11 resultados para Oxygen Ion Conductivity
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Preretinal partial pressure of oxygen gradients before and after experimental pars plana vitrectomy.
PURPOSE: To evaluate preretinal partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) gradients before and after experimental pars plana vitrectomy. METHODS: Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 gradients were recorded in 7 minipigs during slow withdrawal of oxygen-sensitive microelectrodes (10-μm tip diameter) from the vitreoretinal interface to 2 mm into the vitreous cavity. Recordings were repeated after pars plana vitrectomy and balanced salt solution (BSS) intraocular perfusion. RESULTS: Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 at the vitreoretinal interface were 62.3 ± 13.8, 22.5 ± 3.3, and 17.0 ± 7.5 mmHg, respectively, before vitrectomy; 97.7 ± 19.9, 40.0 ± 21.9, and 56.3 ± 28.4 mmHg, respectively, immediately after vitrectomy; and 59.0 ± 27.4, 25.2 ± 3.0, and 21.5 ± 4.5 mmHg, respectively, 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 2 mm from the vitreoretinal interface was 28.4 ± 3.6 mmHg before vitrectomy; 151.8 ± 4.5 mmHg immediately after vitrectomy; and 34.8 ± 4.1 mmHg 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 gradients were still present after vitrectomy, with the same patterns as before vitrectomy. CONCLUSION: Preretinal PO2 gradients are not eliminated after pars plana vitrectomy. During BSS perfusion, vitreous cavity PO2 is very high. Interruption of BSS perfusion evokes progressive equilibration of vitreous cavity PO2 with concomitant progressive return of preretinal PO2 gradients to their previtrectomy patterns. This indicates that preretinal diffusion of oxygen is not altered after vitrectomy. The beneficial effect of vitrectomy in ischemic retinal diseases or macular edema may be related to other mechanisms, such as increased oxygen convection currents or removal of growth factors and cytokines secreted in the vitreous.
Résumé grand public :Le cerveau se compose de cellules nerveuses appelées neurones et de cellules gliales dont font partie les astrocytes. Les neurones communiquent entre eux par signaux électriques et en libérant des molécules de signalisation comme le glutamate. Les astrocytes ont eux pour charge de capter le glucose depuis le sang circulant dans les vaisseaux sanguins, de le transformer et de le transmettre aux neurones pour qu'ils puissent l'utiliser comme source d'énergie. L'astrocyte peut ensuite utiliser ce glucose de deux façons différentes pour produire de l'énergie : la première s'opère dans des structures appelées mitochondries qui sont capables de produire plus de trente molécules riches en énergie (ATP) à partir d'une seule molécule de glucose ; la seconde possibilité appelée glycolyse peut produire deux molécules d'ATP et un dérivé du glucose appelé lactate. Une théorie couramment débattue propose que lorsque les astrocytes capturent le glutamate libéré par les neurones, ils libèrent en réponse du lactate qui servirait de base énergétique aux neurones. Cependant, ce mécanisme n'envisage pas une augmentation de l'activité des mitochondries des astrocytes, ce qui serait pourtant bien plus efficace pour produire de l'énergie.En utilisant la microscopie par fluorescence, nous avons pu mesurer les changements de concentrations ioniques dans les mitochondries d'astrocytes soumis à une stimulation glutamatergique. Nous avons démontré que les mitochondries des astrocytes manifestent des augmentations spontanées et transitoires de leur concentrations ioniques, dont la fréquence était diminuée au cours d'une stimulation avec du glutamate. Nous avons ensuite montré que la capture de glutamate augmentait la concentration en sodium et acidifiait les mitochondries des astrocytes. En approfondissant ces mécanismes, plusieurs éléments ont suggéré que l'acidification induite diminuerait le potentiel de synthèse d'énergie d'origine mitochondriale et la consommation d'oxygène dans les astrocytes. En résumé, l'ensemble de ces travaux suggère que la signalisation neuronale impliquant le glutamate dicte aux astrocytes de sacrifier temporairement l'efficacité de leur métabolisme énergétique, en diminuant l'activité de leurs mitochondries, afin d'augmenter la disponibilité des ressources énergétiques utiles aux neurones.Résumé :La remarquable efficacité du cerveau à compiler et propager des informations coûte au corps humain 20% de son budget énergétique total. Par conséquent, les mécanismes cellulaires responsables du métabolisme énergétique cérébral se sont adéquatement développés pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques du cerveau. Les