195 resultados para Oocyte morphological classification
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
PURPOSE: We aimed to study the relationship between two morphological parameters recently described on MRI images in relation to lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS): the first is the sedimentation sign (SedS) and the second is the morphological grading of lumbar stenosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRIs from a total of 137 patients were studied. From those, 110 were issued from a prospective database of symptomatic LSS patients, of whom 73 were treated surgically and 37 conservatively based on symptom severity. A third group consisting of 27 subjects complaining of low back pain (LBP) served as control. Severity of stenosis was judged at disc level using the four A to D grade morphological classification. The presence of a SedS was judged at pedicle level, above or below the site of maximal stenosis. RESULTS: A positive SedS was observed in 58, 69 and 76 % of patients demonstrating B, C and D morphology, respectively, but in none with grade A morphology. The SedS was positive in 67 and 35 % of the surgically and conservatively treated patients, respectively, and in 8 % of the LBP group. C and D morphological grades were present in 97 and 35 % of patients in the surgically and conservatively treated group, respectively, and in 18 % of the LBP group. Presence of a positive SedS carried an increased risk of being submitted to surgery in the symptomatic LSS group (OR 3.5). This risk was even higher in the LSS patients demonstrating grade C or D morphology (OR 65). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: One-third of surgically treated LSS patients do not present a SedS. This sign appears to be a lesser predictor of treatment modality in our setting of symptomatic LSS patients compared to the severity of stenosis judged by the morphological grade.
Résumé Les Soricidae sont l'une des plus grandes familles de mammifères avec plus de 300 espèces décrites. Elle a été récemment divisée en trois sous-familles, les Soricidae, qui sont distribuées dans la région Holarctique, les Crocidurinae en Afrique et en Eurasie, et les Myosoricinae en Afrique. La diversité spécifique de cette famille a conduit à des interprétations taxonomiques multiples, qui sont à l'origine de polémiques entre spécialistes, et même les premiers résultats moléculaires ont été fortement contradictoires. Le but de cette thèse est donc d'appliquer des meilleures techniques sur des échantillons mieux ciblés, afin de résoudre les contradictions taxonomiques et comprendre l'histoire de cette famille. Par le biais de marqueurs génétiques mitochondriaux et nucléaires, j'ai étudié: (i) Les relations taxonomiques à différent niveaux hiérarchiques au sein des Soricidae, c'est-à dire, entre les sous-familles, tribus, et genres, ainsi qu'au sein de deux complexes d'espèces largement distribués, et d'une espèce européenne, le but étant d'établir la congruence entre les données génétiques et les interprétations morphologiques classiques. (ii) Les relations biogéographiques, soit l'origine potentielle des différentes sous-familles, tribus, et genres, le nombre d'échanges intercontinentaux, ainsi que la structure phylogéographique à un niveau (péri)-spécifique, afin d'établir l'histoire de la diversification de cette famille. Les analyses combinées d'ADN mitochondrial et nucléaire ont montré un rapport clair entre les taxa à un niveau taxonomique élevé, mettant en évidence les rapports entre les sous-familles, les tribus, et les genres. Bien que Myosorex constitue un groupe monophylétique distinct, sa définition en tant que sous-famille séparée ne peut pas être reconnue. Ainsi, nous proposons d'attribuer un niveau de tribu pour ce clade (inclus dans les Crocidurinae). Nous avons également montré l'inclusion du genre Anourosorex dans les Soricinae et non en position basale dans les Soricidae. Au sein des Crocidurinae, Suncus s'est révélé être paraphylétique, et le genre Diplomesodon devrait être considéré d'un point de vue génétique comme invalide, puisque il se trouve au sein du clade du genre Crocidura. À un niveau taxonomique plus bas, nous avons montré la monophylie de deux complexes d'espèces largement distribués, le groupe de C. suaveolens et de C. olivieri. Néanmoins à l'intérieur de ceux-ci, des différences majeures avec la classification morphologique se sont révélées. Par exemples, C. sibirica n'est pas une espèce valide, les analyses de phylogénie moléculaire ne montrant pas de variations génétiques entre celle-ci et un échantillon de la localité type de C. suaveolens. D'un point de vue biogéographique, les fluctuations climatiques et les activités tectoniques des 20 derniers millions d'années ont fortement influencé la diversité actuelle des Soricidae. À un niveau taxonomique élevé, l'apparition de connexions de terre temporaires entre le Vieux et le Nouveau Monde au Miocène moyen ont mené à plusieurs colonisations indépendantes de l'Amérique par les Soricinae. Celles-ci ónt conduit à une diversification d'une tribu (Notiosoricini), ainsi que de genres (par ex: Cryptotis, Blarina) et