46 resultados para Negative Syndrome Scale

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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OBJECTIVE: The Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) evaluates patients' self-report of their ability to detect and correct misinterpretation. Our study aims to confirm the factor structure and the convergent validity of the original scale in a French-speaking environment. METHOD: Outpatients (n = 158) suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders fulfilled the BCIS. The 51 patients in Montpellier were equally assessed with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) by a psychiatrist who was blind of the BCIS scores. RESULTS: The fit indices of the confirmatory factor analysis validated the 2-factor solution reported by the developers of the scale with inpatients, and in another study with middle-aged and older outpatients. The BCIS composite index was significantly negatively correlated with the clinical insight item of the PANSS. CONCLUSIONS: The French translation of the BCIS appears to have acceptable psychometric properties and gives additional support to the scale, as well as cross-cultural validity for its use with outpatients suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. The correlation between clinical and composite index of cognitive insight underlines the multidimensional nature of clinical insight. Cognitive insight does not recover clinical insight but is a potential target for developing psychological treatments that will improve clinical insight.


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BACKGROUND: Elderly schizophrenia patients frequently develop cognitive impairment of unclear etiology. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies revealed brain structural abnormalities, but the pattern of cortical gray matter (GM) volume and its relationship with cognitive and behavioral symptoms are unknown. METHODS: Magnetic resonance scans were taken from elderly schizophrenia patients (n = 20, age 67 +/- 6 SD, Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE] 23 +/- 4), Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients (n = 20, age 73 +/- 9, MMSE 22 +/- 4), and healthy elders (n = 20, age 73 +/- 8, MMSE 29 +/- 1). Patients were assessed with a comprehensive neuropsychological and behavioral battery. Cortical pattern matching and a region-of-interest analysis, based on Brodmann areas (BAs), were used to map three-dimensional (3-D) profiles of differences in patterns of gray matter volume among groups. RESULTS: Schizophrenia patients had 10% and 11% lower total left and right GM volume than healthy elders (p < .001) and 7% and 5% more than AD patients (p = .06 and ns). Regions that had both significantly less gray matter than control subjects and gray matter volume as low as AD mapped to the cingulate gyrus and orbitofrontal cortex (BA 30, 23, 24, 32, 25, 11). The strongest correlate of gray matter volume in elderly schizophrenia patients, although nonsignificant, was the positive symptom subscale of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, mapping to the right anterior cingulate area (r = .42, p = .06). CONCLUSIONS: The orbitofrontal/cingulate region had low gray matter volume in elderly schizophrenia patients. Neither cognitive impairment nor psychiatric symptoms were significantly associated with structural differences, even if positive symptoms tended to be associated with increased gray matter volume in this area.


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Contexte :¦La formation et le maintien d'idées délirantes et des hallucinations, qui sont des symptômes clé de la psychose, s'expliquent en partie par la présence de biais cognitifs. La faisabilité, l'adhérence au traitement, l'utilité subjective et également l'efficacité d'un entraînement métacognitif (EMC) permettant de corriger ces biais cognitifs ont été démontrées chez des adultes schizophrènes. Par contre, aucune étude ne s'est intéressée à ces aspects dans une population adolescente atteinte de psychose.¦Objectifs : Déterminer la faisabilité d'un EMC et son effet bénéfique présumé sur les symptômes psychotiques et dépressifs, le fonctionnement social et l'estime de soi chez des adolescents psychotiques.¦Méthode :¦La présente étude porte sur 5 adolescents fréquentant le Centre Thérapeutique de Jour pour Adolescents de Lausanne (CTJA), âgés de 16 à 18 ans, souffrant de psychose. L'intervention effectuée est un EMC correspondant à 2x8 modules en groupe, d'une durée de 45 à 60 minutes, à une fréquence d'une fois par semaine. La mesure de l'efficacité des modules emploie l'échelle Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), l'Echelle Globale de Fonctionnement Social (SOFAS), l'estime de soi de Rosenberg, l'échelle de dépression de Calgary et le Health of Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescent (HoNOSCA). Le groupe contrôle (GC) est formé de 9 adolescents de 13 à 17 ans du CTJA atteints de psychose et ayant suivi un programme de remédiation cognitive sans participation à l'EMC.¦Résultats :¦L'EMC est praticable sur des adolescents atteints de psychose. L'adhérence est mitigée et mérite une souplesse dans l'adaptation du calendrier des séances selon la disponibilité des participants. L'EMC possède globalement la même efficacité que la remédiation cognitive dans le domaine des symptômes psychotiques et dépressifs, le fonctionnement social et l'estime de soi.¦Conclusions :¦L'EMC représente une alternative intéressante et/ou un bon complément de traitement, permettant de réduire les symptômes psychotiques et dépressifs et d'améliorer le fonctionnement social et l'estime de soi. De futures études à plus large échelle devraient être entreprises afin de confirmer cette conclusion et étoffer les données spécifiques à cette population.


