneous, moderate radiotracer uptake in the mass (SUV 3.5 g/mL). Bronchoscopy revealed a discrete extrinsic compression of the superior bronchus without endobronchial lesion. Endobronchial fine-needle biopsies could not deliver a final diagnosis. The patient underwent upper lobectomy by thoracotomy. Histopathology revealed a benign intrapulmonary schwannoma. Although rare, intermediate FDG uptake in the settings of a pulmonary mass should include schwannoma in the differential diagnosis.
0 Abstract L'incidence du mélanome est en nette augmentation en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. La Chirurgie peut être curative au stade précoce de la maladie,la radiothérapie se pratique À visée palliative, les chimiothérapies n'ont montré que peu d'effet. Les progress actuels se font via l'immunothérapie. Des traitements par l'interleukine-2 et l'interféron-α se sont montrés efficaces chez certains patients, mais leur utilisation est limitée par leur forte toxicité. Depuis 2011, en Suisse, une nouvelle molécule a été mise sur le marché, l'ipilimumab (Yervoy®). Il s'agit d'un anticorps! monoclonal humain dirigé contre le CTLA4. Il en résulte une activation non spécifique du système immunitaire. Une étude randomisée de phase IIIa été conduite au Etats-Unis. Elle démontre une augmentation de la survie chez les patients atteints de melanoma métastatique traits par ipilimumab, sans traitement préalable des métastases. Le but de cette etude est de determiner s'il est possible, par le biais de l'imagerie PET-CTau 18F-FDG, de prédire la réponse individuelle au traitement par ipilimumab, afin d'optimiser la prise en charge de ces patients. 0.1 Méthode Les patients atteints de mélanome métastatique sont exposés au traitement d'ipilimumab selon les recommandations de Bristol-Myers Squibb. Puis ils effectuent des PET-CT au F-18-FDG selon! le! protocole (CER 400/11, annexé) de l'étude. Les images sont!analysées selon les critères PERCIST (PETResponse Criterias In Solid Tumors) et le TLG (Total Lesion Glycolysis) est calculé. Parallèlement, des prises de sang sont effectuées et les échantillons sont analysés à l'institut Ludwig (LICR, Unil) selon les critères imRC qui determinant la réponse immunologique au traitement. 0.2 Résultats Nous notons une discrépance dans les résultats. Lorsque nous observons une maladie stable avec les critères immunologiques imRC, nous observons une maladie progressive avec lescritères PERCIST. 0.3 Discussion - Conclusion Nous n'avons pu faire entrer que cinq patients dans l'étude, dont trois étaient vivants à trois mois, ce qui a restreint le nombre de données analysables. Les discrépances que nous observons dans nos résultats pourraient être dues au fait que le PET-CT au 18FDG ne nous permet pas de différencier l'activité tumorale de l'activité inflammatoire péri-tumorale. Ce biais pourrait être à l'avenir prévenu en utilisant du 18FLT, un marqueur plus sélectif des cellules tumorales.L'analyse desimages avec les critères de total-lesion glycolysis a été impossible au vu du nombre de lésions que présentaient certains patients. Les critères PERCIST exigent un protocole d'acquisition très strict. La corrélation entre les images, les données immunologiques et la clinique mérite d'être suivie sur le long terme, car il pourrait y avoir une réponse positive plus tardive du traitement par ipilimumab.
Background: Response evaluation in gastrointestinal stromal tumors is difficult. Computed tomography and size-based assessments have been found inadequate to draw prognostic conclusions in patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). Density criteria (CHOI) have recently been shown to better define prognostic subsets of patients evaluated with CT. Still, positron emission tomography (PET) might be better at identifying responders with good outcome early, as shown for first and recently second-line treatment in GIST (Prior et al.; J Clin Oncol 2009). We wanted to evaluate the role of PET in third- and fourth-line TKI treatment of GIST. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients with GIST who had received third- or fourth-line treatment with TKI and had undergone PET for response evaluation. Patient needed to have a baseline and at least one subsequent PET. Results of the first "early" PET after treatment start have been used throughout this analysis and EORTC PET Study Group criteria applied. Results: Twelve treatment courses were evaluable, seven with Nilotinib in third- and five with Sorafenib in fourth-line treatment, in 8 patients, median age 60 y (range 36−78 y), who had all failed prior Imatinib and Sunitinib treatment due to disease progession. Baseline and follow-up PET were performed within a median of 34 days (range 9−84 days). Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 262 days in patients responding to PET versus 76 days in patients with stable or progressing disease (p = 0.15). Conclusions: This small series suggests that PET retains its value for outcome prediction in third- and fourth-line TKI treatment of GIST. This could be of particular clinical value in these vulnerable patients with large tumour masses. Early PET may help in stopping ineffective, but toxic therapy and help switching to a more effective therapy. PET should be evaluated further in this patient population.