d'un sous-genre (Otisorex) endémique au Néarctique. Dans le Vieux Monde, les barrières entre l'Afrique et Eurasie étaient plus perméables, menant à plusieurs échanges bidirectionnels de Crocidurinae. La diversification des clades principaux s'est produite au Miocène, certains clades étant endémiques d'Afrique ou d'Eurasie, tandis que d'autres se sont diversifiés à travers le Vieux Monde. À un niveau spécifique ou péri-spécifique, la fluctuation climatique du Pliocène et les glaciations du Pléistocène ont fortement divisé les populations dans tout le Paléarctique, menant à des entités génétiques distinctes. En Europe, les populations du groupe de C. suaveolens ont été divisées en une lignée Sud-Ouest et une Sud-Est, alors qu'au Proche-Orient et au Moyen-Orient, la diversité de clades est plus importante. En conclusion, mes études ont révélé que du Miocène à nos jours, la diversification des Soricidae a été provoquée par la colonisation de nouveaux habitats (dispersion), ainsi que par l'isolement des populations par diverses barrières (vicariance). Abstract The Soricidae is one of the largest mammalian families with more than 300 species described. It has been recently divided into three subfamilies, the Soricinae, which are distributed in the Holartic region, the Crocidurinae in Africa and Eurasia, and the Myosoricinae in Africa. The specific diversity of this family have led to multiple systematic interpretations and controversies between authors. Fortunately, today, cytotaxonomic, allozymic and molecular studies have permitted to clarify some uncertainties. Nevertheless, the Soricidae remains still poorly known. In this thesis, we aim at understanding with the use of mitochondrial and nuclear markers: (i) the taxonomic relationships at different hierarchical levels within Soricidae, i.e., between the subfamilies, tribes, and genera, as well as within two largely distributed species complexes, and within a European species, the goal being to establish congruence between the genetic data and traditional morphological interpretations; (ii) the biogeographic relationships, especially the potential origin of the different subfamilies, tribes, and genera, the number of transcontinental exchanges, as well as the phylogeographic structure at a (peri)-specific level, in order to establish the history of the genetic diversification of this family. The combined analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA highlight for the first time a clear relationship between taxa at a high taxonomical level, permitting to distinguish the relationships between subfamilies, tribes, and genera. Although Myosorex formed a distinct monophyletic group, its definition as a distinct sub-family cannot be advocated. Thus, we propose to attribute a tribe level for this Glade (included within the Crocidurinae). Additionally, this combination of genes pleads in favour of the inclusion of the genus Anourosorex within the Soricinae and not in a basal position within the Soricidae. Within the Crocidurinae, Suncus appeared to be paraphyletic, and Diplomesodon should be considered from a genetic point of view as invalid, and is presently considered as Crocidura. At a lower taxonomic level, we showed the monophyly of two widely distributed species complexes, the C. suaveolens group and the C. olivieri group. Nevertheless within those, we showed major differences compared to morphological classification. For examples, C. sibirica revealed to not be a valid species, the molecular phylogenetic analyses failed to evidence genetical variations between it and samples of the type locality of C. suaveolens. In a biogeographic point of view, the climatic fluctuations and the tectonic plate activities of the last 20 Myr have strongly influenced the actual diversity of the family. At a high taxonomic level, the successive land bridge connections between the Old and the New World, which occurred during the Middle Miocene, have led to several independent colonisations of America by Soricinae, and a subsequent diversification of endemic Nearctic's tribe (Notiosoricini), genera (e.g. Cryptotis, Blaring) and sub-genus (Otisorex) within the Soricinae. Within the Old World, the barriers between Africa and Eurasia were more permeable, leading to several bidirectional exchanges within the Crocidurinae. The diversification of major clades occurred through the Miocene, some clades being endemic to Africa or Eurasia, whereas others diversified through the Old World. At a species level or a peri-specific level, the Pliocene climatic fluctuation and the Pleistocene glaciations have strongly divided the populations throughout the Palaearctic, leading to well defined genetic entities. In Europe, populations of the C. suaveolens group were split in a classical south-western and south-eastern lineage. In contrast, the Near East and the Middle East reveal many differentiated clades. In conclusion, our studies revealed that, from the Miocene to present, the diversification and speciation events within the Soricidae were caused by natural colonisation of new habitats (dispersion) and isolation of populations by various barriers (vicariance).