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Combining measurements of the monoamine metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and neuroimaging can increase efficiency of drug discovery for treatment of brain disorders. To address this question, we examined five drug-naïve patients suffering from schizophrenic disorder. Patients were assessed clinically, using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS): at baseline and then at weekly intervals. Plasma and CSF levels of quetiapine and norquetiapine as well CSF 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid (5-HIAA) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) were obtained at baseline and again after at least a 4 week medication trail with 600 mg/day quetiapine. CSF monoamine metabolites levels were compared with dopamine D(2) receptor occupancy (DA-D(2)) using [(18)F]fallypride and positron emission tomography (PET). Quetiapine produced preferential occupancy of parietal cortex vs. putamenal DA-D(2), 41.4% (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). DA-D(2) receptor occupancies in the occipital and parietal cortex were correlated with CSF quetiapine and norquetiapine levels (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). CSF monoamine metabolites were significantly increased after treatment and correlated with regional receptor occupancies in the putamen [DOPAC: (p<0.01) and HVA: (p<0.05)], caudate nucleus [HVA: (p<0.01)], thalamus [MHPG: (p<0.05)] and in the temporal cortex [HVA: (p<0.05) and 5-HIAA: (p<0.05)]. This suggests that CSF monoamine metabolites levels reflect the effects of quetiapine treatment on neurotransmitters in vivo and indicates that monitoring plasma and CSF quetiapine and norquetiapine levels may be of clinical relevance.


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Cognitive biases may be one of the explaining factor underlying psychotic symptoms like delusions and hallucinations. Metacognitive training (MCT) was demonstrated, in adults with schizophrenia, to reduce these cognitive biases. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no research on adolescents with psychosis. The current study aimed at assessing the feasibility, treatment adherence and its benefi cial effects on psychotic symptoms, depression, social functioning and self-esteem of a MCT. Participants were fi ve psychotic adolescents with psychosis, aged 16-18, who attended the Day Care Unit for Adolescents (DCUA). The MCT, delivered in group, corresponds to 2x8 modules, lasting between 45 and 60 minutes once a week. To measure MCT's effi ciency, the Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS), the Health of Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescent (HoNOSCA), the depression scale of Calgary and the self-esteem scale of Rosenberg have been used. The results of the 5 patients indicate that MCT is feasible and the treatment adherence is moderate. The schedule of the MCT needs to be adapted to the availability of the participants. At a descriptive level, the MCT allows to reduce psychotic and depressive symptoms (PANSS & Calgary) as well as to improve the social functioning (SOFAS & HoNOSCA) and self-esteem (Rosenberg). To sum up, MCT seem to be an interesting alternative and/or a good additional treatment to reduce cognitive bias, psychotic symptoms as well as improving social functioning


