40 resultados para Paediatric patients
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
OBJECTIVES: Whether behavioural and emotional maladjustment is more prevalent in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) than in healthy controls remains controversial. The aim of this study was to assess paediatric IBD patients for problems with emotional and behavioural adjustment and to examine associations with clinical and demographic variables. METHODS: Data from paediatric patients with IBD enrolled in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study and the results of both the parent-rated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the self-reported Child Depression Inventory (CDI) were analysed. Of the 148 registered patients, 126 had at least one questionnaire completed and were included. RESULTS: The mean age of 71 patients with Crohn's disease (44 males, 27 females) was 13.4 years, and 12.8 years for the 55 patients with ulcerative or indeterminate colitis. The mean duration of disease was 1.2 and 2.7 years, respectively. The total score of the SDQ was abnormal in 11.4% of cases compared to 10% in the normal population. Abnormal sub-scores were found in 20.2% of subjects for the domain of emotional problems and in 17.1% for problems with peers. The total CDI T score indicated a significantly lower prevalence of clinical depression in IBD patients than in normal youth. No correlation between the total SDQ scores or the CDI T scores and gender, type or duration of IBD, inflammatory markers or disease scores was found. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of problems with behavioural and emotional adjustment among Swiss paediatric IBD patients is low and comparable to that of the normal population.
PURPOSE: Gender differences in paediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequently reported as a secondary outcome and the results are divergent. To assess gender differences by analysing data collected within the Swiss IBD cohort study database since 2008, related to children with IBD, using the Montreal classification for a systematic approach. METHODS: Data on gender, age, anthropometrics, disease location at diagnosis, disease behaviour, and therapy of 196 patients, 105 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 91 with ulcerative or indeterminate colitis (UC/IC) were retrieved and analysed. RESULTS: THE CRUDE GENDER RATIO (MALE : female) of patients with CD diagnosed at <10 years of age was 2.57, the adjusted ratio was 2.42, and in patients with UC/IC it was 0.68 and 0.64 respectively. The non-adjusted gender ratio of patients diagnosed at ≥10 years was 1.58 for CD and 0.88 for UC/IC. Boys with UC/IC diagnosed <10 years of age had a longer diagnostic delay, and in girls diagnosed with UC/IC >10 years a more important use of azathioprine was observed. No other gender difference was found after analysis of age, disease location and behaviour at diagnosis, duration of disease, familial occurrence of IBD, prevalence of extra-intestinal manifestations, complications, and requirement for surgery. CONCLUSION: CD in children <10 years affects predominantly boys with a sex ratio of 2.57; the impact of sex-hormones on the development of CD in pre-pubertal male patients should be investigated.
Invasive opportunistic fungal diseases (IFDs) are important causes of morbidity and mortality in paediatric patients with cancer and those who have had an allogeneic haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT). Apart from differences in underlying disorders and comorbidities relative to those of adults, IFDs in infants, children, and adolescents are unique with respect to their epidemiology, the usefulness of diagnostic methods, the pharmacology and dosing of antifungal agents, and the absence of interventional phase 3 clinical trials for guidance of evidence-based decisions. To better define the state of knowledge on IFDs in paediatric patients with cancer and allogeneic HSCT and to improve IFD diagnosis, prevention, and management, the Fourth European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia (ECIL-4) in 2011 convened a group that reviewed the scientific literature on IFDs and graded the available quality of evidence according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America grading system. The final considerations and recommendations of the group are summarised in this manuscript.
Study objectives: Many major drugs are not available in paediatric form. The aim of this study was to develop a stable liquid solution of captopril for oral paediatric use allowing individualised dosage and easy administration to newborn and young patients. Methods: A specific HPLC-UV method was developed. In a pilot study, a number of formulations described in the literature as affording one-month stability were examined. In the proper long-term study, the formulation that gave the best results was then prepared in large batches and its stability monitored for two years at 5°C and room temperature, and for one year at 40°C. Results: Most formulations described in the literature were found wanting in our pilot study. A simple solution of the drug (1 mg/mL) in purified water (European Pharmacopeia) containing 0.1% disodium edetate (EDTA-Na) as preservative proved chemically and microbiologically stable at 5°C and room temperature for two years. Conclusion: The proposed in-house formulation fulfils stringent criteria of purity and stability and is fully acceptable for oral administration to newborn and young patients.