Surgical decision-making in lumbar spinal stenosis involves assessment of clinical parameters and the severity of the radiological stenosis. We suspected that surgeons based surgical decisions more on dural sac cross-sectional area (DSCA) than on the morphology of the dural sac. We carried out a survey among members of three European spine societies. The axial T2-weighted MR images from ten patients with varying degrees of DSCA and morphological grades according to the recently described morphological classification of lumbar spinal stenosis, with DSCA values disclosed in half the assessed images, were used for evaluation. We provided a clinical scenario to accompany the images, which were shown to 142 responding physicians, mainly orthopaedic surgeons but also some neurosurgeons and others directly involved in treating patients with spinal disorders. As the primary outcome we used the number of respondents who would proceed to surgery for a given DSCA or morphological grade. Substantial agreement among the respondents was observed, with severe or extreme stenosis as defined by the morphological grade leading to surgery. This decision was not dependent on the number of years in practice, medical density or specialty. Disclosing the DSCA did not alter operative decision-making. In all, 40 respondents (29%) had prior knowledge of the morphological grading system, but their responses showed no difference from those who had not. This study suggests that the participants were less influenced by DSCA than by the morphological appearance of the dural sac. Classifying lumbar spinal stenosis according to morphology rather than surface measurements appears to be consistent with current clinical practice.
Introduction: Clinical symptoms and degree of spinal stenosis based on cross sectional dural sac area correlate only weakly in lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) patients. We conceived a four grade classification system (A, B, C & D) based on the morphology of the dural sac and its contents as seen on T2 axial MRI images. The categories take into account the rootlet/CSF ratio. We applied this grading to three patient groups: LSS scheduled for surgery; LSS following conservative treatment and patients with low back pain (LBP) without leg pain. Materials/Methods: A total of 346 T2 axial MRI images taken from LSS and LBP patients were included in this retroperspective study. 37 patients had decompressive surgery (132 MRI images), 31 conservative treatment (116 MRI images) and 27 patients had unspecific LBP (98 MRI images). Dural sac cross-sectional surface area and morphological grading of the canal were measured digitally both at disc and pedicle level. Intra- and inter-observer reliability were assessed (weighted Cohen's kappa statistics) from 50 MRI images taken from the surgery group. Results: At the most severe disc level, grade A (mild stenosis) was found in 3% of MRI images of the surgical group as opposed to 51% in the conservatively treated group and 85% in the LBP group. Grade B occurred in 8% of the surgical, 20% of the conservative and was negligible in LBP group (below 1%). Grade C and D (severe stenosis) was found in 89% of the surgical group, as opposed to 30% in conservative group and 11% in LBP group. The grades of all groups were comparable at the pedicle levels, exhibiting in 94% a grade A with a maximum at the A1 grade. Pedicle and disc level cross-sectional area were smallest in the surgery group and smaller in the conservative group as compared to the LBP group at the levels L2, L3 and L4. According to cross-sectional area measurements patients from the surgery group seems to have smaller vertebral canal although this was not related to smaller stature. Validation of grading: Average intra-and inter observer kappas were 0.76 and 0.69 respectively, for physicians working in the study originating institution. Combining all observers the kappa values were 0.57 +/- 0.19. and 0.44 +/- 0.19 respectively. Dural sac cross-sectional area measurements showed no statistically significant differences between observers. Conclusion: Since no specific measurement tools are needed the grading suits everyday clinical practice and favours communication of degree of stenosis between practising physicians. In our institution Grade A stenosis was less likely to require surgical treatment. This grading can therefore be an aid in surgical patient selection in teaching units.