dernières découvertes en neuroénergétique tendent à démontrer que le site principal de consommation d'énergie dans le cerveau est situé dans les processus astrocytaires qui entourent les synapses excitatrices. Un nombre croissant de preuves scientifiques a maintenant montré que le transport astrocytaire de glutamate est responsable d'un coût métabolique important qui est majoritairement pris en charge par une augmentation de l'activité glycolytique. Cependant, les astrocytes possèdent également un important métabolisme énergétique de type mitochondrial. Par conséquent, la localisation spatiale des mitochondries à proximité des transporteurs de glutamate suggère l'existence d'un mécanisme régulant le métabolisme énergétique astrocytaire, en particulier le métabolisme mitochondrial.Afin de fournir une explication à ce paradoxe énergétique, nous avons utilisé des techniques d'imagerie par fluorescence pour mesurer les modifications de concentrations ioniques spontanées et évoquées par une stimulation glutamatergique dans des astrocytes corticaux de souris. Nous avons montré que les mitochondries d'astrocytes au repos manifestaient des changements individuels, spontanés et sélectifs de leur potentiel électrique, de leur pH et de leur concentration en sodium. Nous avons trouvé que le glutamate diminuait la fréquence des augmentations spontanées de sodium en diminuant le niveau cellulaire d'ATP. Nous avons ensuite étudié la possibilité d'une régulation du métabolisme mitochondrial astrocytaire par le glutamate. Nous avons montré que le glutamate initie dans la population mitochondriale une augmentation rapide de la concentration en sodium due à l'augmentation cytosolique de sodium. Nous avons également montré que le relâchement neuronal de glutamate induit une acidification mitochondriale dans les astrocytes. Nos résultats ont indiqué que l'acidification induite par le glutamate induit une diminution de la production de radicaux libres et de la consommation d'oxygène par les astrocytes. Ces études ont montré que les mitochondries des astrocytes sont régulées individuellement et adaptent leur activité selon l'environnement intracellulaire. L'adaptation dynamique du métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial opéré par le glutamate permet d'augmenter la quantité d'oxygène disponible et amène au relâchement de lactate, tous deux bénéfiques pour les neurones.Abstract :The remarkable efficiency of the brain to compute and communicate information costs the body 20% of its total energy budget. Therefore, the cellular mechanisms responsible for brain energy metabolism developed adequately to face the energy needs. Recent advances in neuroenergetics tend to indicate that the main site of energy consumption in the brain is the astroglial process ensheating activated excitatory synapses. A large body of evidence has now shown that glutamate uptake by astrocytes surrounding synapses is responsible for a significant metabolic cost, whose metabolic response is apparently mainly glycolytic. However, astrocytes have also a significant mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Therefore, the location of mitochondria close to glutamate transporters raises the question of the existence of mechanisms for tuning their energy metabolism, in particular their mitochondrial metabolism.To tackle these issues, we used real time imaging techniques to study mitochondrial ionic alterations occurring at resting state and during glutamatergic stimulation of mouse cortical astrocytes. We showed that mitochondria of intact resting astrocytes exhibited individual spontaneous and selective alterations of their electrical potential, pH and Na+ concentration. We found that glutamate decreased the frequency of mitochondrial Na+ transient activity by decreasing the cellular level of ATP. We then investigated a possible link between glutamatergic transmission and mitochondrial metabolism in astrocytes. We showed that glutamate triggered a rapid Na+ concentration increase in the mitochondrial population as a result of plasma-membrane Na+-dependent uptake. We then demonstrated that neuronally released glutamate also induced a mitochondrial acidification in astrocytes. Glutamate induced a pH-mediated and cytoprotective decrease of mitochondrial metabolism that diminished oxygen consumption. Taken together, these studies showed that astrocytes contain mitochondria that are individually regulated and sense the intracellular environment to modulate their own activity. The dynamic regulation of astrocyte mitochondrial energy output operated by glutamate allows increasing oxygen availability and lactate production both being beneficial for neurons.
