62 resultados para Obstetrical emergencies.
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
OBJECTIVES: Pediatric resuscitation is an intense, stressful, and challenging process. The aim of this study was to review the life-threatening pediatric (LTP) emergencies admitted in a Swiss university hospital with regards to patients' demographics, reason for admission, diagnosis, treatment, significant events, critical incidents, and outcomes. METHODS: A retrospective observational cohort study of prospectively collected data was conducted, including all LTP emergencies admitted over a period of 2 years in the resuscitation room (RR). Variables, including indication for transfer, mode of prehospital transportation, diagnosis, and time spent in RR, were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 60,939 pediatric emergencies treated in our university hospital over 2 years, a total of 277 LTP emergencies (0.46%) were admitted in the RR. They included 160 boys and 117 girls, aged 6 days to 15.95 years (mean, 6.69 years; median, 5.06). A medical problem was identified in 55.9% (n = 155) of the children. Of the 122 children treated for a surgical problem, 35 (28.3%) went directly from the RR to the operating room. Hemodynamic instability was noted in 19.5% of all LTP emergencies, of which 1.1% benefited from O negative transfusion. Admission to the intensive care unit was necessary for 61.6% of the children transferred from another hospital. The average time spent in the RR was 46 minutes. The overall mortality rate was 7.2%. CONCLUSIONS: The LTP emergencies accounted for a small proportion of all pediatric emergencies. They were more medical than surgical cases and resuscitation measures because of hemodynamic instability were the most frequent treatment.
Arrhythmias have a high incidence in our population, and since the emergence of new methods in electrophysiology, the mechanism of most tachycardias can be identified. This allows not only to progress in the understanding of their pathophysiology but also in the treatment of arrhythmias, either in an emergency situation or in the chronic phase. The goal of this review is to give some therapeutic advice in case of rhythmic emergencies, keeping in mind that any arrhythmia should be subject to a cardiological work-up to seek specific treatment outside the emergency phase. The proposed therapies in this article are the ones which we are used to apply, but they differ depending on the areas. The final goal is to render service to the patients by trying to be as less damaging as possible, knowing that the understanding of the arrhythmogenic mechanism is not always possible. We hope that the little advice this review contains will be of use for the practitioner and for those who are confronted with patients suffering of acute arrhythmia.
In the field of perinatality, development of prenatal diagnosis and neonatal management have been impressive. But these were also associated with the emergence of the increasingly important emotional dimension for parents and professionals. Obstetricians dealing with the difficult breaking of bad news, the uncertainties of prenatal diagnosis and the complex somatic, psychological and social follow-up have to work in a multidisciplinary approach. The securing role of a coherent teamwork is recognised by parents as well as health care providers This article discusses interprofessional relationship as an obstetrical goal and give some landmarks in order to improve the management and the collaboration with parents.
Professionalisation of emergency medicine and triage before most of emergency consultations led to a major reduction in exposure of general practitionners (GP) to vital emergencies, which participates in reduction of their aptitudes to manage such emergencies. The risk for a GP to face a vital emergency is weak nowaday, but did not totaly disappear. Therefore, it seems important for the GPs to maintain the skills required to manage these emergencies properly. These skills would be capacity in recognizing symptoms and signs of alarm (red flags), applying life support, and sorting the patients correctly. These skills will be all the more important in the future, while the role of the GP could be reinforced in response to requirement of increased efficiency.
A variety of acute neurologic disorders present with visual signs and symptoms. In this review the authors focus on those disorders in which the clinical outcome is dependent on timely and accurate diagnosis. The first section deals with acute visual loss, specifically optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy (ION), retinal artery occlusion, and homonymous hemianopia. The authors include a discussion of those clinical features that are helpful in distinguishing between inflammatory and ischemic optic nerve disease and between arteritic and nonarteritic ION. The second section concerns disc edema with an emphasis on the prevention of visual loss in patients with increased intracranial pressure. The third section deals with abnormal ocular motility, and includes orbital inflammatory disease, carotid-cavernous fistulas, painful ophthalmoplegia, conjugate gaze palsies, and neuromuscular junction disorders. The final section concerns pupillary abnormalities, with a particular emphasis on the dilated pupil and on carotid artery dissection. Throughout there are specific guidelines for the management of these disorders, and areas are highlighted in which there is ongoing controversy.
The authors report a case of unilateral, stable, localized, and well-circumscribed choriocapillaris atrophy associated with retinal pigment epithelium dispersion and atrophy. The anterior segment was normal. Facial examination revealed a homolateral malar hypoplasia. The other eye was normal. The electrophysiologic study did not confirm pigmentary degeneration of the retina. The patient's history included a difficult delivery using obstetrical forceps. The authors review the main ocular lesions secondary to birth trauma. In this case, they favored a traumatic chorioretinal lesion secondary to an obstetrical traumatism. In this context, progressive facial hemiatrophy is the main differential diagnosis.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the adverse neonatal and maternal outcomes after medically indicated and elective labor induction. Both induction groups were also compared to women with spontaneous onset of labor. METHOD: Retrospective cohort study of 13 971 women with live, cephalic singleton pregnancies who delivered at term (from 1997 to 2007). Adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes were compared between women who underwent an induction of labor in the presence and absence of standard medical indications. RESULTS: Among 5090 patients with induced labor, 2059 (40.5%) underwent elective labor inductions, defined as inductions without any medical or obstetrical indication. Risks of cesarean or instrumental delivery, postpartum hemorrhage >500 ml, prolonged maternal hospitalization >6 days, Apgar<7 at 5 min of life, arterial umbilical cord pH<7.1, admission in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and prolonged NICU hospitalization >7 days were similar between nulliparous who underwent elective and medical labor induction. Similar results were obtained for multiparous. All the above mentioned risks, but the Apgar<7 at 5 min of life, were significantly increased after induction in comparison to spontaneous labor. CONCLUSION: Elective induction of labor carries similar obstetrical and neonatal risks as a medically indicated labor induction. Thus, elective induction of labor should be strongly discouraged.