Introduction: Measures of the degree of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) such as antero-posterior diameter of the canal, and dural sac cross sectional area vary, and do not correlate with symptoms or results of surgery. We created a grading system, comprised of seven categories, based on the morphology of the dural sac and its contents as seen on T2 axial images. The categories take into account the ratio of rootlet/ CSF content. Grade A indicates no significant compression, grade D is equivalent to a total myelograhic block. We compared this classification with commonly used criteria of severity of stenosis. Methods: Fifty T2 axial MRI images taken at disc level from 27 symptomatic LSS patients undergoing decompressive surgery were classified twice by two radiologists and three spinal surgeons working at different institutions and countries. Dural sac cross-sectional surface area and AP diameter of the canal were measured both at disc and pedicle level from DICOM images using OsiriX software. Intraand inter-observer reliability were assessed using Cohen's, Fleiss' kappa statistics, and t test. Results: For the morphological grading the average intra-and inter observer kappas were 0.76 and 0.69+, respectively, for physicians working in the study originating country. Combining all observers the kappa values were 0.57 ± 0.19. and 0.44 ± 0.19, respectively. AP diameter and dural sac cross-sectional area measurements showed no statistically significant differences between observers. No correlation between morphological grading and AP diameter or dural sac crosssectional areawas observed in 13 (26%) and 8 cases (16%), respectively. Discussion: The proposed morphological grading relies on the identification of the dural sac and CSF better seen on full MRI series. This was not available to the external observers, which might explain the lower overall kappa values. Since no specific measurement tools are needed the grading suits everyday clinical practice and favours communication of degree of stenosis between practising physicians. The absence of a strict correlation with the dural sac surface suggests that measuring the surface alone might be insufficient in defining LSS as it is essentially a mismatch between the spinal canal and its contents. This grading is now adopted in our unit and further studies concentrating on relation between morphology, clinical symptoms and surgical results are underway.
Different types of cell death are often defined by morphological criteria, without a clear reference to precise biochemical mechanisms. The Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death (NCCD) proposes unified criteria for the definition of cell death and of its different morphologies, while formulating several caveats against the misuse of words and concepts that slow down progress in the area of cell death research. Authors, reviewers and editors of scientific periodicals are invited to abandon expressions like 'percentage apoptosis' and to replace them with more accurate descriptions of the biochemical and cellular parameters that are actually measured. Moreover, at the present stage, it should be accepted that caspase-independent mechanisms can cooperate with (or substitute for) caspases in the execution of lethal signaling pathways and that 'autophagic cell death' is a type of cell death occurring together with (but not necessarily by) autophagic vacuolization. This study details the 2009 recommendations of the NCCD on the use of cell death-related terminology including 'entosis', 'mitotic catastrophe', 'necrosis', 'necroptosis' and 'pyroptosis'.
INTRODUCTION: The 2004 version of the World Health Organization classification subdivides thymic epithelial tumors into A, AB, B1, B2, and B3 (and rare other) thymomas and thymic carcinomas (TC). Due to a morphological continuum between some thymoma subtypes and some morphological overlap between thymomas and TC, a variable proportion of cases may pose problems in classification, contributing to the poor interobserver reproducibility in some studies. METHODS: To overcome this problem, hematoxylin-eosin-stained and immunohistochemically processed sections of prototypic, "borderland," and "combined" thymomas and TC (n = 72) were studied by 18 pathologists at an international consensus slide workshop supported by the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group. RESULTS: Consensus was achieved on refined criteria for decision making at the A/AB borderland, the distinction between B1, B2, and B3 thymomas and the separation of B3 thymomas from TCs. "Atypical type A thymoma" is tentatively proposed as a new type A thymoma variant. New reporting strategies for tumors with more than one histological pattern are proposed. CONCLUSION: These guidelines can set the stage for reproducibility studies and the design of a clinically meaningful grading system for thymic epithelial tumors.