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Cumulative evidence indicates that neuropeptides play a role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Early data showed increased neuropeptide Y (NPY) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from schizophrenia patients and data from rodents show that antipsychotic drugs modulate NPY levels in and release from selected rat brain regions. In view of these findings we investigated whether the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine, originally used as an antipsychotic but subsequently shown to be efficient also in major depressive disorder and in both poles of bipolar disorder, would affect NPY-like immunoreactivity (-LI), and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)-LI levels in CSF of schizophrenia patients. NPY-LI and CRH-LI in CSF were determined in 22 patients with schizophrenia. Lumbar puncture was performed at baseline and again after 4 wk of quetiapine treatment (600 mg/d). Patients were assessed with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) at baseline and at weekly intervals. Quetiapine treatment was associated with a significant increase in NPY-LI (p<0.001) and decrease in CRH-LI (p<0.01). Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that ΔNPY-LI and ΔCRH-LI levels predicted 63% (p<0.001) of the variability of the ΔPANSS total score, ΔNPY-LI 42% (p<0.05) of the ΔPANSS anxiety items (G2) and ΔCRH-LI 40% (p=0.05) of the ΔPANSS depression items (G6). These results suggest that while quetiapine's effects on monoamines are probably related to its antipsychotic properties, the modulation of NPY and CRH accounts for its antidepressant and anxiolytic effects and can be markers of response.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Most scales that assess the presence and severity of psychotic symptoms often measure a broad range of experiences and behaviours, something that restricts the detailed measurement of specific symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations. The Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales (PSYRATS) is a clinical assessment tool that focuses on the detailed measurement of these core symptoms. The goal of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the French version of the PSYRATS. METHODS: A sample of 103 outpatients suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders and presenting persistent psychotic symptoms over the previous three months was assessed using the PSYRATS. Seventy-five sample participants were also assessed with the Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). RESULTS: ICCs were superior to .90 for all items of the PSYRATS. Factor analysis replicated the factorial structure of the original version of the delusions scale. Similar to previous replications, the factor structure of the hallucinations scale was partially replicated. Convergent validity indicated that some specific PSYRATS items do not correlate with the PANSS delusions or hallucinations. The distress items of the PSYRATS are negatively correlated with the grandiosity scale of the PANSS. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study are limited by the relatively small sample size as well as the selection of participants with persistent symptoms. The French version of the PSYRATS partially replicates previously published results. Differences in factor structure of the hallucinations scale might be explained by greater variability of its elements. The future development of the scale should take into account the presence of grandiosity in order to better capture details of the psychotic experience.


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This study investigated concentrations of quetiapine and norquetiapine in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in 22 schizophrenic patients after 4-week treatment with quetiapine (600 mg/d), which was preceded by a 3-week washout period. Blood and CSF samples were obtained on days 1 and 28, and CSF levels of homovanillic acid (HVA), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) concentrations were measured at baseline and after 4 weeks of quetiapine, allowing calculations of differences in HVA (ΔHVA), 5-HIAA (Δ5-HIAA), and MHPG (ΔMHPG) concentrations. Patients were assessed clinically, using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and Clinical Global Impression Scale at baseline and then at weekly intervals. Plasma levels of quetiapine and norquetiapine were 1110 ± 608 and 444 ± 226 ng/mL, and the corresponding CSF levels were 29 ± 18 and 5 ± 2 ng/mL, respectively. After the treatment, the levels of HVA, 5-HIAA, and MHPG were increased by 33%, 35%, and 33%, respectively (P < 0.001). A negative correlation was found between the decrease in PANSS positive subscale scores and CSF ΔHVA (r(rho) = -0.690, P < 0.01), and the decrease in PANSS negative subscale scores both with CSF Δ5-HIAA (r(rho) = -0.619, P = 0.02) and ΔMHPG (r(rho) = -0.484, P = 0.038). Because, unfortunately, schizophrenic patients experience relapses even with the best available treatments, monitoring of CSF drug and metabolite levels might prove to be useful in tailoring individually adjusted treatments.