We describe the most frequent emergencies in pediatrics and discuss their differential diagnosis and therapy. Dyspnea, shock, coma, convulsions, infectious CNS affections, head injury and burns are reported in detail. The importance of correct diagnosis and correct clinical assessment is emphasized, as they influence therapy and further management of the patients.
OBJECTIVES: Pediatric resuscitation is an intense, stressful, and challenging process. The aim of this study was to review the life-threatening pediatric (LTP) emergencies admitted in a Swiss university hospital with regards to patients' demographics, reason for admission, diagnosis, treatment, significant events, critical incidents, and outcomes. METHODS: A retrospective observational cohort study of prospectively collected data was conducted, including all LTP emergencies admitted over a period of 2 years in the resuscitation room (RR). Variables, including indication for transfer, mode of prehospital transportation, diagnosis, and time spent in RR, were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 60,939 pediatric emergencies treated in our university hospital over 2 years, a total of 277 LTP emergencies (0.46%) were admitted in the RR. They included 160 boys and 117 girls, aged 6 days to 15.95 years (mean, 6.69 years; median, 5.06). A medical problem was identified in 55.9% (n = 155) of the children. Of the 122 children treated for a surgical problem, 35 (28.3%) went directly from the RR to the operating room. Hemodynamic instability was noted in 19.5% of all LTP emergencies, of which 1.1% benefited from O negative transfusion. Admission to the intensive care unit was necessary for 61.6% of the children transferred from another hospital. The average time spent in the RR was 46 minutes. The overall mortality rate was 7.2%. CONCLUSIONS: The LTP emergencies accounted for a small proportion of all pediatric emergencies. They were more medical than surgical cases and resuscitation measures because of hemodynamic instability were the most frequent treatment.
Introduction: Paediatric resuscitation is an intense, stressful andchallenging process performed in a specific surrounding. In theresuscitation room (RR), a dedicated pediatric team is not alwaysavailable and its composition varies according to local resources. Aregular review of the children admitted in the resuscitation room andthe assessment of various outcome measures are the basis of qualitycontrol (QC). The epidemiology of Potentially Life ThreateningPaediatric (LTP) emergencies admitted in a Swiss university hospitalhas never been reported. The aims of this study were to review theLTP emergency population with regards to origin, patients'demographics, reason for admission and final diagnosis, treatmentmodalities, critical events and outcome.Methods: A retrospective observational cohort study of prospectivelycollected data was conducted, including all LTP emergencies admittedover a period of 2 years in the RR of a Swiss university hospitalfunctioning as a tertiary level referral centre. Multiple variablesincluding indication for transfer, mode of pre-hospital transportation,diagnosis and the time spent in RR were assessed. Data assessmenttook place 2 years after the implementation of a quality control (QC)team assessing the pediatric resuscitations occurring within theinstitution on a monthly basis.Results: Out of 60 939 pediatric emergencies treated in LausanneUniversity Medical center over 2 years, a total of 277 LTP emergencies(0.46%) were admitted to the RR, including 160 boys and 117 girls,aged 6 days to 15.95 years (mean 6.69 years, median 5.06). The tablebelow illustrates in more details the identified problems, average age,time in hospital and outcome of both surgical and medical groups ofpatients.Conclusions: With the need for health care quality improvement andfinancial restrictions, an excellent knowledge of the characteristics ofLTP emergencies is unavoidable. A thorough understanding of theresuscitation process and humans resources involved can be achievedwith a systematic review of the cases. A dedicated quality control teamevaluating LTP emergencies in a hospital will identify areas forimprovement. A LTP registry at the national level would be of greatvalue in Switzerland.
Every medical practitioner is confronted on a daily basis with emergencies. Among these, life-threatening emergencies can have disastrous consequences in term of morbidity and mortality; 22 cardiac arrests and 10 deaths were reported among the 1,650 Swiss practices during a 5 year period. The occurrence of life-threatening emergencies at the office necessitates, according to the type and place of the practice, the skills of the practitioner and the organization of his practice, the implementation of procedures, equipments (for example room equipped with a defibrillator, respiratory nebulizer, splints, emergency drugs) and specific continuous education programs that should be encouraged and made available to the whole medical corporation.
INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: This study aims to estimate fecal, urinary incontinence, and sexual function 6 years after an obstetrical anal sphincter tear. METHODS: Among 13,213 women who had a vaginal delivery of a cephalic singleton at term, 196 women sustained an anal sphincter tear. They were matched to 588 controls. Validated questionnaires grading fecal and urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction were completed by the participants. RESULTS: Severe fecal incontinence was more frequently reported by women who had sustained an anal sphincter tear compared to the controls. Women with an anal sphincter tear had no increased risk of urinary incontinence, but reported significantly more pain, difficulty with vaginal lubrication, and difficulty achieving orgasm compared to the controls. A fetal occiput posterior position during childbirth was an independent risk factor for both severe urinary incontinence and severe sexual dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Fecal incontinence is strongly associated with an anal sphincter tear. A fetal occiput posterior position represents a risk factor for urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.