Résumé : Les jasmonates (JA), une famille d'hor1none végétale, jouent un rôle central dans la réponse à la blessure, et aux attaques d'insectes et de pathogènes. Les JA sont principalement dérivés d'un acide gras, l'acide linolénique. L'addition par une lipoxygénase d'une molécule d'oxygène à l'acide linolénique initie la synthèse de JA. Cependant les mécanismes régulant l'activation de la biosynthèse de JA ne sont pas encore connus. C'est pour cette raison que dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé chez Arabidopsis thaliana (l'Arabette des Dames) un mutant fou2 dont l'activité lipoxygénase est plus élevée que celle d'une plante sauvage. Les niveaux de JA sont constitutivement plus élevés et l'activation de la synthèse de JA après blessure est fortement plus induite chez fou2 que chez le type sauvage. En outre, fou2 est plus résistant au pathogène Botrytis cinerea et à la chenille Spodoptera littoralis. Afin de comprendre quel mécanisme chez fou2 génére ce phénotype, nous avons cloné le gène responsable du phénotype de fou2. Le mutant fou2 porte une mutation dans le gène d'un canal à deux pores transportant probablement du potassium, du lumen de la vacuole végétale vers le compartiment cytosolique. L'analyse du protéome de fou2 a permis d'identifier une expression plus élevée de sept protéines régulées par les JA ou le stress. La découverte de l'implication d'un canal dans le phénotype de fou2 renforce l'hypothèse que les flux de cations pourraient être impliqués dans les étapes précoces de la synthèse des JA. Nous avons également étudié le protéome et la physiologie d'une feuille blessée, Pour évaluer les changements d'expression protéique en réponse à la blessure et contrôlés par les JA, nous avons quantifié l'expression de 5937 protéines chez une plante d'Arabidopsis sauvage et chez un mutant incapable de synthétiser des JA. Parmi ces 5937 protéines, nous avons identifié 99 protéines régulées par la blessure chez le type sauvage. Nous avons observé pour 65% des protéines dont l'expression protéique changeait après blessure une bonne corrélation entre la quantité de transcrits et de protéines. Plusieurs enzymes de la voie des chorismates impliquées dans la biosynthèse des acides aminés phénoliques étaient induites par les JA après blessure. Une quantification des acides aminés a montré que les niveaux d'acides aminés phénoliques augmentaient significativement après blessure. La blessure induisait aussi des changements dans l'expression de protéines impliquées dans la réponse au stress et particulièrement au stress oxydatif. Nous avons quantifié l'état réduit et oxydé du glutathion, un tripeptide qui, sous sa forme réduite, est l'antioxydant majeur des cellules. Nous avons trouvé une quantité significativement plus élevée de glutathion oxydé chez le type sauvage blessé que chez la plante aus blessée. Ce résultat suggère que la génération d'un stress oxydatif et la proportion relative de glutathions réduits et oxydés sont contrôlés par les JA après blessure. Abstract : Plants possess a family of potent fatty acid-derived wound-response and developmental regulators: the jasmonates. These compounds are derived from the tri?unsaturated fatty acid a-linolenic-acid (18:3). Addition of an oxygen molecule to 18:3 by 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOX) initiates JA biosynthesis. Actually components regulating the activation of JA biosynthesis are poorly defined. Therefore we characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana the fatty acid Qxygenation upregulated 2 (fou2) mutant, which was previously isolated in a screen for mutants with an enhanced 13-LOX activity. As a consequence of this increased 13-LOX activity, JA levels in fou2 are higher than in wild type (WT) and wounding strongly increased JA biosynthesis compared to WT. fou2 was more resistant to the fungus Botrytis cinerea and the generalist caterpillar Spodaptera littomlis, The fou2 mutant carries a missense mutation in the Two Pore Channel 1 gene (TPCJ), which encodes a vacuolar cation channel transporting probably K* into the cytosol. Patchclamp analysis of fou2 vacuolar membranes showed faster time-dependent conductivity and activation of the mutated channel at lower membrane potentials than wild-type. Proteomic analysis of fou2 leaves identified increased levels of seven biotic stress- and JA- inducible proteins. The discovery of the implication of a channel in the fou2 phenotype strenghtens the hypothesis that cation fluxes might be implicated in early steps of JA synthesis. We further concentrated on the proteome and leaf physiology in the region proximal to wounds in Arabidopsis using the WT and the aos JA-biosynthesis deficient mutant in order to find JA- induced proteins changes. We used two successive proteomic methods to assess protein changes in response to wounding Arabidopsis leaves, two dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and linear trap quadrupole ion-trap mass spectrometry. In total 5937 proteins were quantified. We identified 99 wound-regulated proteins in the WT. Most these proteins were also wound-regulated at the transcript level showing a good correlation between transcript and protein abundance. We identified several wound-regulated enzymes involved in amino acid biosynthesis and confirmed this result by amino acid quantification. Proteins involved in stress reponses were upregulated, particularly in redox species regulation. We found a significantly higher quantity of oxidized glutathione in wounded WT relative to wounded aos leaves. This result suggests that levels of reduced glutathione are controlled by JA after wounding.
