em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Background:¦Infection after total or partial hip arthroplasty (HA) leads to significant long-term morbidity and high healthcare cost. We evaluated reasons for treatment failure of different surgical modalities in a 12-year prosthetic hip joint infection cohort study.¦Method:¦All patients hospitalized at our institution with infected HA were included either retrospectively (1999-‐2007) or prospectively¦(2008-‐2010). HA infection was defined as growth of the same microorganism in ≥2 tissues or synovialfluid culture, visible purulence, sinus tract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology. Outcome analysis was performed at outpatient visits, followed by contacting patients, their relatives and/or treating physicians afterwards.¦Results:¦During the study period, 117 patients with infected HA were identified. We excluded 2 patients due to missing data. The average age was 69 years (range, 33-‐102 years); 42% were female. HA was mainly performed for osteoarthritis (n=84), followed by trauma (n=22), necrosis (n=4), dysplasia(n=2), rheumatoid arthritis (n=1), osteosarcoma (n=1) and tuberculosis (n=1). 28 infections occurred early(≤3 months), 25 delayed (3-‐24 months) and 63 late (≥24 months after surgery). Infected HA were¦treated with (i) two-‐stage exchange in 59 patients (51%, cure rate: 93%), (ii) one-‐stage exchange in 5 (4.3%, cure rate: 100%), (iii) debridement with change of mobile parts in 18 (17%, cure rate: 83%), (iv) debridement without change of mobile¦parts in 17 (14%, cure rate : 53% ), (v) Girdlestone in 13 (11%, cure rate: 100%), and (vi) two-‐stage exchange followed by¦removal in 3 (2.6%). Patients were followed for an average of 3.9 years (range, 0.1 to 9 years), 7 patients died unrelated to the infected HA. 15 patients (13%) needed additional operations, 1 for mechanical reasons(dislocation of spacer) and 14 for persistent infection: 11 treated with debridement and retention (8 without change; and 3 with change of mobile parts) and 3 with two-‐stage exchange. The average number of surgery was 2.2 (range, 1 to 5). The infection was finally eradicated in all patients, but the functional outcome remained unsatisfactory in 20% (persistent pain or impaired mobility due to spacer or Girdlestone situation).¦Conclusions:¦Non-‐respect of current treatment concept leads to treatment failure with subsequent operations. Precise analysis of each treatment failure can be used for improving the treatment algorithm leading to better results.
Infection of total hip arthroplasties (THA) leads to significant long-termmorbidity and high healthcare costs. We evaluated the differentreasons for treatment failure using different surgical modalities in a12-year prosthetic joint infection cohort study.Method: All patients hospitalized at our institution with infected THAwere included either retrospectively (1999-2007) or prospectively(2008-2010). THA infection was defined as growth of the same microorganismin ≥2 tissue or synovial fluid culture, visible purulence, sinustract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology. Outcome analysiswas performed at outpatient visits, followed by contacting patients,their relatives and/or treating physicians afterwards.Results: During the study period, 117 patients with THA were identified.We exclude 2 patients due to missing data. The median age was69 years (range, 33-102 years); 42% were women. THA was mainlyperformed for osteoarthritis (n = 84), followed by trauma (n = 22),necrosis (n = 4), dysplasia (n = 2), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 1), osteosarcoma(n = 1) and tuberculosis (n = 1). 28 infections occurred early(≤3 months), 25 delayed (3-24 months) and 63 late (≥24 months aftersurgery). Infected THA were treated with (i) two-stage exchange in59 patients (51%, cure rate: 93%), (ii) one-stage exchange in 5 (4.3%,cure rate: 100%), (iii) debridement with change of mobile parts in18 (17%, cure rate: 83%), (iv) debridement without change of mobileparts in 17 (14%, cure rate: 53% ), (v) Girdlestone in 13 (11%, curerate: 100%), and (vi) two-stage exchange followed by removal in 3(2.6%). Patients were followed for a mean of 3.9 years (range, 0.1 to 9years), 7 patients died unrelated to the infected THA. 15 patients (13%)needed additional operations, 1 for mechanical reasons (dislocationof spacer) and 14 for persistent infection: 11 treated with debridementand retention (8 without change and 3 with change of mobile parts)and 3 with two-stage exchange. The mean number of surgery was 2.2(range, 1 to 5). The infection was finally eradicated in all patients, butthe functional outcome remained unsatisfactory in 20% (persistentpain or impaired mobility due to spacer or Girdlestone situation).Conclusions: Non-respect of current treatment concept leads totreatment failure with subsequent operations. Precise analysis of eachtreatment failures can be used for improving the treatment algorithmleading to better results.
[Résumé (extrait)] Lancé en octobre 1999, le Programme valaisan de dépistage du cancer du sein a pour mission de promouvoir, d'organiser et de mener une action de dépistage auprès de la population féminine valaisanne âgée de 50 à 70 ans. Ce programme est régulièrement évalué, de manière indépendante, afin de s'assurer que sa qualité et son efficacité répondent à des normes internationalement admises tout en minimisant ses effets adverses. Ces évaluations ont mis en évidence un niveau de performances globalement satisfaisant et suggéré un potentiel d'amélioration, notamment de la qualité des lectures radiologiques. Dans un souci d'optimiser les performances, la direction du Programme a mené ces dernières années plusieurs actions auprès de ses radiologues et pris quelques mesures. Ce rapport thématique traite de l'évolution des performances du programme, principalement au cours de la dernière décennie (2002-11), c'est-à-dire après sa phase de démarrage (1999-2001). Les tendances des principaux indicateurs de performance et leurs associations avec les actions et mesures réalisées, qui ont été répertoriées et classées selon leur types et objectifs, sont analysées. Les facteurs les plus influents sur la qualité des lectures radiologiques sont quantifiés de manière à faciliter toute décision interventionnelle. Les cancers d'intervalle (1999-2010) du Programme sont étudiés afin d'en apprécier la fréquence, d'en établir le profil pronostique et de déterminer les caractéristiques clinicoépidémiologiques qui les distinguent des cancers dépistés dans le cadre du Programme.