Background: There is a paucity of data from large cohort studies on the prevalence and type of extraintestinal manifestations in pediatric patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). We aimed to assess the prevalence and type of EIM in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: Data from patients enrolled in the Pediatric Swiss IBD Cohort Study (P-SIBDCS) were analyzed. Since 2008 the P-SIBDCS collects data on patients aged 2-17 from hospitals and private practices across Switzerland. Results of continuous data are reported as median and interquartile range.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) may impair quality of life (QoL) in paediatric patients. We aimed to evaluate in a nationwide cohort whether patients experience QoL in a different way when compared with their parents. METHODS: Sociodemographic and psychosocial characteristics were prospectively acquired from paediatric patients and their parents included in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. Disease activity was evaluated by the Paediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) and the Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index (PUCAI). We assessed QoL using the KIDSCREEN questionnaire. The QoL domains were analysed and compared between children and parents according to type of disease, parents' age, origin, education and marital status. RESULTS: We included 110 children and parents (59 Crohn's disease [CD], 45 ulcerative colitis [UC], 6 IBD unclassified [IBDU]). There was no significant difference in QoL between CD and UC/IBDU, whether the disease was active or in remission. Parents perceived overall QoL, as well as 'mood', 'family' and 'friends' domains, lower than the children themselves, independently of their place of birth and education. However, better concordance was found on 'school performance' and 'physical activity' domains. Marital status and age of parents significantly influenced the evaluation of QoL. Mothers and fathers being married or cohabiting perceived significantly lower mood, family and friends domains than their children, whereas mothers living alone had a lower perception of the friends domain; fathers living alone had a lower perception of family and mood subscores. CONCLUSION: Parents of Swiss paediatric IBD patients significantly underestimate overall QoL and domains of QoL of their children independently of origin and education.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare disease with a poor prognosis. Epidemiological data are scarce, particularly in the paediatric population. A registry was recently developed in order to collect epidemiological data on patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in Switzerland. This is the first description of the paediatric data. Paediatric patients aged 0-18 years with the diagnosis of PAH were enrolled in the registry from 1999 to 2005 with informed consent from their parents. Patient characteristics, PAH aetiology, functional capacity, exercise capacity, treatments and outcome were among the most important data collected. A total of 23 patients (12 male, 11 female) have been thus far included in the registry. Median age at time of diagnosis was 3 years (range 1 month-18 years) and median follow-up was 3.47 years (range 1 day-12.6 years). PAH aetiologies are diagnosed as idiopathic in 8/23 patients (34.8%) and associated with congenital heart diseases in 12/23 (52.2%) or with pulmonary diseases in 3/23 patients (13.0%). Death occurred in 1 patient before treatment was initiated. Single treatments include medications with a calcium channel blocker in 2/23 patients, with bosentan in 10/23, and with inhaled iloprost in 1/23. Combined therapies include bosentan and inhaled iloprost in 7/23 patients, bosentan and sildenafil in 2/23 patients, and bosentan, sildenafil and inhaled iloprost in 2/23 patients. Additional oral anticoagulation is given to 14/23 patients and 8/23 patients are on oxygen therapy. NYHA class at baseline visit was obtained in 22/23 patients (4 NYHA 2, 17 NYHA 3 and 1 NYHA 4). Changes in NYHA class were observed over a 2-year period in 3/22 patients who improved from NYHA 3 to NYHA 2. Initial improvement of 6-minute walk distance was observed in 6/13 patients with a sustained improvement in 4. These preliminary results provide information on the epidemiology of PAH in children in Switzerland and demonstrate that most paediatric patients show stabilisation of the disease under new treatments. This underscores the utility of registries for rare diseases in providing crucial information in the era of new therapies. It may also help to improve the future medical approach.