Historically, it has been difficult to monitor the acute impact of anticancer therapies on hematopoietic organs on a whole-body scale. Deeper understanding of the effect of treatments on bone marrow would be of great potential value in the rational design of intensive treatment regimens. 3'-deoxy-3'-(18)F-fluorothymidine ((18)F-FLT) is a functional radiotracer used to study cellular proliferation. It is trapped in cells in proportion to thymidine-kinase 1 enzyme expression, which is upregulated during DNA synthesis. This study investigates the potential of (18)F-FLT to monitor acute effects of chemotherapy on cellular proliferation and its recovery in bone marrow, spleen, and liver during treatment with 2 different chemotherapy regimens.
The application of support vector machine classification (SVM) to combined information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and [F18]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) has been shown to improve detection and differentiation of Alzheimer's disease dementia (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. To validate this approach for the most frequent dementia syndrome AD, and to test its applicability to multicenter data, we randomly extracted FDG-PET and MRI data of 28 AD patients and 28 healthy control subjects from the database provided by the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and compared them to data of 21 patients with AD and 13 control subjects from our own Leipzig cohort. SVM classification using combined volume-of-interest information from FDG-PET and MRI based on comprehensive quantitative meta-analyses investigating dementia syndromes revealed a higher discrimination accuracy in comparison to single modality classification. For the ADNI dataset accuracy rates of up to 88% and for the Leipzig cohort of up to 100% were obtained. Classifiers trained on the ADNI data discriminated the Leipzig cohorts with an accuracy of 91%. In conclusion, our results suggest SVM classification based on quantitative meta-analyses of multicenter data as a valid method for individual AD diagnosis. Furthermore, combining imaging information from MRI and FDG-PET might substantially improve the accuracy of AD diagnosis.
Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPrs) are overexpressed on a variety of human cancers, providing the opportunity for peptide receptor targeting via radiolabeled bombesin-based peptides. As part of our ongoing investigations into the development of improved GRPr antagonists, this study aimed at verifying whether and how N-terminal modulations improve the affinity and pharmacokinetics of radiolabeled GRPr antagonists. METHODS: The potent GRPr antagonist MJ9, Pip-d-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH2 (Pip, 4-amino-1-carboxymethyl-piperidine), was conjugated to 1,4,7-triazacyclononane, 1-glutaric acid-4,7 acetic acid (NODAGA), and 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA) and radiolabeled with (68)Ga and (64)Cu. The GRPr affinity of the corresponding metalloconjugates was determined using (125)I-Tyr(4)-BN as a radioligand. The labeling efficiency of (68)Ga(3+) was compared between NODAGA-MJ9 and NOTA-MJ9 in acetate buffer, at room temperature and at 95°C. The (68)Ga and (64)Cu conjugates were further evaluated in vivo in PC3 tumor xenografts by biodistribution and PET imaging studies. RESULTS: The half maximum inhibitory concentrations of all the metalloconjugates are in the high picomolar-low nanomolar range, and these are the most affine-radiolabeled GRPr antagonists we have studied so far in our laboratory. NODAGA-MJ9 incorporates (68)Ga(3+) nearly quantitatively (>98%) at room temperature within 10 min and at much lower peptide concentrations (1.4 × 10(-6) M) than NOTA-MJ9, for which the labeling yield was approximately 45% under the same conditions and increased to 75% at 95°C for 5 min. Biodistribution studies showed high and specific tumor uptake, with a maximum of 23.3 ± 2.0 percentage injected activity per gram of tissue (%IA/g) for (68)Ga-NOTA-MJ9 and 16.7 ± 2.0 %IA/g for (68)Ga-NODAGA-MJ9 at 1 h after injection. The acquisition of PET images with the (64)Cu-MJ9 conjugates at later time points clearly showed the efficient clearance of the accumulated activity from the background already at 4 h after injection, whereas tumor uptake still remained high. The high pancreas uptake for all radiotracers at 1 h after injection was rapidly washed out, resulting in an increased tumor-to-pancreas ratio at later time points. CONCLUSION: We have developed 2 GRPr antagonistic radioligands, which are improved in terms of binding affinity and overall biodistribution profile. Their promising in vivo pharmacokinetic performance may contribute to the improvement of the diagnostic imaging of tumors overexpressing GRPr.