Oxidative metabolism of isolated toad skin epithelium (Bufo viridis) was investigated in vitro under open-circuit conditions using the spectrophotometric oxyhemoglobin micromethod. This highly sensitive technique has been adapted for studying several epithelia in parallel and for detecting possible regional variations of oxygen uptake in individual epithelium. Changes in the proportion of mitochondria-rich cells (MRC) by ionic acclimation affected oxidative metabolism under nontransporting condition. After acclimation of animals to either NaNO3 or NaCl solutions (100 mmol/l, for greater than 2 wk), the number of MRC per square millimeter in epithelia from nonacclimated and NaNO3- and NaCl-acclimated animals was 350 +/- 113, 460 +/- 196, and 107 +/- 52, respectively. O2 uptake of nonacclimated and NaNO3-acclimated epithelia was significantly higher than that of NaCl-acclimated epithelia (i.e., 0.89 and 0.90 vs. 0.57 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2, respectively). The correlation established between O2 uptake and number of MRC allowed evaluation of the respiration rate of one single MRC, i.e., approximately 1 pmol O2/h. The lowest mitochondrial oxidative activity was found in the epithelia from NaCl-acclimated toads where the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (50 mumols/l) had the highest relative stimulatory effect (+114%). Acetazolamide (50 mumols/l), a potent inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase mainly present in the MRC, reduced selectively by 31% O2 uptake of the MRC-rich epithelia (NaNO3 acclimated). O2 uptake increased significantly by approximately 80% when basolateral pH increased from 5.8 to 7.8, but did not depend on apical pH. These findings indicate that under nontransporting (open-circuit) conditions, aerobic metabolism of the isolated toad skin epithelium is related to the density and/or characteristics of the MRC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of fossil ostracods are powerful tools to estimate past environmental and climatic conditions. The basis for such interpretations is that the calcite of the valves reflects the isotopic composition of water and its temperature of formation. However, calcite of ostracods is known not to form in isotopic equilibrium with water and different species may have different offsets from inorganic precipitates of calcite formed under the same conditions. To estimate the fractionation during ostracod valve calcification, the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of 15 species living in Lake Geneva were related to their autoecology and the environmental parameters measured during their growth. The results indicate that: (1) Oxygen isotope fractionation is similar for all species of Candoninae with an enrichment in 18O of more than 30/00 relative to equilibrium values for inorganic calcite. Oxygen isotope fractionation for Cytheroidea is less discriminative relative to the heavy oxygen, with enrichments in 18O for these species of 1.7 to 2.30/00. Oxygen isotope fractionations for Cyprididae are in-between those of Candoninae and Cytheroidea. The difference in oxygen isotope fractionation between ostracods and inorganic calcite has been interpreted as resulting from a vital effect. (2) Comparison with previous work suggests that oxygen isotope fractionation may depend on the total and relative ion content of water. (3) Carbon isotope compositions of ostracod valves are generally in equilibrium with DIC. The specimens' δ13C values are mainly controlled by seasonal variations in δ13CDIC of bottom water or variation thereof in sediment pore water. (4) Incomplete valve calcification has an effect on carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of ostracod valves. Preferential incorporation of at the beginning of valve calcification may explain this effect. (5) Results presented here as well as results from synthetic carbonate growth indicate that different growth rates or low pH within the calcification site cannot be the cause of oxygen isotope 'vital effects' in ostracods. Two mechanisms that might enrich the 18O of ostracod valves are deprotonation of that may also contribute to valve calcification, and effects comparable to salt effects with high concentrations of Ca and/or Mg within the calcification site that may also cause a higher temperature dependency of oxygen isotope fractionation.