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A psychotherapeutic approach for schizophrenia is now recommended as an adjuvant for psychopharmacology, since antipsychotic medications only have a partial impact especially as regards positive symptoms and insight. In addition, cognitive distortions and the lack of metacognitive skills might increase positive symptoms leading to poor social functioning. This underlines the need for specific approaches which target cognitive processes relevant for insight, and abilities in metacognition. Metacognitive training (MCT) is a structured group intervention, which enhances a patient's reflection on cognitive biases and improves problem-solving. The aim of our study was to assess MCTs' short term impact on insight, symptoms and quality of life. Fifty patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders and persistent positive symptoms (delusions or hallucinations) were enrolled in the study. After baseline assessment participants were randomised either to supportive therapy or MCT. Both groups used the same design (1h-session twice a week during 8weeks) although the basic knowledge given to participants was different between interventions. Participants were assessed at eight weeks based on the Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales, the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia and the Quality of Life Scale. Between-group differences were significant in favour of MCT on the PANSS positive scale. Between-group differences in post- and pre-test values showed a trend in favour of MCT for insight on hallucinations. Results of our study indicate that the MCT has an effect on reducing positive symptomatology, and a trend impact on insight and social functioning.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the short-term efficacy and safety of risperidone and clozapine in treatment-resistant chronic schizophrenic patients. METHOD: In a controlled double-blind, multicenter study, 86 inpatients with chronic schizophrenia (DSM-III-R), who were resistant to or intolerant of conventional neuroleptics, were randomly assigned to receive risperidone or clozapine for 8 weeks after a 7-day washout period. After a 1-week dose-titration phase, doses were fixed at 6 mg/day of risperidone and 300 mg/day of clozapine for 1 week and then adjusted according to each patient's response. The final mean doses were 6.4 mg/day of risperidone and 291.2 mg/day of clozapine. Treatment efficacy and safety were evaluated with several well-known rating scales. RESULTS: Both risperidone and clozapine significantly reduced the severity of psychotic symptoms (scores on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the Clinical Global Impression scale) from baseline, with no significant between-group differences. At endpoint, 67% of the risperidone group and 65% of the clozapine group were clinically improved (reduction of 20% or more in total Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale score). Risperidone appeared to have a faster onset of action. In both groups extrapyramidal symptoms and other adverse events were few, and their severity was generally mild. Neither group showed evidence of a relation between drug plasma concentrations and clinical effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Risperidone was well tolerated and as effective as medium doses of clozapine in patients with chronic schizophrenia who had been resistant to or intolerant of conventional neuroleptics.


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Objective: To examine the potential differential impact of childhood trauma, according to the age at the time of exposure, on the psychopathological profile of patients with early psychosis treated in a specialized 3-year program during the early phase of the disease. Methods: 196 subjects with early psychosis aged 18-35 years were followed up prospectively over 36 months of treatment between 2004 and 2010. Patients who had faced at least 1 experience of abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) or neglect (physical or emotional) were classified according to age at the time of the first exposure (early trauma: before 12 years of age; late trauma: from age 12 through 16 years) and then compared with unexposed patients (nontrauma). The level of symptoms was assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, the Young Mania Rating Scale, and the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale. Results: Exposure to 1 or more forms of trauma before 16 years of age was present in 31.63% of patients. Comparisons over the 3 years of treatment with the nontrauma patients revealed that (1) patients with early trauma showed consistently higher levels of positive (P = .006), depressive (P = .001), manic (P = .006), and negative (P = .029) symptoms and (2) patients with late trauma showed only more negative symptoms (P = .029). Conclusions: These results suggest that the age at the time of exposure to trauma has a modulating effect on symptoms in patients with early psychosis. Various biological and psychological hypotheses can be proposed to explain this observation, and they need to be investigated in an experimental setting in order to develop therapeutic avenues.


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The present study investigates the short- and long-term outcomes of a computer-assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) program in adolescents with psychosis or at high risk. 32 adolescents participated in a blinded 8-week randomized controlled trial of CACR treatment compared to computer games (CG). Clinical and neuropsychological evaluations were undertaken at baseline, at the end of the program and at 6-month. At the end of the program (n = 28), results indicated that visuospatial abilities (Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status, RBANS; P = .005) improved signifi cantly more in the CACR group compared to the CG group. Furthermore, other cognitive functions (RBANS), psychotic symptoms (Positive and Negative Symptom Scale) and psychosocial functioning (Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale) improved signifi cantly, but at similar rates, in the two groups. At long term (n = 22), cognitive abilities did not demonstrated any amelioration in the control group while, in the CACR group, signifi cant long-term improvements in inhibition (Stroop; P = .040) and reasoning (Block Design Test; P = .005) were observed. In addition, symptom severity (Clinical Global Improvement) decreased signifi cantly in the control group (P = .046) and marginally in the CACR group (P = .088). To sum up, CACR can be successfully administered in this population. CACR proved to be effective over and above CG for the most intensively trained cognitive ability. Finally, on the long-term, enhanced reasoning and inhibition abilities, which are necessary to execute higher-order goals or to adapt behavior to the ever-changing environment, were observed in adolescents benefi ting from a CACR.


