17 resultados para P. avispaensis n. sp.

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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A Gram-negative, rod-shaped, aerobic bacterium, designated strain RP007(T), was isolated from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil in New Zealand. Two additional strains were recovered from a compost heap in Belgium (LMG 18808) and from the rhizosphere of maize in the Netherlands (LMG 24204). The three strains had virtually identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and whole-cell protein profiles, and they were identified as members of the genus Burkholderia, with Burkholderia phenazinium as their closest relative. Strain RP007(T) had a DNA G+C content of 63.5 mol% and could be distinguished from B. phenazinium based on a range of biochemical characteristics. Strain RP007(T) showed levels of DNA-DNA relatedness towards the type strain of B. phenazinium and those of other recognized Burkholderia species of less than 30 %. The results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, DNA-DNA hybridization experiments and physiological and biochemical tests allowed the differentiation of strain RP007(T) from all recognized species of the genus Burkholderia. Strains RP007(T), LMG 18808 and LMG 24204 are therefore considered to represent a single novel species of the genus Burkholderia, for which the name Burkholderia sartisoli sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is RP007(T) (=LMG 24000(T) =CCUG 53604(T) =ICMP 13529(T)).


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SUMMARY : The coevolution between two intimately associated organisms, like host and parasite, is a widely investigated theme in evolutionary biology. Recently, the use of genetic data in the study of host-parasite systems evidences that the genetic information from some parasites can complement genetic data from their hosts and thus may help to better understand their host's evolutionary history. Phylogenetic and population genetic aspects of bat parasites have been poorly investigated. Spinturnicid mites are highly specialized ectoparasites, exclusively associated with bats and therefore represent an ideal model to extant our knowledge on bat and parasite biology and on their coevolutionary history. In this thesis, I developed several molecular markers (mitochondrial DNA) to compare the genetic patterns of Spinturnix mites with their bat hosts at different levels. The molecular co-phylogeny between Spinturnix sp. and their bat hosts suggests a partial cospeciation and the occurrence of failure to speciate events and multiple host switches. Thus, Spinturnix mites do not exactly mirror the phylogenetic pattern of their hosts, despite their intimate association. Similar roosting habits of the hosts seem to promote host switches between different species, as far as ecological conditions are favourable. The phylogeographic study of the Maghrebian bat M. punicus in the Mediterranean area confirms the presence of M. punicus in North Africa, Corsica and Sardinia and highlights that islands and mainland are genetically highly divergent. The comparison between the parasitic mite S. myoti and the Maghrebian bat suggests that the phylogeographic pattern of the mite is moulded by its host, with open water as main barrier for host and parasite dispersal. Moreover, the unique presence of a European S. myoti lineage on M. punicus from Corsica strongly suggests the former presence of mouse-eared bats (M. myotis and/or M. blythii) in Corsica. By highlighting the probable presence of a nowadays locally extinct host species, S. myoti may represent a good proxy for inferring complex evolutionary history of bat hosts. Finally, population genetic surveys of S. myoti and S. bechsteinii suggest that these mites benefit from close contacts between individuals during the mating season and/or hibernation to disperse among remote colonies. The contrasted genetic patterns of these two distinct bat-mite systems evidence that bat social structure is a determinant factor of the genetic structure of mite populations. Altogether, this PhD thesis demonstrates the usefulness of parasites to gather information about their bat hosts. In addition, my results illustrate how different ecological and biological characteristics of bat species allow the emergence of a surprising diversity in the genetic patterns of the parasites, which may contribute to the diversification and speciation of parasites. RESUME : La co-évolution entre deux organismes