3 resultados para Newspapers on microfilm

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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In times of increasing "mediatization" of politics, when voters and their elected representatives primarily communicate through the media, the question of who gets into the news and why becomes of the utmost importance. This article examines the determinants of Swiss legislators' presence and prominence in the print media by focusing on three competing approaches drawn from communication studies. The first approach regards the media as a "mirror" of political reality and argues that the media focus on the most active deputies in parliament. Second, news values theory predicts that "authoritative" politicians in leadership positions get the most media coverage. Third, theories of "news bias" hold that the media privilege legislators who are in line with their own editorial interests. Overall, the statistical analyses show an important leadership effect and provide strong support for the second explanation. While deputies in official functions get the most extensive news coverage, media access can also be won by parliamentary activity. The least support is shown for the news bias theory, although some newspapers try to localize parliamentary news coverage by focusing on deputies from their own media market.


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This article analyzes the role of the press in direct democratic campaigns. The paper argues the press has a dual role: On news pages, newspapers ought to inform citizens about the issue positions and frames of the pro and con camps in a balanced way. In editorials, newspapers act as political advocates that promote their own issue frames and try to shape public opinion through voting recommendations. Comparing the issue positions and frames in editorials and news reports in the run-up to the vote on the popular initiative "Yes to Europe" in Switzerland, this article shows that newspapers give similar visibility to the pro and con camps regardless of the papers' own editorial position. However, some newspapers favor issue frames that are in line with their editorial perspectives. In conclusion, newspapers are more similar in news report content than in editorial views.


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Aujourd'hui la PEA est devenue la méthode la plus employée dans le champ des études de mobilisation. Toutefois, il est frappant que les limites, nombreuses, de cette méthode, demeurent peu explorées, malgré une abondante littérature critique. C'est à ces questions des biais propres aux sources de presse dans le cadre de la PEA et aux moyens de les explorer que ce working paper se consacre. Nous commencerons par montrer, en deux temps, comment la question de la systématicité gagne à être explorée à partir d'enquêtes qualitatives, en nous appuyant sur un travail inédit mené naguère auprès du journal Le Monde, dans le cadre d'une recherche collective sur les transformations de l'activisme environnemental en Europe, dont les données seront comparées avec des sources de police, le dépouillement des dépêches de l'Agence France-Presse sur six mois, et surtout une série d'interviews avec des journalistes spécialisés dans l'environnement. L'on revient dans un second temps à la question de la sélectivité des sources en tentant de montrer comment dans toute une série de circonstances et pour toute une série de groupes, les luttes ne sauraient se réduire ni aux événements protestataires ni à un appel à l'Etat ou à l'opinion. L'on espère ainsi proposer des moyens de se garder d'un défaut commun à tout conventionnalisme méthodologique qui, ici comme ailleurs, frappe la recherche, soit la réitération de mesures conventionnelles ayant pour effet de les institutionnaliser en dehors de toute réflexion sur leur pertinence. Protest Events Analysis (PEA) has by no doubts become one the most used method in the field of social movement research. Yet, the numerous biases of that method have not been explored completely, despite a rich litterature. Our paper first proposes a discussion of the systematicity of biases, based on an empirical research on environmental journalists in various French newspapers and Agence France press. Secondly, we deal with the question of selectivity of biases. Finally, we propose some methodological recommendations in order to improve our understanding of social movements and to avoid methodological conventionalism.