CD34/QBEND10 immunostaining has been assessed in 150 bone marrow biopsies (BMB) including 91 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), 16 MDS-related AML, 25 reactive BMB, and 18 cases where RA could neither be established nor ruled out. All cases were reviewed and classified according to the clinical and morphological FAB criteria. The percentage of CD34-positive (CD34 +) hematopoietic cells and the number of clusters of CD34+ cells in 10 HPF were determined. In most cases the CD34+ cell count was similar to the blast percentage determined morphologically. In RA, however, not only typical blasts but also less immature hemopoietic cells lying morphologically between blasts and promyelocytes were stained with CD34. The CD34+ cell count and cluster values were significantly higher in RA than in BMB with reactive changes (p<0.0001 for both), in RAEB than in RA (p=0.0006 and p=0.0189, respectively), in RAEBt than in RAEB (p=0.0001 and p=0.0038), and in MDS-AML than in RAEBt (p<0.0001 and p=0.0007). Presence of CD34+ cell clusters in RA correlated with increased risk of progression of the disease. We conclude that CD34 immunostaining in BMB is a useful tool for distinguishing RA from other anemias, assessing blast percentage in MDS cases, classifying them according to FAB, and following their evolution.
We investigate the relevance of morphological operators for the classification of land use in urban scenes using submetric panchromatic imagery. A support vector machine is used for the classification. Six types of filters have been employed: opening and closing, opening and closing by reconstruction, and opening and closing top hat. The type and scale of the filters are discussed, and a feature selection algorithm called recursive feature elimination is applied to decrease the dimensionality of the input data. The analysis performed on two QuickBird panchromatic images showed that simple opening and closing operators are the most relevant for classification at such a high spatial resolution. Moreover, mixed sets combining simple and reconstruction filters provided the best performance. Tests performed on both images, having areas characterized by different architectural styles, yielded similar results for both feature selection and classification accuracy, suggesting the generalization of the feature sets highlighted.
In this paper, mixed spectral-structural kernel machines are proposed for the classification of very-high resolution images. The simultaneous use of multispectral and structural features (computed using morphological filters) allows a significant increase in classification accuracy of remote sensing images. Subsequently, weighted summation kernel support vector machines are proposed and applied in order to take into account the multiscale nature of the scene considered. Such classifiers use the Mercer property of kernel matrices to compute a new kernel matrix accounting simultaneously for two scale parameters. Tests on a Zurich QuickBird image show the relevance of the proposed method : using the mixed spectral-structural features, the classification accuracy increases of about 5%, achieving a Kappa index of 0.97. The multikernel approach proposed provide an overall accuracy of 98.90% with related Kappa index of 0.985.
Introduction Le canal lombaire étroit symptomatique est de plus en plus fréquent. Le traitement dépend des signes cliniques et des résultats radiologiques. Mais actuellement il n'y a pas de consensus concernant la classification radiologique. Le but de notre article est d'étudier la relation entre deux paramètres morphologiques radiologiques récemment décrits sur des examens par IRM. Le premier est le « signe de sédimentation » (Sedimentation Sign) et le second est le grade morphologique de la sténose lombaire (Morphological Grade), tous deux décrit en 2010. Matériel et méthode Nous avons étudié des examens IRM de 137 patients suivit dans notre établissement. De ces 137, 110 étaient issus d'une base de donnée de patients avec une sténose lombaire dont la Symptomatologie était typique. Dans ce groupe, 73 patients avaient été traité chirurgicalement et 37 conservativement, dépendant de la sévérité des symptômes. Un troisième groupe, le groupe contrôle, était formé de 27 patients ne présentant que des douleurs lombaires basses sans sciatalgie. La sévérité de la sténose a été évaluée sur les examens IRM au niveau du disque en utilisant les 4 grades de la classification morphologique, de A à D. La présence d'un signe de sédimentation a été, quand à lui, notée au niveau du pédicule, au-dessus et au-dessous du niveau présentant la sténose maximale, comme décrit dans l'article original. Résultat La présence d'un signe de sédimentation positif a été observée chez 58% des patients présentant un grade morphologique B, 69% chez les patients avec un grade C et 76% des