BACKGROUND: Many medicines used in newborns, infants, children and adolescents are not licensed ("unlicensed") or are prescribed outside the terms of the marketing authorization ("off-label"). Several studies have shown that this is a common practice in various healthcare settings in the USA, Europe and Australia, but data are scarce in Switzerland. OBJECTIVES: The aim of our prospective study was to determine the proportion of unlicensed or off-label prescriptions in paediatric patients. METHODS: This pilot study was conducted prospectively over a six month period in the department of paediatrics of a university hospital. RESULTS: Sixty patients aged from three days to 14 years were included in the study. A total of 483 prescriptions were written for the patients. More than half of all prescriptions (247; 51%) followed the terms of the marketing authorization. 114 (24%) were unlicensed and 122 (25%) off-label. All patients received at least one unlicensed or offlabel medicine. CONCLUSION: The use of unlicensed or off-label medicines to treat children was found to be common. Co-operation between the pharmaceutical industry, national regulatory authorities, clinical researchers, healthcare professionals and parents is required in order to ensure that children do not remain "therapeutic orphans".
Argatroban has been introduced as an alternative parenteral anticoagulant for HIT-patients in several European countries in 2005. In 2009 a panel of experts discussed their clinical experience with argatroban balancing risks and benefits of argatroban treatment in managing the highly procoagulant status of HIT-patients. This article summarizes the main conclusions of this round table discussion. An ongoing issue is the appropriate dosing of argatroban in special patient groups. Therefore, dosing recommendations for different HIT-patient groups (ICU patients; non-ICU patients, paediatric patients, and for patients undergoing renal replacement therapies) are summarized in this consensus statement. Because of the strong correlation between argatroban dosing requirements and scores used to characterize the severity of illness (APACHE; SAPS, SOFA) suitable dosing nomograms are given. This consensus statement contributes to clinically relevant information on the appropriate use and monitoring of argatroban based on the current literature, and provides additional information from clinical experience. As the two other approved drugs for HIT, danaparoid and lepirudin are either currently not available due to manufacturing problems (danaparoid) or will be withdrawn from the market in 2012 (lepirudin), this report should guide physicians who have limited experience with argatroban how to use this drug safely in patients with HIT.
OBJECTIVES: Partial cricotracheal resection (PCTR) is widely accepted for treating severe paediatric laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS). However, it remains limited to a few experienced centres. Here we report an update of the Lausanne experience in paediatric PCTR performed or supervised by a senior surgeon (Philippe Monnier). METHODS: An ongoing database of 129 paediatric patients who underwent PCTR for benign LTS between March 1978 and July 2012 at our hospital was retrospectively reviewed. Demographic characteristics and information on preoperative status, stenosis and surgery were collected. Primary outcomes were measured as overall and operation-specific decannulation rates (ODR and OSDR, respectively), and secondary outcomes as morbidity, mortality and postoperative functional results. RESULTS: A total of 129 paediatric patients [79 males and 50 females; mean age, 4.1 years (1 month-16 years, median age of 2 years old)] underwent PCTR during the study period. ODR and OSDR were 90 and 81%, respectively. The decannulation rates were significantly superior for single-stage PCTR compared with double-stage PCTR in both ODR and OSDR. Eight patients died postoperatively for reasons unrelated to surgery. Partial anastomotic dehiscence was seen in 13 patients, 9 of whom were successfully treated by revision surgery. Respiratory, voice and swallowing functions were near normal or only minimally impaired in 86, 65 and 81% of patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: PCTR is effective and feasible with good ODR and OSDR for highgrade / severe LTS. Glottic involvement and the presence of comorbidities were negative predictive factors of decannulation. Early detection and reintervention of postoperative incipient dehiscence contribute to avoiding the progress to late restenosis; however, voice improvement remains a challenge.