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Twenty-three adolescents with psychotic disorders, aged from 13 to 18 years, participated in a 12-week open label trial (17 adolescents completed the study) in order to examine the impact of quetiapine on clinical status and cognitive functions (encompassing processing speed, attention, short-term memory, long-term memory and executive function). An improvement in Clinical Global Impression and Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (P's ≤ 0.001) was observed. In addition, after controlling for amelioration of symptoms, a significant improvement was observed on one executive function (P = 0.044; Trail Making Part B). The remaining cognitive abilities showed stability. In addition, we observed an interaction between quetiapine doses (>300 mg/day or <300 mg/day) and time, where lower doses showed more improvement in verbal short-term memory (P = 0.048), inhibition abilities (P = 0.038) and positive symptoms (P = 0.020). The neuropsychological functioning of adolescents with psychotic disorders remained mainly stable after 12 weeks of treatment with quetiapine. However, lower doses seemed to have a better impact on two components of cognition (inhibition abilities and verbal short-term memory) and on positive symptoms.


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BACKGROUND: Because of denervation supersensitivity, a miotic pupil in a sympathetically-denervated eye dilates in response to a dilute or weak alpha-1-agonist drug. A reversal of anisocoria after topical apraclonidine is considered as a positive test result that diagnoses a unilateral Horner syndrome. HISTORY AND SIGNS: Two women aged 34 and 46 years with a cocaine-confirmed oculosympathetic defect (Horner syndrome) were tested with 1 % topical apraclonidine on separate days. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: In one patient, her miotic Horner pupil dilated marginally but not enough to reverse the baseline anisocoria. Additionally, the upper lid on the same side retracted. There was no discernable effect of apraclonidine on the normal, contralateral eye. In the second patient, there was no pupillary response to apraclonidine but there was resolution of her ptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Neither patient demonstrated a reversal of anisocoria, the current criterion for diagnosing a Horner syndrome using apraclonidine. Thus, these two patients with an established oculosympathetic defect were said to have a "negative test" for Horner syndrome. Yet both women showed subtle pupil and/or lid changes in response to apraclonidine that were consistent with sympathetic denervation supersensitivity. Reversal of anisocoria following topical apraclonidine does not occur in all patients with a unilateral oculosympathetic defect and more specific parameters for defining a positive test result might optimize apraclonidine's utility as a diagnostic test for Horner syndrome


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BACKGROUND: While rifaximin was able to improve symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in phase III trials, these results are yet to be repeated in phase IV studies. AIM: To evaluate the treatment response to rifaximin in IBS patients in a phase IV trial. METHODS: IBS patients underwent lactulose hydrogen breath testing (LHBT). LHBT-positive patients were treated with rifaximin for 14 days. Prior to treatment as well as at week 4 and 14 following the start of rifaximin treatment, patients completed a questionnaire assessing symptom severity on a Likert scale from 0 to 10. RESULTS: One hundred and six of 150 IBS patients (71%) were LHBT-positive and treated with rifaximin. As assessed at week 4 following commencement of the therapy, rifaximin provided significant improvement of the following IBS-associated symptoms: bloating (5.5±2.6 before the start of the treatment vs. 3.6±2.7 at week 4, P<0.001), flatulence (5.0±2.7 vs. 4.0±2.7, P=0.015), diarrhoea (2.9±2.4 vs. 2.0±2.4, P=0.005) and abdominal pain (4.8±2.7 vs. 3.3±2.5, P<0.001). Overall well-being also significantly improved (3.9 ± 2.4 vs. 2.7 ± 2.3, P < 0.001). Similar improvements in IBS symptoms were obtained at week 14. Eighty-six per cent of patients undergoing repetitive LHBT (55/64) tested negative at week 4. CONCLUSIONS: We found a high percentage of LHBT-positive IBS patients. IBS-associated symptoms (bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, pain) were improved for a period of 3 months following 2 weeks of treatment with rifaximin. We conclude that rifaximin treatment alleviates symptoms in LHBT-positive IBS patients.