em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
[TABLE DES MATIERES] 1 Résumé des travaux effectues ( Méthode. - Résultats. - Conclusion). - 2 Introduction. - 3 But et objectifs. - 4 Contexte. - 5 Méthode (Type d'étude. - Bases de données consultées. - Base des missions engagées par la Centrale 144 Vaud (référencée sous « base 144 »). - Base des missions ambulancières effectuées sur territoire vaudois (référencée sous « base AMB »). - Base des missions SMUR effectuées par les SMUR du Canton de Vaud (référencée sous « base SMUR »). - Définitions et descriptions des variables. - Analyses statistiques). - 6 Résultats (Préambule - difficultés rencontrées. - Evaluation du processus d'enregistrement. - Couverture d'enregistrement des missions. - Evaluation de la qualité du remplissage des fiches de missions. - Indicateurs de l'activité des services d'urgence pré hospitalière terrestres - évolution sur la période 2000-2010. - APPELS AU 144. - Volume d'activité des ambulances et des SMUR. - Démographie de la population prise en charge par les ambulances et par les SMUR. - Types de missions ambulances et SMUR. - Chronologie des missions ambulances et SMUR. - Lieux de prise en charge et orientation des missions ambulances et SMUR. - Devenir immédiat des patients pris en charge par le SMUR. - Devenir a 48h des patients pris en charge par les SMUR). - 7 Suite des analyses (Etude de l'adéquation de l'utilisation des services d'urgence pré hospitalière. - Etude de l'adéquation des soins prodigués sur le lieu de la mission. - Etude de l'adéquation de la durée des interventions pour les prises en charges de maladies cardio-vasculaires et cérébro-vasculaires). - 8 Discussion. - conclusions. - propositions . - 9 Références
This article examines the existence of a habituation effect to unemployment: Does the subjective well-being of unemployed people decline less if unemployment is more widespread? The underlying idea is that unemployment hysteresis may operate through a sociological channel: if many people in the community lose their job and remain unemployed over an extended period, the psychological cost of being unemployed diminishes and the pressure to accept a new job declines. We analyze this question with individual-level data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1984-2010) and the Swiss Household Panel (2000-2010). Our fixed-effects estimates show no evidence for a mitigating effect of high surrounding unemployment on the subjective well-being of the unemployed. Becoming unemployed hurts as much when regional unemployment is high as when it is low. Likewise, the strongly harmful impact of being unemployed on well-being does not wear off over time, nor do repeated episodes of unemployment make it any better. It thus appears doubtful that an unemployment shock becomes persistent because the unemployed become used to, and hence reasonably content with, being without a job.
Background: EATL is a rare subtype of peripheral T-cell lymphomas characterized by primarily intestinal localization and a frequent association with celiac disease. The prognosis is considered to be poor with conventional chemotherapy. Limited data is available on the efficacy of ASCT in this lymphoma subtype. Primary objective: was to study the outcome of ASCT as a consolidation or salvage strategy for EATL. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Eligible patients were > 18 years who had received ASCT between 2000-2010 for EATL that was confirmed by review of written histopathology reports, and had sufficient information on disease history and follow-up available. The search strategy used the EBMT database to identify patients potentially fulfilling the eligibility criteria. An additional questionnaire was sent to individual transplant centres to confirm histological diagnosis (histopathology report or pathology review) as well as updated follow-up data. Patients and transplant characteristics were compared between groups using X2 test or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables and t-test or Mann-Whiney U-test for continuous variables. OS and PFS were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimate and compared by the log-rank test. Estimates for non-relapse mortality (NRM) and relapse or progression were calculated using cumulative incidence rates to accommodate competing risk and compared to Gray's test. Results: Altogether 138 patients were identified. Updated follow-up data was received from 74 patients (54 %) and histology report from 54 patients (39 %). In ten patients the diagnosis of EATL could not be adequately verified. Thus the final analysis included 44. There were 24 males and 20 females with a median age of 56 (35-72) years at the time of transplant. Twenty-five patients (57 %) had a history of celiac disease. Disease stage was I in nine patients (21 %), II in 14 patients (33 %) and IV in 19 patients (45 %). Twenty-four patients (55 %) were in the first CR or PR at the time of transplant. BEAM was used as a high-dose regimen in 36 patients (82 %) and all patients received peripheral blood grafts. The median follow-up for survivors was 46 (2-108) months from ASCT. Three patients died early from transplant-related reasons translating into a 2-year non-relapse mortality of 7 %. Relapse incidence at 4 years after ASCT was 39 %, with no events occurring beyond 2.5 years after ASCT. PFS and OS were 54 % and 59 % at four years, respectively. There was a trend for better OS in patients transplanted in the first CR or PR compared to more advanced disease status (70 % vs. 43 %, p=0.053). Of note, patients with a history of celiac disease had superior PFS (70 % vs. 35 %, p=0.02) and OS (70 % vs. 45 %, p=0.052) whilst age, gender, disease stage, B-symptoms at diagnosis or high-dose regimen were not associated with OS or PFS. Conclusions: This study shows for the first time in a larger patient sample that ASCT is feasible in selected patients with EATL and can yield durable disease control in a significant proportion of the patients. Patients transplanted in first CR or PR appear to do better than those transplanted later. ASCT should be considered in EATL patients responding to initial therapy.