The bioenergetic status of cells is tightly regulated by the activity of cytosolic enzymes and mitochondrial ATP production. To adapt their metabolism to cellular energy needs, mitochondria have been shown to exhibit changes in their ionic composition as the result of changes in cytosolic ion concentrations. Individual mitochondria also exhibit spontaneous changes in their electrical potential without altering those of neighboring mitochondria. We recently reported that individual mitochondria of intact astrocytes exhibit spontaneous transient increases in their Na(+) concentration. Here, we investigated whether the concentration of other ionic species were involved during mitochondrial transients. By combining fluorescence imaging methods, we performed a multiparameter study of spontaneous mitochondrial transients in intact resting astrocytes. We show that mitochondria exhibit coincident changes in their Na(+) concentration, electrical potential, matrix pH and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production during a mitochondrial transient without involving detectable changes in their Ca(2+) concentration. Using widefield and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging, we found evidence for localized transient decreases in the free Mg(2+) concentration accompanying mitochondrial Na(+) spikes that could indicate an associated local and transient enrichment in the ATP concentration. Therefore, we propose a sequential model for mitochondrial transients involving a localized ATP microdomain that triggers a Na(+)-mediated mitochondrial depolarization, transiently enhancing the activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Our work provides a model describing ionic changes that could support a bidirectional cytosol-to-mitochondria ionic communication.
Depth profiles were sampled at different locations throughout Lake Geneva on a monthly and seasonal basis over the course of 2 years and analysed for their stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions. The isotopic compositions indicate an isotopic stratification in the metalimnion during summer and fall. This is related to mixing of Rhône River water, which in summer is dominated by snow and glacier melt waters, and lake water, with the latter having a homogenous isotopic composition. The observed interflow layer is 7-15 m thick and can be traced by the distinct stable isotope composition of the water for about 55 km throughout the lake as well as into shallow bay regions. Depth of the interflow layer close to the Rhône River mouth is similar to those previously described based on echo-soundings and turbidity profiles of sediment dispersion. In contrast to previous descriptions of the interflow within Lake Geneva, the stable isotope compositions allow for direct, natural tracing of the Rhône River water even in cases where the turbidity and conductivity measurements do not indicate such an interflow. In addition, the method allows for a quantification of the Rhône River and lake water in the interflow with the fraction of Rhône River water within the interflow estimated to be up to 37% in summer. The isotopic composition further indicates different vertical mixing processes within the two lake basins of Lake Geneva, related to the density gradients and local stability within the water column. The method may be applicable to other lakes in catchments with large differences in the topography as water that originates from high altitudes or glaciers has a distinct oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition compared to other sources of water originating at lower altitudes and/or from direct precipitation over the lake. Stable isotope measurements thus improve the understanding of the circulation of water within the lake, which is fundamental for an evaluation of the water residence times, dissolved pollutant and nutrient transport as well as oxygenation.