intimement liés, comme un parasite et son hôte, fait partie des questions largement étudiées en biologie évolutive. Récemment, l'utilisation de données gé©tique dans l'étude des interactions hôte-parasite a montré que l'information gé©tique de certains parasites peut compléter les données gé©tiques de l'hôte et ainsi peut éclairer l'histoire évolutive de leur hôte. Très peu études ont étudié les interactions entre les chauves-souris et leurs parasites d'un point de vue moléculaire. Les acariens du genre Spinturnix sont des ectoparasites très spécialisés exclusivement associés aux chauves-souris. Ils représentent donc un model idéal pour élargir nos connaissances tant sur l'écologie des parasites de chauves-souris que sur leur coévolution. Durant cette thèse, plusieurs marqueurs moléculaires (ADN mitochondrial) ont été développés pour ainsi comparer la distribution de la variation gé©tique des parasites du genre Spinturnix avec celle de leurs hôtes, et ceci à différents niveaux. Tout d'abord, la co-phylogénie moléculaire entre les espèces de Spinturnix et les leurs hôtes révèle une co-spéciation partielle ainsi que la présence d'événement de non spéciation et de transferts horizontaux. Ces parasites ne reflètent donc pas entièrement l'histoire évolutive de leurs hôtes, malgré leurs intimes associations. La cohabitation de plusieurs espèces de chauves-souris dans un même gîte permet aux parasites un transfert entre différentes espèces, atténuant ainsi leur degré de co-spéciation. Deuxièmement, l'étude phylogéographique du marin du Maghreb dans le bassin Méditerra©en confirme sa présence en Afrique du Nord, en Corse et en Sardaigne. La comparaison avec un de ses parasites S. myoti suggère que la répartition gé©tique de S. myoti est façonnée par celle de leurs hôtes, avec les étendues d'eau comme barrière principale tant à la dispersion de l'hôte que de son parasite. De plus, la présence unique d'une lig©e euro©enne de ces parasites sur des marins du Maghreb de Corse suggère fortement la présence du grand ou petit marin en Corse dans le passé. En reflétant la présence potentielle à un endroit donné d'une espèce de chauve-souris actuellement disparue, S. myoti peut représenter une bonne alternative pour comprendre l'histoire évolutive complexe des chauves-souris. Finalement, l'étude des structures gé©tiques des populations des parasites S. myoti et S. bechsteinii suggère que les contacts corporels entre chauves-souris durant la saison de reproduction ou l'hibernation peuvent permettre la dispersion des parasites entre des colonies éloig©es géographiquement. La différence de structure gé©tique entre ces deux associations particulières montre que la structure gé©tique des populations de parasites dépend fortement des traits d'histoire de vie de son hôte. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse démontre l'importance des parasites pour amener des informations sur leurs hôtes, les chauves-souris. Elle illustre aussi comment les différences écologique et biologique des différentes espèces de chauves-souris peuvent amener une étonnante diversité de structure gé©tique au sein de populations de parasites, ce qui peut peut-être contribuer à la diversification et à la spéciation des parasites.


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Primary sensory neurons display various neuronal phenotypes which may be influenced by factors present in central or peripheral targets. In the case of DRG cells expressing substance P (SP), the influence of peripheral or central targets was tested on the neuronal expression of this neuropeptide. DRG cells were cultured from chick embryo at E6 or E10 (before or after establishment of functional connections with targets). Preprotachykinin mRNA was visualized in DRG cell cultures by either Northern blot or in situ hybridization using an antisense labeled riboprobe, while the neuropeptide SP was detected by immunostaining with a monoclonal antibody. In DRG cell cultures from E10, only 60% of neurons expressed SP. In contrast, DRG cell cultures performed at E6 showed a significant hybridization signal and SP-like immunoreactivity in virtually all the neurons (98%). The addition of extracts from muscle, skin, brain or spinal cord to DRG cells cultured at E6 reduced by 20% the percentage of neurons which express preprotachykinin mRNA and SP-like immunoreactivity. Our results indicate that factors issued from targets inhibit SP-expression by a subset of primary sensory neurons and act on the transcriptional control of preprotachykinin gene.