patients avec un grade D. Dans le groupe de patient traité chirurgicalement pour une sténose canalaire, 67% des patients présentaient un signe de sédimentation positif, 35% dans le groupe du traitement conservateur, et 8 % dans le groupe contrôle. En ce qui concerne la classification du grade morphologique, nous avons regroupé les grade C et D. Il y avait 97% de patients avec un grade C et D dans le groupe du traitement chirurgical, 35 % dans le groupe du traitement conservateur et 18% dans le groupe contrôle. Nous avons donc calculé que la présence d'un signe de sédimentation positif chez les patients avec une sténose lombaire symptomatique augmente le risque d'avoir besoin d'une intervention de l'ordre de 3.5 fois (OR=3.5). En utilisant la classification du grade morphologique, nous avons calculé un risque encore plus élevé. Un patient avec une sténose canalaire de grade C ou D a 65 fois plus de risque d'avoir besoin d'une intervention (OR=65). Conclusion : Les résultats montrent une corrélation entre ces deux paramètres morphologiques. Mais la prédiction du besoin d'une intervention n'est pas équivalente. Un tiers des patients dans le groupe du traitement chirurgical n'avaient pas de signe de sédimentation positif. Ce signe apparaît donc comme un moins bon prédicteur pour le choix du traitement comparé à la sévérité de la sténose jugée avec le grade morphologique (OR 3.5 vs 65).
This paper presents a semisupervised support vector machine (SVM) that integrates the information of both labeled and unlabeled pixels efficiently. Method's performance is illustrated in the relevant problem of very high resolution image classification of urban areas. The SVM is trained with the linear combination of two kernels: a base kernel working only with labeled examples is deformed by a likelihood kernel encoding similarities between labeled and unlabeled examples. Results obtained on very high resolution (VHR) multispectral and hyperspectral images show the relevance of the method in the context of urban image classification. Also, its simplicity and the few parameters involved make the method versatile and workable by unexperienced users.
Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods have moulded the evolutionary history of European cold-adapted organisms. The role of the different mountain massifs has, however, not been accurately investigated in the case of high-altitude insect species. Here, we focus on three closely related species of non-flying leaf beetles of the genus Oreina (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), which are often found in sympatry within the mountain ranges of Europe. After showing that the species concept as currently applied does not match barcoding results, we show, based on more than 700 sequences from one nuclear and three mitochondrial genes, the role of biogeography in shaping the phylogenetic hypothesis. Dating the phylogeny using an insect molecular clock, we show that the earliest lineages diverged more than 1 Mya and that the main shift in diversification rate occurred between 0.36 and 0.18 Mya. By using a probabilistic approach on the parsimony-based dispersal/vicariance framework (MP-DIVA) as well as a direct likelihood method of state change optimization, we show that the Alps acted as a cross-roads with multiple events of dispersal to and reinvasion from neighbouring mountains. However, the relative importance of vicariance vs. dispersal events on the process of rapid diversification remains difficult to evaluate because of a bias towards overestimation of vicariance in the DIVA algorithm. Parallels are drawn with recent studies of cold-adapted species, although our study reveals novel patterns in diversity and genetic links between European mountains, and highlights the importance of neglected regions, such as the Jura and the Balkanic range.
Difficult tracheal intubation assessment is an important research topic in anesthesia as failed intubations are important causes of mortality in anesthetic practice. The modified Mallampati score is widely used, alone or in conjunction with other criteria, to predict the difficulty of intubation. This work presents an automatic method to assess the modified Mallampati score from an image of a patient with the mouth wide open. For this purpose we propose an active appearance models (AAM) based method and use linear support vector machines (SVM) to select a subset of relevant features obtained using the AAM. This feature selection step proves to be essential as it improves drastically the performance of classification, which is obtained using SVM with RBF kernel and majority voting. We test our method on images of 100 patients undergoing elective surgery and achieve 97.9% accuracy in the leave-one-out crossvalidation test and provide a key element to an automatic difficult intubation assessment system.