Problématique : Stenotrophomonas maltophilia est une bactérie Gram négatif présente dans¦l'environnement mais également responsable de nombreuses infections nosocomiales. Le but de cette¦étude a été de trouver quels étaient les facteurs de risques des patients non atteints de mucoviscidose¦ayant eu une bactériémie à S. maltophilia.¦Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude cas-témoin. La population étudiée était les patients du CHUV de plus¦de 18 ans avec une ou plus paire(s) d'hémoculture positive pour S. maltophilia entre 2000-2010, en¦excluant tout patient atteint de mucoviscidose. Les variables binaires ont été analysées par le test de¦McNemar. Les variables continues ont été comparées avec le Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test. L'analyse¦multivariée des facteurs de risque indépendants a été effectuée par une régression logistique¦conditionnelle.¦Résultats : 46 épisodes d'hémocultures positives ont été identifiés. L'insuffisance rénale, une maladie¦oncologique et l'agranulocytose ont été identifiés comme des facteurs de risques significatifs.¦L'analyse multivariée a montré les facteurs suivants sont associés indépendamment à une bactériémie :¦1) l'agranulocytose (odds ratio, 7.0 ; 95% intervalle de confiance, 1.5 - 32.2 ; p= 0.012) 2) le cancer¦(odds ratio, 4.9 ; 95% intervalle de confiance, 1.7 - 14.2 ; p= 0.003) 3)l'insuffisance rénale (odds¦ratio, 5.2 ; 95% intervalle de confiance, 1.5 - 17.4 ; p= 0.008)¦Conclusions : L'insuffisance rénale, la maladie oncologique et l'agranulocytose sont des facteurs de¦risque indépendants pour une bactériémie à S. maltophilia. Les patients présentant ces critères de¦vulnérabilité doivent donc être particulièrement surveillés.
Previous studies have shown that over 40% of babies with Down syndrome have a major cardiac anomaly and are more likely to have other major congenital anomalies. Since 2000, many countries in Europe have introduced national antenatal screening programs for Down syndrome. This study aimed to determine if the introduction of these screening programs and the subsequent termination of prenatally detected pregnancies were associated with any decline in the prevalence of additional anomalies in babies born with Down syndrome. The study sample consisted of 7,044 live births and fetal deaths with Down syndrome registered in 28 European population-based congenital anomaly registries covering seven million births during 2000-2010. Overall, 43.6% (95% CI: 42.4-44.7%) of births with Down syndrome had a cardiac anomaly and 15.0% (14.2-15.8%) had a non-cardiac anomaly. Female babies with Down syndrome were significantly more likely to have a cardiac anomaly compared to male babies (47.6% compared with 40.4%, P < 0.001) and significantly less likely to have a non-cardiac anomaly (12.9% compared with 16.7%, P < 0.001). The prevalence of cardiac and non-cardiac congenital anomalies in babies with Down syndrome has remained constant, suggesting that population screening for Down syndrome and subsequent terminations has not influenced the prevalence of specific congenital anomalies in these babies.