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Objective: Although initially developed to assess spiritual well-being,the FACIT-Sp is increasingly used to assess the other end of the spectrum,i.e. spiritual distress. This study intends to investigate whether theFACIT-Sp could really contribute to this aim in older patients. Method:Patients (N=135, 81.47.1 years, 68.3% women) aged 65 years and over,with MMSE score>19, admitted consecutively in post-acute rehabilitationwere enrolled. The FACIT-Sp (12 items, score 0 to 48, high spiritualwell-being defined as score_36) was administered and commentswere systematically retrieved. Results: Overall, 32(23.7%) patients hadhigh spiritual well-being. FACIT-Sp internal consistency was good(Cronbach's 0.85) and a confirmatory factorial analysis was consistentwith Meaning and Faith proposed subscales. Qualitative analysisshowed that negative answers (score=0) to "My illness has strengthenedmy faith or spiritual beliefs" (N=76/135) could equally reflect theabsence of impact (49/76, 64.5%) or a negative impact (religious struggle,27/76, 35.5%) of illness on faith. However, former patients had significantlyhigher FACIT-Sp scores than the latter (30.35.6 vs 20.97.9,P<.001). Similarly, among patients (N=73/135) with negative answers(score<3) to "I feel a sense of purpose in my life" those mentioning their"old age" to explain their answer (N=34/73, 46.6%) had higher FACITSpscores than those who did not (26.47.7 vs 22.58.1,P=.02). Conclusion:The FACIT-Sp identifies older people with high spiritual wellbeingbut could underestimate well-being in some older patients. Lowscores on some items could have very different meanings and interpretationof FACIT-Sp global scores below the usual cut-off should becautious.


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Seventy bacterial isolates from the rhizosphere of tomato were screened for antagonistic activity against the tomato foot and root rot-causing fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici. One isolate, strain PCL1391, appeared to be an efficient colonizer of tomato roots and an excellent biocontrol strain in an F. oxysporum/tomato test system. Strain PCL1391 was identified as Pseudomonas chlororaphis and further characterization showed that it produces a broad spectrum of antifungal factors (AFFs), including a hydrophobic compound, hydrogen cyanide, chitinase(s), and protease(s). Through mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, the hydrophobic compound was identified as phenazine-1-carboxamide (PCN). We have studied the production and action of this AFF both in vitro and in vivo. Using a PCL1391 transposon mutant, with a lux reporter gene inserted in the phenazine biosynthetic operon (phz), we showed that this phenazine biosynthetic mutant was substantially decreased in both in vitro antifungal activity and biocontrol activity. Moreover, with the same mutant it was shown that the phz biosynthetic operon is expressed in the tomato rhizosphere. Comparison of the biocontrol activity of the PCN-producing strain PCL1391 with those of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA)-producing strains P. fluorescens 2-79 and P. aureofaciens 30-84 showed that the PCN-producing strain is able to suppress disease in the tomato/F. oxysporum system, whereas the PCA-producing strains are not. Comparison of in vitro antifungal activity of PCN and PCA showed that the antifungal activity of PCN was at least 10 times higher at neutral pH, suggesting that this may contribute to the superior biocontrol performance of strain PCL1391 in the tomato/F. oxysporum system.