AIMS OF THE STUDY: Analysis of indications and results of paediatric renal transplantation in a single centre, before and after the introduction of cyclosporine A (CSA). METHODS: Historical retrospective study. RESULTS: 19 transplantations were performed in 14 patients (5 second grafts) between 1971 and 1987 (group I). 13 patients were transplanted between 1988 and 1998 (no second transplant) (group II). In group II, all the patients had immunosuppression with CSA, but none in group I. Group II, with CSA, showed better renal survival than patients without CSA. In group I, obstructive uropathies (posterior urethral valves, pyelo-ureteral junction stenosis, vesico-ureteral reflux) represent a common cause (35%) of terminal chronic renal failure (TCRF), whereas in group II they represent only 15% of the causes and chronic glomerulonephritis is the most common cause (69%) of TCRF. Acute and chronic graft rejections were the cause of 9 and 1 graft losses in group I and II respectively. Living related donors account for 14% of all renal transplantations in group I and 46% in group II. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of paediatric patients referred to Lausanne for TCRF is stable. We have observed a constant and steady decrease in obstructive uropathies leading to TCRF and renal transplantations, whereas glomerulonephritis are increasingly frequent. Graft survival has much improved since the introduction of cyclosporine A, without an increase in morbidity. In carefully selected cases, intrafamilial renal transplantation provides good results and helps to shorten the time spent on dialysis.
Nowadays more and more children survive after an intensive anti-tumoral therapy. The price to pay consists of numerous and relatively frequent long-term sequelae (secondary tumors, neuropsychological deficits, endocrine or cardiac damage). After chemotherapy, we sometimes observe renal side-effects, either tubular (metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, proteinuria, Fanconi syndrome, rickets) or glomerular (acute or chronic decreased GFR). These renal toxic side-effects are encountered especially after cisplatinum and ifosfamide, less frequently after carboplatin and cyclophosphamide. The pediatrician has to be aware of these toxic nephrologic side-effects, to look out for them and monitor carefully the renal function of all paediatric patients receiving these potentially nephrotoxic chemotherapies.
Hypohidrosis is a classic feature of Fabry disease; in contrast, hyperhidrosis has only been rarely described. The aim of the study is to characterise the baseline descriptive data on hyperhidrosis (frequency, age at onset, sex ratio and outcome with and without enzyme replacement therapy) in hemizygous male and heterozygous female patients with Fabry disease. We describe case histories of five patients with Fabry disease and hyperhidrosis seen at three different centres. We have also analysed a cohort of 21 paediatric patients in the UK and a large European cohort of patients enrolled in the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS). Five patients (three female, two male) with hyperhidrosis were originally identified, although each had additional symptoms related to Fabry disease. The age at onset of hyperhidrosis was less than 18 years in four cases. In the cohort of 21 paediatric patients (12 female, nine male), one female had hyperhidrosis; the age at onset of this symptom was 11 years. In the FOS cohort, 66 of 714 patients with Fabry disease had hyperhidrosis (44 of 369 females, 11.9%; 22 of 345 males, 6.4%). The female predominance was observed in seven of nine countries from which data were analysed. Hyperhidrosis is an increasingly recognised feature of the Fabry disease phenotype. It is more prevalent in females than in males and often appears in childhood or adolescence. The efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy on this recently recognised symptom should be assessed.
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autoinflammatory disease caused by mutations of the MEFV gene. We analyse the impact of ethnic, environmental and genetic factors on the severity of disease presentation in a large international registry. METHODS: Demographic, genetic and clinical data from validated paediatric FMF patients enrolled in the Eurofever registry were analysed. Three subgroups were considered: (i) patients living in the eastern Mediterranean countries; (ii) patients with an eastern Mediterranean ancestry living in western Europe; (iii) Caucasian patients living in western European countries. A score for disease severity at presentation was elaborated. RESULTS: Since November 2009, 346 FMF paediatric patients were enrolled in the Eurofever registry. The genetic and demographic features (ethnicity, age of onset, age at diagnosis) were similar among eastern Mediterranean patients whether they lived in their countries or western European countries. European patients had a lower frequency of the high penetrance M694V mutation and a significant delay of diagnosis (p<0.002). Patients living in eastern Mediterranean countries had a higher frequency of fever episodes/year and more frequent arthritis, pericarditis, chest pain, abdominal pain and vomiting compared to the other two groups. Multivariate analysis showed that the variables independently associated with severity of disease presentation were country of residence, presence of M694V mutation and positive family history. CONCLUSIONS: Eastern Mediterranean FMF patients have a milder disease phenotype once they migrate to Europe, reflecting the effect of environment on the expression of a monogenic disease.