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is highly selective for Na+ and Li+ over K+ and is blocked by the diuretic amiloride. ENaC is a heterotetramer made of two alpha, one beta, and one gamma homologous subunits, each subunit comprising two transmembrane segments. Amino acid residues involved in binding of the pore blocker amiloride are located in the pre-M2 segment of beta and gamma subunits, which precedes the second putative transmembrane alpha helix (M2). A residue in the alpha subunit (alphaS589) at the NH2 terminus of M2 is critical for the molecular sieving properties of ENaC. ENaC is more permeable to Li+ than Na+ ions. The concentration of half-maximal unitary conductance is 38 mM for Na+ and 118 mM for Li+, a kinetic property that can account for the differences in Li+ and Na+ permeability. We show here that mutation of amino acid residues at homologous positions in the pre-M2 segment of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits (alphaG587, betaG529, gammaS541) decreases the Li+/Na+ selectivity by changing the apparent channel affinity for Li+ and Na+. Fitting single-channel data of the Li+ permeation to a discrete-state model including three barriers and two binding sites revealed that these mutations increased the energy needed for the translocation of Li+ from an outer ion binding site through the selectivity filter. Mutation of betaG529 to Ser, Cys, or Asp made ENaC partially permeable to K+ and larger ions, similar to the previously reported alphaS589 mutations. We conclude that the residues alphaG587 to alphaS589 and homologous residues in the beta and gamma subunits form the selectivity filter, which tightly accommodates Na+ and Li+ ions and excludes larger ions like K+.
Exposing the human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B to the nitric oxide (NO) donor sodium 1-(N,N-diethylamino)diazen-1-ium-1, 2-diolate (DEA/NO) at an initial concentration of 0.6 mM while generating superoxide ion at the rate of 1 microM/min with the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase (HX/XO) system induced C:G-->T:A transition mutations in codon 248 of the p53 gene. This pattern of mutagenicity was not seen by 'fish-restriction fragment length polymorphism/polymerase chain reaction' (fish-RFLP/PCR) on exposure to DEA/NO alone, however, exposure to HX/XO led to various mutations, suggesting that co-generation of NO and superoxide was responsible for inducing the observed point mutation. DEA/NO potentiated the ability of HX/XO to induce lipid peroxidation as well as DNA single- and double-strand breaks under these conditions, while 0.6 mM DEA/NO in the absence of HX/XO had no significant effect on these parameters. The results show that a point mutation seen at high frequency in certain common human tumors can be induced by simultaneous exposure to reactive oxygen species and a NO source.
The CA1 region of the hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to ischemic damage. While NMDA receptors play a major role in excitotoxicity, it is thought to be exacerbated in this region by two forms of post-ischemic AMPA receptor (AMPAR) plasticity - namely, anoxic long-term potentiation (a-LTP), and a delayed increase in the prevalence of Ca2+ -permeable GluA2-lacking AMPARs (CP-AMPARs). The acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) which is expressed in CA1 pyramidal neurons, is also known to contribute to post-ischemic neuronal death and to physiologically induced LTP. This raises the question - does ASIC1a activation drive the post-ischemic forms of AMPAR plasticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons? We have tested this by examining organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (OHSCs) exposed to oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD), and dissociated cultures of hippocampal pyramidal neurons (HPN) exposed to low pH (acidosis). We find that both a-LTP and the delayed increase in the prevalence of CP-AMPARs are dependent on ASIC1a activation during ischemia. Indeed, acidosis alone is sufficient to induce the increase in CP-AMPARs. We also find that inhibition of ASIC1a channels circumvents any potential neuroprotective benefit arising from block of CP-AMPARs. By demonstrating that ASIC1a activation contributes to post-ischemic AMPAR plasticity, our results identify a functional interaction between acidotoxicity and excitotoxicity in hippocampal CA1 cells, and provide insight into the role of ASIC1a and CP-AMPARs as potential drug targets for neuroprotection. We thus propose that ASIC1a activation can drive certain forms of CP-AMPAR plasticity, and that inhibiting ASIC1a affords neuroprotection.