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Objectives: To determine psychometric properties of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp) in a cohort of older patients admitted to rehabilitation. Method: Patients aged 65+, with MMSE score>19, admitted consecutively over 6 months in post-acute rehabilitation were enrolled (N=144, 81.27.2 years, 68.8% women). Data on medical, functional, and mental status were systematically collected upon admission. Spiritual well-being was assessed within 3 days after admission using the FACIT-Sp (12 items, score from 0 to 48, high spiritual well-being defined as a score ≥36) and the single question "Are you at peace?" (score from 0 to 10 on a visual analog scale). Results: FACIT-Sp scores ranged from 7 to 44(mean=29.87.7). Overall, 24.3% of the patients had high spiritual well-being. Internal consistency was optimal for total score (Cronbach's alpha =0.85). Itemto- total correlations were all significant, ranging from 0.28 to 0.73. A confirmatory factorial analysis yielded a 2-factor solution, consistent with Meaning and Faith proposed subscales and accounting for 52% of the variance . FACIT-Sp total score correlated positively with the question «Are you at peace ?» (Spearman's rho 0.49, P<.001) and negatively with depressive symptoms (Spearman's rho -0.37, P<.001), confirming FACIT-Sp validity. Compared to the others, patients with higher spiritual well-being had significantly better function at admission (Barthel's score 74.817.1 vs 68.514.1, P=.014). Conclusions: The FACIT-Sp remains a reliable and valid measure to assess spiritual well-being in older patients undergoing rehabilitation. The relatively low proportion of patients with high spiritual well-being deserves further investigation.


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The expression of substance P (SP) was studied in sensory neurons of developing chick lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia (DRG) by using a mixture of periodic acid, lysine and paraformaldehyde as fixative and a monoclonal antibody for SP-like immunostaining. The first SP-like-immunoreactive DRG cells appeared first at E5, then rapidly increased in number to reach a peak (88% of ganglion cells) at E8, and finally declined (59% at E12, 51% after hatching). The fall of the SP-like-positive DRG cells resulted from two concomitant events affecting a subset of small B-neurons: a loss of neuronal SP-like immunoreactivity and cell death. After one hindlimb resection at an early (E6) or late (E12) stage of development (that is before or after establishment of peripheral connections), the DRG were examined 6 days later. In both cases, a drastic neuronal death occurred in the ispilateral DRG. However, the resection at E6 did not change the percentage of SP-like-positive neurons, while the resection at E12 severely reduced the proportion of SP-like-immunoreactive DRG cells (25%). In conclusion, connections established between DRG and peripheral target tissues not only promote the survival of sensory neurons, but also control the maintenance of SP-like-expression. Factors issued from innervated targets such as NGF would support the survival of SP-expressing DRG cells and enhance their SP content while other factors present in skeletal muscle or skin would hinder SP expression and therefore lower SP levels in a subset of primary sensory neurons.


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The aim of this study was to identify genes involved in solute and matric stress mitigation in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading Novosphingobium sp. strain LH128. The genes were identified using plasposon mutagenesis and by selection of mutants that showed impaired growth in a medium containing 450 mM NaCl as a solute stress or 10% (wt/vol) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 as a matric stress. Eleven and 14 mutants showed growth impairment when exposed to solute and matric stresses, respectively. The disrupted sequences were mapped on a draft genome sequence of strain LH128, and the corresponding gene functions were predicted. None of them were shared between solute and matric stress-impacted mutants. One NaCl-affected mutant (i.e., NA7E1) with a disruption in a gene encoding a putative outer membrane protein (OpsA) was susceptible to lower NaCl concentrations than the other mutants. The growth of NA7E1 was impacted by other ions and nonionic solutes and by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), suggesting that opsA is involved in osmotic stress mitigation and/or outer membrane stability in strain LH128. NA7E1 was also the only mutant that showed reduced growth and less-efficient phenanthrene degradation in soil compared to the wild type. Moreover, the survival of NA7E1 in soil decreased significantly when the moisture content was decreased but was unaffected when soluble solutes from sandy soil were removed by washing. opsA appears to be important for the survival of strain LH128 in soil, especially in the case of reduced moisture content, probably by mitigating the effects of solute stress and retaining membrane stability.