Contexte : Les patients souffrant d'un épisode dépressif sévère sont fréquemment traités par des inhibiteurs sélectifs de la recapture de la sérotonine (SSRI). Cependant, seulement 30-50% des patients répondront à ce type de traitement. Actuellement, il n'existe pas de marqueur biologique utilisable pour prédire la réponse à un traitement par SSRI. Un délai dans la mise en place d'une thérapie efficace peut avoir comme conséquences néfastes une augmentation du risque de suicide et une association avec un moins bon pronostic à long terme lors d'épisodes ultérieurs. Objectif : Par l'étude du métabolisme cérébral par tomographie par émission de positons (PET) au F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), nous étudierons la présence de corrélations éventuelles entre la réponse clinique, qui généralement survient dans les 4 à 6 semaines après l'instauration du traitement antidépresseur, et une modification du métabolisme cérébral mesuré plus précocement, dans le but d'identifier les futurs répondeurs au traitement par SSRI. Méthodes : Cette étude longitudinale comprendra 20 patients unipolaires avec un épisode dépressif sévère au bénéfice d'un traitement par SSRI. Chacun des patients aura deux examens PET cérébraux au F-18-FDG. Le premier PET aura lieu juste avant le début du traitement aux SSRI et le second dans la 3ème semaine après début du traitement. La réponse clinique sera mesurée à 3 mois, et les répondeurs seront identifiés par une diminution significative des scores lors d'évaluation sur échelles de dépression. La recherche d'altérations métaboliques cérébrales sera faite en évaluant: (1) l'examen de base ou (2) l'examen PET précoce, à la recherche d'altérations spécifiques corrélées à une bonne réponse clinique, afin d'obtenir une valeur pronostique quant à la réponse au traitement. L'analyse de l'imagerie cérébrale utilisera la technique SPM (Statistical Parameter Mapping) impliquant un traitement numérique voxel par voxel des images PET. Résultats escomptés : Cette étude caractérisant les variations du métabolisme cérébral dans la phase précoce d'un traitement par SSRI vise à identifier des marqueurs métaboliques potentiels fournissant une valeur prédictive quant à la future efficacité du traitement SSRI introduit. Plus-value escomptée : L'identification d'un tel marqueur métabolique permettrait d'identifier rapidement les futurs répondeurs aux SSRI, et par conséquent d'éviter de proposer aux non-répondeurs la poursuite d'une médication, pendant plusieurs semaines, qui aurait peu de chance d'être efficace. Ainsi, une identification précoce des répondeurs aux SSRI pourrait permettre d'éviter des délais dans la mise en place d'une thérapie efficace et d'obtenir une amélioration du pronostic à plus long terme, avec une influence favorable sur les coûts de la santé.
PURPOSE: The aim of the present report is to describe abnormal (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) accumulation patterns in the pleura and lung parenchyma in a group of lung cancer patients in whom lung infarction was present at the time of positron emission tomography (PET). METHODS: Between November 2002 and December 2003, a total of 145 patients (102 males, 43 females; age range 38-85 years) were subjected to whole-body FDG PET for initial staging (n=117) or restaging (n=11) of lung cancer or for evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules (n=17). Of these patients, 24 displayed abnormal FDG accumulation in the lung parenchyma that was not consistent with the primary lesion under investigation (ipsilateral n=12, contralateral n=9 or bilateral n=3). Without correlative imaging, this additional FDG uptake would have been considered indeterminate in differential diagnosis. RESULTS: Of the 24 patients who were identified as having such lesions, six harboured secondary tumour nodules diagnosed as metastases, while in three the diagnosis of a synchronous second primary lung tumour was established. Additionally, nine patients were identified as having post-stenotic pneumonia and/or atelectasis (n=6) or granulomatous lung disease (n=3). In the remaining six (4% of all patients), a diagnosis of recent pulmonary embolism that topographically matched the additional FDG accumulation (SUV(max) range 1.4-8.6, mean 3.9) was made. Four of these six patients were known to have pulmonary embolism, and hence false positive interpretation was avoided by correlating the PET findings with those of the pre-existing diagnostic work-up. The remaining two patients were harbouring small occult infarctions that mimicked satellite nodules in the lung periphery. Based on histopathological results, the abnormal FDG accumulation in these two patients was attributed to the inflammatory reaction and tissue repair associated with the pathological cascade of pulmonary embolism. CONCLUSION: In patients with pulmonary malignancies, synchronous lung infarction may induce pathological FDG accumulation that can mimic active tumour manifestations. Identifying this potential pitfall may allow avoidance of false positive FDG PET interpretation.