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During the ontogenesis of dorsal root ganglia (DRG), the immunoreactivity to substance P (SP) and calbindin D-28k (CaBP) appears in chickens at embryonic day 5 (E5) and E10 respectively. To establish the birthdates of primary sensory neurons expressing SP or CaBP, chick embryos were given repetitive intra-amniotic injections of [3H]-thymidine. The neuroblasts giving rise to SP-expressing neurons were labeled up to E6 while those generating CaBP-immunoreactive neurons stopped to incorporate [3H]-thymidine before E5.5. This finding indicates that neurons exhibiting distinct phenotypes may originate from neuroblasts which arrest to proliferate at close but distinct stages of development. To determine whether SP and CaBP are co-expressed or not in DRG neurons, chick embryos at E12, E18, and chickens two weeks after hatching were perfused and fixed to detect simultaneously SP- and CaBP-immunoreactivity in DRG sections. The results showed that SP and CaBP were transiently co-expressed by a subset of neurons at E12. Later, however, the SP-immunoreactivity was gradually lost by these ganglion cells, so that the SP- and CaBP-immunoreaction defined two distinct neuronal subpopulations after hatching. In conclusion, most CaBP-immunoreactive DRG cells derive from a subset of neurons in which SP and CaBP are transiently co-localized.


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Members of the genus Sphingomonas are important catalysts for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil, but their activity can be affected by various stress factors. This study examines the physiological and genome-wide transcription response of the phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LH128 in biofilms to solute stress (invoked by 450 mM NaCl solution), either as an acute (4-h) or a chronic (3-day) exposure. The degree of membrane fatty acid saturation was increased as a response to chronic stress. Oxygen consumption in the biofilms and phenanthrene mineralization activities of biofilm cells were, however, not significantly affected after imposing either acute or chronic stress. This finding was in agreement with the transcriptomic data, since genes involved in PAH degradation were not differentially expressed in stressed conditions compared to nonstressed conditions. The transcriptomic data suggest that LH128 adapts to NaCl stress by (i) increasing the expression of genes coping with osmolytic and ionic stress such as biosynthesis of compatible solutes and regulation of ion homeostasis, (ii) increasing the expression of genes involved in general stress response, (iii) changing the expression of general and specific regulatory functions, and (iv) decreasing the expression of protein synthesis such as proteins involved in motility. Differences in gene expression between cells under acute and chronic stress suggest that LH128 goes through changes in genome-wide expression to fully adapt to NaCl stress, without significantly changing phenanthrene degrading activity.


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Substance P (SP), an undecapeptide belonging to the tachykinin family, is released during the activation of sensory nerves, and causes vasodilation, edema and pain through activation of tissular Neurokinin 1 receptors. SP proinflammatory effects are terminated by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP), while the aminopeptidase dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPPIV) can also play a role. The aim of this randomized, crossover, double-blind study was to assess the cutaneous vasoreactivity (flare and wheal reaction, burning pain sensation) to intradermal injection of ascending doses of SP in six volunteers receiving a single therapeutic dose of the DPPIV inhibitor sitagliptin or a matching placebo. Cutaneous SP challenges produced the expected, dose-dependent flare and wheal response, while eliciting mild to moderate local pain sensation with little dose dependency. However, no differences were shown in the responses observed under sitagliptin compared with placebo, while the study would have been sufficiently powered to detect a clinically relevant increase in sensitivity to SP. The results of this pilot study are in line with proteolytic cleavage of SP by ACE and NEP compensating the blockade of DPPIV to prevent an augmentation of its proinflammatory action.


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A new radiolarian genus and species, Joergensenium rotatile, is described. This species is restricted to recent sediments and plankton samples from the North Atlantic. Its recent distribution in the Norwegian Sea and West Norwegian fjords shows a strong affinity to the neritic province and reaches almost 2% in Hryangerfjord. This species is only known from late Glacial and Holocene sediments in the Nordic seas. This genus shows, however, a patchy stratigraphic distribution with its first occurrence in the south-west Pacific within Palcocene, in the Middle to Late Miocene from the Norwegian Sea, and in the Labrador Sea at the base of biozone NN 21. Two fjords are compared for the general radiolarian distribution, but with special emphasis on the occurrence of J. rotatile in both sediment and plankton.